Baka-Tsuki:Project Manager Rules

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This page is a DRAFT.

Please use caution. There many be inaccurate or incomplete material.

A Project Manager (formerly known as "Project Supervisor") is the main contact point and the primary leader of translation project on Baka-Tsuki. A Project Manager dictates the guidelines for a project, and is responsible for resolving conflicts among project team members.

Since there are extra privileges involved with becoming a Project Manager, this page describes the rules that Project Managers must abide by.

Project Manager Appointment


To become a Project Manager for a specific Project on Baka-Tsuki, you must fulfill the following requirements:

  • You must be a registered member, with a history of contributions on the Translation Project.
  • You must be active and reachable within two weeks notice.
  • If you know you will be gone for a period longer than that, you are encouraged to appoint a temporary substitute or step down from your position.
  • You must be a dedicated contributor of the Project, meaning, you frequently monitor the project and read all of the contributions that are made to it.

Nomination Procedure

If you fulfill the above requirements, you may nominate yourself for Project Manager by performing the following:

  1. Consult with the other contributors of the Translation Project Staff if they are okay with you taking the Project Manager position.
A). If they agree unanimously, Contact the Administration and inform them that your project has unanimously accepted you as the new Project Manager:
I, [Insert Username], am assuming Project Manager responsibilities for [Name of Your Project]. 
All active members of the Project Staff endorse this nomination. --~~~~
B). If the Project Staff cannot agree on a nomination, you may request that a Wiki Supervisor come and moderate the appointment of a new Project Manager.

Project Manager Rules


  • If a Project Manager changes any rules, they should create a Project-Specific Guidelines Page clearly delineating what was changed.
  • The Project Manager has the authority to decide official terminology for the translation project.
  • The Project Manager has the authority to change the formatting and layout of the Project Overview Page
  • The Project Manager has the authority to have the final word on any dispute in the project.


  • The Project Manager has no punitive authority.
  • If a contributor has violated a Project-Specific Guideline, the Project Manager should not ban/suspend the offender or decide consequences by themselves.
  • Violations of rules should be reported to the designated Supervisor, or if there is no designated Supervisor, it should be reported to The Administration. Only Supervisors may take punitive actions.
  • Wiki Supervisors hold authority over Project Managers. If a Supervisor asks you to step down from your position or modify a rule, please comply.