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Frenda continued to complain while grabbing a nearby tarp.
Frenda continued to complain while grabbing a nearby tarp.
“Newbie, you help too. In the end, you can stick your hand in a shopping bag in place of rubber gloves. We have three corpses here. This electronics district is full of all sorts of junk and they sell everything from giant speakers to unspeakable life-sized electronic dolls covered in silicone, so if we wrap them up in tarps and cart them around, on one will know anything’s wrong!!”
“Newbie, you help too. In the end, you can stick your hand in a shopping bag in place of rubber gloves. We have three corpses here. This electronics district is full of all sorts of junk and they sell everything from giant speakers to unspeakable life-sized electronic dolls covered in silicone, so if we wrap them up in tarps and cart them around, no one will know anything’s wrong!!”
“Eh? I thought we super let the support organization clean up the corpses?”
“Eh? I thought we super let the support organization clean up the corpses?”

Latest revision as of 12:46, 1 September 2023

This is the hard-to-believe story of a very real scam that occurred in Academy City.

But not all conflicts involve killing.

Prologue: The Girls Resolve Their Job Like a Puzzle[edit]

“And that moron threw out the bloody rubber gloves he’d used for the killing. In the end, he just doesn’t get it. Can’t he use even an ounce of brainpower to imagine what’s going to happen? Your fingerprints are all over the inside of those gloves! Those gloves are thin, so you could at least soak them in alcohol and burn them!!”

“What movie are you super bashing now?”

“Kinuhata, this actually happened.

It was August 3, 10:30 AM, in Academy City, located in western Tokyo and home to 2.3 million people.

A loud spraying sound echoed across the city full of skyscrapers.

“Ah ha ha ha!! You’d better speed it up! The big, bad wolf is coming for you!!!”

Mugino Shizuri cackled while several beams of lights flashed out.

A helicopter exploded, scattering wreckage and marring the midsummer sky with flames. There were some screams as well, but in this case, being killed by the explosion was a mercy. After all, even the three-bladed wind turbines were a long way down from here. Anyone not dead yet would be forced to live the entire drop to the ground.

Below the shining summer sun and blue sky, Takitsubo Rikou spoke quietly while flying in that same airspace 50m up from the ground.

“Mugino is getting high off her battle addiction. Someone should probably move in and stop her.”

“Not it.” “Not it.”

Frenda Seivelun and Kinuhata Saiai replied at the exact same moment.

“Mugino is in a good mood given that our plan to disguise ourselves as arms dealers failed and our target got away.”

“In the end, when she screws up, she enjoys working even harder to try again. Which, in our leader’s case, is a very dangerous thing.”

Takitsubo turned her head to check the shoulder straps of the spherical object she wore on her back. Basically, it was a homemade jetpack that provided buoyancy with a giant advertising balloon made of bulletproof material and provided speed with multiple axial jet engines the size of coffee cans.

When blasting the four narrow jets of fire, the overall silhouette made it look like she was wearing the world’s first round satellite as a backpack. Although it was oriented backwards compared to a real satellite.

When inflated, it had a diameter of about a meter, but when deflated and folded, it was portable enough to fit in a school bag. And even at that size, it could produce speeds of 500km/h, so a civilian helicopter could not escape.

“By the way, Frenda, I didn’t realize you made things like this. I thought you only made bombs,” said Takitsubo.

“Ballistic ones are tricky, but the combustion for cruise ones isn’t that difficult. In the end, if you direct the flames and gasses produced by explosives, you have yourself an engine. Admittedly, it wasn’t that long ago all I had a was an execution firework that was only good for putting on a victim’s back and launching them into the stratosphere. The computer chip craft kits they sell at large bookstores these days can be dangerous in the wrong hands. They’re a little expensive compared to searching the junk shops for parts, but they’re a treasure trove of usable cutting-edge parts! You could probably design yourself a cheap WLAN-controlled tablet with those. Thanks to that, I was able to use a simple AI program for all the nitpicky little calculations needed for adjusting the jets.”

“This is fun.”

“She asked and then she didn’t listen to a word I said, did she? Well, as long as she likes it.”

“It’s so weird feeling liberated from your own body’s weight.”

“…That wasn’t a super-uncalled-for dig at us for our chest sizes, was it?”

Piloting their jetpacks was a lot more relaxed than with an airplane, but a life-or-death battle was still underway.

