User talk:KLSymph

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Hey, catwalk here. if u'r interested to edit Rakudai kishi then you should put your name in the editors section. (and also, it would very very helpful if you were to mention in the discussion thread)and thanks again for the had work. --TheCatWalk --nyaa~ 20:08, 30 April 2014 (CDT)

Next time I'll post on the discussion page, it's just compare to the other projects I edit and knowing other TLers, the norm is you place comments and questions in the summary. That way the TLers can see the changes and comments at the same time, and it's generally how most projects are, they don't really use the discussion page that much.--Dual Blades (talk) 14:07, 22 June 2014 (CDT)

Are you picking up where cat left off at? If you are translating, should just have your name under Translaters only. Has it been confirmed cat is inactive there sorta like a certain time period before A TLer is declared/believed to be inactive I believe.--Dual Blades (talk) 03:52, 5 August 2014 (CDT)

Yes, TheCatWalk has explicitly passed the torch to me in a forum private message. Since you've added yourself to the project editor list, come join the discussion in the teaser feedback forum too. As for my spot on the editor list, I still do editing work for parts I didn't translate, and the rules haven't said anything about being translator and editor at the same time, so I feel I should still label myself that way. -- KLSymph (talk) 08:15, 5 August 2014 (CDT)

Ahh I see, btw do you use IRC, most of the active baka-tsuki community is on it, it's really useful for communicating. I use it to talk to my tlers like Krytyk for edits and changes on projects. If you need help getting started on it you can ask me. About the tler and editor thing, from what I know of and looking at other projects, it's assume that the tler will edit somewhat to a degree his work. It's not always the case but editors are just solely for editing and proposing beneficial changes to the project in general. I always do a good amount of work on a project before I add myself to the editor list, cause that the right way to do it.--Dual Blades (talk) 13:36, 6 August 2014 (CDT)

^What he said, although i am not in there most of the time (irl stuff...less net) most of the BT peeps are there. u should join the channel #Campione . p.s. --> i have some grave and unsettling news here, i sqeezed out some time in my daily tiring student life and found a loop hole. in other words, i 'can' continue tl'ing but about 4-5 pages a day at best. i'll pm u in the forums with details. i'll be removing the afk status on me (dont think i trolled lolz XD i was actually out for a long while right?) - TheCatWalk --nyaa~ 02:47, 17 August 2014 (CDT)

Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan

So from now on anything questions or matters that comes up in the translation that kind of big or it's too long I'll post on the chp discussion page. I have already posted something on it that requires your attention check it out :D --Dual Blades (talk) 16:04, 12 August 2014 (CDT)

I just finished Rakudai Vol 1. I'm sorry, but your translation was pretty bad. It seemed like a direct translation from the Japanese text, with no consideration as to whether the sentence you ended up with actually made sense in English. I do not mean this as an insult, so please do not take this the wrong way, but I do hope that you will perform even more proofreading on your translations in the future before uploading them. --Fatalystic (talk) 23:15, 28 December 2014 (GMT +8)

Your view is quite right; my translation was done as an emergency effort when the original translator went on break, and it was my first translation as well. That's why I've not allowed the teaser tag to be removed from the project despite the calls from other project members and I have spent the last few months editing the volume. (Whether that time editing will really improve it remains to be seen, but what can you do?) --KLSymph (talk) 18:58, 28 December 2014 (CST)

I'm planning to make a translation into Spanish so I need to ask your permission to start with this project and I already made a translation until chapter 2 of vol 2. Hope you're agree with it. --Hamberz19 (talk) 18:26, 28 December 2014 (CST)

You might want to send this request to TheCatWalk, or Simon the project supervisor. I don't really know the policy on giving permission for alternate language translations, and I don't know Spanish to give an informed opinion. Good luck. --KLSymph (talk) 18:58, 28 December 2014 (CST)

uhh...not sure how to put this but im kinda interested in editing for Rakudai, and have already gone through V2C1,2,3. could you go through them and see how you feel? Thanks. Would have pmed you on the forums but its down for many people (including yourself i believe). --Bowguyz (talk) 19:42, 16 January 2015 (CST)

I think your edits are quite fine. You don't need my permission to edit or anything. Also, I haven't had any problems with the forum. --KLSymph (talk) 20:27, 16 January 2015 (CST)

thanks. if youre looking for permanent editors, let me know. --Bowguyz (talk) 07:41, 19 January 2015 (CST)

Ahh I see what you mean with the all Ha●shin thing, yeh I'll check that out.--Dual Blades (talk) 19:23, 1 February 2015 (CST)

Hey man you might want hurry with those translation Rakudai if you don't the whole project might get deleted. Change it to Main Project already. That's my favorite Light Novel to read. WyvernFrog (talk)

Changing to full project is up to administration, not me. I already completed the steps for requesting approval a month ago. As far as I know, the project is not in danger of deletion. -- KLSymph (talk) 16:22, 7 February 2015 (CST)

Are you going to be translating volume 4 and so on? Or were you just finishing off volume 3.

