User talk:Vaelis

From Baka-Tsuki
Revision as of 19:26, 15 May 2012 by (talk)
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Bienvenue !

DarkoNeko talk 04:08, 14 January 2007 (PST)

Baka to Test Chibi Illust

Thx for adding the chibis illustration!! Castor212 00:16, 11 January 2012 (CST)

Just a heads up. I translated the illustrations for volume 5.--Teh Ping 10:42, 1 May 2012 (CDT)

Ok, it's done ^^ Vaelis 15:50, 1 May 2012 (CDT)

Same for volume 6. Check out 6.5 in another 5 minutes.--Teh Ping 11:25, 3 May 2012 (CDT)


Merci pour ton assistance, mais je me demandais, sais-tu lire le japonais? En comparant ce que tu as écrit avec la version anglaise, j'ai trouvé d'étranges différences. Enfin, merci...

Facteur Rien 14:09, 6 September 2008 (PDT)

Je n'ai que des connaissances très basiques du japonais (les structures de phrase) mais avec des dictionnaires c'est suffisant pour corriger les légères imprécisions dans la traduction.

Vaelis 14:26, 6 September 2008 (PDT)

Puisqu'on en parle, ces imprécisions viennent-elles de ma traduction, ou de la version anglaise? Ca m'intéresse de savoir si je me débrouille bien ou pas.

--Facteur Rien 03:48, 7 September 2008 (PDT)

La plupart viennent de ta traduction. Par exemple tu traduis toujours "since" en "depuis" alors qu'il est souvent utilisé dans le sens "puisque". Tu as aussi fait quelques contre-sens et oublié des mots. Après en dehors des problèmes de sens, il y a des problèmes de temps et surtout de ponctuations. En français on met un espace avant et après un ":", "!", ";" ou "?" alors que toi tu laisses les espaces comme en anglais (pas d'espace avant et un espace après). Par contre je dois reconnaitre que parfois la traduction anglaise n'est pas très claire donc c'est normal de faire des erreurs. Si tu as un doute sur un mot tu peux regarder sur ces 2 sites : et

Vaelis 05:10, 7 September 2008 (PDT)

Merci pour les contacts, ils faciliteront mon travail pour la suite de Mystérique Signe. Marrant, moi qui pensais que c'était un site d'"amateurs", dans le sens où je ne pensais pas y trouver d'interprète avec un tel zèle. Ca m'apprendra à me méfier. Enfin, merci encore!

--Facteur Rien 12:11, 8 September 2008 (PDT)


Je ne sais pas ce qu'il en est dans les autres pays francophones, mais en France on utilise de préférence "ennuyeux (ennuyeuse)". L'utilisation systématique de "ennuyant(e)" parait peu élégante.


Dites donc, Vaelis, vous êtes seul pour gérer la traduction des nouvelles "Zero no tsukaima"? Ca va aller?

--Facteur Rien

Oui ca va ^^ En fait je préfère travailler seul sur ce projet car j'utilise le roman en japonais pour vérifier la traduction.

Vaelis 07:38, 24 February 2009 (UTC)

Révocation de ma modification

Bonjour (bonsoir ?), vous avez révoqué une modification que j'avais jugé plutôt utile du fait qu'elle "aérait" le texte, le rendant ainsi plus facile à lire, et qu'elle corrigeait quelques peu la ponctuation (les espace avant les points d'exclamation, d'interrogation et les point-virgules.). J'aurais souhaité en connaitre la raison puisque vous n'avez pas justifier dans le résumé de modification. Merci.

Pseudonym Talk here 11:40, 4 July 2009 (UTC)

La ponctuation anglaise est différente de la ponctuation française. Il n'y a pas d'espace avant les ! et les ? par exemple. Tu as aussi remplaçé des guillemets par des tirets, choses que l'on n'utilise pas.

