Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha:Volume 3 Chapter 1

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Runaway of the Loli - Ero - Succubus (Incomplete)

Status: Incomplete

62% completed (estimated)


3/5 parts completed


Part 1

School life. A set of repetition of fundamental routines.

Waking up in the morning, going to school, attending class, coming home.

It can be said that these routines range from persons who work diligently in extracurricular activities after school, or friends and lovers enjoying their youth in side trips.

--that aside, there are also a few “extraordinary” ones attending school life.

It is an annual event of a series of existing valuable opportunities.

Second semester will begin in less than a month.

The visit of the early autumn was felt in the early morning and midnight every day, as the Hijirigasaka Academy HR made announcements of the upcoming events.

“—I think everyone already knows it, but – the next month's Sports Festival will be held next month.” Mamoru Sakazaki, the homeroom teacher said it as students took glances of the print-outs handed to them containing the outline of the sports festival.

“To the new LHR, please take into consideration the participants in each event. Just in case, please elect some candidates because participating in an event according to what they like is a little too much.”

For a big event coming up, the faces of the students are divided into about three. The person who looks forward to it as an event. The person who on the contrary, dislikes it as if it is troublesome. And the person who isn't particularly interested.

“And— this time we will decide the committee for the sports festival. The staff will be composed of a boy and a girl.” However, when the class heard the words that Sakazaki uttered, the majority of the class’ faces became plainly seemed to be of dislike. With an honest reaction like that in the classroom, Sakazaki gave a wry smile.

“Don’t make faces of disagreeing. By the way, is there anyone who wants to volunteer?”

While when the whole class returns silence, Sakazaki thrusts both hands to the teacher's desk.

“Then so be it. You can nominate others if you desire. However, it’s not a bad thing to work as a staff in the school events. Incentives will be given to those who worked hard properly and it will be added according to work. If you are aiming for entrance into a school of a higher grade on the recommendation now is a good chance.”

“Mamo-chan sensei〜. How advantageous does the point addition of the school report increase my chance for an entrance examination?”

Sakazaki gave a shrug with a little smile as he answered the question one of the girls gave.

“That is up to your best efforts. But unlike the usual achievement test in entrance examinations, as for the examination for the recommendation to higher schools, the human nature is tested too. That is one of the purposes considered an advantage and the student council is in favor of that as well. And remember things like surprising and valuable opportunities appeal in terms of people who think positively.”

Then the chime rings. Sakazaki sets the attendance register with a tap to the desk and said with a laugh.

“Talk is over— though the first lesson was physical education, I am sorry the lecture became longer.”

Unlike normal class, preparations for physical education take more of a given period of time. Because change of clothes to the physical exercise clothes are necessary.

However, while a boy is taking out the gym clothes from the locker in the corridor, a girl has started movement to something like the plastic bag in her hands.

“Are the girl’s gym uniforms okay?”

“... Alright, because I didn’t use it today.”

Yuuki nodded as Basara asks along the corridor, and

“As I said, Basara, we are going to pool today.”

Suddenly, a voice came from the side without knowing it.

“…Aa, is that so.”

There is the swimming pool lesson that is done to except only in summer as one of the characteristic of Hijirigasaki Academy. This is because facilities for swimming including the sauna to warm the body in an indoor warm water pool are substantial.

“Although I already told you yesterday, you have already forgotten?”

“My bad. I was a bit careless.”

As Basara makes an excuse to Mio who knits her eyebrow, Yuuki tilts her head to the side, looking puzzled.

“…though Naruse-san and I showed you our bathing suit appearance last night?”

“O-Oi, Yuuki”


The fact that Nonaka spurted out caused Basara and Mio to be startled. Then,


Threatening atmosphere was born immediately behind Basara. Yes, probably this is a thirst for blood. Unable look back for the fear of seeing it, but, as for Basara, he is surely glared — now by other boys probably.

Not just Basara and Mio, Today was the fifth day Yuuki lived together with us. The fact, it was already well known not only in the class but the whole academy. ...... Well, I might say that it can't be helped... it cannot be kept a secret forever either.

Feeling jealousy from the other boys in the class, Basara while thinking of it sighed for a while. In Hijirigasaki Academy, beautiful girls like Naruse Mio and Nonaka Yuuki are unmatched in the academy.

Since I live with such two people, such small amount of envying it should be acceptable. In fact I had already seen the swimsuit figures of Yuki and Mio. …So it was.

Basara recalled the reason why he forgot the swimming lessons of Mio and Yuki. At the same time he wanted to forget it altogether. That Yuki and Mio have come to show the swimsuit to him, because of that loli-ero-succubus living together with them. And that devil and her naughty mischief was carried out as expected and turned it into a swimsuit fashion show.

Regrettable. Last night Mio and Yuki on his mind. Moreover the images overlapped of the two people right before his eyes right now. Therefore, Basara blushed and looked down as he took out the gym uniform in the locker.

“See you later, both of you. Takigawa, Lets go.”

“Hee? Ah oh yeah… so fast!? That’s dangerous, Basacchi, whats the rush!?”

He caught the arm of Takigawa in his rapid speech, and rushed at the corridor ignoring his surprise and tried to walk in a brisk manner. Mio and Yuki stared at them with blank expressions and left the other boys glaring at them behind. It is dangerous to recall what happened last night any further.

