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'''This is an appeal for all not to edit this chapter and the subsequent chapters for it is directly under the jurisdiction of Kanamechan Translations and is only hosted here for easy outreach and reference. It is found this necessary in essence to reject what must be the fundamental rule of thumb in Baka-Tsuki but such an audacious reach must be taken in the standardisation of quality. '''
== 1st Ammo - Lumberjack -Night of Revenge- ==
== 1st Ammo - Lumberjack -Night of Revenge- ==
One Autumn afternoon...
On a quiet and sunny autumn afternoon…
"The Texas burger is really delicious, Onii-chan!"
"Being able to eat it with the person I like makes it ten times yummier!"
Kaname and I were eating hamburgers at an open-air McDonald's terrace in Odaiba. The ambience was nice.
There were many couples under the refurbished, beautiful terrace. If people were uninformed of the creepy details, they would think that Kaname, a seemingly normal schoolgirl, was just showing me a cute schoolgirl smile. In the eyes of passers-by, we were just a high school couple having a date in the terrace.
"Nn~~, the weather's great! It's a perfect day for a sibling date, Onii-chan!"
"Man, the Texas burger is great!"
This self-proclaimed little sister of mine, the young lass that was known as Tohyama Kaname. Once her personality changed, she would enter a state that could result in destroyed overhead bridges, grenades being uncontrollably thrown, and a kitchen knife being pointed at anyone in sight. As you could imagine, this was something that I just could not manage. She was a dangerous girl who could turn the terrace into ruins in just 30 minutes.
"I guess?"
(Hey, what do you mean by "sibling date"?)
"And it's 10 times better when you eat it with the person you like!"
Don't make such a taboo statement loudly in public, Kaname.
"..." Kaname and I were eating hamburgers at a MacDonald's in Daiba; we were seated under the deep blue sky, on a trendy terrace. There were a lot of couples eating here. Understandable, as it was new, and quite pretty. Kaname was acting cute, and she certainly looked the part. We were just a high school girl and a high school boy on a date.
Also, I don't understand your logic of drinking caramel latte instead of eating your burger. When you go to a McDonald's store, you should drink Coke. As Jeanne would put it, this is a universally accepted rule.
No ordinary person that knew the truth would be able to look her in the eye without a shiver running down their spine.
I, who was pondering over my own rules, drinking Coke and muttering "They say that autumn is a splendid season", was entering a state of unparalleled frustration.
"The weather's great! Totally fitting for our wonderful sibling date~!"
If you ask me why, it's because a few days ago... this same Miss Kaname and Shirayuki were having a stand-off in my dorm. The clash had damaged my sanity.
Tohyama Kaname. Self-proclaimed little sister. She's a danger to society. She could be perfectly fine one second, but once the flip is switched, she's blowing up pedestrian walkways, hurling grenades around, swinging kitchen knives about...like a roaring flame, too hot to touch. She could destroy the whole district by herself in half an hour.
That night, Shirayuki broke into my dorm and found Kaname there. So, she yelled, "I-I want to challenge you! Even if someone dies by accident during the duel, it's okay! To maintain the stability of the Tohyama family and ensure peace in Japan, I am obligated to fight you!". With that, she laughed in a devilishly high pitch, and sprayed the machine gun wildly at Kaname, who was dodging and hiding in the room.
''What the hell's a 'sibling date' anyway?''
The gun in Shirayuki's grasp was an M60. It was basically a specialized killing machine.
Please don't spout out such terribly thought out jargon so loudly...And I don't get it, who eats hamburgers with a caramel latte? When you go to MacDonald's, you get a coke. In Jeanne's words, that is one of the laws of this world.
Bullets were endlessly sprayed across the room.
''Autumn's the season for war...or so they say,'' I thought to myself.
Sipping the cola, I felt what remained of my appetite slipping away. I hadn't even taken a bite of my burger, I was too far into the depths of my melancholy, thinking about what had happened the other day. The trauma of the incident was the cause of my languor.
Despite the gun overheating in the end, it was unable to disperse the image of the bullets flying out of the barrel. Although there was a heat disperser equipped, it was meaningless once you saw the way Shirayuki's furiously fired.
Shirayuki and Kaname had had a showdown in my room.
After finishing all her rounds, Shirayuki threw away her overheated barrel and remarked, "This is just a greeting. Before I announce a formal duel, I will not come to find you. Enjoy the time you have left alive." Then, she went straight home.
"W-We must have a duel! Fatal accidents may occur during a duel! We must have it! The stability of the Tohyama family, and by extension the safety of Japan hinges upon it!"
On the second day, Shirayuki, the same girl who greeted us the previous morning by emptying a light machine gun in our faces (behaviour that was consistent with the role of Butei High Student Council President), once again treated me as considerately, submissively, and gently as she always did, naturally giving me a shock.
Shirayuki stormed into my room, and finding Kaname there, she screamed a challenge before unleashing a hail of bullets at Kaname, who was dancing and dodging around the room, laughing all the while. In that moment, Shirayuki looked like Lucifer, come forth to issue judgement.
She even came to my dorm when Kaname was not here and exclaimed "Ah! That's bad!", before making it as good as new...
After all, her guns, M60s, were full-auto machine guns. Bullets just kept flying and flying. In the end, the gun overheated so much that the shear mechanism failed, causing bullets to fly out without end. The guns had heat fins, but such things were meaningless in the face of Shirayuki's raging trigger fingers. She kept firing till the guns ran dry, their metallic bodies bent and twisted from thermal expansion. When they at last fell silent, Shirayuki tossed them aside.
But Miss Shirayuki... this is your doing, right?
"This was just a taste. My formal challenge will come later, and I shall not touch you beforehand. Take the time to enjoy what remains of your life." Spitting those words out, Shirayuki left.
You really seem like you have split personalities.
Ever since then, she has always been coming to do housework with her gracious smile - but on several occasions, I witnessed her face turning into a terrible Prajnaparamita-like one when she found Kaname's toothbrush and clothes.
How fitting of the student council president of Butei High. Being sprayed at by machine guns constitutes a 'taste'. Though I was near my wits' end with terror the next day, Shirayuki still interacted me just as she always had: gentle, docile, and sweet. When Kaname was around, she came to my room, saying:
On the other hand, after Shirayuki left obvious traces of her coming to do the housework… Kaname also gave off an aura similar to Shirayuki's when the younger girl found out that miko<ref>Shrine Priestess</ref> had been here.
"Oh, this is terrible..." before restoring it to its original condition. But all the while, I was thinking: You were the one who did this, Shirayuki. Don't you remember? It's like you're schizophrenic.
If you ask me to describe how I felt, I could use one word.
It is – Mortifying...
That wasn't the only thing. After that, she would still come over to do housework, smiling all the while, but...I caught a glimpse of her staring Kaname's toothbrush and laundry, her face twisted into an expression of rage, looking almost like a Hannya mask. And she would leave traces of her housework behind. Upon seeing those traces, Kaname would, despite whatever cheerful attitude or smiles she came back with, take on the same expression that I had seen on Shirayuki. Faced with this, I had only one thought:
Normally, they left me with such a good impression. However, in these situations, their instantaneous change in attitude stimulates my heart like a jack-in-a-box. That change in expression was just like the old film "Daimajin". And in this situation, there were two Daimajins.
''This is terrifying...''
Compared to their violent tendencies, I would have preferred Aria's a lot more. After all, she doesn't delay her actions and as such, I would only have to be afraid for a short period of time.
In view of how nice these two normally acted towards me, it made their sudden transformation all the more shocking. This couldn't be good for my heart. It reminded me of the head twisting scene in "The Exorcist". But this time there were two demons...I'd even prefer Aria's violence to this. As fast as she blows her top, the following period of terror ends just as swiftly. These thoughts assailed me as I took a pill with my coke.
Drinking my Coke unknowingly... I noticed that the sparrows that had landed on the terrace suddenly chirped noisily before hastily flying away.
Suddenly, the sparrows sitting in the corner of the terrace startled, chirping noisily, and flew away.
She-she's appeared!
"Huh?" I let slip. S-She's here! Mounting the escalator up the terrace, feet stomping on the metal...
I turned my head, making a "gah" sound...
At first, I saw only the white ribbons streaming from her hair, but she soon appeared, in her bullet-proof uniformed glory. It was Shirayuki. She gave me a graceful bow, but when she turned to Kaname, I knew why the sparrows had flown away. They were fleeing from the killing intent pouring from her smiling face. Kaname was waving at her, a smile also on her lips. I could just about hear the 'Hi~!' she would have said, but instead, all I could feel was anger, emanating from her body like electricity. The negative aura surrounding the two had completely decimated the atmosphere. What a waste of a clear blue autumn sky.
The sight that awaited my eyes was Miss Shirayuki taking the escalator up to our floor on the terrace. She was wearing her bulletproof sailor suit with a white ribbon in her hair. Although she greeted me cutely, she shot Kaname a murderous glance that had frightened the sparrows away. Moreover, she was smiling.
I stood between them. I was the one who had called them out. Now I sat there, looking between the two of them like the referee of a wrestling match.
Kaname, who was beside me, waved her hand and said "hi" to Shirayuki -
"Good day, Kin-chan. Oops!" She stumbled as she stepped off the escalator, but managed not to fall. As clumsy as ever, I suppose.
However, contrary to her expression, she was emanating an aura of fury.
"Well, now that we're all gathered here...you should order something as well, Shirayuki. Maybe a hamburger."
Due to their dark auras, the beauty and ambience of the perfect autumn day had been ruined.
"Okay." Shirayuki clapped her hands. After a moment, she looked around, the question mark clear on her face. The three of us sat there in silence, before I realised...that was the gesture to summon a waiter at the school cafeteria.
And I, who had called them here, was repeatedly looking at them like a professional American wrestling referee.
''Come to think of it, Shirayuki doesn't really leave the shrine except to go to school.''
"Ah, Kin-chan."
She's never come to a MacDonald's before, has she? Well, I guess I'll have to go with her to order something. But seriously, calling for a waiter in a MacDonald's? There's got to be a limit to how out of touch you can be. How sheltered are you, Shirayuki? That was a winning entrant in the Sheltered Maiden Olympics.
Shirayuki walked towards me with her back facing the escalator, greeting me. Making a "click" sound, she accidentally stepped on her own foot. Although she didn't fall this time, her fitness was still as terrible as before.
As for why I had called the two of them here...the reason that Shirayuki had challenged Kaname to a duel was because Aria, Riko, and Reki, having been taken by surprise by Kaname before, were plotting their revenge. To that end, they had thrown their hats into Shirayuki's ring. With Shirayuki at the vanguard, the Baskerville girls were poised on the edge of an all-out conflict with Tohyama Kaname. If I just left them to have it out, who knows what kind of war would arise? If that happened, Butei High might just go under. So I decided to be the mediator. I had prepared a negotiation table, so this conflict could be resolved without bloodshed. The reason this was a MacDonald's table was because of the large number of bystanders. Even Shirayuki and Kaname would hesitate to bring out the machine guns or knives in this kind of situation. Teriyaki meal on a tray, Shirayuki followed me, spellbound expression on her face.
Watching Shirayuki regain her balance and walk towards me, I said, "Well… I guess we're all here. Shirayuki, go order a hamburger or something too."
"Alright, sit down here, Shirayuki. Before we begin, take note. We are outside Butei High. Shooting, stabbing, slashing, or other violence of any kind just because you feel like it is expressly forbidden. You too, Kaname." The fact that I had to say this was depressing, but still...just in case. I sat myself facing Kaname. The two of them sat there, arrayed in front of me, They smiled at each other, faces frozen like noh masks.
"Nn." Shirayuki answered. <nowiki>*clap* *clap*</nowiki>, she clapped her hands... with an unknowing look, she glanced around. We kept silent for a moment, only then did I realise that she was doing the waiter call used in the Butei High mess hall.
...My stomach hurt.
(Now that I think about it, it seems that Shirayuki hardly goes to anywhere except for the shrine and the school compound.)
"Has to be the death penalty."
Somewhere like McDonald's... she probably had never even visited such a place.
Kaname decided to start things off the worst way they could.
There's no other way. Someone will have to accompany her.
"When you returned from buying a hamburger with my brother, there were hearts just flying from your ''innocent'' little face."
But seriously, to summon a waiter in McDonald's. There should be a certain extent to her lack of knowledge, right? Just how fenced off from the world are you? That action alone was enough to claim the "World Ojou-sama Champion" award.
Kaname was gnawing at her straw, and smoke was...coming from her mouth? Was the straw melting from the heat of friction? What the hell? That jaw strength...That's like a crocodile's or shark's level. On the other hand, Shirayuki was daintily taking bites from her Teriyaki meal.
To say why I pulled them here for a meal - it's because Shirayuki declared a duel on Kaname, and the girls (Aria, Riko, Reki for example) were ready to help her as they wanted revenge.
"I guess that being a concubine means that every petty little thing is of the utmost importance." And there she goes, issuing a challenge of her own. But wait...concubine? What makes you think that you're my wife? This was definitely not the mood to point that out, though. I have to get through this negotiation peacefully.
As a pioneer of Team Baskerville, Shirayuki was very alert to Tohyama Kaname. If I turned a blind eye to the situation, it would certainly result in a major war. If that really happens, there would be no guarantee that Academy Island would not sink.
"Don't start this conversation looking for a fight. We're here to resolve this conflict, not cause another."
So, I intervened, like the United Nations would do... In order to come up with a peaceful solution to this confrontation, I opened negotiations.
"Kaname. The true wife holds the power. That is a fact. I will not back down."
And choosing the venue to be at McDonald's, that was because I was sure that no matter what, they would not brandish their weapons in a place packed with innocent civilians.
"What idiocy are you spouting? As the little sister, I'm the strongest here. I'm not backing down either."
To Shirayuki, who was carrying a McDonald's food tray while having an intoxicated look on her face, I said, "Okay, take a seat here. Listen carefully, this is not Butei High. No acts of violence due to personal problems are allowed. Kaname, take note."
Yep. This won't work. Well, time to work out an escape route, then.
I, who had to constantly remind them sadly and helplessly, let Shirayuki sit on the other side of the table, directly opposite Kaname.
"The wife!"
At that moment, both Shirayuki and Kaname's expressions... they were glaring at each other. With smiles on their faces.
"The little sister, duh!"
Ugh, ugggh. My stomach was aching. It felt as though needles were being inserted into it...
Shirayuki and Kaname had each taken hold of one of my arms, and they were pulling. I...I had experienced this before with Aria and Riko. If this just goes on, I'm going to be split in two! An image of my body, split perfectly in two from head to toe, meandered into my mind.
"I'll give you a death penalty."
"I did some investigating. And I found that you were registered as an American Butei, Kaname."
Kaname actually entered the dialogue with the worst possible opening speech.
"Mmmm, those records weren't erased yet, huh? Well, what about it?" They glared at each other.
"When Onii-chan came back with her after ordering her meal, I saw hearts flying on top of this fakely pure girl."
"You are a Butei. I am a Butei. Butei should not fight each other, if not at a client's behest. Therefore, Team Baskerville has decided: they shall have their revenge through a representative, in accordance to Butei High's rules for dueling."
Kaname crunched her straw, making a "kachi kachi" sound. Fumes… came out from her mouth. Could it be that... the straw melted due to friction? What kind of biting force is this, it's totally nowhere inferior to a crocodile or shark.
"Hey! What are they deciding without me!? I'm the leader!"
Opposite her, Shirayuki was smiling calmly. Elegantly, she nibbled on her hamburger and said,
"I am that representative. This was a unanimous decision." A unanimous decision that I wasn't part of! Kaname smirked viciously in response.
"Indeed, the women apart from the first wife are usually the ones who make a fuss out of everything."
At Butei High, the unofficial directive, taken straight from the Masters was this: "Duels between students should not occur, in accordance to our official rules." Which is to say, just have them if you want. Anything as dangerous as a duel is, as a matter of course, banned in this country. However, our school, in which danger is an everyday occurrence, chooses to close an eye. Naturally, whatever happens during a duel won't ever go official. If you went crying to the police, saying that you were hurt in a duel, you'd just be laughed at.
She- she actually... talked back provocatively...
"You really are an idiot. Don't you know which of us is stronger?"
Seriously, what do you mean by "first wife"? What makes you say such a thing? But in this atmosphere, a joke really cannot be cracked. I must find a way to make them talk peacefully.
"This is my challenge. Do you accept?"
"Don't quarrel as soon as we start. This time, I only did this for you two to settle this peacefully."
You could just about see the sparks in the air as they locked gazes. Suddenly, Kaname released her hold on my arm.
"Kaname. The first wife is the strongest - this is a universal truth. I will not retreat."
"Sure. I accept. And I'll return this too. After all, I'm done analysing it." Just as her sentence trailed off, something dropped from the sky. It fell at a perfect timing, unnoticed by those around us. Letting go of my arm, Shirayuki caught it. It was a Japanese blade, sheathed in a scarlet scabbard.
"Those words are too unreasonable. Imoutos should be the stronger ones. I won't retreat either."
Uh... looks like they won't settle this peacefully.
I looked to the sky, and about thirty meters above me an X-shaped piece of cloth fluttered, spinning like the blades of a helicopter. It was the weapon that had blocked Aria's bullets, and sliced through a pedestrian crossing like it was paper. Kaname had probably kept it there, just in case a fight broke out.
Seeing both of them arguing and not having the mood to listen to me, I was subconsciously thinking about an escape route. <nowiki>*Smack* *Smack*</nowiki>. Both Shirayuki and Kaname, who were shouting "It's naturally the first wife" and "It's obviously the little sister", caught my shoulder.
That's your primary weapon, right? Fighting you when I've already taken it from you would be pretty '''cowardly'''."
This, this situation... It seems like Aria and Riko have done this before. If I don't find a way to flee quickly, I'm definitely going to be torn into halves...!
"Cowardly? I never thought that I would hear that from you, of all people." Shirayuki laughed, hand daintily covering her mouth. Kaname continued to stare at her.
Just when a picture of my head to my buttocks being torn into halves appeared in my mind, Shirayuki suddenly spoke, "Kaname. I've investigated this - You were registered as an American Butei, no?"
"I learned it recently. Kinji told me 'not to do anything cowardly'. So I won't. Unlike what you're doing now." As she said this, a MacDonald's waitress walked by. Kaname reached out and grabbed her ass. Letting out an exclamation, the silver-haired waitress spun around, a visor obscuring her facial features, but...
"Hnn, the data hasn't been erased? So, what does it matter?"
"J-Jeanne!? What're you doing here?" It was Jeanne d'Arc. Former IU agent, now a second year in the Informa division.
Both of them looked daggers into one another.