Their target was on the run. They pursued a total of three small egg-shaped helicopters that seemed like symbols of fame and fortune. One of them was falling apart in midair after being hit by a fearsome beam of light. Two remained, but even if they were packed full, that was less than 10 enemies in all.

The view was so overwhelming it was easy to forget that this had been caused by nothing more than distorting one’s “perception” in the quantum physics sense.

Takitsubo blinked twice and expressionlessly focused on her small mic.

“Mugino, the civilians will see this if we leave the Particle Belt. Finish this before that happens.”

“Ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha! It’s me! The big! Bad! Wolf!! …The particle what?”

“In the end, all the building windows reflect the sunlight like mirrors and that combines with the faint smoke particles coming from the automatic factories to create an irregular reflection effect. Basically, if we’re in that belt of distorted light, our identities will be obscured even if someone on the ground films us with their phone.”

This was a characteristic of the Academy City summer that had been discovered when researching complaints that the large blimp displays looked weirdly distorted on especially hot days.

And the enemy wasn’t just going to let these girls defeat them. The helicopter’s side door opened and a 12.7mm heavy machinegun emerged. A fearsome array of giant bullets shot out, but Mugino kicked off a building wall to rapidly accelerate. The bullets shattered several tempered glass windows, but she jumped from the wall before they could catch up and she worked to mess with the enemy’s aim.

“Wow, that’s super awful. That’s a civilian building they’re turning to Swiss cheese!”

“Kinuhata. That buildings is the HQ of a seafood izakaya chain that killed someone by mislabeling their ingredients and managed to weasel out of being prosecuted for it. The dark side won’t dock us points for this – if anything, they might give us a bonus.”

That said, their demon queen likely didn’t care as long as she got to enjoy a fun fight and some delightful killing.

What was their objective here again?

The battle was so one-sided Kinuhata Saiai found herself staring into the middle distance despite being in a battle.

“The enemy is called Mutual Acquaintance, right?”

“In the end, that’s right. Mutual Acquaintance is an odd-jobs service for the entertainment industry. Whether you’re a famous reporter who shoved your mistress off your apartment balcony when you were a little too drunk one night or you’re a beautiful actress who accidentally killed a company president with a glass ashtray when you were only trying to stop him from sexually harassing you, you call these guys to clean up the mess before the online news and the tabloids get wind of what’s going on and your career is in ruins. I believe they work out of a stunt agency, which gives them access to TV stations. They started out as specialists in getting a lookalike to confess to the crime in place of their client, but as their skills improved, they evolved into taking on all sorts jobs they could safely complete without anyone getting arrested.”

Of course, “safely” here was only in the selfish sense that criminals used.

How many innocent people had their lives ruined to protect the smiles of entertainers with skeletons in their closet? After all, you didn’t earn “multiple personal helicopters” money without taking on a ton of highly unethical work. And since Item had been called in, inconvenient witnesses disappearing or dying in unlikely accidents was only the beginning of that group’s work. They specialized in getting a victim loaded up on alcohol in the wee hours of the morning and then shoving them head-first into an exposed transformer.

“God, I was wondering how they managed it when idols and actors are so super well-guarded that even the dark side has a hard time getting close to them. But a stunt agency? Yeah, there’s no defending against it when part of your own industry is super corrupt.”

“Kinuhata, did you want an autograph because you’re a film buff?”

Kinuhata wasn’t sure what she had said that would give Takitsubo that idea, but she hated how the girl would sometimes see right through to the real reason she was complaining.

Something blotted out the sun overhead.

It was Mugino Shizuri. After descending behind them, their leader’s staticky voice reached their earphones.

“Hey, I’m not doing all the work when we all get the same share of the pay. So get your asses out there and do some work before I Meltdowner you.”

“You’re the one who super charged in on your own.”

“In the end, our demon queen is just feeling lonely.”

“Mugino is so nice to make sure we all get our turn in the spotlight.”

Since their enemies were airborne, the fleeing helicopters had no choice but to dangerously weave between the buildings. Their own main rotor would get in the way of the heavy machinegun in the side door, so they couldn’t fire up at too steep an angle. And once their movement was restricted, they had as good as lost.

“Okay, how about we super get started?”

“I would like it if you ended this before lonely Mugino shoots down the moon.”