A nosebleed before the start of physical education and going to the infirmary is too early, whatever the circumstances may be.

When he changes his clothes, Tojou Basara keeps in mind that he must not be noticed by the public as much as possible. —The reason is five years ago.

It is because of the ghastly traces of serious wounds he suffered in his whole body when the tragedy attacked the village of the hero clan. Therefore to surroundings where the truth cannot be spoken, he made excuses that he suffered a road accident when he was young.

The door of the steel locker was opened, and as he took off the buttons and opened the front of his shirt,

“no matter how many times I see those scars I always feel amazed.”

Takigawa said in a heartily tone beside him as he also changes his gym uniform.

"The wound that I suffered when I was in the village has a long story, but was a very terrible incident."

Takigawa who is from the demon clan, with Basara who is a former Hero clan, knows the past when the ‘village’was attacked.

“What? I have changed already.”

As the second semester being over and the start of the summer vacation in the Hijirigasaki Academy, as well as the time that has passed when Basara transferred to this school for about one month, He was finished fabricating the lie. About the muscles that covered his entire body, he told that when it was because of consistent training of the rehabilitation after the accident.

That said, it cannot change the fact that it is not comfortable to look at. Therefore, to avoid exposing his body Like this to everone, Basara used the locker in the far end of the room. Changing his school uniform to gym uniform, Basara took the hanger and hanged his uniform and put it into his locker.

“Hm, you sure have it hard.” “What do you mean?”

Said Takigawa as he finished changing his clothes and he was asked back absentmindedly.

“Nah… does Basacchi’s village, have these various kind of injuries? However, including Nonaka, the colleagues that had come to the other day had beautiful and unscathed bodies. Do they have a good medicine or they have some kind of witch doctor there? And yet, Basacchi’s scars does not disappear. Besides Basacchi, Would there have been a fellow who had been rolled in an identical accident? That would be terrible.”

Basara turned speechless to those words.

Although he had allied with Takigawa, he did not tell him about the tragedy that occurred five years ago.

It is because he cannot talk about it recklessly. He can lose more than just that. As a result, Basara haven’t told Mio and Maria the detailed explanation of that incident.

However, Takigawa may guess it according to Basara’s circumstances. Therefore,

“It can’t be helped. For I’m the one who caused the problem”

Basara said as he closed the door of the locker and looked up — at the sky outside the window.

His thoughts drifted in a remote hometown faraway.

On the road of asphalt seen from the window, a little girl whom he recognized skipped by.


Basara uttered unintentionally, clinged at the window in a panic, and threw It open as he leaned forward. Then at the corner of his eyes the back figure of the little girl who passed by outside the men’s locker room turned to the side.

Ahead was the entrance of the school building. And the little girl entered at the hall in a composed manner. The profile of the girl was seen smiling at a moment, and a violent, nasty premonition swells up.

“What’s up with you, Basara?”

“This is bad, Takigawa. I suddenly felt a headache and felt dizzy, so I’m gonna excuse myself rom PE class. Just put a clever act to the teacher for me!”

Uttered Basara as he jumped out of the boy’s locker room.

Part 2

Naruse Maria entered the Hijirigasaki Academy school building and arrived at the target location.She had set foot on the classroom of Basara and the others.

Although there is a bit of distance from the entrance to the classroom, Maria was never questioned by anyone. Before entering the school grounds, a magic invisible to the public eye was performed. Within normal humans, demons like Maria are invisible.

“uhm— oh here it is, his seat.”

Maria strode along the classroom with light steps, and stopped in front of a certain seat.

She pulled out the chair and sit down, and pulled a satisfied nod.

“so this is Basara-san’s seat? Im sure in class he’s always, in a delusion of doing it, I wonder? Mou~ Basara-san teba~”

Maria did a rude remark without permission, and laughed.

“For Basara-san to do such things, Here I go, my lovely, magical, fantastic ma—“

“—There will be no such method!”

Suddenly a strike came from the rear.

“Ouch! Wha— Why is Basara-san here? You shuld be attending PE lessons right now!”

With an astonished expression, the loli-ero-succubus looked back. At that moment,

“Really, this fellow."

In spite of her childish appearance, upon witnessing her in the front of his eyes, Naruse Maria is a girl that have both cuteness and sexiness combined, Toujou Basara groaned unintentionally in his heart. Because of this, he cannot relax his guard against her. While having a pure childish body and mind with innocence, these women’s charms strongly stimulate a man’s instinct at the same time. Basara, while surpressing the disturbance that he felt,

“…I saw your figure from the window of the locker room. Because of that I departed from being present in class.”

While being told, Maria‘s face seemed joyful right away,

“Haha—n. Mou Basara-san teba-, so worried about me that he decided to cut class”

“Aa, I totally felt more dead than alive—If I were to leave you alone I predicted that you might start something bad. — And? What on earth are you doing in another person’s desk?”

“I was going to cast a magic that will make girls want to rub their most sensitive parts in these four corners of the desks”

“What kind of harassment was that!”

“eh? Don’t you want a 5 person orgy in your desk?”

