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== Uh volumes 7-14? ==
== Volume Number Mismatch ==
What happened to the translations of these? Someone seems to have jumped ahead and skipped many of the volumes in the middle to work on the volume 20+ ones.
The numbering of the volumes doesn't seem to match the official numbering (see bottom of the page with the ISBN list). This is rather confusing. Maybe the illustration and premium book could be listed (as short hint) at the correct places in the overview and volume numbers adjusted to the official order?
7-14 got animated so buying the DVD's gives you a good idea of the story, I think the translator jumped ahead because they are interested in newer unanimated stories.
Also when one clicks the "Full Text" the following pages should include the volume title again, e.g. I click on "Full Text" after "Volume 17 - Ciao Sorella! " then there should be a headline on the following full text page "Volume 17: Ciao Sorella!". Some of the earlier translations add this (albeit only below the table of content and not above). Would be nice if this was generally done and above the Table of Content section.
Volume 12. It would be great if this could be finished after volume 31 as it hasn't been touched since January 2010. Also, much thanks for ALL the hard work the translators are doing. Your effort is greatly appreciated!
''Anyway… just some small things, besides that: great work. Can't wait for the rest (I'm checking here every month for updates. It's in my calendar ;) )''
== Other Marimite Translations ==
:Hello there! Thank you for taking the time to reach out to us.
Is there any interest on Seki's part to merge or link other translations done by say Okazu into the Bakatsuki project? I'm not sure if you're insistent upon your own translations or not, so it's just me bouncing around a question.
:Regarding the volume numbering, I think this is actually a good idea. There are indeed 39 published volumes, with 37 of those being what you see here. I chose to include the ISBN of all 39 because I wanted to enable anyone looking for more information to be able to do so. That said, the volumes are in numerical order of appearance to prevent confusion, thinking that there might be a couple missing. Personally, I ''would'' like to have them numbered as their actual volume number. Perhaps we could use the special editions as placeholders as you suggested.
:Regarding the title of the volume appearing on the top of the full text page, this is done automatically in wikimedia. The URL dictates the title of the page, and we have a standard of how to list our projects. It is a great idea, though.
:--[[User:Leviticus|Leviticus]] ([[User talk:Leviticus|talk]]) 17:21, 11 March 2019 (CET)
:: I disagree on the volume numbering. The premium book and illustration collection are not light novels, and treating them as such would IMO lead to confusion given that this is a light novel translation site. From what I've seen, the Japanese versions themselves do not contain a volume number, eg. it's Maria-sama ga Miteru Farewell Bouquet, not Maria-sama ga Miteru 37/39 Farewell Bouquet - as such, the volume numbering is for our convenience, and I would rather it stay as the volume number in the light novel series.
Right now I'm leaning towards insisting on my own translations.
:: If anything, I'd rather see the Premium Book / Illustration Collection pulled out into a separate Bonus/Extra/Other section to further highlight the fact that they're not light novels.
:: [[User:Enn are|Enn are]] ([[User talk:Enn are|talk]]) 22:45, 11 March 2019 (CET)
:::NR has the strongest argument here with respect to the volume ordering and numbers. We'll leave the list as-is for the time being, however I will be taking a second look at how the number of volumes and the ISBN are presented. --[[User:Leviticus|Leviticus]] ([[User talk:Leviticus|talk]]) 06:26, 20 March 2019 (CET)
::::'''UPDATE''' The volume list has been organized to reflect the separation of the literary novels and the two extras. --[[User:Leviticus|Leviticus]] ([[User talk:Leviticus|talk]]) 00:18, 11 November 2019 (CET)
== Dialogue ==
I think you're alienating the dozens of translators eager to work on this project by saying you can power through 10 years and 8 months of konno oyuki's work. as a translator myself I know it can take forever working on a single line to make it fit in the scope of the english language. bakatsuki should be the central hub for all the translations being done so far. it should be the collaborative efforts of all the translators and editors into forming a cohesive readable experience for all marimite fans. we can achieve that by observing haruhi's staff page. we need a supervisor who can keep up with Tlers and editors. we can establish more thorough translation and editing guidelines. we need someone to properly ask okazu for use and revising of her works, since she literally did 6 volumes already. I'm not saying it should be me; I want to translate too, but we have to face the scope of this series, which is four times larger than haruhi, not counting the stories not in novels, yet in the four years since the anime started, which i assume was when popularity increased, there is no cohesive translation staff. I just want to make sure there is one place for fans to find/read/enjoy the original version of marimite before it is licensed, which god knows what kind of guidelines they'll follow. I'm still going to translate, starting from the last chapter. Whether I bother posting it here or not is up to how well received and implemented these plans are to the marimite fans, current staff included. gokigenyou.
I was wondering if it would be possible to keep dialogue line and the explanatory author's line in the same paragraph. Because else it is a bit too confusing - someone speaks a complete thought, and then we are told who said it, but this two things seem unrelated.
-AlphaUltima (recent TL work in Hidamari Sketch x365 with SpoonSubs and SZS with Plumcity/Entropy)
If it is fine with you I would have liked to edit already translated chapters this way. Just punctuation, nothing else =)
Umm, unless other people also find it confusing, I'd prefer to leave it as is, because of author's style. So if anyone else feels the same, feel free to leave a message, as like an informal poll or something. If it's a big enough problem we could open a poll in the forum instead, I guess.
Honestly, if someone else wants to organize stuff they can do so, especially considering I'd underestimated how quickly my free time would dwindle as I near graduation. Because my primary motivation with the project was just to practice, that sort of administrative work is something I'd not wanted - and still really don't want - to have to deal with.
-- [[User:Seki|Seki]]
It confused me a little at first, but I've since accepted that as the author's style and embrace it as such. So leave it as is! Great job, btw, I'm enjoying your translations! --Shikan
I didn't have a problem following the style and flow of dialogue lines from the get-go. I vote to leave it as is. You're doing great work and I really appreciate the time you put into this! Hope things have gotten better for you! -- HoodedZippy
okay, first thing is updating the list to volume 33. then i'll ask okazu for her blessing in using her scripts for this project. we'll figure it out from there.
She said yes. Here's the full email:
''Hello -You're more than welcome to use those translations. I actually have one more, as well, that hasn't yet been posted to Okazu. So, the 18th books has also been translated - this one by Rei and Sukoshi. I'll post that soon to Okazu, so you can take it from there. Cheers, Erica''
