User talk:Cloudii

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Revision as of 01:44, 26 April 2014 by Cloudii (talk | contribs)
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Can u ask to Wildk for chapter 4? I think he retire translate it

  • He hasn't gotten back to me, so I'm assuming he's MIA. I'll start on chapter 4 over the weekend. Cloudii (talk) 00:15, 5 April 2013 (CDT)

Hi Cloud, this is Rozenbach. Translator for DAL. I'm currently working on a new project, but I kinda got banned probably because my username on the forum got caught by your bot catchers by accident. Can you please unban me asap? I just changed password so it's a bit tough to remember random number and letters. Thanks for your work on Oreshura too, loved it! Rozenbach (talk) 06:33, 11 March 2014 (CDT)

So I write all the stuff I've teased (or might do more of) into the "April" part of that linked page? I more or less approve myself of being the manager? <.< -cautr (talk) 16:10, 18 April 2014 (CDT)


Oh wow, you really pushed Volume 3 through! Good work! -cautr (talk) 18:05, 20 September 2013 (CDT)

Hello, Cloudii! I especially made an account to give you my thanks! I really appreciate you picking OreShura up! It's pretty underrated in my opinion. -cautr 20:43 (GMT +1), August 17th 2013

Thanks a lot for picking up Oreshura. I'm really glad you did.--MaerisCrisis (talk) 10:41, 29 March 2013 (CDT)

Thanks for translating oreshura ^^.

Great job!Thx for taking up this LN, i really like the anime and the LN looks better.Don't worry for TLC or edits, those will eventually come.--victorrama (talk)

Please don't stop the translation ;a;

You are a Hero!!! Thanks you for translating oreshura . I'm really glad you did,good luck! (April 3 2013,Jakarta)

Hey, thanks man for taking the time to translate OreShura. I'm sure it takes a lot of time and effort but please keep on going. Ganbatte! --iamtaicho

Don't worry, concentrate on your exam ! Victorrama (talk) 23:07, 20 April 2013 (CDT)

thankyou for translating oreshura! oh and good luck with your exams! ^^,


Please feel free. Remember to add your name to the registration page. Also, try to PM me next time, or get me at Animesuki if you can't get me here :) --larethian (talk) 02:39, 5 April 2013 (CDT)

Hey, On V2C6 of Kanojo, I think that it would be more fitting if Princess is 'Hime', It might be a name and it have to be awkward since well you know.Alviam099 (talk) Actually, somebody managed to edit it before me Alviam099 (talk)

Still need the so-called "really dedicated fluent-in-english editor"? I got time for one more project. We'd need to clarify the format guidelines then. Greetings -cautr (talk) 15:16, 16 October 2013 (CDT)

Thanks for your reply, I left a message on the forum-thread you posted. -cautr (talk) 14:31, 18 October 2013 (CDT)

category revamp, etc.


I'm Darkoneko, one of the "usually inactive" custodians of this wiki. I'm kinda allergic to forums and generally prefer to laze in a corner of our IRC channel, so you might not have heard of me before. Either way, sorry for the late introduction.

I've started with a few people a great revamping of the category system. It was pointed to me that you had similar projects in mind, so I'm there to enlist your help :)

One of my goals is to easily allow readers to search novels by name, publisher, language, genre, and status (finished/active/stalled...). For that purpose, a list of categories will be listed in the sidebar instead of the current enormous and unreadable list.

Here's what has been done / on track : Category:Root : the Root of all evil categories.

  • category:Author : each author has his/her own category, which contain the main page of each of their novels (so far it's always the english version)
  • category:Light novel : each language has its own subcategory to allow easy search by language.
  • category:Original novel : for the few we host. They're all in english so no need for subcats.

We are in dire need of title standardisation, so your proposal on there interests me. Tho, the problem is what to use as the initial title. In your exemple, everything takes for base the english title (A simple survey) rather than the japanese one, which strikes me as weird. But translators might not like any change on that :)

More to come a bit later

DarkoNeko talk 17:31, 1 February 2014 (CST)

Good morning !
Don't forget to sign your messages with ~~~~, else i have to check the page history to know who wrote the message ;)
I need a way to properly separate teasers from full projects. Right now since only the sidebar novels were given the category light novel, it's their separation. We'll probably need a dedicated category later.
For the sidebar languages, good idea. It's either that or linking by default to the english category. to be decided
I've seen you started categorising the visual novel. It's the right idea, however, could you rename it to Category:Visual_novel for consistency with the other categories ?
thanks, DarkoNeko talk 05:20, 2 February 2014 (CST)
Nevermind, i found a way to connect a script and do that automatically. DarkoNeko talk 07:28, 2 February 2014 (CST)

Okay but what happens to the old updates--RikiNutcase (talk) 21:29, 10 February 2014 (CST)

RE: Language Editing Guidelines

The short answer is yes, I'm planning to finish it...but I'm best at working in bursts of inspiration, and usually stick to them--a terrible work ethic, I know--so unfortunately, I'm not very confident that it actually will be done. I'll try to bump it up on my priority list though. Thanks for the vote of confidence.

As for SimpleNav, it's been designed with the wiki's naming convention in mind, so its automated system should work as long as that convention holds (i.e. LIGHT NOVEL:VolumeX ChapterY and LIGHT NOVEL:VolumeZ, or LIGHT NOVEL:Volume X Chapter Y and LIGHT NOVEL:Volume Z). Presuming that at the very least, the ending chapter is noted in the template. Even on pages with irregular naming though, the manual override system is there, which basically turns it into a simple template for making the standard table that has a lot of irrelevant bytes. Have you read the usage notes I placed on the template page? -Akira (talk) 23:46, 6 April 2014 (CDT)

RE: Cloudii's sandbox

Was looking through your sandbox of proposals and I think the "Sandbox/testo" page layout looks amazing for the default project listing page. There's some clean up left but I like that idea better than the one you have for your actual "Sandbox/ProposedProjectPage" example. The proposed project page seems too have a bit too much info considering the large number of projects, but your proposed one would be great as a "detailed listing of projects" that could be clickable from a "Sandbox/testo"-styled page. That would probably reduce computation cost for the server as well, since people could land on the lower(?) cost "Sandbox/testo"-styled page but would still have the option of the more detailed one if they wanted that info. In any case, both of these are great work and hopefully one (or both) of them will get made into the actual project listing page. Congrats on your main page idea getting selected, btw! --Rydenius (talk) 02:07, 7 April 2014 (CDT)