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== Heavy Object Illustrations ==
I'm willing to clean up and typeset the illustrations, so if anyone could please translate them, that'd be great.
[[User:Hao-sama|Hao-sama]] 12:56, 14 May 2012 (CDT)
Want to Add translation to novel ilustration but make mistake for intro image vol 1
here http://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/index.php?title=File:Heavy_Object_v01_008.png
how to delete thew uploaded image? [[User:1412|1412]]
Well, I'm guessing you need someone with the editor status to help you with deleting the image. You can always upload the new image which has been corrected. I'm sure someone will get back to it when they are free later. [[User:Zakashi|Zakashi]] ([[User talk:Zakashi|talk]]) 09:52, 25 August 2012 (CDT)
I'm here. I guess you want to remove the previous version? ie the one that says: Add translation to Intro, accepting correction discussion ^_^. Please tell me if I'm correct or not so that I can delete the correct one. (Note: I suggest the use of [http://www.blambot.com/fonts.shtml Blambot's free fonts]. Those are the norm for japanese LN and manga images.) And please sign your pics properly with <nowiki>~~~~</nowiki>, [[User:1412|1412]]. [[User:Zero2001|Zero2001]] - [[User_talk:Zero2001|Talk]] - 09:55, 25 August 2012 (CDT)
And this is how you ask for translation of images. [[User:Zero2001|Zero2001]] - [[User_talk:Zero2001|Talk]] - 10:12, 25 August 2012 (CDT)
Please feel free to add/remove pics you want/not want translated, below in their proper sections. Add posts here for when all pics are concerned otherwise add the post in the proper section. It'd be best if redirects '''to''' the proper '''''sections'' on this page''', from the pics' talk pages, were created. [[User:Zero2001|Zero2001]] - [[User_talk:Zero2001|Talk]] - 11:34, 25 August 2012 (CDT)
Also, it would be best to add translations here first and seek confirmation before photoshoping if you're not gonna keep the PSD files. Otherwise everything will have to be done from scratch '''if a mistake is found later'''. Trust me. Thankfully I keep the PSD files so it wasn't a big problem for me. [[User:Zero2001|Zero2001]] - [[User_talk:Zero2001|Talk]] - 11:41, 25 August 2012 (CDT)
=== Volume 1 ===
Image:Heavy_Object_v01_002.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:Heavy_Object_v01_003.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:Heavy_Object_v01_004.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:Heavy_Object_v01_005.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:Heavy_Object_v01_007.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:Heavy_Object_v01_008.png|The war is all about Objects.<br>There is no place for flesh and blood soldiers.<br>- Councillor Freed
Image:Heavy_Object_v01_106.png|*As you can see on image
Image:Heavy_Object_v01_168.png|TriCore (TRI-CORE)<br>Length : Approx. 180m<br>Top speed : 320km per hour<br>Material armor : 2cm x 500 layer (Including welding impurities)<br>Class : Intercontinental invasion weapons<br>Type : Naval battle specialized Second generation<br>Propulsion engine : Naval combat, oil mining specialized float<br>Official name : Unknown<br>Affiliation : Unknown<br>Armament <br>Main gun : railgun x 3<br>Secondary weapon : laser beam, coilgun<br>Code name: TriCore (Since it has 3 power reactors)<br>Main Ring Color : Unknown
Image:Heavy_Object_v01_325.png|Generation 0.5<br>Total Length : Approx. 70m<br>Top speed : 450km per hour<br>Material armor : 10cm x 100 layer (Including welding impurities)<br>Class: Land Battle specialized Generation type 0.5 <br>Type: Anti-Object specialized weapons (self-proclaimed)<br>Propulsion engine: Steel wheels (Ground-contact weight distribution)<br>Official name : Unknown<br>Affiliation: Military power Oceania<br>Armament <br>Main gun : 1 x large caliber coilgun <br>Secondary weapon : laser beam, coilgun<br>Occupant: Military leader of Oceania nation <br>Code name: None (Generation 0.5)<br/>Main Ring Color : Silver<br>
