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DAMN U SIMOOON!!!Just cause i am currently KIA,u NTR'ed this..i wanted to start it >.< and about the name,i believe we've had this loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong debate on the FB group [started and spammed by yours truly <3 ] btw,here's a quote from the website,might work as a synopsis?i cant tl it though and Google give shit "「おまえ、わたしのものになりなさい」「はい?」お調子者の初級魔道士ダークは、無敵の傭兵騎士団“聖剣団”の見習い剣士フィーネによって、無理やり団員にさせられる。だがラグナの谷を守るその騎士団は、今や弱小の”二代目”となっていた!? フィーネの下で聖剣団復活に付き合わされるダークだが、そんな矢先に禁断の黒魔術を操るカーラーン国の“魔軍”がラグナの谷へ侵攻し――!? 谷が危機を迎える中、ダークは持ち前の悪知恵を働かせ、思わぬ作戦に出る!! スニーカー文庫が放つ超王道ファンタジー始動!!" -
DAMN U SIMOOON!!!Just cause i am currently KIA,u NTR'ed this.[happy XD].i wanted to start it >.< and about the name,i believe we've had this loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong debate on the FB group [started and spammed by yours truly <3 ] btw,here's a quote from the website,might work as a synopsis?i cant tl it though and Google gives shit "「おまえ、わたしのものになりなさい」「はい?」お調子者の初級魔道士ダークは、無敵の傭兵騎士団“聖剣団”の見習い剣士フィーネによって、無理やり団員にさせられる。だがラグナの谷を守るその騎士団は、今や弱小の”二代目”となっていた!? フィーネの下で聖剣団復活に付き合わされるダークだが、そんな矢先に禁断の黒魔術を操るカーラーン国の“魔軍”がラグナの谷へ侵攻し――!? 谷が危機を迎える中、ダークは持ち前の悪知恵を働かせ、思わぬ作戦に出る!! スニーカー文庫が放つ超王道ファンタジー始動!!" about the title, well..i also dloaded the raws u see,the file name was definitely "Sword Princess and God" which was shot down in irc.
P.S. my application for leave got granted and nyan shall be back in 7 hours.gonna up the vol 2 illustrations then if u dont have them.
P.S. my application for leave got granted and nyan shall be back in 7 hours.gonna up the vol 2 illustrations then if u dont have them.
[[User:Ways|<span style="color:green;font:bold 10pt kristen itc">TheCatWalk</span>]] ([[User_talk:Ways|Talk]]) 22:36, 18 July 2013 (CDT)
-[[User:Ways|<span style="color:green;font:bold 10pt kristen itc">TheCatWalk</span>]] ([[User_talk:Ways|Talk]]) 22:36, 18 July 2013 (CDT)
With those titles... it's a 'light novel thing' to provide made up furigana readings to normal kanji. 星刻の竜騎士 for instance, reads "Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi" or Star-marked Dragon Knight, but the furigana over Dragon Knight is ドラゴナー... Dragoner or Dragner.
In this case, the first kanji is the 'Sei' in 'Seija' (Saint) and in Shinsei (Holy). The second kanji by itself can be read 'Tsurugi' (Sword). (don't get me started on the 'Aldebaran' thing... that's just a bit too 'chuuni'. ;)
Taken from animesuki forum and Hemisphere post
"The invincible mercenary group 聖剣団 (formerly known as 神盟騎士団) comprising of six highly skilled, widely reputed individuals all leading their own corps, bound together and led by グラジス・エストール (and accompanied by his daughter フィーネ・エストール as an apprentice following in her father's footsteps), has repeatedly repelled the military advances of the country of カーラーン for over a year now. They have settled in the valley of ラグナ thus far, which is also the mercenary group's leader's hometown, and defended it from カーラーン time and time again. But when an unprecedented disaster strikes, with the one thing holding this invincible mercenary group together being taken away from them in one brief moment, the group crumbles under the pressure of the situation and a falling out ensues; the members, convinced that they could bring an end to this problem on their own without the help of the others, split apart. It now falls on フィーネ・エストール and her captive prisoner, ダーク, to defend the now-vulnerable valley of ラグナ from the military might of カーラーン whose leaders are all but eager to take advantage of this opportunity as a way to repay the shame of eight continuous losses despite having superior numbers, demons and magic on their side."
He said that "As I(Hemisphere) don't want to get whatever romanizations wrong, I(Hemisphere) will be using the names and terms as they appeared in the books."--[[User:SirEatALot|SirEatALot]] ([[User talk:SirEatALot|talk]]) 21:27, 26 July 2013 (CDT)