"I don’t! and I prefer the normal desk!”

Maria felt at loss, then

“How regrettable. It will surely be the best in school, a desk to whom everyone can form a line and do it”

There cannot be a waiting for such worst line. To go to that extent is like a painting of a scene in hell, it seems.

“Good grief… to think that you came here suddenly, Is too strange for a funny mischief?"

“Eh? No, Never! Never! Pardon me Basara-san. But what do you think of me for?"


“How cruel! That silence, what an impolite response!”

Maria said, becoming furious.

"Time passes very much before you came. For Mio-sama, I came to confirm whether there is a problem or not and to confirm her safety. Because I haven’t done these things for a long time after you came, even I intend to look in various ways.”

“Indeed. You have a point…”

“Yes. Ah, I had made you cut your long awaited class, Basara-san, If you like, do you want me to keep company? Together the confirmation can be more effective."

“Although I don’t really mind skipping class and it’s not really “long awaited”. You have a point. It is better if we go together…. However it will be bad when found loitering around the campus during lessons”

“In case we are discovered we must make sure to be prepare ourselves, isn’t it? Furthermore Basara is a former member of the Hero clan. You know how to neutralize your own presence in the public, right?”

“That is, even though I can erase my presence well…. Why will you go far to that extent?”

It is natural that their existence must not be known to the world, so one of the basic skills that the hero clan must learn is the way to erase their presence by the general public. At present, it is used when sneaking in hell, etc. and it is possible for Basara and Yuki to act secretly where no one will found out.

“It is for Mio-sama’s sake.” She said with a straight face. After meditating for a little while,

“Understood. I’ll go with you.”

Basara replied with a nod— one minute after that.

“……Oi, Maria”

A low call originated from a regretful Tojo Basara.

Basara just now, is in front of the place that Maria said to be visited to confirm Mio’s security. To make sure that the security is top priority, Basara joined to the company for investigation, which is to men’s forbidden domain— the girls’ toilet.

“What are you hesitating yourself for, Basara-san."

“Errrr….. that is not the problem here.”

With a suppressed voice, the loli-ero-succubus declared calmly.

“No. That is the problem here. Basara-san, what on earth are you ashamed of? Toilets are spaces with half-closed rooms. If we let our guard down, the enemy will have a chance to make things even during the opportunity. Here is the place most likely to be targeted. Yet why are you not doing it? Basara-san, don’t tell me you would not intend to help me if there is a chance Mio-sama will be attacked in the restroom?”

"No….. its not like that.”

“Then, in preparation for an emergency, how are you supposed to act if you don’t know what’s happening in the inside?”

“No. In case of rough situations I would certainly hear it from you to know it, and…”

“Hearing a hundred times cannot match a glance. What would you do to be absolutely sure without really seeing it?"

Maria sighed with a mix of disappointment.


Basara nodded due to lack of excuses. Certainly in the situation where danger approaches, there should be no composure to feel shame and hesitation. If you think of Mio first, It is necessary to take into consideration the privacy from her daily life. But it won’t allow him to ensure the security as much as possible if he doesn’t do it. Therefore, Tojo Basara made up his mind and set foot to the ladies room. Of course it’s his first time to experience this. The moment when the first step had set foot in the floor — a sense of guilt invaded the forbidden domain and rose all at once to Basara.

“….Oh, you will be suspended from school at least if you’re discovered.”

It is a suspension from school for the worst reason, too. Such things as cutting classes and invading the ladies’ room, the mental damage is too unreasonable. However, when Basara went forward with a second step, he switched thinking somehow.

“What will become of this……” And Basara called out his thoughts as he turned around and gazed at the ladies’ room for the first time of his life.

“How is it? How much is it different from your imagination?”


There are still some errors of what he had imagined it to be. The purpose this time is to crush that error.

“Basara-san, please check on the private rooms just to make sure.”

And as Maria suggested, Basara checked out of necessity the private rooms one by one. He checked every door and see to it that there are no problems, even the keys.

“It is over… There is no problem here.”

“Eh— you have checked them already? Is there something or some places you are worried about?"

It seems that she’s disappointed. But it seems that Maria doesn’t want to back down.

“There doesn’t seem to be any particular….No, — I just want to confirm one last thing just to be sure”

“Ooh, Basara-san took interest in the womens’ toilet? Please, by all means tell me anything!”

“whats with the useless delight…… No, well it is not really a great thing. There it is in the middle of the private rooms, what is that? A small trash bin? I saw it from the first time I entered the room.”

“Ha……? Basara-san, you don’t know what that is? Even though youre already a high school student?”

“What? Is it strange if I don’t know what that is even though I’m a high school student?”

Not knowing anything at all as he asked asked Maria again, Basara’s instincts felt uneasy.

“No, I don’t mean it to be that way…..ah, Basara-san born in a very faraway land, so there is a possibility that you don’t know it….”

Maria said as she voiced her thoughts, then she put her both hands on her cheeks as it reddened before long.

“Uwaaa〜 it cant be, I have discovered the pure side of Basara-san! Even though he does all that kinds of things to Mio-sama. Uhm, you really don’t know what that is?”

“My bad… unfortunately the men’s room does not have such thing.”

“It’s obvious. Because that is exclusively for women’s use only.”