Moved the translation to fit under the image, there are some parts whereby the translations sound a bit weird. Would someone mind double checking? Did a bit of editing for the quote. Thanks for the effort in translating :D [[User:Zakashi|Zakashi]] ([[User talk:Zakashi|talk]]) 20:03, 25 August 2012 (CDT)
Discussion for Correction welcomed ~(^^ ~), working for volume 2 Intro page, there are some kanji is hard to read, using tesseract i got this <br>
とある輩備兵の世間舌<br>[[User:1412|1412]] 08:30, 26 August 2012 (+7 GMT)
You might be know this, but you can get object data excluding Code Name here, just let chrome translate it to the get general idea
[[User:1412|1412]] 08:30, 26 August 2012 (+7 GMT)
I have changed "coil gun" to "coilgun" to be the same as the chapter translations. I have slightly rephrased the description of generation 0.5's propulsion engine. Please do give your comments on it. :) By the way, what does "ring main colour" mean? I don't seem to find mention of it in the translation. [[User:Zakashi|Zakashi]] ([[User talk:Zakashi|talk]]) 21:40, 25 August 2012 (CDT)
Thanks, i also dont know about "ring main colour", but the page ilustration mentioned it, note that i also add "affilation", since it mentioned in wiki, but not in the image
And i also not quite sure with TRICORE propulsion engine description, and WATERSTRIDER Code Name, please some one recheck it 6_-
[[User:1412|1412]] ([[User talk:1412|talk]]) 12:20, 26 August 2012 (+7 GMT)
Changed to "Main Ring Colour" to be consistent with Water Strider's illustration. By the way, the main ring colour for Tri-core is stated as unknown. Should we just follow the illustration?<br>For Tri-core's propulsion engine, from what I understand from the wiki, it sounds to me to be a float specialised for use in naval combat and mining for oil? Maybe that can help you with coming up with the description.<br>As for Water Strider's codename, you would need someone to translate from Japanese, since the characters used seem different from the one in the title, can't help you here since I can't read Japanese. [[User:Zakashi|Zakashi]] ([[User talk:Zakashi|talk]]) 04:57, 26 August 2012 (CDT)
Thanks, And you right, TRICORE main ring colour is unknown as stated in illustration, For TRICORE propulsion description, i also agree with you, maybe thats what it means, And for the Water Strider code name, its written as "Amenbo" - Japanese for water strider, and the text in bracket simply explain why it is called by that name.
so we could conclude that code name is what the quenser, heivia and froleytia call the object and why, not the object official code name.<br/>
- Removed -
[[User:1412|1412]] ([[User talk:1412|talk]]) 19:05, 26 August 2012 (+7 GMT)
By the way, was the "sliding like a water slider" in the bracket for the description intended? [[User:Zakashi|Zakashi]] ([[User talk:Zakashi|talk]]) 07:16, 26 August 2012 (CDT)
"sliding like a water '''strider'''" Typo [[User:1412|1412]] 21:00, 26 August 2012 (+7 GMT)
Should we change "occupant" to something else like "pilot" or "elite"? It would fit better for the translation. By the way, if we are adding things not mentioned in the original image like affiliation, we should take note that the extra information mentioned is not spoiler (it has been mentioned in the translation before), in case some readers don't want to read the translation after coming across it in the chapter as they don't want to be spoiled. I'll help look at the other images at a later time :P [[User:Zakashi|Zakashi]] ([[User talk:Zakashi|talk]]) 04:47, 1 September 2012 (CDT)
=== Volume 2 ===
Image:HO v02 011.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO v02 012.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO v02 014.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO v02 015.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO v02 016.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO v02 018.jpg|Until now, Object is considered as the strongest.<br>I believe that's a fact that accepted by everyone.<br>But.<br>I don't know since when when that long established theory is turned over. - A certain maintenance soldier comment.<br>今のところ、オブジェクトは最強だって言われているな。<br> 誰もがひっくり返らないと信じ切っている。<br>でも。<br>こんな歴史の定説だっていつひっくり返るかは分からないもんだ。<br>とある整備兵の世間話<br>