"You are a Butei. I am also a Butei. And fights between Butei without a client involved is definitely not a good thing. So, the Team Baskerville community has decided that the revenge battle will be based on the representatives. The duel will be conformed to the Butei High rules."
"Ah, hey! Don't conclude this without me, the captain!"
" - And the representative will be me. This is our decision after a discussion with all our members."
Beside me, who was apparently not part of "all our members", Kaname laughed belligerently.
When we were first-years, the Masters had already given an informal notice: "Duel between Butei must be based on a proper set of rules without being unreasonable."
Essentially meaning - duels are allowed.
Although such bloody duels are illegal in our country, my school had to be accustomed to such happenings, so they were accepted.
No matter what happens during the duel, it is natural that lawsuits cannot be started. After all, if one complained to the police like "I was wounded in a duel", he or she would be the laughingstock of the class.
"Onee-san, you're really unreasonable. Don't you understand who's the stronger one here?"
"So you accept this duel?"
In the fiery stare-off - <nowiki>*Brush*</nowiki>, Kaname brushed my arm off and replied, "That goes without saying. I accept it. Then Onee-san, I'll return this to you. I've analysed it anyway."
As she said that, I heard a soft <nowiki>*clap*</nowiki>. It seems that something dropped from the sky at a brilliant moment that no one noticed it.
Shirayuki let go of my arm in an instant and grabbed that object.
That Japanese sword in the scarlet sheath was...
(Irokane Ayame...!)
I could not help but look at the sky. All I saw was an X-shaped cloth about 20 metres above - having once blocked Aria's bullet, the weapon that broke through an overhead bridge as if it was paper - floating up there like a bamboo-copter.
That was probably left there in the event of a sudden battle.
"This blade is Onee-san's main weapon, right? It would be despicable to start the duel without returning this."
"Despicable? I never guessed that I would hear this coming from your lips." said Shirayuki, laughing as she covered her mouth gracefully.
"A few days ago, Onii-chan told me 'Don't do any despicable things', I've learnt it by heart. So, I will not be like all of you and commit such despicable acts."
Kaname said so, as she pinched the buttock of a female McDonald's employee that was nearby.
That silver-haired female employee turned her head that was covered by a hat.
"J-Jeanne...!? What are you doing here?"
Isn't this Miss Jeanne D'Arc, who had fully transferred into Sophomore Informa of Tokyo Butei High from Paris Butei High?
[[Image:Aria11 021.jpg|thumb]]
[[Image:Aria11 021.jpg|thumb]]
Her ice-blue eyes opened wide, shocked at having been found.
"Uwa~, it's a beauty. Onii-chan really isn't resistant to pretty women."
"Goshhh, so prettyy! You're so vulnerable to beautiful girls, Kinji." Kaname's eyes were burning holes into Jeanne.
Kaname actually gave despising look at Jeanne, who was surprised and muttering "I've been spotted!"
"Hotogi Shirayuki. The 'Witch of Infernos', seducing my brother. And helping her, the 'Witch of Diamond Dust'. Looks like it's time for a witch-hunt. Two on one seems about right to me. I wouldn't even call it a handicap." Kaname declared cockily. Shirayuki looked down, her fringe dropping to cover her eyes. But they still shone from its shadow.
"Hotogi Shirayuki! You, the "Flame Witch" who tricked Onii-chan. And you, the evil and abetting Jeanne D'Arc - the "Ice Witch". I'm going to hunt both of you at once. Even if it is 1 vs 2, I don't consider it an advantage."
"Two on one...I wonder about that."
Opposite Kaname, who was raving arrogantly... Shirayuki, whose head was kept down, said "Do you really think it's only two on one?" softly. I saw her eyes flash, if only for a moment.
''Oh God. What's going to happen to my peaceful afternoon at MacDonald's?''
(In, in this peaceful, McDonald's in broad daylight, you guys, what are you intending to do...!?)
I looked around. T-They're here. All of them are here, dressed as part-time waitresses. Aria was frying french fries in the kitchen, the shape of her gun clearly visible beneath her skirt. Riko was cheerfully manning the cashier, despite not having been there before. Reki was mopping the floor in the corner of the terrace. I could even see Haimaki hidden in the shadows of the shrubbery.
I looked around in a panic -
We were completely surrounded.
They, they're all are here. Here, in employee uniforms.
"Kinji, I'm so scared~ They're bullying me~" Kaname clung to me, but her words were clearly in monotone. Looking where she's grabbing me though...I'm her hostage.
Aria, whose gun was obviously on her skirt, was frying French fries in the kitchen. Riko was the cashier - she wasn't there before. At a corner, Reki was mopping the floor. Even, Haimaki could be seen in the shadows of the plants.
"Aren't you the one who started it? You did something that made everyone hate you." I knew that I didn't hold any value as a hostage. Not like the Baskerville girls cared at all about how much I was hurt. Not wanting to be blown to bits, I tried to tear myself away from Kaname.
- The place was totally surrounded by them.
"Whaaat?" Kaname let go of me suddenly.
"Uu ah~~, Onii-chan, I'm scared. They're bullying me."
"You guys are such idiots! You just don't learn. I'll turn you into hamburgers!" She roared at the Baskerville girls (and Jeanne.) A dangerous smile was still hovering on Shirayuki's lips.
Kaname hugged me as she read those scripted lines emotionlessly.
"Everything will be okay, Kin-chan. We will not entrap you now. That comes later. We only called everyone here just in case Kaname went berserk here...after all, she is just ''so'' unreasonable. Teehee."
To come to think of it, being gripped casually in this situation... I'm being held hostage.
"H-Haha, I see. Thank you very much." I was so terrified that I ended up thanking her. Shirayuki seemed to have prepared for battle, just like Kaname.
"But, but this is all your own doing. Who asked you to do things that made people hate you so much?"
"I came here to inform you of how our upcoming duel will be conducted. I wonder if you can figure out just how we are going to ''take care'' of you? It resembles your current situation." Shirayuki asked, almost like she was teasing Kaname with a quiz. Kaname frowned, seemingly puzzled.
The pathetic me, who knew that I had no hostage value - could not withstand being attacked from all sides together with her, and used her to defend myself.
"...!" I frowned as well. But unlike Kaname, I frowned because I knew what Shirayuki meant.
"Just kidding."
"You don't mean, the Lumberjack...?"
<nowiki>*Clap*</nowiki>, Kaname let go of me and threatened all the Baskerville girls (including Jeanne), "All of you really do unreasonable things. Looks like you people haven't tasted enough losses. I'll make all of you into hamburgers!"
"Yes, Kin-chan. As astute as ever. We have not had a chance to welcome our new arrival from America, so we thought to use a method well suited to you." Shirayuki smirked. Though her name meant 'white snow', she seemed a lot more like 'black ice', uncaring and deadly. Switching back to her gentle 'Shirayuki' expression, she turned towards me.
On the other hand, Shirayuki had on a terrifying smile as she reassured me,
''The Lumberjack...!''
"Don't worry, Kin-chan. We will not attack jointly. This will happen next time. This is only because Kaname does not have a lot of common sense, so we got everyone just to prevent her from making a mess. Hnhn, hnhnhnhnhn."
When I first enrolled into Butei High, I had experienced an unarmed version with a certain ''someone'', which is why I was familiar. In summary, it was one of the toughest forms of duels, notorious in Butei High. It was a variation of a duel format used by lumberjacks in America. This fit with what Shirayuki had said. The best way to describe it is 'simple'. A number of Butei, in bulletproof equipment would stand in a circle, known as the ''ring''. The ring would surround the duel participants, leaving them no way to escape. The duel only ends when one side admits defeat, or is rendered unable to move. Those were the basic rules.
"Is, is that so, Shirayuki-san..."
However, there were some additional rules to be aware of. If any of the duelists were to try to exit the ring, the Butei making up the ring were free to attack the duelist. Duelists that suffered this fate would be pushed back to the centre of the ring, and once again fall victim to the other duelist's attacks. This would continue, being pushed back and forth and attacked from all sides until the victim had suffered injuries that brought them to the brink of death. Not only could you not escape, even a small retrograde was not allowed. It was a hellish variation.
Because of my fear, I subconsciously slipped on an honorific.
As if that were not enough, the Butei making up the ring did not have to be neutral. They could be your allies, or your enemies. If you aren't popular, you can count on the ring being full of enemies.
Like Kaname, Shirayuki also had a backup in case of a sudden battle.
''These rules will make things seriously dangerous for Kaname...!''
"Kaname, this is also considered as a notice of our duel method. From this situation - you know how you will be 'loved', yes?"
Obviously, your enemies would not shoot each other, even if you pushed them out of the ring. The most they would do is shove them back in. On the other hand, if you were shoved out...you'd be showered with bullets. Because of these draconian rules, the Lumberjack was often banned.
Hearing Shirayuki's question, Kaname frowned instinctively.
In this fight, Kaname will have no allies. Seeing as she started it, I can only see this going one way...they're gonna gang up on her.
"Lumberjacking doesn't happen any more. Maybe when Butei High was first founded, but...there were too many '''accidents'''. It's way too brutal. Definitely not something girls should do. You need to stop this." I said, displeasure written on my face.
And beside her, I also frowned. However, unlike Kaname, I frowned because I knew what Shirayuki was getting at.
"Don't stop us, Kin-chan. There are times when girls need to fight!" Shirayuki pleaded, shaking her head. Her long black hair fluttered behind her.
"The L-Lumberjack...!?"
"This is a sacred battle. I am fighting because I love you! In order to maintain the peace of the Kin-chan country, the Shirayuki country has already declared war on the Kaname country!" She spouted some nonsensical lines about the Shirayuki country's strategy.
"As expected from Kin-chan. We considered the fact that Kaname was from America, so we chose to use their common method of dueling."
"Er..." Despite being ladylike most of the time, she could be even more belligerent than Aria now and then.
Shirayuki suddenly changed from her dark side back to her normal state and looked at me, smiling with a cute expression.
"Who cares? Let's do it. Any rules regarding '''camerata'''?" Kaname continued to take bites out of her hamburger, the picture of calm. She could almost have been asking if Shirayuki would like milk in her coffee. And I was trying to help her too...
(The Lumberjack...!)
"They will be in play. If you have any friends, feel free to bring them." Shirayuki smiled darkly. She seemed to take the fact that Kaname had accepted her challenge as a message from heaven, telling her it was alright to beat Kaname to a pulp. That was why she was giving some relatively friendly advice, I guess. Camerata were basically seconds, but they could only help once. Traditionally, their role was to stop a fight from going on too long. When the victor was certain, and everything after that was just overkill, they would force their way into the ring to admit defeat. But from my experience, that usually goes down the drain once the fight starts.
When I had first enrolled into Tokyo Butei High, I had once done this with a boy in a fist fight, so I know about it... This is the specialty of Butei High, one of the most brutal ways of dueling.
"That's not what I mean. I won't need one. You will. I'm going to brutalise you, beat you until you won't even be able to pronounce 'I lose,' so you're gonna need someone to say it for you." Kaname, being Kaname, returned the smile. She crumpled the wrapper of her finished Texas burger, and threw it into the bin with the force of a shotgun slug.
Just as Shirayuki had said, this is a specialty evolved from an American way of duel. The rules can be said to be extremely simple.
Firstly, Butei equipped with bulletproof equipment stand in a circle. The centre of the circle is the dueling ground. This circle will make sure that the duelists are completely surrounded such that no duelist can flee. In the case that a side surrenders or is completely unable to move, the duel is ended - those were the basic rules.
She was standing there the next night. Illuminated by the moon, Kaname stood firmly on the on the second section of the school grounds. This was where the duel was set to occur. Strapped to her back was a naked blade, as tall as she was. Fluorescent blue gleamed from its ridges and coulisses. This was no ordinary sword. This was the technologically advanced weapon that Kaname had used when she attacked the Baskervilles,{{Furigana|a mono-filament vibrosword|Sonic}}. My grades in Physics and Chemistry are terrible, so I'm no expert, but according to Kaname, the blade is formed of stretched out wires, only one atom thick, which spin like a chainsaw. Those wires are formed of carbon compounds, and look like a jigsaw lattice when observed under an electron microscope. They rate a 10 on the Mohs scale. In layman terms', the sword like a diamond chainsaw. That's my interpretation, at least.
However, there was a catch...
"There is nothing this cannot cut." Kaname boasted.
When a duelist attempts to flee, the people surrounding the duelists can immediately start to attack.
''Shirayuki said the same thing about half a year ago, but Kaname's explanation does seem more convincing than her occult ramblings.''
After being forced back into the circle by the people surrounding them, the "escapist" will then continue to be attacked by his or her opponent. In this way, the duelist will continue to go back and forth and be attacked. This will continue till the "escapist" is so severely injured that he or she is at the verge of death.
Before I sank deeper into my thoughts, I saw them. Jeanne and Shirayuki leading, the rest of the girls behind, their heavy footfalls crushed the gravel, making an unpleasant grinding noise. Oh man...I can't help but regret following Kaname because I was worried. Shirayuki was in her miko attire, with a forehead protector to boot. Her sleeves were held up by a '''tasuki''', a sash meant for that purpose. She was holding a scarlet scabbard. Within lay Irokaneayame. This was the Hotogi mikos' traditional battle attire. She hard worn it when she came to kill Aria in April. The others were dressed in their bulletproof uniforms, but Jeanne had Durandal on her hip, Aria had guns sitting visible just beneath her skirt, and Riko was hugging a M1887 shotgun and giggling. They were all reeaaalllly pumped up.
Which basically means, this is not just supposed to make fleeing impossible, it is also a hellish fight that doesn't allow one to retreat.
"You guys are so slooow. I'm so tired of waiting." Kaname shouted to them, slashing her thumb across her throat.
Also - the people surrounding the duelists, do not care about neutrality.
"The ''plastic'' miko, the westerner, the midget, and the fake cutie...eh? Aren't we missing one? Where's the mime?" She counted each of them, pointing at them one by one, and noticed that Reki was missing. Wait...the westerner? Oh, probably Jeanne.
Even the people surrounding the duelists can take sides.
"She's already aiming at you." Aria answered, twintails streaming in the wind. So, they're acknowledging their nicknames.
That is, if a duelist is unpopular with everyone, the entire circle would become his or her enemy.
"She's the outer ring. You can't run. Reki's sniping success rate is above 99%...and I've never seen her miss. The 1% was due to a misfire." Well, I was the one behind that misfire. Without my influence, she's 100%.
(... These rules are very dangerous for Kaname...!)
"''Sigh''...I'll say this again, but just stop. I get how you feel, having been victims of Kaname's surprise attack, but this is just too childish. Can't you think of a more sustainable solution?" I tried to convince them from my position as the leader of the Baskervilles, but Aria glared at me like a cowboy from a Western.
Naturally, the biased outsiders will not attack the favoured winner. Even if the opponent can force this person out of the circle - the people surrounding them would only gently nudge him or her back in. However, when the unfavoured one has been forced outside, he or she will receive no mercy in fatal blows.
"Looks like not coming to the Assault division has made you some kind of pacifistic idiot, Kinji. This is what being a Butei is all about. Problems should be solved by shooting them in the face with lead." And now she's talking like a cowboy. But with an anime voice.
Because of this rule, the "Lumberjack" has a very restrictive nature.
"Yeah? This isn't a solution, this is just reciprocation. You come here all lined up, in full battle order, just to take on one person. It's like you're holding a grudge about something else as well." I glared back at Aria, and her blush switch flipped on.
The most troublesome part of this is, Kaname has no friends.
"I-It's not like I'm trying to take you back from Kaname or anything!" Aria's face grew panicked; it seemed like she was wondering why she had just said that. (I didn't get it either, it seemed pretty unrelated.) After a moment, her face snapped back to seriousness, and she drew her silver-white M1911.
Even though Kaname started everything, the fact that it is an all vs one war is already very obvious.
"These rounds are ''pastel'' loaded. Don't think that this will go the way it did when we last met." ''Pastel'' rounds were {{Furigana|DAL|Detective Armed Lethal}} rounds received from the Vatican. She had probably brought them after seeing that .45ACP rounds had no effect on Kaname.
I could not help but to curl my lip, "You guys. The "Lumberjack" is already outdated. Although many people were doing this during the time of the founding of Butei High... there were too many accidents, too bloody. At the very least, this isn't befitting of girls. So, stop now." Without options, I voiced out my opinion to the girls.
"Did you think that that was the problem? How naive~" Kaname smirked at Aria, but...don't be mistaken, Kaname. You might not have thought about before, considering your overwhelming strength, but the difference in power between people who are caught unawares and those who have made proper preparations are on several orders of magnitude. And with a Butei of Aria's level as your opponent, one slip will cost you your life. Do you understand?
"Don't stop me, Kin-chan. Sometimes, girls have no choice but to fight!" Shirayuki's black hair shook as she shook her head adamantly. She then started rattling inexplicable things about some national strategies, "This is a holy war started by a love for Kin-chan! To ensure peace for the Kin-chan nation, our country is forced to declare war on the Kaname nation!"
"You've been keeping Ki-kun to yourself all this time, Kaname~. We're all undergoing a yandere transformation!" Riko had gotten an especially weird nickname from Kaname. She was now making finger horns above her head, somehow still dexterously holding on to her shotgun at the same time. Lowering her hands, she worked the pump-action of her shotgun.
"I say..."
"When you run, please come to me~ Won't you play with Riko? Teehee." It's always possible to avoid a handguns' bullets. Even amateurs can dodge out of the line of fire. After all, bullets fly in what amounts to a straight line, and it's possible to trace that line with the naked eye. However, a shotgun's bullets are undodgeable. The shot will spread out, catching the target with a bulk of the bullets. What's more, Riko's carrying a sawed-off. Not only does that make the shotgun easier to conceal, it increases the shotgun's spread. It's not a gun that I would ever want to face, even if I was in Hysteria Mode.
Usually, you are so gentle and virtuous, but at times, you love battle even more than Aria...
"Hehehe. Isn't this nostalgic, Ki-kun? We're having another Lumberjack!" Riko smiled at me, and I noticed something. She had two shadows. Hilda's with her? Well, she probably just came for fun. I thought of Hilda's devilish appearance.
" - No problem. I'll fight. So what about "Assistants"?"
"Have you finished praying, Kaname?" Jeanne said coolly, unsheathing Durandal.
In front of her, Kaname asked that after calmly eating her remaining burger. That look was as relaxed as when one says "Do you want milk with your coffee?"
"I am Shirayuki's camerata. While I will be part of the ring, I will interfere but once." Her hair was tied up in a triple-braided bun. Ready for battle as well, I see.
This is a rare occasion when I actually want to help you. How troublesome.
"I didn't think you'd be a part of this brutality too." I muttered, and Jeanne's ice-blue eyes glared at me.
"Of course. If you have friends, go ahead and bring them."
"The reason I must act now is because of your incompetence, Tohyama."
Seeing Kaname accept the duel, Shirayuki muttered "Good, now I can finish Kaname off." and an evil grin before suggesting that warmly.
"Why's it my fault now?"
The so-called "assistant"... is a lifeline who can assist once.
