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:You will never truly master a language except by living it. I knew a girl who studied four years in college to teach Spanish here. Even at the end of those four years, I could run rings around her in Spanish, and her accent was atrocious. Then she went to Spain for a year. After that, she truly did know the language. My mastery of Spanish comes from having lived 16 months in Peru, and from having brought home my wife from there, thereby ensuring language practice forevermore. I have no such advantages with other languages, and for that reason have not mastered them. --[[User:Rpapo|Rpapo]] ([[User talk:Rpapo#top|talk]]) 19:41, 26 November 2015 (UTC)
:You will never truly master a language except by living it. I knew a girl who studied four years in college to teach Spanish here. Even at the end of those four years, I could run rings around her in Spanish, and her accent was atrocious. Then she went to Spain for a year. After that, she truly did know the language. My mastery of Spanish comes from having lived 16 months in Peru, and from having brought home my wife from there, thereby ensuring language practice forevermore. I have no such advantages with other languages, and for that reason have not mastered them. --[[User:Rpapo|Rpapo]] ([[User talk:Rpapo#top|talk]]) 19:41, 26 November 2015 (UTC)
:If you're curious, you might want to look at the program I originally cooked up back in 2010 to help me with translating for Baka-Tsuki, but which has been for quite a while now my 'secret weapon'. It is not perfect, and in fact still needs a lot of work, but I have been more concentrating on teaching myself Japanese than on teaching a computer to parse it. I just placed a copy over in DropBox. --[[User:Rpapo|Rpapo]] ([[User talk:Rpapo#top|talk]]) 13:59, 3 December 2015 (UTC)
==Golden Time Light Novel Translation==
That certainly sounds interesting, though, I'm having difficulty installing it properly. I bumped into this thread regarding the program: https://www.baka-tsuki.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=4691&hilit=Honyaku and read this: "To anybody lurking here and reading all this: don't try this unless you are running Windows X64 (preferably Windows 7 X64), with at least 6GB of memory installed on your machine. Doing so with less RAM may work, but it sure won't work very well and will certainly run slowly."
===Volume 5 - Postscript===
I have the required 6 gig of RAM, but sadly, it won't even install on my Windows 8 64-bit computer. Giving the error: "There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected". Any idea of why this might be occurring? -- [[User:Fukukaze|Fukukaze]] ([[User talk:Fukukaze|talk]]) 19:03, 03 December 2015 (MET ~ UTC+1)
So, I finally managed to complete the first page and I'll now share with you my translations. I have to say, it wasn't easy. Her story, an anecdote, is quite a weird one. Therefore, sorry if I misinterpret some things. Anyway, here you go:
:It is almost certainly running out of memory (or some other resource) while building the dictionary. That used to run fine on my old machine, which was Windows 7 X64 6Gb, so I have to guess it is running against another limit somewhere. Unfortunately, I cannot just ship you the completed dictionary file, as it is over 1.5Gb in size. My current machine has 32Gb, which I got not for the Honyaku program, but rather for the sake of Photoshop. --[[User:Rpapo|Rpapo]] ([[User talk:Rpapo#top|talk]]) 18:12, 3 December 2015 (UTC)
:'''なんだろう。疲れているんでしょうか。それとも歳のせいなんでしょうか。- "I wonder. Am I just exhausted? Or is it because of my old age?"'''<br />
:'''このところ「コンビニで買ったお弁当を温めてもらう」という普通の行為が妙に恥ずかしく思えてしまって、温めますか?- "One time, "I bought myself a heated lunch at a convenience store", but what seemed to be ordinary conduct turned out strangely embarrassing, as I asked the cashier: ´Could you warm this up for me, please?`"'''<br />
:'''に素直に頷けない人間になってしまいました。- "Frankly, the person didn't nod."'''<br />
:'''人が温めてもらっているところを見ても別になんとも思わないのに、いざ自分が、となると、なぜかどうしても照れてしまって、ついクールを気取って断ってしまう。- "Instead, the place the person showed me where I could warm it up wasn't particularly what I expected, and somehow, I felt really embarrassed, as he informed me really seriously."''' | Not too sure about this one, as "別になんとも思わないのに" sounds kind of vague. Also, I can't seem to figure out the literal meaning of "ついクールを気取って". The translation given is the best I can do here.<br />