“Is that so…..? However there is no such thing in the bathroom at the house”

“Its because if Basara stays in, Mio-sama and Yuuki-san will be too embarrassed to use it.”

“…. Embarrassed? Then why would such a thing be in a restroom?”

“Iyaa〜n, You really have no idea, Basara-san? You are really a pure boy!”

“Hey, your voice is too loud!”

“It’s alright. My voice cannot be heard by ordinary people!”

“Its still too risky. Whatever the answer is, please tell me already!”

"I want to leave this place already. Before somebody else enter during class!"

“Please wait a moment. This also concerns Basara-san’s stepping up to adulthood. Having you know the truth behind that thing is one of the most fascinating development ever, as I spent a conference with my mind”

“Don’t say such foolish things—"

Basara was about to say, but his words were interrupted.

All of a sudden, Maria’s expressions changed completely, and alertly looked up at the ceiling.


“What happened?”

Basara took a glance at the ceiling with a serious look, but no abnormality was found. However,

“This sign—"

Just like that, Maria rushed out from the ladies room with a flick.

“O, Oi…. Maria?”

While chasing her in a hurry, Basara felt nervous and impatient.

It is still at the height of the first period now. Though the time is nearing its margin.

Don’t tell me, an enemy came?

Several steps ahead—Running up the stairs, Maria s not her usual state. While going up to the last step of stairs, however, before the door that continues to the rooftop Maria’s movement stopped at once.


In front of these eyes which held their breath unintentionally.

Maria with a serous face, turned the knob and the door to the rooftop was opened.

Having followed Maria to the top of the school building, Basara continued to climb to the rooftop, an uninhabited space.

—However, it doesn’t solve the tension Basara has right now.

There are plenty of places becoming the blind spot including the shade of a cooling tower and the water tank.

And, above all, though its faint, there are signs of breathing of other people other than Basara and Maria.

— The partner seemed to be in the other side of the huge outside-like plane somehow or other.

Therefore Maria and Basara exchanged nods, and started a course of action.

While going around to the side of the outside plane, at first, Maria peeked with only her face to watch the state over there,

“(BINGO. As expected, it was here after all.)”

To those words uttered in a whisper, Basara’s throat reacted with a gulp. Judging from the sign, there are two people from the other side, apparently. According to Takigawa, With the exception of Zolgia, he has one more tricky subordinate. Honestly, fighting against two high ranking demon families is impossible,… to attack, we should have at least a single clue for a counterattack.

Toujou Basara wished for in his mind, as he peeks his head above Maria’s, and he saw it. The two high ranking demons in his imagination — weren’t there.

“….Say, Maria”

“What is it, Basara-san? Your voice is too loud. The other side might notice.”

“What on earth was that….?”

Basara just now, witnessed something unbelievable in his eyes. He asked the question to to make sure.

“ha? You have seen it and still don’t know? That’s something called “slipping out of the classroom to cut class, A couple who seeks ecstasy and thrill by secretly making a love affair in the rooftop” situation”

“……Is that so? For me, it was a great chance of misinterpretation”

His high hopes were cut off. The serous atmosphere in him left a while ago.

“Don’t tell me…. that was some kind of sucubbus magic?”

“Oh dear, don’t make a wrong idea Basara-san. If I use my charm magics, that kind, won’t end with such simple and innocent behavior —“

Hahaha. What kind of pride was that. I want to hit this loli right now — for her to feel the love his older brother as much as he want, with a hammer. As Basara’s right fist emmited a hot aura, however, the movement was suddenly stopped.

Peeping at the state where you can see her eyes glitter, Maria on the other side feels happy.

“Oh dear.”

Tojo Basara’s strength was drained. And as he retracted his face, he leaned at the back side of the open place, thinking while looking up in the sky— Am I a little too eager?

As Takigawa said, Zolgia was aiming for Mio, and somehow it felt like I lost my composure for some reason. However, it may be just an excusable case.

—As for the story of Takigawa, he said that Zolgia is a high ranking demon with a considerable power. Is he a certain noble class in Middle Ages? A duke? Marquis? Earl? Viscount? Baron? — The five ranks of nobility. It is adopted depending on fighting power and power among the devil groups.

The duke at the top is considered to be a class equal to a demon king, and the marquis Zolgia follows its rank.

The enemy is too powerful to fight head-to-head. If we decide him to fight head on, the only method that we have is striking his weak point to win. But this is expected by the other party as well.If Zolgia is only aiming at Mio, there will be a chance to avoid a battle.

—However, That’s all Basara can affirm.

Zolgia killed Mio’s parents. For her, he is an enemy whom she should hate above all.

And the reason why Naruse Mio fights— is to avenge the murder of her parents by that demon. ……Besides

Basara knew that Mio, who lives under the same roof, sometimes have nightmares in the middle of the night. On a certain day… suddenly, the daily life of a normal girl, was deprived of her important family. And then she was told that she was the daughter of the Demon King’s predecessor and her life was aimed because she inherited his power.

It is easy to imagine how much of a terrible shock she felt. Mio is not strong at all. She was different from Basara who received ample training. Still, Mio did not yield to the tragedy before her, she confronted it, and no matter what it takes, Tojo Basara will do anything to protect her.