Image:HO v02 106.jpg|Stealth Object (STEALTH OBJECT)<br>Length : Unknown<br>Top speed : Unknown<br>Material armor : Unknown<br>Class : Unknown<br>Type : Unknown<br>Propulsion engine : Unknown<br>Official name : Unknown<br>Affiliation : Mass Driver Conglomerate <br>Armament Unknown<br>Code name: Stealth Object (Since it is unknown where it comes from)<br>Main Ring Color : Unknown
Image:HO v02 164.jpg|Bright Hopper (BRIGHT HOPPER)<br>Classification Land war Specialized Type Second generation<br>Classification Anti Object Specialized weapons<br>Affiliation Kingdom "legitimate" Mobile Maintenance Battalion 52<br>Length Approx. 120m (when legs spreaded)<br>Maximum speed 850km per hour<br>Propulsion engine Electrostatic + Multiple Leg Propulsion System<br>Material armor 1cm x 1000 layer (Including welding impurities)<br>Armament Main gun × 4 short range laser cannon beam: secondary weapon : laser beam:<br>Occupant Harurido = Copacabana (who is that bastard name again? please re check it on novel)<br>Code Name : Bright Hopper (Since it have high speed motion leg like grasshopper, and powerfull laser beam)<br>Main Ring Color : Silver<br>
Image:HO v02 205.jpg|Break Carrier(BREAK CARRIER)<br/>official name: Rizorette<br/>Classification Large scale cannon attack weapons.<br/>Classification For large-scale bombardment weapons<br/>Affiliation mass driver Conglomerate <br/>Design Sladder honeysuckle<br/>Length (Including main gun) 150m<br/>Maximum speed 410km per hour<br/>Propulsion engine Electrostatic propulsion system<br/>Material armor 5cm x 200 layer (Including welding impurities)<br/>Armament Main : 1x High Output Power Rail gun , secondary railgun etc.<br/>Effective range Up to 3000km<br/>Ring Main Color : Grey<br/>Code Name : Break Carier (Since it applied Mass Driver Technology, Using Tremendous Masive Cannon to deal Destructive power)
And I think someone should do something about the file names of this volume. They've obviously been mixed up with Infinite Stratos. [[User:Zero2001|Zero2001]] - [[User_talk:Zero2001|Talk]] - 10:18, 25 August 2012 (CDT)
Shall I rename them? [[User:Zero2001|Zero2001]] - [[User_talk:Zero2001|Talk]] - 10:01, 29 August 2012 (CDT)
=== Volume 3 ===
Image:HO_v03_00.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO_v03_01.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO_v03_02.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO_v03_04.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO_v03_05.png|The next time i meet the enemies, <br/>What is waiting is kill each other<br/> - Murmur of certain soldier work on remote place.<br/>次に会ったら敵同士<br/>待っているのは殺し合い.<br/>とある僻地勤務の兵士のつぶやき
Image:HO_v03_06.png|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO_v03_07.png|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO_v03_12.png|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO_v03_16.png|'''Add Translation Here'''
=== Volume 4 ===
Image:HO_v04_00.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO_v04_01.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO_v04_02.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO_v04_04.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO_v04_05.jpg|History is moved, the flow is changed,<br/>The one who have it, and who didnt will be different<br/>it is object<br/>- muttering of certain soldier in duty on remote place.
Image:HO_v04_12.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO_v04_16.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
i can grasp the message on intro, but i cant connect the first and the second line. need help here [[User:1412]]
=== Volume 5 ===
