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Thanks Jasou, and I think you're right about the 'naze' thing. 'Naze', 'nande' are some commonly used responses in Japanese (from what I've seen on animes at least). Anyhow, I'll be back on Sakurasou soon. My other LN project is almost complete :D --[[User:Junnynam|Junnynam]] ([[User talk:Junnynam|talk]]) 21:29, 8 February 2013 (CST)
Thanks Jasou, and I think you're right about the 'naze' thing. 'Naze', 'nande' are some commonly used responses in Japanese (from what I've seen on animes at least). Anyhow, I'll be back on Sakurasou soon. My other LN project is almost complete :D --[[User:Junnynam|Junnynam]] ([[User talk:Junnynam|talk]]) 21:29, 8 February 2013 (CST)
In general, English speakers don't reply back with 'why'. However, if the raws translates like that, then I will not touch it.--[[User:Vu.P|Vu.P]] ([[User talk:Vu.P|talk]]) 08:05, 9 February 2013 (CST)

Revision as of 16:05, 9 February 2013


Should we use "Sakurasou" or "the Sakura Dormitory"? The former coheres to the name of the novel, while the latter expresses the full meaning. Or maybe we should add a Translator's note and use the former? Pudding321 23:50, 5 October 2012 (CDT)

It's better to stick more to the Japanese side. And instead of "Hall" write it as "Dormitory". --Chancs (talk) 00:06, 6 October 2012 (CDT)


I've been wondering: Would you translators prefer that I edit the script strictly for spelling, grammar and format, and stick really close to the original more direct translation, or would it be better if I tried to make the text flow more, occasionally altering meanings in some way to make it read more like an English novel? I would like to think that I'm not completely ignorant of Japanese culture and language(otherwise I probably wouldn't even be here), so sometimes I can infer as to what some of the original text was trying to say and thus try to find a more suitable western/English equivalent. I am fine with either way, as the former is easier and less time consuming, though more mechanical, and the latter would be more interesting to do, albeit requiring more effort. What would you guys prefer? P.s. Sorry for the huge block of text :P -Jasou (talk) 22:25, 3 December 2012 (CST)

Erm...For me, at least just for me, because I did work previously as an editor (Yeah I sucked at it), most translators would prefer the text edited for spelling, grammar, and format. With flow included. But if it is a big changed to the whole sentence, we would normally paste the "Before change" and "Changed" on the discussion page, then change it. But technical terms are still kept and untranslated (E.g. Sakurasou, Kouhai, Sempai.) I have no idea why, but it looks and sounds better if kept like that. :PPP

But for me, I don't really wanna go through that hassle. If you don't mind that, I would appreciate it, but because of RL stuff, (Most ppl have that), I think it is rather time-consuming. So I am fine if you just edit. And if I don't like it, I'll just change that portion of text back. Something like that. :)

I'm quite flexible so it's fine. But maybe you would have to ask the opinions of other translators as well, just in case... :PPPP P.S. sry for the even longer line of text. XDDDD --Magykalman

I don't think that it's that big of a deal, but is this project still supposed to be in UK English? I saw something about that when I started editing this, but when I recently checked again it wasn't there anymore. So, did the rules change? Just wondering because the other editor (the one that's actually here) is changing things to American English, so I don't know if I should do the same or continue to use UK. -Jasou (talk) 21:37, 7 December 2012 (CST)

Just my 2¥ concerning editing. After two years of translation, editing and TLC, I think that you should try having the meaning conveyed in a more natural English. For example, idioms, expressions and many things can be edited as long as the script gets better, not worse. So if it doesn't flow well, I'd say that it needs to be rephrased. Basically, you can change or subtitute as long as the meaning doesn't get twisted around.

