
From Baka-Tsuki
Revision as of 05:29, 31 March 2014 by Cloudii (talk | contribs)
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March 30, 2014 - Baka-Tsuki General Meeting

The General Meeting will hold place on the 30th of March at thirteen o'clock, Greenwich Mean Time.

The discussion of the following topics will be held on the #baka-tsuki IRC channel, located at the Rizon Chat Network.

Using THIS LINK, you'll be redirected to the Rizon Chat, where you'll have to choose a name before connecting to the channel.

The main topic can be found on the FORUMS.

Meeting Summaries:

  • Quick link to minutes (summary) of Noon Session (w/o TLG): #Noon_Session
  • Quick link to minutes (summary) of Evening Session (w/ TLG): #Evening_Session

Meeting Full Transcripts:

  • Quick link to full transcript of Noon Session (w/o TLG): Noon Session
  • Quick link to full transcript of Evening Session (w/ TLG): Not available yet



  • Ongoing - Registration Issues:
    • A captcha was put on the Wiki.
    • Double Activation on the Forum (accounts validated by the administrators).
    • Putting KeyCaptcha on both?
  • Resolved - Security:
    • Double Activation on the Forum, password simplified.
    • X-Frame-Options was set to SAMEORIGIN.
    • Login and Registration are encrypted.
  • Re-Organisation/Distribution of powers:
    • Re-Organisation of groups' leaderships.
    • Strip power from the inactive users (Wiki: Translators, Editors ; Forum: All).
    • Add active and trustworthy users (especially Global Moderators).
    • Allow to unban users for specific groups.
    • Create new Translator and Editor groups for Alternative Languages Contributors.
  • Ongoing - Baka-Tsuki Blog:
    • Simon is appointed as the blog's new administrator.
    • Layout, contributors, password resets and topics to be decided.
  • Ongoing - Modify, simplify and remove outdated rules from the guidelines:
    • THIS PAGE and the Talk page sums a lot of things up. Cloudii will handle the matter.


  • Resolved - Wrong link leading to the wiki's Copyrights page:
The image seems to be missing, but that's not really important.
  • Resolved - Changes in the Protect function for Supervisors:
The Permission Config Section should be redone from scratch, though.
  • Ongoing - Main Page and Sidebar:
New layout put for the Main Page, the way projects are shown on the sidebar will change (on progress).


  • Bug while disapproving posts, because of an excessively long justification:
All cases are moved to the right. Remove four of the justification's five sentences.
You have been tested positive as a 100% whole-grain-fed-free-roaming organic Baka or have been diagnosed as a confirmed 100% off-the-charts lunatic.

We are only certified to handle 50% Stupidity and 50% Lunacy, therefore it is with sad regret that you will be placed upon the waiting list to be euthanized.

Fortunately, repeated reports of your condition will bump you up the list, so if you have received this message twice already, Congratulations!
You are now No.1 on the list!

Good bye bye and happy birthday! :)
  • Ongoing - Clean up of users:
A purge of all members created before 2014 and without a single post will be done in around 6 weeks. Those after 2014 will be deleted manually.
  • Ongoing - Guest Posts:
Refer to "Registration Issues".
  • Sending PMs:
Add the Translator no Roukou and the Fringe Security Bureau in the list. Maybe removing the Seitenkan Cult and the Tsukaima Legion?
  • Sub-forums:
    • We could use rectangular thumbnails to shorten a bit the page, with half the current height.
    • A reorgnization would be welcome. 3 sub-forums moved, merged or removed (Shana, KnS, SAO/AW), one created (Kamachi). It isn't a bad deal.
- Moving Shana in the Abandoned/Stalled section.
- Fusing CSR with KnS, removing Index.
- Moving SAO & AW in the Abandoned/Stalled section.
- Putting Index, Heavy Object, Zashiki and Survey in a sub-forum named "Works of Kazuma Kamachi". Or with another title, it's up to discussion.
- Renaming Daiden and Itsuten's subforum with "Works of Takaya Kagami". Same as above.
- Adding DAL's thumbnail. No changes on other subforums.


  • Topics-specific Minutes can be found on the talk page.
  • A complete log of the meeting can be found here: talk page.

Noon Session

Meeting Attendees (16): DarkoNeko, Simon, Hayashi, Kira082, Misogi, Zzhk, Vallor, Stellaroze, Cloudii, Krytyk, Lery, Rock96, Ctaeth, Victorrama, Lock

Evening Session

Meeting Attendees (14): Thelastguardian, Simon, Misogi, Cloudii, Lery, Vallor, Zzhk, Ctaeth, Kira082, Rock96, Nurin, Stellarroze, Krytyk, DefaultMelody,

19:12 - Thelastguardian logs on.

Topic 1: Wiki CAPTCHA and Forum Spam Management

19:23 - Thelastguardian states he is currently working on installing CAPTCHA.

19:28 - Some form of CAPTCHA is apparently tested. Simon questions why he sees cats.
19:30 - TLG states: "According to mediawiki it's currently the most effective form of makes the server a lot busier though."
19:31 - Committee discusses server specs and whether it's worth it to run the captcha (2x server load).

20:11 - TLG states pHpBB recommends "double account verification" (aka: Admin Verification) instead of CAPTCHA.

20:12 - Committee protests that manual Admin verification is not feasible for Baka-Tsuki.
20:13 - Misogi suggests sending a code along with email verification, but technology experts state that it's too simple.
22:11 - TLG confirms installation of the "double account verification" mod. Details about this installation can be found here. --- RESOLVED
21:45 - Note that this resolution obsoletes Lery's suggestion to prune all forum users who have not posted, because the mod will take care of it in 6 weeks.