"We gave you the order to bring Kaname over to Deen using the method we discussed."
Although this was usually to prevent the duel from ending in a stalemate or to make sure that the victor does not over-attack the opponent after the win was already very obvious and let him or her admit defeat - but from my experience, nobody cares about the formalities when the battle begins
The method we discussed...?
"Course not. I don't even need one. Onee-san is the one who needs one. Anyway, Onee-san will be so hurt that she won't even be able to say "I surrender" by the end of it; so she will need someone to say that for her, isn't it so?"
Oh. She wants me to be Kaname's ''Romeo''? Like hell. Who would do that to their little sister? Even if its a self-proclaimed little sister.
Kaname shot a smile at Shirayuki, <nowiki>*rustle*</nowiki>, and crumpled the wrapper of her Texas burger - <nowiki>*toss!*</nowiki> and threw it into the bin.
"Look where we are now. You failed."
"Failure or success isn't the issue. You just blurted out what you wanted me to do, I didn't agree to anything."
The night after, Kaname was fully dressed in her uniform. At the second battleground, which was decided to be the duel venue, she was standing while embracing her own arms.
"I was not a victim of her surprise attacks, so I considered myself rather neutral towards her. That is why I continued to stifle the Baskerville's girls complaints, explaining to them that you were placating Kaname using that method. I even drew them a concept image."
On her back, there was a sheathless blade that was as long as she was tall
Wait...! What did you do, Jeanne!?
This unusual blade gleaming with a fluorescent blue. It was the very same blade that Kaname used in attacking the Baskerville girls, a cutting-edge technology weapon. I'm sure it's a monomolecular vibration weapon.
"But despite that their relationship with Kaname did not improve..."
For me, whose physics and chemistry results were not as good as I would have liked, it was hard for me to comprehend. But according to Kaname, the blade was edged with a molecular chain and the chain could rotate like a chainsaw.
"Like hell it would! Especially after being told about such an idiotic plan!"
It was mainly consisting of carbon atoms manufactured through the use of an electron microscope and it has hardness level of 10 on the Mohs scale. To explain it simply, it is basically a saw made of diamond<ref>Diamond has a Mohs hardness level of 10</ref>.
"Therefore, I came to the conclusion that we needed a new way to bring her in. We will make her surrender in a duel. Jeanne (what an idiot!) swung her estoc towards Kaname, who seemed totally confused by our conversation. The blade gleamed blue in the moonlight.
Beside Kaname, who was proudly saying "There's nothing this blade cannot cut through", I could not help but think.
"And more than anything, I am doing this because Kaname called me a coward at the burger shop."
(Half a year ago, Shirayuki had said that too. However, compared to her supernatural theories, Kaname's words seem more convincing...)
Burger shop? What, the MacDonald's? Well, you really were just sneaking around. All of you were.
At that moment, led by Shirayuki and Jeanne, were Aria and Riko who were making a rustling sound in the battleground as they arrived together.
"I am not a coward. I will show her how I fight, fair and square. Losing to a junior is considered dishonorable in Butei High anyway. I could not turn my back and run from one, no matter what." Despite saying that, you ran away from your juniors during the Ristorante Masque, when they found you in a waitress cosplay, didn't you? Ah, fuck it. There's too many things to lecture her on, I'm just not in the mood.
Whoa... this is...
"Whatever, whatever. Are we counting your battles in Far East Warfare?" Kaname stuck her tongue out at Jeanne. Shirayuki, who had been silent till now (which made her all the more scary,) strode forward, her red geta scraping against the gravel.
I'm starting to regret my inaction. After all, despite being worried about Kaname coming here, I didn't do anything about it.
"Kin-chan, please get back. Azure particulate concentration is 0% tonight."
At this point, Shirayuki was in her Miko garments wit protective headgear. Her sleeves were rolled up and her hands grabbed the sheath of Irokane Ayame tightly. This was what she wore when she was trying to behead Aria in April, the traditional battle attire of Hotogi Mikos.
Azure particles. Falling like rain from time to time, they were known for their ability to jam special abilities. If there were none tonight...then Shirayuki could use her full strength. That's hugely different from last time, when she couldn't touch Kaname at all.
Although the others were in their usual bulletproof attire, Jeanne had Durandal sheathed while attached to her waist. The two guns attached to Aria's legs were constantly moving in accordance to her motion and Riko was smiling at us while embracing her M1887. Everyone looked determined.
Kaname. You're in serious trouble this time.
"Sisters, you are really really slow. I've grown tired of waiting for you all."
"Well, the ring has been formed. Let us reconfirm the rules." Shirayuki drew her sword. I only noticed it when she mentioned it, but the others had backed off at some point. Only Shirayuki, Jeanne and Kaname were nearby now. To prevent friendly fire, Aria and Riko were standing apart from each other, firing lines off by at least 60 degrees. The last corner of the triangle they formed was Haimaki, lying in wait in the shadow of the gym storage shed. He was wearing a full set of tactical body armour. Though not present, it's safe to say that Reki was taking charge of that angle.
Kaname, who had been waiting from the start, gestured at them with her thumb and said, "Hypocrite, Opera Girl, Turnip Head and Fake Cutie... Oh, there's one less. Where's that weird mute?" -- after gesturing over them (Opera Girl seems to mean Jeanne), Kaname noticed that Reki was absent and asked.
''They've come up with a thorough battle plan, huh...''
The ring of a Lumberjack can only be made up of less than 10 Butei, but there are no rules as to their placement. The ring that the Baskerville girls had formed was perfect. It was a layer of concentric circles, centred on the area where we stood. First of all, their duelist was Shirayuki, wielding a Japanese blade. Jeanne, the other fighter most versed with close combat, formed the closest circle. Even if Kaname managed to escape the inner circle, the gun savant Aria would cut off her line of escape, while Riko's shotgun suppressed a whole area. The intermediate circle was inescapable. And if by some miracle, Kaname was able to get out, there's no running from Reki's absolute radius. After all even after going into Hysteria Mode, I was unable to run.
"She already has her crosshairs on you--" motioning and letting her twin ponytails waver in the wind, Aria said.
"Kaname, you can't do this. There's no way you don't understand the purpose behind these concentric circles. This is their killing ground. You'll never be able to run." Feeling a little nervous about the fact that I was also in the midst of that circle, I warned Kaname using Assault concepts I knew she would understand. But nevertheless, the smile never left Kaname's face.
"I won't blame you for anything. Just apologise, and surrender. I'll take care of the aftermath. I'll somehow convince these guys, so please...don't you know how much danger you're in?" I said, the gravity of the situation apparent from my expression.
Looks like she has already taken the name Kaname as a name she uses for people of equal standing as her.
"Don't be dumb, Kinji. A dinosaur doesn't back down from an ant. And really, there's no need to provide such a large ring, girls." Kaname said.
"She will be part of the outer ring. You will never be able to escape. Reki is a sniper with a sniping success rate of more than 99% -- I've only seen her fail once. and that was only because a dud was used."
Kaname started skipping, skirt flapping in the wind, like she was an elementary schooler playing hopscotch. Her toes dug into the ground, outlining a circle with a five meter radius. Shirayuki, Jeanne and I were all standing inside this circle.
Mm, I was the one who set up that dud. Her success rate is actually 100%.
"I'll fight you without leaving this circle. We'll call it my loss if I even stick my little finger out." Hearing this, Shirayuki frowned. Kaname brandished Sonic, its tip pointing towards the moon.
"Eh... I'll say it again, stop this. You girls were the direct victims of Kaname's surprise attack, so it's not like I don't know how you feel, but this is too disgraceful. Please, think of a more rooted solution." I had to say this as the captain of Team Baskerville.
"Viva el {{Furigana|neu Schneide|cutting edge}}. This blade is leagues ahead of your rusting weapons. This is the newest of the new. A soldier armed with this could fight evenly with a T10 Main Battle Tank. Don't you agree, Kinji?" She turned to me, a cute smile on her face. It was like seeing a flower bloom, yet...maybe it was because I had spent a long time together with her, but I understood how she really felt. Instinctively, Kaname's feelings came across to me.
The vice-captain Aria glared at me like a gunman in Western movies. Although her voice was still that old seiyuu-like voice, she used a Western gunman-like tone and said, "It's because of the fact that you don't come to Assault that you've become such a peace-supporting idiot, Kinji. This is the real essence of a Butei. Resolving the conflict through brawls and bullets should the the correct way."
She was bluffing. Kaname was alone. She didn't even have a camerata. The Baskervilles were using enhanced weaponry this time around, and they'd obviously done some investigation on LL concentrations. They were the ones who had picked the date of the duel, after all. And now that they had taken such a perfect formation, Kaname must have been feeling the pressure. I could feel her fear. I didn't want to, but I could. Ah, dammit. I guess I'll have to.
"Even if so, your actions are too much. To defeat Kaname as one, you guys came so well-prepared. Don't tell me it's because all of you have some other personal hatred?" I returned a glare to her and said.
"Aria." Even at this distance I could tell that Aria was furious. A D-shaped blood vessel was popping out of her forehead.
In my view, Aria's blushing switch started turning to 'on' mode. Frantically, she tried to cover herself, "I, I'm not trying to snatch you back from Kaname!" then changed into a "Oh no, what am I saying" kind of panic -- <nowiki>*swoosh*</nowiki>, immediately changing into her usual self and drew out her silver M1911, saying to Kaname, "I'll declare this beforehand, my gun currently contains <Coloured Crayon>. This is different from when you surprised attacked me."
"The cocktails sent to me weren't 9mms. They sent me .50AEs." I drew my desert eagle, showing it to all around.
<Coloured Crayon> -- This is the Butei Ammo that Aria had gotten from the Vatican.
"You can't stop us, Kinji."
She probably brought that after realizing that normal .45ACP bullets were ineffective against my younger "sister".
"I've given up on that. You can go ahead and fight till you're satisfied. But what you're doing now? This bullying? I hate it more than anything else."
"You think the problem lies with that? What a woman that makes others feel relieved." Kaname mocked Aria.
"We aren't bullying her~ We're taking care of her!" Riko shouted over, hands cupped around her mouth.
But, you're wrong, Kaname.
"Looks the same to me."
Perhaps you, who has superior combat power, has never considered this problem. However, when one is surprise attacked and one is fighting with preparations made, their power can have a difference of a few times. This is especially true when facing an Aria-leveled Butei where even a tiny slip could threaten your life. Do you understand this?
"What are you doing, Tohyama?"
"Recently, Kaname-chan has been having Ki-kun all to herself. See, now everyone has become yanderes~"
"I'll be Kaname's camerata." I explained to Jeanne, always slow on the uptake, shooting Kaname a glance. Her hands were clasped to her chest, and she was staring at me, eyes wide with shock. When her eyes met mine, she blushed a little, and averted her gaze. I didn't really understand her reaction, but I took it to mean that she had no objections. Seeing Kaname's expression, Shirayuki was grinding her teeth. She seemed like she was about to speak, but hadn't said anything yet, so I took the opportunity to get things rolling.
Giving Kaname a pet name was Riko, whose hand was gripping her shotgun. With her other dexterous hand, she was making horns above her head - <nowiki>*Shutter!*</nowiki> And she loaded her shotgun.
"Let's go over the rules one more time. This duel will end when either participants admits defeat, or is unable to move. There are no technical knock-outs, even if your limbs go flying. There are no draws. There is no escape. If you run, the ring will send you back to the middle. They can use any method to do so, whether a hard shove or a face full of lead." This reminds me of my days in the Assault division. Maybe not Aria, but this is just like Butei High, and I mean that in the worst possible way.
To people who have gone against a shotgun, that is a terrible sound.
"Camerata may help out only once, whether it's to prevent the duel from reaching a stalemate, the death of any participant, or for any other reason. After that one instance, they may no longer interfere."
"When fleeing, remember to come here and play with Riko, okay? Hehehe."
"Yeah, yeah, we all learned the same rules. Is that it?" Aria seemed a bit happy to see me motivated. She just loves to fight.
Usually, bullets fired from a handgun can be dodged. And unexpectedly, even if it is someone inexperienced, he or she can also dodge. This is because handguns can only shoot in a straight line, and observing that "line" clearly before shooting is impossible.
"Yeah." I nodded.
However, if it's a shell from a shotgun, one cannot dodge it. This is because the shell will scatter into a buckshot and capture the target's "surface".
"Then let's begin." Aria said to the two duelists, drawing her black M1911. Shirayuki and Kaname locked eyes, but neither of them made a move. Only the participants could decide when the Lumberjack would start. That was their unassailable privilege. They would begin when they both felt the time was right. It was reminiscent of a fight between wild beasts, or a duel between samurai. We could only wait for time to pass.
And the gun in Riko's hands was sawed-off. This does not just help in concealing the gun, but it makes the pellet spread much wider.
In truth, even if I was in HSS, I would not want to fight with someone with that kind of gun.
Shirayuki took her stance, her sword completely silent as it swung upwards. The blade was nearly complete vertical, and the hilt of the sword was nearly touching her right cheek. She was taking one of five basic kendo stances, the ''eight-directions''. It was rarely used in modern kendo, being more of a traditional stance. However, Shirayuki used it often, preferring it for its efficient movements since she used it in conjunction with her Hotogi arts.
"Ehehehe. The Lumberjack does make me reminisce, Ki-kun."
''What's your battle plan, Shirayuki?''
Not just so, while Riko was smiling at me... there were actually two shadows under her feet.
Kaname's sword can cut through any metal. Even a named sword like Irokaneayame isn't an exception.
Hilda is following her? Mm, she probably came on her own accord.
"{{Furigana|I cannot cut what I do not touch|razor sharp}}..." Kaname muttered, taking her own stance. She pulled her right foot back, standing nearly perpendicular to Shirayuki. Taking hold of its hilt with two hands, she pulled the hilt back to her face, pointing the swordtip straight at Shirayuki. Kaname held it there steadily, parallel to the ground. I had no idea what stance she was taking. That said, it's not likely that you'd seen any of Kaname's techniques in an instruction manual. All I could tell is that it was a fairly active stance. But instinctively, I knew what function that stance served. That stance lacked any kind of guard. And Kaname didn't need to defend, thanks to Sonic's mono-filament edge. Kaname had probably come up with it herself. It was only feasible to use if you held that blade.
I, who recalled Hilda's devilish figure without thinking, suddenly heard a sound.
"Kaname, have you prayed to the gods?"
Jeanne, drawing Durandal, said in a clear voice,
"I am Shirayuki's assistant. I am part of the outer ring, but at the same time, I might have to interfere with the battle."
Seeing her ponytail hairstyle... she seems to be in battle condition too.
"Jeanne..., I had always thought that you weren't one to help in such uncivilised actions."
Hearing what I said, Jeanne's azure eyes shot me a glare.
"Tohyama, the reason why I am forced to fight, is because of your uselessness."
"Why blame me now?"
"Didn't I order you a couple of days ago, to use some method to pull Kaname into <Deen>?"
Some method...?
Ah, you mean letting me seduce her. That's just totally absurd.
That kind of thing, I will never do even if you bash me to death. Don't even raise the idea of doing that to a self-proclaimed little sister.
"But look at the current situation. It's all because of your failure."
"Let's not talk about whether this is a success or failure. That method was forced onto me on your own accord." I indignantly responded.
"I was not directly ambushed, so I'm supposed to be safe from Kaname's matter. That's the reason why I wasted so much effort on persuading the Baskerville girls, telling them that you were using this method to get Kaname over to our side and let them be. I even helped them draw a mind map."
Hey...! What have you done, Jeanne!
"But, Kaname and everyone's relationship doesn't seem to have improved..." Jeanne responded with a slight hint of sadness in her tone.
"Your illogical plan definitely cannot be done, how can I carry it out?!"
"This proves that, we need to change our plan now, and use a duel to make Kaname surrender and let her join us."
In a natural action, Jeanne's saber made a <nowiki>*swoosh*</nowiki> sound as it rotated, and it reflected greenish light under the moon, just as if it was trying to show itself to Kaname, whose face had an absent expression.
"And what's more important is, in the hamburger store, Kaname called me despicable."
Hamburger store... Is she talking about that time at McDonald's?
Seriously, you guys were indeed sneaky at that time.
"I'm not a coward and I'm definitely not despicable. Now, I am going to make Kaname understand this point through a fair duel. And in Butei High, surrendering is very dishonourable. No matter what situation it is, I must not cower in a duel against a younger Butei."
Now just hold on for a second. You ran away from an underclassman the other day in the cosplay cafe.
Ah, I can't stand it. Because of the fact that there were too many points that were making me dumbfounded, I couldn't even bother to speak.
"Okay okay. So what about a victory of the Far East Warfare?" Kaname said, <nowiki>*spit*</nowiki> and gave Jeanne a monster-like face.
At this time, Shirayuki, who looked more terrifying when silent, stepped forward, making a clicking sound with her red clogs, saying,
"Kin-chan, stay away. Because there aren't any Riri particles tonight."
Riri particles… Are those the particles that fall like raindrops, and can interfere with supernatural powers?
And without those - it means that Shirayuki can bring out her full powers, different from the time when Kaname defeated her till she was defenseless.
Kaname. This time, you're in danger.
"The outer ring is ready, only the validation of rules is left."
Seeing Shirayuki say this while unsheathing her blade, I suddenly realised - I'm not sure when, that only Shirayuki, Jeanne and Kaname was nearby.
To prevent friendly fire, Aria and Riko had moved back to form two points of an equilateral triangle, with the last point facing the sports warehouse.
I'm guessing that area should be under Reki's responsibility.
(These fools actually came up with a strategy after reconnaissance.)
The outer ring of 'Lumberjack' duels should not consist of not more than a few people as per the rules, but there are no specific rules regarding the placement of this outer layer.
The outer ring that the Baskerville members had created - If one would see it as being centred around the location, then it was easy to understand the advantages of such a formation.
Firstly, the duelist is the experienced blade-wielder Shirayuki.
Following the traditions of the 'Lumberjack', both duelists have two use close-range weapons.
And another swordswoman accustomed to close-combat - Jeanne, was positioned closest to the fight.
Even if Kaname could evade both of them, she would come in the handgun prodigy Aria and the shotgun wielding Riko's line of fire. It was unable to go pass these two.
And even if some miracle did occur, she would be unable to get out of Reki's grasp.
Even if I was under HSS, I wouldn't be able to get out of this.
"This won't do, Kaname. You too should understand the meaning of this formation. It's the 'Lumberjack' after all. It's absolutely impossible to escape them all." I tried to advise Kaname slightly forcefully with a hint of anxiousness.
But Kaname ignored me while continuing to smile.
"Please don't make me go on. Apologize and surrender. Leave the rest to me. I'll find a way to convince them. You should at least have some inkling of the danger to come-"
"That's unreasonable, onii-chan," Kaname interjected, "No dinosaur would be afraid of ants. Anyway, there's no need for such a wide outer ring, Onee-san."