:'''コンビニは家から至近、このまま帰って即食べるだけ、どう考えても温めてもらった方がいい局面なのに・・・・・・- "Since the convenience store is just a doorstep away from my house, I could've just gone back home immediately and eat it there, thinking about it this way, as I could warm it up there too, that would've been better..."'''<br />
:'''こ、これは誰かに頼まれて仕方なく買って行くだけであって、あたしには関係ない幕の内なんだからっ!- "Nevertheless, I just reluctantly went and bought it after the person requested me to (pay up), even though I had no interest in the boxed lunch."''' | This sentence seems to contradict everything that is said before, as far as my understanding goes. For that reason, I just have to assume that "関係ない" holds a completely different meaning here. Even so, I don't see what else it could translate to other than for example: ''I don't care about...'' or ''...has nothing to do with me.'' or ''...is not my problem.''.<br />
:'''か、勘違いしないでよねっ!みたいな顔をしてしまいます。- "I-I wasn't mistaken! Even so, the expression on my face proved otherwise."'''<br />
:'''なにかこう・・・・・・「温めますか?」が、「あっためるってことは、弁当、帰ってすぐ食うんだな!?今、めっちゃおなかすいてるんだな!?玄関入って即ガシガシいくんだな!?そうなんだな!?」- "Is there something wrong... "Would you like me to warm it up for you?", "No, the lunch box is warm enough and I'll eat it as soon as I get back home. Right now, my mighty stomach could suck up just about anything. So, I'll vigorously go and leave via the entryway. Yeah, that's right.""''' | Here, it's clear she's daydreaming, seeing as she uses quite informal language.<br />
:'''みたいなノリに感じられ・・・・・・いや。もちろん店員さんはただシフトに入っているだけ、レジを捌いているだけであって、そんなことを個々の客に対していちいち考えているわけがないということはわかっています。わかっているのに、それでもどうしても、やっぱり恥ずかしい。- "I felt like having seaweed, but... well. Of course, only the cashier had just started his/her shift and he/she is merely handling the cash register, so I know that there is no way he/she is able to think about each and every individual customer. I know that, yet, I still feel totally embarrassed."''' | Because Japanese barely makes use of personal pronouns (unless it's really necessary), I just used "he/she", since we don't know the person's gender. Though, we can't put that in the translation of the novel, can we? So, any ideas to solve this problem? Another note: what does she find embarrassing here? I don't understand...<br />
:'''頷けない。要するに私は「おなかがすいている」という、生命体としては最も原始的な弱みを他人に悟られるのが恥ずかしいんでしょうか。- "I didn't nod. I simply said: "I am hungry.", as embarrassing as that might sound to others, I realize that is my most primitive-like weakness as a life-form."'''<br />
I don't think it's my memory, as I still got about 30 gig left on my local hard drive. My processor is an Intel Core i7-3630QM CPU @ 2.40GHz 2.40GHz, perhaps that's the issue? I'll try it on my desktop too somewhere tomorrow to see if it works on that computer. Sadly, if it turns out that it runs well on that one, the program won't be of much use to me, since my dad uses that computer most of the time. Anyway, if there's any information about my computer that you need, because you think that might be the issue, let me know and I'll look it up for you. -- [[User:Fukukaze|Fukukaze]] ([[User talk:Fukukaze|talk]]) 22:45, 03 December 2015 (MET ~ UTC+1)
Again, sorry for all the mistakes you'll find. The postscript does have a different feel to it than the novel itself. -- [[User:Fukukaze|Fukukaze]] ([[User talk:Fukukaze|talk]]) 20:38, 27 November 2015 (MET ~ UTC+1)
:Memory (RAM) space and hard drive space are not the same thing. My program requires about 1.5 gigabytes of hard drive space, and during installation requires about 6 gigabytes of memory (RAM), though it will run with less memory once the dictionary has been generated. --[[User:Rpapo|Rpapo]] ([[User talk:Rpapo#top|talk]]) 22:16, 3 December 2015 (UTC)
Done with the first half of page 2 as well! This time around, the sentences were rather easy to figure out.
Oh, I know. That's why I think it's weird that my computer refuses to install. I mean, I have the supposedly necessary 6Gb of RAM + the required 1.5Gb of HD space. Therefore, I'm curious to know what's causing the hiccup. It's sad, really. I'd have loved to check out the program, as it might be a good source to learn some more Japanese, while translating. -- [[User:Fukukaze|Fukukaze]] ([[User talk:Fukukaze|talk]]) 23:38, 03 December 2015 (MET ~ UTC+1)
:'''それとも結構な頻度でコンビニに食事を調達しに行っていることが恥ずかしいんでしょうか。- "Or, is it not okay that I'm going to the convenience store to procure meals every so frequently?"'''<br />