Image:HO_v05_01.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO_v05_02.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO_v05_03.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO_v05_04.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO_v05_05.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO_v05_07.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO_v05_14.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO_v05_16.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
=== Volume 6 ===
Image:HO_v06_00.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO_v06_01.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO_v06_02.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO_v06_04.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO_v06_05.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO_v06_07.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
Image:HO_v06_14.jpg|'''Add Translation Here'''
== Project status ==
== Project status ==
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This LN is AWESOME!!!. Really funny too. I definitely want to read more of it. [[User:Zero2001|Zero2001]] - [[User_talk:Zero2001|Talk]] - 14:38, 11 March 2012 (CDT)
This LN is AWESOME!!!. Really funny too. I definitely want to read more of it. [[User:Zero2001|Zero2001]] - [[User_talk:Zero2001|Talk]] - 14:38, 11 March 2012 (CDT)
I like this one sooooooo much that, I'm joining as an editor. [[User:Zero2001|Zero2001]] - [[User_talk:Zero2001|Talk]] - 09:12, 24 July 2012 (CDT)
Weird. Following the timeline of publication of this series, volume 7 should have already been published. Could the author have been focusing on Index-related material?--[[User:Kemm|Kemm]] ([[User talk:Kemm|talk]]) 17:49, 13 August 2013 (CDT)
== Heavy Object Vietnamese Translation ==
== Heavy Object Vietnamese Translation ==
Line 27: Line 161:
Hi, I am Gingi from [http://vnsharing.net/forum/ Vnsharing]. Would you mind if I translate this novel in to Vietnamese based on your translation. Thank you for translating such a great novel and look forward to your reply. [[User:Gingi|Gingi]] 04:54, 18 April 2012 (CDT)
Hi, I am Gingi from [http://vnsharing.net/forum/ Vnsharing]. Would you mind if I translate this novel in to Vietnamese based on your translation. Thank you for translating such a great novel and look forward to your reply. [[User:Gingi|Gingi]] 04:54, 18 April 2012 (CDT)
== Heavy Object Illustrations ==
I'm willing to clean up and typeset the illustrations, so if anyone could please translate them, that'd be great.
[[User:Hao-sama|Hao-sama]] 12:56, 14 May 2012 (CDT)
== About editing ==
== About editing ==
Line 41: Line 171:
Yes, you can just edit right away, you don't need to have your name on the editor staff list. Anyone can edit. --[[User:Hiro Hayase|Hiro Hayase]] 14:56, 22 June 2012 (CDT)
Yes, you can just edit right away, you don't need to have your name on the editor staff list. Anyone can edit. --[[User:Hiro Hayase|Hiro Hayase]] 14:56, 22 June 2012 (CDT)
== Tiny Fonts for Whispers ==
== Missing PDFs ==
...Can we not use the <small></small> for the whispers? It's really hard to read without craning yor neck toward the screen, especially if your wearing glasses. Also, I really don't think the publishers use the tiny fonts to show that the charcters are whispering anymore in this day and age. I'm sure they discontined this practice due to many complaints and critism from their consumers. --Anonymous
Hi all, the PDFs for the first two volumes seem to be missing from mediafire. any help? thanks in advance. [[User:Momerathe|Momerathe]] ([[User talk:Momerathe|talk]]) 08:14, 2 March 2013 (CST)
== Frolaytia/Froleytia ==
[[User:Js06|Js06]], in Vol8 you used Frolaytia instead of Froleytia. Is this intentional?
That may be an error if it was never used anywhere else, since it's not too hard to mis-click "a" instead of "e" [[User:All Nighter94|All Night]] ([[User talk:All Nighter94|talk]]) 16:34, 23 July 2014 (CDT)
The confusing one is there're more usage of Frolaytia than Froleytia in v8 and when I googled there're some uses of Frolaytia too instead of Froleytia for Heavy Object. But I'll take your word for it and start fixing v8. [[User:Acolyte|Acolyte]] ([[User talk:Acolyte|talk]]) 16:45, 23 July 2014 (CDT)