With that call of support from Takitsubo Rikou (who was in charge of targeting support since she could read people’s AIM Diffusion Fields but didn’t have much to do when they were up against non-esper adults), Kinuhata and Frenda turned at a sharp angle to pursue the helicopters. Frenda was armed with bombs and rockets, but Kinuhata only had her own body. She didn’t even cover her own face as she charged toward the side of a rapidly fleeing helicopter.

And she tore right through the aluminum wall.

Now she was breathing the same air as the tuxedo-wearing soldiers who were busy trying to swap out the overheated gun barrel. Their eyes met for just a moment. She saw their looks of desperation as they did everything they could to cling to life.

Then the helicopter exploded.

Her power was Level 4 Offense Armor, which let her surround herself with a thick gas barrier, so an exploding grenade or car wasn’t enough to kill her.



“You idiot! You protected yourself, but in the end, your jetpack was entirely exposed!!”

A hole must have been blown in the giant balloon portion because Kinuhata began an unsteady fall. Frenda clicked her tongue, abandoned pursuit of the final enemy helicopter, and rapidly descended to collect her teammate.

Kinuhata must have thought Offense Armor would defend her from the impact after the fall because she didn’t seem concerned.

“I’m beginning to think these homemade gadgets are super dangerous.”

“In the end, I call this user error!! Follow the directions and it works just fine!!”

Frenda managed to catch Kinuhata and they gently landed in District 19.

Frenda held Kinuhata in her arms and collapsed onto pavement that felt like a frying pan, where she stared into the distance for a while. Her eyes followed the slow rotation of the wind turbine that seemed to be staring back down at her.

They were in an old-fashioned district that was “intentionally left in the past” and seemed like the perfect place for steam and vacuum tubes. The Mugino-Takitsubo duo must have done something because the final helicopter fell a short distance away, trailing black smoke.

They both heard a staticky voice in their ears.

“Mugino failed to kill the target.”


“She was so irritated by the soldiers running around that she knocked one down, climbed on top of him, pinned him down with both hands, and fired her Mugino Cannon from her mouth. Unfortunately, that gave our real target time to escape.”

Frenda and Kinuhata were very glad they hadn’t been present for that, but they didn’t dare say so.

“Mugino is not happy and blames you two for crashing and failing to set up a perimeter. She says you’ll need to be punished if you let our target escape, so consider yourselves warned.”

“Ehhh!? In the end, that means she’s going to tie up our ***** with ****, cover our **** with grated yams, drag us out onto the high-level balcony where there’s no escape, and spend all day ****ing us like that! It itches more than it hurts, but it’s still hell on Earth!!”

“Yikes, girls are super ruthless with each other, huh?”

Frenda and Kinuhata scrambled to their feet and got back to work.

On the ground, their jetpacks were only a hindrance. They folded them up as small as they would go and put them in their pockets.

Kinuhata wiped the sweat that only now started to form on her brow.

“Whew, the heat is so bad on the ground. Is this what they call a super heat island?”

“It’s almost noon in August. It’s not going to be as cool as it was flying around up in the sky where there’s actually a chilly breeze.”

Frenda managed that with a smile, but only because she was wearing a white summer dress inside a thin poncho. The sweat soaking it from within allowed a risqué amount of her bright skin to show through.

After sharing a can of antiperspirant spray that they weren’t sure would help much at this point, the two of them took a look around and found themselves in an electronics district with dark smoke rising from it. High-tech Academy City had several areas called electronics districts, but this was the non-cutting edge one. Metal storage containers were stacked up between rundown multi-tenant buildings and they had all been converted into mysterious little shops that sold capacitors, resisters, transistors, and other electronic components of dubious origin separated out into small baskets or boxes.


For some reason, Kinuhata Saiai’s eyes lit up as she viewed the labyrinth of junk. Her gaze was drawn to a certain glass component that came in a variety of sizes: vacuum tubes.

“What?” Frenda looked skeptical. “In the end, are you the type to mess with electronics with a soldering iron in hand?”

“If I ever need to do that, I’ll super ask you to teach me how, Miss Bomber. But since we did just get a new hideout, I was wondering what to do about the audio equipment for our home theater system. If I want to super do it right, a vacuum tube amp would be the way to go, wouldn’t it?”

Frenda instinctually sensed that Kinuhata would never shut up if she asked any questions here. For one thing, no one had said a word about building a home theater system, but this film buff was already fantasizing about one.

“Are the legends super true that this place doesn’t have a single convenience store or restaurant?”

