Talk:Kokoro Connect

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General Translation Questions

This question will probably come up eventually, so I'll ask it now.

Is this project being translated to British English or American English? I've seen both in the translation so far. "Practice" is AE, and I've seen that used. But then there are things like "realise" which is clearly BE, as opposed to "realize" for AE. Heck, AE even uses such confusing things as "license" with an "s" at the end, yet BE would use "licence" with a "c" and um... suffice to say, I'm very confused now. Unkani 16:26, 6 August 2012 (CDT)

British English for consistency. Sorry for confusing them up sometimes. Thanks for the reminder. Pudding321 19:24, 7 August 2012 (CDT)

The use of "nope" is also very common in your translation. It's fine in some areas, but it is a very informal way to say "no". The latest case of this, from Ch. 4:

The Literature club faced a life-and-death situation... nope, the existence of the club...

In this case, I think the "nope" was quite inappropriate, especially with regard to the serious setting. There's more cases, but I've generally let them slide. I just thought I'd bring this to your attention. Unkani (talk) 20:08, 9 August 2012 (CDT)


I just noticed there was just an edit by Pudding to turn an American word that I edited to the British equivalent (self-centered -> self-centred). Is this project going to be using British English? Generally, this site uses American English, unless specified by the project. I don't mind either way but I'd like to know before I make too many edits so I know which direction to take. EDIT: Just saw the above discussion. My bad! This should be added to the main Kokoro Connect page. --Zalgryth (talk) 12:17, 5 September 2012 (CDT)

Just added that we are using British English in the formatting section to prevent any further confusion. Cheers. --Zalgryth (talk) 12:25, 5 September 2012 (CDT)

Vol. 4 chapter titles

Regarding this change.

using the possessive ''s' seems better

I agree, but the titles look like a nod to the titles of the Haruhi volumes. The format ("The <X> of <full name of person>") fits perfectly, but who knows? HigherFive (talk) 07:56, 15 September 2012 (CDT)

Just looked up the titles in Japanese and this doesn't seem to be the case. The first chapter's title is "八重樫太一による告白", rather than "八重樫太一の告白". The rest don't match either. HigherFive (talk) 09:45, 15 September 2012 (CDT)

I understand the difference (slightly). Nevertheless, the representation [The <X> of <person>] is bad writing style and has the 'same' meaning as possession since this representation is reserved for possessive ancient proper names ending in 'es' or 'is', e.g. the laws of Moses, the temple of Isis. You would need another way to represent this if you do not want to make it possessive. Otherwise, you have no choice but to add 's'. Pudding321 10:13, 15 August 2012 (CDT)

I suppose I should leave a message here for future editor's reference. Normally, I would agree that [<person>'s <X>] is better for possessive presentation. However, 5 out of 10 titles do not work out with that. Chapter 2 for example, compare version A) [Inaba Himeko's Valentine's Day] and version B) [The Valentine's Day for Inaba Himeko]. The two mean completely different things. The first merely puts the focus on somebody's 'Valentine's Day.' The notion of this version is 'What <person> did or encounter on Valentine's Day.' However, the latter puts the title in a whole different notion. It includes more about the <person> into the context. It becomes a lot more personal. This version raises the idea of 'What did Valentine's Day mean to <person>' If we used version A instead, it would completely lose that context. The same concept applies to Chapter 4, 7, 9 and Epilogue titles. Hence, the titles will stick to version B. Needless to say, the remaining 5 titles will conform to the 5 I discussed for consistency.

——Lantern - Talk - 22:53, 6 November 2012 (CDT)

Volume 2

First want to see that I'm very grateful for the translations on this site so i don't want this to be misunderstood, but i was wondering that if before the translators who work hard on this series go on to further volumes if one could translate volume 2? because i have been meaning to start this series for a while now, but i didn't want to skip volume 2, it seems volume 5 is the next one that is being worked on thus my question if volume 2 could be done first instead if at all possible. ‎Black Swordsman825

Hello, currently I don't think I have the say on this... yet. The previous translator who worked on Volume 2 Kizu Random, Pudding, has retired from the project. And the other translator s07195 who was also going to be working on Kizu has been MIA since the beginning of October. I have just announced on the forum thread today that, IF nobody picked up Kizu by the time I complete Pentagon++, I will be asking for permission to take over and complete that volume so the alternate language translators who work from English translations (I know the Spanish ones do, at least) can continue translating, as well as keeping the project's continuity. Pentagon++ will be the only part of Clip Time I plan to work on at the moment. So if you can bear with me for 128 pages, hopefully, I will have permission to continue it by then.

——Lantern - Talk - 22:11, 6 November 2012 (CDT)

As Lantern have said, I have retired from the project and will not pick it back up in a while—say, a year. As such, I will not be continuing to translate volume 2. I will leave other translators, namely Lantern, to choose whether to continue it. Anyways, thank you for your question. And also thanks to Lantern to clarify this matter. Pudding321 - Talk - 05:53, 7 November 2012 (CDT)

I hope translation For Pentagon++ goes smoothly. I'm also waiting to continue with this series and have not yet watched the anime (if I ever watch it, it will be after I read Kizu Random). But I can bear with a little delay.--Kemm (talk) 16:21, 6 December 2012 (CST)

Volume 5 completion?

Hello, I have recently finished the anime and I was wondering what is happening with volume 5? Is it going to be continued after you finish the full volume 4.5 or just after you finish Pentagon++? Any estimation on date of completion would be Awesome thanks.

NatsuXDragneel 13:47, 19 February 2013 (UTC)

I'm sorry to say I cannot give an estimate date. I have taken up the Chinese translation of Yume Random because of its being repeatedly abandoned by translators and quite frankly I felt the impulsive... "urge" to complete it. It's gonna be at least over a month. Pentagon++ won't be completed until I finish that. Should I ever finish Pentagon++ in the future, I'll be wrapping up Kizu first before moving on to Nise. And that's only the plan. I cannot make any promises as I'm the only one left who's really keeping track of the project on both shores.

Lantern - Talk - 21:10, 19 February 2013 (EST)

Man.. As I really wish I could help, but as I know no languages other than highschool spanish. But as if you ever need support just ask, I am a huge fan of Kokoro, and Wish you to find another translator in the future!

NatsuXDragneel (talk) 18:50, 22 February 2013 (CST)

Feel free to edit if you like. I'll look over them from time to time so don't be afraid to do so. One thing though, if you want to do huge edits that changes a large, consecutive segment of a page, you might wanna leave the translator, in this case, Pudding and me, a message with your version of the edit first. Pudding is responsible for Vol.1 and whatever's available for Vol.2. While I'm responsible for Vol.3,4 and 4.5.

Lantern - Talk - 02:20, 23 February 2013 (EST)

Volume 7 & 8 Illustrations

I tried finding scanlations of both Asu Random novels but couldn't find them anywhere - if anyone has access to the illustrations can they be uploaded please? Thanks!

MCsq2 - Talk - 01:56, 13 April 2013 (EST)