Although he stopped being a hero and he had lost the mission to fight and protect the world, the only family living under the same roof at the very least — Mio and Maria, as well as Yuki, he will protect it till the end. Thus,

“Ha〜 is this is no good, this is already no good at all. Your still too lukewarm. It is that side effects of pressure-free education was reaching to such a place possibly. Totally deplorable. I am anxious about the future of this country"

Even though she’s too devoted to her instincts, this loli-ero-succubus is an important family. For once, he will tolerate it with a big heart— for the big brother’s love larger than the sea.

“Excuse me Basara-san. I cant stand it any longer. for a moment, I want to those guys the love that uses maple syrup!”

“Wait. Where on earth did you take that bottle from?!”

Even the face of the Buddha with a lot of patience has limits!

Maria then blinked her eyes full of surprise,

"Eh? Well, because there is no cake to smear and caress them with”

“Are you an idiot? It’s almost the same as what happened in my dream”

“? What dream?”

“……eh? No, what kind of reaction is that….”

Maria referred it as “smeared cake caress”. After the day Basara moved in to Hijirigasaki Academy and his reunion with Yuki, Basara and Mio bathed together for the sake of proving and strengthening his trust to her. However, certainly he took a batch with Mio and Maria, but because he spout a nosebleed and fell down when Mio washed his back by her chest, Basara expected that the cake part should have been a dream. However, if Maria recalled as well….

“Ah, that’s right, it’s a dream, right, doing things like that….”

“What a minute, what the hell is that?"

Unbelievable. So she is saying that those entire events really happened?

“It is okay, Basara-san. It’s a condition where excitement overpowers the sense of reason, and causes instincts to run wild….. Such dreams show in the unconscious mind of a person deep inside so there is not much of a difference.”


“Oh my? What’s the matter, Basara-san? Like such manga, all of a sudden getting down on both hands and both knees in the ground. Will the uniform get dirty?” “My bad Maria, but I’m glad if I leave you alone for a moment.”

In spite of thinking about world peace, I want to reflect myself in various ways till dusk.

“That is not good. I am confirming security of Mio in the campus now. And Basara-san making a noise will cause the couple to panic. After that I’ll go.” That’s what Naruse Maria said.

“Is this the right time for us to be worried—and leave that aside before things happen?”

Part 3

With a triumphant look in her face, Maria and her companion patrolled here and there, and having come to an end,

“….there’s even more, and now it’s here?”

Basara groaned as he said while looking at a girl’s locker room ahead.

Moreover, it’s not a regular locker room for PE class that is for changing gym uniforms. It was a girls’ locker room with a shower added next to a warm water pool. As Basara kept standing at the entrance,

“What’s wrong with you Basara-san? Quit wasting time standing around in such place, quickly get inside”

“Do I really have to enter…?”

“What is it this time…? For Basara-san who has already conquered the girls’ toilet, and only one or two locker rooms, numbers don’t matter.”

“Don’t say such scandalous things. Who and when did I conquered the girls’ toilet?”

To be able to endure that detestable thing is something I cannot fulfill completely. (!)

“……Rather, as expected, this is bad.”

From inside the pool, the voices of the girls in swimming class could be heard. Cutting the long story short,

“Mio and Yuki are at the other side?”

“Therefore you must have to confirm their safety”

Maria puffed up her flat chest with pride,

"There is no mistake. Certainly either here or the ladies' room are the choices if the enemy would aim at Mio-sama"

“Oh you….” (!)

You must understand that even this too is a special case. Please, know the situation yourself.

"But I think that the confirmation of her safety in this locker room is not necessary. Even Yuki is using the room with her altogether. Probably at the stage when I enter the locker room, Mio with her detection magic, and Yuki to call out “Sakuya” in response to the strange magic power, should have confirmed if there will be an imminent danger. If strange things happen and the enemy attacks during the class, the barrier will respond to the activation of magic, or something like that will happen.”

“Then, even if you may omit the security verification, I think it still would be the best for you Basara-san to memorize the layout of the girls’ locker room just to make sure. This is identical to the girls’ toilet, and if this room became the battle arena there must be things that can hinder Basara-san’s judgement.

We must hurry. The first period will end in approximately 15 minutes. If we don’t hurry, Mio-sama and her classmates will come back”

Maria pulled forcefully towards her the hand of an unwilling Basara,

“……Do you only want to confirm the layout? I can just leave in haste after looking around.”

I say so as I reluctantly stepped on the women’s locker room. But unlike the toilet, the color of ceilings and tiles are different, however, there is not much of a difference in men’s locker room.

“This is already enough. Let’s leave the place quickly…… Maria?”

Rather than responding to Basara, Maria opened the door of a certain locker.

“Oi, oi! You, what are you……”

“No, this isn't enough. I must confirm whether there is a problem in Mio-sama’s locker just to make sure.”

Is it the succubus’ sense of smell? Maria, having pulled out a correct answer, started searching the contents of the locker one by one,

“There seems to be no problem in particular…… only a little, Wait Basara-san. Take a look at this!”

“See what? What’s the matter————”


As Basara turned his head to Maria in a panic, something was covered in his face.

