IndexVSDRRR Crossover Academy City Chapter

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Status: Incomplete

7/20 parts completed


Academy City Chapter

Translation: botman/Dracoslayer123

Edit/Proofread: Dracoslayer123/Pablusky

Part 1

Heiwajima Shizuo – half his body was submerged in the middle of the river, motionless.

Part 2

…What on earth was he talking about? The fierce blond man wearing a bartender’s suit and sunglasses was thinking along such lines. What, why, and how did it become like this? No matter how much he thought about it, he couldn’t give a reasonable answer. Heiwajima Shizuo knew that he wasn’t good at thinking about things, and besides, his surroundings did not look like Ikebukuro in any way, and to say that this was a regular developed city would be underselling its neatness.

There was an airship with a large screen on it slowly moving over his head, broadcasting some strange news.

“…Flying overhead at 10,000 to 25,000 kilometers in the sky, the high altitude flying SSTO platform “Sky by Fire” has beaten the world record of 152 consecutive days in the air. Before this, it had already claimed the record of being the world’s largest aircraft, having the world’s largest loading capacity, as well as being the mobile platform with the world’s largest launch capacity. This time…”

Even Shizuo, who doesn’t regularly watch the news, could tell that there was something off with this content. Not to mention the obvious flying machine which wasn’t making any noise. This was no longer in the realm of common sense.

“…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Anyway.”

Still half submerged in the river, Heiwajima Shizuo said this in a frighteningly low voice.

Sometimes, he talked to himself like this.

“This sort of weird and troublesome situation is most likely related to that bastard. Speaking of which, “yesterday” was the same – annoying as fuck. I should first find that damn flea and kill him. Ah fuck, my smokes are all wet! I’m definitely killing Izaya, that bastard!!”

Although that might sound insane, he has somehow always managed to find out the truth through such methods. He was a man whose very existence ran opposite of the saying “let sleeping dogs lie.”

An incomprehensible situation, thinking of Orihara Izaya, and his supply of nicotine running out – Shizuo had ticked off three of those checkboxes…

“Though, to be fair, no matter how much that flea looks like a flea, since he came from his mother’s belly, in the end, he’s still a human. Deciding to kill him on a whim isn’t that good…Argh, why did that bastard have to be born from someone!? If he were a toy or a doll, I would have killed him without saying anything – that guy pisses me off!”

Let’s take a step back.

Calm down.

That’s right, giving way to anger would be the easy way out. Movie heroes always turn that anger into strength and try to beautify such behavior. But that’s something that can be done by any dog you can find on the curb…. Well, he had never had the patience to endure through something so slow paced as a movie. Anyway, one must suppress that anger – the ability to do so was unique to humans. Hadn’t he caused so much trouble for his brother before because of this very issue of patience?


Slowly, like steam escaping from a highly pressurized steam engine, Shizuo suppressed his rage.

Essentially, thanks to that, situations such as the Earth being karate chopped in half or half of the Moon being vaporized by a beam of Shizuo’s rage were avoided.

“Hi~, Shizu-chan…. How are you not dead yet?”

He heard something, an auditory hallucination.

This auditory hallucination was accompanied by a visual one.

More than 50 meters away, a grand steel bridge stood, and the illusion of a slender, elegant man with a large smile on his face was leaning against the railing of the bridge, waving his hand.


In addition, there came a loud popping noise from inside Heiwajima Shizuo’s head.

It was the sound of the angry steam engine, one that had been releasing steam slowly, blowing it all away at once.


He could not even wait for his shout to fully form.


Shizuo brought the upper half of his body down into the river.


There was a vending machine in the bottom of the river, possibly a nasty joke from a certain someone, and Shizuo silently pulled it up with both hands.


There was an explosive sound.

The extra large artillery shell flew through the sky, just like it would have in the streets of Ikebukuro.

Part 3

“Ah, I don’t like this, don’t like this at all.”

The young man named Orihara Izaya was talking in a perfunctory manner while running from alley to alley. However, this wasn’t the commonly seen “distancing oneself from the other” method of running away. Attempting to escape Heiwajima Shizuo, who was so packed with muscle that he could take bullets straight on, by foot, was undoubtedly suicidal. Therefore, Izaya constantly turned from alley to alley to execute maneuvers such as “disappearing from view” or “eliminating clues.”