Just wondering, have those novels no illustrations? Or were they left out because they would have been to much, or were there some other reasons? Like I said just wondering... --[[User:Darklor|Darklor]] 09:19, 4 November 2009 (UTC)
Just finished updating the novel lists. I'll start breaking the novel sections down as I already have them all in text files already.
-Ah, I see they have illustrations but not all of those are added so if anyone who have those illustration feel free to add them. ;) --[[User:Darklor|Darklor]] 08:16, 16 December 2009 (UTC)
== Vol 12 discussion ==
Wouldn't it be convenient to link to what is done from volume 12?
== Soeur vs Sœur ==
I've noticed that the first five translated volumes use sœur while as far as I can tell most of the later ones use soeur. I prefer the more French style sœur anyone object to me changing them all to that so there is consistency across all the volumes?
I can add it, but when I get to v12, I'm probably going to replace it with my own, should I add it anyways? :< Or have like a link next to v12, or something? >_>
Sukoshi also likes to use the French spelling for words. It's problematic because most Americans can't read French (myself included), whereas the rest of the English-speaking has some familiarity with it. I guess it's a good idea, since theoretically the Japanese loan word came from the French. If we do, I'll need to memorize the ASCII code for making that character. xD ~Rei
Often when French words appear in English texts they appear in italics. Would this also be a good idea? ~Rei
You could add it as a preview I guess, as the people over the Zero no Tsukaima section do. It is not a bad translation though, they are by Harukano from Otakyu, the same guy who did the Juuni Kokki translations until it got licensed.
I think I speak for most people here when I say, we just want to be able to read the story. While Soeur is more visually appealing to my English eye, if you insist on the other, I don't think anyone will complain. Proper French spelling aside, by this point we've long since come to recognize what it means anyway so I doubt it matters. ~Molenir
Still, I think we should have consistency for the new readers. ~ Novium
I added it next to v12. It's not whether it's a good or bad translation, so much as I'm just intending to power through everything nonetheless. We'll see if my stance changes later on, when the novelty idea of translating 30+ volumes wears off ;p Bunch of stylistic differences and all that I assume exist, since there were no guidelines agreed upon or anything.
:For the benefit of any future readers of this section, this topic has been settled. As can be found in the [[Maria-sama_ga_Miteru:Format|project specific guidelines]], 's&oelig;ur' has been set as the preferred spelling. [[User:Leviticus|Leviticus]] ([[User talk:Leviticus|talk]]) 06:44, 20 March 2019 (CET) <!-- years late but w/e :) -->
== What happen to volumes 15-19 & 21 ==
I have some scripts from other volumes, but I think getting someone to copy-paste these onto the wiki would be a PITA.
What happen to volumes 15-19 & 21? they disappeared!
[[User:Kanzar|Kanzar]] 16:04, 29 March 2008 (PDT)
The translator for those chapters requested that they be taken down, so they were. --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh|talk]]) 02:41, 11 October 2015 (UTC)
We have a couple of talented translators working on the series as of this writing. It is up to them what to translate and when, however, so please keep that in mind. [[User:Lunar Vitae|Lunar Vitae]] ([[User talk:Lunar Vitae|talk]]) 05:05, 4 June 2016 (UTC)
Rawr, was internetless for the weekend _-_
== Stepping out ==
Hate doing this, but I'm gonna give up for at least two months. I'm graduating in three months but I've got nowhere to go afterward... which is a big problem. Hopefully I'll figure out what I'm going to do this summer and beyond, but until then translating isn't even at the back of my mind. I just don't have the time nor presence of mind to do it right now... if I forced myself I wouldn't be paying the work enough respect, and I honestly would rather not have this hanging over my head. Hopefully I'll figure things out in the next few months, and if/when I do (or if I end up being a rounin) I'll poke my head back in and see if I'm still needed. Until then, gokigenyou, and thanks for putting up with all the difficulties. When I started up I honestly thought I'd be able to go a volume a month, but I sorely underestimated how busy I'd become in my last year of university.
== Thanks Cadurc ==
good luck. we'll do our best. don't be surprised if things are still the same when you come back...
Thanks for all done novels, Seki. Wonderful job. I hope your life goes well and I cross my fingers for you.--[[User:Rinu|Rinu]] 23:10, 18 March 2009 (UTC)
Thank you very much for your translations, and best wishes regarding your life and future. Gokigenyou – rh
Didn't know how to spell the word >_>
Will try to use that spelling from now on.
== Pointless words of praise and worship ==
== Pointless words of praise and worship ==
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Thanks for translating. The novel really touched me. I went through 4 volume in just, I dunno, 2 days or something. I even print it out. --Azzura
Thanks for translating. The novel really touched me. I went through 4 volume in just, I dunno, 2 days or something. I even print it out. --Azzura
I might be a late fan to Marimite but thanks so much for sticking with these novels and continuing to work on them for the past couple of years(!). I can't imagine how much work it has been. I wanted to let you all know that there are still those of us reading and enjoying them. I think I've read them all at least twice. These novels deserve to have the wider audience you are giving them. So thought I'd give some encouragement and to say I'm looking forward to hopefully reading novels 23-27 in the future. - bibliopowers (August 2011)
I might be a late fan to Marimite but thanks so much for sticking with these novels and continuing to work on them for the past couple of years(!). I can't imagine how much work it has been. I wanted to let you all know that there are still those of us reading and enjoying them. I think I've read them all at least twice. These novels deserve to have the wider audience you are giving them. So thought I'd give some encouragement and to say I'm looking forward to hopefully reading novels 23-27 in the future. - bibliopowers (August 2011)
Thanks for your kind comments, it's always good to know that there are other people enjoying this too. [[User:Enn are|Enn are]] 16:39, 1 September 2011 (CDT)
Thanks for your kind comments, it's always good to know that there are other people enjoying this too. [[User:Enn are|Enn are]] 16:39, 1 September 2011 (CDT)
Thanks for amazingly quick posts for Volume 31 Marguerite Ribbon! I'm really enjoying it so far.
Thanks for amazingly quick posts for Volume 31 Marguerite Ribbon! I'm really enjoying it so far.
And the chapter "My Siblings" just made me cry like a baby. Thanks for posting this touching chapter.
And the chapter "My Siblings" just made me cry like a baby. Thanks for posting this touching chapter.
I'd also like to add my thanks for all your efforts in translating this series. I check in here every few days hoping for a new update, and am always thrilled to see a new bit has been translated. I noticed volume 31 is done. Can't wait to find out which you will translate next. Please keep up the great work!