Her skirt gently lifted up…. Like a elementary schoolgirl about to play hopscotch, Kaname drew a roughly 10 metre diameter circle with her toes on the sandy field.
"-I'll battle you without getting out of this circle. If I even lay a finger out of this boundary, take it that I lose."
Hearing this-- Shirayuki's brows widened in shock.
<nowiki>*Whoosh*</nowiki>. Kaname drew her blade while exclaiming,
"Hail the advances of technology. This blade is very different from those steel weapons of yours. It's worth 10 of the newest Japanese tanks. Whether it comes to women or weapons, the newest are the best. Isn't that right, onii-chan?"
At this, Kaname turned to me and gave me a radiant smile.
But-Having lived with Kaname for a period of time, I could understand her true thoughts.
I can't explain it with simple theories, but I could feel Kaname's feelings being transferred to my heart.
Kaname-- Kaname was calling a bluff.
She was… alone. Without any help.
All the Baskervilles had enhanced weapons. The concentration of Riri in the area had already been determined beforehand.
Not only this- but their flawless formation… This burden, was surely too much to bear for Kaname alone.
Her fear was being transmitted to me. Straight to my heart.
So I had to--
Dammit. I have no way out.
Even though I was far away, I could clearly see that Type D blood vessels had already appeared from Aria's neck.
"The cocktail that was sent to me isn't 9mm bullets. It's .50AE bullets."
I pulled out the pre-loaded Desert Eagle and showed it to them.
"Kinji, any intervention is useless."
"I won't stop you. Go ahead! Fight till you feel good. But, I'll have you know that I hate bullies like these the most."
"This isn't bullying~ It's showing love~" Riko shouted to me while cupping her hands around her mouth like a trumpet.
"They're all the same" I retorted.
"Tohyama- What's the meaning of you taking out your gun."
"It means that I'll be Kaname's assistant."
After explaining to Jeanne, I glanced sideways at Kaname--
She was looking at me with a bit of shock with her hands plastered around her breasts. When our eyes met… She averted my gaze with her suddenly reddened cheeks.
I couldn't understand what that meant, but I took it as she had nothing against it.
Watching Shirayuki gnashing her teeth, looking as if she had something to say, I immediately pressed on.
"Alright ladies--I'll go through the rules once more. The duel ends when one party surrenders or is unable to take action. Before this, any other injuries do not result in a loss. There is no draw. No running away is permitted. If anyone tries to, the outer ring can force the duelist back into the ring. Any method of doing so is permitted, so long as the duelist is forced back in."
Ah...This brought me back to the times when I was still in Assault.
Even though this isn't Aria, but this was the style of a Butei. Of course, I meant this in a bad way.
"Assistants are permitted to prevent death or any other events from occurring, and they can interfere once. After that, any actions are not permitted."
"Mm. It's as we know. Is that all?"
Seeing as how I was going to take part, Aria was for some unknown reason, suddenly pleased. This girl is as battle-hungry as ever.
I nodded my head.
"Well… You guys can start now!"
Aria motioned to Shirayuki and Kaname, and took out a black Government.
Shirayuki and Kaname--were watching each other in the ring.
Both of them didn't begin attacking.
The starting of the "Lumberjack" was up to the duelists. It was a privilege for both of them, anyone outside had no right to intervene. It started when both their breathing were in sync. This battle between savages, just like it was in the Samurai Era.
Time slowly passed.
<nowiki>*Whoosh*</nowiki>. Shirayuki raised her blade silently.
The blade faced the sky, and the hilt was raised to the right - The Hassou stance<ref>A stance in Kendo. One of the big five stances.</ref>.
While you could say no modern swordsman used such an antique stance, Shirayuki, a witchcraft user, would often use such a stance that required little physical strength.
(But Shirayuki… How do you intend to fight?)
Kaname's knife can cut through any metal.
Even the legendary Irokane Ayame was probably no exception.
"Laser Sharp..."
With a mutter, Kaname also raised her blade.
Taking a step back with her right foot, she faced Shirayuki almost completely sideways.
The blade in her hand was parallel to the floor, and raised almost as high as her face.
Both her hands holding the hilt was thrust back, an offensive stance leaving space below her right armpit.
This stance… I've never seen it before. There are no records of it in any textbook.
But my instincts told me that this was a stance that had no defense against counterattacks.
If it's this blade of Kaname's, then it was good enough for her not to factor in defence.
And this stance… shows Kaname's own tendencies with this blade.
They were polar opposites, Shirayuki holding her sword vertically, and Kaname laterally. The air was thick with tension, making it difficult to breathe. Nobody dared to utter a word. Even the crickets had fallen silent. The two duelists' auras were clashing, spilling into the surrounding air...
The vertical blade of Shirayuki, and the horizontal blade of Kaname.
A fallen leaf flew between them, propelled by a gust of wind. In that instant, Kaname pounced.
These two gave off an aura that made one anxious.
''Christ, she's good.''
Everyone was speechless. Even the birds had stopped chirping.
She made her move right when the withered leaf had blocked Shirayuki's vision.
Their indomitable fighting spirit repeatedly spread to the surroundings… Suddenly, a stray leaf floated in between both of them.
"...{{Furigana|Flame Wall|scarlet flame}}!" Shirayuki had to defend. She pulled her right hand away from her sword, swinging it to the side in a wide arc. A wall of fire, nearly two meters tall, sprang up in front of Shirayuki.
At this time -Bang- Kaname charged as fast as a gust of wind.
Even though I was quite a distance away, I felt a dangerous amount of heat radiating from the flames. That wasn't any ordinary fire. Those tongues of flame were white-hot. Looks like Shirayuki wasn't lying when she said that the azure particulate concentration was 0%. Without the particles around to interfere with her abilities, she's like a human flamethrower. Kaname pierced the inferno with her blade, but her body did not follow. She braked, dashing to the left instead. Shirayuki also appeared from the other side of the fire wall, her long black hair flying every which way. I had seen her use this attack when she fought against Jeanne. She was holding Irokaneayame with her right hand, much like an athlete would carry the Olympic torch. Not a bad comparsion, as its blade was wreathed in swirling flame.
She had used the opening where Shirayuki's vision was blocked by the falling leaf.
"Hotogi Art - {{Furigana|Scarlet Mirror|Butterfly}}!" Nobody would be able to follow the sword with the naked eye. But the trajectory of the flame surrounding the sword was clear. The blaze split backwards as the blade was swung downwards then upwards in a V-shape, spreading out like the wings of a butterfly. This was Sasaki Kojirou's {{Furigana|Tsubame-gaeshi|Swallow Reversal}}, except one-handed. However, she had swung Irokaneayame only to scorch Kaname's sword. Shirayuki was trying not to touch Sonic, knowing that if she did, Irokaneayame would be sliced apart.
"Hihomura Kogikabe."
"Heh." Kaname laughed, seemingly confident in her victory. She swung her sword back, also blindingly fast, and did a backflip, putting some distance between her and Shirayuki. The fluorescent blue light gleaming from her blade traced a beautiful arc in the air.
Shirayuki had to defend against this attack, and she moved her right hand across the blade.
"That was close."
Following this move, a fiery wall appeared roughly two metres away from her.
"Not bad, Kaname." Aria and Riko said. They seemed to have clearly caught what had happened in the previous exchange.
Even I could feel the heat from where I was standing.
Those were no ordinary flames. Those flames were blazingly hot and scary.
Now I more or less understand Shirayuki's warning that "there are no Riri particles tonight". Unrestricted from any sort of attack, Shirayuki was literally a monster.
The blade in Kaname's hand cut through the wall. <nowiki>*Bang*</nowiki> The wall fell and Kaname danced to the left.
And where the blade had penetrated the wall--Shirayuki, with her hair dancing, appeared there too.
Jeanne would have seen the stance Shirayuki had adopted in war before, as if she was holding a blazing torch. The swirling flame was entwined around the blade.
"Hotogi Soutenryuu… Hinokagabi Kochiyou!"
One could not track the swing of that sword with the naked eye.
But the afterimage left by the flames clearly showed a V-shaped cut like a butterfly's wings.
It was probably the single-handed version of the Swallow Cut<ref>See Tsubame-gaeshi (燕返し), a technique used by Sasaki Kojirou.</ref>.
But this path was only an attempt to burn Kaname's blade. Shirayuki's blade did not touch Kaname's even once. For if it did, it would be mercilessly cut in half.
Kaname gave a smile showing her confidence in victory. It was also impossible to follow the swings of her sword with the naked eye. With a backflip, she widened the distance between her and Shirayuki. The glow around her blade swirled around her body like neon lights.
"That was dangerous."
"She's pretty good huh, that Kaname-chan."
Aria and Riko, who seemed to be able to follow the fight, exclaimed with a sigh.
Remaining silent, Shirayuki assumed yet another of the five stances, the ''middle''. Her hilt was lowered to her hips and the tip of the sword pointed directly at Kaname's head. But...
Shirayuki wordlessly raised her sword to a standard fighting stance. One of the straps on her miko garment had been sliced apart.
The sash holding up her scarlet hakama was slightly cut, and a long incision had been made on the left side of her white kimono, all the way to her underwear, leaving her undershirt exposed. In that instant, Kaname had struck at Shirayuki twice, once at her abdomen and once at her chest. Kaname landed with the skill of a gymnast.
And in that pure white uniform, there was a cut around the left armpit, showing off her Hadajiban<ref>Hadajiban is a traditional clothing, refer to http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%A5%A6%E8%A2%A2.</ref>. In those moments, Kaname had actually continuously sliced twice at Shirayuki's body and chest.
"Sheesh, one more millimeter and Sonic would have tasted your blood." She happily assumed her stance again. This time though, she kept Sonic's blade further away from her cheek, leaving her stance a little more open.
"You dodged those in the nick of time, Onee-san."
"Hmph, Trying to heat my up my sword so much that I'd let go?" Sonic was glowing red with heat. There was no way I'd be able to keep hold of any metal that hot. So, Shirayuki hadn't been aimlessly using her Hotogi arts...she was trying to heat Sonic up so much that Kaname had to drop it.
With the grace of a gymnast, Kaname-<nowiki>*whoosh*</nowiki>- raised her blade again. This time the blade was even further back, showing off a more aggressive stance than before.
"What a shame. Both this sword and I have gone through heat tolerance tests, time and time again. Even if you heat us up, our performance won't change. It's over." She looked at Shirayuki like a hawk at its pray, and her right foot crushed against the gravel.
"Hmph. You're just trying to make my blade too hot to hold...aren't ya?"
"Jeez, you won't be able to sew your limbs back on once if you suffer such horrific burns to the cross-section, y'know? But, you reap what you sow, right?" As Kaname was trying to intimidate her, Shirayuki sheathed her sword, lowering her stance. She was preparing to ''iai''.
The blade in Kaname's hand was burnt like melted iron. If it was me… I wouldn't be able to hold it.
''Scarlet Hotogi God! No...you shouldn't do that, Shirayuki...!''
As it seems, Shirayuki using Hotogi witchcraft to invoke flames wasn't without reason. She was trying to get the heat to spread to Kaname, forcing her to drop that technologically advanced blade.
It takes time to build up enough energy to execute her secret technique - Scarlet Hotogi God. There was no way Kaname would allow her that time. Even if she managed to pull it off, the path of her blade is simple to predict. If Kaname can meet her, blade to blade, she'll cut Irokaneayame, along with Shirayuki, in two. I wouldn't put it past her. Could it be that knowing that...Shirayuki wanted to sacrifice herself to kill Kaname?
"Witch of infernos...burn in your own flame!" Brandishing Sonic, which glowed red-hot, Kaname hurtled forward, kicking the ground underneath her. She shot at Shirayuki like a cannonball.
"Too bad for you, Onee-san. Heat resistance tests has been done for more than ten times already. It's the same for both me and this blade. It won't change no matter how much you heat it. You've lost, Onee-san."
"You are done, Kaname." Shirayuki started at Kaname from below her fringe, and from behind her...
Kaname -whose gaze was now like a hunter before its prey- her extended right leg suddenly moved.
"But if the place I'll cut gets burnt by this, then even normal surgery won't save it. You can only blame yourself then."
Shirayuki's cameratara sprinted forth. Wielding Durandal by her hip, Jeanne was hiding its blade with her body.
Faced with Kaname making such threats, Shirayuki calmly sheathed Irokane Ayame and crouched down, showing the action of drawing a sword.
"Woooow! It's a jet stream attack!" Riko was getting hyped up, spouting out a phrase I had never heard before. The words had scarcely left Riko's lips when Jeanne leaped gracefully over Shirayuki, brandishing Durandal before her.
(——Is this Hihi Hotogikami!? It isn't a good move, Shirayuki!)
"...{{Furigana|fleur de la glace d'Orleans|ice flower of Orleans}}..." Jeanne chanted softly, and Durandal shined with a blinding electric blue. Diamond dust, tiny particles of ice, glittered around her. Seeing this, Kaname decided she didn't want to take Jeanne head on. She impaled the ground with Sonic, braking as hard as she could, and the blue light, falling just beyond her, froze the ground solid. The subzero temperatures, unaffected by Azure-irokane<ref>Hihi-irokane, (henceforth translated as Scarlet-Irokane,) is a mythical metal in Japanese history. Azure-Irokane would be its fictional counterpart. This is the same basis for the azure particles mentioned previously in this chapter.</ref>, spread quickly into Kaname's sword.
I involuntarily sucked in the cool air and watched her.
"...!" Sonic was frozen solid, and the ground beneath Kaname was rapidly freezing as well. Not wanting to be frozen to the floor, Kaname jumped, not releasing her grip on ehr sword. Just one hand on the pommel, she managed to rely on her superhuman athleticism to remain upright. It looked like she was giving some kind of circus performance. Ice was slowly creeping up Sonic's blade, but because it had been so hot before, it only made it up to the handguard before stopping its advance. Kaname, doing a one-handed handstand on her sword, was unharmed.
The Secret Art-Hihi Hotogikami required channeling time. And Kaname absolutely would not give her that time.
"Sheesh, you used your camerata? Sorry, she looked so useless that I totally forgot that she existed. But it's too bad, it turns out that she was just as useless as I thought!" Kaname coiled her body like a spring before suddenly releasing that tension. The momentum of her uncoiling sent her, and her sword, flying over Jeanne. Sonic, still frozen like a crystal, was aimed directly at Shirayuki. Kaname was attacking her from above.
Even if Shirayuki could channel it, Kaname clearly knows where Irokane Ayame will come out from.
"Hotogi Art...secret technique...Scarlet Hotogi God!" Shirayuki, who had been building up energy all the while, met Kaname's attack with a rush of flame. Shearing through the flames like they were air, Sonic rushed to meet Irokaneayame head on.
She just needs to thrust the tip of her blade and sever it. Just like how she should do it to Shirayuki. But- Kaname did not move.
"...!" Kaname seemed to have noticed something, but it was too late. Sonic clashed with Irokaneayame, and with the sound of breaking glass, it shattered. As it faded away, a dull thud shook the air. As Kaname fell, Shirayuki's sword, clear of flames, sunk into Kaname.
Even like this, even understanding this...You're prepared to survive with the use the trump of the Hotogi, Shirayuki?
''She used the back of her sword!'' I managed to catch it as Shirayuki had struck Kaname's abdomen with the back of her sword. Hitting the ground, Kaname rolled thrice before coming to a stop, on her hands and knees. She looked up.
"Flame Witch-Prepare to get burnt by your own fire!"
"Haaa....haaa...." Tears in her eyes, Kaname tried to gather the fragments of her blade. However, they were red hot again, and her hands recoiled back.
Kaname raised that blade infused with flames-
"No way...no way...neu Schneide...there's no way...!" Kaname was too shocked to figure out what had happened, but for once I had an idea. No matter how high-tech it was, Sonic was still made of metal. When metal is heated and cooled and heated and cooled enough times, it becomes brittle. Even Japan's railroads, arguably the most durable in the world, will snap as the metal expands and contracts due to sudden changes in temperature. When such ridiculous amounts of heat and frigidity are applied, the effects are instantaneous. This was the cause for the scene unfolding before us.
With an impossible speed, Kaname's legs exploded forward as fast as a cannonball.
"Cherry blossoms are the avatar of transience. There is naught else that bears comparison. They bloom, then scatter. That is the way of the world." Her eyes shut, Shirayuki recited a line from an ancient Japanese poem, sheathing Irokaneayame into its scarlet scabbard. I think that was from the anthology, New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern. Written by Tokudaiji Sanesada. No idea honestly, my grades in ancient literature suck.
"Kaname, this ends here."
"Looks like we have a winner." Aria span her M1991s before keeping them in the holsters beneath her skirt. You didn't do anything, why do you look so proud? I knelt besides Kaname.
Those eyes that stared at Kaname from behind Shirayuki-
"Kaname, it's over. The 'newest weapons' will be invented again and again, like cherry blossoms springing into bloom, but there are no blossoms that do not scatter. That sword scattered tonight. That's all it is." I dissected the poem Shirayuki had recited, explaining to Kaname how it applied to this situation. If you could see the basis for comparison, then it was really simple to understand, but maybe it was too simple, because Kaname didn't seem to understand. Looking up at me, Kaname still seemed unable to face reality. Her weapon - the strongest, the newest - the cutting edge was broken.
"Uwaaaaah!" She stood up, having completely broken down, and made to attack Shirayuki with her fists. That's way more fitting of a middle school student. Just in case, Shirayuki assumed a defensive stance.
Assuming my role as camerata, I showed Shirayuki my open palm. My desert eagle was dangling from my index finger, which was inserted into the trigger guard. A gesture commonly used by Butei and the American police, it showed that I had no intention of shooting. It was a gesture of surrender. Stopping Kaname's protests with my other hand, I flicked my gaze downwards, urging her to look down. Below us was the circle that Kaname had drawn with her toes, saying that it was her loss if she stuck even a little finger out. And one of Kaname's feet lay outside.
Jeanne, Shirayuki's assistant, charged forward.
It had been Shirayuki's intention to push her out of the circle by smashing her with the hilt of the sword.
She kept Durandal behind her, using her body to block the blade.
"Abide by your word." I said sternly. Tears welled up in Kaname's eyes, but she resisted. She resisted. She resisted. But finally...
"Hey! It's Jet Stream Attack!"
"Uwaaah...Uwaaaaaaaaaaaah!" She started crying, in a very middle school student-like way. I guess she couldn't bear to be shamed so badly in front of me. What should I do though? She won't stop crying.
Riko suddenly came up with this nonsense.
"Ohh, you made her cry, you made her cry~ I'm going to tell the teachers!" Riko came skipping over, running circles around Shirayuki and I. Goddammit, Riko. Weren't you the first to approve of beating Kaname up? ...At least the heavy mood was lifted a bit. It felt like I was in a warzone just now. And to be fair, I can see on Riko's face that she thinks that they've picked on Kaname enough. I guess she could tell that the mood sucked, and tried to lighten things up a little. She has great social skills, unlike Aria and I. We just sort of looked at each other, completely at a loss. Haimaki walked over and licked Kaname on the cheek, like he was trying to comfort her. Even a dog is more sociable than Aria and I.
Jeanne vaulted over Shirayuki and pulled out Durandal.
On the other hand, Haimaki's owner, who ranked even lower than Aria and I on the social skills scale, climbed down from the sakura tree at the edge of the school grounds, Dragunov rifle on her shoulder. Reki was closer than I thought.
"——The Ice Flower of Orleans (fleur de la glace d'Orleans)——"
"Kaname, you have great skill. I only just noticed that you launched a counterattack. If I had been slightly off, I would have been cut down." Jeanne said, squatting next to Kaname.
Jeanne's blade emitted a pale green glow while she was softly chanting.
