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Hello. I was wondering if i could help out with editing the Rokujouma LN as some sort of additional aid or possibly a major contributor, as it is not in my power to decide i'd like to know if i have a chance and what i will be allowed to do if i get picked. Contact me if you're interested [[User:JetFuel|-jetfuel]] ([[User_talk:JetFuel|talk]])
Huh, after a rough skim, good job for someone who came out of the blue. Doesn't look like an MTL either. =D Good luck with the further translation, in case you're planning to do it. [[User:Cautr|-cautr]] ([[User talk:Cautr|talk]]) 07:10, 27 December 2014 (CST)
Huh, after a rough skim, good job for someone who came out of the blue. Doesn't look like an MTL either. =D Good luck with the further translation, in case you're planning to do it. [[User:Cautr|-cautr]] ([[User talk:Cautr|talk]]) 07:10, 27 December 2014 (CST)
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I was suppose to put a speech here...but i decided not to since just two words can do it better. "Thank You". i really appreciate your work.--[[User:SirEatALot|SirEatALot]] ([[User talk:SirEatALot|talk]]) 00:45, 9 April 2015 (CDT)
I was suppose to put a speech here...but i decided not to since just two words can do it better. "Thank You". i really appreciate your work.--[[User:SirEatALot|SirEatALot]] ([[User talk:SirEatALot|talk]]) 00:45, 9 April 2015 (CDT)
First of all, thanks for your translations. Now, there's something I don't understand about chapter status in the registraton page. I had asked once back in volume 2 or 3 and the anwer I got was that '''translated''' meant it had been translated but needed a bit polishing before actually posting it while ''completed'' meant that the chapter had been translated, polished and uploaded; now, I've seen that the status of volume 5 as a whole changed from '''translated''' to ''completed'' long ago, but the chapters are not all up yet and are being posted about once a week. Has the meaning of ''completed'' changed (since before it meant they were up) or is there another explanation?--[[User:Kemm|Kemm]] ([[User talk:Kemm|talk]])
== Rokujouma Editors ==
:So it was what I regarded as the most probable reason. Thanks for answering. It was just that the sudden change in meaning just when I had finally come to terms with the prebvious nomenclature took me by surprise.--[[User:Kemm|Kemm]] ([[User talk:Kemm|talk]])
I'm not sure if I'm doing this right, haha. I'd like to sincerely thank you for your work on Rokujouma so far. Its a series I very much enjoy, and was very excited to hear someone picked up translating the LN! The translation seems very solid, and that you've taken great care in not just translating, but a tiny of localization as well. There are a lot of readers who will read a LN and move on, and I tend to be in that crowd. But your work has given me plenty of enjoyment, so much so I feel the need to express my gratitude and that of the silent majority who don't quite take the time to thank translators and give them the due appreciate they deserve. I am hopeful that you will continue on! This series doesn't have a lot of popularity, so I'd be sad to see this dropped and not being able to continue. I really enjoy reading your translation of this series, and am looking forward to more!--[[User:Perogi Perkle|Perogi Perkle]] ([[User talk:Perogi Perkle|talk]]) 21:13, 15 May 2015 (CDT)
Hi Warnis,
I see that you have no editors for this light novel. do you require any?<br />
If so, can I put my name down to work on it?<br />
Cheers,<br />
[[Morgorath]] 27 January 2015 @ 19:55AEST
Are you going to translate volume 7.5 or just gonna link to avert's translation? Would be good to know if you skip that one volume or not.
Hey Morgorath,
[[User:Kyoukou|Kyoukou]] ([[User talk:Kyoukou|talk]])
I do have an editor working with me (Just haven't had him add himself to the list), but the more the better.
Drop me an email at [email protected] and we'll get to it :)
Hello Warnis, thanks for translating Rokujouma. I recently read volume 1 and made a few should-be minor edits. However there were a couple of spots where the edits I made may not be the correct ones:
*(v1c1) “Good. You're worse than I am at living on your own, so I was about(a bit) worried, old man.”
*(v1c3) Unexpectedly, the thought of Koutarou's mothers(mother) crossed his mind.
::-Though I edited assuming it was a simple typo, I thought it was possible the "s" could have been intended to be part of "mother's face" or similar.
Thanks, --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh|talk]]) 20:57, 26 May 2015 (CDT)
Congratulations on finishing volume 6! Thank you for your hard work, and now I'm looking foreword to new material! --[[User:Perogi Perkle|Perogi Perkle]] ([[User talk:Perogi Perkle|talk]]) 17:19, 23 June 2015 (UTC)
Hello Warnis, thank you for translating Rokujouma. I've enjoyed reading it. In addition to making a few edits as I've read, I listed a few sentences that I think could be either corrected or improved with your input. --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh|talk]]) 19:53, 23 August 2015 (UTC)
*(v3 c2) “Shut it Hachi! I'm still a hero of justice! I'm not not in the wrong, it's all poverty’s fault!”
:-It seemed like the double negative, "not not in the wrong," might have been a typo. However I suppose it's possible it was a humourous intentional double negative.
*(v3 c5) While holding a large can, she took several deep breaths to calm down.
:-Pretty sure this a typo meant to be "a large cane"
*(v4c4) Having been following Theia's guidance all this time, Koutarou looked completely scrawny.
:-In place of "scrawny", I think "gaunt" or "worn out" might fit better here.
*(v4c5) “At this rate, I'll suffer a complicated fraction!”
:-I didn't really understand what "complicated fraction". Maybe a typo for "fracture" (broken bones). Though maybe it's a pun that went over my head.
*(v5 c3) Seeing that Maki and the girl in red had finished talking, the girl in indigo opened her mouth. Out of the seven, she was the most mature, and most often held the role of the chairman.
:-It seemed like it should be "the girl in violet opened her mouth" since I thought Maki was the indigo one.
*(v7.5 c2) “The probability is approximately 100%. The ability to confirm a weapon’s ability to injure after 28 times is next to 0.”
:-It feels like there's a phrase missing along the lines of "The '''error in the''' ability to confirm..."