For the project, BT's default language is American English. However, pudding comes from HK and he uses UK English. I'd say you pick the English you want, as long as it is applied throughout the series. Kira (Talk) 21:51, 7 December 2012 (CST)

The thing is, I'm from Canada and would prefer UK English, but I'm not the only editor anymore. I guess I'll work something out with the other guy who seems to prefer American. Oh, and thanks for your advice, Kira. -Jasou (talk) 22:01, 7 December 2012 (CST)

Haha lol. I don't mind either, though I'll be sending in a mixed version of it. :DDD Lol cause I'm not in UK or America, so my English is pretty screwed up, so you'll see a little color of every nation. LOL On a side note, who's the project supervisor and admin for it? I think it's better to put there cause newbies like me would need the info. :/ Though I contacted pudding at that time cause he was the only translator. :P --Magykalman

Woah, lol I just noticed that this is now a full project. Congrats for all you guys' hard work! -Jasou (talk) 00:06, 9 December 2012 (CST)

Thx! And pls help edit when you have free time too! XD --Magykalman

Erm hi just dropping by to ask a question. In the anime of Sakurasou, it seemed that Misaki always calls Sorata "Kouhai-kun". So just wondering if we need ta put the "-kun" prefix behind. thx. :D --Magykalman

If we do start putting kuns onto Kouhai, then we should put kun/san/chan onto everything else. But I don't think that's necessary.Monkeii12 (talk) 03:20, 12 December 2012 (CST)

Kk thx! But on a side note, Nanami always uses the "Kanda-kun" to voice the sarcasm of her speech, e.g. "Kanda-kun, can you stop looking here?" so... :/ --Magykalman

I see, but the sarcasm might only be in the anime. I'm TLing from the KR version, and it doesn't really emphasize the sarcasm. I guess I'll ask for Pudding's advice.

On a side note, what do the other LNs do? Do they add the kun/san/chan on the end? Or does it depend on the translator? Monkeii12 (talk) 04:37, 13 December 2012 (CST)

Hm...I think it depends on the translator. LOL --Magykalman

I've talked to Pudding, and he says why not. So'll put the kuns onto the Kohai from now on. I'll edit ch3&4 for the kuns --Monkeii12 (talk) 07:36, 13 December 2012 (CST)

Okay! :D - - Magykalman

Added the kuns in the rest. Hopefully I'll have more free time during winter break to do more editing, but I'll still be popping in from time to time until then. -Jasou (talk) 21:11, 13 December 2012 (CST)

Managed to get my hands on the JP raws all the way up to vol 8. So...if anyone needs them, I have them. Also uploading the pics now. - Jasou (talk) 14:36, 23 December 2012 (CST)

Hey guys, I'd like to help out, either as an editor or translator. Native English (American) speaker, so I'd probably do better on editing, but I can attempt to translate from the Chinese LN (which I have access to) or from the original that Jasou says he has access to. Khiral (talk) 01:46, 27 December 2012 (CST)

Hello Khiral, having an extra TL or an editor is awesome and welcomed. If you feel comfortable TLing, you can start from Vol3 because Vol2 is being done by Pudding321 and myself.If you want to edit, then that's fine as well. Just go with whichever you feel you can dedicate yourself into without getting too bored.

If you are going to translate, it would be better to translate from the original language(Japanese) because it's better to use the original source. But if you find Chinese easier to TL from, then you can choose to use the Chinese version.--Monkeii12 (talk) 03:03, 27 December 2012 (CST)

After some thought, I will just edit for the time being. I searched the forums, but couldn't find a general protocol for editing. Is there anything particular? Khiral (talk) 08:30, 28 December 2012 (CST)

There really aren't much protocols that I'm aware of, except that we prefer to use UK English and we don't like to change the meaning of the context. So just make sure that the original meaning of the book is retained. Also, please check for the flow of the words, so that it doesn't sound forced or confusing. So you can sign yourself up on the editors section and get started! --Monkeii12 (talk) 09:37, 28 December 2012 (CST)

Uploaded Volume 8 images. Semi-spoilers inside. Khiral (talk) 11:15, 31 December 2012 (CST)

Hey there, Khiral. I'm just wondering why you use two different accounts to update. I'm guessing KuroDubZero is also you? -Jasou (talk) 11:48, 31 December 2012 (CST)

I only use this account, barring some sort of strange split personality, so I don't think so. Also, high quality image scans got posted just as I uploaded the chapter 8 images. GG. brb reuploading. Edit: Also read the pages that go with volume's 8 semi-spoiler image and hnggggggggggggggggggggggh I'll be back once I'm done dying of hnnnnnnnnghhhhhhhh Khiral (talk) 11:55, 31 December 2012 (CST)

Haha, okay then, I guess I was mistaken. Just don't get a nosebleed and actually die of blood loss :). Though, I wonder who that mystery uploader(KuroDubZero) is? - Jasou (talk) 15:43, 31 December 2012 (CST)

Volume 7.5

First off would like to say thanks for the translators translating this series, really enjoying the anime so i have enjoyed reading the LN, just wanted to point out on the slim chance that you actually didn't know that you missed out on volume 7.5


Also i was wondering if chapter 2 of volume 1 is still being translated, my reason for wondering this is because the translation is getting pretty consistent updates with the exception of chapter 2 which is 50% done, so i was wondering if the translator that had that chapter registered stopped or was just busy with RL or whatever else.