Latest revision as of 03:19, 28 October 2015

Heavy Object Illustrations[edit]

I'm willing to clean up and typeset the illustrations, so if anyone could please translate them, that'd be great. Hao-sama 12:56, 14 May 2012 (CDT)

Want to Add translation to novel ilustration but make mistake for intro image vol 1 here http://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/index.php?title=File:Heavy_Object_v01_008.png how to delete thew uploaded image? 1412

Well, I'm guessing you need someone with the editor status to help you with deleting the image. You can always upload the new image which has been corrected. I'm sure someone will get back to it when they are free later. Zakashi (talk) 09:52, 25 August 2012 (CDT)

I'm here. I guess you want to remove the previous version? ie the one that says: Add translation to Intro, accepting correction discussion ^_^. Please tell me if I'm correct or not so that I can delete the correct one. (Note: I suggest the use of Blambot's free fonts. Those are the norm for japanese LN and manga images.) And please sign your pics properly with ~~~~, 1412. Zero2001 - Talk - 09:55, 25 August 2012 (CDT)

And this is how you ask for translation of images. Zero2001 - Talk - 10:12, 25 August 2012 (CDT)

Please feel free to add/remove pics you want/not want translated, below in their proper sections. Add posts here for when all pics are concerned otherwise add the post in the proper section. It'd be best if redirects to the proper sections on this page, from the pics' talk pages, were created. Zero2001 - Talk - 11:34, 25 August 2012 (CDT)

Also, it would be best to add translations here first and seek confirmation before photoshoping if you're not gonna keep the PSD files. Otherwise everything will have to be done from scratch if a mistake is found later. Trust me. Thankfully I keep the PSD files so it wasn't a big problem for me. Zero2001 - Talk - 11:41, 25 August 2012 (CDT)

Volume 1[edit]

Moved the translation to fit under the image, there are some parts whereby the translations sound a bit weird. Would someone mind double checking? Did a bit of editing for the quote. Thanks for the effort in translating :D Zakashi (talk) 20:03, 25 August 2012 (CDT)

Discussion for Correction welcomed ~(^^ ~), working for volume 2 Intro page, there are some kanji is hard to read, using tesseract i got this
1412 08:30, 26 August 2012 (+7 GMT)

You might be know this, but you can get object data excluding Code Name here, just let chrome translate it to the get general idea [[1]] 1412 08:30, 26 August 2012 (+7 GMT)

I have changed "coil gun" to "coilgun" to be the same as the chapter translations. I have slightly rephrased the description of generation 0.5's propulsion engine. Please do give your comments on it. :) By the way, what does "ring main colour" mean? I don't seem to find mention of it in the translation. Zakashi (talk) 21:40, 25 August 2012 (CDT)

Thanks, i also dont know about "ring main colour", but the page ilustration mentioned it, note that i also add "affilation", since it mentioned in wiki, but not in the image And i also not quite sure with TRICORE propulsion engine description, and WATERSTRIDER Code Name, please some one recheck it 6_- 1412 (talk) 12:20, 26 August 2012 (+7 GMT)

Changed to "Main Ring Colour" to be consistent with Water Strider's illustration. By the way, the main ring colour for Tri-core is stated as unknown. Should we just follow the illustration?
For Tri-core's propulsion engine, from what I understand from the wiki, it sounds to me to be a float specialised for use in naval combat and mining for oil? Maybe that can help you with coming up with the description.
As for Water Strider's codename, you would need someone to translate from Japanese, since the characters used seem different from the one in the title, can't help you here since I can't read Japanese. Zakashi (talk) 04:57, 26 August 2012 (CDT)

Thanks, And you right, TRICORE main ring colour is unknown as stated in illustration, For TRICORE propulsion description, i also agree with you, maybe thats what it means, And for the Water Strider code name, its written as "Amenbo" - Japanese for water strider, and the text in bracket simply explain why it is called by that name. so we could conclude that code name is what the quenser, heivia and froleytia call the object and why, not the object official code name.
- Removed - 1412 (talk) 19:05, 26 August 2012 (+7 GMT)

By the way, was the "sliding like a water slider" in the bracket for the description intended? Zakashi (talk) 07:16, 26 August 2012 (CDT)

