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Hello, I don't think there's much that can be done other than for grunts like me or admins to come by and delete them. --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh#top|talk]]) 19:51, 18 February 2015 (CST)
Hello, I don't think there's much that can be done other than for grunts like me or admins to come by and delete them. --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh#top|talk]]) 19:51, 18 February 2015 (CST)
What most annoys me about spam users/pages is the clutter it adds to the recent changes page. Selecting "User" as namespace and inverting it filters out user creation, but there are still all the junk pages in the list. :/ Is there something simple that would help people like you with the deletion process? Anyways, thank you, to you and other grunts and the admins who help keep this site running smoothly. Keep it up. [[User:GSC|GSC]] ([[User talk:GSC|talk]]) 05:42, 13 March 2015 (CDT)

Revision as of 12:42, 13 March 2015

Editor Commentary

Proper usage of Sentence Fragments http://grammar.about.com/od/rhetoricstyle/a/effectivefrag.htm

--Tasear (talk) 20:31, 1 February 2014 (CST)

Okay, I made a mistake in my understanding. I believe you are talking about

"Hello World"

"Hello World!"

I read more on it and in all most all cases you are correct. I will mention something in discussion before I do any reverts.



This wouldn't require punctuation. There are few other cases but I can leave that in main discussion. Most of my mine are mistakes while involving short dialouge. Thank you for catching this for me. I will be sure to note it in the future. :)

(Old) Index consistency editing

I spent a bit of effort attempting to make Index more consistent between volumes. I've deleted much of that list and comments, but if you're reviewing those edits for whatever reason, you can find the list and and comments in the history for this page (earlier than the following time stamp). --Cthaeh (talk) 19:50, 20 December 2013 (CST)

Still unresolved

The following items I didn't fix when I did my editing, because I either discovered it while editing, wasn't satisfied that I knew which one was right, or felt it was just too much of a pain to do. This list might be helpful to anyone who wants to do similar consistency editing to tamni, which will not be me in the foreseeable future. It probably will never be used, but I would feel bad throwing it away.

A Continued Conversation

Hey Cthaeh, I am just continuing our PM conversation from AS here as per your suggestion.

So about having words on words: It was never my goal to inconvenience others with my edits. As you could tell by looking at the calendar I uploaded, I have a higher tolerance towards detail than others would like. I wanted to make my edits benefit the translation and the Index LN readers rathre than hinder them. As such, I am going to have a major rethink on how to go about working with these alternately pronounced words. I actually understand the angle at which you are approaching the issue; it can be a distraction when reading. Seeing furigana on words all the time would bring about a headache. Like you said in your earlier PM, there are a lot of words for which the base kanji is only slightly different from what is spoken and very little extra information is given. In such a case, I wouldn't include it either, or only include it for the first use of the word. e.g. Illusion DestroyerImagine Breaker only for the first time in the entire series.
Another issue that may be annoying to deal with is that of the furigana being squeezed between the two lines in blocks of text like the given example. Sometimes there is overlap, which increases the difficulty of reading and makes the aforementioned headache worse. It would be unwise to have furigana in such a scenario.
Lastly the use of bold text for the base words: I was just experimenting to see if it was a viable option (for the app) and have yet to change it back. After looking at it and hearing your opinion on it, I dont like it either. The specific example you used, Asociacion di Cienia, was bolded to highlight what was actually pronounced. No need to worry about it, that particular example doesn't even need furigana going by the above criteria. If no one changes it by the time I get to it, I will do it myself.

In the end, I may be able to avoid the excessive use of furigana by making clever use of the ref tag. I can create a reference group for alternate pronounciations and stuff all of the furigana there while listing them at the bottom of the chapter page with the other notes; its seems like a better choice. Though I still plan on using furigana for at least some of the one-off or rarely used phrases in the series.

e.g. Dragon King's Killing BreathDragon Breath ... Actually, bad example. If the furigana is longer than the base, then I will also put it into the alt references. Like so:

Dragon Breath[alt 1]

