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(Created page with "==Chapter 2 A Maiden's Poem is Mayhem== After a sleepless night, morning came. Ever since the love letters came, I couldn’t study no matter how much I tried. With my min...")
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"For Bonds with You, Bark-Bark, Meow" lyricist / cute Chihuahua.
"For Bonds with You, Bark-Bark, Meow" lyricist / cute Chihuahua.
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♪ if a horse tramples her dead, it does not matter
♪ if a horse tramples her dead, it does not matter
♪ Ei-kun and I are childhood friends forever, with good feelings
♪ Ei-kun and I are childhood friends forever, with good feelings

Revision as of 05:48, 8 May 2013

Chapter 2 A Maiden's Poem is Mayhem

After a sleepless night, morning came.

Ever since the love letters came, I couldn’t study no matter how much I tried. With my mind unable to concentrate, I procrastinated late into the night, and by the time I fell asleep it was already three o’clock in the morning.

As I rubbed my bleary sleepy eyes on the way to school, Chiwa, who was walking next to me, put on the appearance of a big sister and asked me worriedly: "Did you stay up all night studying? Or is there something on your mind? You can always consult with me about it."

Well --

By just looking at the way she acted, Chiwa could not have anything to do with this matter.

She was not the kind of person who could pretend to play dumb, as I clearly knew.

But if that were the case, I could not think of anyone else who would want to "bind ourselves together like in the distant past."

Although this isn’t anything to brag about, in Elementary and Middle School, I had almost no female friends. If I trace my memory back to kindergarten, there might have been one, but her name and appearance has already faded from my memory, so I couldn’t confirm it.

With my head in a daze, the day went by. After school --

"I had been thinking you didn’t have any energy today, Eita-kun."

The moment I entered the clubroom, I saw Masuzu with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Yeah, I didn’t sleep well."

"That’s not good. Even though it’s right before exams, you shouldn’t stay up all night."

What she said was practically the same as what Chiwa said this morning. She smiled sweetly:

"Well, you can use our poetry to get rid of your sleepiness."

"Oh, you’ve finished it?"

Chiwa, who was eating a pork cutlet sandwich, stood proudly straight and spoke first:

"Of course!"

"I’ve always felt that when I bring a pen to paper, it is very fluid! We’ve completed very powerful masterpiece~! The members will certainly be surprised!"


Chihuahua, what about studying for exams?

On her last midterm exam, it seemed like her paper was an entire filled entirely with red… [1]

"Well, why don’t we start with Harusaki-chan’s presentation."

"We’re reading it right here?"

"After all that difficulty, you’ve finally written a poem. If you’re not going to read it, what are you going to do with it?"

Chiwa privately turned to herself, and murmured to herself: "Eeh ~ what should I do~?" Her body twitched back and forth nervously, and the sight of her do that was very annoying. Who was this girl? Her character changed so much.

"Then, forgive my baldness!" [2]

She must have meant to say, “forgive my boldness.” I was not tsukkomi-ing.

Chiwa stood in front of the whiteboard, surrounded by the attention of Masuzu and me, and began to read aloud her poem.

"For Bonds with You, Bark-Bark, Meow" lyricist / cute Chihuahua.

♪ Mutual mutual love, bark bark meow ~ 

♪ hey hey hey you, hey you,

♪ cut my hair, did you notice?

♪ it’s only 3 centimeters, but did you notice? 

♪ so the distance between us is only 3 cm 

♪ the bindings between us is only 3 cm 

♪ to shorten it to 1 cm, I will try my best? 

♪ mutual mutal love, bark bark meow ~ (repeat x3) 



Coming up with as response was very difficult, as I did not know how to react to poetry.

I was expecting a more run-off-the-tracks work, but I never imagined it would be about the feelings of a “maiden.” If this had been written by an elementary school child, maybe it would be praiseworthy… but it was already freshman year of high school. One couldn’t write, “bark bark meow.” At the very least, you had to figure out whether it was a cat or a dog.

Even so......

