User talk:Darkoneko

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  • talk to me here, click on + to add a section
  • Understood languages : French (native), English (good)


Hey Darkoneko,

As you're the expert on all things MediaWiki, and maybe you've already looked at the Clannad project page... I'm just wondering if you can help to improve the table format as well as how the text is being displayed, and get the entire thing to look right across Firefox, IE6 and IE7. Thanks.


Hey Darkoneko,

mind looking over this page:

Velocity7 did some funky stuff to it, just wondering if you think its okay.

it was better then his other idea of adding some sort of hidden spoiler extension to the wiki (which was a bit rubbish to be honest)



Onizuka-gto 12:33, 23 January 2007 (PST)

answered on IRC. DarkoNeko talk 15:06, 24 January 2007 (PST)

Hey again Darkoneko,

I've managed to confirm that the grids disappearing is a bug, caused by using border-collapse, rowspan, and colspan:


This cannot be fixed no matter what styling we do. We'll have to come with workarounds, as in the CSS I've indicated at Template:Clannad:ScriptChart. This means the Haruhi timeline table will need to be redone in the future.

Speaking of which, do you know how to merge some of those cells using colspan and rowspan so that each row lines up perfectly? So for example, all those empty cells should be merged together somehow but at the same time, it should be possible to preserve the way the text is all lined up. Suggestions?


hmmmm I'm not sure to understand what you mean by row lined up perfectly ? it that about their width ?
DarkoNeko talk 05:02, 29 January 2007 (PST)


Hey Darkoneko,

I don't know if you checked the Fate/Zero page, but I did mention to look at The definitions of the Holy Grail and homunculus, according to the Nasu universe, are there. --velocity7 12:47 AM April 2 2007 EST

Wikisyntax talks

  • Hi Darkoneko (active fr.wikipedia "Cleaner", huh?),
    My question is, how do wikipedia sites add this useful insert toolbar after the edit box? -- Seven Eleven 04:42, 16 April 2007 (PDT)
Sorry for the late reply.
It is indeed the bar to insert special characters. Is it something to modify within the source code? -- Seven Eleven 11:41, 3 May 2007 (PDT)

WikiGuru ?

Je vois que tu parles bien français, je vais en profiter. Pour les traduction française, je vais besoin de certain petits trucs. Je pense notamment à des raccourcis soit vers le YukiWiki (du SOS-dan francophone) soit vers la sous-section francophone de la traduction de SHnY. Je risque d'en avoir besoin pour des liens divers. L'idéal serait pour les éditeurs de pouvoir écrire : une description de [[YukiWiki:Kyon|Kyon], un lien vers le [[Suzumiya_Haruhi_FR:Volume1_Chapitre2|Chapitre suivant]]. Merci de me tenir au courant. surtout si ça te pose problème.


  • Onizuka a juste dit que je parlais français... mais en fait, je suis français :) donc forcément, je parle bien cette langue.
  • Pour les [[YukiWiki:blabla|intralien vers un autre site]], je suppose que mediawiki rend ça réalisable, mais seul celui qui a accès au FTP serveur pourrais le faire : il est assez rarement là, et quand je vois ce qui est arrivé à son installation de l'extension spamlist, je suis pas convaincu que lui demander de trifouiller le code soit une bonne idée ^^;
    Demander au lecteur de faire des allez retour entre ici et YukiWiki risque de le perdre un peu, mais sinon pour faire ce genre de liens accessible facilement, je peut créer un modèle du type template:YukiWiki qui permettra de taper juste {{YukiWiki|nom de la page sur le wiki distant}}, ce qui reviens à peu pres au même que plus haut sans devoir embeter le grand manitou.
  • Pour le systeme de navigation entre chapitre, je peut faire un modèle général à mettre en bas de chaque page qui permettra d'accéder d'un click à n'importe quel page de la trad fr. Il faudra juste penser à mettre le modèle à jour lorsqu'une nouvelle page est créée :)
voila voila
DarkoNeko talk 13:33, 23 June 2007 (PDT)
NB : si la syntaxe wiki te parait obscure, je te recommande la lecture de y a 2/3 parties qui sont hors sujet pour ici (c'est quelquechose que j'ai initialement créé pour souhaiter la bienvenue aux nouveaux sur wikipédia), mais il y a une breve description de tout ce que j'estime etre la syntaxe de base.
NB²: pour le terme "wikiguru", c'est parce que je participe à la wikipédia francophone depuis 2 ans et des brouettes, et que donc je connais la plupart des rouages :) mais le terme tiens plus de l'autodérision qu'autre chose.
  • Merci pour le template, tiens moi au courant dès qu'il est opérationnel.
  • Idem pour la navigation, j'ai commencé à faire mon propre système "a la manno" en bas du prologue et du premier chapitre, mais si tu as plus simple, merci d'avance.
  • Question : Sur la page d'accueil de la VF j'ai rajouté un lien vers le fichier d'aide de Wikipedia. Ca te gène si je le fais désormais pointer vers le lien que tu viens de me donner ?
  • Tant que j'y suis, j'ai créé un modèle pour le YukiWiki afin de pouvoir cacher des spoilers. Ca t'embêterai d'y jeter un oeil pour me dire pourquoi l'affichage est aussi différent de celui de wikipedia ?
  • (1) Template fait : {{YukiWiki|Yuki_Nagato}} s'affichera Yuki_Nagato. La principale limitation est qu'on ne peut pas mettre d'espace dans le nom de page appelée (il faut remplacer par des _). Il est possible que le lien et ce qui s'affiche soient different, il suffit d'appeler le modele sous la forme {{YukiWiki|lien réèl|truc à afficher}}, ce qui donnera réèl truc à afficher.
  • (2) ça sera pour un peu plus tard, je manque de temps.
  • (3) pas de probleme, même si ça n'est pas totalement adapté pour ce wiki.
  • (4) comme (2)
DarkoNeko talk 04:47, 25 June 2007 (PDT)
NB: n'oublie pas de signer tes messages avec ~~~~