Latest revision as of 04:27, 27 July 2013


Unless you deliberately localized the title like this or I suffer from a lack of caffeine: shouldn't it be "Aldebaran"? EusthEnoptEron (talk) 16:54, 18 July 2013 (CDT)

Damn... Messed up... -- Simon 17:07, 18 July 2013 (CDT)
聖剣の姫と神盟騎士団 -> Google translate reads this as "Seiken no hime to shinmei kishi-dan", I wonder which is the correct one - LiTTleDRAgo (Talk) 17:10, 18 July 2013 (CDT)
I'm not the TL... don't ask me... He didn't knew how to start, so I did it for him... And now this... -- Simon 17:15, 18 July 2013 (CDT)
*after carefully looked at the cover* -> つるぎ聖剣の姫とアルデバラン神盟騎士団
I don't understand what the author is trying to do - LiTTleDRAgo (Talk) 17:36, 18 July 2013 (CDT)

Why, oh why does the name sound so familiar :). (hint) --Zuruumi (talk) 17:24, 18 July 2013 (CDT)

Sometimes these titles are hard to translate... I read it as "Princess of the Holy Sword and the Knights of the 'God Union'". (Whatever that might be). Maybe "Sword Princess and the Holy Knights" would be a better translation? (Oh, wait. I see what they did with the katakana over the kanji. /shakes head/ I hate it when they do that.)

DAMN U SIMOOON!!!Just cause i am currently KIA,u NTR'ed this.[happy XD].i wanted to start it >.< and about the name,i believe we've had this loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong debate on the FB group [started and spammed by yours truly <3 ] btw,here's a quote from the website,might work as a synopsis?i cant tl it though and Google gives shit "「おまえ、わたしのものになりなさい」「はい?」お調子者の初級魔道士ダークは、無敵の傭兵騎士団“聖剣団”の見習い剣士フィーネによって、無理やり団員にさせられる。だがラグナの谷を守るその騎士団は、今や弱小の”二代目”となっていた!? フィーネの下で聖剣団復活に付き合わされるダークだが、そんな矢先に禁断の黒魔術を操るカーラーン国の“魔軍”がラグナの谷へ侵攻し――!? 谷が危機を迎える中、ダークは持ち前の悪知恵を働かせ、思わぬ作戦に出る!! スニーカー文庫が放つ超王道ファンタジー始動!!" about the title, well..i also dloaded the raws u see,the file name was definitely "Sword Princess and God" which was shot down in irc. P.S. my application for leave got granted and nyan shall be back in 7 hours.gonna up the vol 2 illustrations then if u dont have them. -TheCatWalk (Talk) 22:36, 18 July 2013 (CDT)

With those titles... it's a 'light novel thing' to provide made up furigana readings to normal kanji. 星刻の竜騎士 for instance, reads "Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi" or Star-marked Dragon Knight, but the furigana over Dragon Knight is ドラゴナー... Dragoner or Dragner. In this case, the first kanji is the 'Sei' in 'Seija' (Saint) and in Shinsei (Holy). The second kanji by itself can be read 'Tsurugi' (Sword). (don't get me started on the 'Aldebaran' thing... that's just a bit too 'chuuni'. ;)

Taken from animesuki forum and Hemisphere post

"The invincible mercenary group 聖剣団 (formerly known as 神盟騎士団) comprising of six highly skilled, widely reputed individuals all leading their own corps, bound together and led by グラジス・エストール (and accompanied by his daughter フィーネ・エストール as an apprentice following in her father's footsteps), has repeatedly repelled the military advances of the country of カーラーン for over a year now. They have settled in the valley of ラグナ thus far, which is also the mercenary group's leader's hometown, and defended it from カーラーン time and time again. But when an unprecedented disaster strikes, with the one thing holding this invincible mercenary group together being taken away from them in one brief moment, the group crumbles under the pressure of the situation and a falling out ensues; the members, convinced that they could bring an end to this problem on their own without the help of the others, split apart. It now falls on フィーネ・エストール and her captive prisoner, ダーク, to defend the now-vulnerable valley of ラグナ from the military might of カーラーン whose leaders are all but eager to take advantage of this opportunity as a way to repay the shame of eight continuous losses despite having superior numbers, demons and magic on their side."

He said that "As I(Hemisphere) don't want to get whatever romanizations wrong, I(Hemisphere) will be using the names and terms as they appeared in the books."--SirEatALot (talk) 21:27, 26 July 2013 (CDT)