:'''なんにせよ、まるっきりの自意識過剰です。熟しすぎた自我の暴走が止まらない、三十四回目の夏であります。- "Though, I might just be a little over self-conscious, I can't stop my ever-maturing self, being in my thirty-fourth summer already now."'''<br />
:'''さて、ここまでお付き合い下さった皆様。この本をお手にとっていただき、ありがとうございました!心よりお礼申し上げます。- "Now, to everyone that kept up with me up till now and who picked up this volume, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!"'''<br />
:'''ちょっとでも楽しんでいただけましたでしょうか?読者の皆様のお力にて、この『ゴールデンタイム』も、どうにかこうにか本編五巻と外伝一巻まで巻数を重ねることができました。- "Did you enjoy reading it, even just a little? Because, thanks to the help of all of the readers, one way or another, we were able to complete up to 5 volumes of the main "Golden Time" novel and 1 spin-off novel."'''<br />
:'''もちろんまだまだこれからも続きますので、よろしければどうかこの先も、お付き合いいただけましたら幸いです。- "Of course, there's still much more to come, so please look forward to that and I hope you will all enjoy them."'''<br />
I'm fairly certain I didn't make too many translation mistakes here. If anything, I think only the wording could be optimized here and there. -- [[User:Fukukaze|Fukukaze]] ([[User talk:Fukukaze|talk]]) 02:41, 29 November 2015 (MET ~ UTC+1)
:What the program is good for is taking transcripted Japanese text and breaking it up into words, and then looking up the words in the dictionary. It speeds things up quite a bit, though it is far from perfect in what it does. --[[User:Rpapo|Rpapo]] ([[User talk:Rpapo#top|talk]]) 22:38, 3 December 2015 (UTC)
== Help on the Toradora project. ==
:I haven't reviewed your translation yet, though I've noticed you posting it. All I can say right now is (1) Yes, Takemiya is really different in the post-scripts (she's a nut), and (2) you're working faster than I was able to in the beginning. It took me two weeks to do my first page back in late 2009. --[[User:Rpapo|Rpapo]] ([[User talk:Rpapo#top|talk]]) 09:52, 29 November 2015 (UTC)
I do not really know how to contact me with anybody in this projecy but the Getting started page said that in the User Talk I could. I want to collaborate in the translation to spanish and in the future to portuguese.
Ah, no sweat, everyone has their own things to prioritize. I fully understand how real life can get the better of us sometimes, seeing as I'm in a bit of a busy period myself at college right now as well. Also, you've got your own parts to translate too. I just wanted to update on how things are going on my side, really. I wasn't expecting you to answer me right away. Whenever we're both completely sure about the accurateness of the translation, I'll add the postscript. No sooner, no later.
(1) Yes, it's really odd how Japanese people can sometimes act so dimwitted, but then, at other times, when they get serious, are able to put something together that literally blows you away.
(2) It's not exactly my first page, as I've got my own manga scanlation group, so I already have some experience. Though, it is true that this is indeed my first take at a light novel. The reason why I'm trying out this different kind of medium is because light novels provide a much better source to improve one's skill in Japanese, since the sentences are all written in formal language. Whereas in manga, the language used tends to be much more casual, as it is the characters who are doing the talking. -- [[User:Fukukaze|Fukukaze]] ([[User talk:Fukukaze|talk]]) 16:21, 29 November 2015 (MET ~ UTC+1)
:No he trabajado sériamente sobre este proyecto desde 2010, como he estado ocupado en otras cosas. Si quieres avanzar con la traducción al español, no hay ningún problem con eso. Verás que por un rato estuve trabajando en ponerlo al español, por solo por un rato. --[[User:Rpapo|Rpapo]] ([[User talk:Rpapo#top|talk]]) 18:23, 2 March 2017 (CET)
:Regarding the Japanese people, the expression that seems to fit the women, especially, is one from Spanish: ''se hacen los locos'', or "they play the fool". By playing the fool, you hide your real self. And I think the Japanese very much prefer to hide their real selves.
¿Con quién me puedo comunicar? En la página de la wiki dice que hable con Taiga, pero no se como hacerlo --[[User:Apolo399|Apolo399]]
:Regarding life's distractions and time spent on Baka-Tsuki, years ago it was my only project, but since 2012 or so I have gotten busier and busier with manga projects. Originally, it was just translation, but currently I do the entire scanlation for seven different series, translation on two more and proofing on several more. I have found myself trying to ensure that I do two pages for B-T each week, and most of the time (but not always) being able to do it. I do about thirty pages of scanlation per week. --[[User:Rpapo|Rpapo]] ([[User talk:Rpapo#top|talk]]) 21:46, 29 November 2015 (UTC)
