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On Note 3, you can just fill in the name as what you think is best for now. I personally like Rogue Syan as the romanization. It can always be fixed later, if anything.
On Note 3, you can just fill in the name as what you think is best for now. I personally like Rogue Syan as the romanization. It can always be fixed later, if anything.
--[[User:Detalz|Detalz]] ([[User talk:Detalz|talk]]) 18:43, 23 July 2013 (CDT)
--[[User:Detalz|Detalz]] ([[User talk:Detalz|talk]]) 18:43, 23 July 2013 (CDT)
==Suggested revisions==
Edits made to chapter 7. Suggested revisions and other overly wordy questions below. Welcome back and thanks for your translations. --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh|talk]]) 19:16, 1 March 2014 (CST)
===Part 1===
The two swords met once more, and finally Orba’s sword was flung from his hands.
*I thought "was knocked from his hands" might be better, because flung is an action I typically associate with having been initiated by the person holding the object (Orba in this case), which wouldn't make sense here. Though it's possible that association is limited to me.
Loaded with confidence, Orba piled into Ryucown’s body. The rebel troops unintentionally raised shouts of surprise, and suddenly the main hall was filled with sound of metal clashing against metal.
*"Unintentionally" and "surprised" might be a little redundant. I'd probably remove "unintentionally" but it's relatively minor.
At the southern bottom of the hill,
*Suggested revision (if applicable): At the bottom of the southern hill,
The old general Rogue Saian could not contain his excitement and bloodlust, thus personally let his troops on the front line.
*It seems like it should be "led his troops", but it does work as is. (There was also one other let -> led change that I already made nearby in the text)
A single-seated airship flying close to the ground almost strafed him, shaking his hips, before pulling back toward a sky with a sharp angle. But in that instant, the ship suddenly lost its balance. One of the gladiators was clinging on to the airship’s tail end. The other gladiators quickly came swarming over, dragging the pilot from his airship.
*I'm just a bit confused what's going on here. How did the gladiators swarm the airship if it was flying? It might make more sense if the second sentence "But in that instant, the ship suddenly lost its altitude." Or it might be a little trickier
They didn’t need to completely annihilate their forces, inflicting 20 to 30 percent of damage was sufficient.
*This is a small item. I don't know if it would match the original, but in general I would expect the word choice to be "20 to 30 percent casualties was sufficient."
In a free-for-all, confused battle, even their messages became jumbled. He’d be lying if he said his own predictions weren’t sweetened up a bit.
*"Sweetened up a bit" seems to be used as an idiom, however I wasn't able to find anything to match the meaning. Keeping with the theme of freshness or taste, "weren't souring a bit" might have the right meaning. Or there are other alternatives outside that theme (ie "weren't fouling a bit", "weren't fraying a bit").
A new fleet of airships was already heading towards their position.
*For me personally, "fleet" indicates a larger group than I actually pictured in this scene. I was picturing something that I'd be more likely to call a "formation / group / contingent of airships".
Orba still tried to use his strength to deliver another blow, but the thrust passed as Ryucown had already moved around him in a semi-circle, and all he could do was fall forward. On all fours on the ground, a blade was placed to the nape of his neck.
*First sentence, it seemed like maybe something was missing, such as "passed through empty space". Or maybe it would be better just using with "missed" or "didn't make contact", in the place of the current "passed".
*Second sentence, the current wording somewhat implies, at least to me, that the tip of the blade was pointing at his nape. I somewhat expected it to be the edge of the blade that was against his nape; if that was the case, I suggest revision to "blade was placed against the nape of his neck."
Having lived through countless battles, this was his first time tasting defeat. For him, it meant that the heart that had been beating only for vengeance, would stop beating halfway.
*The second sentence, I wasn't really sure what it means for his heart to "stop beating halfway." My best guess was that something along the lines of he's losing (about half of) his reason for living. If that's the case I feel like there should be a better wording, but I can't think of any right now.
Orba’s heartbeat that was about to stand still, firmly started ticking away at a steady rhythm again.