*(v7.5 c3) To Koutarou and Clan who were used to the darkness in the modern age, the forest seemed even darker than it was.
:-Not necessarily an error, but it felt like "the brightness of the modern age" or "the level of darkness in the modern age" might flow a bit more smoothly if replacing "the darkness in the modern age".
Hello Warnis, thanks for addressing the last batch of items. A few more things that could use your input... --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh|talk]]) 14:29, 19 September 2015 (UTC)
*This doesn't come from me, but someone reported that v1c8 is missing some text (see [[Talk:Rokujouma_no_Shinryakusha!%3F:_Volume_1_Chapter_8|here]]).
*(v7.5c6) Lidith understood Clan's feelings, so she smiled gently just as Clan.
:-It's not obvious to me what it would be, but it felt like something was missing (smiled gently just as Clan __<some action>__)
*(v8c1) “It's hard to imagine a martial artist or a ghost to be the reason for the increase in magic power. Manafist and Richi aside, they're just a normal martial artist and ghost.”
:-Since the series seems to be making up its own terms with Manafist, I can't know for sure, but I think "Richi"/リッチ should be "Lich" instead ([https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%A2%E3%83%B3%E3%83%87%E3%83%83%E3%83%89#.E3.81.9D.E3.81.AE.E4.BB.96 link]), as in an undead magic user.
:-Also, I don't actually understand the Japanese at all, but after identifying the likely Richi->Lich change, I thought it was possible the meaning could have been more along the lines "Rather than a Manafist and Lich, they're just ..." Of course, I have no idea if the JP grammar would allow that interpretation, and even then it's just based on me guessing what the terms Manafist and Lich might mean within the series.
:: "Manafist" could be "Mana Fist", a Chi casting spell in Shadowrun. (The weird thing is that the other 2 techniques that start with "mana" in the game, Manaball and Manabolt, are indeed written without a space inbetween.)--[[User:Kemm|Kemm]] ([[User talk:Kemm|talk]])
::I had assumed "Manafist" was a custom term for a martial artist that makes use of magic, since that would be parallel to the standard definition of Lich as an undead magic user. If Manafist is indeed a specific technique, then it's less likely my second point is correct, and I supposes it's possible the standard definition of "Lich" isn't being used here, in which case the terms could be parallel as two techniques. (Of course, my line of thought is all still built on the assumption "Lich" is correct) --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh|talk]]) 17:13, 19 September 2015 (UTC)
:::It may well be that. Further investigation shows that in a game called Allods, a Manafist is a kind of elemental that looks like a headless genie. There's [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmO9767Imjw this video here] that claims it's a real-life tool created by the guy who recorded it (but since it's from last December, it's not relevant). It seems to be also one of Gamera's skills. I also find a lot of MMO players called like that, especially in Eastern games, so it may be a character that's popular there. In the end, since it seems like it's the basic of the basics for magic/spirit-assisted brawler tecniques, it may be used as a way to address its users, which would leave the sentence as something like "Rather than a Manafist [user] and Lich, they're just a normal martial artist and ghost." (what you proposed, but with the option to add "user" to make it more clear)--[[User:Kemm|Kemm]] ([[User talk:Kemm|talk]])
::::In all honesty, I don't really know what they're referring to, I'm assuming it's something the author will cover in later volumes. They could be could names, they could be abilities, I really don't know, but until now, I decided to change it the name to Lich and leave it as it is--[[User:Warnis|Warnis]] ([[User talk:Warnis#top|talk]]) 20:05, 23 September 2015 (UTC)
You recently edited the pages for volume 8 chapters 6 and 7, and in the process undid edits I had made to the pages. It looked like you might have been applying edits made to a version off the wiki, and that undoing my edits to the wiki version may have been unintentional, in which case it would be pretty simple for me to reapply my edits. However, I wouldn't want to reapply my previous edits if you intentionally undid them? --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh|talk]]) 14:46, 10 October 2015 (UTC)
::Thanks for the reply. It was simple to redo the edits, I just wanted to check with you first.--[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh|talk]]) 23:48, 20 November 2015 (UTC)
Hello Warnis, thanks for continuing to translate Rokujouma. Reading 8.5, I encountered a few lines that could use your input for fixes or revisions. --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh|talk]]) 23:48, 20 November 2015 (UTC)
*(v8.5 c2) He didn't think that she would believe that he had come through the stars and through time.
:-The word "come" (he had come through) was not in the original TL; I added it because something was obviously missing thing, and while it's probably close to correct, it feels like it might not be the best word to go there.
*(v8.5 c3) Barriers in Forthorthe, 2,000 years ago, were designed to block both physical attacks and the light from lasers.
:-I thought this should be something like "2,000 years in the future" or "2,000 from the present" (the time for the main story line). Current wording (years ago) implies they had barriers at the time of silver princess story.
*(v8.5 c4) Having the princess of a country for you was a very rare event.
:-I seemed like this line is missing "care," "cry," or some other verb in "of a country __ for you"
*(v8.5 c4) Having traveled through infinite time and worlds, the goddess of dawn rested her feet in these feet.
:-It seemed like the sentence should end in something like "in this valley," "in these plains," or "in this place."
*(v8.5 c4) While this sword would protect her loved ones, subjugate the traitors and in the end it would protect her country in the long run.
:-This structure of this sentence could probably use some revision ("in the end" and "in the long run" redundant, + I'm not sure if "while" is necessary). I could have guessed a revision, but there's a good chance it wouldn't be what you'd do.
*(v8.5 c5) During that time, Koutarou and Alaia's eyes met for an instant.
:-The word "eyes" was absent in the original TL. It seemed likely enough that I did make that edit, but that was technically a guess, so just bringing it to your attention in case it needs to be changed.