I'd also like to add my thanks for all your efforts in translating this series. I check in here every few days hoping for a new update, and am always thrilled to see a new bit has been translated. I noticed volume 31 is done. Can't wait to find out which you will translate next. Please keep up the great work!
-Molenir (January 2012)
-Molenir (January 2012)
I just want to also say thank you to all who are working on this project
I just want to also say thank you to all who are working on this project
Volume 27 finished up so quickly! Thank you very much. I can't wait to find out which one you'll work on next. Part of me hopes you'll go to 26 and work backwards to 23, another part of me would love to see you go from 23 forward, and then another part of me would like to see Beloved times translated. No Pressure! :) I'll be happy with whatever you decide. Thank you for all your efforts.
Volume 27 finished up so quickly! Thank you very much. I can't wait to find out which one you'll work on next. Part of me hopes you'll go to 26 and work backwards to 23, another part of me would love to see you go from 23 forward, and then another part of me would like to see Beloved times translated. No Pressure! :) I'll be happy with whatever you decide. Thank you for all your efforts.
-Molenir (April 2012)
-Molenir (April 2012)
Volume 10 complete! Once again, thank you for all your efforts on our behalf. It is very much appreciated. I look forward to the next volume you choose to translate, with hope and anticipation.
Volume 10 complete! Once again, thank you for all your efforts on our behalf. It is very much appreciated. I look forward to the next volume you choose to translate, with hope and anticipation.
-Molenir (September 2012)
-Molenir (September 2012)
I just want to say thank you so much for the work that you've done with this series. I can't believe how quickly you finished Volume 10 and 11:) It's become a ritual for me to check Baka Tsuki every day just to see if Marimite has been updated. I would really appreciate it if you worked on volume 7 next seeing as I'm the type of person who will only read the series in order. If you have other plans that's fine too. Again, thank you for all your hard work.
I just want to say thank you so much for the work that you've done with this series. I can't believe how quickly you finished Volume 10 and 11:) It's become a ritual for me to check Baka Tsuki every day just to see if Marimite has been updated. I would really appreciate it if you worked on volume 7 next seeing as I'm the type of person who will only read the series in order. If you have other plans that's fine too. Again, thank you for all your hard work.
-Leednata120 (January 2013)
-Leednata120 (January 2013)
== <3 ==
Encouragement never hurts <3
My portfolio's due on Monday, so I should get back to translating on Tuesday~
== Sorry guys ==
Life hath turned its basilisk eyes upon me: my computer dies, then my proxy dies, and now I realize I don't have Office anymore. I'll try to rectify that by tonight -_-
=( *pat pat*
Whoops. Well, let's hope that this is just a low and things will get better from here for you :D
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You should exercise more and have a healthy body. So that your healthy mind can translate for us!!!
== Editing help ==
I would like to help and unite parts of Marimite into single volumes, like it was done with Marimite Volume 1. I am not sure if I can commit such - let's say - big interference without being in Baka-Tsuki's team. I bothered you on irc channel but my connection wasn't so great at the time.
Thanks for your wonderful job and possible answer.
[[User:Rinu|Rinu]] 08:27, 11 July 2008 (PDT)
Uh, I don't think anyone would mind if you did that, but I (still) haven't finished going through my friend's proof-reads of v1 and vV2, which is why I was hesitant with doing it for v1 and why I haven't really done it for v2. If you're willing to put up with the eventual nit-picky changes that I'd prolly only do on the original chapters/parts for the time being, go for it. (And I never noticed you poking me on IRC O_o;; weird.)
I see, great. Well, if you don't insist on daily monitoring your updates, I'd take it :). I was poking in general on the main #Baka-Tsuki channel.
[[User:Rinu|Rinu]] 13:59, 11 July 2008 (PDT)
I'm pretty laid-back about everything except actually translating, regarding this thing, so go for it :p
By the way, I went through my friend's proofs for v1 and v2, so those should be relatively safe.
Cool, I'll do it next week.
[[User:Rinu|Rinu]] 06:40, 29 July 2008 (PDT)
I don't know how (or whether to) upload single-volume versions of your translations, but I recently converted your translation of Ibara no Mori to a single volume. I did it for myself so I could read it on a Kindle, so it lacks links back to baka-tsuki. Conversion is easy, I'd be happy to do it for earlier volumes once you're done with edits. Lemme know and I can send you HTML, Kindle/Mobi-compatible .prc files, whatever.
I've hidden the single-volume Ibara no Mori on ziggr.com for a little while, in case you want it: http://ziggr.com/maria-sama/baka-tsuki/03/ I'll probably pull it down in a few weeks.
PS: I love the translations. I delight in reading them. Thank you!
[[User:ziggr|ziggr]] 22:04, 02 August 2008 (PDT)
Umm, I'm not really sure what I should say @_@ I don't mind, of course. If you want me to ask around about how to upload them, I could do that. And thanks for reading <3 (If that wasn't what you meant, uhhh, sorry, could you rephrase? XD)
I've done the full text version for Volume 1-2-3 by including the chapter pages -> if a chapter is edited, the full text version is automatically updated.
[[User:Vaelis|Vaelis]] 01:30, 10 August 2008 (PDT)
I'll try to keep all your formatting, didn't notice the title ones. Geh, I've been sick, going to a cardiologist on Wednesday, so kinda distracted, gonna get back to work in a bit (esp. since I'm one scene away from ending v4 -_-)
[[User:Seki|Seki]] 1:21, 11 August 2008 (GMT)
Hope you feel better soon and please try to take it easy. Wouldn't want you to be burned out. Anyway looking forwards for your translations!^^
== Dialogue ==
I was wondering if it would be possible to keep dialogue line and the explanatory author's line in the same paragraph. Because else it is a bit too confusing - someone speaks a complete thought, and then we are told who said it, but this two things seem unrelated.
If it is fine with you I would have liked to edit already translated chapters this way. Just punctuation, nothing else =)
Umm, unless other people also find it confusing, I'd prefer to leave it as is, because of author's style. So if anyone else feels the same, feel free to leave a message, as like an informal poll or something. If it's a big enough problem we could open a poll in the forum instead, I guess.
-- [[User:Seki|Seki]]
It confused me a little at first, but I've since accepted that as the author's style and embrace it as such. So leave it as is! Great job, btw, I'm enjoying your translations! --Shikan
I didn't have a problem following the style and flow of dialogue lines from the get-go. I vote to leave it as is. You're doing great work and I really appreciate the time you put into this! Hope things have gotten better for you! -- HoodedZippy
== Updates pliz... ==
Why is there no updates? T_T --[[User:|]] 23:25, 2 November 2008 (PST)
== Volume 5 ==
Thanks for the fifth volume
Thanks for the fifth volume
We've waited for, like, eternity on this one.
We've waited for, like, eternity on this one.
Anyway, good job.
Anyway, good job.
six months ain't that bad for one translator.