“They are. It’s an old-fashioned electronics district, so in the end, the best you’ll find are some vending machines at the back of an alley. And those will only be selling scary things like canned oden. But as long as they have canned mackerel, I don’t care.”

So said the freak who could stake out a target for three days straight as long as she had sufficient cans of mackerel.

But nerds searching out pixel-art side-scrolling retro games in an age of VR and 3D were not the only ones here. Band members with brightly dyed hair were looking for old amps and synthesizers and an Einstein-ish college-professor-looking man was spending the day searching for some kind of materials. Was he building a giant robot back home?

And Frenda herself hurried behind a container’s open door after spotting something.

“Hm? Did you super find Mutual Acquaintance?”

“What is my sister doing here?”

Frenda had tears in her eyes and was behaving so timidly it was hard to believe this was the same professional who loved using bombs to toy with her prey before killing them.

Kinuhata gave her a curious look before turning her gaze back to the crowd. A short distance away, she saw a blonde girl pouting her lips in a baggy T-shirt dress tightened with a belt around the hips, red leggings, and a distinctive beret. This was a rare case where tiny Kinuhata was the older one.

“Ehh? But I’m already tired. In the first place, why are we even here?”

“You said you wanted to play the first entry in the Mariho Bros. series on original hardware, remember? For your summer break research project! I had an old console in storage, but its video output goes through the TV’s antenna line, so it won’t work with modern digital TVs.”

“Oh, I’ve heard of that. In the first place, turning the TV to channel 2 to play games is part of Japanese culture!”

A small boy and girl – age 10 at the most – were holding some kind of serious discussion based on their expressions. Frenda noted (in an attempt to ignore her current predicament) that culture had evolved a lot if video games were being used for school homework. Both sisters were blonde-haired, blue-eyed foreigners, so maybe the teacher was only allowing it as a way for the girl to learn about Japanese culture.

“In the first place, did you know this? Heh heh. People don’t just say he’s a plumber – it’s official lore.”

“I introduced you to the series, so I already know all of that.”

Kinuhata Saiai tilted her head.

“Who’s the boy with her? A boyfriend your sister snagged by super hitting him with chocolate on Valentine’s day?”

“That’s Kanou Shinka. A friend of mine.”

“How wide is your social circle? Anyway, see those men limping within 15m of those two? Those are definitely Mutual Acquaintance members who survived the crash. Hide here much longer and those two will be super dragged into the fight!!”

Frenda Seivelun clicked her tongue.

Then she pulled a cylindrical object from within her short skirt, pulled the pin with her mouth, and rolled it along the ground.

The color white exploded.

The light was a million candelas and the sound 200 decibels.

She had used a stun grenade.

A professional would of course have countermeasures ready, but that wasn’t an issue this time. Frenda’s goal was to blind and deafen the civilians. The stacked container shops meant fixed surveillance cameras were useless here and there were no drum-shaped security robots around.

So in this case, there were no witnesses even with hundreds of people here.

Frenda Seivelun ducked low, took a breath, and took off running. On her way past the small boy, she whispered in his ear.

Even though he could never hear her with his eyes and ears incapacitated.

“(In the end, thanks for looking after my sister since I can’t☆)”

Being too perfect could be a problem in its own right.

If she had failed here, those two young children would have learned the truth, which might very well have changed her future.

Frenda continued onward and shoved an explosive into the face of the flustered man in front of her. She swept his feet out from under him, stared down at the small explosive inside his mouth, and triggered the wireless detonator.

Another man panicked and pulled a gun after seeing his companion’s head blown off, but then he saw the bizarre sight of his own arm bending 180 degrees outwards. Kinuhata had boosted her arm strength with Offense Armor to bend and break the man’s bones and joints before forcing him to shoot himself in the head with his own gun.

That left only one.

He swung a 30cm oblong metal box like a butterfly knife and transformed into a semiauto shotgun. That wasn’t a gun designed for taking careful aim. If he fired that wildly, he could easily hit Frenda’s sister.

A voice reached their earphones.

“Kinuhata, take one step back. Frenda, duck.”

It didn’t even take a full second.

A beam thinner than dried pasta shot through from right to left. It ultimately skewered the man’s sternum, vaporizing everything from his chest on up.

That was Level 5 Mugino Shizuri’s Meltdowner.

The deadly attack had weaved through all the gaps in the crowded and labyrinthine electronics district.

Takitsubo Rikou had probably provided targeting support.

“In the end, this sucks!!”

