Talk:Infinite Stratos

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other characters picture displaced

Shinonome Tabane's picture is in misplaced, screwing with the text and other things. Confirmed on ie, moz and iPad. If it wasn't obvious; it's in character description on the main page. Cheerios.

LN titles

It seems that there are problems with the titles. For example, V3 chapter 1 the title is, according to wikipedia, rain maker while my translation is different. What do we do in that case? Kira0802 22:38, 19 February 2011 (UTC)

I just checked Baike(chinese) and compared it to Wikipedia. Baike wrote Blue days/little switch while Wikipedia says Blue days/red switch. WHICH IS CORRECT FOR GOD'S SAKE!Kira0802 00:04, 20 February 2011 (UTC)

Suggestion: Check anime, don't they show original titles in the start of each chapter?

You know, when I see the name "Teh Ping" on the first page, I know this LN will be finished in no time. See what's happening now...? I'm deeply impressed. Just...."waw..." RasteShelphyd 16:17, 15 October 2011 (CDT)

I concur. Zero2001 - Talk - 17:38, 15 October 2011 (CDT)

Oh my God, Teh Ping; I can't believe my eyes!! 55% translation progress in just 1 day???? Thanks a lot. Really...thanks..... - RasteShelphyd 20:21, 17 October 2011 (CDT)


On Infinite Stratos. Young Japanese women or school girls usually say "Ehhh~" just to sound cute or in a cutesy manner in Japanese society, especially in conversations between fellow woman/girls. So its better to keep them in most cases in IS. It's staying true to the author's original intent since "Whaaat" isn't very cute sounding for the most part, although it does fit in the sentence. Therefore, I suggest that we keep Ehhh~ the way it is unless there's a better alternative than "Whaaat" and "Huuuh" to replace "Ehhh~" in IS. The "Ehhh~" is somewhat similar to the exclusively Japanese sound effects for something cute like Funya, Funyari, Nyaa, Gao and etc. -Hiro Hayase 01:18, 8 September 2011 (CDT)

I don't think Ehhh~ always denotes cutsyness, it can denote extreme surprise or tired surprise like Cecilia being bothered by the girls over her makeup, dress sense and perfume and her saying it (sometimes in her mind) out of exasperation. The only times it denotes cuteness is when the character tries to appear childish. Sometimes it just denotes surprise. It depends on the circumstances. But since there are multiple forms in english that can replace it we should take them into account. There are many variables. Zero2001 - Talk - 07:50, 8 September 2011 (CDT)

But then again "Eh" is an interjection in the english language. But it isn't used as much. On the other hand the cute Ehh~ you are talking about fits this type of girl more, see the whole thing but 1:05 specifically. Cecilia or the other girls are not that type, well maybe Laura but... no not that level after all. Sigh, I'm sorry but in light of the overall I can't say it fits with cuteness; tiredness or exasperation maybe, but not cuteness. Zero2001 - Talk - 11:56, 8 September 2011 (CDT)

Wouldn't keeping the Eh's be fine too, instead of replacing them with Huh or What? It doesn't really detract from the meaning as whole in the Light Novel, some english translation projects like Toaru no Majutsu just keep the "Eh" the way it is, and I know its not commonly used in many English novels, but the Eh's are not that big of an issue. “Ehh!? Why!? Why are you here!? World War III… The Arctic Ocean… Y-you were dead… Wh-what is going on…!?” Misaka Mikoto from NT volume 2, chapter 1. Although I agree with Hiro that sometimes its used in a cutesy way by girls, but other times its used for being suprised in an almost comical way. -Anonymous Reader ( 14:03, 8 September 2011 (CDT) )

Yeah... but, you see... It's already been done and now to change everything back would be excessive or leave it as it currently is and not change "eh" to "huh" or "what" in present or future chapters kind of goes against conformity. Sigh. I do get what you're saying, I really do. It's just I think... it's too late in the game to change the rules, y'know what I mean don't you? Besides I don't think Hiro Hayase intends to change all "eh"s back, only the "Ehh*~"s the ones with a drawn out sound. Zero2001 - Talk - 14:35, 8 September 2011 (CDT)

Agreed, a compromise will do here. Just leaving Ehh~ with the drawn out sound the way it is will suffice, its too late to change everything back now anyways. Well at least this is sorted. -Hiro Hayase 19:01, 8 September 2011 (CDT)