Vaelis 12:40, 4 July 2009 (UTC)

Proposition d'aide

Bonjour. J'ai lu les quelques discussions lancées sur ta page, et j'ai pu voir que tu as répondu préférer travailler seul. Donc je passe ici pour te demander si ça vaut toujours, ou si mon aide pour la traduction de ZnT t'intéresse. C'est à toi de voir. Sinon, niveau traduction, je suis un habitué (je fais du fansub depuis plus de deux ans, avec environ 200 traductions à mon actif). Je pense avoir le niveau en anglais, et je commence à me débrouiller en japonais (niveau 5th Grader). Voilà, je pense que ces informations te seront utiles pour ton choix. Cordialement, Thrax.


Salut. Ton aide pour la traduction de ZnT m'intéresse beaucoup :) Je désirais travailler seul au début parce que certains chapitres avaient été traduits à partir de la traduction chinoise qui était assez moyenne (avec des phrases manquantes). Tu peux choisir un chapitre et t'inscrire sur cette page.

Vaelis 17:29, 23 August 2009 (UTC)

J'ai fait 50% du Chapitre 3 du Volume 2. Tu peux me dire ce que t'en penses ? Sinon, j'ai essayé de me fixer sur ton travail pour les noms des personnes et des lieux car je crois pas avoir vu la version française du tableau correspondant.

Thrax 20:17, 23 Auguste 2009 (UTC)

Bon en fait j'étais motivé, alors j'ai carrément fini le Chapitre 3. Par contre, je pense qu'il faudrait une petite correction orthographique car j'ai dû faire des erreurs d'inattention.

Thrax 21:48, 23 Auguste 2009 (UTC)

C'est globalement très bon (à part quelques petits points de détails comme le "princesse-sama" que j'aimerai garder même si ça sonne un peu bizarre, ainsi que l'oubli de deux phrases dans ta traduction). J'ai modifié quelques petites choses en me basant sur le texte japonais (il manquait une phrase dans la traduction anglaise). Je n'ai regardé que 50% du chapitre.

Vaelis 22:48, 23 August 2009 (UTC)

Merci de ta correction. Pour le princesse-sama, je pense personnellement qu'il vaudrait mieux faire un choix entre Princesse et Hime-sama, parce que là ça fait effectivement très bizarre. Sinon j'ai pas osé corrigé ce que tu as mis, mais ça me paraît étrange : "Il se souvint de l'expression qu'avait eu Louise alors qu'elle regardait à ce jeune noble pendant la journée.". Faudrait pas retirer le "à" ?

Thrax 22:58, 23 August 2009 (UTC)

Oui il faut enlever le "à"... Le problème c'est que j'ai dû faire 2 fois mes éditions (j'éditais pendant que tu as édité et à l'arrivée à cause d'une fausse manip j'ai perdu ce que j'avais fait) donc la deuxième fois j'ai été un peu vite.

Vaelis 23:03, 23 August 2009 (UTC)

Ah, mince. Désolé alors. Je te laisse éditer. Je pense aussi qu'il faudrait rajouter le "pas" ligne 3 que j'ai omis de mettre après "ne devriez"

Thrax 23:06, 23 August 2009 (UTC)

J'ai traduit le chapitre 5 du volume 4 de ZnT. Si tu veux bien faire une petite correction ^^

Thrax 08:18, 5 September 2009 (UTC)

Seitokai no Ichizon - Teasers

Great, I finaly get the missing chapter info and change the teaser page naming format from the format Volume X Teaser X to Volume X Chapter X to met your last teaser format change and you change the format back from Volume X Chapter X to Teaser X... ;) --Darklor 10:37, 24 October 2009 (UTC)

Sorry but it's because the chapters aren't fully translated, it's only a small part (and not even the beginning of the chapters).

Vaelis 10:43, 24 October 2009 (UTC)

Ah, ok. If it is like that... ... but wouldnt it have been better to change it at least in the format Volume X Chapter X Teaser X (or something like that)? For the Nogizaka teaser I couldnt do it like that, because I couldnt really know which teaser is for which volume or chapter. ;) I didnt thought that the "Seitokai no Ichizon" teasers were nearly as inconsistent as the "Nogizaka-Teasers" and that they werent from the beginning of the chapters. I thought we c/would have a nice startup for a first finished chapter. ;) Maybe you should then also control the Sekai no Kiki Hamekurumeku! - teaser of how much it is that we have of the chapter and if it is also really the beginning? Because this is also one of those which I created in the Chapter format... --Darklor 12:47, 24 October 2009 (UTC)

Huhu, we have a new Seitokai no Ichizon Teaser ^^ Could you again control if it this time can get the Chapter format, please? At the moment I have created it as Teaser 4. - And thanks, you have always the best pictures ^^ Your private collection? ;) --Darklor 17:14, 25 October 2009 (UTC)

*Done and done* ^^ To get the pictures I'm downloading the Japanese raws (I have the raws of almost every Baka-Tsuki project).

