User talk:Magykalman

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Revision as of 12:45, 27 May 2014 by Magykalman (talk | contribs)
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Currently on tilt. Not TLing anything. Hammmm


There's no need to ask for permission. You simply have to post your name under "Editors" on its main page and are a part of it. :D --Chancs (talk) 12:33, 6 September 2012 (CDT)

That's not quite right. At least for Campione, the editor-section on the project page is for the editors with a decent amount of contributions. I tend to purge it from time to time. Still, you can just start editing and once you've done enough, you'll become an "official editor" sooner or later anyway. Not that it changes much.--Kadi (talk) 12:56, 6 September 2012 (CDT)

Okay I'll take note of that. Thanks for the advice! :D but may I ask you what by means is "decent"? Sorry kinda new to this community... Thx... --Magykalman (talk) 8:00 7 September 2012 (CDT)

Changing typos in 10 lines total and disappearing is not enough. Nukie's been doing a few lines for every part zzhk translates for Campione, and he keeps doing it, so I gladly keep his name on the list. Taking part in the Campione discussions on the forum and becoming a part of the community there is also a welcome sight. We always need ideas, opinions, feedback for terminology.--Kadi (talk) 20:48, 6 September 2012 (CDT)

Ah that I know. So can I start work ASAP? As in starting from volume 1 and editing from then on. Really liked the anime series, so wanted to have a good look into the light novel. :) but just a note, can you post the forum Page here for me to bookmark it? Thx a lot. :D --Magykalman (talk) 12:20 7 September 2012 (CDT)

Yes you can start right away. Campione Subforum. About the questions on my talk page: Yes you can make such changes, but I don't even see much of a difference in flow and actually, if that's all you change I prefer the current version. Why don't you try finding a solution that improves the flow more? "whether it's now or then", while slgihtly better, loses the "development from the past to the present"-nuance though... Second question: Magi are afraid of campione, knowing their power. They also call them kings and as usual with kings, their whims can be devastating, all the more so with devil kings who are... how do I explain devil king...~~--Kadi (talk) 05:31, 7 September 2012 (CDT)

LOL okay thx for the explanation of a Magi! XD --Magykalman (talk) 18:50 7 September 2012 (CDT)

Oda Nobuna[edit]

Some of the sentences need tweaking, I'll have a go through them when I am free. Also try and keep the sentence tense the same. For example I noticed you changed 'become' to 'becoming'. I am undoing the updates as of now.

Kcan. Just that I thought that it would be better. ^.^ it's okay if you changed it back. But erm...who are you? --Magykalman (talk) 15:32 7 September 2012 (CDT)

Oh yeah. Means I stop editing for now? --Magykalman (talk) 15:40 7 September 2012 (CDT)

Nah, it's good that you're doing it, but each series has a different style required for editing. I'll approve your edits once I have a go through them, I have been extremely busy over the past week due to RL stuff --Akuma (talk) 05:05, 8 September 2012 (CDT)

Okie. ^^ will get back after finish translating a chapter of Denpa. :) And good luck to your RL stuff. :D --Magykalman (talk) 20:35, 8 September 2012 (CDT)

Actually I think it is still needed, unless you change "helmet" to something else. For example, if you change the order of "helmet" and "armor" in the sentence, "She wasn't wearing helmet or any armor" would be incorrect, but "She wasn't wearing a helmet or any armor" would be correct. You could also change it to "She wasn't wearing any armor or her helmet" or add another modifier. This would also apply to any other singular noun that Nobuna might have. Plural nouns would be okay without an "a". For example, "She wasn't wearing any armor or gear" would be okay because "gear" can be plural and refer to multiple items, but "She wasn't wearing any armor or sword" would require an "a" or the change of "sword" into "swords". A noun like "helmet" in the sentence does not require a modifier like "a" if it is a proper noun like a person's name, if it's a plural noun like "helmets", or if it's a mass noun like "information". Sorry for the long wall of text, we can ask Akuma or someone if we still disagree on this. Sab (talk) 11:05, 23 September 2012 (CDT)