  1. Kanji: Killing Breath of the Dragon King

If I do things like this, I may be able to minimize the use of furigana as much as possible. However, some important ones do need to be there, like the epic line from Touma at the end of Volume 3 Chapter 4. I can also include translations of other terms not in english within the alt references. Essentially, all(majority) of the headache inducing furigana will be at the bottom of the page for those who actually click the the footnote. As long as you don't click them, no headaches. This would also fall in line with my goal of fixing up the notes section across all volumes. What do you think of this new method? If I create another ref group for the other references, then I think this method will work well for the Index series. It would also be good to get feedback from the other translators and editors.--OH&S (talk) 08:48, 18 September 2013 (CDT)

I think references is probably the best compromise between those who want the extra information, and those who don't want to be distracted while reading. I think excess references in the text can also be distracting as well (though not as much), so my personal preference would still be to leave out unnecessary terms, and to only reference the first occurrence if it as least somewhat important. The example of Dragon Breath (Dragon King's Killing Breath) is one that I personally wouldn't consider it important enough to get a reference even on the first occurrence. Though obviously opinions will differ on what is important.
One idea might be to make a list of all furigana terms on a separate page (linked from the main project page), and then those who are interested could still see all the terms that use furigana, including those that weren't important enough to get references. What I'm imagining is a new page with a sortable list (see this page for an example of the wikitable sortable format), with columns <vX-cY (first appearance)> - <kanji translation> - <furigana translation>. That way people would be able to sort by first appearance and look up such terms for a given volume, or sort by name to look up if they forgot the first occurrence. Though I don't know if such list on a separate page would be a satisfactory method of providing the extra information from the perspective of those who want that extra information. --Cthaeh (talk) 19:40, 18 September 2013 (CDT)
Well I think the best course of action is to forget about the furigana edits for now and for me to do my edits for Volume 1 and 2. Then go back and make furigana related edits afterwards as a trial. After we can come to an agreement on how to go about furigana edits. I can continue with the designated format. How does that sound?--OH&S (talk) 21:02, 18 September 2013 (CDT)
Sure. Though if you wanted to include your furigana related edits in your first pass, I think that'd be fine too. And others might have opinions to contribute as well; my opinion isn't all that important beyond representing readers who may be like me. --Cthaeh (talk) 21:38, 18 September 2013 (CDT)
Well, regardless of what happens, Volumes 1 and 2 will function as the trial.--OH&S (talk) 22:13, 18 September 2013 (CDT)

General Comments

Thanks for the heads up on the Log Horizon illustrations.--Drowzycow (talk) 20:42, 13 November 2013 (CST)

I have replied to your PM on Animesuki--OH&S (talk) 23:33, 2 December 2013 (CST)
I have made the requested changes. I also responded on Animesuki--OH&S (talk) 00:47, 3 December 2013 (CST)

Hello Cthaeh, I thought you would like an update regarding my recent edits to the main page. I added onto the page discussion here. There is a bit of me repeating what I have already told you but there are a few more thoughts there.--OH&S (talk) 01:54, 6 December 2013 (CST)

Cthaeh, would it be possible to hear some feedback from you regarding the recent changes I made to the Index Main Page (on the page discussion)? Thank you.--OH&S (talk) 19:11, 10 December 2013 (CST)
Thanks for the feedback. Ive put my thoughts about it in the discussion page. You don't need to reply to this.--OH&S (talk) 22:58, 10 December 2013 (CST)
I have updated the main page yet again with a small list changes put on the discussion page. Thinngs look much better now. Thanks again.--OH&S (talk) 23:58, 10 December 2013 (CST)

Thanks for adding the image link, I was staring for quote some minutes at the page when I did it and thought "I know there's something missing..." :D -cautr (talk) 03:58, 16 December 2013 (CST)

Thanks for the heads up. Am always trying to identify hanging quotes. Some are impossible but that one was solved by looking up the original. --Aoi uchuu (talk) 00:43, 18 January 2014 (CST)

I'm thinking of editing another Index volume in the veins of Volumes 1 and 2. Which of the novels in particular would you like to see edited, or think I ought to, stylistic, Cthaeh? --Skies (talk) 20:31, 27 January 2014 (CST)

I do have 16 done, but I was fairly liberal with the text and it would require a TL check at some point. I think volumes that are the most difficult to read might be best. I feel fewer misgivings about messing up translations when the translations are already questionable. --Skies (talk) 23:54, 27 January 2014 (CST)