*Flairan vs Flairhan
:-The TL has used both Flairan (used first) and Flairhan (used more recently), though most uses of Flairhan have already been edited by someone else to Flairan. Looking at it again, if you have a prefered spelling, I can make the edits to make it consistent one way or the other.
--[[User:Warnis|Warnis]] ([[User talk:Warnis#top|talk]])
--[[User:Warnis|Warnis]] ([[User talk:Warnis#top|talk]])
Hello again, Warnis.
It's been a year exactly since my earlier comment, and what a wild ride Rokujouma has been. Volume 13 did not disappoint. That combat, that dragon reveal, that BLUE KNIGHT reveal. Overall, the novel has been a very enjoyable read. I have been following almost every Saturday for the past year; always eagerly awaiting your translation efforts. You, and the editors, have my sincerest gratitude for keeping up this manic pace for the last year. It's not an exaggeration to say reading your translations at work is the highlight of my shift. You are an amazing human being for bringing this little slice of happiness to those of us keeping up with your translation. Again, thank you. I hope for your success in not only this project, but what you do in life; as the effort you show clearly reflects your character very positively. I cannot express my gratitude enough, so I hope one more thank you will do. Thank you. --[[User:Perogi Perkle|Perogi Perkle]] ([[User talk:Perogi Perkle|talk]]) 05:08, 16 May 2016 (UTC)
Hello Warnis. Thanks as always for translating Rokujouma. When reading/editing, I came across a few things I had questions on, or made a few edits you perhaps should review (listed below).
*There is a slight difference in spelling between Elexis' and Dextro's family names, an ending 'm' vs 'n' ( (v9, v13) Melcemheim versus (v7.5, v8.5) Melcemhein ). The difference could be intended, but if not, which should be used?
*In the following line, the double 'worry' is a little awkward. From context, it seemed like the second worry might be able to be changed to something like 'pain' or 'discomfort'.
:-(v10c7) It wasn't the time to worry about his own worry.
*The following line in the originally posted translation appeared to me to be missing a word (desperate ___ barely) such as 'plea' or 'promise'. However, another user has since changed the line in a different manner (desparate -> desparateness). Just bringing it to your attention to make sure it's correct.
:-(v10c7-original) Kii's desperate barely kept Koutarou's heart from breaking.
:-(v10c7-current) Kii's desperateness barely kept Koutarou's heart from breaking.
*There might not be anything wrong here, but in the following line, "always" makes it sound like this a habit of Kii. In the context, it seemed more likely that the line was speaking of only at the moment ("always showed" -> showed/revealed), but maybe it's as intended as is.
:-(v10c7) After showing a stiff expression, Kii always showed a smile.
*In the following line, I thought the word 'park' might have been missing to make it "amusement park colored orange", but it could be correct as is.
:-(v10c8) And in the amusement colored orange by the sunlight, the roller coaster zoomed by at full speed.
*The following two lines are after edits I made to add the bolded words (skirt, been); those edits seemed correct, but it's possible there is a more correct way to fix those sentences, so I'm bringing it to your attention in case.
:-(v11c1) Just after their first meeting, Theia had her '''skirt''' tucked up by Sanae's counter attack.
:-(v11c7) Like that, the woman who had hesitated for so long passed on while being seen off by Sanae, whom she had '''been''' after.
== Rokujouma no Shinryakusha ==
Hi there!
Just saw v4 completed, and was wondering if u r going to continue translating it..
And thank you for translation work(thanks to other persons too who were helping u with it)
== Using your translation ==
Hi !<br />
Thanks for your translation ! I really like Rokujouma, it's one of my favourites LNs (I really liked before, but volume 8.5 settled it). That's why I want to translate it to my language (French) so that more people can read it. (Seriously, so few people know about it...)<br />
So, can I use your translation to translate Rokujouma in french ?<br />
Again, thanks for your translation ! (Yeah, I'm repeating myself, but that's how much I love Rokujouma)<br />
PS: And sorry if I made mistakes, took me more than 15min just to write this, hahaha. ^^' --[[User:Kazugaya|Kazugaya]] ([[User talk:Kazugaya|talk]])
Hi there, first of all thanks and good work for translating up to Volume 16 that's just finished today.<br />
Might be too late to ask for this, since I've been doing it for the past..9 months, i guess? Currently, I'm translating your version of Rokujouma to
my language (Indonesia), just because I like doing it, and to spread Sanae-chan's love all around the LN community in Indonesia(LOL).<br />
So, I can use your translation to translate Rokujouma to Indonesia, right? Pretty please?<br />
Sorry if I just asked for this after all this time doing the translations, and not even think for a second to ask you first about using it..<br />[[User:Ecchi-sama|Ecchi-sama]] ([[User talk:Ecchi-sama|talk]]) 18:11, 3 September 2016 (UTC)
== Rokujouma ==
Thanks you very much for your translation, they are smooth, fun to read and really easy to understand. I am translating your work to my mother language - Vietnamese.
Just want you to know we are always hope for your next chapters. There are many Vietnamese fans of this Project, also.
And in the end, I really hope you can translate the whole series in future.
Have a nice day ya!--[[User:Elpsychris|Elpsychris]] ([[User talk:Elpsychris|talk]])
Thanks a lot for your translations Warnis! I really enjoy reading your work every week and enjoy the regular updates, but don't burn yourself out!
== Question ==
The fourth sentence of your recently-posted volume 10 chapter 1 reads: "That is as obvious as the sun rising in the west and setting in the east."<br />
Is that intended or just a mistake (sun rises from the east and sets in the west)?--[[User:Kemm|Kemm]] ([[User talk:Kemm|talk]])
That would be a mistake :) --[[User:Warnis|Warnis]] ([[User talk:Warnis#top|talk]])
Hello there, just re-reading V13C1 when i realized that the score sheet that Koutarou brought to Theia was shown as Theia: 218 and Koutarou: 862.