Nevermind, already understood how to edit the pages. --[[User:Apolo399|Apolo399]]
First of all, here are the rest of my translations from the second half of page 2. The first half was okay, but she has yet again fallen back to her Aho attitude.
:'''そんなこんなで私は最近、肥大してしまった白意識のサイズに合わせて肉体の方も肥大させようと画策しております。- "Recently, I've done various things to try and enlarge the size of my white/blank consciousness, whilst also making a plan to build up my body."''' | Not too sure what she means with "白意識" here, so I just went with the literal translation.<br />
:'''決してデブりたい、という意味ではないです。筋肉をデカくしたい。- "By no means does that imply that I am trying to become chubby. I just want to use my muscles as I please."'''<br />
:'''アマゾンで購入したダンベル(とはいえ片手分たったの500グラム・・・・・・)を不器用に持ち上げ、振り回し、目指すは「一見して筋肉質だとわかる人」。- "For those who are bad at lifting, go purchase a dumbbell/halter on Amazon (just one of 500g...), work out and set your aim "so people will realize how muscular you are at first glance"."'''<br />
:'''今は哀しいほどにぷよっぷよの水饅頭みたいな肉体で生きているのですが、来年にはきっと装着しているはずです。- "You might be pitiful right now, to the extent that your body looks like a gelatinous water-filled Manjuu (steamed bun) that is coming to life, though, by next year you ought to have surely developed somewhat."'''<br />
:'''硬い筋肉の鎧を。そしてもりもりの僧帽筋を存分に用いて頷いているはずです。- "To acquire strong armored muscles. And so, I expect everyone to agree to freely utilize it in order to train their musculus trapezius (used its Latin name) with great enthusiasm."'''<br />
:'''はい、温めて下さい、と。それでは、あとがきの最後まで読んで下さった皆様。改めまして、本当にありがとうございました。- ""Yes, please do warm it up for me". And with that, I thank all of you who read all the way up to the end of my postscript. Or, allow me to put that more formally, I truly want to thank every single one of you."'''<br />
:'''そして駒都えーじ先生、担当の湯浅さま、次巻も引き続きよろしくお願いいたします。- "And now, to Komatsu Eeji, who is in charge of Yuasa-sama, thank you in advance for continuing to work hard towards the next volume as well."''' | I have a feeling she's trying to say ''"to my illustrator"'', using "湯浅さま", as I don't know who ''Yuasa'' refers to if it is actually a name. So then, making ''"And now, to my illustrator, Komatsu Eeji, ..."''<br />
Yes, Japanese women do usually tend to be more introverted than anything else, but, somehow, that makes them cute. At least, in my opinion, that is.
Hi I'm new to baka-tsuki and I'm not sure if this is how I should do it, but I'd love to work as a project editor for Golden Time. I'm proficient in the English language and am good at spotting errors in both text and grammar.
Oh my, sounds like a very busy schedule. But, nothing's too much when you really enjoy it, isn't that right? I guess that, normally, I also translate about 30 pages a week, seeing as I am one of the main translators on the team (we've got 4). From now on, I'll do my very best on helping you get this series translated quicker. It must be getting somewhat boring, working on the same series for so long, isn't it? I see some people have helped you over the years, but, after some quick research, they didn't do much, did they? In any case, I'll try not to let you down. I'll contribute my part every week, starting now.
I'd be glad to work with you on the project if you need editors - [[User :Thatguy|Thatguy]]
:'''竹宮ゆゆこ - Takemiya Yuyuko'''<br /> -- [[User:Fukukaze|Fukukaze]] ([[User talk:Fukukaze|talk]]) 02:02, 30 November 2015 (MET ~ UTC+1)
:Frankly, I'm not worried about my English. It's my Japanese I can always use a second opinion on. --[[User:Rpapo|Rpapo]] ([[User talk:Rpapo#top|talk]]) 21:59, 30 May 2019 (CEST)
:Do you use DropBox?
No, I don't. I just use Google Drive, but if there's a need for me to make myself an account on there, I'll do so immediately. -- [[User:Fukukaze|Fukukaze]] ([[User talk:Fukukaze|talk]]) 09:53, 02 December 2015 (MET ~ UTC+1)
:I will need your e-mail. Don't post it here, but rather PM me on Batoto (same ID as here). The way DropBox works, I sent an invitation to your e-mail, and that message will contain what is necessary to install the DropBox client on your machine. The purpose, in this case, is to share my Baka-Tsuki project folder, which contains all my working document files (in Microsoft Word format). --[[User:Rpapo|Rpapo]] ([[User talk:Rpapo#top|talk]]) 10:52, 2 December 2015 (UTC)