Hi there, and first off, thanks for the support. (I think) most of us are aware about 7.5, but I guess the raws aren't readily available, so that section has yet to be added. The TL for chapter 2 is probably just busy with RL stuff. I think he has mentioned that his pace is pretty slow, so you'll just have to wait until he finishes. Though, if you're watching the anime, then you're not missing out on much by reading ahead. Also, please sign your name with four "~" (no spaces, not including quotes). - Jasou (talk) 14:03, 2 January 2013 (CST)

Hey Anon visitor. So we do know about volume 7.5 and I will do them when I have time. Also, in regards to Ch2, I'm not the one who is doing it, so you won't get the updates for it until the TL comes back to do it. However, I do suggest checking out NanoDesu who are doing a great job at translating Sakurasou as well. We aren't working together with them, but we still support them full heartedly for what they are doing. I think they are on Ch2 ATM, and will finish that chapter earlier than us.

The recent updates (Vol1 Ch3, 4, Vol2 ch1, 2 & 4) were done by me, so that's why it was updated regularly. But don't expect Ch3 of Vol2, because I'm not the one who's doing that chapter.

Here's the link for NanoDesu- http://sakurasouthetranslation.wordpress.com/volume-1/chapter-2/chapter-2-3/

Please give them and us lots of love and support.Monkeii12 (talk) 15:44, 2 January 2013 (CST)

Eh bro so sry. I'm really busy with my stocks now. Index isn't looking very well and bears are taking control of the market. So kinda busy. So so sry. :( Maybe you can go read at NanoDesu or sth if you want to (if you can read difficult words) lol. Thx for supporting BT and all btw. XD And yeah I'll do the update ASAP when I have time to type them out ltr (I'm done with the TL part). So sry again. --Magykalman

Wikia Recruitment

Recruiting, editors for Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo wikia (here's the link: http://sakurasounopetnakanojo.wikia.com).
We need more and more editor to make it grow and become a noticeable wikia for this anime.
Be there, makes the wikia grows and be proud of yourselves for succeeding to spread the series.

We'll wait for your contribution there.
Any further information please contact me, Ethrundr, in the wikia.
In IRC, you can contact me about the wikia by joining channel #sakurasouwikia

Pygmalion (talk) 06:38, 22 January 2013 (CST)

Edit Confirmations

In some of the translations, some of the responses use 'why' to reply back. I'm not sure what the literal translation is from the RAWs but it this type of reply is very awkward and confusing so I would rather change everything to 'what'. Before I make any such changes though, I would like some confirmation about this. Thanks.--Vu.P (talk) 18:56, 8 February 2013 (CST)

In the KR raws that I TL from, it uses 'why'. However, if you think that 'what' is a better choice, I don't think it really matters. I would check with Pudding though, since he TLs from the original JP raws.Junnynam (talk) 20:50, 8 February 2013 (CST)

'Why' is a valid response in many cases, so I don't really see a problem with the use of 'why'. But, if it's really bothering you... From what I remember, the JP raws do use 'why'(なぜ naze), but I might be wrong as I haven't looked through them ever since I got them a few months back. I don't think pudding (or anyone else for that matter) will reply any time soon, as the only activity I've seen lately has been from Junnynam. Also, many thanks for still being such a great and dedicated translator, Junnynam. -Jasou (talk) 21:17, 8 February 2013 (CST)

Thanks Jasou, and I think you're right about the 'naze' thing. 'Naze', 'nande' are some commonly used responses in Japanese (from what I've seen on animes at least). Anyhow, I'll be back on Sakurasou soon. My other LN project is almost complete :D --Junnynam (talk) 21:29, 8 February 2013 (CST)

In general, English speakers don't reply back with 'why'. However, if the raws translates like that, then I will not touch it.--Vu.P (talk) 08:05, 9 February 2013 (CST)