Talk:Mushoku Tensei:Web Chapter 190

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There's quite a bit of ambiguity and/or nonsense in this. I've linked all the original text where I found that this was the case. DaiZzed (talk) 12:58, 28 July 2014 (CDT)

↑ Original text is [剣神流はこうした動きが多いため、まずこれに気をつけて、その後はこうする。]

^Since the Sword God style has many such movements as this, first please be mindful of this, after that do it in this way.

Jump up ↑ ED: original text: と、話が逸れましたね。

^And our conversation has strayed hasn't it.

Jump up ↑ ED: This is copied from google. Original text: 帰ってみればロキシーは臨月。

^After returning Roxy was in her last month of pregnancy.

Jump up ↑ ED: another google translate. Original text: 「ああ、ルディ……大丈夫でしょうか、本当にわたしに産めるんでしょうか」

^"Yeah, Rudi...I wonder if it's alright, I wonder if I'll really be able to give birth."

Jump up ↑ ED: sigh. Original Text: 俺を産んだ時のゼニス母さまも、そんな感じだったのでしょうか。

^During the time with mother Zenisu gave birth to me as well, I'm sure it was that kind of feeling.

Jump up ↑ ED: Original Text: その時の俺は「ロキシーは心配性だなぁ」ぐらいにしか思っていませんでした。

^During that time all I was thinking was, "Roxy really is the worrying type."

Jump up ↑ ED: Original Text: ミグルド族の年齢的には十分に適齢期ですが、ハーフの子供となれば体も大きく、サイズ比率を考えれば若年出産と言えなくもありません。

^When you consider the Migurudia races age it should be plenty for the suitable age, but when it comes down to a half race child then the body will be a bit larger, if you think about the size proportion then there's the possibility of an early birth. (Not sure on this one)

Jump up ↑ ED: Original Text: 人族である俺の種が原因だった可能性は高いです。

^There's a high probability that I of the human race who provided the seed is the cause.

Jump up ↑ ED: Original Text: アイシャはルーシーの時に助産婦を経験した事もあり、非常に落ち着いていました。

^Aisha had the experience working as the midwife from the time with Lucy and calmed down the emergency.

Jump up ↑ ED: Original Text: 帝王切開する事もなく、母親か子供のどちらかが死ぬ事もなく。

^Without having to have a C(Cesarean section), and without the mother or either children having to die.

Jump up ↑ ED: doesn't make sense: Original text: そりゃもう手慣れた感じで、ササッと産んでしまったのです。

^That was complete with a familiar feeling, almost like they should just hurry up and give birth to it.

Was going to do all but got kind of lazy partway through, if I'm bored later I'll do the rest some of them are kind of hard without looking at the surrounding lines. --Dark Kaito (talk) 14:24, 28 July 2014 (CDT)

Thanks! Although I've added quite a few more lines.... --DaiZzed (talk) 15:12, 29 July 2014 (CDT)

Editor's Corner[edit]

"I don’t have enough intelligence"

This seems a little bit awkward can someone look at this line?