"sliding like a water strider" Typo 1412 21:00, 26 August 2012 (+7 GMT)

Should we change "occupant" to something else like "pilot" or "elite"? It would fit better for the translation. By the way, if we are adding things not mentioned in the original image like affiliation, we should take note that the extra information mentioned is not spoiler (it has been mentioned in the translation before), in case some readers don't want to read the translation after coming across it in the chapter as they don't want to be spoiled. I'll help look at the other images at a later time :P Zakashi (talk) 04:47, 1 September 2012 (CDT)

Volume 2[edit]

And I think someone should do something about the file names of this volume. They've obviously been mixed up with Infinite Stratos. Zero2001 - Talk - 10:18, 25 August 2012 (CDT)

Shall I rename them? Zero2001 - Talk - 10:01, 29 August 2012 (CDT)

Volume 3[edit]

Volume 4[edit]

i can grasp the message on intro, but i cant connect the first and the second line. need help here User:1412

Volume 5[edit]

Volume 6[edit]

Project status[edit]

Hi, is there anyone still translating the novels? I do not mind helping out as an editor, but translation is beyond my means.

Hello Anon. There is. You can see active translators far down the main page as well by checking the chapter registration page. I hope js06 will find more time to work at this project soon, it is an amazing piece imo.

As for editing; do please go ahead. All editors "are welcome" (unless so specified). Just make sure you use proper english, or be rollbacked. I wish you luck.


ah, Novium did you forget to log in? And to the one above as you can see the translation was continued. Ah, and by the way Gabgrave you can set your name behind a comment on a talk page with --~~~~ ;) --Darklor 18:51, 27 November 2011 (CST)

Naw, just have severe problems doing it on an iPhone for some reason. I do it every time I have access to a proper terminal, which isn't that often I'm afraid :( I'll take care of that particular problem as soon as possible, which probably isn't likely to be soon due to...well, stuff that would bore you. Suffice to say, /novium - out -- 20:43, 1 December 2011 (CST)

Good job with the trans! Just took a look at the first chapt, looks good! Didnt spot any mistakes but will update if spotted. Cheers! --Gabgrave 06:44, 1 December 2011 (CST)

This LN is AWESOME!!!. Really funny too. I definitely want to read more of it. Zero2001 - Talk - 14:38, 11 March 2012 (CDT)

I like this one sooooooo much that, I'm joining as an editor. Zero2001 - Talk - 09:12, 24 July 2012 (CDT)

Weird. Following the timeline of publication of this series, volume 7 should have already been published. Could the author have been focusing on Index-related material?--Kemm (talk) 17:49, 13 August 2013 (CDT)

Heavy Object Vietnamese Translation[edit]

Hi, I am Gingi from Vnsharing. Would you mind if I translate this novel in to Vietnamese based on your translation. Thank you for translating such a great novel and look forward to your reply. Gingi 04:54, 18 April 2012 (CDT)

About editing[edit]

Regarding this series, it seems interesting so I want to help out as an editor. May I ask how? Do I just edit right away?

Sorry, a bit new here. *bows* --MoonBunnyRei 08:51, 22 June 2012 (CDT)

Yes, you can just edit right away, you don't need to have your name on the editor staff list. Anyone can edit. --Hiro Hayase 14:56, 22 June 2012 (CDT)

Missing PDFs[edit]

Hi all, the PDFs for the first two volumes seem to be missing from mediafire. any help? thanks in advance. Momerathe (talk) 08:14, 2 March 2013 (CST)


Js06, in Vol8 you used Frolaytia instead of Froleytia. Is this intentional?

That may be an error if it was never used anywhere else, since it's not too hard to mis-click "a" instead of "e" All Night (talk) 16:34, 23 July 2014 (CDT)

The confusing one is there're more usage of Frolaytia than Froleytia in v8 and when I googled there're some uses of Frolaytia too instead of Froleytia for Heavy Object. But I'll take your word for it and start fixing v8. Acolyte (talk) 16:45, 23 July 2014 (CDT)