Hmm... I'm all good for a compromise, normally. But only when the "~" is used and there are more than one "h". At least until I find something good enough in the english language. See, I'm using both my decision and FoxReplace to change the "eh"s (decision for vague ones and FoxReplace for repetitive changes) and FoxReplace can only be picky in certain ways. Sorry, this is something I can't help. Currently it is set to change all "eh" words to "huh" but not any with more than one "h" so I can make the decision to ignore them, but I think only those with the ~ until I find something fitting. Maybe I will, most probably not. So is that cool? Zero2001 - Talk - 21:22, 8 September 2011 (CDT)

It's cool with me. Changing the repetitive eh's is also alright with me. I guess its case closed now -Hiro Hayase 22:11, 8 September 2011 (CDT)

Volume 8

Does anyone have any information on when volume 8 will be released?

I'm also interested in this ..::Gradient::.. 13:53, 12 January 2012 (CST)

there is no information about it yet just be patient and wait Volume 8 out will be coming out early next year.

rumor has it that IS is cancelled

here is what I read about IS being cancelled


It may be canceled by the publisher, but it is already wrote by the author. Just that nobody knows who is going to take the title for the time being. --Braiam 10:59, 3 April 2012 (CDT)

Why was the author attacking fans on the net? Zero2001 - Talk - 07:20, 4 April 2012 (CDT)

I doubt about the thing the author attacking fans on the net cause if he really did it, it would be bad for him... maybe there is someone else behind wanting to destroy his image or something like that... lets just hope that it really doesn't get cancelled Kipoyedcl 21:41, 5 April 2012 (CDT)

But then why's the above linked article saying he did it? Zero2001 - Talk - 00:29, 6 April 2012 (CDT)

he got what he deserved 05:43, 6 April 2012 Zmunjali

That's besides the point!!! I wanna know why that happened. Besides what's the point of him getting what he deserves if it's us readers who get caught in the crossfire? Zero2001 - Talk - 04:10, 6 April 2012 (CDT)

I'm with zero. I don't know what hapened bot I wanna see the 8th volume of IS because this is annoying. I can't imagine how attacking on twitter can somehow lead to the complete removal of the series. discontinuation is one thing but removing is a little overboard I think ..::Gradient::.. 10:55, 14 April 2012 (CDT)

I think IS is now dead because I saw on some forum that the author of IS is now working on a new novel which is (KIMI P). but I am still hoping that the novel will continue-Just4fun 17:40, 4 May 2012

Isn't it more likely that the novel was going in a direction that the current company couldn't endorse or agree with because it goes against their current image? That would explain it. Zero2001 - Talk - 12:57, 4 May 2012 (CDT)

Also I saw this on wikipedia: Yumizuru cited that Media Factory's overseas representatives were engaging in contracts with foreign publishers without the author's permission as the reason for the suspension. Yumizuru had also stated that he was willing to fight over this matter in court if necessary. I'm willing to bet this is the real reason for their falling out as they call it. Zero2001 - Talk - 13:05, 4 May 2012 (CDT)

so in other words IS will not continue anymore?? or IS is in state of hibernation?? ohhh well.. i will just wait patiently..- Just4fun - 14:38, 5 May 2012

aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhhh!!!! and i was so looking forward to vol 8 ..::Gradient::.. 15:22, 18 May 2012 (CDT)

^Have hope dude! hahaha! i am still hoping there is still volume 8 to be released. Just4fun 21 May 2012

Good News Every One! The novelist has confirmed more IS in the works. Anon-kun 19th June 2012

Vol 8 will be released in April 25th 2013. Finally *sigh* Trung-t-rung


i just finish volume 1-7 and its a cliffhanger.. really! i really wish volume 8 will be released soon... Just4fun 23 May 2012

...Even if you complain to us, we can't do anything about it unless you ask me to write a fanfiction volume 8 or something like what I actually planned for April Fools' this year. (The only thing stopping me was that I can't get convincing illustrations).--Teh Ping 00:51, 23 May 2012 (CDT)

hahaha! i wasn't complaining... i think i like that plan teh ping... Just4fun May 30 2012

Idiom in Vol 1 , Chapt 1?

Fantastic work, I love this site, and I thank all the contributors.

One question, though. What does "black on the face" mean here, please? The sentence is strange on its own, I'm wondering if it's an idiom that didn't get adapted. The whole text of the books are so well done, so this sentence seems a little strange.