“No〜, how shameless of you, Basara-san”


For a moment, he didn’t realize what happened. However, after a short while, he understood what covered his face—— Mio’s panties. Therefore, he lost his temper.


Basara took off the panties in his head, proceed over to Maria and pulled her both cheeks in front of his eyes. This was the best choice for a counterattack by reflex to his feelings at this moment.

“Nya〜, Basharashan basharashan, if hurrffsh if hurrffsh”

“This noisy little erotic succubus! Next time, Next time I’ll—"

“Ah Finally〜!” “”the first time on the pool is really the worst〜”

Various voices are heard from across the entrance of the locker room.


The chime signaling the end of the first lesson didn’t ring. Even though there are still 10 minutes left, why are the girls coming back this early? There’s no way they all feel sick?

……No, it’s different. Rather…..”

He has forgotten the basics. Swimming classes, under normal circumstances, takes even longer periods of time to change clothes than a regular PE class. It’s all more natural if it’s a girl. If that’s the case, then the class should dismiss ahead of time. Basara thought in a spur of a moment,

“—Basara-san, hide yourself!” “Wai—"

In a space in a locker room where one normally shouldn’t use as a hiding place, he was forcefully pushed suddenly by Maria’s hand. It is a narrow dark space— Mio’s locker, that is.

“Fuu〜 that was a close one Basara-san.”

The moment Maria said that, the girls who finished the swimming lessons has entered the locker room one after another. The sound of steel doors opening reverberated the room in a short time.

“(Throwing me in a place like this all of a sudden. What are you thinking?)”

“(I have no choice but to take a risk. Oh no〜 How careless of me. However, thanks to this situation we were able to stick with each other right, Basara-san? Hehehe, Basara-sa〜n)”

“(…Though you seem to be calm and composed. IF Mio were able to see us doing something like this, even you will be half-killed besides me.)”

Taken aback of what she have heard, a large amount of sweat dropped to the face of Maria.

“(What are we going to do, Basara-san? “I’m going to get pinched violently!)"

“(Don’t worry… Because I’m in a greater pinch than you are.)”

Being locked up in this direction is going bad. At any rate, my hand is in a state where it is placed down because of being put into the locker by force. I didn’t have even the time to take Mio’s panties in my face.

“(Uuuu, I’m going to get punished again, for sure. Being scolded by Mio-sama, at the very least.)”

“(You, What do you think you’re doing! Oi!? What are you taking my clothes off for?!)”

“(Since I’m going to get beaten into half-dead anyway, I must sexually harass Basara-san as many times as I can. I’ll take this chance to reverse the pinch into a chance. In this case, having a small body is convenient, am I right?)”

Having being said that, Maria skillfully took off Basara's shorts in a minuscule space.

“(Quit it… I’ll try to think of a way to break off the situation so don’t give up so casually!)”

Basara persuaded in despair. However, Maria looked up with eyes that focused on him completely,

“(Fufufu. Well, Basara-san… Will you give yourself up and do it with me?)”

And just like that, a small hand entered Basara’s gym clothes.

Part 4

The swimming class ended earlier than expected.

To warm up the body, girls entered the sauna room and took a shower one after another.

Yuki which entered the shower in one of the private rooms earlier, closed the faucet before long, and began wiping the drops of water into her body by her prepared bath towel. She was feeling a pleasant sensation, which is smell of the fabric softener touching the body. That is,

… Basara’s smell.

Yuki closed off her eyes involuntarily. The bath towel that she was using is the one that was washed in the Tojo residence— with the very same detergent and fabric softener as Basara’s. Therefore as she wrapped it in her body,

…It feels like I'm being hugged by Basara.

Her breasts, waist, her butts and her thighs— as if her entire body is being touched by Basara all over, and becomes the same as his scent. Yuki held her body, that her both arms seem to reach her back, and remained in that state for a while— and having attained satisfaction before long, she left the shower cubicle quietly.

Going past between her naked classmates, she returned to the girls’ locker room.

As the girls of the class were having heated topics of their school and private lives with bright voices, Yuki silently opened her locker, and took out her bag. While attempting to change her underwear, there was a person who lined up next to her. It was a girl who owned the locker beside her. Presently living together with Basara as well as Yuki herself, it was Naruse Mio. With Yuki being in the first group having finished everything from the sauna up to the shower, and Mio just in the last group out of the sauna, they both returned in front of their lockers by chance with the same timing. Behind Mio, were Aikawa Shiho and Sakaki Chika. They were from the same class, and are both Mio’s close friends. As Mio’s face burst into smiles while talking to them,


She failed to notice Yuki’s presence at the moment.

—Naruse Mio, one of the most beautiful girls in the school.

That lovely face of hers that can overshadow any idols’ faces on TV, and that exceptional proportions of hers that can make any gravure models ashamed. Even though her atmosphere is a little too overwhelming, her personality is bright and friendly. Therefore, male students even call her “Princess Mio” and her fans are unending.

There are also boys who call Yuki “Princess Yuki” in the same manner, but for a girl who’s always silent and not very amiable, Mio has a higher popularity. Nevertheless, she doesn’t care about this issue. For Yuki, it is not important what the others think of her. Only one thing matters to her—— and that is Basara. As for Nonaka Yuki, the young man named Toujou Basara is a special existence. It began since she reached the age where she became wary of her surroundings. Even though he was driven out from the village of the hero clan, and even if Mio is the daughter of Demon King’s predecessor, he didn’t think twice in protecting them.