20:14 - TLG also mentions that every single pHpBB captcha method has already been cracked, including re-CAPTCHA.

20:16 - Committee again begins to reconsider using hand-made questions, but this time having questions a human can solve. Some suggestions include questions involving math and forum rules.

20:32 - TLG states the hand-made questions are currently disabled, and he has no intention to re-enable them until he finds better questions.

20:36 - TLG ponders using key-CAPTCHA, since he hasn't used it in a while.

20:45 - TLG implements some kind of Wiki CAPTCHA(?), and decides to leave forum CAPTCHA aside for now. (need confirmation) --- RESOLVED

Topic 2: Password Complexity

20:49 - TLG says password complexity is an easy fix, and he'd do it on the spot. --- RESOLVED

Topic 3: Broken Link to Copyrights

20:55 - TLG is unable to locate the link for the copyright link that needs to be changed.

21:00 - TLG fixes the copyright link. He says it was because of the Google Adsense hack. --- RESOLVED

Topic 4: Security

20:50 - Lery proposes that add_header X-Frame-Options be added

21:00 - TLG begins to work on XSS
21:15 - TLG resolves XSS. He put in the SAMEORIGIN header option into nginx config file. --- RESOLVED
21:19 - TLG: The iframe nyancat hijack only works on the main page now.

Topic 5: Main Page

21:15 - Simon presents the Proposed Main Page created by Pumkingboyz

21:16 - TLG approves, but realizes that no one has edit rights at the time being.
21:38 - Simon goes to change Main Page after receiving supervisor privileges back. --- RESOLVED

Topic 6: Wiki Supervisor Privileges

19:36 - Zzhk proposes fixing the Wiki Supervisor usergroup rights with regards to protecting pages. Request is sidelined as TLG prioritizes installing CAPTCHA.

21:02 - Misogi re-voices this topic but is ignored again as TLG is working on XSS.

21:22 - TLG explains the error was caused because mediawiki permission configuration is a mess. Variables probably had not been changed since the last upgrade.

21:38 - TLG successfully adds permissions. --- RESOLVED

Topic 7: SAO and Accel World Project Abandonment Schedule

21:44 - Stellarroze questions why SAO is not abandoned yet.

21:45 - TLG asks for a volunteer to take responsibility for the issue. Misogi volunteers.
21:46 - TLG says to give translators and readers a 1 week warning before abandoning the project. Since he observes Yen Press has no intention of abandoning the series, he expresses his opinion that the entire SAO project should be removed.

21:57 - Lery reminds TLG that normally, Teh Ping handles issues involving SAO.

21:59 - TLG: "it will be respectful to alert him [Teh Ping] of our intention". TLG also says to hold back on the 1-week abandonment declaration until Teh Ping is informed.
22:00 - Nurin volunteers to contact Teh Ping. --- RESOLVED

22:03 - Side note: TLG undeletes Hidan no Aria registration page upon Kira082's request.

22:03 - TLG inquires if there is someone who has been handling Accel World. Committee replies no. Topic is not mentioned again. --- NOT RESOLVED

Topic 8: Rules and Help Pages made by Cloudii

21:53 - Simon seeks confirmation if they will be used officially.

21:54 - Kira, Misogi, Lery say yes. TLG does not respond about this topic.

Topic 9: Baka-Tsuki Blog

22:04 - Simon requests that someone be given rights to the Baka-Tsuki blog.

22:15 - TLG states his intention to give someone full Administrative rights (full control: 1. layout of the site 2. format of the site 3. contents of the site 4. coordinating between) to the Baka-Tsuki blog. Isn't sure who, though. Simon volunteers.

22:16 - TLG states he does not particularly like the current wordpress (due to wp exploits/security), and is willing to give the new Administrator choice in which CMS to use.

22:16 - Committee discusses different CMS options, but eventually returns to wordpress for the lack of a particularly good alternative (not resolved). TLG clarifies he mostly just doesn't like the current look and security issues, but he's fine with wordpress.

22:16 - TLG: "Okay, we will leave the blog issue for another day. Lord-Simon, if no one else wants the job, you get it (and if someone does, well, collaborate)." --- RESOLVED

Topic 10: Forum Usergroups

20:37 - Kira082 states that the forum needs new moderators, since most current moderators aren't particularly active.

22:55 - TLG begins discussion about forum usergroups, though he initially feels reservations about whether he's the right person for it.

22:56 - Cloudii states the issue is an imbalance of powers between active/inactive individuals. TLG says he'll check the user privileges, but wants to do research. --- NOT RESOLVED

Closing Remarks

22:55 - Side note: TLG states he changed the redirect setting associated with cookies; he wasn't sure if it would break anything though

23:24 - TLG inquires about the average downtime for Baka-Tsuki. Committee response: 1 to a few times a month. TLG warns to expect more downtime this year, since our server host is about as reliable as the last one.

23:26 - Simon inquires how often TLG makes backups, and TLG responds weekly, due to data limitations. Stats: Database (23GB), Web (16GB). TLG has a 4-5 TB data cap, and we currently use 3 TB/month.
23:34 - Simon offers some of his server space to help cover the strain load, but TLG says no thank you.

23:36 - Misogi brings up the excessively long forum post denial message. TLG says he needs to look into it. --- NOT RESOLVED

23:57 - Meeting officially adjourned.