Latest revision as of 21:59, 30 May 2019


Se me olvidaba, voy al 20% del capítulo 1, pero me he acordado de algo, habría algún problema con que la traducción se pusiera al lado de la versión en inglés? (como el prólogo).

Saludos. ClavelSangrante 18:14, 21 January 2012 (CST)

No hay ningún problema con eso por ahora, pero una vez que avanze bien, entonces podremos (de hecho, debemos) hacer una página principal para Golden Time en español, tal como se hizo para Toradora y varios otros series. De ese modo toda la presentación se podrá ver en español. Haré la página para capítulo uno de una vez . . . --Rpapo 18:24, 21 January 2012 (CST)

Muchas gracias. ClavelSangrante 19:19, 29 January 2012 (CST)

Sorry for the delay I've been quite busy. ClavelSangrante

No estoy grandemente preocupado. --Rpapo 20:16, 23 June 2012 (CDT)

It's me *.*.124.10. I've mailed you some days ago. -- Guolker 13:27, 12 July 2012

Oh yeah. Gotta go over to the page and remove my note . . . --Rpapo 06:41, 12 July 2012 (CDT)

Bastante tiempo ha pasado cree una pagina para Golden Time Español. Tengo una pregunta, aqui: ""Ah... I'd like some ice cream after all..." making such a face while the two paid their bill" en el capitulo 1 de la novela 1 se refiere a que 1- Su cara reflejaba que queria helado. 2-las dos oraciones en verdad no tienen relación entre si.¿? ClavelSangrante (talk) 22:26, 27 May 2013 (CDT)

De lo que veo, era Z-One quien añadió la palabra 'such.' Mi versión original era este: "Not to waste any time in choosing, he grabbed the first person handy, “Ah... I’d like some ice cream…”, making a face while the two paid their bill, standing at the register. However," La persona a quien se agarró figurativamente era el atendiente.--Rpapo (talk) 05:01, 28 May 2013 (CDT)

Re: Golden Time[edit]

As you've mentioned, most of my changes were grammatical or stylistic, as I'm not actually a translator. I just tend to correct what minor mistakes I see as I leisurely read. If you have any problems with what I do, please don't hesitate to tell me. BladeUnderHeart (talk)

I have no issues whatsoever with the kinds of changes you made. For the most part, they helped the flow and made it sound more natural in English. Like I said, I find myself getting too wound up in the very different grammar of Japanese. Combined with the fact that I am already accustomed to thinking backwards in Spanish, I sometimes lose track of what sounds best in English. --Rpapo (talk) 04:48, 12 September 2012 (CDT)

I don't know if you are following my talk page so I'm dropping my response here (feel free to move it to my talk page as I see that you like threaded conversations): About the change of the titles, I didn't know that you used markings in the navigation for the main page, and seems rather odd for me the use of them (most projects just use [[Golden Time|Main Page]] for the navigation and be with it), so sorry for being careless and not checkout for that. The spanish translation, I, as native spanish speaker, could just complete the volume one if a spanish project page is created like a teaser, giving the formalities to the spanish project, when I finish reading the actual translated pages and picks my interest (I haven't done any "real" work at B-T but minor typo fixing and correct use of the wiki, so I consider to stopping being leecher at some point of my life). And following your response, I suppose that you didn't had problems with the use of a single link pointing to the forums instead 1 for each volume, that has as target the same link and would be more aesthetic than including them in each volume.

If you want to play with the Spanish translation, ¡provecho! I have no problem with it getting it's own Spanish project page if the translation itself gets big enough to warrant it. As for the forum link, I myself wasn't involved with that . . . that was Simon and l.kostas. They added those links. My only action was to move them off the volume title line because they were breaking my link setup. My links are fancier than most, mostly because I figured out how to make them so. 8-) --Rpapo (talk) 08:05, 11 April 2013 (CDT)

Replying your message to me: If you mean that I have to make my own Indonesian Golden Time page, I have already do that Indonesian Golden Time. I just alter the Registration Page on English version of Golden Time to notice that I do the Indonesian translation. (Sorry if I have bad English) -- Akishima (talk) 14:35, 28 January 2014 (CST)

That change wasn't the problem. The problem was when you changed the link from the Illustrations page to the Main page. You need to create a clone of the Illustrations page for your Indonesian version, and link to that instead. And while you are at it, you can make the whole page in Indonesian to suit yourself. --Rpapo (talk) 15:30, 28 January 2014 (CST)

Toradora! Spin-Offs[edit]

I was looking into the spin-offs for Toradora and found you were the last to work on the second one. Do you have any plans to do more with it? I really love the series, so thanks for what you've done on it so far. --Fallton13 (talk)

It's in my backlog, but I don't see myself working on it again anytime soon. My currently active projects are the Golden Time light novels and their scanlations and the Evergreen manga scanlation. When you consider that I'm an guy in his 50s with a job, house and wife, it's a miracle I'm able to do what I am doing. FWIW, my full backlog includes Toradora Spinoff 1-3, Watashi-tachi no Tamura-kun 1-2 and even Nareru SE 1-7. But it would take a miracle for me to get fast enough in translation to tackle all that, and to get the time would require me to retire (not for another ten years at least), or to be suddenly unemployed (not something I want at all). --Rpapo (talk) 04:57, 8 November 2012 (CST)

LOL. I understand completely. Having only a couple of hours to yourself each day, if that even, is quite rough. I'm only in my mid-30's with a job, house, wife, teenage kid, 2 cats and 2 dogs and live-in parents, so I can comprehend. It's a bit disappointing, and I'm not one of the "beggers" so I'll just say thank you very much for your contributions. And I'll even throw in a BIG thank you for your contributions to the Evergreen manga. I've really enjoyed it so far and look forward to more. The Golden Time manga on the other hand has thus far disappointed me (no fault of yours of course), but that always happens when I read a manga AFTER the novel. LOL. --Fallton13 (talk)

I never held out very high hopes for the Golden Time manga myself, after seeing what they did with Toradora and Watashi-tachi no Tamura-kun. In both cases, they were manga where they put a competent (but not inspired) artist to work adapting the real work to another form. Such derivitives rarely measure up to the original, and were done entirely for the sake of reaching out to more people (and raking in more money along the way). That said, though, the manga is drawing people to the light novel, and has shed some light on certain aspects of the story: things I missed or misunderstood while translating the novel. --Rpapo (talk) 04:57, 9 November 2012 (CST)

Forum messaging issue[edit]

Hi, I have a problem with my forum account and was directed to your talk page from http://www.baka-tsuki.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=16&p=199644#p199644.