What was with your "bindings"?

Was Chiwa the person who had unexpectedly taken a new direction and wrote the letter?

No, I was overthinking it......

"Hey, what did you think?"

Chiwa’s eyes glittered with brilliant light. She looked at Masuzu and me, as if she wanted to say, "Praise me, praise me ♪". If this girl were really a Chihuahua, she would definitely be wagging her shaggy tail right now.

Masuzu had originally been silent with her head down, but --



"It is really, incomparably frivolous!"

She stood up and slammed the table.

"Harusaki-chan, what did you turn the poem into? What is the purpose of this frivolous writing, “Mutual love mutal love, bark bark meow?” Did you really think you could use that to demonstrate a maiden’s soul?!"

Masuzu really became angry.

Even though Chiwa was a little frightened, she still said:

"W-what!? Mutual love mutual love, bark bark, is also very cute, isn’t it?!"

"The fact that you picked… love… as your topic was where you went wrong in the first place. That’s why it’s called, “lovestruck.” You never thought about showing the essence of human kind, or the hesitation of a lonely soul – arrgh, forget it! Facts speak louder than words."

From the bag on the chair next to her, Masuzu took out a notebook.

The cover had a very familiar coke stain.

Right, that was my notebook from eighth grade!

"W-W-W-W-W-w-w-w-w-wait Masuzu! What are you thinking of doing?!"

"Here, I’ll let you listen to the real poetry HE wrote! And then tremble under it!"

“Out-right Decadent Era (World)” lyricist / the Holy Dragon Knight of Dawn

♪ This world is corrupt 

♪ so let me punish it

♪ don’t despise me because you assume I’m a child? 

♪ everyone calls me "violent beast" (Beast)

♪ I will turn everything into nothing (Zero) 

♪ me me me me me, oh! Zero! 

Monologue: "Now we just hold these dirty wings tightly..." 

♪ Oh yeah, adults are so dirty ~ 

♪ Oh yeah, adults are so dirty ~ 

♪ Oh yeah, adults are so dirty ~ 

♪ Oh yeah, adults are so dirty ~ (pant-pant-!) 

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Don’t! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjhhhh."

It hurts.

It hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts, it hurts!

It hurts, aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!

"What do you think, Harusaki-chan?"

Masuzu gorgeously ignored me rolling about on the floor, and smiled proudly.

"This is the emergence of the soul, or real poetry. Can you understand the difference between their levels?"

Chiwa snorted and said:

"I don’t understand it at all! What is a, "violent beast” (Beast), some kind of rural gang? [3] At the very least pick a better name!"

I'm sorry.

" And the, "Oh! Zero," part, too. What kind of taste is that? Why are you using a Samba rhythm? All of this is trashy writing on pretentious spirits. It sucks!"

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry.

"Adults are so dirty", is so serious! Is there a reason to repeat it four times? Does he have some kind of hatred with adults?"

"I’m sorry I’m sorry! At that time, my test scores were really bad, and my allowance was reduced. I was in a bad mood, so please forgive me!"

"Why is Ei-kun crying?"

The tears in my face dripped stickily, and snivel streamed from my nose, falling close to Chiwa’s feet.

So dirty......

I really was the dirtiest......

"Oh right, that poem was written by “the boyfriend of the notebook?” So what did you write?"

Chiwa said this as she wiped my face with tissue paper.

"Hmph, you want to hear it?"

"Don’t delay it with an act! Just speak, and I will enjoy laughing at it!"


With a serious look on her face, Masuzu took out a sheet of paper and began to read aloud.

"A Beautiful New World Not Known to Anyone" lyricist / SUMMER_RIVER. 

♪ Let’s go, no need to cry anymore

♪ as long as I’m with Eita-kun, I’m not afraid 

♪ la! la! la! 

♪ turn over mountains, cross the sea, climb over valleys,

♪ then we’ve arrived at the place we arranged

♪ harusaki-chan did not respond 

♪ just like a corpse 

"Why do I die?"