It was stated that it was the score of the 5 people competing for the room, but if the totals are add up, it was 1080, not 900 as stated on V2. Just curious, is this the author's mistake, or a typo? If it's a typo, changing the 862 to 682 would solve it.. [[User:Ecchi-sama|Ecchi-sama]] ([[User talk:Ecchi-sama|talk]]) 07:38, 30 May 2016 (UTC)
862 is not a typo, in total there was always 1080 points, it's just that 180 of those were considered neutral points (6 tatami mats with 180 points each) --[[User:Warnis|Warnis]] ([[User talk:Warnis#top|talk]]) 16:42, 4 June 2016 (UTC)
== Question. ==
Sorry if this is in the wrong plece and stuff (pretty new with this).
Is there a reason why only 2 chapters of VOL10 got uploaded here? On registration page it shows that VOL10 is fully completed and 3 chapters from VOL11 as well. Are posting only few chapters a week for reason or is there still something not done with the chapters?
:He's posting only 1-3 chapters a week, with some rest between volumes, but keeps a back up of currently 2 full volumes (it has been growing with time). He seems to do so so as to not spoil us. This issue has been addressed in the past (by me at least).--[[User:Kemm|Kemm]] ([[User talk:Kemm|talk]])
== Question. ==
First of all, thank a lot for your translation! This series is awesome and so are you.
That said, the illustration on vol 4 specified that Theia's ship name (and consequentially Blue Knight's name) is Layous Fatra Veltlion. So why is he called Reios Fatra Bertorion in your translation? -- [[User:Khoai|Khoai]]
:Because maybe like in most people's case it didn't register? Good point noticing it. At least I didn't remember that illustration.--[[User:Kemm|Kemm]] ([[User talk:Kemm|talk]])
Like Kemm said, I did not notice the name on that illustration at all.
To be honest, I used the spelling used in the anime, but at this point, I feel like it's a bit too late to actually correct it. --[[User:Warnis|Warnis]] ([[User talk:Warnis#top|talk]]) 12:04, 6 February 2016 (UTC)
== Question ==
I've had a question regarding a certain illustration in volume 17. [https://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/images/1/10/Rokujouma_No_Shinryakusha_V17_p278.jpg This one.]
Are you going to translate it just like you've done so in earlier volumes?
Thanks for the translationǃ
Absolutely, it was already translated, but I missed uploading it. It's been fixed now.
--[[User:Warnis|Warnis]] ([[User talk:Warnis#top|talk]])
== Thanks ==
Thank you very much for your always great work.--[[User:Kemm|Kemm]] ([[User talk:Kemm|talk]])
Just adding another thank you. Your work is amazing. You are amazingǃ --[[User:Hypernova|Hypernova]] ([[User talk:Hypernova|talk]]) 07:12, 7 September 2016 (UTC)\
This series might have been lost to the sand of times, but i am still grateful that you took your precious time and translated this series. For you, it might have been easier to just read it, but you translated it to us. I hope there will be more to come. it might not be rokujou, but i will still read it. Thankyou dear translator
== Editing ==
Could you use help with editing volume 20/21, or any further volumes?
[[User:SniperIRL|SniperIRL]] ([[User talk:SniperIRL|talk]])
At the moment, I don't need any further help with editing, but I appreciate the offer. [[User:Warnis|Warnis]] ([[User talk:Warnis#top|talk]])
== Edit for Vol 8 Ch 6 ==
In https://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/index.php?title=Rokujouma_no_Shinryakusha!%3F:_Volume_8_Chapter_6, there's this sentence
"It was Yurika's new cane, Encyclopedia, and Koutarou's sword, '''Saguratin'''. Those two new magic tools had saved Maki's life. And it was almost definitely those that were behind the increase in room 106's magic power."
Should it be '''Signaltin''' instead?
--[[User:Chikafusa|Chikafusa]] ([[User talk:Chikafusa|talk]]) 14:44, 10 January 2017 (CET)
== Side Stories ==
Hi there Warnis, great job and thanks for translating Rokujouma up until now. I just visited Mountain Pigeon's and [https://rinveltsou.wordpress.com Rinvelt's]site, and they have quite the collections of side stories from Rokujouma (I recalled in one of the afterwords that the author called 'em 'Hercules' or something?). The question is, are you going to add it to BT or not? That's all, good day. [[User:Ecchi-sama|Ecchi-sama]] ([[User talk:Ecchi-sama|talk]]) 08:29, 31 January 2017 (CET)
The things we've been posting aren't Hercules, they're short bonuses that came from buying the volume at specific stores, Hercules are the side stories that Takehaya posts on [http://yomeru-hj.net/novel/rokujoma_h/ HJ Bunko's web novel platform], and they get published with the actual volumes between arcs in groups of three, with another longer chapter added. Volume 20 was the first of these, 23 is the second, and 26 will likely be a third. -[[User:MPT|MPT]] ([[User talk:MPT|talk]]) 11:22, 12 February 2017 (CET)
== Name change ==
Hi! Noticed that because of how furigana are in full size in the first volume you romanised "Kisshou" as "Kitsushou". Editors (mainly Ice) are changing it, but I thought it'd be better to tell you so that you're not surprised and won't continue to do the mistake. --[[User:Kazugaya|Kazugaya]] ([[User talk:Kazugaya|talk]]) 14:58, 28 February 2017 (CET)
== Rokujouma licensing ==
Hello Warnis, from J-Novel's tweet and series page, it sounds like you've worked out an arrangement to have your translation officially released there. Congratulations! As there has been an official release, standard procedure is to delete all of the volumes from BT immediately. Though given the unusual nature of the situation, I wanted to check with you before taking action. Is deleting the volumes from BT as per normal BT policy consistent with any arrangement you have with J-Novel? --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh|talk]]) 18:15, 3 May 2017 (CEST)
J-Novel and I come to a deal that the already fan translated stuff will remain free, but as each remastered volume is released on the J-Novel site the ones here need removing, so currently only volumes 1-3 need to be removed, with one volume per month following after that. --[[User:Warnis|Warnis]] ([[User talk:Warnis#top|talk]]) 18:40, 3 May 2017 (CEST)
:I don't really understand well how the "free to read" and "paid reading" work at J-Novel. If someone could explain it to me... --[[User:Kemm|Kemm]] ([[User talk:Kemm|talk]])
:Essentially, the remastered volumes will be free, while the new stuff (Volume 23 and on) will be paid content, for now. --[[User:Warnis|Warnis]] ([[User talk:Warnis#top|talk]]) 21:51, 4 May 2017 (CEST)