yuki wiki?

Dear Darkoneko,

care to share with me to what's this all about?

tasteful choice of name for it, but still don't have a clue what it's for.... (^^);

--Onizuka-gto 07:55, 25 June 2007 (PDT)

Meow :)
I created this for User:QCTX, as he wanted a simple way to make links to a specific "reference" page from here to his distant wiki : you simply type {{YukiWiki|Yuki_Nagato}} and it appears like that : Yuki_Nagato . The main limitation is that the parameter can't contain spaces.
DarkoNeko talk 08:58, 25 June 2007 (PDT)
Nota: I've edited the template talk page to add explanations.

  • Ah, thanks for the explanation. mind you it does seem like, an awfully complicated piece of work around, to relatively simple copy&paste with the occasional requirements.... :roll:
like they say,
"French. Smart, but in a baka way."
--Onizuka-gto 15:30, 25 June 2007 (PDT)
How that "baka"?
Who dare say that?
--QCTX 12:47, 26 June 2007 (PDT)
Britannians does
Because they're polite, but in a rude way
DarkoNeko talk 13:24, 26 June 2007 (PDT)

débuts débuts...

Salut, vu que je débute complètement je vais probablement poser une question bête mais : quand on s'enregistre sur une page, on change le texte dans l'édit, mais après pour écrire le texte traduit et le lier vers le menu géneral il faut qu'une page existe non, avant?ou je suppose que ce sont les éditeurs qui la créent? et sinon est ce que je dois mettre un lien dans le sommaire vers une page qui n'existe pas encore, et qui se créera et en suite j'édite dans cette page? j'ai peur de faire une erreur en fait en faisant ça, et moi qui voulais commencer le 18 Décembre...

oups sorry i'm really sorry i should go to the forum before, i was lost. je suis vraiment désolée.

merci beaucoup

Le monde est petit

Coucou! Vu que tu ne me réponds plus sur wikipédia je viens de découvrir SHnY, je suis arrivé ici ;)
Au plaisir de continuer à travailler ensemble :p Il Palazzo-sama 15:58, 6 September 2008 (PDT)

Rien qui méritait une réponse de ta part, rassure-toi ;) (et oui, mon humour est effectivement foireux, mais j'assume ^^; ) Il Palazzo-sama 06:33, 8 October 2008 (PDT)

Les droits

Alors voilà. Vu que tu m'as l'air d'être le plus (vieux) vénérables traducteurs, tu pourra peut-être me dire... Si les droits des romans présents ici sont déposés dans les langues locales, est-ce que ça ne pourra être préjudiciable à Baka Tsuki? J'ai entendu parler récemment d'un blog qui à eu un procès parce qu'il faisait circuler une version traduite de Harry Potter. Si on continue la traduction, notamment de "La mélancolie de Haruhi Suzumiya, alors que des droits ont apparemment été déposés, est-ce qu'on va avoir des ennuis? Les pages traduites seront-elles effacés? Aura-t-on notre pseudo dans le staff de traduction? *rêve* Enfin, voilà, j'ai des questions.