Vaelis 17:33, 25 October 2009 (UTC)

Hui, thanks! - You're fast! ^^ And would it be worth the Chapters format or did it again not start from the begin of the chapter? --Darklor 18:04, 25 October 2009 (UTC)


Since I cant post there at the moment, but it seems the clock is back to normal... Post from the Future... ;) (Now I also get always this message if I try to post there: You cannot make another post so soon after your last. - I hope tomorrow is everything back to normal) --Darklor 20:34, 29 November 2009 (UTC)


--Tomoya13 02:28, 31 May 2010 (UTC)

hi, i would like to help translate zero no tsukaima. jap into eng. is there any source i can find to get raws volume 13 onwards? thank you. ---Tomoya13

Hi. I'd like to register as an editor on SAO. Do I just add my name to the editor list or is there a set procedure? I am extremely confident in my English and my proofreading skills. Zero2001 - Talk - 11:03, 6 January 2012 (CST)

You can add your name if it's only editing the English. Vaelis 14:28, 6 January 2012 (CST)

Thanks a lot, man. Zero2001 - Talk - 22:00, 6 January 2012 (CST)

Vaelis, I sent you a message via forums about the images. I'm not sure if you checked already. --Hiro Hayase 18:19, 23 March 2012 (CDT)

Protected pages?

Hey Vaelis--what's up with all of the edit locks ('protected pages')? If they were perfect, that would be one thing, there's a few edits I know I need to make on Baka to Tesuto, for instance. Thanks! Starkiller4299 02:43, 8 February 2011 (UTC)

It blocks the edits from unregistered users. If you are a registered user you can still edit the pages. Vaelis 19:12, 8 February 2011 (UTC)


Vaelis, Shakugan no Shana was just unfrozen! Could you possibly undelete the pages for the volumes that were translated, but deleted? (all of volume 7, part of volume 5, I think) (minus volumes that will remain dropped (1-4)). If it's not to much trouble, please! --Saganatsu 20:39, 25 February 2011 (UTC)


Hi, I saw that you are the boss of the progect "Sword Art Online" in Italian Version. I wondered if I can help RxD for adapt the text, so that the reading become more sliding. Thanx. Kyodai

Hi. Since RxD is the translator, I think you should ask him if he is fine with it. Vaelis 08:28, 15 April 2011 (UCT)

SAO Volume 2 Chapters 1 and 3

Now that Chapters 1 and 3 are complete. What do you think about compiling them into one chapter page via indirect transclusion like you do with the full text pages? The compiled chapter pages can then be transcluded into the full text version when the volume is complete.

          |              /-------c1a
          |              \-------c1c
          |              /-------c2a
          |              |-------c2c
          |              \-------c2d
          |              /-------c3a
          |              |-------c3c
          |              \-------c3d
          |              /-------c4a
          |              |-------c4c
          |              \-------c4d

Zero2001 - Talk - 22:52, 10 August 2011 (UCT)

Thanks for listening. Here's a gift to show my appreciation. Could you protect it, please? Zero2001 - Talk - 23:23, 12 August 2011 (UCT)

I'm sorry to say this but I totally dislike this. Who allowed it? Vaelis 21:29, 13 August 2011 (UCT)

By the way, what did you dislike? I put in volume 8 contents and is asking opinions on how to layout for it. I am more toward making it into one big chapter, but guess parts like volume 2 if people wanted it like that. --Xplorer30 23:16, 13 August 2011 (UCT)

I was speaking of the navigation bar, not of the layout for volume 2. I will take a look at volume 8 if you want :) Vaelis 11:19, 14 August 2011 (UCT)