*Suggested revision: Orba's heartbeat had been on the verge of stopping, but it firmly started ticking away at a steady rhythm again.
===Part 2===
“Princess, how far will you go with this military spirit?”
*"military spirit" is a little strange, I think. Perhaps some more common phrases would be "fighting spirit" or "rebellious spirit", but I wouldn't know if those fit the meaning.
Their eyes even seemed to be sad. From the start, she could never bear them any enmity or ill will. For, in their hearts, they all loved Garbera, and they all loved the flower of Garbera, princess Vileena.
*Just a note that I changed some things here (this is the new version), so just make sure to check that everything is as it should be. It looked like the things I added/removed were vestiges from the editing process.
“I don’t want to!!” the princess cried out that instance, but for what?
*I think it should be "that instant"?
“Six years ago… you were still aspiring to be a knight, but more of a knight than others.
*I think this is saying he wanted to be a better knight than most knights. If that's the case, I suggest "more of a knight than any other."
Ryucown was about to bring his blade up for a strike, and as everyone’s attention was focused on the princess, Shique took the chance to break out of his encirclement.
* "Was about to" implies intent but not actually starting the action, which I suppose could be true, it just seemed strange here to me. If he hasn't raised his blade, but had started the motion to, then I'd suggest "Ryucown started to bring …"
While Shique got into the seat behind her, she immediately fired up the engine, emitting ether, and the craft lifted the two of them up in the air.
*I think this is somewhat minor, but just to be on the safe side. Suggesting "… fired up the engine. Emitting ether, the craft lifted…"
As was to be expected, Ryucown’s face paled and he was about to run straight for the airship.
*"was about to" seems a little off here too, but perhaps not quite as much as the one above. I'm having a hard time pinning down exactly why I don't like it, so maybe just move on from this one.
The black blood that had mainly been keeping up his strength was about to run out.
*Suggesting deleting "mainly". I think it's current use puts the focus in the wrong place; and I couldn't think of a way to place the focus correctly without rewording the rest of the sentence.
A hole was drilled in the upper right part of his mask, creating a clean crack down to the middle.
*I can't really picture a hole being drilled in the mask (drilling doesn't fit for me). Without knowing the original and just looking at the rest of the sentence, I would say that "chip" might fit. Something like "A chip broke off from the upper right..." or "A piece chipped off from the upper right..."
“Until a few moments ago, I could see a nation of knights… but was this my limit? Tell me your name. I, Ryucown, won’t rest in peace if I’m defeated by a nameless man.”
*I deleted the line above this that seemed to be an unintentional duplicate, so just double check that everything is as intended with this line and surrounding text.
The soldier’s fighting spirit was mixed with rage. The gladiators who’d also rushed into a hall formed a circle around Orba. // Just then, they went for an attack on the Mephian air corps, about a dozen ships who had come back for supplies. The soldiers realized the situation, but they all pulled out swords and guns and surged onto the uppermost part of the fortress.
*I'm confused what's going on in the second paragraph (after the //). Who's "they" in "they went for an attack? What are they doing?
Slowly but steadily, Ryucown’s men came closer.
*Minor: I wanted to change to "... men closed in", but I don't have a very strong reason for that, so I'm putting it here as a matter of style to leave up to you.
...but the sword slaves silently stood with their weapons drawn, guarding him. '''Either side had the relentless urge to kill, and they became like colourless bullets as they charged toward each other, clashed into one another, and exploded.''' // In that instant, one could hear a battle cry washing over like a tsunami wave. Seen from the uppermost balcony, an army surged towards them like wildfire on the outstretched plains.
*The bolded sentence makes it sound like the gladiators and soldiers did in fact start fighting. However, I was picturing that scene as they both didn't move until a battle cry from the approaching army washed over them. So just checking, does that line mean they did start fighting before they heard the battle cry.
And at the very least they wanted to take revenge on the person standing before them who had killed their general, Ryucown. // But it were the Mephian forces approaching.