Ah hi there. Sorry it took me so long to reply. Kinda busy this period. It's okay. I don't mind the long wall of text. And I'm also not arguing with you for the sake of 1 letter. But I think it would still be better to ask from a higher personal or seek higher guidance. I mean, I can say it -- I'm not all that good in English, it's not my first language, so I think it would be better to seek guidance. But can you wait till 18 Oct when I'm back to write to Akuma or someone else? Chancs (talk) maybe? He is very good. :D Cause apparently I wouldn't be in. :( And thanks to even take the time to write that long wall of text :D that shows that you really care. :D p.s. Why not become an editor for real? :D --Magykalman 21:39 25 September 2012 (UTC+8)

Hi again, sorry for my delay in replying as well. Sure, we can wait until you're back, just remind me or I'll probably forget about doing it. I can't scan my grammar textbook for you, but I can link you some additional information on why I made the change if that would help. P.S. I'm already editing Accel World; if an admin adds me to a project, that's fine, but otherwise I don't really care whether I'm credited as a project editor or not :S Sab (talk) 02:24, 9 October 2012 (CDT)


Hi Magykalman! I noticed that you registered to translate volume 3 of Oreimo. However, do you know that volume 3 is already translated by NanoDesu? And he's translating volume 4 right now. I suggest if you want to translate Oreimo to jump a few volumes like Kevadu. Well, no one will stop you if you want to redone the translation though. Arczyx (talk) 00:32, 8 September 2012 (CDT)

Ah hi there. Sorry bout that I didn't know that someone was translating volume 3 afterwords. Cause since nobody translated and registered for the the afterwords section, I decided to translate it. Sorry bout that. Magykalman (13:44 8 September 2012 P. S. Oh yeah and can I do volume 7 then? Thx.

You can do it. But you just drop note to the project supervisor on the Wiki and/or the forum (PM) for the smooth approach. --Chancs (talk) 01:30, 8 September 2012 (CDT)

Okay sure thanks a lot! :D - - Magykalman 14:52 8 September 2012

Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko[edit]

Sure, you just need to edit to be an editor. The project probably just needs more chapters to be approved. And of course, you are free to translate it if you wish to. Just register the chapter you are translating on the registration page so there won't be any redundant work done. --Zephyrus (talk) 03:24, 8 September 2012 (CDT)

Um...So I think I'll leave chapter 2, 3, 4 of Volume 1 to you and translate from then onwards? :D --Magykalman (talk) 20:31, 8 September 2012 (CDT)

From what I can gather from the Japanese version,淑女车, チャリンコ(charinko), refers to bicycles with bells, since they write the ringing of bells as 'charin'. So i believe that there are probably no good replacements for the term, and it will suffice to just write it as a bike/bicycle. --Zephyrus (talk) 08:50, 10 September 2012 (CDT)

Ah okay! Thx alot. ^^ --Magykalman 22:30, 11 September 2012 (CDT)

Sakurasou no Petto na Kanojo[edit]

What is this? --Darklor (talk) 03:03, 14 September 2012 (CDT)

? What do you mean? O.O -- Magykalman

You sure you're getting the name for the series right? (Pet? Petto?) Anyways, you're welcome. Making teasers is generally better than being part of a project because you don't get pressured to complete a light novel, especially when you are someone as busy as me. Second, you're requesting me to finish the whole volume? Have you read the rules before posting? Do you even realise that you registered chapter 2? How am I going to finish it if you are doing chapter 2? I'm just joking. I haven't translated the series for a long time...maybe ever since the anime was released. The problem is, by the end of this year, if volume 1 isn't going to be finished, nano desu translation project will take up the whole volume altogether. And my precious effort-exhausting translations of the first chapter will be in vain. So if you can, do whatever it takes to complete the first volume!! About the cats, I have them in first chapter. In most occasions, it's Hikaru or Hikari (which means light — 光), the white fat cat. I'm using Hikari in chapter 1. I don't think I can help you much with the English, unless you really can't figure out how to express something in English...Also, editors are also responsible to smoothen them in English. I stopped watching the anime like...after episode 3? I don't really enjoy the anime as much as the light novel. Not really much to comment on the anime.