Vaelis. May I ask why you undid my edits on all chapter pages? Not just reverting the Nav template but also reverting the punctuation changes and removing the noinclude tags from the notoc on the chapter pages. The first two reduced the page sizes considerably thus reducing website space. Putting the notoc in noinclude tags ensured that the volume pages at least had a table of contents. The new nav template allowed for forward and backward navigation as well as jumping to any SAO page. Putting comments right besides headings causes a problem with the "Editing Table of Contents", ie: the chapters do not register for a link, so I put the comments in the line after the heading and the problem was solved. Please explain why you reverted such useful edits. Zero2001 - Talk - 04:45, 24 August 2011 (CDT)

Vaelis, please respond quickly. If others make more changes it's going to be more difficult to undo the changes selectively, that is if that decision is made. Zero2001 - Talk - 05:28, 24 August 2011 (CDT)

I see. Since you didn't respond it has led me to believe that your account may have been hijacked by a vandal and thus the reason for the unexplainable reverts. If not we can discuss this when you feel up to it. For now I'll restore my hard work. Zero2001 - Talk - 08:21, 24 August 2011 (CDT)

Did you ask for permission to change all that first? Regardless of whether its more useful or not, you usually ask the Project Administrator or Project Supervisor first before making such changes. Although, I am being a bit intrusive when I say this in another's affair. The templates does look nice though. --Hiro Hayase 08:49, 24 August 2011 (CDT)

Hmm my apologies. Since you put it that way. It might have been too impulsive of me. But I still don't get why he undid all the punctuation changes and everything else too. The total amount of changes he made increased the total website storage space by 30258 (that includes the extra code of the old templates, changes in punctuation, double spacing, etc; see recent changes and calculate it yourself). Now, that is not a small number (website-wise, that is). Zero2001 - Talk - 09:31, 24 August 2011 (CDT)

On the other hand if there is a problem with the Template:SAO Nav's layout then talking about it on it's talk page would have helped more. I'm sure we could have reached a better option than going through all the pages and changing things in such a way that useful edits were also removed. Zero2001 - Talk - 09:35, 24 August 2011 (CDT)

Yes I can see your point in conserving space by making those changes, but you still need permission first to do so. Otherwise, its just going to end up being an edit war, switching back and forth just like what going now. The changes that you made are by no means minor, major changes like these need proper permission from individuals in charge of the project. And about Vaelis, I believe that he's in a timezone which is night time now or he's busy with work/school since summer's almost over. -Hiro Hayase 09:43, 24 August 2011 (CDT)

That still doesn't explain why he didn't choose to edit only SAO Nav to the old version. For now I'll do that and we can discuss the rest. Zero2001 - Talk - 09:46, 24 August 2011 (CDT)

There. Compatibility-vise that ought to do it. So shall we begin the discussion. What exactly was it that Vaelis did not like about the new nav template? Please tell me Vaelis so that I may tailor the template in such a way as to be as compatible as possible with you. Zero2001 - Talk - 09:57, 24 August 2011 (CDT)

Here are the reasons I think the new system is preferable:

  1. The old system only allows for navigation amongst consecutive pages, however the new SAO Nav can allow jumping to any chapter/volume page without the tedious process of either going to the Main page or writing the long page name in the search bar. The Main Page/Search detour is an inconvenience that is eliminated by this.
    1. Not everyone thinks in the linear plane. There are many who would wish to go back a few chapters to check a specific chapter. It would take too long for them to go back page by page or even through the main page. This is faster.
    2. Supervisors and translators can jump from any page to any other without the unnecessary delays found in loading more than one page.
  2. The old system required copying a larger amount of code from other chapters. Whereas the new template's call code more concise, thus saving website storage space.
  3. Compared to the old system in which copying from other chapters was necessary because the code was too long and difficult to remember, the new nav template's call code is easy to memorize and write. Thereby making it more user friendly (easy to learn and use).
  4. There is one source page for the nav template. Any changes only need to be made there and all pages in which the template is called will automatically mirror the changes just like the relationship between the chapter and volume pages (ie: Less work more gain, data redundancy and data error is largely reduced).
  5. The template has both jumping and consecutive page stepping functionality and is also collapsible. Those who wish to just step to the next or previous page may do so with a click and those who wish to jump only need to expand the template to access the jump functionality.