… However,

Nonaka Yuki right now, is driven with anxiety.

She understood the reason— Naruse Mio is a more formidable enemy than she expected. It’s not because Yuki came from the Hero clan nor Mio being the daughter of the previous demon king. Mio is a formidable enemy— as a woman herself. She noticed that ever since she started living together with them, and her feelings are getting stronger and stronger. There’s no doubt— just like her, Mio loves Basara.

Although Mio is somewhat docile with Basara, it seems that she doesn’t realize her feelings for him yet, but how soon will she realize these things? For Yuki, this is a dangerous situation. Mio has more charms that she doesn’t have.

One of those charms was her unbelievable bust size. As that succubus Maria advised, Mio is using her voluptuous chest to seduce him, and to shorten their distance rapidly.

G cup. It was four times the size of Yuki’s, which in C-cup. Such chest is pushing her swimsuit to its limits. It passed through the level from being a toxin to the eyes to a crime already. That naïve Basara will easily fall when approached with such breasts.

“…Being suffocated in a swimsuit is nice.”

“… Nonaka, did you said something?”

Turning around and coming to view her enormous breasts, Mio, who was finished her conversation with Aikawa and Sakaki a while ago, asked her with a puzzled look. Yuki said while looking at Mio’s chest,

“Quasi S Class surveillance target…”

She was no match and couldn’t do anything but to remain silent in her current state while looking at the pair of demon lord class breasts. With such dangerous chest, she wanted it to be turned into an S Class termination target already and destroy it in one swift attack. However,


“Uhm…… What are you sneering at?” Mio said as Yuki revealed a tiny smile.

Actually, there is still a single hope for Yuki. The ‘light’ to her problem in bust size difference with Mio. As the succubus have told her, a woman’s chest will grow in size when being fondled by the man she loves.


On the day they stated living together, Basara told her his relationship with them and current influence of the demon clan that surround Mio and him. He also told Yuki important things, and also about him and Mio entering into a master and servant contract.

And— after telling her the details of the contract, Maria proposed this—If Yuki wants to, why don’t you also form a master – servant contract with Basara? Maria who is a subordinate of Mio, really wants her to form a contract.

However, Maria understood that Yuki still cannot comprehend what a contract really is. So she suggested to make her a contract with Basara, as the contract will make her get stronger together, therefore she can even protect Mio even indirectly. Actually Basara and Mio increased their fighting strength thanks to the power of this contract.

Yuki gave her approval immediately, without even questioning or suspecting anything at Maria’s proposal at all.

Rather, for Yuki, these can all be classified as merits. As Basara’s servant, they can know each other’s whereabouts and even deepen each other’s trust to become stronger.

Above all— in the situations where Mio receives unwilling naughty treatments from him, If Basara and Yuki were to form the master and servant contract, everything can become identical terms.

In the end, the only thing important is to deepen her master-servant relationship with Basara. (!)

—However, Nonaka Yuki believes that she will never be inferior in that aspect to Mio.

She can say with confidence that she’s more obedient than Mio herself. Therefore,

“… I’ll look forward for tonight.”

Yuki said as she turned around to Mio, who in response reacted with ‘what’. Mio’s face turned sour at once.

“… I’ll look forward for tonight.” Yuki said as she turned around to Mio

However, Yuki didn’t mind Mio and began putting on her underwear. She raised the panties slowly from her feet, slid on her thighs and squeezed between her tight butts.

As she dedicated herself to a promising future— a G-cup that doesn't really have a hook in the bra, she quickly got dressed in her uniform and headed towards the exit of the locker room. Nonaka Yuki felt calm with every step…after that. (!)

Several hours during the full moon tonight, she and Basara will be in charge of the bedroom.

Naruse Mio thought as she watched Yuki’s back as she goes out of the dressing room.

Wha… what is she talking about? Does she really mean to make a contract with Basara?

Maria explained the master-servant agreement and heard what kind of experience Mio is having with the contract itself, even though she had witnessed the situation with her very own eyes. Yuki accepted the proposal of Maria easily.

…Nonaka sure is calm.

In the current state of the master-servant contract, only Mio and Maria are mentioned. However, even though the magic used is from the demon clan which the hero clan opposed, Yuki still desired for a contract with Basara. To be able to get stronger with Basara—for that reason, Yuki didn’t hesitate at all.

And, when Basara opposed the idea because he doesn’t want Yuki to be dragged into his mess, her gentleness and docile personality turned the tides and persuaded him. (!)

As Maria proposed and Yuki wished for, Basara approved it via majority decision. Mio, as of now, couldn’t do anything to stop Basara and Yuki from making a contract. It is because if Mio would be the one to recite the master-servant contract with her own magic, the characteristic of the curse to be executed when the subordinates side betrayed a master, would be derived from the power of the Demon King’s predecessor Wilbert from whom Mio inherited her power.

…what can I do?