''I-I can see everything!''
Small ice crystals flashed, encircling Jeanne-
I looked away quickly. She didn't seem to care, but Jeanne's bulletproof uniform had suffered a long vertical cut, and had completely split open. She didn't seem injured, but her bra straps were completely exposed. That, and her porcelain white skin. H-How do bras work anyway? Aria's bras had hooks at the front, which I can understand, but...how can the clasp be on the back?
Kaname, who seemed to feel that she could not meet it head on, stopped by piercing her blade on the ground.
"As strong as expected. I would accept no less of Kin-chan's little sister." Shirayuki had secured the damaged side of her Miko kimono with a safety pin she had managed to produce. She was now smiling gently at Kaname, who was still sobbing. Kaname remained silent, but she heard the phrase 'Kin-chan's little sister' loud and clear, and she nodded in response. Alright, I'd had enough of that.
"Don't praise her like that. Being strong or weak has no meaning off of Academy Island." I told Jeanne and Shirayuki off, and the tension finally bled away.
The blue light that landed right in front of Kaname instantly froze the ground beneath.
Without the Riri particles interfering with the abnormally low temperature, it spread to Kaname's blade which was still in the ground.
Right after, the demon of vengeance, Aria, spoke to me.
"Coffee, Kinji." I had a feeling that Aria would challenge me to a Lumberjack if I took too long, so I had to get Mutou to come over with some, apologising to him because it was so late. I couldn't tell him that we were having a duel, so I told him that I was watching the moon. And that there were girls. He told me that he'd be here in 5, but didn't have anything but can coffee. I asked Aria as politely as I could if it was okay with her, and was met with this reply:
<nowiki>*Crack* *Crack*</nowiki>
"You're useless. Your future worries me." She proceeded to criticise me, starting with this comment. I couldn't bear to listen, but it wasn't like I had a choice. After she was finished, she called one of her juniors in Assault to get her some. This lazy noble sure is used to delegating her work. In the end, Mutou really managed to arrive in five minutes, carrying Akari Mamiya - Aria's amica - in his minivan. Mamiya was the thorough type, and had brought 10 different coffee pots with her, each with a different blend. And so, a lie became the truth. We really did watch the moon that night. Coincidentally, Mamiya was shorter and flatter than Aria. The rarely found high school student with a kindergartner's body. Her hair was short, and done up in twintails, making her seem even more childish. Her neurons must be wired weirdly, because she has abnormal levels of respect for Aria, and does whatever she says without objection.
Following the sounds, the monomolecular blade was enclosed by the ice.
"It's getting late, so please stay away from Aria-senpai...or just stay away from all girls, Tohyama-senpai." For some reason, she sees me as an enemy though. Definitely one of the girls I would not want to run into on the street. But seriously, only Butei would believe that we were gathered here to watch the moon. I'm glad that you're enjoying being by Aria's side and pouring her coffee, but don't you think it's weird that it smells like there was a forest fire here?
To prevent her legs from being frozen together with the ground, Kaname…
"..." Feeling excluded because of Mamiya, I excused myself from the ring of girls and sat down on the ground. I had some coffee, but it was kinda watery. Mutou had gone to buy some dango suitable for moon-watching. I hoped that he would be back soon. Kaname had lowered the cloth-like weapon, {{Furigana|P-Fibre|magnetically propelled fiber-shield}}, to the floor. She had had it hovering above during the fight. Sitting down next to it, she seemed to be indicating that the rest should join her. So that's what they did. Using the cloth as a picnic sheet, they started their girls' night out. I looked over, worried about how Kaname was doing...she was drinking a caramel macchiato. I guess she had finally calmed down. I guess it was getting pretty late, 'cause I saw Mamiya hugging her knees and dozing off.
"Why didn't you use this tonight, Kaname?" Aria, who had suffered so much from the weapon before, asked.
With a burst of strength and the athleticism of a superhero, Kaname used the hilt of her sword to swing herself upwards and do a handstand. It was almost as if it were a circus act.
"...'Cause Shirayuki only used one weapon. This wasn't like the first time. This was a duel, not a fight. So I thought that I should use only one weapon as well. It would be cowardly if I was the only one to use multiple swords." Kaname glanced at Shirayuki before she spoke. Well, I guess she had mentioned it before at the MacDonald's. She was just abiding by what I had said: "There are no cowards in the Tohyama clan."
The ice slowly spread upwards towards the hilt of the sword, but because the sword had been recently heated, it only reached the end of the blade. Kaname, who was balancing on the hilt, was unaffected.
"...Yes, I suppose so." Hearing this, Shirayuki seemed to look at Kaname in a new light, her animosity forgotten. She took a fragment of the broken Sonic, which now resembled a silver crystal, and wrapped it in a Japanese cloth before passing it to Kaname.
"Ho...Using an assistant, eh? Sorry, I forgot about your existence because your skill level is too low!"
"A sword is a warrior's soul. I could feel it in your blade. It was proud and noble. It was beautiful."
Saying this, Kaname flipped her body back--
"Shirayuki..." Accepting the fragment, Kaname gazed up at Shirayuki with eyes of respect. It was almost like they were really sisters.
"...Kinda like how you tell your opponent your name after a fight, yeah?" I turned to look behind, where the yakuza movie line had come from. Mutou, plate of dango in hand, had returned. Passing the plate to Shirayuki, he sat down beside me.
"Regretful as it is, there's no use!"
"You just held a Lumberjack, right?" I guess he knew from the start.
Kaname ripped the sword out of the ice and charged straight at Shirayuki.
"Don't tell anyone, alright? Even if they turn a blind eye, the Masters have been pretty annoying recently."
"Hotogi Soutenryuu… Secret Art-Hihi Hotogikami!"
"I won't dude. I support it after all." Speaking with a bit of innuendo, Mutou and I ate the rest of the dango.
At the voice of the power-conserving Shirayuki, the stream of flames danced upward towards Kaname, who was attacking from the sky.
"Hehehe, makes you think back, doesn't it Kinji?"
Kaname completely ignored the tempestuous blaze and went straight for Shirayuki's Irokane Ayame.
"Don't laugh like that, it's weirding me out."
"You're laughing too, bud." The truth is, Mutou was the one who I had had an unarmed Lumberjack with, right after I enrolled. Why is it that happened again? I'm pretty sure that Mutou was triggered by something that Shirayuki had said. I underestimated him since he was in Logi, but the difference in build made it a tough battle. He was pretty good at a lot of throw. The force of his T-Bone suplex made my head spin. That's something I could do without experiencing again. We fought till we were both about to drop, having been pushed back into the centre time after time. The ring was made up of Shiranui and Riko, but I forgot which one of us won. I don't know why, but Mutou and I started hanging out after that. Doesn't really make sense to become friends after fighting, but...I guess that's how relationships work in Butei High. Everything is so clumsy and dated.
Suddenly, Kaname seemed to have realized something. With a sound akin to glass breaking, the monomolecular blade, which had crossed paths with Irokane Ayame, shattered.
It was decided that we would continue our after-duel talk some other time. Shirayuki and Aria went back to their own rooms, and Kaname and I went back to mine. We walked home, under the streetlights and listening to the cicadas chirping.
Quickly following was a dull thud.
"Kinji." Kaname, walking beside me, spoke first.
Shirayuki's sword, which lost the flames encircling it, hit Kaname square in the back.
(That...That's the blunt side!")
"Thank you for being my camerata...my ally. When you said that you'd be my camerata, I was...really happy."
Shirayuki gently hit Kaname with the blunt side of Irokane Ayame.
Kaname, who had fallen to the ground, rolled on the floor until she faced the stars.
Kaname, whose eyes were glistening with tears, desperately tried to collect the broken shards of what used to be her blade… But her hands recoiled upon touching the heated glass.
"No way. No way…!<ref>She's saying this in English.</ref> How can a cutting-edge piece of weaponry break? This...makes no sense!"
Kaname, who had been hit with a strong sense of confusion, looked forlorn.
And as for me… being a bystander, I more or less understood the Baskerville's plan.
Whatever technology was applied to it, Kaname's sword was still metallic.
So long as it was, a repeated cycle of extreme heating and cooling would cause it to be weakened.
There have even been cases of the strongest Japanese steel being broken because of this.
And Kaname's blade had gone through such an extreme change of heating and cooling… the results were instantaneous. This is the result.
Shirayuki gently hummed with her eyes and long eyelashes closed.
Quietly, she returned Irokane Ayame into the sheath.
This should be a song from Shin Kokin Wakashuu, by Tokudaiji Sanesada? I can't remember because my Ancient Studies results aren't as I like.
"-- The winner has been decided, then."
Aria said as she kept her dual pistols back into the holster.
Hey, you didn't even do anything. What's with the delighted expression?
I squatted beside Kaname, and translated the song that Shirayuki had been singing to her-
"Cheer up, Kaname. It's over. The newest weaponry will keep appearing like blooming flowers. But even those flowers have to wilt at some point. And your blade has only wilted now. That's all there is to it."
Even after understanding their plan, one has to think that it was very simple. But perhaps it was due to this simplicity that it was unexpected.
But, Kaname, who looked up at me -- seemed to not be able to accept this fact.
The newest, strongest piece of cutting-edge weaponry that was hers had been destroyed.
And this, was like questioning the need for Kaname's own existence.
Kaname stood up like a normal angry elementary school student and used her fists to attack Shirayuki. Seeing this, Shirayuki shifted a little from her position and prepared to meet Kaname's blows.
As an assistant, I raised my hands in front of Shirayuki, blocking her.
I used my index finger to activate the trigger guard on my DE, and relaxed my hand and let the gun hook on my fingers.
This is the Butei and American police's symbol showing the lack of desire to fire guns. In other words, it was the symbol of surrender.
After that, I used my other hand to hold Kaname, letting her look at the floor.
It was then that Kaname noticed… One of her legs had left that circle she had previously demarcated as the place she would fight in.
Or rather, Shirayuki had used the back of her sword to force Kaname's leg out of the circle.
"You said it yourself. No going back on your words." I said with a slightly stricter tone.
Kaname...with her eyes full with tears, resisting, resisting… Finally- "Uu…..Uwaaaa…...Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Like a real elementary school student, Kaname sobbed loudly.
She seemed… to be unable to mess up when in front of me.
Honestly speaking, what should I do? Kaname's crying, after all.
"You've~made~Kaname~cry~! I'll~go~and~complain to the teachers~!"
Riko laughed while singing and came over to Shirayuki and I.
Riko, weren't you the one that wanted to bully Kaname?
But then… Thanks to her, all the animosity for earlier had been dispelled.
How do I put it… Riko is in some sort of "It's ok up to this point...but bullying Kaname further is a no-no!" state.
Looks like this girl purposely tried to release the tension upon seeing Kaname like this. What a girl who knows how to communicate with others.
And Aria and I, who completely lack this ability, could only watch on with a "What should I do?" expression.
Suddenly, Haimaki ran over, and licked Kaname's face, comforting her gently. Looks like Aria's and my communication skills weren't even on par to a dogs.
On the other hand, Haimaki's owner with the worst possible communication skills climbed down from the cherry tree beside the field carrying her SVD. Reki, you stayed surprisingly close to the battlefield this time, eh?
"Kaname, although we met as enemies, your combat skills are really impressive. I didn't think you were able to counterattack in such a short timeframe. I would have lost if things deviated even slightly from the plan."
Jeanne, who was squatting beside Kaname saying this, her back…
(This… Isn't it completely exposed?!)
I hurriedly turned away.
Although she didn't seem to mind, the back of Jeanne's bulletproof uniform had been completely sliced vertically… Even the straps of her bra and that snow-white skin were exposed.
Sp-Speaking of which, I can understand if the straps are in front, like Aria's, but bras like these with the straps behind, how on earth do girls manage them?
Just as this male brain of mine was overheating...Shirayuki, who had pinned her torn Miko garments with something that I have no idea where she conjured it from, comforted the half-crying Kaname like a gentle big sister.
"You are indeed this strong. As expected of Kin-chan's younger sister."
The downcast and wordless Kaname nodded her head after hearing the phrase 'Kin-chan's younger sister'.
And me, who had already been stressed over this, was finally able to give a bitter smile. "Don't praise her for this. Whether her combat prowess is strong or not has no meaning outside of the Academy Island." I tried to tell Jeanne and Shirayuki.
Immediately after this, Aria ojou-sama, whose had changed expressions abnormally quickly, said to me,
"Kinji, coffee."
I was nervous, knowing that there was a chance that any delay would make Aria bring me for a round of Lumberjack. I also felt sorry that it was in the middle of the night, but for the sake of my life, I decided to call Mutou to bring the goods over.
But I obviously couldn't tell him that I was watching over a Lumberjack duel, so I had to resort to "I'm enjoying the late night. There are also girls." Mutou replied with "I'll be there in 5!", but he could only provide canned coffee.
Because of this, I had to bow down and speak to Aria ojou-sama respectfully, asking her "What should I do?" This earned a strong rebuke from her. "You trash, I'm worried about your future."
After that, Aria called one of her juniors in Assault and ordered her to make coffee for her.
I say, you lazy princess. That used to ordering people around, are you?
In exactly 5 minutes, Mutou arrived in his truck with Aria's junior in tow. And this junior of hers actually brought 10 different coffee pots filled with different types of coffee.
And that's how that lie of mine turned into truth… From that onwards, it became an appreciation of the night.
Anyway, this Mamiya-kun is shorter and flatter than Aria. A rare high school student with such a youthful body. And she sported a twintail, showing off her obvious childishness.
I don't know how this girl went wrong, but she's abnormally subservient to Aria, and follows all her orders. But…
"It's getting dark. Tohyama-senpai, please leave Aria-senpai-- No, please find a seat by yourself away from the girls."
I don't know why she purposefully focused on me. Maybe I'm one of the boys that wasn't wanted by the girls.
Anyway Mamiya-kun, one can accept this "appreciation" if you glance over it, but it's a bit hard for a Butei to do so right? Sitting next to Aria with this guardian-like face smiling while pouring coffee, don't you find it a little… uncharacteristic?
Feeling excluded after Mamiya's persecution, I sat on the sand away from the circle of girls.
While I did get the coffee, it's a bit pointless drinking it away from everyone else. Mutou, could you hurry up and get those dumplings so we can appreciated such an evening?
About the girls, Kaname, who let her weapon lie on the floor - a magnetic propulsion fibre shield… Sitting at a corner, everyone felt as if she were saying "It can be sat on.", and she used it as a cushion for the picnic. It had the atmosphere of a gathering of girls.
Being worried about Kaname, I watched the girls...having drank a cup of caramel macchiato, she finally felt more at ease.
Seeing Mamiya finally doze off, presumably because of the late hour, Aria - having suffered at the expense of that shield - asked,
"Hey, why didn't you use this tonight?"
Kaname--looked at Shirayuki, and replied,
"Because Shirayuki onee-san is fighting with only a standard knife. Tonight is different from the last time, it's a duel, not a war. That's why I thought it was only reasonable to bring one blade. It would be despicable for me to use so many knives."
Ahh… Kaname had mentioned this before in McDonalds too--
She was abiding to my words that "since she claimed her name was Tohyama, then she could not do anything despicable.".
"So that's why…"
Shirayuki, who heard Kaname say this, changed her impression of her.
She picked up one of the shards of the monomolecular knife, wrapped it in a cloth the colour of a red dianthus flower and gave it to Kaname.
"Knives are the soul of Butei - From your knife, I can feel a noble spirit. It's beautiful."
Receiving the gift from Shirayuki, Kaname looked at Shirayuki respectfully.
The way those two behave, they could be real sisters.
"This should be the saying of 'No discord, no concord'..."
Listening to that line just like one from a mafia show, I turned around to find Mutou holding a plate full of dumplings. Mutou passed the dumplings to the girls and sat beside me.
"You guys just had a round of Lumberjack, didn't ya."
I guess he saw through it immediately.
"Keep it a secret, won't you?. Even though the school permits it, Facultas has been a little annoying recently."
"Of course I won't say a word. I can keep secrets, ya know?"
We both hinted at each other while eating the dumplings the girls hadn't taken.
"Hehe. Speaking of which, Kinji…"
"Don't laugh so evilly…"
"Aren't you laughing too?"
Actually, Mutou was the opponent that fought with me not long after I entered school.
What's the reason? I think I said something about Shirayuki, and that made Mutou mad.
And because Mutou was from Logi, I didn't respect him because of our physical differences. His throwing skills are surprisingly rich, his signature move, Exploider, left people seeing stars. Honestly, I don't want to have to take that again.
At that time we were constantly pushed back into the ring by the outsiders like Shiranui and Riko until we were both exhausted… I don't even remember who won that battle.
And that's how we became friends.
This couldn't really be explained with words… But this is probably some way that proud Butei forge relationships. And it's the stupidest one.
After the appreciation, we parted our ways, deciding to let the conversation continue when we had found another time.
Shirayuki and Aria went back to their respective dorms, and Kaname and I returned to my room.
Under the light of the streetlamp, Kaname and I ambled among the sounds of nature amidst this autumn night.
"Onii-chan?" Kaname called me while strolling beside me.
"What's up?"
"Thank you… Thank you for being my assistant… Thank you for standing beside me. When I heard you wanted to be my assistant… I was really… really happy!"
"But you lost also because of me..."
But I had to pick out that point.
When Jeanne had released the Ice Flower of Orleans (fleur de la glace d'Orleans), Kaname could have been faster in pulling out the blade and rushing at Shirayuki.
But I was standing behind her… So Kaname had to use the blade to completely stop the freezing of the floor to affect me.
And that's why Kaname's monomolecular knife had completely been frozen, resulting in it being weakened.
Of course, putting me in Jeanne's line-of-fire was Kaname's mistake. But if I had never volunteered to assist Kaname - it wouldn't have ended like this.
"No it's fine. A younger sister protecting her elder brother… A person protecting her family, it's nothing to be surprised by."
Kaname said, while vigorously shaking her head.
"You lost because of me though?" I decided to be the first to voice it. When Jeanne had used la fleur de la glace d'Orleans, Kaname could have completely dodged it if she had pulled out her blade earlier. She didn't because I was directly behind her...she thought to slow the spread of the ice with her blade, which was extremely hot. This was why Sonic was completely frozen, resulting in its brittleness. It was Kaname's mistake to fight so Jeanne's line of fire could affect the two of us, but if I hadn't volunteered to be her camerata, there might have been a very different conclusion.
Hearing this, I got a sense of Kaname being my actual sister… Stopping in my tracks, I gazed at Kaname.
"No. A little sister protecting her brother is...it's natural. It's natural for someone to protect their family." Kaname shook her head, her hair swaying left and right. When I heard that, I had the feeling that Kaname could be my real...
And Kaname, who had stopped at that exact same moment, used those beautiful, azure-coloured eyes to look up at me just like a younger sister looking up at her older brother.
"..." I stopped, looking down at her. Kaname had stopped walking as well, and her ocean-blue eyes were staring up at me.
~End of 1st Ammo~
Like a real little sister, looking up at her brother.