As you can see the new system has overwhelming advantages over the old. Please consider this. Zero2001 - Talk - 03:59, 25 August 2011 (CDT)

I see you wont consider it. If so thenn make the changes selectively (ie: only delete the nav). Otherwise it's just wrong. If you don't like the new nav then keep the issue to it only. Don't mess up other edits.Zero2001 - Talk - 04:29, 25 August 2011 (CDT)

The nav bar: your second version was better but it doesn't change the fact that to decide whether to use it or not, it shouldn't be in place. I will think about it, see if it can be improved and eventually decide to use it (or not) but until then the old way should be kept.

For the other edits: I'm against replacing all the punctuation. “” are the correct quotation marks (see, I don't see any reason to replace them by "". You're using the argument “it's smaller in size” but did you see any news about Baka-Tsuki having storage space issue? Anyway 30258 bytes is a ridiculous amount for a website.

Vaelis 11:16, 25 August 2011 (CDT)

Vaelis: your arguments about quotation marks seem odd and in one case factually incorrect: when you reference the wikipedia page for quotation marks, you're referencing the encyclopedia page about quotation marks, not the style manual page about there use on wikipedia (, and that style page uses the form of quotation marks Zero2001 uses, not yours. Also 30Kb is not an insignificant amount of data, and it's always better to be efficient. --Saganatsu 13:23, 25 August 2011 (CDT)

I humbly apologize about applying the new nav template without your approval. But seriously which ever quotation marks you use the viewing result is the same, so isn't it better to use those with less space usage? Isn't that a good enough reason. And you haven't addressed the issue of double spacing. Extra data means longer loading time. This is an issue of loading speed and reader satisfaction. Not everyone uses DSL. What of the notoc noinclude on volume 3 and 4's chapters. leaving the notoc without noinclude causes there to be no table of contents on the volume page. A fault if I may say so. Same with the comments right next to the headings. It messes up the "Editing Mode's Table of Contents". Zero2001 - Talk - 13:33, 25 August 2011 (CDT)

For the points in favor of the new template, I've given them above. Size reduction is only one of the points, there. Won't you consider it? You still havent explained what is it exactly you don't like about it. Zero2001 - Talk - 13:34, 25 August 2011 (CDT)

Oh and umm. Saganatsu. Umm. ( would have been more accurate. Zero2001 - Talk - 13:44, 25 August 2011 (CDT)

Did any of you know the difference between “recommended usage when using” and “correct” typographic usage? Fortunately we're not

Anyway I will look at the project chapter by chapter, when I will have the time, to undo all the mess done by some people.

Vaelis 15:27, 25 August 2011 (CDT)

As for correct typographic usage: "Depending on the typeface, opening and closing quotation marks may be identical in form (called vertical, straight, or typewriter quotation marks), or may be distinctly left-handed and right-handed (typographic or, colloquially, curly quotation marks)." It still makes no sense to site wikipedia. --Saganatsu 16:06, 25 August 2011 (CDT)

That "typographic usage" is for advanced word processors like "MS Word" not mediawiki based sites. Otherwise the Manual of Style would not have distinctly chosen to use the quotation format it has chosen and the quotation marks would automatically change to right and left formats like in "MS Word". Please think about the points given above rationally. In viewing mode there is no difference between the two formats however your method takes up more space than necessary and prolongs loading time more than necessary. And wasn't it vaelis that brought wikipedia into the discussion at first. Now you're saying "Fortunately we're not"? In normal writing, correct usage would be the right and left format but here it would not. Doing so would be detrimental to baka-tsuki. There is a difference in situation. I hope for your understanding, Vaelis. Zero2001 - Talk - 16:55, 25 August 2011 (CDT)

Um I'm all for reasoned debate, and admittedly have a preference for how to resolve this, but it doesn't look like either of you two are going to persuade one another about either of the two points. Shall we throw this onto the forum and put it to a vote? --Saganatsu 17:22, 25 August 2011 (CDT)