A la réflexion, je me demande si je ferais pas mieux d'aller poster sur le forum... --Facteur Rien 19:20, 8 April 2009 (UTC)

Zero no Tsukaima

Hello Darkoneko

I'm admin a Zero no Tsukaima Wiki. I would like to know if I can put the traslations of Zero no Tsukaima novel from your web site into the Zero no Tsukaima wikia. I can put link or credit to your web site. If I can what I need to know what need to put in wikia. I've been reading the site translation. I like the novel better than the Anime. They seem to drop thing and move event around.
I would like to help in traslation of the novel, but don't have digital source and would have to use google translation. My under standing it doesn't do to well. What little I have used the translator, I've had some problems.

--Rocketmanwikia 22:04, 27 November 2011 (CST)

blocked user

Uhm, why did you block zero infinite? --Darklor (talk) 04:56, 10 November 2012 (CST)

I am not sure if Hayashi wasnt as bad as him, since he didnt went for a higher up for help or mediation, but acted all high mighty on his own only in converse with another translator and used deletion as his first choice to act - for me this is more destroying to the wiki (which is all about editing) than edits and he has still his rights, what I see as a risk, because who knows when he goes again on rage and is deleting more of the wiki... - (but at the same time I also know how annoying Zero can be, but I think an infinite block could maybe be too long... --Darklor (talk) 10:28, 11 November 2012 (CST)

I am not really on his side, because he propacated things I didnt really think necessary, and even things I never liked, but one the other side I think its nice to have one around who has an understanding of the wiki workings and it seemed some even liked his new navbar. Also I dont see really a thing he did wrong, which would require a lifelong block. Both sides had an attitudes problem and no one did communicate with the higher ups to clear the problem. I even think that Hayashi overreacted. He didnt even tried another method or asked for help or consulted a higher ranked member before he acted. I even think he damaged the wiki more with his action than any editor could do and has still the rights to damage it even more, which I dont really like because I fear for the wiki.

Btw. I got another PM by Zero. He would like to contact you... --Darklor (talk) 07:11, 20 November 2012 (CST)

So... How are you going to handle this problem? Even though I stayed away, another similar problem occurred. Are you going to block other users like how you did me? These things happen. It's useless to blame another, especially when the only thing they did was ask questions or give their own point of view and/or asked for feedback. Zero2001 - Talk 05:20, 2 December 2012 (CST)

BTW, don't bother blocking this IP. I'm talking here via a proxy site. And I don't intend to cause any problems or talk further. I'll prove my worth to you in my own way. You know, you could have just demoted me from my position as editor rather than outright blocking me. It's not like I was a vandal or a flammer. If you want to talk (not that I think you will, but just in case), contact me via PM on the forum. Zero2001 - Talk 05:20, 2 December 2012 (CST)

Zero2001, please do not drag my issue into this, I have no desire to see anyone getting blocked over my own selfishness, if anyone is deserved to be blocked, it was myself and I would accept the decision from the higher ups without complaint. People involved in my case are valueable assets of B-T, they followed what they think is right, it was my own mistake to host my works here when I can't stand anyone touching it, please do not blame anyone but me. -- BeginnerXP (Talk) 05:32, 2 December 2012 (CST)

I think you're misunderstanding something. I don't blame anyone, though I am a little bothered by your actions (is it possible for the DreadfulDecoding versions to be direct linked, as with UMD? At least until they are re-translated here). I just don't want anyone blocked like I was. That's why I spoke, before what happened to me ended up happening to anyone else. Well, this is my last post here. If you have any further messages for me, please send me a PM. Zero2001 - Talk 05:37, 2 December 2012 (CST)

User privileges

I'm currently translating Accel World to spanish, and I'd like to get translator privileges to fix some mistakes I made here and there. I need the privileges to delete some pages to correctly move some others.

I hope you can help me with this. Thanks in advance.

--kotelo 20:00, 12 December 2012 (PST)

I was able to do everything I had planned., thank you very much. And don't worry, I know that "with great power comes great responsibility." Once again, thank you.

--kotelo 23:59, 27 December 2012 (CST)

Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei

Salut Darkoneko,apres avoir posté un message sur le forum,je te contacte pour te demander ce qu'il me reste a faire pour commencer la traduction de Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei en francais. Merci

C'est bon c'est réglé ^^