The fact that he was facing the Shizuo, who could maybe even outrun a cheetah or a leopard, and was still alive today was undeniable proof for the effectiveness of such countermeasures.

“I at least thought “getting caught up in the distortion of space” would have caused you to die; I mean, with this, I don’t even know why I made this deal with “them.”


This method should have only worked in the streets of Ikebukuro. The reason was very simple: if you were not familiar with the area, you couldn’t make use of the intricate system of alleys. He had originally wanted to shake his opponent off, but if he ran into a dead end, or if that sort of thing happened, it would be a real problem. Facing an opponent like Shizuo, there was no doubt he would be made into mincemeat – live.

In spite of this, Orihara Izaya managed to navigate the alleyways easily.

You could maybe say that this was going even smoother than it would have back in the streets of Ikebukuro.

(Well, this city also seems to have some sort of thing going on for itself, but anyway, it’s a lot more convenient since there aren’t any “adults” lurking in the darkness of this city. It’s like arriving on an island that uses shells as currency and has no concept of forgery… Well in any case, I just wish Shizu-chan would die already.)

His strides were like that of this city’s… Academy City’s citizens.

Or would it be better to say it was as if he had already obtained a detailed map of this place beforehand, thus being able to understand every nook and cranny of this city.

Part 4

He casually leaped over the parked SUV on the roadside, slid beneath a hot dog cart, and finally ran straight up a building in just a few seconds. Overall, such actions were similar to a tiger or a lion crossing obstacles to chase its prey.

Despite all this, Heiwajima Shizuo had lost Orihara Izaya.

This place was like an intricate maze of concrete in all directions.

The bartender with sunglasses put his hand on a wall with red letters scrawled everywhere, which were not in English at all, and slowly breathed out.

He was trying to keep himself from “accidentally” destroying the building.

(…No matter how flea-like that flea is, this is too much of a coincidence. No, since a flea is always just a flea, it’s impossible for it to win without any preparation.)

If you stepped on the opponent’s layed-out track without the certainty of being able to destroy it completely, it would be meaningless to chase it heedlessly. He had already learned his lesson about this kind of “smell” countless times in high school. It was the smell of imminent failure.

However, it was at that very moment.

Suddenly, there was an ear-splitting sound. It was like the sound made from scraping a rough piece of rock against metal.

“…That goddamn flea.”

Shizuo didn’t think it was Izaya himself.

Actually, in the case of that Orihara Izaya, it was usually more troublesome if he himself did not appear. In other words, this was the situation he was best in. If he used himself as a decoy and baited his opponent into following him, that opponent, chasing after him without thinking, would be led into a deserted alley in no time. And then an assassin would appear. Wasn’t this “exactly” what that guy did best? It felt like getting in 10 consecutive combos in a trapping game – a trap so obvious, it was oddly satisfying.

But Shizuo wasn’t one to be cowed by something on this level.

Rather, his emotion meter was maxed out by rage right now.

“In other words, I can find out where that flea is just by beating that guy up, right…?”

The monster who could be considered the apex of the human race walked towards the source of the sound without any hint of hesitation.

The only question left was whether Shizuo would be able to beat “that guy” up while making sure his tongue and cheeks were left intact.

Part 5

Then, in a dirty alleyway with red graffiti everywhere, stood a girl who clearly did not belong there.

She had short, black hair and large glasses. She seemed timid, and that shone through not only from her looks but also from all of her small actions, ranging from slightly twitching and shrinking her body to hugging her body as if she were trying to protect herself. The girl, who had a blazer that looked like it was from some school uniform, would’ve seemed attractive to people who were into that sort of thing, yet annoying to people who found such things distasteful. From the air around her, one could tell she did not actively look for a long and eventful life, but however, the needle in her meter spasmed from left to right, always straining further from the “average.”

Sonohara Anri

Although she seemed the type to be reading obscure poetry anthologies in the school library, she was holding the very thing that would completely shatter such an image. Though from her posture, which looked like she was hugging herself, it could have been said that she was in fact embracing “that thing.”

So, what could be “that thing”?

The answer was a katana.

“Hey, you over there, you know that it’s actually the truth!?”

In front of Anri, who was retreating two, three steps backwards, was a pointy-haired high school boy who furrowed his brows as if he were in a conundrum.