Basically, my forum account is unable to send private messages and I'm hoping to have that function restored. Anything you can do about this?

Thanks, Lygophile (talk) 18:40, 5 August 2013 (CDT)

You should be set now. I don't get notified by e-mail when people "graduate", so I check the list every day or so. If you suddenly post a bunch of messages to get past 10, I don't automatically show up. --Rpapo (talk) 18:47, 5 August 2013 (CDT)

Thanks. So it was because I had less than 10 posts. I was a bit confused because several years ago I was able to send messages just fine (I guess because the 10 post system wasn't there yet). Lygophile (talk) 18:56, 5 August 2013 (CDT)

The current system was put into place about a year ago to thwart spambots. -- 19:02, 5 August 2013 (CDT)

About the Bot[edit]

I've answered on my talk page. -- SysadmSimon

I saw. All I can say is that Cloudii needs to check his list better. Bots like that are dangerous things. --Rpapo (talk) 18:48, 24 June 2014 (CDT)
ah, found it. The template that is used if not... complete. -- SysadmSimon
Fixed. -- SysadmSimon


Thanks! I'm glad to be a part of the site! To be honest, I wanted to join Baka-Tsuki ever since I discovered the community and contribute some stuff to it, but I guess I just kept postponing that until now, huh? Though I'm still not a full-fledged Japanese translator, I always try my hardest on whatever I'm working on! I wanted to go and study Japanese at college, but my parents didn't let me, saying I should study some languages that'll be more suitable to find work with in the translation business in the future. They also said it's no problem if I study it in my free time for now and then later on pick up a 6-month course for it or something after I graduate. After that, I can always choose what step I'll be taking next. Anyway, if you don't mind, I'll start translating the postscript of volume 5 (2 pages). When I'm done with that, we'll see what I can work on next. I have to mention though that I'll still be somewhat busy for about 1 week, as I've got a few semestrial tests coming up and a few presentations I'll have to bring as well. But, I'll translate whenever I've got some time to spare. -- Fukukaze (talk) 22:18, 25 November 2015 (MET ~ UTC+1)

Your parents know something. I am not a professional translator, but rather an old time computer geek, having been paid to do such work for nearly forty years now. Translation, for me, is a hobby and a source of mental exercise not connected to my job. I am fluent in Spanish, having learned it after college, in the early 1980s. But I've never needed to use that fluency as a job, and frankly, my normal job pays far better than I could ever dream of doing as a translator. Translation, as a job, doesn't pay very well. At least that is what I have seen over time. --Rpapo (talk) 23:41, 25 November 2015 (UTC)

I know, they want to assure that I'll have a bright future ahead of me. Therefore, I do try to listen to their input and from that make a final decision that'll make both of us happy. I am well aware of the fact that translating isn't the most well-paid job out there, but still, I'd rather do something which I'm able to put my whole heart into than do something which I don't even feel like getting out of bed for. I love it, because, when your finished work is published you can look forward to the reviews that will soon come out. Even during translation, no matter how boring you find the series to be, the thought of possible happy fans always makes it that much more worthwhile and exciting. But I see, you're in the IT business, huh? I studied IT management at high school before switching to languages at college. From my research at the time, it's definitely true that some jobs in the sector do pay incredibly well. Perhaps, if the pay as a translator isn't enough, I could do some freelance work as a webdesigner. Though, I'd have to study up on that quite a bit to pull it off. Also, never expected someone of your age to be "working" as a translator for B-T, hahah. Even so, the same might happen to me too. Becoming an otaku is by far the most interesting thing that happened in my life up till now (yeah, you're right, I'm quite dull). I hope I stay fascinated by this world that I discovered 2 years ago. Though, that is probably what every otaku youngster says at his/her age. A lot can happen over time; a lot might have stayed the same, but, just as much, a lot might have changed. Who knows, in 2 years from now, I could suddenly be obsessed with opera, listening to classical music, while reading the poetic works of Samuel Beckett. (laughs) I'm curious, and I'm not kidding when I say I ask this to every translator I meet, but what made you decide to start studying Japanese and, on top of that, become a fan translator? -- Fukukaze (talk) 12:55, 26 November 2015 (MET ~ UTC+1)