TheCatWalk is working on volume three. After that, we'll see how it goes. I'm usually the translator-when-no-one-else-is-translating. --KLSymph (talk) 03:16, 12 July 2015 (UTC)

Hey man, has TheCatWalk abandoned the project? I know it currently says afk but it has been a while. Just wondering if in the near future the the remaining volumes are going to be translated or whether you might take over as the lead translator? -- TheSlyGuy (talk) 17:09, 04 September 2015 (UTC)

TheCatWalk has not abandoned the project as of the last time we communicated. In accordance with Baka-Tsuki rules, I can't answer questions about when translations will occur. I translate when no one else is doing so, though again I can't give an actual schedule. -- KLSymph (talk) 18:29, 4 September 2015 (UTC)

Hello! Glad to meet a translator of the project. Feel free to revert my edits if they aren't matching - I don't have the context, after all. Since you're active, I'll put any major concerns in side notes. -- Nscorz (talk) 01:59, 28 October 2015 (GMT)

Hey again. I was wondering if you plan on further translations of this project or whether you was just finishing off volume? -- TheSlyGuy (talk) 20:03, 14 December 2015 (UTC)

The project's registration page best represents my translation schedule at any particular time. -- KLSymph (talk) 01:04, 15 December 2015 (UTC)

Why the ATP tag?

Because that was usually the used mode to get the attention a teaser project needs to get the approvel to become a full project! - So grats for your approval by Simon! --Darklor (talk) 18:51, 9 February 2015 (CST)

It certainly worked. Thanks! -- KLSymph (talk) 21:33, 9 February 2015 (CST)

Prospective Translators for Rakudai

Hey KLSymph, a friend and I are interested in helping translate Rakudai. Is there space available for more translators? My account is AltF4izwin and my friend's is luyairis. We would probably be interested in working together on a volume. --Altf4izwin(talk) 21:33, 11 November 2015 (MST)

There's always room for translators (except those doing machine translation), so if you'd like to give the project a try, put together a draft and I'll take a look. But be warned that I have to edit all translations eventually to keep the project's quality consistent and high. -- KLSymph (talk) 13:32, 16 November 2015 (UTC)

just wondering klsympth are you gonig translate volume 5 also srry typing little off i appreicate all work your doing i enjoy reading your novels

Hey again, I just wanted to say that I've been working on Rakudai and I think that it is a bit out of my league. I really love the series but I feel like I don't have the skill quite yet for such a moderately difficult translation. I'm just letting you know that, although I may come back later once I've gotten better at the language, for now I'm going to take a break. Sorry I couldn't be of more use but I just thought I'd let you know so there's no uncertainty for you. --Altf4izwin(talk) 00:13, 1 December 2015 (MST)

That's fine. Thanks for letting me know. --KLSymph (talk) 14:53, 1 December 2015 (UTC)

you guys are amazing ty KLSymph really do enjoy reading this anime srry i dont know any japanese or i would try to help out tyvm

Well hello there, this is DisavateraMX, some random dude who randomly drops into forums to post translated snippets. Very short snippets, mind you, so this is more or less a first for me. Pretty impressed by your work so far! I'd like to help out with the translations, and I understand from your previous M.O. and talk page responses that you don't mind doing work in parts, and would prefer to edit the work before it gets put up. I'd like to think I have enough skill to help translate Rakudai, but I think you'd be the better judge of that. You mentioned that your translation registration page shows how far you've gotten with your translation schedule and therefore (by inference) work. As such, do you mind if I throw together a quick draft of Volume 5's Prologue and then pass it over for your perusal -after which you are free to decide whether I'm up to scratch or not- since it seems you have not added it to your registration? Thanks a lot for your time! I -am- a serial long-poster, sorry about that. -- Account:DisavateraMX

Hi DisavateraMX! I am currently not working on translating volume five and I don't even have access to the source text at the moment, so you can go ahead and register what you'd like to post in the registration page and then post it. -- KLSymph (talk) 17:07, 21 December 2015 (UTC)