"Well, maybe I won't be able to get to the level where Chifuyu-nee won't be all black on the face, but at least I don't want her to be embarrassed on the professional field."

-- 15:44, 25 May 2012 (CDT)

^i think its an idiom.... Just4fun 30 May 2012

Most probably the sentence is an idiom. Judging by the sentence itself and the contents around it. I think it means that Ichika won't be on the level where he messes up so badly that Chifuyu would be embarrassed to be his sister, angry at Ichika and basically like a demoness. You know, those murderous glares... or something like that. Sorry, but even I'm not very sure about this and can only guess. Translator... oh Translator... help out, please... Zero2001 - Talk - 01:55, 31 May 2012 (CDT)

But you know... this kind of query should be on the respective Chapter's talk page itself rather than here. Zero2001 - Talk - 06:37, 31 May 2012 (CDT)

It's actually more like an expression. In anime, don't you see people's faces become darker when they look stern?--Teh Ping 07:00, 31 May 2012 (CDT)

im with Teh Ping. you know there are times in both anime and manga when they get angry, look down and their face gets darker ..::Gradient::.. 05:04, 7 June 2012 (CDT)


IS will resume again.... see baka forum for details(IS thread)... Just4fun June 21 2012

Thank god ..::Gradient::.. 14:04, 22 July 2012 (CDT)

You could help us speed up getting there by giving us a direct link y'know. But, Thanks for the News!!! Zero2001 - Talk - 17:44, 22 July 2012 (CDT) here is the link - Just4fun 5 Aug 2012

Still no news on when it will resume? Kemm (talk) 08:55, 25 September 2012 (CDT)

well they said that the author would do IS with another project simultaneously so i will think around early 2013 and this news lifted a heavy load from my heart because i love this series and since the hiatsu i prayed that it would re-continue. --Yumm (talk) 05:47, 21 November 2012 (CST)

which is the other project? any news? --Chancs (talk) 06:05, 21 November 2012 (CST)

@CHANCS i dont know but he did tweet- これでisと並行執筆になったので今年はもう予定ぎっちぎち。来年も。しかしがんばるぞー!- i dont read jap so i cant read it

Infinite Stratos Reprint

Ok i have been confused with the various pieces of info that keep coming out about IS, so i was wondering if someone can provide me some clarification, ok so the author had a disagreement with the publishing company and due to this a long hiatus, now the novels are being reprinted and will be released starting with the first two novels in April of 2013. The reprints will have new designs from the new illustrator, is that right so far? If i'm way off then please do point this out as right now i'm just trying to piece it all together, ok well lastly comes the big question that i'm wondering about, the current 7 volumes released of IS, is this reprint and change of company have anything to do with the content of the first 7 volumes? In other words when the supposed volume 8 comes out it will continue with the same story where it left off but just with different illustrations? Is the reprint changing the content itself or just the illustrations?

The reprinted version of the first seven novels will have new illustrations by the new artist, the story will remain untouched. So the eighth novel will continue from the seventh when it comes out. Stellarroze 05:31, 1 January 2013 (CST)

Just curious about the status on Infinite Stratos. Since volume 8 is planned to come out on April 25, I have no doubt our translators will be scrabling for a copy of the raws(a copy for reading, a copy for sharing and a copy for safe keeping), however will volumes 1-7 be reworked? I can't say I'm not interested in seeing the new artwork by CHOCO, but I' also aware of the extra time and effort it will take to go over the previous volumes and update the PDFs(not really, I've reread Mahouka 4 time before I knew it), and the time constraint of living life. Since the previous volumes will be releases on the 25th in the following months, I should be able secure my copies as well. ^_^ let me correct that... I should be looking out for the previous versions of volume 1-7... Keisanichi (talk) 18:57, 1 February 2013 (CST)

The only difference would be the artwork reprint iirc, unless Izuru decided to be a bitch and add things inbetween 1 and 7.

-Koakuma (talk) 03:36, 2 February 2013 (CST)

let's hope that doesn't happen. ..::Gradient::.. 11:47, 25 February 2013 (CST)

Is there a Blu-Ray DVD 2/4 Story?

I see that there is a Blu-Ray DVD 1 Story and a Blu-Ray DVD 3 Story, do the other Blu-Ray DVDs have side stories?