*Second sentence, it looks like it should be "it was the". I might also add some more to make it "But it was the Mephian forces who were approaching."
Illuminated by a line of fire, altering through the night sky, was the symbol of their birthplace,
*I don't think "altering" is the right word there. Some words that I would have expected are fluttering, flying, dancing, flickering, or waving. Obviously not all of those have the same meaning, I just wasn't sure exactly what the intent was.
===Part 3===
It wasn’t such a strange thing that some of the soldiers were showing strong feelings of heading out and joining Ryucown’s cause instead.
*Suggesting replacing "where showing" with "had", because it doesn't seem like something they can show.
The moment the gunfire died out, it felt like time itself had stopped. In the distance behind Vileena, the fires of war continued to burn and their colours were reflected in the Garberan soldiers’ eyes. In that instant, Shique saw realization run through them like a lightning bolt. Altogether, it seemed like they truly were knights lifting up their sword at the call of their liege.
*Whole paragraph is here just for context. Looking at the last sentence, I was a little confused. What I thought it was saying was that the soldiers' reaction to realizing it was Vileena demonstrated their loyalty and dedication to the royal family as knights. What I think confused me is that "lift up their swords at the call" makes it sound like they were taking some action in response to Vileena, which at this point I thought they just stopped firing and looked shocked. My suggested revision to address that would be:
::- Altogether, it seemed like they truly were knights who wielded their swords for the sake their liege.
I have of course no doubt that he loved his country and its people ...
*Comma use is something that I hate, so I'm not 100% on this, but I think it should be "I have, of course, no doubt that he..."
You haven’t only saved the fate of only me, but also of both Mephius and Garbera.
*Suggested/possible revision: You have saved not only my own fate, but also that of both Mephius and Garbera.
However, as part of the Garberan royal family, she had to withstand, especially if she wanted to accomplish anything after becoming the Empress of Mephius in the near future.
*I like "endure" to replace "withstand", if that's consistent with the intended meaning (I think the connotation is slightly different between the two).
That time after she’d boarded the airship and was unable to fly away at first, she was still torn between two countries and unable to choose.
*When was the time she boarded the airship this is referring to? Was it in Ch6? If so, wasn't she "stopped from flying away" rather than "unable to fly away"? Also, if I'm reading the sentence correctly, I think it should start with "Like the time..."
Like the commander of a victorious army, he walked with broad soldiers, accompanied to his left and right by two soldiers carrying sword and gun.
*End of the sentence, is one soldier carrying a gun and the other a sword, or are both carrying both? If it's the first, I suggested "carrying a sword and a gun." If it's the second, I suggest "carrying a sword and gun." I think it needs at least the one "a"; I think the use of two a's still leaves it a little ambiguous, but I feel like it somewhat implies the meaning I've a associated it with (though I could just be making that up).
There were many people gathered together calling out the prince’s name, raising jubilous voices and waving their hands in joy.
*I couldn't find a dictionary entry for jubilous, so I think it's technically not a word even though I think most people will understand what it means. Possible replacements
Maybe he was getting used to it, or maybe some kind of talent was beginning to sprout within, but every time the soldiers cheered when they glanced his way, he felt a glamour inside of him he’d never felt before.
*I don't think "glamour" is the right word there. Some replacements might be "sense of pride", "sense of satisfaction", satisfaction, or joy.
The blade was glittering as if it was still new, and it had been engraved with Orba’s name.
*Maybe it's just me, but I read it as "as if ... it had been engraved", which is not correct. I think the sentence structure is actually perfectly correct for it's meaning. But if you wanted to change it so my mis-reading, then a possible revision could just to split it into two sentences as "...still new. It had been". Also, this isn't wrong either, but I might just use "It/it was engraved with Orba's name" rather than "had been" (technically they it changes "engrave" from a past action, to a present description, but the resulting meaning is pretty much the same).