I understand what Vaelis is trying to say about the left and right quotation marks. Actually, I take care of that when I write with a pen and paper. I just think this situation is different because of all my above given reasons. Namely, no difference in views and smaller size, loading speed, etc. I'm all for a vote. Copy the whole conversation there first and let everyone stew on it for a while first. I think that would be better. Add the stuff about punctuation from my talk page as well. Zero2001 - Talk - 18:02, 25 August 2011 (CDT)

But what about the double spacing, notoc and noinclude? Zero2001 - Talk - 18:05, 25 August 2011 (CDT)

I'd like to invite you to a discussion here. Please, I would be honored if you would join me. Zero2001 - Talk - 13:39, 13 September 2011 (CDT)

OK, in case you guys didn't see me post in the forums, I'll say it here: It's easier for editors to simply type the quotation marks, or rather the apostrophes, during the editing rather than copy-pasting from word. Not commenting for the other arguments. Kira (Talk) 13:16, 27 November 2011 (CST)

Vaelis, I understand that you are a supervisor. But a believe even you have overstepped your rights by deleting a freshly started discussion just because either you do not agree with it or no one has responded for a few days. As you wished I started the discussion in order to gain everyone's viewpoints as well as the necessary approval. It will take some time. What you did is the same as the Chinese govt blocking human rights, etc websites. Please revert your edits. Zero2001 - Talk - 09:54, 19 December 2011 (CST)

It's a mistake, I didn't see it was only one week old. I put it back.

Vaelis 10:24, 19 December 2011 (CST)

Thank you. Zero2001 - Talk - 21:09, 20 December 2011 (CST)

Deletion of Full Text Preview Volumes

Those were there to help the Translators to start new chapters as per my comment here -> and also all the real work gose in to the actual chapters as those were only templates that pull the actual text from the chapters themselves.

Wolfpup 09:07, 18 December 2011 (CST)

Firstly it's useless and secondly the rule is that we create full text version only when the volume is complete.

Vaelis 12:09, 18 December 2011 (CST)

I can understand that but also lately we have had some new translators that have started chapters with the wrong chapter link and having a full text preview version, even if it is not directly linked to from the main page, for them to get the right link from could help them out so that later the page dose not have to be moved.

Wolfpup 09:50, 19 December 2011 (CST)

Can we get the Full text versions undeleted now that there is major progress on those and to also provide Wildk with the proper chapter links besides those that have just been placed on the main page?

Wolfpup 08:44, 11 January 2012 (CST)

It's in the baka-tsuki project guideline: : "Once all portions of a volume are completed" . I don't intend to change this for Zero no Tsukaima. The red links on the main page are enough.

Vaelis 10:55, 11 January 2012 (CST)

Well now Volume 13 is complete so the deletion of the full text version can now be undone. As i just tried to remake that page and i get a notice about the deletion.

Wolfpup 23:01, 18 April 2012 (CDT)

I created the full text version for volume 13 and volume 14.

Vaelis 05:30, 19 April 2012 (CDT)

Tab spaces

Vaelis, the lyrics are here Tasogare-iro no Uta Tsukai (in bold). Though one can grasp about the requirement only when editting. Mystrael tried writing them as in raw but the preview comes in a single file with no tab spaces. --Chancs 14:30, 23 April 2012 (CDT)

No, I don't have a pic. I simply do the editting. Mystrael just asked about this on the forum so I decided to help. --Chancs 15:31, 23 April 2012 (CDT)

ZnT Project Page

The switch of the series overview in the middle of the page was simply in order to see if it's a wiki or some sort of problems with the BakaReader Android app. There's nothing wrong with it IMO, and there's nothing to lose anyway. Kira (Talk) 17:20, 30 April 2012 (CDT)

What you did is just a random edit without knowing what it will do. If there is a problem with the Baka-Tsuki Android App then contact its author. Vaelis 17:27, 30 April 2012 (CDT)

If the Series Overview was the only one that would show up, then as I said, nothing to lose with changing the order or something. As I said, it might be a wiki format thing. Kira (Talk) 17:48, 30 April 2012 (CDT)

SAO references.