Latest revision as of 08:59, 14 August 2017


Hello. I was wondering if i could help out with editing the Rokujouma LN as some sort of additional aid or possibly a major contributor, as it is not in my power to decide i'd like to know if i have a chance and what i will be allowed to do if i get picked. Contact me if you're interested -jetfuel (talk)

Huh, after a rough skim, good job for someone who came out of the blue. Doesn't look like an MTL either. =D Good luck with the further translation, in case you're planning to do it. -cautr (talk) 07:10, 27 December 2014 (CST)

First of all, thanks for your work. I see that on the registration page you have a bunch of dates and, besides them, either "completed", "translated" or nothing. I take it that the dates are those of the las update, nothing besides it means that you are working on it and "completed" means it has been translated and uploaded. Now, by "translated" do you mean you have made a rough translation that need polishing? Or simply that it's done but you won't be uploading it until the whole book is?--Kemm (talk)

Ah, OK. So the difference between "completed" and just "translated" is "waiting for editing/QC". Noted. That was my only question about it. Once again, thanks. I like how the novel version gives more details than the anime adaptation. And I find it funny that Koutarou has seen and accepted Yurika's magic in this first chapter (as oppossed with the anime, where she used it at the back with nobody paying attention) but still tags her as a "cosplayer".--Kemm (talk)

I was suppose to put a speech here...but i decided not to since just two words can do it better. "Thank You". i really appreciate your work.--SirEatALot (talk) 00:45, 9 April 2015 (CDT)

First of all, thanks for your translations. Now, there's something I don't understand about chapter status in the registraton page. I had asked once back in volume 2 or 3 and the anwer I got was that translated meant it had been translated but needed a bit polishing before actually posting it while completed meant that the chapter had been translated, polished and uploaded; now, I've seen that the status of volume 5 as a whole changed from translated to completed long ago, but the chapters are not all up yet and are being posted about once a week. Has the meaning of completed changed (since before it meant they were up) or is there another explanation?--Kemm (talk)

So it was what I regarded as the most probable reason. Thanks for answering. It was just that the sudden change in meaning just when I had finally come to terms with the prebvious nomenclature took me by surprise.--Kemm (talk)

I'm not sure if I'm doing this right, haha. I'd like to sincerely thank you for your work on Rokujouma so far. Its a series I very much enjoy, and was very excited to hear someone picked up translating the LN! The translation seems very solid, and that you've taken great care in not just translating, but a tiny of localization as well. There are a lot of readers who will read a LN and move on, and I tend to be in that crowd. But your work has given me plenty of enjoyment, so much so I feel the need to express my gratitude and that of the silent majority who don't quite take the time to thank translators and give them the due appreciate they deserve. I am hopeful that you will continue on! This series doesn't have a lot of popularity, so I'd be sad to see this dropped and not being able to continue. I really enjoy reading your translation of this series, and am looking forward to more!--Perogi Perkle (talk) 21:13, 15 May 2015 (CDT)

Are you going to translate volume 7.5 or just gonna link to avert's translation? Would be good to know if you skip that one volume or not. Kyoukou (talk)

Hello Warnis, thanks for translating Rokujouma. I recently read volume 1 and made a few should-be minor edits. However there were a couple of spots where the edits I made may not be the correct ones:

  • (v1c1) “Good. You're worse than I am at living on your own, so I was about(a bit) worried, old man.”
  • (v1c3) Unexpectedly, the thought of Koutarou's mothers(mother) crossed his mind.
-Though I edited assuming it was a simple typo, I thought it was possible the "s" could have been intended to be part of "mother's face" or similar.