Revision as of 03:16, 2 March 2014

Note 1, there may be names I left untranslated until I can figure it out who they are based on the Chinese translation - Archmage

Note 2, I am also considering a few liberties with the text. Especially with the combat scenes. In the Chinese translation some of the words are condensed to 4 letter adages, so I have to expand a few sentences to make sense. Also, I might try to slightly deviate from the text, such as the repeat use of character's name during a string of action, replacing Obra with "gladiator" or Ryucown as "the knight" so the sentence flow would be easier

. ........................ ...................................................................................................

Started changing some things but I was pressed for time. I made some inline texts, but I'll leave it up to you for now what to do with it. I'll continue checking when I have a bit more time, but good job! And, again, thanks for joining the project!

On the above Note 2 - I will check the sentence flow with the Japanese and make suggestions if I deem it necessary, so don't worry about it. And I also omit names sometimes because 'Orba picked up Orba's cup' sounds silly, so you're free to do the same. THe important thing is that the translation won't feel awkward to read.

Oh, and I'll leave grammar corrections up to the editors. --Dohma (talk) 16:25, 22 July 2013 (CDT)

  • Ah, well, now I just learned how to use inline. This'll help me out, so i don't have to spam copy and paste, and can insert missing raw text in the appropriate areas. I'll start on the grammar corrections once this chapter is closed to being completed. For now, I'll either be catching up in the story, or proofing the rest of the translations --Detalz (talk) 16:48, 22 July 2013 (CDT)

On Note 3, you can just fill in the name as what you think is best for now. I personally like Rogue Syan as the romanization. It can always be fixed later, if anything. --Detalz (talk) 18:43, 23 July 2013 (CDT)

Suggested revisions

Edits made to chapter 7. Suggested revisions and other overly wordy questions below. Welcome back and thanks for your translations. --Cthaeh (talk) 19:16, 1 March 2014 (CST)

Part 1

The two swords met once more, and finally Orba’s sword was flung from his hands.

  • I thought "was knocked from his hands" might be better, because flung is an action I typically associate with having been initiated by the person holding the object (Orba in this case), which wouldn't make sense here. Though it's possible that association is limited to me.

Loaded with confidence, Orba piled into Ryucown’s body. The rebel troops unintentionally raised shouts of surprise, and suddenly the main hall was filled with sound of metal clashing against metal.

  • "Unintentionally" and "surprised" might be a little redundant. I'd probably remove "unintentionally" but it's relatively minor.

At the southern bottom of the hill,

  • Suggested revision (if applicable): At the bottom of the southern hill,

The old general Rogue Saian could not contain his excitement and bloodlust, thus personally let his troops on the front line.

  • It seems like it should be "led his troops", but it does work as is. (There was also one other let -> led change that I already made nearby in the text)

A single-seated airship flying close to the ground almost strafed him, shaking his hips, before pulling back toward a sky with a sharp angle. But in that instant, the ship suddenly lost its balance. One of the gladiators was clinging on to the airship’s tail end. The other gladiators quickly came swarming over, dragging the pilot from his airship.

  • I'm just a bit confused what's going on here. How did the gladiators swarm the airship if it was flying? It might make more sense if the second sentence "But in that instant, the ship suddenly lost its altitude." Or it might be a little trickier

They didn’t need to completely annihilate their forces, inflicting 20 to 30 percent of damage was sufficient.

  • This is a small item. I don't know if it would match the original, but in general I would expect the word choice to be "20 to 30 percent casualties was sufficient."

In a free-for-all, confused battle, even their messages became jumbled. He’d be lying if he said his own predictions weren’t sweetened up a bit.

  • "Sweetened up a bit" seems to be used as an idiom, however I wasn't able to find anything to match the meaning. Keeping with the theme of freshness or taste, "weren't souring a bit" might have the right meaning. Or there are other alternatives outside that theme (ie "weren't fouling a bit", "weren't fraying a bit").

A new fleet of airships was already heading towards their position.

  • For me personally, "fleet" indicates a larger group than I actually pictured in this scene. I was picturing something that I'd be more likely to call a "formation / group / contingent of airships".

Orba still tried to use his strength to deliver another blow, but the thrust passed as Ryucown had already moved around him in a semi-circle, and all he could do was fall forward. On all fours on the ground, a blade was placed to the nape of his neck.

  • First sentence, it seemed like maybe something was missing, such as "passed through empty space". Or maybe it would be better just using with "missed" or "didn't make contact", in the place of the current "passed".
  • Second sentence, the current wording somewhat implies, at least to me, that the tip of the blade was pointing at his nape. I somewhat expected it to be the edge of the blade that was against his nape; if that was the case, I suggest revision to "blade was placed against the nape of his neck."