Revision as of 22:16, 27 January 2016

1st Ammo - Lumberjack -Night of Revenge-

One Autumn afternoon...

"Man, the Texas burger is great!"

"I guess?"

"And it's 10 times better when you eat it with the person you like!"

"..." Kaname and I were eating hamburgers at a MacDonald's in Daiba; we were seated under the deep blue sky, on a trendy terrace. There were a lot of couples eating here. Understandable, as it was new, and quite pretty. Kaname was acting cute, and she certainly looked the part. We were just a high school girl and a high school boy on a date.

No ordinary person that knew the truth would be able to look her in the eye without a shiver running down their spine.

"The weather's great! Totally fitting for our wonderful sibling date~!"

Tohyama Kaname. Self-proclaimed little sister. She's a danger to society. She could be perfectly fine one second, but once the flip is switched, she's blowing up pedestrian walkways, hurling grenades around, swinging kitchen knives about...like a roaring flame, too hot to touch. She could destroy the whole district by herself in half an hour.

What the hell's a 'sibling date' anyway?

Please don't spout out such terribly thought out jargon so loudly...And I don't get it, who eats hamburgers with a caramel latte? When you go to MacDonald's, you get a coke. In Jeanne's words, that is one of the laws of this world.

Autumn's the season for war...or so they say, I thought to myself.

Sipping the cola, I felt what remained of my appetite slipping away. I hadn't even taken a bite of my burger, I was too far into the depths of my melancholy, thinking about what had happened the other day. The trauma of the incident was the cause of my languor.

Shirayuki and Kaname had had a showdown in my room.

"W-We must have a duel! Fatal accidents may occur during a duel! We must have it! The stability of the Tohyama family, and by extension the safety of Japan hinges upon it!"

Shirayuki stormed into my room, and finding Kaname there, she screamed a challenge before unleashing a hail of bullets at Kaname, who was dancing and dodging around the room, laughing all the while. In that moment, Shirayuki looked like Lucifer, come forth to issue judgement.

After all, her guns, M60s, were full-auto machine guns. Bullets just kept flying and flying. In the end, the gun overheated so much that the shear mechanism failed, causing bullets to fly out without end. The guns had heat fins, but such things were meaningless in the face of Shirayuki's raging trigger fingers. She kept firing till the guns ran dry, their metallic bodies bent and twisted from thermal expansion. When they at last fell silent, Shirayuki tossed them aside.

"This was just a taste. My formal challenge will come later, and I shall not touch you beforehand. Take the time to enjoy what remains of your life." Spitting those words out, Shirayuki left.


How fitting of the student council president of Butei High. Being sprayed at by machine guns constitutes a 'taste'. Though I was near my wits' end with terror the next day, Shirayuki still interacted me just as she always had: gentle, docile, and sweet. When Kaname was around, she came to my room, saying:

"Oh, this is terrible..." before restoring it to its original condition. But all the while, I was thinking: You were the one who did this, Shirayuki. Don't you remember? It's like you're schizophrenic.

That wasn't the only thing. After that, she would still come over to do housework, smiling all the while, but...I caught a glimpse of her staring Kaname's toothbrush and laundry, her face twisted into an expression of rage, looking almost like a Hannya mask. And she would leave traces of her housework behind. Upon seeing those traces, Kaname would, despite whatever cheerful attitude or smiles she came back with, take on the same expression that I had seen on Shirayuki. Faced with this, I had only one thought:

This is terrifying...

In view of how nice these two normally acted towards me, it made their sudden transformation all the more shocking. This couldn't be good for my heart. It reminded me of the head twisting scene in "The Exorcist". But this time there were two demons...I'd even prefer Aria's violence to this. As fast as she blows her top, the following period of terror ends just as swiftly. These thoughts assailed me as I took a pill with my coke.

Suddenly, the sparrows sitting in the corner of the terrace startled, chirping noisily, and flew away.

"Huh?" I let slip. S-She's here! Mounting the escalator up the terrace, feet stomping on the metal...


At first, I saw only the white ribbons streaming from her hair, but she soon appeared, in her bullet-proof uniformed glory. It was Shirayuki. She gave me a graceful bow, but when she turned to Kaname, I knew why the sparrows had flown away. They were fleeing from the killing intent pouring from her smiling face. Kaname was waving at her, a smile also on her lips. I could just about hear the 'Hi~!' she would have said, but instead, all I could feel was anger, emanating from her body like electricity. The negative aura surrounding the two had completely decimated the atmosphere. What a waste of a clear blue autumn sky.

I stood between them. I was the one who had called them out. Now I sat there, looking between the two of them like the referee of a wrestling match.

"Good day, Kin-chan. Oops!" She stumbled as she stepped off the escalator, but managed not to fall. As clumsy as ever, I suppose.

"Well, now that we're all gathered here...you should order something as well, Shirayuki. Maybe a hamburger."

"Okay." Shirayuki clapped her hands. After a moment, she looked around, the question mark clear on her face. The three of us sat there in silence, before I realised...that was the gesture to summon a waiter at the school cafeteria.

Come to think of it, Shirayuki doesn't really leave the shrine except to go to school.

She's never come to a MacDonald's before, has she? Well, I guess I'll have to go with her to order something. But seriously, calling for a waiter in a MacDonald's? There's got to be a limit to how out of touch you can be. How sheltered are you, Shirayuki? That was a winning entrant in the Sheltered Maiden Olympics.

As for why I had called the two of them here...the reason that Shirayuki had challenged Kaname to a duel was because Aria, Riko, and Reki, having been taken by surprise by Kaname before, were plotting their revenge. To that end, they had thrown their hats into Shirayuki's ring. With Shirayuki at the vanguard, the Baskerville girls were poised on the edge of an all-out conflict with Tohyama Kaname. If I just left them to have it out, who knows what kind of war would arise? If that happened, Butei High might just go under. So I decided to be the mediator. I had prepared a negotiation table, so this conflict could be resolved without bloodshed. The reason this was a MacDonald's table was because of the large number of bystanders. Even Shirayuki and Kaname would hesitate to bring out the machine guns or knives in this kind of situation. Teriyaki meal on a tray, Shirayuki followed me, spellbound expression on her face.

"Alright, sit down here, Shirayuki. Before we begin, take note. We are outside Butei High. Shooting, stabbing, slashing, or other violence of any kind just because you feel like it is expressly forbidden. You too, Kaname." The fact that I had to say this was depressing, but still...just in case. I sat myself facing Kaname. The two of them sat there, arrayed in front of me, They smiled at each other, faces frozen like noh masks.

...My stomach hurt.

"Has to be the death penalty."

Kaname decided to start things off the worst way they could.

"When you returned from buying a hamburger with my brother, there were hearts just flying from your innocent little face."

Kaname was gnawing at her straw, and smoke was...coming from her mouth? Was the straw melting from the heat of friction? What the hell? That jaw strength...That's like a crocodile's or shark's level. On the other hand, Shirayuki was daintily taking bites from her Teriyaki meal.

"I guess that being a concubine means that every petty little thing is of the utmost importance." And there she goes, issuing a challenge of her own. But wait...concubine? What makes you think that you're my wife? This was definitely not the mood to point that out, though. I have to get through this negotiation peacefully.

"Don't start this conversation looking for a fight. We're here to resolve this conflict, not cause another."

"Kaname. The true wife holds the power. That is a fact. I will not back down."

"What idiocy are you spouting? As the little sister, I'm the strongest here. I'm not backing down either."

Yep. This won't work. Well, time to work out an escape route, then.

"The wife!"

"The little sister, duh!"

Shirayuki and Kaname had each taken hold of one of my arms, and they were pulling. I...I had experienced this before with Aria and Riko. If this just goes on, I'm going to be split in two! An image of my body, split perfectly in two from head to toe, meandered into my mind.

"I did some investigating. And I found that you were registered as an American Butei, Kaname."

"Mmmm, those records weren't erased yet, huh? Well, what about it?" They glared at each other.

"You are a Butei. I am a Butei. Butei should not fight each other, if not at a client's behest. Therefore, Team Baskerville has decided: they shall have their revenge through a representative, in accordance to Butei High's rules for dueling."

"Hey! What are they deciding without me!? I'm the leader!"

"I am that representative. This was a unanimous decision." A unanimous decision that I wasn't part of! Kaname smirked viciously in response.

At Butei High, the unofficial directive, taken straight from the Masters was this: "Duels between students should not occur, in accordance to our official rules." Which is to say, just have them if you want. Anything as dangerous as a duel is, as a matter of course, banned in this country. However, our school, in which danger is an everyday occurrence, chooses to close an eye. Naturally, whatever happens during a duel won't ever go official. If you went crying to the police, saying that you were hurt in a duel, you'd just be laughed at.

"You really are an idiot. Don't you know which of us is stronger?"

"This is my challenge. Do you accept?"

You could just about see the sparks in the air as they locked gazes. Suddenly, Kaname released her hold on my arm.

"Sure. I accept. And I'll return this too. After all, I'm done analysing it." Just as her sentence trailed off, something dropped from the sky. It fell at a perfect timing, unnoticed by those around us. Letting go of my arm, Shirayuki caught it. It was a Japanese blade, sheathed in a scarlet scabbard.


I looked to the sky, and about thirty meters above me an X-shaped piece of cloth fluttered, spinning like the blades of a helicopter. It was the weapon that had blocked Aria's bullets, and sliced through a pedestrian crossing like it was paper. Kaname had probably kept it there, just in case a fight broke out.

That's your primary weapon, right? Fighting you when I've already taken it from you would be pretty cowardly."

"Cowardly? I never thought that I would hear that from you, of all people." Shirayuki laughed, hand daintily covering her mouth. Kaname continued to stare at her.

"I learned it recently. Kinji told me 'not to do anything cowardly'. So I won't. Unlike what you're doing now." As she said this, a MacDonald's waitress walked by. Kaname reached out and grabbed her ass. Letting out an exclamation, the silver-haired waitress spun around, a visor obscuring her facial features, but...

"J-Jeanne!? What're you doing here?" It was Jeanne d'Arc. Former IU agent, now a second year in the Informa division.

Aria11 021.jpg

Her ice-blue eyes opened wide, shocked at having been found.

"Goshhh, so prettyy! You're so vulnerable to beautiful girls, Kinji." Kaname's eyes were burning holes into Jeanne.

"Hotogi Shirayuki. The 'Witch of Infernos', seducing my brother. And helping her, the 'Witch of Diamond Dust'. Looks like it's time for a witch-hunt. Two on one seems about right to me. I wouldn't even call it a handicap." Kaname declared cockily. Shirayuki looked down, her fringe dropping to cover her eyes. But they still shone from its shadow.

"Two on one...I wonder about that."

Oh God. What's going to happen to my peaceful afternoon at MacDonald's?

I looked around. T-They're here. All of them are here, dressed as part-time waitresses. Aria was frying french fries in the kitchen, the shape of her gun clearly visible beneath her skirt. Riko was cheerfully manning the cashier, despite not having been there before. Reki was mopping the floor in the corner of the terrace. I could even see Haimaki hidden in the shadows of the shrubbery.