“Hm? Your sister is safe, so shouldn’t you count yourself super lucky?”

“Lucky!? She’s only 7! Kids aren’t even supposed to use VR goggles at that age. Her body is still forming, but I had to hit her delicate eyes with a million candelas! Goddammit! In the end, I’m an awful sister. And even Kanou-kun is only around 10!!”

“(I’m not much older myself, so why are you super not worried about me?)”

“Shitty people like us who kill for the dark side don’t count.”

Frenda continued to complain while grabbing a nearby tarp.

“Newbie, you help too. In the end, you can stick your hand in a shopping bag in place of rubber gloves. We have three corpses here. This electronics district is full of all sorts of junk and they sell everything from giant speakers to unspeakable life-sized electronic dolls covered in silicone, so if we wrap them up in tarps and cart them around, no one will know anything’s wrong!!”

“Eh? I thought we super let the support organization clean up the corpses?”

“Don’t give me that look. And you don’t even need a shopping bag when you can wrap yourself with your power, right? A magnesium stun grenade fully neutralizes people’s senses for only 5 or 6 seconds. The lingering afterimage and ringing in the ears differs from person to person, but it should last about 180 seconds. Half of that’s already passed. If we don’t hide and remove these bodies before then, my 7-year-old sister sill see this gory mess!!”

“That was the last one.” Takitsubo’s calm voice spoke in their ears. “And Mugino said to collect someone at the crash site.”


“Hatsuhane Sarari. The rookie idol that Mutual Acquaintance supposedly abducted. The one this whole job is about.”

This special district had no convenience stores or restaurants, but it did have parking lots. Mugino Shizuri selected one of the electronics district’s parking garages as their rendezvous point. However, more than half the height of the building had been later filled by the stacked container shops.

“Why did you bring the bodies with you?” asked Mugino, visibly puzzled.

“We had no choice. My big sister senses demanded it.”

Family-loving Frenda Seivelun mumbled a response.

Seeing this new trouble to deal with, the delinquents of the support organization hurriedly donned raincoats and rubber gloves to avoid leaving any evidence behind. That could not be fun in the heat of midday August.

“And you helped, Kinuhata?” asked Takitsubo, expressionlessly tilting her head.

“What else could I do? I’m the new one, so I couldn’t leave her behind when she was tearfully trying to do it all on her super own.”

“Hee hee. You were trying to be useful to Item.”

“Why do you look so super happy about that!?”


“U-um, thank you…very much.”

A girl of around 15 nervously spoke up.

She was the aforementioned rookie idol, Hatsuhane Sarari.

She wore a short-sleeve blouse with a brightly-colored vest and frilly miniskirt. It was all very cute but felt out of place in the real world. The coloration was designed to be seen under stage lighting. It wasn’t something you would wear out and about.

“Those people kidnapped me. I think they were from that bad odd-jobs service that will cover up scandals. Anyway, I can’t thank you enough. Eh heh heh. I don’t know what they wanted with me, but who knows what would have happened to me if you hadn’t saved me.”

Mugino Shizuri didn’t bother responding.

Meltdowner roasted something with a thick sizzling sound.


Surprise formed on the cute idol’s face.

Hatsuhane Sarari didn’t even blink as she looked down to see a melon-sized hole in her gut. She had just lost more than 5kg in an instant diet.

“Mutual Acquaintance weren’t who we were hired to kill. We only took them out first since they had numbers and weapons and would likely get in our way. You could say they were no more than a bonus target we weren’t forbidden from killing while we were at it.”

Boredom was written on Mugino’s face.

She wasn’t naïve enough to be fooled by that angelic smile.

“Our real target was you, the klepto idol. I don’t know if you get off on the thrill or what, but you crossed a line when you stole the handmade cupcakes being sold to support medical research for curing whatever incurable disease it was. Your real mistake was hiring someone on the dark side to take out the fellow member who saw you stealing them, though. Not a good look for an idol who’s supposed to give people dreams,” sneered Mugino. “The voice on the phone – that’s our go-between – spoke with one of your fans, who said he couldn’t believe you were a habitual criminal or that you would put out a hit on another idol when the consequences caught up to you. He said he regrets ever supporting you. And we’re talking a big fan who spent the price of a foreign car buying a ridiculous number of copies of your music and videos in order to get a ticket to shake your hand or get your signature. Betraying the people willing to throw away their own lives to support you probably isn’t the best move. …Still, I almost feel sorry for you. If you hadn’t gone to a dark side group like Mutual Acquaintance, we’d never have shown up.”