Thanks for you continued support of Rakuin no Monshou. Since you've already made a considerable amount of edit, I'd like to add you to the editors list. Is that okay with you? Also, I seem to have missed some of your comments so I'm going back to read them all. Detalz and I both use Google Drive to TLC each other and improve the quality - PM me if you want to join in. But you can also keep things as is. Either way's fine. --Dohma (talk) 09:26, 22 February 2014 (CST)

It's been like forever but thanks for fixing that for me. Sorry for the inconvenience. --Tasear (talk) 06:33, 14 March 2014 (CDT)

I agree with everything you have said regarding the Project Manager issue. I put my name there more as a safeguard than actually wanting any authority; I'm sure js06 would technically be the better candidate. I don't really foresee any significant change occuring for the Index Project Page; after 5 years we have pretty much figured out how things should run. As long as js06 is consulted on matters and we don't inconvenience him things should continue as they normally do. Really, the significant changes have already been made with my front page edits and any feedback I've gotten regarding them is positive. Hypothetically, if something significant does come up I will always raise it with the other editors on the Index Talk Page. The only thing that I could possibly think of that may cause debate amongst the editors is the possible inclusion of a Characters Introduction section on the front page in the case we get an Index III anime announcement on Thursday. I'd push for it, but I know you and Skies disagree. Regardless, we'll cross that bridge when the time comes.So in summary, my name is there not for absolute authority but for absolute protection of the page. I'll always consult others if something does come up. If a truly better qualified person wants to take over, s/he can go right ahead. I agree with your final sentence about the special case. There's only one thing that needs to be decided: how we determine who the active contributors are. Its pretty vague at this stage. If you and me are considered active contributors, why aren't our names on the project staff (aside from me just recently)? Figure this out and things will work fine.--OH&S (talk) 23:44, 6 April 2014 (CDT)

We'll see how the active contributors list works out later. I don't think that it is an issue right now. As for the character's introduction, your compromise sounds reasonable. My own suggestion is to put the section in another collapsible wikitable (closed on load) like the awards section (essentialy the template on my user page). That way clutter is minimized. Either way, we'll cross that bridge when the time comes so there's no reason to discuss a hypothetical situation right now.--OH&S (talk) 20:41, 7 April 2014 (CDT)

I see what you mean now about the sentence. I will fix that. Thank you ;) --Tasear (talk) 21:42, 4 August 2014 (CDT)

Thank you for pointing out my mistake in editing Rakuin no Monshou. I somehow missed that guideline and apologize for inconveniencing you with having to undo the edits. I will be sure read the guidelines more closely in the future. I have undone some of them, but it seems you have undone the rest. I apologize if this isn't the proper way to send you a message, I'm still figuring out the Baka Tsuki format. Dezz (talk) 18:13, 5 October 2014 (CDT)

HSDxD - Spanish

I haven't noticed it, thanks. I'll handle it, I guess... - Misogi (talk) 09:06, 30 July 2014 (CDT)

Re:Joining projects and starting new ones

Hey it's jsmi47 here. Thanks for your advice. I went through your links and they were a great help. With this I hope to become a major contribution to the site. ^^ so yeah. thanks.

Sobre la traducción de black bullet

porque rayos borraron la traducciones de los últimos volúmenes en ingles, estoy tratando de deshacer eso pero borro mucho

The translator choose to remove it. I can't help you. --Cthaeh (talk) 11:19, 11 January 2015 (CST)


Hello Cthaeh just joined back to help with minor corrections that I come across. Wondering if there was anything I do to help with the spam users and garbage texts? Nonus (talk) 19:50, 18 February 2015 (CST)

Hello, I don't think there's much that can be done other than for grunts like me or admins to come by and delete them. --Cthaeh (talk) 19:51, 18 February 2015 (CST)

What most annoys me about spam users/pages is the clutter it adds to the recent changes page. Selecting "User" as namespace and inverting it filters out user creation, but there are still all the junk pages in the list. :/ Is there something simple that would help people like you with the deletion process? Anyways, thank you, to you and other grunts and the admins who help keep this site running smoothly. Keep it up. GSC (talk) 05:42, 13 March 2015 (CDT)