Chiwa tried to tsukkomi.

"Why? Why the body? What happened after turning over mountains, crossing the sea, an climbing over valleys?"

"It was unfortunately probably the attack of the enemy STAND." [4]

Masuzu finished the tea in her cup, sighed, and looked as if she felt accomplished.

"Oh, and why is it only you and Ei-kun together?"

"Since this is our club’s theme song, so I incorporated an easy-to-understand relationship between club members."

"Ah? If that’s the case then I also...!"

Chiwa violently scribbled something rapidly on her notebook.

"I’m finished with my new work! You two should listen to me carefully!"

"Childhood friendship is very good, very very good!" lyricist / cute Chihuahua 

♪ Since I was little we always always

♪ ei-kun and I had a good relationship

♪ I must take good care of Ei-kun, who is like a little brother 

♪ look, look, there’s bento food stuck on your cheeks 

♪ okay, okay, I’ll help you clean it up

♪ hey Ei-kun, look over there

♪ natsukawa masuzu’s rotting corpse

"Hmph...... rotting corpse......"

The temples on Masuzu’s face twitched as she mumbled to herself.

"When you were flirting with Eita-kun, what happened to my body in the end?"

"No – I know? Isn’t it because the enemy STANND attacked you?"

Chiwa said as she happily chewed on her Japanese-style pancake.

Masuzu slowly stood up.

"Since you’ve decided to do this, I, Natsukawa Masuzu, will not hold back!"

With her eyes burning with flames, Chiwa also stood up.

"If you think you can do it, then give it a try!"

--Thus, the world’s worst poetry contest began.

♪ Eita-kun and I are lovers in mutual love mutual love

♪ the brainless childhood friend’s resistance is futile

♪ if a horse tramples her dead, it does not matter 

♪ Ei-kun and I are childhood friends forever, with good feelings

♪ the bindings between us will last until forever 

♪ meddlesome natsukawa is a light bulb

♪ just step on shit and go die! 


Ah, now that it’s brought up.

What was I doing this entire time? Of course, I was studying my books for final exams.

Anyways, after all, Japan’s education qualifications are great!

When the skies outside finally began to dim, the two of them were finally exhausted of their efforts.

"T-today, let’s just count it a tie..."

"Fine, it’s getting really late anyways."

Chiwa’s shoulders rose up and down, largely gasping for air, as Masuzu brushed aside hair damp with sweat from her cheeks. The two of them temporarily concluded with a truce.

"...Then, what are we going to do about the theme song?"

I asked them this as I picked up my schoolbag with my studying materials. Masuzu nodded and said:

"I felt it was quite troublesome. We can just mix it all together."

"The Out-right Decadent Bark-Bark is a New World" lyricist / “Society for Bringing Out Your Maiden Self”

♪ Mutual love mutual love bark bark meow~ 

♪ everyone calls me "violent beast" (Beast) 

♪ harusaki-chan is just a corpse

♪ oh yeah, adults are so dirty ~ 

♪ natsukawa masuzu’s rotting corpse

♪ oh yeah, adults are so dirty ~ 

♪ eita-kun also conveniently died

♪ oh yeah, adults are so dirty ~ 

♪ mutual love mutual love bark bark meow~ (pant-pant-!) 

"Why did I end up dying?!"

I raised my voice because they had really overdone it.

"Because Eita-kun could not bear to be the only one left alive, you also went to die."

"That Ei-kun! You’re too cunning to be the only one saved!"

Only on this issue, did they unanimously agree in unison.

The “Society for Bringing Out Your Maiden Self” has chosen a theme song!

And they’ve also ensured that the disciplinary committee will be watching!

New members definitely, definitely, definitely will not come!


  1. Refers to the fact that wrong answers are marked in red.
  2. The chinese homophone is something about smelly things. I have no idea what the original Japanese is.
  3. Some kind of Japanese cultural reference I don’t understand…
  4. JoJo reference
  5. Light bulb is slang for an unwanted third guest

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