^ That's a lot...I hope it wouldn't burden you. Nice translating!! Pudding321

Hahas LOL I'd always thought that it was Petto cause it was the official pronouncation for the LN. ( ペット ) :P Maybe the English version is diff? XD

Are you joking? You mean NanoDesu will really take up the whole thing (as in even the translated volumes) even if we'd done them? :( That sounds quite dumb. And yeah, thanks for telling me anyway, cause now I feel so motivated! >:D But Ofc, the problem now is obviously to find another translator. Maybe we can try posting on the forum thread...? (I suck at using that though :P) But the book is really long...(Considering that a translator has to be tied to ONE chapter and one chap in that book is.....You get what I mean, don'tcha? .___.

Lastly, Damn the cat names!!! ERGHHH... T.T


Translators come in at their own preference. It's hard to grab translators unless the project is really hot...say SAO. Baka Tsuki is not a translation group after all.

Hey, if you still have any problems about the cats or whatnot, go on Facebook. I have a message waiting for you =p


Regarding the magnet thing, I don't think it's really that big of a deal, but I just interpreted it as 'a line of words on a red magnet', bacause a few lines later it mentions something about 'it was the red of forever'. I don't really know what the true meaning was intended to be, so I'll just follow your advice :). P.S. I was thinking about that, but I don't really know the rules regarding teaser projects, and I'm pretty lazy as an editor (only edited around 25% of the 50% that Pudding has trasnslated of chapter 1 so far :P) but if the project really picks up I might edit more, because I'm pretty interested in the novel. Jasou (talk) 10:26, 25 November 2012 (CST)

@Pudding321: Huh? I'm afraid I didn't receive anything... :(


@Pudding321 p.s. What do you do when you translate? Just curious, cause I'm not so sure. I usually write down the translates on paper first when I'm free in school or at home. Maybe that's why I needed more pens over time? :/ (LOL) But do you use a software or anything? Cause I find myself translating really slow. Maybe it's just me? ._. But I really want this series to become a real project, so, just wondering if there is a method you use to increase speed. XD Thx. --Magykalman <--?? Hmm...I translate it on ms word...But I think writing it on paper is also a good alternative if you don't want to look at the monitor for too long cause that will hurt your eyes. Translation speeds pick up over time. By the way, I don't really like writing on paper (for english). Pudding321

Hm yeah it that IS my FB page, but I didn't receive any msg. :/ And thanks for the advice. :) --Magykalman

Being an idiot that I am, I forgot about the 2 TL per book, and started to TL Sakurasou Vol1 Ch03. I'll stop TLing the chapter, and do Vol2, so feel free to to utilize what I've TLed so far. It's around 20% of the chapter. Monkeii12 (talk) 15:14, 3 December 2012 (CST)

I don't know if you have settled this, but regarding "吐槽" ((突っ込み tsukkomi) info: suggestion: 'retort' is fine for most cases; otherwise, you may want to use tsukkomi and add a long translation note. Pudding321

K thx! I've put that in the TL notes. :) --Magykalman

Hey, if you're not busy TLing, or want to take a short breather, could you proofread my Ch3? I can't proofread my own work, because I always over look things. X| Monkeii12 (talk) 02:06, 6 December 2012 (CST)

Okay sure. ^^ just that don't blame me if I suck. Haha. XP - - Magykalman

It's all right to edit the work of the other translators in the same project, but I would leave that to editors. So you don't necessarily have to look at my translation. Also, you can keep to your own translating pace once you registered for the chapter, as long as you don't go idle for too long. Good luck. Pudding321

I found the raws at this site: Jasou also has them. Hopefully this helps! Khiral (talk) 23:29, 29 December 2012 (CST)

So... due to you being inactive for Sakurasou Translations, I moved you to the Inactive list. Please post on my talk page when you want to continue TLing or something. Junnynam (talk) 22:25, 25 February 2013 (CST)

Okay thank you. :) most likely I'll start in June cause thats my next holiday haha. --Magykalman

Hello. I've helped you complete the last two parts of chapter 2. I hope you wouldn't mind. Pudding321

Hey thx for saving my ass haha. Of course I wouldn't mind! :D Thx a great lot anyways. Btw, any matter is that book 9 had already came out in Japan and just nice I was in Japan for a short ski holiday, so I bought it. Are you going to include it in the main page anytime soon? :D --Magykalman