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* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_199|[Web Novel 199] Chapter 199 - 盾の勇者の朝 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_199|[Web Novel 199] Chapter 199 - 盾の勇者の朝 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_200|[Web Novel 200] Chapter 200 - 反省 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_200|[Web Novel 200] Chapter 200 - 反省 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_201|[Web Novel 201] Chapter 201 - クズとアトラ ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_202|[Web Novel 202] Chapter 202 - 恩赦 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_203|[Web Novel 203] Chapter 203 - 魔力の流れ ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_204|[Web Novel 204] Chapter 204 - 龍脈法 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_205|[Web Novel 205] Chapter 205 - 恋の季節 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_206|[Web Novel 206] Chapter 206 - フィトリアの依頼 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_207|[Web Novel 207] Chapter 207 - レース ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_208|[Web Novel 208] Chapter 208 - ショートカット ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_209|[Web Novel 209] Chapter 209 - 色欲 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_210|[Web Novel 210] Chapter 210 - 嫉妬 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_211|[Web Novel 211] Chapter 211 - 仲間割れ ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_212|[Web Novel 212] Chapter 212 - 愛の狩人 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_213|[Web Novel 213] Chapter 213 - 仮眠 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_214|[Web Novel 214] Chapter 214 - 革命派 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_215|[Web Novel 215] Chapter 215 - 蛮族の鎧+2 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_216|[Web Novel 216] Chapter 216 - 複合所有権 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_217|[Web Novel 217] Chapter 217 - 盾の勇者の攻略講座 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_218|[Web Novel 218] Chapter 218 - ふんどし忠犬 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_219|[Web Novel 219] Chapter 219 - 無双活性 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_220|[Web Novel 220] Chapter 220 - 男の娘 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_221|[Web Novel 221] Chapter 221 - 解放時間 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_222|[Web Novel 222] Chapter 222 - ゲーム知識 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_223|[Web Novel 223] Chapter 223 - 献身願望 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_224|[Web Novel 224] Chapter 224 - 婚約者 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_225|[Web Novel 225] Chapter 225 - 行き違い ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_226|[Web Novel 226] Chapter 226 - 異変 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_227|[Web Novel 227] Chapter 227 - 毒 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_228|[Web Novel 228] Chapter 228 - 洗脳 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_229|[Web Novel 229] Chapter 229 - 複数犯 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_230|[Web Novel 230] Chapter 230 - 感染性 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_231|[Web Novel 231] Chapter 231 - 誤算 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_232|[Web Novel 232] Chapter 232 - 努力 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_233|[Web Novel 233] Chapter 233 - 正義の短剣 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_234|[Web Novel 234] Chapter 234 - 集団心理 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_235|[Web Novel 235] Chapter 235 - 残党 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_236|[Web Novel 236] Chapter 236 - 盾の魔王 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_237|[Web Novel 237] Chapter 237 - 霊亀甲 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_238|[Web Novel 238] Chapter 238 - 深追い ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_239|[Web Novel 239] Chapter 239 - 機会 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_240|[Web Novel 240] Chapter 240 - 研究資料 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_241|[Web Novel 241] Chapter 241 - 正義の弓 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_242|[Web Novel 242] Chapter 242 - 正義の否定 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_243|[Web Novel 243] Chapter 243 - 決闘条件 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_244|[Web Novel 244] Chapter 244 - 正義VS正義 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_245|[Web Novel 245] Chapter 245 - 覚醒 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_246|[Web Novel 246] Chapter 246 - 革命 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_247|[Web Novel 247] Chapter 247 - 城下町爆走事件 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_248|[Web Novel 248] Chapter 248 - 旗揚げ ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_249|[Web Novel 249] Chapter 249 - 完勝 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_250|[Web Novel 250] Chapter 250 - 昇進 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_251|[Web Novel 251] Chapter 251 - 勇者の血族 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_252|[Web Novel 252] Chapter 252 - 命乞い ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_253|[Web Novel 253] Chapter 253 - イエスマン ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_254|[Web Novel 254] Chapter 254 - Vol.1 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_255|[Web Novel 255] Chapter 255 - スタート地点 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_256|[Web Novel 256] Chapter 256 - 優越感 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_257|[Web Novel 257] Chapter 257 - リベレイション ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_258|[Web Novel 258] Chapter 258 - 盾の両面を見よ ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_259|[Web Novel 259] Chapter 259 - 義賊 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_260|[Web Novel 260] Chapter 260 - 悪化 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_261|[Web Novel 261] Chapter 261 - 異能力者 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_262|[Web Novel 262] Chapter 262 - 研究所訪問 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_263|[Web Novel 263] Chapter 263 - 抜き打ちチェック ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_264|[Web Novel 264] Chapter 264 - ファミリア ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_265|[Web Novel 265] Chapter 265 - 深夜の攻防 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_266|[Web Novel 266] Chapter 266 - 虎男 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_267|[Web Novel 267] Chapter 267 - 一時休戦 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_268|[Web Novel 268] Chapter 268 - 酒 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_269|[Web Novel 269] Chapter 269 - 真相は闇の中 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_270|[Web Novel 270] Chapter 270 - 豚王 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_271|[Web Novel 271] Chapter 271 - キング ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_272|[Web Novel 272] Chapter 272 - 第二回勇者会議【上】 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_273|[Web Novel 273] Chapter 273 - 第二回勇者会議【中】 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_274|[Web Novel 274] Chapter 274 - 第二回勇者会議【下】 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_275|[Web Novel 275] Chapter 275 - 復興祭 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_276|[Web Novel 276] Chapter 276 - 競羽 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_277|[Web Novel 277] Chapter 277 - 新・七つの大罪 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_278|[Web Novel 278] Chapter 278 - 遺伝子改造 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_279|[Web Novel 279] Chapter 279 - 空中要塞 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_280|[Web Novel 280] Chapter 280 - 人体実験 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_281|[Web Novel 281] Chapter 281 - 生命倫理 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_282|[Web Novel 282] Chapter 282 - バイオカスタム ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_283|[Web Novel 283] Chapter 283 - 一長一短 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_284|[Web Novel 284] Chapter 284 - 第二塔の攻防 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_285|[Web Novel 285] Chapter 285 - 第二世代 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_286|[Web Novel 286] Chapter 286 - 戦況反転 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_287|[Web Novel 287] Chapter 287 - 研究結果 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_288|[Web Novel 288] Chapter 288 - 損害賠償 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_289|[Web Novel 289] Chapter 289 - 期間限定 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_290|[Web Novel 290] Chapter 290 - クレープの木 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_291|[Web Novel 291] Chapter 291 - 竜信仰 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_292|[Web Novel 292] Chapter 292 - 新型馬車 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_293|[Web Novel 293] Chapter 293 - ラフのラフ種 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_294|[Web Novel 294] Chapter 294 - 集・壁・玉 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_295|[Web Novel 295] Chapter 295 - 兄妹喧嘩 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_296|[Web Novel 296] Chapter 296 - 虎々激突 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_297|[Web Novel 297] Chapter 297 - 鳳凰の地 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_298|[Web Novel 298] Chapter 298 - 勇者の日記 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_299|[Web Novel 299] Chapter 299 - 最後の七星武器 ]]
* [[Tate_no_Yuusha:Web_Chapter_300|[Web Novel 300] Chapter 300 - 七星武器 ]]
==Project Staff==
==Project Staff==