Thanks, --Cthaeh (talk) 20:57, 26 May 2015 (CDT)

Congratulations on finishing volume 6! Thank you for your hard work, and now I'm looking foreword to new material! --Perogi Perkle (talk) 17:19, 23 June 2015 (UTC)

Hello Warnis, thank you for translating Rokujouma. I've enjoyed reading it. In addition to making a few edits as I've read, I listed a few sentences that I think could be either corrected or improved with your input. --Cthaeh (talk) 19:53, 23 August 2015 (UTC)

  • (v3 c2) “Shut it Hachi! I'm still a hero of justice! I'm not not in the wrong, it's all poverty’s fault!”
-It seemed like the double negative, "not not in the wrong," might have been a typo. However I suppose it's possible it was a humourous intentional double negative.
  • (v3 c5) While holding a large can, she took several deep breaths to calm down.
-Pretty sure this a typo meant to be "a large cane"
  • (v4c4) Having been following Theia's guidance all this time, Koutarou looked completely scrawny.
-In place of "scrawny", I think "gaunt" or "worn out" might fit better here.
  • (v4c5) “At this rate, I'll suffer a complicated fraction!”
-I didn't really understand what "complicated fraction". Maybe a typo for "fracture" (broken bones). Though maybe it's a pun that went over my head.
  • (v5 c3) Seeing that Maki and the girl in red had finished talking, the girl in indigo opened her mouth. Out of the seven, she was the most mature, and most often held the role of the chairman.
-It seemed like it should be "the girl in violet opened her mouth" since I thought Maki was the indigo one.
  • (v7.5 c2) “The probability is approximately 100%. The ability to confirm a weapon’s ability to injure after 28 times is next to 0.”
-It feels like there's a phrase missing along the lines of "The error in the ability to confirm..."
  • (v7.5 c3) To Koutarou and Clan who were used to the darkness in the modern age, the forest seemed even darker than it was.
-Not necessarily an error, but it felt like "the brightness of the modern age" or "the level of darkness in the modern age" might flow a bit more smoothly if replacing "the darkness in the modern age".

Hello Warnis, thanks for addressing the last batch of items. A few more things that could use your input... --Cthaeh (talk) 14:29, 19 September 2015 (UTC)

  • This doesn't come from me, but someone reported that v1c8 is missing some text (see here).
  • (v7.5c6) Lidith understood Clan's feelings, so she smiled gently just as Clan.
-It's not obvious to me what it would be, but it felt like something was missing (smiled gently just as Clan __<some action>__)
  • (v8c1) “It's hard to imagine a martial artist or a ghost to be the reason for the increase in magic power. Manafist and Richi aside, they're just a normal martial artist and ghost.”
-Since the series seems to be making up its own terms with Manafist, I can't know for sure, but I think "Richi"/リッチ should be "Lich" instead (link), as in an undead magic user.
-Also, I don't actually understand the Japanese at all, but after identifying the likely Richi->Lich change, I thought it was possible the meaning could have been more along the lines "Rather than a Manafist and Lich, they're just ..." Of course, I have no idea if the JP grammar would allow that interpretation, and even then it's just based on me guessing what the terms Manafist and Lich might mean within the series.
"Manafist" could be "Mana Fist", a Chi casting spell in Shadowrun. (The weird thing is that the other 2 techniques that start with "mana" in the game, Manaball and Manabolt, are indeed written without a space inbetween.)--Kemm (talk)
I had assumed "Manafist" was a custom term for a martial artist that makes use of magic, since that would be parallel to the standard definition of Lich as an undead magic user. If Manafist is indeed a specific technique, then it's less likely my second point is correct, and I supposes it's possible the standard definition of "Lich" isn't being used here, in which case the terms could be parallel as two techniques. (Of course, my line of thought is all still built on the assumption "Lich" is correct) --Cthaeh (talk) 17:13, 19 September 2015 (UTC)
It may well be that. Further investigation shows that in a game called Allods, a Manafist is a kind of elemental that looks like a headless genie. There's this video here that claims it's a real-life tool created by the guy who recorded it (but since it's from last December, it's not relevant). It seems to be also one of Gamera's skills. I also find a lot of MMO players called like that, especially in Eastern games, so it may be a character that's popular there. In the end, since it seems like it's the basic of the basics for magic/spirit-assisted brawler tecniques, it may be used as a way to address its users, which would leave the sentence as something like "Rather than a Manafist [user] and Lich, they're just a normal martial artist and ghost." (what you proposed, but with the option to add "user" to make it more clear)--Kemm (talk)
In all honesty, I don't really know what they're referring to, I'm assuming it's something the author will cover in later volumes. They could be could names, they could be abilities, I really don't know, but until now, I decided to change it the name to Lich and leave it as it is--Warnis (talk) 20:05, 23 September 2015 (UTC)

You recently edited the pages for volume 8 chapters 6 and 7, and in the process undid edits I had made to the pages. It looked like you might have been applying edits made to a version off the wiki, and that undoing my edits to the wiki version may have been unintentional, in which case it would be pretty simple for me to reapply my edits. However, I wouldn't want to reapply my previous edits if you intentionally undid them? --Cthaeh (talk) 14:46, 10 October 2015 (UTC)

Thanks for the reply. It was simple to redo the edits, I just wanted to check with you first.--Cthaeh (talk) 23:48, 20 November 2015 (UTC)

Hello Warnis, thanks for continuing to translate Rokujouma. Reading 8.5, I encountered a few lines that could use your input for fixes or revisions. --Cthaeh (talk) 23:48, 20 November 2015 (UTC)