The more she thought about it, the more her patience is shortened. Yuki is beautiful and amazing. Mio couln’t be a match to that sheer beauty. She isn’t called “Princess Yuki” just for show.

Moreover, Yuki and Basara are childhood friends. Her time spent with him is longer than Mio. 

Mio and Basara’s relationship is shorter, thus the connection between Yuki and Basara with the master and servant contract made him a good match with Yuki. Nevertheless, supposed Basara and Yuki made the contract, Yuki will be on equal level with Mio.

And if— the curse of the succubus is to take effect on her in front of Basara,

…Nonaka will surely submit better than I....

Yuki is one way or another aggressive towards Basara. If yuki were to enter a contract with him, she would submit to Basara in no time, strengthening their relationship even further and leaving Mio behind. Even in the fight against Byakko, Yuki had demonstrated an incredible power.

“…Even I”

Can do it better if I tried harder— as those feelings swirled inside her heart, Mio opened the door of her locker, and all of her thoughts and actions came to a halt. Inside the locker, her face turned pale, as the panties that Mio wore, were covering the head of Basara dressed in his gym uniform.

“…………………” “…………………”

With a sudden incident that came out of the blue, an awkward silence drifted between Basara and Mio. —furthermore, it was a situation not possible to overlook. Inside Basara’s gym uniform there was a head poking out, and yet somehow in one piece of panties, a twerking of a little butt can be seen before Mio’s eyes, (!)

“Haa Haa, Basara-san. Here, do ya feel good?”

Said in a Kansai Dialect that stinks of foolishness. It would surely be magic invisible to ordinary people. And to think that neither she nor Yuki realized it, perhaps presence can be erased too, so Mio stepped back in silence, and tried to kick the ass in front of her eyes up to the surface of the moon,

“What’s wrong, Naruse-san?” “KyaAAAAAAAAAAAA!?”

Jumped up in surprise because of the sudden call, the locker door was slammed hard in a speed of light.

“…I’m sorry, you seem to be lost in thoughts but I didn’t think you would be surprised this much.”

In this overreaction, Shiho Aikawa who called beside her looked at her with eyes opened wide.

Aikawa has already taken off her swimsuit and finished her preparations to go to the shower. Sakaki was next to Chika’s.

“Naruse-san, you haven’t taken off your swimsuit yet? Let’s hurry to the shower already. We don’t have much leisure, time is running out, you know?”

“Ah, Yes… OK”

As said by Sakaki, Mio responded rather ambiguously in a spur of a moment,

“Or maybe— because of the swimsuit does not come off because of your enormous breasts, which you need help?”

“Aikawa teased in such a manner. With fingers on both of her hands performed a groping motion, Mio desperately thought for an excuse, (!)

“No… Apart from that, you two people go on ahead. I’m kind of not feeling good right now.”

“Are you okay? Don’t tell me, you started to feel anemic again? Shall we take you to the infirmary?”

Aikawa stopped joking around and started worrying about her.

“I’m okay, I think. Maybe a little rest and I’ll get over soon. But before that, I have a favor to ask…”

Mio told an idea to overcome this dangerous situation.

“It’s still the first period right? I too want to take the shower because I hate the smell of chlorine. But I might stop in the infirmary for a while, so I may be late for the next lesson. Please inform the teacher about me.”

“I got it. Don’t overdo it okay?” “I’ll inform the teacher as well.”

The two people left Mio and went to the shower. After confirming the decrease of people in the surroundings, Mio faced the locker and said something.

“…everyone is gone. Till then, I’m going to wait here.”

Naruse Mio continued in a chill voice.

“For the pervert who wears panties over his head, and the fool who is taking off his clothes, who shall turn back with a decent appearance by the time I open the door”

Is it fine?

“Otherwise the inside of this locker will become hotter than the latest oven.”

Aikawa and Sakaki who came back from the shower, are made to pass with the excuse of bad physical condition. All the girls except Mio finished changing, and have left the locker room.

“—Hmmmm. In other words, you did such thing to confirm my safety?”

Naruse Mio said with her arms crossed under her ample bosom. Exposing her bare legs and her natural and perfect shoulders— her outfit was still a swimsuit and haven’t changed yet.

—before Mo’s eyes, were two people looking down on her and sitting in seiza. Basara with the trace of red slap on his left cheek, and Maria which had stacks if ice on a part of her swollen petite head. These two people had escaped from the recommendations of chef Mio for today’s recipe “A Pervert and A Fool Whole Roast garnished with a High School Girl’s Killing Intent” and settled only at this degree, because of the signs of their best efforts as the door opened for the second time.

Maria, who was the one who covered his mouth with Mio’s panties, removed the piece of cloth, and Basara, who raised Maria’s skirts midway, came out in the narrow locker. However, Mio’s anger didn’t settle down after all, but she spared their lives nonetheless.

“You… Last night, you enjoyed yourself with Nonaka, and it seems you haven’t had enough?”

Last night. In order to please Basara, Maria tempted Yuki to cut loose the nether region of the swimsuit with the cutter, leaving the part exposed, and removed the chest pads on the swimsuit. Although it’s not that foolish at a side glance, Mio rejected the idea making Maria said that she “have no confidence in her own body” with eyes of pity. Provoked by this, Mio flew into a rage.

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