His expression was desperate, and his voice carried a sense of unease.

“I have no idea where you came from, but it’s obvious that you’re not familiar with this place, and that you don’t belong here!”

His words weren’t making much sense in the first place, but even without that, Sonohara Anri felt an acute dizziness in her head. She realized that she was losing the ability to recognize the sounds coming from in front of her as words.

This was not simply a matter of speaking to a boy she had never met before.

The real reason lay within the katana she was holding.

Correctly speaking, it should be called a demonic blade.


It was shouting loudly in the sweet voice of a woman directly into the mind of Anri, the owner of the blade.

The tone was completely different from her usual whisperings proclaiming her love of humanity.

“What is that; what is that; what is that; what is that; what is that? Wuhuhuhu! Ahh, ahhhh! That’s not good; that can’t be good; no matter how much I think about it, that’s definitely not good! I have no problems with being shattered, dulled, melted, or changed, and I would still be myself, but I have no doubt something terrible will happen if I were to glance off even so much as a fingertip!”

Kirikirikiri!! Anri’s vision was forcibly drawn to a certain place.

It was drawn to the pointy-haired boy, and especially to the part below his right wrist.

(What is… this person?)

Anri was, in a word, terrified.

This was not because of the unusual reaction of Saika nor the “something” hidden within the pointy-haired boy.

She didn’t know what, but something was definitely off.

She sensed danger that raced along her spine, mercilessly fanning the fear in her heart.

It was as if an invisible fishing hook was pulling her soul out to the other side of the “frame” Anri had predefined.

(I know Saika always whispers her love for humanity. Sure, there will be some exceptions whom she hates, but she’s never simply given up to fear like this…)

“It’s not too late yet.”

The pointy-haired boy spoke.

Another step.

Even if a knife was pressed into her neck, even if a gun was pointed straight at her forehead, as long as she was still within her “frame,” Anri would have never been shaken. But even she stepped back from a totally normal step, like a totally normal girl.

This was not good.

The only reason she had been able to stay sane against the whisperings, or the “curse,” of Saika was the existence of her “frame.” Anri could not imagine what would become of herself if she were to forget its existence.

“Anyway, I’m running out of time. Please tell me how many people are with you. And then all of you involved need to go back. There’s no other choice anymore!”


And so.

In an instant.

Sonohara Anri drew her katana with a large motion. As if she couldn’t even feel its weight, she swung it around with one hand, creating orange sparks as the blade screeched against the wall, until its end was pointed directly at her opponent.

The action was in no way like one that would have been made by someone who has knowledge of kendo or swordsmanship.

It would be more accurate to say that Anri had merely acted out of self defense, much akin to a person instinctively protecting their face with both of their hands.

However, the pointy-haired boy merely clicked his tongue.

As if in response, he clenched his fist again and took a posture of his own.

“Damn it! Why did it have to come to this!?”

The moment the fist was clenched.


Through Saika, an absurd amount of tension and sense of danger ravaged Anri’s consciousness..

Numerous fishing hooks from the other side of her “frame” grabbed onto her exposed soul and tried to forcibly pull her out. An unknown reality was threatening her very personality.

Starting from the edges, her vision began to lose focus.

She reflexively covered her lips with her hands as she could feel her stomach heaving uncomfortably.

(This is… bad)

Saika’s blade started glowing an ominous red.

No, that wasn’t it.

That was just the light reflecting off the blade. It was Anri’s own eyes that were really glowing.


Her vision became nauseous.

Her consciousness began to fade.

Saika’s “whisperings”, which used to merely be continuous soft mutterings, began to pressure her heart little by little while accompanied by an unfamiliar, sweet smell.


In fact, Anri never turned into a “slasher demon.”

The reason was simple yet difficult to explain.


It was because out of nowhere, a flying vending machine launched the pointy-haired boy into the wall.


It wasn’t as if the vending machine was made of sponge, nor was the wall an old and crumbling, earth wall. It was beyond any doubt that the vending machine was made of metal and the wall was a solid concrete wall.

Even so.

Nevertheless, what in the world just happened?

There wasn’t even a one millimeter gap between the wall and the vending machine, and no matter how you put it, it would have been most accurate to say that the pointy-haired boy was “buried.”