  • (v8.5 c2) He didn't think that she would believe that he had come through the stars and through time.
-The word "come" (he had come through) was not in the original TL; I added it because something was obviously missing thing, and while it's probably close to correct, it feels like it might not be the best word to go there.
  • (v8.5 c3) Barriers in Forthorthe, 2,000 years ago, were designed to block both physical attacks and the light from lasers.
-I thought this should be something like "2,000 years in the future" or "2,000 from the present" (the time for the main story line). Current wording (years ago) implies they had barriers at the time of silver princess story.
  • (v8.5 c4) Having the princess of a country for you was a very rare event.
-I seemed like this line is missing "care," "cry," or some other verb in "of a country __ for you"
  • (v8.5 c4) Having traveled through infinite time and worlds, the goddess of dawn rested her feet in these feet.
-It seemed like the sentence should end in something like "in this valley," "in these plains," or "in this place."
  • (v8.5 c4) While this sword would protect her loved ones, subjugate the traitors and in the end it would protect her country in the long run.
-This structure of this sentence could probably use some revision ("in the end" and "in the long run" redundant, + I'm not sure if "while" is necessary). I could have guessed a revision, but there's a good chance it wouldn't be what you'd do.
  • (v8.5 c5) During that time, Koutarou and Alaia's eyes met for an instant.
-The word "eyes" was absent in the original TL. It seemed likely enough that I did make that edit, but that was technically a guess, so just bringing it to your attention in case it needs to be changed.
  • Flairan vs Flairhan
-The TL has used both Flairan (used first) and Flairhan (used more recently), though most uses of Flairhan have already been edited by someone else to Flairan. Looking at it again, if you have a prefered spelling, I can make the edits to make it consistent one way or the other.

--Warnis (talk)

Hello again, Warnis.

It's been a year exactly since my earlier comment, and what a wild ride Rokujouma has been. Volume 13 did not disappoint. That combat, that dragon reveal, that BLUE KNIGHT reveal. Overall, the novel has been a very enjoyable read. I have been following almost every Saturday for the past year; always eagerly awaiting your translation efforts. You, and the editors, have my sincerest gratitude for keeping up this manic pace for the last year. It's not an exaggeration to say reading your translations at work is the highlight of my shift. You are an amazing human being for bringing this little slice of happiness to those of us keeping up with your translation. Again, thank you. I hope for your success in not only this project, but what you do in life; as the effort you show clearly reflects your character very positively. I cannot express my gratitude enough, so I hope one more thank you will do. Thank you. --Perogi Perkle (talk) 05:08, 16 May 2016 (UTC)

Hello Warnis. Thanks as always for translating Rokujouma. When reading/editing, I came across a few things I had questions on, or made a few edits you perhaps should review (listed below).

  • There is a slight difference in spelling between Elexis' and Dextro's family names, an ending 'm' vs 'n' ( (v9, v13) Melcemheim versus (v7.5, v8.5) Melcemhein ). The difference could be intended, but if not, which should be used?
  • In the following line, the double 'worry' is a little awkward. From context, it seemed like the second worry might be able to be changed to something like 'pain' or 'discomfort'.
-(v10c7) It wasn't the time to worry about his own worry.
  • The following line in the originally posted translation appeared to me to be missing a word (desperate ___ barely) such as 'plea' or 'promise'. However, another user has since changed the line in a different manner (desparate -> desparateness). Just bringing it to your attention to make sure it's correct.
-(v10c7-original) Kii's desperate barely kept Koutarou's heart from breaking.
-(v10c7-current) Kii's desperateness barely kept Koutarou's heart from breaking.
  • There might not be anything wrong here, but in the following line, "always" makes it sound like this a habit of Kii. In the context, it seemed more likely that the line was speaking of only at the moment ("always showed" -> showed/revealed), but maybe it's as intended as is.
-(v10c7) After showing a stiff expression, Kii always showed a smile.
  • In the following line, I thought the word 'park' might have been missing to make it "amusement park colored orange", but it could be correct as is.
-(v10c8) And in the amusement colored orange by the sunlight, the roller coaster zoomed by at full speed.
  • The following two lines are after edits I made to add the bolded words (skirt, been); those edits seemed correct, but it's possible there is a more correct way to fix those sentences, so I'm bringing it to your attention in case.
-(v11c1) Just after their first meeting, Theia had her skirt tucked up by Sanae's counter attack.
-(v11c7) Like that, the woman who had hesitated for so long passed on while being seen off by Sanae, whom she had been after.

Rokujouma no Shinryakusha[edit]

Hi there!

Just saw v4 completed, and was wondering if u r going to continue translating it..

And thank you for translation work(thanks to other persons too who were helping u with it)


Using your translation[edit]

Hi !
Thanks for your translation ! I really like Rokujouma, it's one of my favourites LNs (I really liked before, but volume 8.5 settled it). That's why I want to translate it to my language (French) so that more people can read it. (Seriously, so few people know about it...)
So, can I use your translation to translate Rokujouma in french ?
Again, thanks for your translation ! (Yeah, I'm repeating myself, but that's how much I love Rokujouma)
PS: And sorry if I made mistakes, took me more than 15min just to write this, hahaha. ^^' --Kazugaya (talk)

Hi there, first of all thanks and good work for translating up to Volume 16 that's just finished today.
Might be too late to ask for this, since I've been doing it for the past..9 months, i guess? Currently, I'm translating your version of Rokujouma to my language (Indonesia), just because I like doing it, and to spread Sanae-chan's love all around the LN community in Indonesia(LOL).
So, I can use your translation to translate Rokujouma to Indonesia, right? Pretty please?
Sorry if I just asked for this after all this time doing the translations, and not even think for a second to ask you first about using it..
Ecchi-sama (talk) 18:11, 3 September 2016 (UTC)


Thanks you very much for your translation, they are smooth, fun to read and really easy to understand. I am translating your work to my mother language - Vietnamese. Just want you to know we are always hope for your next chapters. There are many Vietnamese fans of this Project, also. And in the end, I really hope you can translate the whole series in future. Have a nice day ya!--Elpsychris (talk)

Thanks a lot for your translations Warnis! I really enjoy reading your work every week and enjoy the regular updates, but don't burn yourself out!