Revision as of 14:27, 20 September 2014

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Volume 1 Cover

Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari / The Rising of the Shield Hero (盾の勇者の成り上がり)a Japanese web novel written by Aneko Yusagi (アネコユサギ). The web novel was adapted into a manga drawn by Aiya Kyuu (藍屋球) and published by MF Books. The light novel was illustrated by Minami Seira (弥南 せいら) with 6 volumes and ongoing.

The Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari series is also available in the following languages:


Iwatani Naofumi was summoned into a parallel world along with 3 other people to become the world's Heroes. Each of the heroes were respectively equipped with their own legendary equipment when summoned. Naofumi coincidentally received the Legendary Shield as his weapon. Due to Naofumi's lack of charisma and experience, he ended up with only a single teammate while others have several. Unfortunately, on his third day Naofumi was betrayed, falsely accused, and robbed by the said teammate. Shunned by everyone from king to peasants, Naofumi's thoughts were filled with nothing but vengeance and hatred. Thus, his destiny in a parallel World begins...



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Guidelines and Formats

Feedback & Discussion

If you like the novel then please give us your feedback and/or thoughts

Recent Updates

  • September 15th, 2014 - Chapter 20 Completed
  • September 10th, 2014 - Chapters 22-23 (Wave 1) and Chapters 24-25 (Wave 2) Completed
  • October 12th, 2014 - chapter 21 Completed
  • September 15th, 2014 - Chapter 20 Completed
  • September 10th, 2014 - Chapters 22-25 Completed

Older updates can be found here.

Extra info

The difference between the LN and WN can be found here.

Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari by Aneko Yusagi

  • Please do note that there are differences between the light novel and web novel. These translations are based on the web novel.

Wave 1

Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Volume 1 Cover.png

Wave 2

Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Volume 2 Cover.jpg

Wave 3

Wave 4 et +

Project Staff





Original Web Novel

Original web published novel can be found here: 盾の勇者の成り上がり

Series Overview

  • 盾の勇者の成り上がり 1 - 334 pages (August 22, 2013) ISBN 978-4840152754
  • 盾の勇者の成り上がり 2 - 316 pages (October 24, 2013) ISBN 978-4040660496
  • 盾の勇者の成り上がり 3 - 313 pages (December 21, 2013) ISBN 978-4040661667
  • 盾の勇者の成り上がり 4 - (February 25, 2014) ISBN 978-4040663210
  • 盾の勇者の成り上がり 5 - (April 25, 2014) ISBN 978-4040667188
  • 盾の勇者の成り上がり 6 - (June 25, 2014) ISBN 978-4040667904
  • 盾の勇者の成り上がり 7 - (September 25, 2014) ISBN 978-4040669960