Having lived through countless battles, this was his first time tasting defeat. For him, it meant that the heart that had been beating only for vengeance, would stop beating halfway.

  • The second sentence, I wasn't really sure what it means for his heart to "stop beating halfway." My best guess was that something along the lines of he's losing (about half of) his reason for living. If that's the case I feel like there should be a better wording, but I can't think of any right now.

Orba’s heartbeat that was about to stand still, firmly started ticking away at a steady rhythm again.

  • Suggested revision: Orba's heartbeat had been on the verge of stopping, but it firmly started ticking away at a steady rhythm again.

Part 2

“Princess, how far will you go with this military spirit?”

  • "military spirit" is a little strange, I think. Perhaps some more common phrases would be "fighting spirit" or "rebellious spirit", but I wouldn't know if those fit the meaning.

Their eyes even seemed to be sad. From the start, she could never bear them any enmity or ill will. For, in their hearts, they all loved Garbera, and they all loved the flower of Garbera, princess Vileena.

  • Just a note that I changed some things here (this is the new version), so just make sure to check that everything is as it should be. It looked like the things I added/removed were vestiges from the editing process.

“I don’t want to!!” the princess cried out that instance, but for what?

  • I think it should be "that instant"?

“Six years ago… you were still aspiring to be a knight, but more of a knight than others.

  • I think this is saying he wanted to be a better knight than most knights. If that's the case, I suggest "more of a knight than any other."

Ryucown was about to bring his blade up for a strike, and as everyone’s attention was focused on the princess, Shique took the chance to break out of his encirclement.

  • "Was about to" implies intent but not actually starting the action, which I suppose could be true, it just seemed strange here to me. If he hasn't raised his blade, but had started the motion to, then I'd suggest "Ryucown started to bring …"

While Shique got into the seat behind her, she immediately fired up the engine, emitting ether, and the craft lifted the two of them up in the air.

  • I think this is somewhat minor, but just to be on the safe side. Suggesting "… fired up the engine. Emitting ether, the craft lifted…"

As was to be expected, Ryucown’s face paled and he was about to run straight for the airship.

  • "was about to" seems a little off here too, but perhaps not quite as much as the one above. I'm having a hard time pinning down exactly why I don't like it, so maybe just move on from this one.

The black blood that had mainly been keeping up his strength was about to run out.

  • Suggesting deleting "mainly". I think it's current use puts the focus in the wrong place; and I couldn't think of a way to place the focus correctly without rewording the rest of the sentence.

A hole was drilled in the upper right part of his mask, creating a clean crack down to the middle.

  • I can't really picture a hole being drilled in the mask (drilling doesn't fit for me). Without knowing the original and just looking at the rest of the sentence, I would say that "chip" might fit. Something like "A chip broke off from the upper right..." or "A piece chipped off from the upper right..."

“Until a few moments ago, I could see a nation of knights… but was this my limit? Tell me your name. I, Ryucown, won’t rest in peace if I’m defeated by a nameless man.”

  • I deleted the line above this that seemed to be an unintentional duplicate, so just double check that everything is as intended with this line and surrounding text.

The soldier’s fighting spirit was mixed with rage. The gladiators who’d also rushed into a hall formed a circle around Orba. // Just then, they went for an attack on the Mephian air corps, about a dozen ships who had come back for supplies. The soldiers realized the situation, but they all pulled out swords and guns and surged onto the uppermost part of the fortress.

  • I'm confused what's going on in the second paragraph (after the //). Who's "they" in "they went for an attack? What are they doing?

Slowly but steadily, Ryucown’s men came closer.

  • Minor: I wanted to change to "... men closed in", but I don't have a very strong reason for that, so I'm putting it here as a matter of style to leave up to you.

...but the sword slaves silently stood with their weapons drawn, guarding him. Either side had the relentless urge to kill, and they became like colourless bullets as they charged toward each other, clashed into one another, and exploded. // In that instant, one could hear a battle cry washing over like a tsunami wave. Seen from the uppermost balcony, an army surged towards them like wildfire on the outstretched plains.