We were completely surrounded.

"Kinji, I'm so scared~ They're bullying me~" Kaname clung to me, but her words were clearly in monotone. Looking where she's grabbing me though...I'm her hostage.

"Aren't you the one who started it? You did something that made everyone hate you." I knew that I didn't hold any value as a hostage. Not like the Baskerville girls cared at all about how much I was hurt. Not wanting to be blown to bits, I tried to tear myself away from Kaname.

"Whaaat?" Kaname let go of me suddenly.

"You guys are such idiots! You just don't learn. I'll turn you into hamburgers!" She roared at the Baskerville girls (and Jeanne.) A dangerous smile was still hovering on Shirayuki's lips.

"Everything will be okay, Kin-chan. We will not entrap you now. That comes later. We only called everyone here just in case Kaname went berserk here...after all, she is just so unreasonable. Teehee."

"H-Haha, I see. Thank you very much." I was so terrified that I ended up thanking her. Shirayuki seemed to have prepared for battle, just like Kaname.

"I came here to inform you of how our upcoming duel will be conducted. I wonder if you can figure out just how we are going to take care of you? It resembles your current situation." Shirayuki asked, almost like she was teasing Kaname with a quiz. Kaname frowned, seemingly puzzled.

"...!" I frowned as well. But unlike Kaname, I frowned because I knew what Shirayuki meant.

"You don't mean, the Lumberjack...?"

"Yes, Kin-chan. As astute as ever. We have not had a chance to welcome our new arrival from America, so we thought to use a method well suited to you." Shirayuki smirked. Though her name meant 'white snow', she seemed a lot more like 'black ice', uncaring and deadly. Switching back to her gentle 'Shirayuki' expression, she turned towards me.

The Lumberjack...!

When I first enrolled into Butei High, I had experienced an unarmed version with a certain someone, which is why I was familiar. In summary, it was one of the toughest forms of duels, notorious in Butei High. It was a variation of a duel format used by lumberjacks in America. This fit with what Shirayuki had said. The best way to describe it is 'simple'. A number of Butei, in bulletproof equipment would stand in a circle, known as the ring. The ring would surround the duel participants, leaving them no way to escape. The duel only ends when one side admits defeat, or is rendered unable to move. Those were the basic rules.

However, there were some additional rules to be aware of. If any of the duelists were to try to exit the ring, the Butei making up the ring were free to attack the duelist. Duelists that suffered this fate would be pushed back to the centre of the ring, and once again fall victim to the other duelist's attacks. This would continue, being pushed back and forth and attacked from all sides until the victim had suffered injuries that brought them to the brink of death. Not only could you not escape, even a small retrograde was not allowed. It was a hellish variation.

As if that were not enough, the Butei making up the ring did not have to be neutral. They could be your allies, or your enemies. If you aren't popular, you can count on the ring being full of enemies.

These rules will make things seriously dangerous for Kaname...!

Obviously, your enemies would not shoot each other, even if you pushed them out of the ring. The most they would do is shove them back in. On the other hand, if you were shoved out...you'd be showered with bullets. Because of these draconian rules, the Lumberjack was often banned.

In this fight, Kaname will have no allies. Seeing as she started it, I can only see this going one way...they're gonna gang up on her.

"Lumberjacking doesn't happen any more. Maybe when Butei High was first founded, but...there were too many accidents. It's way too brutal. Definitely not something girls should do. You need to stop this." I said, displeasure written on my face.

"Don't stop us, Kin-chan. There are times when girls need to fight!" Shirayuki pleaded, shaking her head. Her long black hair fluttered behind her.

"This is a sacred battle. I am fighting because I love you! In order to maintain the peace of the Kin-chan country, the Shirayuki country has already declared war on the Kaname country!" She spouted some nonsensical lines about the Shirayuki country's strategy.

"Er..." Despite being ladylike most of the time, she could be even more belligerent than Aria now and then.

"Who cares? Let's do it. Any rules regarding camerata?" Kaname continued to take bites out of her hamburger, the picture of calm. She could almost have been asking if Shirayuki would like milk in her coffee. And I was trying to help her too...

"They will be in play. If you have any friends, feel free to bring them." Shirayuki smiled darkly. She seemed to take the fact that Kaname had accepted her challenge as a message from heaven, telling her it was alright to beat Kaname to a pulp. That was why she was giving some relatively friendly advice, I guess. Camerata were basically seconds, but they could only help once. Traditionally, their role was to stop a fight from going on too long. When the victor was certain, and everything after that was just overkill, they would force their way into the ring to admit defeat. But from my experience, that usually goes down the drain once the fight starts.

"That's not what I mean. I won't need one. You will. I'm going to brutalise you, beat you until you won't even be able to pronounce 'I lose,' so you're gonna need someone to say it for you." Kaname, being Kaname, returned the smile. She crumpled the wrapper of her finished Texas burger, and threw it into the bin with the force of a shotgun slug.

She was standing there the next night. Illuminated by the moon, Kaname stood firmly on the on the second section of the school grounds. This was where the duel was set to occur. Strapped to her back was a naked blade, as tall as she was. Fluorescent blue gleamed from its ridges and coulisses. This was no ordinary sword. This was the technologically advanced weapon that Kaname had used when she attacked the Baskervilles,Sonica mono-filament vibrosword. My grades in Physics and Chemistry are terrible, so I'm no expert, but according to Kaname, the blade is formed of stretched out wires, only one atom thick, which spin like a chainsaw. Those wires are formed of carbon compounds, and look like a jigsaw lattice when observed under an electron microscope. They rate a 10 on the Mohs scale. In layman terms', the sword like a diamond chainsaw. That's my interpretation, at least.

"There is nothing this cannot cut." Kaname boasted.

Shirayuki said the same thing about half a year ago, but Kaname's explanation does seem more convincing than her occult ramblings.

Before I sank deeper into my thoughts, I saw them. Jeanne and Shirayuki leading, the rest of the girls behind, their heavy footfalls crushed the gravel, making an unpleasant grinding noise. Oh man...I can't help but regret following Kaname because I was worried. Shirayuki was in her miko attire, with a forehead protector to boot. Her sleeves were held up by a tasuki, a sash meant for that purpose. She was holding a scarlet scabbard. Within lay Irokaneayame. This was the Hotogi mikos' traditional battle attire. She hard worn it when she came to kill Aria in April. The others were dressed in their bulletproof uniforms, but Jeanne had Durandal on her hip, Aria had guns sitting visible just beneath her skirt, and Riko was hugging a M1887 shotgun and giggling. They were all reeaaalllly pumped up.

"You guys are so slooow. I'm so tired of waiting." Kaname shouted to them, slashing her thumb across her throat.

"The plastic miko, the westerner, the midget, and the fake cutie...eh? Aren't we missing one? Where's the mime?" She counted each of them, pointing at them one by one, and noticed that Reki was missing. Wait...the westerner? Oh, probably Jeanne.

"She's already aiming at you." Aria answered, twintails streaming in the wind. So, they're acknowledging their nicknames.

"She's the outer ring. You can't run. Reki's sniping success rate is above 99%...and I've never seen her miss. The 1% was due to a misfire." Well, I was the one behind that misfire. Without my influence, she's 100%.

"Sigh...I'll say this again, but just stop. I get how you feel, having been victims of Kaname's surprise attack, but this is just too childish. Can't you think of a more sustainable solution?" I tried to convince them from my position as the leader of the Baskervilles, but Aria glared at me like a cowboy from a Western.

"Looks like not coming to the Assault division has made you some kind of pacifistic idiot, Kinji. This is what being a Butei is all about. Problems should be solved by shooting them in the face with lead." And now she's talking like a cowboy. But with an anime voice.

"Yeah? This isn't a solution, this is just reciprocation. You come here all lined up, in full battle order, just to take on one person. It's like you're holding a grudge about something else as well." I glared back at Aria, and her blush switch flipped on.

"I-It's not like I'm trying to take you back from Kaname or anything!" Aria's face grew panicked; it seemed like she was wondering why she had just said that. (I didn't get it either, it seemed pretty unrelated.) After a moment, her face snapped back to seriousness, and she drew her silver-white M1911.

"These rounds are pastel loaded. Don't think that this will go the way it did when we last met." Pastel rounds were Detective Armed LethalDAL rounds received from the Vatican. She had probably brought them after seeing that .45ACP rounds had no effect on Kaname.

"Did you think that that was the problem? How naive~" Kaname smirked at Aria, but...don't be mistaken, Kaname. You might not have thought about before, considering your overwhelming strength, but the difference in power between people who are caught unawares and those who have made proper preparations are on several orders of magnitude. And with a Butei of Aria's level as your opponent, one slip will cost you your life. Do you understand?

"You've been keeping Ki-kun to yourself all this time, Kaname~. We're all undergoing a yandere transformation!" Riko had gotten an especially weird nickname from Kaname. She was now making finger horns above her head, somehow still dexterously holding on to her shotgun at the same time. Lowering her hands, she worked the pump-action of her shotgun.

"When you run, please come to me~ Won't you play with Riko? Teehee." It's always possible to avoid a handguns' bullets. Even amateurs can dodge out of the line of fire. After all, bullets fly in what amounts to a straight line, and it's possible to trace that line with the naked eye. However, a shotgun's bullets are undodgeable. The shot will spread out, catching the target with a bulk of the bullets. What's more, Riko's carrying a sawed-off. Not only does that make the shotgun easier to conceal, it increases the shotgun's spread. It's not a gun that I would ever want to face, even if I was in Hysteria Mode.

"Hehehe. Isn't this nostalgic, Ki-kun? We're having another Lumberjack!" Riko smiled at me, and I noticed something. She had two shadows. Hilda's with her? Well, she probably just came for fun. I thought of Hilda's devilish appearance.

"Have you finished praying, Kaname?" Jeanne said coolly, unsheathing Durandal.

"I am Shirayuki's camerata. While I will be part of the ring, I will interfere but once." Her hair was tied up in a triple-braided bun. Ready for battle as well, I see.

"I didn't think you'd be a part of this brutality too." I muttered, and Jeanne's ice-blue eyes glared at me.

"The reason I must act now is because of your incompetence, Tohyama."

"Why's it my fault now?"

"We gave you the order to bring Kaname over to Deen using the method we discussed."

The method we discussed...?

Oh. She wants me to be Kaname's Romeo? Like hell. Who would do that to their little sister? Even if its a self-proclaimed little sister.

"Look where we are now. You failed."

"Failure or success isn't the issue. You just blurted out what you wanted me to do, I didn't agree to anything."

"I was not a victim of her surprise attacks, so I considered myself rather neutral towards her. That is why I continued to stifle the Baskerville's girls complaints, explaining to them that you were placating Kaname using that method. I even drew them a concept image."

Wait...! What did you do, Jeanne!?

"But despite that their relationship with Kaname did not improve..."

"Like hell it would! Especially after being told about such an idiotic plan!"

"Therefore, I came to the conclusion that we needed a new way to bring her in. We will make her surrender in a duel. Jeanne (what an idiot!) swung her estoc towards Kaname, who seemed totally confused by our conversation. The blade gleamed blue in the moonlight.

"And more than anything, I am doing this because Kaname called me a coward at the burger shop."

Burger shop? What, the MacDonald's? Well, you really were just sneaking around. All of you were.

"I am not a coward. I will show her how I fight, fair and square. Losing to a junior is considered dishonorable in Butei High anyway. I could not turn my back and run from one, no matter what." Despite saying that, you ran away from your juniors during the Ristorante Masque, when they found you in a waitress cosplay, didn't you? Ah, fuck it. There's too many things to lecture her on, I'm just not in the mood.

"Whatever, whatever. Are we counting your battles in Far East Warfare?" Kaname stuck her tongue out at Jeanne. Shirayuki, who had been silent till now (which made her all the more scary,) strode forward, her red geta scraping against the gravel.

"Kin-chan, please get back. Azure particulate concentration is 0% tonight."

Azure particles. Falling like rain from time to time, they were known for their ability to jam special abilities. If there were none tonight...then Shirayuki could use her full strength. That's hugely different from last time, when she couldn't touch Kaname at all.

Kaname. You're in serious trouble this time.

"Well, the ring has been formed. Let us reconfirm the rules." Shirayuki drew her sword. I only noticed it when she mentioned it, but the others had backed off at some point. Only Shirayuki, Jeanne and Kaname were nearby now. To prevent friendly fire, Aria and Riko were standing apart from each other, firing lines off by at least 60 degrees. The last corner of the triangle they formed was Haimaki, lying in wait in the shadow of the gym storage shed. He was wearing a full set of tactical body armour. Though not present, it's safe to say that Reki was taking charge of that angle.

They've come up with a thorough battle plan, huh...

The ring of a Lumberjack can only be made up of less than 10 Butei, but there are no rules as to their placement. The ring that the Baskerville girls had formed was perfect. It was a layer of concentric circles, centred on the area where we stood. First of all, their duelist was Shirayuki, wielding a Japanese blade. Jeanne, the other fighter most versed with close combat, formed the closest circle. Even if Kaname managed to escape the inner circle, the gun savant Aria would cut off her line of escape, while Riko's shotgun suppressed a whole area. The intermediate circle was inescapable. And if by some miracle, Kaname was able to get out, there's no running from Reki's absolute radius. After all even after going into Hysteria Mode, I was unable to run.

"Kaname, you can't do this. There's no way you don't understand the purpose behind these concentric circles. This is their killing ground. You'll never be able to run." Feeling a little nervous about the fact that I was also in the midst of that circle, I warned Kaname using Assault concepts I knew she would understand. But nevertheless, the smile never left Kaname's face.

"I won't blame you for anything. Just apologise, and surrender. I'll take care of the aftermath. I'll somehow convince these guys, so please...don't you know how much danger you're in?" I said, the gravity of the situation apparent from my expression.

"Don't be dumb, Kinji. A dinosaur doesn't back down from an ant. And really, there's no need to provide such a large ring, girls." Kaname said.


Kaname started skipping, skirt flapping in the wind, like she was an elementary schooler playing hopscotch. Her toes dug into the ground, outlining a circle with a five meter radius. Shirayuki, Jeanne and I were all standing inside this circle.

"I'll fight you without leaving this circle. We'll call it my loss if I even stick my little finger out." Hearing this, Shirayuki frowned. Kaname brandished Sonic, its tip pointing towards the moon.

"Viva el cutting edgeneu Schneide. This blade is leagues ahead of your rusting weapons. This is the newest of the new. A soldier armed with this could fight evenly with a T10 Main Battle Tank. Don't you agree, Kinji?" She turned to me, a cute smile on her face. It was like seeing a flower bloom, yet...maybe it was because I had spent a long time together with her, but I understood how she really felt. Instinctively, Kaname's feelings came across to me.

She was bluffing. Kaname was alone. She didn't even have a camerata. The Baskervilles were using enhanced weaponry this time around, and they'd obviously done some investigation on LL concentrations. They were the ones who had picked the date of the duel, after all. And now that they had taken such a perfect formation, Kaname must have been feeling the pressure. I could feel her fear. I didn't want to, but I could. Ah, dammit. I guess I'll have to.

"Aria." Even at this distance I could tell that Aria was furious. A D-shaped blood vessel was popping out of her forehead.

"The cocktails sent to me weren't 9mms. They sent me .50AEs." I drew my desert eagle, showing it to all around.

"You can't stop us, Kinji."

"I've given up on that. You can go ahead and fight till you're satisfied. But what you're doing now? This bullying? I hate it more than anything else."

"We aren't bullying her~ We're taking care of her!" Riko shouted over, hands cupped around her mouth.

"Looks the same to me."

"What are you doing, Tohyama?"

"I'll be Kaname's camerata." I explained to Jeanne, always slow on the uptake, shooting Kaname a glance. Her hands were clasped to her chest, and she was staring at me, eyes wide with shock. When her eyes met mine, she blushed a little, and averted her gaze. I didn't really understand her reaction, but I took it to mean that she had no objections. Seeing Kaname's expression, Shirayuki was grinding her teeth. She seemed like she was about to speak, but hadn't said anything yet, so I took the opportunity to get things rolling.

"Let's go over the rules one more time. This duel will end when either participants admits defeat, or is unable to move. There are no technical knock-outs, even if your limbs go flying. There are no draws. There is no escape. If you run, the ring will send you back to the middle. They can use any method to do so, whether a hard shove or a face full of lead." This reminds me of my days in the Assault division. Maybe not Aria, but this is just like Butei High, and I mean that in the worst possible way.

"Camerata may help out only once, whether it's to prevent the duel from reaching a stalemate, the death of any participant, or for any other reason. After that one instance, they may no longer interfere."

"Yeah, yeah, we all learned the same rules. Is that it?" Aria seemed a bit happy to see me motivated. She just loves to fight.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Then let's begin." Aria said to the two duelists, drawing her black M1911. Shirayuki and Kaname locked eyes, but neither of them made a move. Only the participants could decide when the Lumberjack would start. That was their unassailable privilege. They would begin when they both felt the time was right. It was reminiscent of a fight between wild beasts, or a duel between samurai. We could only wait for time to pass.


Shirayuki took her stance, her sword completely silent as it swung upwards. The blade was nearly complete vertical, and the hilt of the sword was nearly touching her right cheek. She was taking one of five basic kendo stances, the eight-directions. It was rarely used in modern kendo, being more of a traditional stance. However, Shirayuki used it often, preferring it for its efficient movements since she used it in conjunction with her Hotogi arts.

What's your battle plan, Shirayuki?

Kaname's sword can cut through any metal. Even a named sword like Irokaneayame isn't an exception.

