User talk:RedGlassesGirl

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General comments | Thanks for your support!

You have my sincere thanks for your translations. --Tasear (talk) 03:49, 6 February 2015 (CST)

Comments about Maru-Ma project in english

Could you add a link and position to Spanish translation page on the English translation page? --Tasear (talk) 22:09, 25 May 2015 (CDT)
There is a link to the spanish translations as well as the italian translations on the main page of the english project just below the summary and introduction. --RedGlassesGirl (talk) 10:03, 26 May 2015 (CDT)

Changed Email

Hy my Dear, I've changed email address because I can't access to my yahoo mail due a security problem (some one tried to use my email) so you can write another mail from here because I've changed on bakatsuk my email reference? Unfurtunaly I cant remember your email. Otherwise send me a private message on my blog Kirishima@ where you have to log. I'm very sorry for the trouble, Yahoo mail make me a bad joke and so to others users. For KKM cap 2 I'll send you on the second half of june I have only to check! --Kirishima Zen (talk) 15:57, 6 June 2015 (UTC)

Maru MA Italian page

Hy, you have not replied my mail so I added in italian page all the trasnlation I send to you and also link for my forum for capter 2 Vol 1, I wanted to inform you because you never replied my last email, today I'll add cap 3 vol 1 link for my translation. Please answer me and god job^^