six months ain't that bad for one translator.
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== Stepping out ==
Thanks for translating especially for quick posts for Volume 31, I am really liking it. Which volume are you going to after volume 31? If possible could you do volume 34? --Maria
Hate doing this, but I'm gonna give up for at least two months. I'm graduating in three months but I've got nowhere to go afterward... which is a big problem. Hopefully I'll figure out what I'm going to do this summer and beyond, but until then translating isn't even at the back of my mind. I just don't have the time nor presence of mind to do it right now... if I forced myself I wouldn't be paying the work enough respect, and I honestly would rather not have this hanging over my head. Hopefully I'll figure things out in the next few months, and if/when I do (or if I end up being a rounin) I'll poke my head back in and see if I'm still needed. Until then, gokigenyou, and thanks for putting up with all the difficulties. When I started up I honestly thought I'd be able to go a volume a month, but I sorely underestimated how busy I'd become in my last year of university.
Welcome to the wiki, and thanks for your feedback. Unfortunately, I only have raws for Volumes 1-33, so can't translate Volume 34 at the moment. I'll probably work on Volume 27 next - it was suggested on the forum a while back (9 months? has it really been that long?). I've had a quick flip through it, and it looks good. [[User:Enn are|Enn are]] 06:46, 15 January 2012 (CST)
good luck. we'll do our best. don't be surprised if things are still the same when you come back...
Hi, I'd like to add another huge thanks for finishing volume 31 so quickly, I so appreciate you taking the time to do this! I loved the book, especially Shimako's family story and the umbrella vignettes. As for volume 34, I have a copy and would be glad to send it to you as I have no translating skills. My understanding is that Yumi and Nana have a great conversation in that ribbon story and I had always hoped to be able to translate it someday. In any case, I'd be happy to give it up. Looking forward to volume 27, thanks again! -bibliopowers
Thanks for all done novels, Seki. Wonderful job. I hope your life goes well and I cross my fingers for you.--[[User:Rinu|Rinu]] 23:10, 18 March 2009 (UTC)
Thank you very much for your translations, and best wishes regarding your life and future. Gokigenyou -- rh
Thanks Enn are for finishing volume 27! You will work on other volumes? Any idea of what you will pick up? GM
Just wondering, have those novels no illustrations? Or were they left out because they would have been to much, or were there some other reasons? Like I said just wondering... --[[User:Darklor|Darklor]] 09:19, 4 November 2009 (UTC) - Ah, I see they have illustrations but not all of those are added so if anyone who have those illustration feel free to add them. ;) --[[User:Darklor|Darklor]] 08:16, 16 December 2009 (UTC)
Thank you so much for finishing volume 27! I loved reading about the other dates that weren't depicted in the anime. I hope you will keep translating and start a new volume soon? I so appreciate your time and effort, a real gift to Marimite fans. Thanks for all the hard work! -bibliopowers
==Okazu Translation Notes==
For now I have put them on the respective Chapter Talk page, but maybe they should be collected on a own translators notes page for each of thos volumes? --[[User:Darklor|Darklor]] 08:16, 16 December 2009 (UTC)
== request to translators ==
Thanks for translating volume 10 and volume 11 - yumi
please remember to register for chapters and volumes you are registering
Yes, thank you for 10 and for working on 11, such a key volume! -bibliopowers
when updating, please attempt to remember to updates the registering to show completed status
Thank you for translating volume 7 so quickly --yumi
out of every series on the site yours is the only one to have entire volumes with full texts not only not show there the completed status, not only not show that a translator is working on them, but not even appear on the registration page! No one can what anyone else is working on, and is against Baka-Tsuki policy and practices. Please, Please, Please do this.
Also the Premium Book Answer was very nice, thanks for translating it--yumi
Thanks for your support yumi and bibliopowers, I'm glad you're enjoying it [[User:Enn are|Enn are]] ([[User talk:Enn are|talk]]) 06:22, 13 May 2013 (CDT)
That is because most of those later translations are c&p from [http://okazu.blogspot.com/ Okazu]. We got the permission for that once...
Also our translators did register, even the first, but Seki removed what was registered if the translation was completed... --[[User:Darklor|Darklor]] 07:31, 26 February 2010 (UTC)
Thank you so much for translating this. I check here, almost every day to see if you have posted another update, and when you do, it somehow always makes my day. - Molenir May 25, 2013
Ah, that it explains it. chapter titles for volume 21 full text needs work, btw, . --[[User:Saganatsu|Saganatsu]] 21:33, 12 April 2010 (UTC)
== Soeur vs Sœur ==
Thank you for translating volume 8 so quickly! any chance of doing Volume 34? --yumi
I've noticed that the first five translated volumes use sœur while as far as I can tell most of the later ones use soeur. I prefer the more French style sœur anyone object to me changing them all to that so there is consistency across all the volumes?
I'm probably not going to translate all of Volume 34 any time soon, although I've skimmed through the ribbon part and it looks pretty good so I might just do those sections at some point. [[User:Enn are|Enn are]] ([[User talk:Enn are|talk]]) 01:18, 22 September 2013 (CDT)
Sukoshi also likes to use the French spelling for words. It's problematic because most Americans can't read French (myself included), whereas the rest of the English-speaking has some familiarity with it. I guess it's a good idea, since theoretically the Japanese loan word came from the French. If we do, I'll need to memorize the ASCII code for making that character. xD ~Rei
Often when French words appear in English texts they appear in italics. Would this also be a good idea? ~Rei
Thank you for translating volume 9, it's very nice -- yumi
I think I speak for most people here when I say, we just want to be able to read the story. While Soeur is more visually appealing to my English eye, if you insist on the other, I don't think anyone will complain. Proper French spelling aside, by this point we've long since come to recognize what it means anyway so I doubt it matters. ~Molenir
Still, I think we should have consistency for the new readers. ~ Novium
Thanks for translating volume 13, it very good -- yumi
== volumes 7-14? ==
Yes seconded. Thank You for finishing Volume 13.Any others planned? :)ANDARIAL
I know I can catch the main idea in the anime, but with much dissatisfaction, moreover, I really want to read the novel (sadly, i don't know any Japanese at all), so can you guys please work on those volumes too. I would be very thankful if you do (I know, you guys don't have time, but please at least consider it. And sorry for my bad English, it is not my primary language.)
== Thanks ==
Thank you translating volume 14, it's great -- yumi
Thanks for translating especially for quick posts for Volume 31, I am really liking it. Which volume are you going to after volume 31? If possible could you do volume 34? --Maria