The fourth sentence of your recently-posted volume 10 chapter 1 reads: "That is as obvious as the sun rising in the west and setting in the east."
Is that intended or just a mistake (sun rises from the east and sets in the west)?--Kemm (talk)

That would be a mistake :) --Warnis (talk)

Hello there, just re-reading V13C1 when i realized that the score sheet that Koutarou brought to Theia was shown as Theia: 218 and Koutarou: 862. It was stated that it was the score of the 5 people competing for the room, but if the totals are add up, it was 1080, not 900 as stated on V2. Just curious, is this the author's mistake, or a typo? If it's a typo, changing the 862 to 682 would solve it.. Ecchi-sama (talk) 07:38, 30 May 2016 (UTC)

862 is not a typo, in total there was always 1080 points, it's just that 180 of those were considered neutral points (6 tatami mats with 180 points each) --Warnis (talk) 16:42, 4 June 2016 (UTC)


Sorry if this is in the wrong plece and stuff (pretty new with this).

Is there a reason why only 2 chapters of VOL10 got uploaded here? On registration page it shows that VOL10 is fully completed and 3 chapters from VOL11 as well. Are posting only few chapters a week for reason or is there still something not done with the chapters?

He's posting only 1-3 chapters a week, with some rest between volumes, but keeps a back up of currently 2 full volumes (it has been growing with time). He seems to do so so as to not spoil us. This issue has been addressed in the past (by me at least).--Kemm (talk)


First of all, thank a lot for your translation! This series is awesome and so are you.

That said, the illustration on vol 4 specified that Theia's ship name (and consequentially Blue Knight's name) is Layous Fatra Veltlion. So why is he called Reios Fatra Bertorion in your translation? -- Khoai

Because maybe like in most people's case it didn't register? Good point noticing it. At least I didn't remember that illustration.--Kemm (talk)

Like Kemm said, I did not notice the name on that illustration at all. To be honest, I used the spelling used in the anime, but at this point, I feel like it's a bit too late to actually correct it. --Warnis (talk) 12:04, 6 February 2016 (UTC)


I've had a question regarding a certain illustration in volume 17. This one. Are you going to translate it just like you've done so in earlier volumes?

Thanks for the translationǃ --IcePhantom

Absolutely, it was already translated, but I missed uploading it. It's been fixed now. --Warnis (talk)


Thank you very much for your always great work.--Kemm (talk)

Just adding another thank you. Your work is amazing. You are amazingǃ --Hypernova (talk) 07:12, 7 September 2016 (UTC)\

This series might have been lost to the sand of times, but i am still grateful that you took your precious time and translated this series. For you, it might have been easier to just read it, but you translated it to us. I hope there will be more to come. it might not be rokujou, but i will still read it. Thankyou dear translator


Could you use help with editing volume 20/21, or any further volumes?

SniperIRL (talk)

At the moment, I don't need any further help with editing, but I appreciate the offer. Warnis (talk)

Edit for Vol 8 Ch 6[edit]


In https://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/index.php?title=Rokujouma_no_Shinryakusha!%3F:_Volume_8_Chapter_6, there's this sentence

"It was Yurika's new cane, Encyclopedia, and Koutarou's sword, Saguratin. Those two new magic tools had saved Maki's life. And it was almost definitely those that were behind the increase in room 106's magic power."

Should it be Signaltin instead?

--Chikafusa (talk) 14:44, 10 January 2017 (CET)

Side Stories[edit]

Hi there Warnis, great job and thanks for translating Rokujouma up until now. I just visited Mountain Pigeon's and Rinvelt'ssite, and they have quite the collections of side stories from Rokujouma (I recalled in one of the afterwords that the author called 'em 'Hercules' or something?). The question is, are you going to add it to BT or not? That's all, good day. Ecchi-sama (talk) 08:29, 31 January 2017 (CET)

The things we've been posting aren't Hercules, they're short bonuses that came from buying the volume at specific stores, Hercules are the side stories that Takehaya posts on HJ Bunko's web novel platform, and they get published with the actual volumes between arcs in groups of three, with another longer chapter added. Volume 20 was the first of these, 23 is the second, and 26 will likely be a third. -MPT (talk) 11:22, 12 February 2017 (CET)

Name change[edit]

Hi! Noticed that because of how furigana are in full size in the first volume you romanised "Kisshou" as "Kitsushou". Editors (mainly Ice) are changing it, but I thought it'd be better to tell you so that you're not surprised and won't continue to do the mistake. --Kazugaya (talk) 14:58, 28 February 2017 (CET)

Rokujouma licensing[edit]

Hello Warnis, from J-Novel's tweet and series page, it sounds like you've worked out an arrangement to have your translation officially released there. Congratulations! As there has been an official release, standard procedure is to delete all of the volumes from BT immediately. Though given the unusual nature of the situation, I wanted to check with you before taking action. Is deleting the volumes from BT as per normal BT policy consistent with any arrangement you have with J-Novel? --Cthaeh (talk) 18:15, 3 May 2017 (CEST)

J-Novel and I come to a deal that the already fan translated stuff will remain free, but as each remastered volume is released on the J-Novel site the ones here need removing, so currently only volumes 1-3 need to be removed, with one volume per month following after that. --Warnis (talk) 18:40, 3 May 2017 (CEST)

I don't really understand well how the "free to read" and "paid reading" work at J-Novel. If someone could explain it to me... --Kemm (talk)
Essentially, the remastered volumes will be free, while the new stuff (Volume 23 and on) will be paid content, for now. --Warnis (talk) 21:51, 4 May 2017 (CEST)