Why Japanese? The challenge. Becoming fluent in Spanish seemed too easy. In any case, years before I was exposed to anime or manga, or anything otaku-ish at all, I had chosen Japanese as a challenge to myself. Years after that, and independently of that, my daughter became an anime fan (2002), and I was enlisted to drive her and her friends to a local anime not-convention (conventions were against the rules in the particular university where this was happening). They all cos-played, and got to play the indulgent father and driver. The shows were good, though, and the people funny. Anyway, fast forward a few more years. My employer of the time suddenly started sending me to various non-English speaking places in support of the product I cared for then. Twice to England (2005,2006), once to Brazil (2006), once to Poland (2007) and once to Italy (2008). Before going down to Brazil I tried to cram on Portuguese, thinking it would be easy since I was fluent in Spanish already. Nope. Fortunately everybody there could understand my Spanish. I had many months notice before going to Poland, so I studied quite a bit that time. And before Italy, I tried to cram a bit, but I had very short notice on that trip. After getting back from Poland (early 2008), I found myself in a book store and found the Pimsleur CDs for Japanese. I bought them, and that started a time of rather obsessive study in Japanese. During that time, I returned to the anime my daughter had showed me, and bought more. Soon, I discovered manga as well. I discovered the manga Toradora, which led to the anime version, and eventually to the Baka-Tsuki light novel translations of the same. Finding myself in need of some way to learn better how to translate, I started working on Toradora Spinoff 2. It took me two weeks to do my first page. Thousands of pages of translation later, I am a little bit better now. --Rpapo (talk) 14:18, 26 November 2015 (UTC)

Hmm, interesting story indeed. So, if I understand correctly, you can speak about 3 languages rather fluently, besides English, namely Spanish, Japanese and Polish (?). Plus, you know a bit of Portuguese and Italian as well. That's quite the assembly of languages you have under your belt. Compared to that, I'm almost analphabetic. (laughs) My story isn't as interesting, but I'll share it with you anyway. It all started back in 2013, when I was rather obsessed with the Pokémon games, battling with others online in a competitive and professional (with this, I mean that I came up with my own strategies and didn't just use random moves) way. Though, in the second half of that year, my interest suddenly started to diminish (I was into it for almost 2 years by then, after all). It started to sway more toward general gaming, more in particular, horror games. So then, this became my main hobby at the time for about half a year. During the summer of 2013, I got this sudden feeling of nostalgia, while listening to some of the soundtracks of the first Pokémon movie (I truly love some of them), to go and rewatch Pokémon. After doing so for about a month, I looked for something similar. As I never really properly watched Digimon, I gave that series a watch. Nearing the end of my summer break, I wanted to end it with watching Beyblade. I knew they were all originally Japanese series, but I hadn't heard of the term "Anime" yet at the time. Since I finally ran out of ideas for what to watch next (staying in the animation category), I searched on Google for some recommendations. While doing so, I noticed the term "Anime" being mentioned several times. Therefore, as I was curious to the real meaning behind it, I looked it up. Then, I found out "Anime" is a term that western people use to label "Japanese animation". Seeing as I became interested in this new kind of animation that I hadn't heard of before, I looked up some awesome shows in that particular style. After this, I started watching series like Bleach, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Amagami, etc. That was the turning point. Having watched several Japanese "Anime", I finally became what people call someone who is obsessed with Anime and Manga, an Otaku. From there on, my interest in the Japanese culture increased tremendously. A little while later, I also acquired an interest in learning the language, as it's quite neat. So, I began studying the language, soon afterwards already trying out translating music. At present, my Japanese skill level lies somewhere between "Advanced Beginner" and "Competent", following the 5 stages of acquiring expertise. -- Fukukaze (talk) 17:05, 26 November 2015 (MET ~ UTC+1)

While I know full well that my Spanish is near college level, I would not try to rate my skills in Japanese. My Japanese is highly skewed in the directions I have needed, and is not at all what professional teachers would consider to be a 'balanced' education. I am pretty sure I would flunk most of their basic skills tests. And forget about verbal skills. Without somebody to practice against, my skills are almost entirely in the reading and translation area, and even there are far from fluent. --Rpapo (talk) 16:28, 26 November 2015 (UTC)

I hope my Spanish will improve a lot too. By the time I graduate 3 years from now (if everything goes well...), I am sure that I will be able to hold some basic conversations with natives, at the very least, though, I am aiming higher than that. My Japanese, as I have also studied it by myself, is indeed pretty slanted. Still, I learned the basics as they should have been learned, I think, starting with memorizing all the katakana and hiragana. Afterwards studying some of the basic grammar and common phrases. However, after that, I mainly learned more by analyzing others' translations, watching anime, reading visual novels and trying to read manga myself (raw). I would probably flunk most of their basic skills tests as well, as I still struggle a lot with the readings of Kanji. Also, it's the same here. My understanding of Japanese itself is decent (at best), but don't ask me to start conversing with a native from the language or write Japanese sentences from scratch. To be able to master those, I certainly need a few more years. -- Fukukaze (talk) 19:14, 26 November 2015 (MET ~ UTC+1)