Welcome to the wiki, and thanks for your feedback. Unfortunately, I only have raws for Volumes 1-33, so can't translate Volume 34 at the moment. I'll probably work on Volume 27 next - it was suggested on the forum a while back (9 months? has it really been that long?). I've had a quick flip through it, and it looks good. [[User:Enn are|Enn are]] 06:46, 15 January 2012 (CST)
Thanks for translating volume 23, a great volume -- yumi
Hi, I'd like to add another huge thanks for finishing volume 31 so quickly, I so appreciate you taking the time to do this! I loved the book, especially Shimako's family story and the umbrella vignettes. As for volume 34, I have a copy and would be glad to send it to you as I have no translating skills. My understanding is that Yumi and Nana have a great conversation in that ribbon story and I had always hoped to be able to translate it someday. In any case, I'd be happy to give it up. Looking forward to volume 27, thanks again! -bibliopowers
Thanks Enn are for finishing volume 27! You will work on other volumes? Any idea of what you will pick up? GM
Indeed Many Thanks for Translating this series :) ANDARIAL (06 JUNE 2015)
Thank you so much for finishing volume 27! I loved reading about the other dates that weren't depicted in the anime. I hope you will keep translating and start a new volume soon? I so appreciate your time and effort, a real gift to Marimite fans. Thanks for all the hard work! -bibliopowers
Thanks for translating volume 10 and volume 11 - yumi
And Thank You for Volume 24 :) ANDARIAL (15 NOV 2015)
Yes, thank you for 10 and for working on 11, such a key volume! -bibliopowers
Thank you for translating volume 7 so quickly --yumi
Thank you for translating volume 24 another great volume. -- yumi
Also the Premium Book Answer was very nice, thanks for translating it--yumi
Thank you for translating volume 25, The volumes are always enjoyable, even when I know what is going to happen! I am also impressed at speed of the translation. -- yumi
Thanks for your support yumi and bibliopowers, I'm glad you're enjoying it [[User:Enn are|Enn are]] ([[User talk:Enn are|talk]]) 06:22, 13 May 2013 (CDT)
Thank you so much for translating this. I check here, almost every day to see if you have posted another update, and when you do, it somehow always makes my day. - Molenir May 25, 2013
Thank you for translating volume 26, again, the volumes are always enjoyable, even when I know what is going to happen. I have now been able to read volume 1-33 (apart from Volume 12) in English, thanks. Is Rydenius still translating Volume 12? ---yumi
:Hey yumi, thank you for the kind words! I actually spoke with Rydenius recently and he said he's still working on it, but other priorities are taking his time. If you have any other questions, feel free to write on my talk page or find me on our Discord server. --[[User:Lunar Vitae|Lunar Vitae]] ([[User talk:Lunar Vitae|talk]]) 04:07, 17 July 2017 (CEST)
Thank you for translating volume 8 so quickly! any chance of doing Volume 34? --yumi
Thank You for Volume 26 :) ANDARIAL (20 JULY 2017)
I'm probably not going to translate all of Volume 34 any time soon, although I've skimmed through the ribbon part and it looks pretty good so I might just do those sections at some point. [[User:Enn are|Enn are]] ([[User talk:Enn are|talk]]) 01:18, 22 September 2013 (CDT)
Can I ask what's next ?
Thank you for translating volume 9, it's very nice -- yumi
Thanks for translating volume 17, Ziggr. It was nice to read, even when I read the previous translation before it was removed. Your method of translating works surprisingly well. —�- yumi
Yes indeed
Thanks for translating volume 13, it very good -- yumi
Many Thanks for finishing #17 :)ANDARIAL (26 OCT 2017)
Thank you for translating volume 12, Enn are, I am enjoying it. I now been able to read volumes 1-33, I am going to start reading them again now that I have access to the volumes without any gaps. It’s probably too much too ask if you have plans to translate Volume 34. Thanks again —- yumi
Yes seconded.Thank You for finishing Volume 13.Any others planned? :)ANDARIAL
Been checking this page daily for years and it only occurred to me to say thanks now. So thanks for your amazing effort! - K
Thank you translating volume 14, it's great -- yumi
YES!Thank you very much for Volume 12 :)ANDARIAL
Thanks for translating volume 23, a great volume -- yumi
I am enjoying volume 34, thanks —- yumi
Indeed Many Thanks for Translating this series :) ANDARIAL (06 JUNE 2015)
Little Horrors was a great story, thanks --- yumi
And Thank You for Volume 24 :) ANDARIAL (15 NOV 2015)
== Volume 27 afterword ? ==
Just wanted to share my appreciation for all the hard work that has gone into translating this wonderful series. Thank you very much! - Tiber Septim (10 November 2018)
Will it be translated or does it simply not exist?
After reading the first part of Volume 37 I am excited to see what happens in the volume, thanks — yumi
It exists, but I haven't translated it, and I have no particular plans to translate it. [[User:Enn are|Enn are]] ([[User talk:Enn are|talk]]) 05:43, 9 July 2013 (CDT)
== About volume 12 ==
Farewell Bouquet was a great story, thanks, I now been able to read the whole series (apart from the missing side stories) again. Thanks again Eno are -- yumi
I've noticed that since September 18th, the translation of this volume hasn't got any updates. Do you guys need extra manpower? I can help with editing and QC if you need me. Sadly my japanese is only elementary so I think for translating I'm out of the equation.
: Heheh, there's one last story between Yumi and Sachiko at the end of Farewell Bouquet that I intend to translate, and then I think I'll be done. I'm glad you've enjoyed it these last few years :) [[User:Enn are|Enn are]] ([[User talk:Enn are|talk]]) 13:31, 8 May 2019 (CEST)
I don't have an account on the forums, is it needed? Well either way you can contact me at [email protected] (I'll also check this page once a week or so).
:: Conversation over Fresh Herb Tea was great, thanks --- yumi
I love this project, it introduced me to the genre and to a big world of literature that I've never tried before. I want to thank you guys so much for this, if you are in need of any help I'll be glad to participate.
I've been following this page for about 6 or 7 years now, and would like to extend a long overdue thank you. Enn are, your translations are fabulous. I can't thank you enough for all the hard work you've put in, making this wonderful series available to all of us non Japanese readers. --[[User:Mausu|Mausu]] ([[User talk:Mausu|talk]]) 14:00, 23 May 2019 (CEST)
- Felix
I would also like to give a overdue thank you have, I have been reading this for years, and have read the main plot now.
== What happen to volumes 15-19 & 21 ==
What happen to volumes 15-19 & 21? they disappeared!
Yes Many Thanks to all who translated on this project :)
I take it that this translation is over now? ANDARIAL JAN 2020
: Probably. I've translated a couple of pages of volume 15 recently, but it's been slow going, and I'm not sure I'll continue. [[User:Enn are|Enn are]] ([[User talk:Enn are|talk]]) 12:58, 22 January 2020 (CET)
Thank you for the update Enn and many thanks for all your hard work in translating this series :) ANDARIAL 26/01/20
The translator for those chapters requested that they be taken down, so they were. --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh|talk]]) 02:41, 11 October 2015 (UTC)
Reading your translation of volume 15 chapter 1 was a nice surprise, thanks --- yumi
Nice to see you back at it Enn, hope all is well, and thanks again. Mausu
Amazing to see translation of this has resumed! Do you guys take donations? I would like to sponsor translation for all the missing chapters for $100, I really want to read all of it