  • The bolded sentence makes it sound like the gladiators and soldiers did in fact start fighting. However, I was picturing that scene as they both didn't move until a battle cry from the approaching army washed over them. So just checking, does that line mean they did start fighting before they heard the battle cry.

And at the very least they wanted to take revenge on the person standing before them who had killed their general, Ryucown. // But it were the Mephian forces approaching.

  • Second sentence, it looks like it should be "it was the". I might also add some more to make it "But it was the Mephian forces who were approaching."

Illuminated by a line of fire, altering through the night sky, was the symbol of their birthplace,

  • I don't think "altering" is the right word there. Some words that I would have expected are fluttering, flying, dancing, flickering, or waving. Obviously not all of those have the same meaning, I just wasn't sure exactly what the intent was.

Part 3

It wasn’t such a strange thing that some of the soldiers were showing strong feelings of heading out and joining Ryucown’s cause instead.

  • Suggesting replacing "where showing" with "had", because it doesn't seem like something they can show.

The moment the gunfire died out, it felt like time itself had stopped. In the distance behind Vileena, the fires of war continued to burn and their colours were reflected in the Garberan soldiers’ eyes. In that instant, Shique saw realization run through them like a lightning bolt. Altogether, it seemed like they truly were knights lifting up their sword at the call of their liege.

  • Whole paragraph is here just for context. Looking at the last sentence, I was a little confused. What I thought it was saying was that the soldiers' reaction to realizing it was Vileena demonstrated their loyalty and dedication to the royal family as knights. What I think confused me is that "lift up their swords at the call" makes it sound like they were taking some action in response to Vileena, which at this point I thought they just stopped firing and looked shocked. My suggested revision to address that would be:
- Altogether, it seemed like they truly were knights who wielded their swords for the sake their liege.

I have of course no doubt that he loved his country and its people ...

  • Comma use is something that I hate, so I'm not 100% on this, but I think it should be "I have, of course, no doubt that he..."

You haven’t only saved the fate of only me, but also of both Mephius and Garbera.

  • Suggested/possible revision: You have saved not only my own fate, but also that of both Mephius and Garbera.

However, as part of the Garberan royal family, she had to withstand, especially if she wanted to accomplish anything after becoming the Empress of Mephius in the near future.

  • I like "endure" to replace "withstand", if that's consistent with the intended meaning (I think the connotation is slightly different between the two).

That time after she’d boarded the airship and was unable to fly away at first, she was still torn between two countries and unable to choose.

  • When was the time she boarded the airship this is referring to? Was it in Ch6? If so, wasn't she "stopped from flying away" rather than "unable to fly away"? Also, if I'm reading the sentence correctly, I think it should start with "Like the time..."

Like the commander of a victorious army, he walked with broad soldiers, accompanied to his left and right by two soldiers carrying sword and gun.

  • End of the sentence, is one soldier carrying a gun and the other a sword, or are both carrying both? If it's the first, I suggested "carrying a sword and a gun." If it's the second, I suggest "carrying a sword and gun." I think it needs at least the one "a"; I think the use of two a's still leaves it a little ambiguous, but I feel like it somewhat implies the meaning I've a associated it with (though I could just be making that up).

There were many people gathered together calling out the prince’s name, raising jubilous voices and waving their hands in joy.

  • I couldn't find a dictionary entry for jubilous, so I think it's technically not a word even though I think most people will understand what it means. Possible replacements

Maybe he was getting used to it, or maybe some kind of talent was beginning to sprout within, but every time the soldiers cheered when they glanced his way, he felt a glamour inside of him he’d never felt before.

  • I don't think "glamour" is the right word there. Some replacements might be "sense of pride", "sense of satisfaction", satisfaction, or joy.

The blade was glittering as if it was still new, and it had been engraved with Orba’s name.

  • Maybe it's just me, but I read it as "as if ... it had been engraved", which is not correct. I think the sentence structure is actually perfectly correct for it's meaning. But if you wanted to change it so my mis-reading, then a possible revision could just to split it into two sentences as "...still new. It had been". Also, this isn't wrong either, but I might just use "It/it was engraved with Orba's name" rather than "had been" (technically they it changes "engrave" from a past action, to a present description, but the resulting meaning is pretty much the same).