“Uh, agh, urgh, whk…”

“So like I’ve said several times now: the big, bad wolf is coming for you.” Mugino grinned. “Of course, we don’t care what happens as long as we’re paid and we get to slaughter some shitty criminal who thought it was a good idea to get involved in the dark side. Gotta say, it wasn’t easy getting such a cautious wicked idol to trust us enough to meet us somewhere dark and deserted!”

As soon as she waved her hand dismissively, the criminal’s eyes rolled back in her head, bloody tears flowed out, and her body collapsed straight down.

This was too malicious to call “going undercover”.

It was a scam or deception technique used to take human lives. The act was much more calculated and well-put-together than the rookie idol’s adlibbed lies when she realized she couldn’t let Item know she was working with Mutual Acquaintance.

“Sigh, in the end, my shoulders are stiff,” complained Frenda, massaging her slender shoulder with a hand.

“I’m no good at this. Can’t we go right up to who we’re supposed to kill and super punch them to death?”

The leader girl shouted to the delinquents around them.

“Okay, we’re heading home now. I know dealing with someone in the entertainment industry can be a pain, but dispose of that corpse, okay?”

Mugino Shizuri didn’t even glance at the crumpled body.

The other girls left with her, discussing indirect lighting and home theater plans for their new hideout.

They were Item.

They were the strongest of the elite four-person teams and – believe it or not – they worked in secret to preserve order within Academy City.

“Ah!!” shouted Frenda, remembering something much too late. “In the end, I forgot to retrieve the used container for my stun grenade.”

“You did what? Do I need to punish you?”

A young boy ended up collecting her forgotten item, not knowing what it was.

It was possible this small mistake changed something down the line.

Between the Lines 1[edit]

Memo, memo.

Their natural appearances aren’t enough information. To know what they look like from behind and to track down their sphere of activity, I need to study how they dress and know how they think☆

Mugino Shizuri.

Fluffy chestnut hair, brown eyes, big boobs. Wears a White Season sleeveless blouse, a Sheep & Sheep limited-edition knit cardigan, and a Royal Secret reversible skirt. She seems confident at first glance, but her tendency to hide her legs with stockings gives away how self-conscious she is. lol, so lame. She goes out of her way to wear 180-denier stockings in this god-awful summer heat and black ones at that, just because she wants to look a little thinner. lmao

Level 5. Meltdowner.

She can fire electrons as neither a particle nor a wave to create massive destructive power. She’s about as strong as it gets, but on the other hand, that’s all she can do. An esper is still an esper. She isn’t Miyamoto Musashi, so you just have to make sure you don’t worry over it too much and psyche yourself out before you fight her.

Takitsubo Rikou.

Black hair cut straight at the shoulders, black eyes, possibly hidden big boobs? Wears a Robe of Feathers fitness track suit (pink) and some brand of shorts? She seems to wear that year round. Is she really walking around town in that? Those shorts might even be her school’s gym clothes. But for some reason, her sneakers are Victoria’s limited White Noise edition. Only 100 pairs were ever made! Don’t just walk around in those! There are shoe freaks who finally snagged a pair on an internet auction and then were too afraid to ever wear them so they ended up donating them to a museum!!

Level 4. AIM Stalker.

Her power lets her record and track someone else’s AIM Diffusion Field and she can make her power go berserk using a medicine(?) called Body Crystal. She’s in charge of targeting Meltdowner. Watch out for her. This plain girl who you can forget is even there on the front line is honestly scarier than that simple overpowered girl.

Frenda Seivelun.

Fluffy blonde hair, blue eyes, flat chest. Wears an Angel Halo type-53 beret, a Girl Breeze summer sailor dress, and a Muraki Dressmakers light model UV-blocking poncho. Oh, and I think Sugar Body type-A black thigh highs. Based on her outfit, she seems accustomed to showing off her body. You could even say she’s calculated out how her actions and poses will look to others. She’s confident in herself. And maybe it comes from being a foreigner, but she wears nothing but Japanese brands despite having tons of money.

Level 0.

Specializes in bombs and seems to know martial arts. Her role appears to be setting traps for the enemy to trigger when they’re fleeing from Meltdowner. She probably says the battle begins before the fighting starts. Her attacks take a lot of time to set up, so it’s best not to give her any free time.

Kinuhata Saiai.