Latest revision as of 13:35, 21 July 2022

Volume Number Mismatch[edit]

The numbering of the volumes doesn't seem to match the official numbering (see bottom of the page with the ISBN list). This is rather confusing. Maybe the illustration and premium book could be listed (as short hint) at the correct places in the overview and volume numbers adjusted to the official order?

Also when one clicks the "Full Text" the following pages should include the volume title again, e.g. I click on "Full Text" after "Volume 17 - Ciao Sorella! " then there should be a headline on the following full text page "Volume 17: Ciao Sorella!". Some of the earlier translations add this (albeit only below the table of content and not above). Would be nice if this was generally done and above the Table of Content section.

Anyway… just some small things, besides that: great work. Can't wait for the rest (I'm checking here every month for updates. It's in my calendar ;) )

Hello there! Thank you for taking the time to reach out to us.
Regarding the volume numbering, I think this is actually a good idea. There are indeed 39 published volumes, with 37 of those being what you see here. I chose to include the ISBN of all 39 because I wanted to enable anyone looking for more information to be able to do so. That said, the volumes are in numerical order of appearance to prevent confusion, thinking that there might be a couple missing. Personally, I would like to have them numbered as their actual volume number. Perhaps we could use the special editions as placeholders as you suggested.
Regarding the title of the volume appearing on the top of the full text page, this is done automatically in wikimedia. The URL dictates the title of the page, and we have a standard of how to list our projects. It is a great idea, though.
--Leviticus (talk) 17:21, 11 March 2019 (CET)
I disagree on the volume numbering. The premium book and illustration collection are not light novels, and treating them as such would IMO lead to confusion given that this is a light novel translation site. From what I've seen, the Japanese versions themselves do not contain a volume number, eg. it's Maria-sama ga Miteru Farewell Bouquet, not Maria-sama ga Miteru 37/39 Farewell Bouquet - as such, the volume numbering is for our convenience, and I would rather it stay as the volume number in the light novel series.
If anything, I'd rather see the Premium Book / Illustration Collection pulled out into a separate Bonus/Extra/Other section to further highlight the fact that they're not light novels.
Enn are (talk) 22:45, 11 March 2019 (CET)
NR has the strongest argument here with respect to the volume ordering and numbers. We'll leave the list as-is for the time being, however I will be taking a second look at how the number of volumes and the ISBN are presented. --Leviticus (talk) 06:26, 20 March 2019 (CET)
UPDATE The volume list has been organized to reflect the separation of the literary novels and the two extras. --Leviticus (talk) 00:18, 11 November 2019 (CET)


I was wondering if it would be possible to keep dialogue line and the explanatory author's line in the same paragraph. Because else it is a bit too confusing - someone speaks a complete thought, and then we are told who said it, but this two things seem unrelated. If it is fine with you I would have liked to edit already translated chapters this way. Just punctuation, nothing else =) -Iatheia

Umm, unless other people also find it confusing, I'd prefer to leave it as is, because of author's style. So if anyone else feels the same, feel free to leave a message, as like an informal poll or something. If it's a big enough problem we could open a poll in the forum instead, I guess. -- Seki

