Maou na Ore to Fushihime no Yubiwa:Volume 5 Epilogue

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8/29 pages completed



Since then.

Four years have passed by.

The days since that one when our fight with Luka-san ended have passed in the blink of an eye.

Saying it like this may reek of an old man, but… They often say that time waits for no one and that the time known as a person’s teens is but an instant in a long life.

I, Kusumi Chiharu, welcome this very day my twentieth birthday.

“Chiharu. Once again, thanks for bearing with me.”

When I got home, Zonmi, wearing the tattered T-shirt that I handed her quite a long time ago, came to greet me.

“… That you still haven’t throw out.”

“Yeah. Since it’s the first present that you gave me, Chiharu. Forever and ever… Until this body rots, I’ll cherish it.”

“… That’d be speaking for long term.”

The undead tribe is known as a long-lived race even among monsters, and rounding it down it seems that Zonmi thinks of cherishing the T-shirt that I handed to her for around three centuries.

“Now that I think of it… Have you made contact with Kyouko or Iris?”

“… I beg your pardon. I’ve been busy with home issues and haven’t had the time to contact those two.”

“I see. Since all of you have been busy at work everyday, it can’t be helped.”

As you know, the princess of the ghouls.

Zonmi Ra McKenzie has welcomed her birthday a step ahead from me and has grown into an adult woman[1]

Zonmi, as of now.

Having earned the achievement of saving the human world from the Black Tamers, she became the ghoul’s clan first queen.

“… Even if we say that, I’m still nothing more than a figurehead. The one who holds the essential authority is my father.”

“It’s amazing nonetheless, Zonmi.”

Zonmi, who had saved the world from a crisis, earned a high support as the hero of the ghoul clan and, as a result, the queenly path once closed to her had opened, but… It seems that she herself was currently realizing that her own power was not enough.

With the support of her sisters Aruru & Meruru, she was wholeheartedly striving for further prosperity of the ghoul clan.

“O—h. It’s been so long since I came to this house. How nostalgic. It’s the scent of Haru’s home.”


Kurose Kyouko. 20 yo.

By now, there isn’t a day her name is not heard of at the Netherworld’s media.

Kyouko, motivated by the big trauma she experienced with the Netherworld’s food when she travelled there with us, she developed a talent as a capable female firm president who manages more than 20,000 restaurants in a mere 4 years.

Of course, the feat of increasing by lawful means in for years from her own shop to twenty thousand stores is next to a miracle. I’ve known just recently from the Netherworld’s media, but it seems that there has been a series of M&A (mergers and acquisitions of different companies) bordering the illegality.

Now that I mention it this girl… She once thought of stealing the contract from Zonmi. Thinking like this, Kyouko, unexpectedly… May be a girl with a forte of stealing other people’s achievements[2].

“… Hey, Haru. Right now, you, haven’t you thought something terribly rude of me?”

“H-how would I, of course I did not!?”

“Hu-mph. It’s suspicious that you’ve suddenly changed to a polite tone, but since today is a special day… I’ll let it slide.”


A close call.

Most likely, Kyouko has went through many hardships in these four years and her intuition has sharpened.

Expect her chorokawaii[3] disposition from until now and you may get hurt.

“… Nu. Excuse me for being late, Chiharu. The afternoon lectures got ended up stretching a tad.”

“Iris… Is it you?”

Last time I saw her was forever ago.

Though we have exchanged letters a couple of times, it may have been around three years since we actually last met.

“… Sorry. Excuse me, but I shall borrow a seat without delay. With these… It can’t be helped that my shoulders get stiff.”

Muttered Iris, lowering her chest on the table.

“… Y-yeah.”

Meeting again after 3 years, no wonder I behave strange.

In the while that I haven’t see her, Iris… Erm… Bodywise, she seems to have had a plentiful development that unconsciously makes you unable to stand out of surprise, and her body clad in a red dress like those of red dragons brings about a voluptuous sensualiry.

T-these are…

D… No, they may be E cups.

As expected, if compared with the original boobs daimajin[4] Lilith-san she’ll lost in terms of volume, but unexpectedly Iris’s chest has grown this much—.


Contrasting with me, who was rejoicing at Iris’s growth in a pure way & a wicked way, Zonmi & Kyouko’s expressions clouded.

Suddenly, while patting their own chests, they were wrapped in *GLOOM!* a heavy mood like someone who has gotten back from a funeral.

“I lost… To that red dragon…!? It’s the first time that I tasted this sense of loss as a woman.”

“By some chance… No need to guess, I am the one with the smallest chest from all the girls here!?”

By the way, there’s a reason for the fact that out of us four, only Iris has grown in outward appearance.

I, Zonmi, Kyouko, us three were already 16 when we met[5].

Even if 4 years have passed invoking the eternal seventeen (christened by my sister) peculiar of monsters, I fact, we’ve only aged a year’s share, but… Iris is different.

In Iris’s case, since she was outside of the scope where eternal seventeen would apply, like that she shows a growth of four years.

Iris Scarlet Lindwurm.

She who had more interest than others in ‘knowing’ from among the one’s we’ve met, as she declared, from Netherworld high school to university, she skipped grades and graduated in a mere 3 years, and currently she holds a position as teaching staff at a Netherworld university.

With a knowledge that puts adults to shame and a lovely appearance, Iris’s lectures have become already so popular that students from other universities go attend them.

“Since we are all gathered, do I announce that now?

What I couldn’t make my mind on four years ago… Let’s start with the continuation of that day.”

Maou na Ore to Fushihime no Yubiwa 5 p211.png

References and Translation Notes

  1. Majority of age, which in most English-speaking countries is at 18, except the Gibraltar British exclave (17) Canada’s British Columbia. New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut and Yukon, and US’s Alabama and Nebraska (19; in Nebraska can be 17 if married), New Zealand (20) and US’s Mississippi and Puerto Rico (21), in Japan is at 20 (like New Zealand), which coincides also with the voting, smoking and drinking ages.
  2. Just his suspicion; it may have not been her. Or it may.
  3. From choroi (easy) + kawaii (cute); a girl who’s cute because she’s easy to trick, with the main example being Cecilia Alcott from IS.
  4. Either “great magic god” or “great evil god” (-ess).
  5. I suppose he means when they met with Zonmi and Iris, since he was in elementary school when he met Kyouko.

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