A chestnut bob, brown eyes, and a super flat chest (lol). Wears a hoodie dress and a shoulderless top. She makes sure to wear arm sleeves and leggings, so despite how rough it all looks, she might not like showing off much skin? And every single thing she wears is Queen Knights. She might just really like the brand, but I wonder if she threw together the outfit in a hurry, even if it is all so expensive.

Level 4. Offense Armor.

She can control the nitrogen in the air to protect herself. She tends to work as Takitsubo Rikou’s bodyguard. Even an idiot could tell that Takitsubo is the cornerstone of Item. Crushing them has to start there. If she’s alone with her bodyguard, it would be best to set up a situation where we can split them apart.

Based on all this, I can guess they did most of their shopping in District 15, but they’ve recently moved their activity and shopping base to District 3.

Make sure to memorize their names, what they look like, their powers, and their behavior patterns before the mission begins.

Simply put, these are our targets.

[v d e]Toaru Majutsu no Index: Genesis Testament
GT Volume 1 Illustrations - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword
GT Volume 2 Illustrations - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword - Ending
GT Volume 3 Illustrations - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword - Ending
GT Volume 4 Illustrations - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword - Ending
GT Volume 5 Illustrations - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword - Ending
GT Volume 6 Illustrations - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword
GT Volume 7 Illustrations - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword - Ending
GT Volume 8 Illustrations - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword - Ending
GT Volume 9 Illustrations - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword - Ending
GT Volume 10 Illustrations - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword - Ending
[v d e]Side Stories
Volume SP Illustrations - Stiyl Magnus - Mark Space - Kamijou Touma - Uiharu Kazari - Afterword
Railgun SS1 Illustrations - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8
Kanzaki SS Illustrations - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8
Railgun SS2 Illustrations - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8
Road to Endymion Illustrations - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5
Necessarius SS Illustrations - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8
Virtual-On Illustrations - Preface - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword
Railgun SS3 Illustrations - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8
Biohacker SS Illustrations - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6
Agnese SS Illustrations - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8
Railgun LN Illustrations - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword
Item LN Illustrations - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword - Ending
Item LN 2 Illustrations - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword - Ending
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun: Cold Game
Toaru Jihanki no Fanfare
Toaru Majutsu No Index: Love Letter SS
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun SS: A Superfluous Story, or A Certain Incident’s End
Toaru Majutsu no Index: New Testament SS
Toaru Majutsu no Index: Shokuhou Misaki Figurine SS
Toaru Majutsu no Index: A Certain Midsummer Return to the Starting Point
Toaru Majutsu no Index: Using Final Bosses to Determine a Sociological Threat
Toaru Majutsu no Index: New Testament Bonus Short Story
Toaru Majutsu no Index: Thus Spoke the Kumokawa Sisters
Toaru Majutsu no Virtual-On: Vooster's Cup, The Day Before
Toaru Majutsu no Virtual-On: Misaka Mikoto's Dangerous Tea Party
Toaru Majutsu no Index: Birthday Through the Glass
Toaru Majutsu no Index: New Testament 20 Bonus Short Story
Toaru Majutsu no Index: Misaka Mikoto’s Teamwork
A Certain Magical Index: Genesis Testament SS
[v d e]Official Parody Stories
A Certain Prophecy Index
A Certain Academy Index
A Certain Gift Exchange
A Certain March 201st Novel
I Don't Want This First Story of A Certain Magical Index!! or I Don't Want This Final Story
An All-In "World" Tour of Academy City, the 37th Mobile Maintenance Battalion, and Ground's Nir
Kamijou-san, Two Idiots, Jinnai Shinobu, Gray Pig, and Freedom Award 903, Listen Up! …Fall Asleep and You Die, But Not From the Cold☆
We Tried Having a Group Blind Date, but It was an All Stars Affair and a World Crisis
Will the Spiky-Haired Idiot See a Piping Hot Dream of His Wife?
Dengeki Island: A Girl’s Battle (Still Growing)
Kamijou Touma Visits Another World
Toaru Majutsu no Index X Apocalypse Witch Crossover SS
Toaru Majutsu no Index X Apocalypse Witch X Heavy Object Crossover SS
I Still Want to Do a Summer Fair
A Certain Collaboration Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4
Kamachi Crossover Illustrations - Preface - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - A.E. 02 - Afterword
Durarara Crossover Preface - Academy City Chapter - Ikebukuro Chapter