It confused me a little at first, but I've since accepted that as the author's style and embrace it as such. So leave it as is! Great job, btw, I'm enjoying your translations! --Shikan

I didn't have a problem following the style and flow of dialogue lines from the get-go. I vote to leave it as is. You're doing great work and I really appreciate the time you put into this! Hope things have gotten better for you! -- HoodedZippy


Just wondering, have those novels no illustrations? Or were they left out because they would have been to much, or were there some other reasons? Like I said just wondering... --Darklor 09:19, 4 November 2009 (UTC)

-Ah, I see they have illustrations but not all of those are added so if anyone who have those illustration feel free to add them. ;) --Darklor 08:16, 16 December 2009 (UTC)

Soeur vs Sœur[edit]

I've noticed that the first five translated volumes use sœur while as far as I can tell most of the later ones use soeur. I prefer the more French style sœur anyone object to me changing them all to that so there is consistency across all the volumes?

Sukoshi also likes to use the French spelling for words. It's problematic because most Americans can't read French (myself included), whereas the rest of the English-speaking has some familiarity with it. I guess it's a good idea, since theoretically the Japanese loan word came from the French. If we do, I'll need to memorize the ASCII code for making that character. xD ~Rei

Often when French words appear in English texts they appear in italics. Would this also be a good idea? ~Rei

I think I speak for most people here when I say, we just want to be able to read the story. While Soeur is more visually appealing to my English eye, if you insist on the other, I don't think anyone will complain. Proper French spelling aside, by this point we've long since come to recognize what it means anyway so I doubt it matters. ~Molenir

Still, I think we should have consistency for the new readers. ~ Novium

For the benefit of any future readers of this section, this topic has been settled. As can be found in the project specific guidelines, 'sœur' has been set as the preferred spelling. Leviticus (talk) 06:44, 20 March 2019 (CET)

What happen to volumes 15-19 & 21[edit]

What happen to volumes 15-19 & 21? they disappeared!

The translator for those chapters requested that they be taken down, so they were. --Cthaeh (talk) 02:41, 11 October 2015 (UTC)

We have a couple of talented translators working on the series as of this writing. It is up to them what to translate and when, however, so please keep that in mind. Lunar Vitae (talk) 05:05, 4 June 2016 (UTC)

Stepping out[edit]

Hate doing this, but I'm gonna give up for at least two months. I'm graduating in three months but I've got nowhere to go afterward... which is a big problem. Hopefully I'll figure out what I'm going to do this summer and beyond, but until then translating isn't even at the back of my mind. I just don't have the time nor presence of mind to do it right now... if I forced myself I wouldn't be paying the work enough respect, and I honestly would rather not have this hanging over my head. Hopefully I'll figure things out in the next few months, and if/when I do (or if I end up being a rounin) I'll poke my head back in and see if I'm still needed. Until then, gokigenyou, and thanks for putting up with all the difficulties. When I started up I honestly thought I'd be able to go a volume a month, but I sorely underestimated how busy I'd become in my last year of university.


good luck. we'll do our best. don't be surprised if things are still the same when you come back... -AU

Thanks for all done novels, Seki. Wonderful job. I hope your life goes well and I cross my fingers for you.--Rinu 23:10, 18 March 2009 (UTC)

Thank you very much for your translations, and best wishes regarding your life and future. Gokigenyou – rh

Pointless words of praise and worship[edit]

Thanks for your hard work on volume 1 and 2, really looking forward to the rest of it. Good luck "powering through" all that!

Thanks for picking up this series. After 30+ novels, it didn't seem like anybody was ever going to translate it. Good luck working on it and please don't burn yourself out! ^^;;

- neoh

Thanks for translating. The novel really touched me. I went through 4 volume in just, I dunno, 2 days or something. I even print it out. --Azzura

I might be a late fan to Marimite but thanks so much for sticking with these novels and continuing to work on them for the past couple of years(!). I can't imagine how much work it has been. I wanted to let you all know that there are still those of us reading and enjoying them. I think I've read them all at least twice. These novels deserve to have the wider audience you are giving them. So thought I'd give some encouragement and to say I'm looking forward to hopefully reading novels 23-27 in the future. - bibliopowers (August 2011)

Thanks for your kind comments, it's always good to know that there are other people enjoying this too. Enn are 16:39, 1 September 2011 (CDT)

Thanks for amazingly quick posts for Volume 31 Marguerite Ribbon! I'm really enjoying it so far. And the chapter "My Siblings" just made me cry like a baby. Thanks for posting this touching chapter. -bibliopowers

I'd also like to add my thanks for all your efforts in translating this series. I check in here every few days hoping for a new update, and am always thrilled to see a new bit has been translated. I noticed volume 31 is done. Can't wait to find out which you will translate next. Please keep up the great work! -Molenir (January 2012)

I just want to also say thank you to all who are working on this project ANDARIAL (APRIL 2012)

Volume 27 finished up so quickly! Thank you very much. I can't wait to find out which one you'll work on next. Part of me hopes you'll go to 26 and work backwards to 23, another part of me would love to see you go from 23 forward, and then another part of me would like to see Beloved times translated. No Pressure! :) I'll be happy with whatever you decide. Thank you for all your efforts. -Molenir (April 2012)

Volume 10 complete! Once again, thank you for all your efforts on our behalf. It is very much appreciated. I look forward to the next volume you choose to translate, with hope and anticipation. -Molenir (September 2012)

I just want to say thank you so much for the work that you've done with this series. I can't believe how quickly you finished Volume 10 and 11:) It's become a ritual for me to check Baka Tsuki every day just to see if Marimite has been updated. I would really appreciate it if you worked on volume 7 next seeing as I'm the type of person who will only read the series in order. If you have other plans that's fine too. Again, thank you for all your hard work. -Leednata120 (January 2013)

Just wanted to say thank very much you for the hard work of translating these novels. And I also hope that things will get better for you =).