Just wondering, but was there a reason for the removal of references used for translation notes? --Tap 06:17, 2 May 2012 (CDT)

As you can see in volume 5 there is still tons of them :D. I only removed a few of them here and there. Some of them were an "overuse" of reference when it wasn't needed and some of them were when some people transformed a comment from the translator into a reference when it wasn't needed. Vaelis 07:12, 2 May 2012 (CDT)


Did anyone ever tell you that you are way too rigid? Don't bother answering. I just wanted you to know. Zero2001 - Talk - 11:58, 11 May 2012 (CDT)

Your the man(or woman)! Don't let others tell you otherwise. Great job translating stuff into French btw, helps me test my french reading skills. - Melty - 1:26, 11 May 2012 (EST)

I... worked... hard on those edits. What are you doing? Zero2001 - Talk - 11:19, 15 May 2012 (CDT)

I'm putting back all the correct punctuations and you better stop undoing what I've done. And from now on, stop your "zero check" on the SAO project. Vaelis 11:24, 15 May 2012 (CDT)

In case you think I am wrong. Please read these two articles [1] and [2]. And Note that Baka-Tsuki uses Media-wiki thus Wikipedia Manual of Style applies for optimal style of editing. I quote from these two articles:

  1. First Link, second paragraph: Quotation marks are written as a pair of opening and closing marks in either of two styles: single (‘…’) or double (“…”). Opening and closing quotation marks may be identical in form (called neutral, vertical, straight, typewriter or "dumb" quotation marks), or may be distinctly left-handed and right-handed (typographic or, colloquially, curly quotation marks); see quotation mark glyphs for details.
  1. Second Link: Under Quotation Marks heading there is a subheading Quotation characters: Do not use grave and acute accents or backticks (`text´) as quotation marks (or as apostrophes). There are two possible methods for rendering quotation marks at Wikipedia (that is, the glyphs, displayed with emphasis here, for clarity): Typewriter or straight style: "text", 'text'. Recommended at Wikipedia. Typographic or curly style: “text”, ‘text’. Not recommended at Wikipedia.

Since both are correct english-wise and yet the typewriter quotes are recommended on sites using mediawiki plus they take lesser space on the web, thus they are the optimal choice. Once again I humbly apologize and hope for your understanding. Zero2001 - Talk - 11:25, 15 May 2012 (CDT)

We're Baka-tsuki, we do however we want and don't care how it's done elsewhere. Stop bothering me, the decision is final. Vaelis 11:26, 15 May 2012 (CDT)

Your decision is a mistake. One born of prejudice rather than calm judgement. Open your eyes. It's more optimal to use typewriter quotation marks. Why are you reverting every one of my changes recently. Is this how you do things? By one-sidedly using your authority to stomp on me? If you're a real leader then at least consider the things I have said and use proper arguments to convince me you are right. Zero2001 - Talk - 11:28, 15 May 2012 (CDT)

Furthermore, Zero Check is my code term for spelling, grammar, punctuation, *SFX*, references, etc correction as well as end of line white-spaces' removal. In other words, in order to remove 1/5 factors of the changes you also removed the other 4. At least for those 4 factors, I went through every line and made the changes after examining everything. But you just didn't even do any work and undid mine simply by the click of a button. You could have incorporated those changes if you had used undo properly. But you just... And what of the changes in stuttering. Japanese and English denote stuttering in different ways. Japanese uses commas and three dots while English uses hyphens and three dots. Punctuation wasn't the only change I made and you reverted all those completely legitimate edits. Unlike me, you didn't even make the effort to check through it all did you? And you still say you're in the right? Zero2001 - Talk - 11:55, 15 May 2012 (CDT)

Are you really in the right here? Zero2001 - Talk - 12:07, 15 May 2012 (CDT)

In my opinion, there isn't really a wrong or right when it comes to format styling. As long as it's understandable I doubt most people care one way or the other anyway. The way I understand it, I'd leave the standardization up to Vaelis as the project administrator, while the editors should correct grammatical errors and the like. 12:26, 15 May 2012 (CDT)