"razor sharpI cannot cut what I do not touch..." Kaname muttered, taking her own stance. She pulled her right foot back, standing nearly perpendicular to Shirayuki. Taking hold of its hilt with two hands, she pulled the hilt back to her face, pointing the swordtip straight at Shirayuki. Kaname held it there steadily, parallel to the ground. I had no idea what stance she was taking. That said, it's not likely that you'd seen any of Kaname's techniques in an instruction manual. All I could tell is that it was a fairly active stance. But instinctively, I knew what function that stance served. That stance lacked any kind of guard. And Kaname didn't need to defend, thanks to Sonic's mono-filament edge. Kaname had probably come up with it herself. It was only feasible to use if you held that blade.


They were polar opposites, Shirayuki holding her sword vertically, and Kaname laterally. The air was thick with tension, making it difficult to breathe. Nobody dared to utter a word. Even the crickets had fallen silent. The two duelists' auras were clashing, spilling into the surrounding air...

A fallen leaf flew between them, propelled by a gust of wind. In that instant, Kaname pounced.

Christ, she's good.

She made her move right when the withered leaf had blocked Shirayuki's vision.

"...scarlet flameFlame Wall!" Shirayuki had to defend. She pulled her right hand away from her sword, swinging it to the side in a wide arc. A wall of fire, nearly two meters tall, sprang up in front of Shirayuki.


Even though I was quite a distance away, I felt a dangerous amount of heat radiating from the flames. That wasn't any ordinary fire. Those tongues of flame were white-hot. Looks like Shirayuki wasn't lying when she said that the azure particulate concentration was 0%. Without the particles around to interfere with her abilities, she's like a human flamethrower. Kaname pierced the inferno with her blade, but her body did not follow. She braked, dashing to the left instead. Shirayuki also appeared from the other side of the fire wall, her long black hair flying every which way. I had seen her use this attack when she fought against Jeanne. She was holding Irokaneayame with her right hand, much like an athlete would carry the Olympic torch. Not a bad comparsion, as its blade was wreathed in swirling flame.

"Hotogi Art - ButterflyScarlet Mirror!" Nobody would be able to follow the sword with the naked eye. But the trajectory of the flame surrounding the sword was clear. The blaze split backwards as the blade was swung downwards then upwards in a V-shape, spreading out like the wings of a butterfly. This was Sasaki Kojirou's Swallow ReversalTsubame-gaeshi, except one-handed. However, she had swung Irokaneayame only to scorch Kaname's sword. Shirayuki was trying not to touch Sonic, knowing that if she did, Irokaneayame would be sliced apart.

"Heh." Kaname laughed, seemingly confident in her victory. She swung her sword back, also blindingly fast, and did a backflip, putting some distance between her and Shirayuki. The fluorescent blue light gleaming from her blade traced a beautiful arc in the air.

"That was close."

"Not bad, Kaname." Aria and Riko said. They seemed to have clearly caught what had happened in the previous exchange.


Remaining silent, Shirayuki assumed yet another of the five stances, the middle. Her hilt was lowered to her hips and the tip of the sword pointed directly at Kaname's head. But...

The sash holding up her scarlet hakama was slightly cut, and a long incision had been made on the left side of her white kimono, all the way to her underwear, leaving her undershirt exposed. In that instant, Kaname had struck at Shirayuki twice, once at her abdomen and once at her chest. Kaname landed with the skill of a gymnast.

"Sheesh, one more millimeter and Sonic would have tasted your blood." She happily assumed her stance again. This time though, she kept Sonic's blade further away from her cheek, leaving her stance a little more open.

"Hmph, Trying to heat my up my sword so much that I'd let go?" Sonic was glowing red with heat. There was no way I'd be able to keep hold of any metal that hot. So, Shirayuki hadn't been aimlessly using her Hotogi arts...she was trying to heat Sonic up so much that Kaname had to drop it.

"What a shame. Both this sword and I have gone through heat tolerance tests, time and time again. Even if you heat us up, our performance won't change. It's over." She looked at Shirayuki like a hawk at its pray, and her right foot crushed against the gravel.

"Jeez, you won't be able to sew your limbs back on once if you suffer such horrific burns to the cross-section, y'know? But, you reap what you sow, right?" As Kaname was trying to intimidate her, Shirayuki sheathed her sword, lowering her stance. She was preparing to iai.

Scarlet Hotogi God! No...you shouldn't do that, Shirayuki...!

It takes time to build up enough energy to execute her secret technique - Scarlet Hotogi God. There was no way Kaname would allow her that time. Even if she managed to pull it off, the path of her blade is simple to predict. If Kaname can meet her, blade to blade, she'll cut Irokaneayame, along with Shirayuki, in two. I wouldn't put it past her. Could it be that knowing that...Shirayuki wanted to sacrifice herself to kill Kaname?

"Witch of infernos...burn in your own flame!" Brandishing Sonic, which glowed red-hot, Kaname hurtled forward, kicking the ground underneath her. She shot at Shirayuki like a cannonball.

"You are done, Kaname." Shirayuki started at Kaname from below her fringe, and from behind her...


Shirayuki's cameratara sprinted forth. Wielding Durandal by her hip, Jeanne was hiding its blade with her body.

"Woooow! It's a jet stream attack!" Riko was getting hyped up, spouting out a phrase I had never heard before. The words had scarcely left Riko's lips when Jeanne leaped gracefully over Shirayuki, brandishing Durandal before her.

"...ice flower of Orleansfleur de la glace d'Orleans..." Jeanne chanted softly, and Durandal shined with a blinding electric blue. Diamond dust, tiny particles of ice, glittered around her. Seeing this, Kaname decided she didn't want to take Jeanne head on. She impaled the ground with Sonic, braking as hard as she could, and the blue light, falling just beyond her, froze the ground solid. The subzero temperatures, unaffected by Azure-irokane[1], spread quickly into Kaname's sword.

"...!" Sonic was frozen solid, and the ground beneath Kaname was rapidly freezing as well. Not wanting to be frozen to the floor, Kaname jumped, not releasing her grip on ehr sword. Just one hand on the pommel, she managed to rely on her superhuman athleticism to remain upright. It looked like she was giving some kind of circus performance. Ice was slowly creeping up Sonic's blade, but because it had been so hot before, it only made it up to the handguard before stopping its advance. Kaname, doing a one-handed handstand on her sword, was unharmed.

"Sheesh, you used your camerata? Sorry, she looked so useless that I totally forgot that she existed. But it's too bad, it turns out that she was just as useless as I thought!" Kaname coiled her body like a spring before suddenly releasing that tension. The momentum of her uncoiling sent her, and her sword, flying over Jeanne. Sonic, still frozen like a crystal, was aimed directly at Shirayuki. Kaname was attacking her from above.

"Hotogi Art...secret technique...Scarlet Hotogi God!" Shirayuki, who had been building up energy all the while, met Kaname's attack with a rush of flame. Shearing through the flames like they were air, Sonic rushed to meet Irokaneayame head on.

"...!" Kaname seemed to have noticed something, but it was too late. Sonic clashed with Irokaneayame, and with the sound of breaking glass, it shattered. As it faded away, a dull thud shook the air. As Kaname fell, Shirayuki's sword, clear of flames, sunk into Kaname.

She used the back of her sword! I managed to catch it as Shirayuki had struck Kaname's abdomen with the back of her sword. Hitting the ground, Kaname rolled thrice before coming to a stop, on her hands and knees. She looked up.

"Haaa....haaa...." Tears in her eyes, Kaname tried to gather the fragments of her blade. However, they were red hot again, and her hands recoiled back.

"No way...no way...neu Schneide...there's no way...!" Kaname was too shocked to figure out what had happened, but for once I had an idea. No matter how high-tech it was, Sonic was still made of metal. When metal is heated and cooled and heated and cooled enough times, it becomes brittle. Even Japan's railroads, arguably the most durable in the world, will snap as the metal expands and contracts due to sudden changes in temperature. When such ridiculous amounts of heat and frigidity are applied, the effects are instantaneous. This was the cause for the scene unfolding before us.

"Cherry blossoms are the avatar of transience. There is naught else that bears comparison. They bloom, then scatter. That is the way of the world." Her eyes shut, Shirayuki recited a line from an ancient Japanese poem, sheathing Irokaneayame into its scarlet scabbard. I think that was from the anthology, New Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern. Written by Tokudaiji Sanesada. No idea honestly, my grades in ancient literature suck.

"Looks like we have a winner." Aria span her M1991s before keeping them in the holsters beneath her skirt. You didn't do anything, why do you look so proud? I knelt besides Kaname.

"Kaname, it's over. The 'newest weapons' will be invented again and again, like cherry blossoms springing into bloom, but there are no blossoms that do not scatter. That sword scattered tonight. That's all it is." I dissected the poem Shirayuki had recited, explaining to Kaname how it applied to this situation. If you could see the basis for comparison, then it was really simple to understand, but maybe it was too simple, because Kaname didn't seem to understand. Looking up at me, Kaname still seemed unable to face reality. Her weapon - the strongest, the newest - the cutting edge was broken.

"Uwaaaaah!" She stood up, having completely broken down, and made to attack Shirayuki with her fists. That's way more fitting of a middle school student. Just in case, Shirayuki assumed a defensive stance.

Assuming my role as camerata, I showed Shirayuki my open palm. My desert eagle was dangling from my index finger, which was inserted into the trigger guard. A gesture commonly used by Butei and the American police, it showed that I had no intention of shooting. It was a gesture of surrender. Stopping Kaname's protests with my other hand, I flicked my gaze downwards, urging her to look down. Below us was the circle that Kaname had drawn with her toes, saying that it was her loss if she stuck even a little finger out. And one of Kaname's feet lay outside.

It had been Shirayuki's intention to push her out of the circle by smashing her with the hilt of the sword.

"Abide by your word." I said sternly. Tears welled up in Kaname's eyes, but she resisted. She resisted. She resisted. But finally...

"Uwaaah...Uwaaaaaaaaaaaah!" She started crying, in a very middle school student-like way. I guess she couldn't bear to be shamed so badly in front of me. What should I do though? She won't stop crying.

"Ohh, you made her cry, you made her cry~ I'm going to tell the teachers!" Riko came skipping over, running circles around Shirayuki and I. Goddammit, Riko. Weren't you the first to approve of beating Kaname up? ...At least the heavy mood was lifted a bit. It felt like I was in a warzone just now. And to be fair, I can see on Riko's face that she thinks that they've picked on Kaname enough. I guess she could tell that the mood sucked, and tried to lighten things up a little. She has great social skills, unlike Aria and I. We just sort of looked at each other, completely at a loss. Haimaki walked over and licked Kaname on the cheek, like he was trying to comfort her. Even a dog is more sociable than Aria and I.

On the other hand, Haimaki's owner, who ranked even lower than Aria and I on the social skills scale, climbed down from the sakura tree at the edge of the school grounds, Dragunov rifle on her shoulder. Reki was closer than I thought.

"Kaname, you have great skill. I only just noticed that you launched a counterattack. If I had been slightly off, I would have been cut down." Jeanne said, squatting next to Kaname.

I-I can see everything!

I looked away quickly. She didn't seem to care, but Jeanne's bulletproof uniform had suffered a long vertical cut, and had completely split open. She didn't seem injured, but her bra straps were completely exposed. That, and her porcelain white skin. H-How do bras work anyway? Aria's bras had hooks at the front, which I can understand, but...how can the clasp be on the back?

"As strong as expected. I would accept no less of Kin-chan's little sister." Shirayuki had secured the damaged side of her Miko kimono with a safety pin she had managed to produce. She was now smiling gently at Kaname, who was still sobbing. Kaname remained silent, but she heard the phrase 'Kin-chan's little sister' loud and clear, and she nodded in response. Alright, I'd had enough of that.

"Don't praise her like that. Being strong or weak has no meaning off of Academy Island." I told Jeanne and Shirayuki off, and the tension finally bled away.

Right after, the demon of vengeance, Aria, spoke to me.

"Coffee, Kinji." I had a feeling that Aria would challenge me to a Lumberjack if I took too long, so I had to get Mutou to come over with some, apologising to him because it was so late. I couldn't tell him that we were having a duel, so I told him that I was watching the moon. And that there were girls. He told me that he'd be here in 5, but didn't have anything but can coffee. I asked Aria as politely as I could if it was okay with her, and was met with this reply:

"You're useless. Your future worries me." She proceeded to criticise me, starting with this comment. I couldn't bear to listen, but it wasn't like I had a choice. After she was finished, she called one of her juniors in Assault to get her some. This lazy noble sure is used to delegating her work. In the end, Mutou really managed to arrive in five minutes, carrying Akari Mamiya - Aria's amica - in his minivan. Mamiya was the thorough type, and had brought 10 different coffee pots with her, each with a different blend. And so, a lie became the truth. We really did watch the moon that night. Coincidentally, Mamiya was shorter and flatter than Aria. The rarely found high school student with a kindergartner's body. Her hair was short, and done up in twintails, making her seem even more childish. Her neurons must be wired weirdly, because she has abnormal levels of respect for Aria, and does whatever she says without objection.

"It's getting late, so please stay away from Aria-senpai...or just stay away from all girls, Tohyama-senpai." For some reason, she sees me as an enemy though. Definitely one of the girls I would not want to run into on the street. But seriously, only Butei would believe that we were gathered here to watch the moon. I'm glad that you're enjoying being by Aria's side and pouring her coffee, but don't you think it's weird that it smells like there was a forest fire here?

"..." Feeling excluded because of Mamiya, I excused myself from the ring of girls and sat down on the ground. I had some coffee, but it was kinda watery. Mutou had gone to buy some dango suitable for moon-watching. I hoped that he would be back soon. Kaname had lowered the cloth-like weapon, magnetically propelled fiber-shieldP-Fibre, to the floor. She had had it hovering above during the fight. Sitting down next to it, she seemed to be indicating that the rest should join her. So that's what they did. Using the cloth as a picnic sheet, they started their girls' night out. I looked over, worried about how Kaname was doing...she was drinking a caramel macchiato. I guess she had finally calmed down. I guess it was getting pretty late, 'cause I saw Mamiya hugging her knees and dozing off.

"Why didn't you use this tonight, Kaname?" Aria, who had suffered so much from the weapon before, asked.

"...'Cause Shirayuki only used one weapon. This wasn't like the first time. This was a duel, not a fight. So I thought that I should use only one weapon as well. It would be cowardly if I was the only one to use multiple swords." Kaname glanced at Shirayuki before she spoke. Well, I guess she had mentioned it before at the MacDonald's. She was just abiding by what I had said: "There are no cowards in the Tohyama clan."

"...Yes, I suppose so." Hearing this, Shirayuki seemed to look at Kaname in a new light, her animosity forgotten. She took a fragment of the broken Sonic, which now resembled a silver crystal, and wrapped it in a Japanese cloth before passing it to Kaname.

"A sword is a warrior's soul. I could feel it in your blade. It was proud and noble. It was beautiful."

"Shirayuki..." Accepting the fragment, Kaname gazed up at Shirayuki with eyes of respect. It was almost like they were really sisters.

"...Kinda like how you tell your opponent your name after a fight, yeah?" I turned to look behind, where the yakuza movie line had come from. Mutou, plate of dango in hand, had returned. Passing the plate to Shirayuki, he sat down beside me.

"You just held a Lumberjack, right?" I guess he knew from the start.

"Don't tell anyone, alright? Even if they turn a blind eye, the Masters have been pretty annoying recently."

"I won't dude. I support it after all." Speaking with a bit of innuendo, Mutou and I ate the rest of the dango.

"Hehehe, makes you think back, doesn't it Kinji?"

"Don't laugh like that, it's weirding me out."

"You're laughing too, bud." The truth is, Mutou was the one who I had had an unarmed Lumberjack with, right after I enrolled. Why is it that happened again? I'm pretty sure that Mutou was triggered by something that Shirayuki had said. I underestimated him since he was in Logi, but the difference in build made it a tough battle. He was pretty good at a lot of throw. The force of his T-Bone suplex made my head spin. That's something I could do without experiencing again. We fought till we were both about to drop, having been pushed back into the centre time after time. The ring was made up of Shiranui and Riko, but I forgot which one of us won. I don't know why, but Mutou and I started hanging out after that. Doesn't really make sense to become friends after fighting, but...I guess that's how relationships work in Butei High. Everything is so clumsy and dated.

It was decided that we would continue our after-duel talk some other time. Shirayuki and Aria went back to their own rooms, and Kaname and I went back to mine. We walked home, under the streetlights and listening to the cicadas chirping.

"Kinji." Kaname, walking beside me, spoke first.


"Thank you for being my camerata...my ally. When you said that you'd be my camerata, I was...really happy."

"You lost because of me though?" I decided to be the first to voice it. When Jeanne had used la fleur de la glace d'Orleans, Kaname could have completely dodged it if she had pulled out her blade earlier. She didn't because I was directly behind her...she thought to slow the spread of the ice with her blade, which was extremely hot. This was why Sonic was completely frozen, resulting in its brittleness. It was Kaname's mistake to fight so Jeanne's line of fire could affect the two of us, but if I hadn't volunteered to be her camerata, there might have been a very different conclusion.

"No. A little sister protecting her brother is...it's natural. It's natural for someone to protect their family." Kaname shook her head, her hair swaying left and right. When I heard that, I had the feeling that Kaname could be my real...

"..." I stopped, looking down at her. Kaname had stopped walking as well, and her ocean-blue eyes were staring up at me.

Like a real little sister, looking up at her brother.

Translator's Notes and References

  1. Hihi-irokane, (henceforth translated as Scarlet-Irokane,) is a mythical metal in Japanese history. Azure-Irokane would be its fictional counterpart. This is the same basis for the azure particles mentioned previously in this chapter.