Thanks for the fifth volume We've waited for, like, eternity on this one. Anyway, good job.

six months ain't that bad for one translator. this isn't an anime/manga with visual context. granted a majority of it was anime-d already, but a lot of dialogue and descriptive narrative is all based on the translator's interpretation of the novel. hopefully other translators will join the cause. -AlphaUltima

Thanks for translating especially for quick posts for Volume 31, I am really liking it. Which volume are you going to after volume 31? If possible could you do volume 34? --Maria

Welcome to the wiki, and thanks for your feedback. Unfortunately, I only have raws for Volumes 1-33, so can't translate Volume 34 at the moment. I'll probably work on Volume 27 next - it was suggested on the forum a while back (9 months? has it really been that long?). I've had a quick flip through it, and it looks good. Enn are 06:46, 15 January 2012 (CST)

Hi, I'd like to add another huge thanks for finishing volume 31 so quickly, I so appreciate you taking the time to do this! I loved the book, especially Shimako's family story and the umbrella vignettes. As for volume 34, I have a copy and would be glad to send it to you as I have no translating skills. My understanding is that Yumi and Nana have a great conversation in that ribbon story and I had always hoped to be able to translate it someday. In any case, I'd be happy to give it up. Looking forward to volume 27, thanks again! -bibliopowers

Thanks Enn are for finishing volume 27! You will work on other volumes? Any idea of what you will pick up? GM

Thank you so much for finishing volume 27! I loved reading about the other dates that weren't depicted in the anime. I hope you will keep translating and start a new volume soon? I so appreciate your time and effort, a real gift to Marimite fans. Thanks for all the hard work! -bibliopowers

Thanks for translating volume 10 and volume 11 - yumi

Yes, thank you for 10 and for working on 11, such a key volume! -bibliopowers

Thank you for translating volume 7 so quickly --yumi

Also the Premium Book Answer was very nice, thanks for translating it--yumi

Thanks for your support yumi and bibliopowers, I'm glad you're enjoying it Enn are (talk) 06:22, 13 May 2013 (CDT)

Thank you so much for translating this. I check here, almost every day to see if you have posted another update, and when you do, it somehow always makes my day. - Molenir May 25, 2013

Thank you for translating volume 8 so quickly! any chance of doing Volume 34? --yumi

I'm probably not going to translate all of Volume 34 any time soon, although I've skimmed through the ribbon part and it looks pretty good so I might just do those sections at some point. Enn are (talk) 01:18, 22 September 2013 (CDT)

Thank you for translating volume 9, it's very nice -- yumi

Thanks for translating volume 13, it very good -- yumi

Yes seconded. Thank You for finishing Volume 13.Any others planned? :)ANDARIAL

Thank you translating volume 14, it's great -- yumi

Thanks for translating volume 23, a great volume -- yumi

Indeed Many Thanks for Translating this series :) ANDARIAL (06 JUNE 2015)

And Thank You for Volume 24 :) ANDARIAL (15 NOV 2015)

Thank you for translating volume 24 another great volume. -- yumi

Thank you for translating volume 25, The volumes are always enjoyable, even when I know what is going to happen! I am also impressed at speed of the translation. -- yumi

Thank you for translating volume 26, again, the volumes are always enjoyable, even when I know what is going to happen. I have now been able to read volume 1-33 (apart from Volume 12) in English, thanks. Is Rydenius still translating Volume 12? ---yumi

Hey yumi, thank you for the kind words! I actually spoke with Rydenius recently and he said he's still working on it, but other priorities are taking his time. If you have any other questions, feel free to write on my talk page or find me on our Discord server. --Lunar Vitae (talk) 04:07, 17 July 2017 (CEST)

Thank You for Volume 26 :) ANDARIAL (20 JULY 2017)

Can I ask what's next ?

Thanks for translating volume 17, Ziggr. It was nice to read, even when I read the previous translation before it was removed. Your method of translating works surprisingly well. —�- yumi

Yes indeed Many Thanks for finishing #17 :)ANDARIAL (26 OCT 2017)

Thank you for translating volume 12, Enn are, I am enjoying it. I now been able to read volumes 1-33, I am going to start reading them again now that I have access to the volumes without any gaps. It’s probably too much too ask if you have plans to translate Volume 34. Thanks again —- yumi

Been checking this page daily for years and it only occurred to me to say thanks now. So thanks for your amazing effort! - K

YES!Thank you very much for Volume 12 :)ANDARIAL

I am enjoying volume 34, thanks —- yumi

Little Horrors was a great story, thanks --- yumi

Just wanted to share my appreciation for all the hard work that has gone into translating this wonderful series. Thank you very much! - Tiber Septim (10 November 2018)

After reading the first part of Volume 37 I am excited to see what happens in the volume, thanks — yumi

Farewell Bouquet was a great story, thanks, I now been able to read the whole series (apart from the missing side stories) again. Thanks again Eno are -- yumi

Heheh, there's one last story between Yumi and Sachiko at the end of Farewell Bouquet that I intend to translate, and then I think I'll be done. I'm glad you've enjoyed it these last few years :) Enn are (talk) 13:31, 8 May 2019 (CEST)
Conversation over Fresh Herb Tea was great, thanks --- yumi

I've been following this page for about 6 or 7 years now, and would like to extend a long overdue thank you. Enn are, your translations are fabulous. I can't thank you enough for all the hard work you've put in, making this wonderful series available to all of us non Japanese readers. --Mausu (talk) 14:00, 23 May 2019 (CEST)

I would also like to give a overdue thank you have, I have been reading this for years, and have read the main plot now.

Yes Many Thanks to all who translated on this project :) I take it that this translation is over now? ANDARIAL JAN 2020

Probably. I've translated a couple of pages of volume 15 recently, but it's been slow going, and I'm not sure I'll continue. Enn are (talk) 12:58, 22 January 2020 (CET)

Thank you for the update Enn and many thanks for all your hard work in translating this series :) ANDARIAL 26/01/20

Reading your translation of volume 15 chapter 1 was a nice surprise, thanks --- yumi

Nice to see you back at it Enn, hope all is well, and thanks again. Mausu

Amazing to see translation of this has resumed! Do you guys take donations? I would like to sponsor translation for all the missing chapters for $100, I really want to read all of it