You will never truly master a language except by living it. I knew a girl who studied four years in college to teach Spanish here. Even at the end of those four years, I could run rings around her in Spanish, and her accent was atrocious. Then she went to Spain for a year. After that, she truly did know the language. My mastery of Spanish comes from having lived 16 months in Peru, and from having brought home my wife from there, thereby ensuring language practice forevermore. I have no such advantages with other languages, and for that reason have not mastered them. --Rpapo (talk) 19:41, 26 November 2015 (UTC)
If you're curious, you might want to look at the program I originally cooked up back in 2010 to help me with translating for Baka-Tsuki, but which has been for quite a while now my 'secret weapon'. It is not perfect, and in fact still needs a lot of work, but I have been more concentrating on teaching myself Japanese than on teaching a computer to parse it. I just placed a copy over in DropBox. --Rpapo (talk) 13:59, 3 December 2015 (UTC)

That certainly sounds interesting, though, I'm having difficulty installing it properly. I bumped into this thread regarding the program: https://www.baka-tsuki.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=4691&hilit=Honyaku and read this: "To anybody lurking here and reading all this: don't try this unless you are running Windows X64 (preferably Windows 7 X64), with at least 6GB of memory installed on your machine. Doing so with less RAM may work, but it sure won't work very well and will certainly run slowly."

I have the required 6 gig of RAM, but sadly, it won't even install on my Windows 8 64-bit computer. Giving the error: "There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected". Any idea of why this might be occurring? -- Fukukaze (talk) 19:03, 03 December 2015 (MET ~ UTC+1)

It is almost certainly running out of memory (or some other resource) while building the dictionary. That used to run fine on my old machine, which was Windows 7 X64 6Gb, so I have to guess it is running against another limit somewhere. Unfortunately, I cannot just ship you the completed dictionary file, as it is over 1.5Gb in size. My current machine has 32Gb, which I got not for the Honyaku program, but rather for the sake of Photoshop. --Rpapo (talk) 18:12, 3 December 2015 (UTC)

I don't think it's my memory, as I still got about 30 gig left on my local hard drive. My processor is an Intel Core i7-3630QM CPU @ 2.40GHz 2.40GHz, perhaps that's the issue? I'll try it on my desktop too somewhere tomorrow to see if it works on that computer. Sadly, if it turns out that it runs well on that one, the program won't be of much use to me, since my dad uses that computer most of the time. Anyway, if there's any information about my computer that you need, because you think that might be the issue, let me know and I'll look it up for you. -- Fukukaze (talk) 22:45, 03 December 2015 (MET ~ UTC+1)

Memory (RAM) space and hard drive space are not the same thing. My program requires about 1.5 gigabytes of hard drive space, and during installation requires about 6 gigabytes of memory (RAM), though it will run with less memory once the dictionary has been generated. --Rpapo (talk) 22:16, 3 December 2015 (UTC)

Oh, I know. That's why I think it's weird that my computer refuses to install. I mean, I have the supposedly necessary 6Gb of RAM + the required 1.5Gb of HD space. Therefore, I'm curious to know what's causing the hiccup. It's sad, really. I'd have loved to check out the program, as it might be a good source to learn some more Japanese, while translating. -- Fukukaze (talk) 23:38, 03 December 2015 (MET ~ UTC+1)

What the program is good for is taking transcripted Japanese text and breaking it up into words, and then looking up the words in the dictionary. It speeds things up quite a bit, though it is far from perfect in what it does. --Rpapo (talk) 22:38, 3 December 2015 (UTC)

Help on the Toradora project.[edit]

I do not really know how to contact me with anybody in this projecy but the Getting started page said that in the User Talk I could. I want to collaborate in the translation to spanish and in the future to portuguese.

No he trabajado sériamente sobre este proyecto desde 2010, como he estado ocupado en otras cosas. Si quieres avanzar con la traducción al español, no hay ningún problem con eso. Verás que por un rato estuve trabajando en ponerlo al español, por solo por un rato. --Rpapo (talk) 18:23, 2 March 2017 (CET)

¿Con quién me puedo comunicar? En la página de la wiki dice que hable con Taiga, pero no se como hacerlo --Apolo399

Nevermind, already understood how to edit the pages. --Apolo399

Hi I'm new to baka-tsuki and I'm not sure if this is how I should do it, but I'd love to work as a project editor for Golden Time. I'm proficient in the English language and am good at spotting errors in both text and grammar.

I'd be glad to work with you on the project if you need editors - Thatguy

Frankly, I'm not worried about my English. It's my Japanese I can always use a second opinion on. --Rpapo (talk) 21:59, 30 May 2019 (CEST)