A dry sound followed.

Nobody knew what had happened to the boy.

“Fu fu fu! Ha ha ha!! Ah, that was amazing that was so good that’s what all human beings should be like if there’s a human with the highest specs right in front of me then I shouldn’t be afraid but instead love them love them love them love them!!”

When she came to, Saika was back to normal.

Accordingly, Anri also came up with an appropriate response. She pulled her “self” that was halfway out of her “frame” and began lightening the effects of the “cursed” whisperings.”

The red in her eyes slowly faded.

By the way.

The person who caused such damage spoke aloud.

“Yo, do you know anything about fleas?”

The girl who secretly hid the demonic blade behind her back shook her head gently.

I don’t know.

Part 6


Accompanied by a cracking sound.

Kamijou Touma kicked the mangled vending machine out of the crumbling concrete wall. Then he wobbled outside.

Patter patter, the blood spilled from his forehead and dripped onto the ground.

“…That hurts, dammit! Are you from Ikebukuro as well, you bastard!?”

“Huh? What a surprise. I would get it if you had just dodged or blocked my attack, but you’re somehow still standing after taking a direct hit. You must be as solid as Simon, right?”

“…Another name I don’t recognize. Exactly how many people came here..?.”

“Well, anyway, I have just one question for you… Do you know about the flea?”

“Ahhhhhhhh, seriously!! How many people are from Ikebukuro!?”

Shouting, Kamijou suddenly charged towards Heiwajima Shizuo and tried to grab his shirt.

Sadly for him, even though it had been plunged into a river and had gotten wet, that did not change the fact that the shirt was a gift filled with memories from Shizuo’s brother.

And the most deadly thing was that when Kamijou grabbed the shirt, one of the buttons flew off.


The pointy-haired boy heard a strange sound.

It sounded like a bundle of steel wires being forcibly stretched on both ends like a rubber band.

However, he would never be able to guess what the sound actually had been.


No one could have thought that the sounds made by the straining of a mere human’s muscles could ring out like that.



Blankly, he realized he had messed up.

I guess I’m on the highway to hell now. (TL Note: Or literally, I’ve stepped on the death line – could be translated as “stepped on a landmine,” but that’s technically a different expression)

At that moment.


All sound disappeared with a flick of his wrist.


At the same time, strangely enough, Heiwajima Shizuo made a similar sound.

With just one hand, he had grabbed his collar and then threw.

He himself was probably the only one who could grasp what had happened.

The person who had been right in front of him, whose name he did not know, had been blasted away from the alley and made a spectacular sound of something splattering everywhere.

He couldn’t even imagine what happened to the boy – not even where he landed.

The man in a bartender’s suit, who was left all alone, muttered to himself with a face like he had accidentally ripped the paper while scooping goldfish because he had put too much strength into it.

“Shoot, I should’ve asked about the flea before smashing the fly…”

Part 7

Satin dress: [Huhh!? I’ve never heard the name Tanaka Tarou. Are you someone who hasn't used this social media? Well, anyway, nice to meet you.]

Tanaka Tarou: [Nice to meet you too. Anyway, I was really taken aback. It looks basically the same as any other social media, but it turns out to be something completely different on the inside, and it’s filled with technology I’ve never seen before.]

Satin dress: [Ahaha! Everything about the technology is adjusted by the server management side, so it has nothing to do with us!]

Tanaka Tarou: [I see. I was just thinking it would be hard when you host it yourself. So, I’ve heard this is a forum that collects rumors.]

Satin dress: [Yes indeed. If it has anything to do with urban legends, leave it to me! Ask me about anything from the best location for a bravery test to the most nerve-racking workplaces!

Tanaka Tarou: [Um, are there rumors about the demonic blade or the headless rider?]

Satin dress: [Hmm. You’re looking for some really retro stuff, huh.]

Tanaka Tarou: [I’m sorry.”]

Satin dress: [No need to be sorry. But, uhh, oh yes… There was one derived from some other rumor. Have you heard of the subway tunnels story?]

Tanaka Tarou: [I’m sorry.”]

Satin dress: [If you apologize to me one more time, I’ll force you to play FPS games with me for free until tomorrow morning both as punishment and to bring us closer as friends, alright? Anyway, some experiment on neutrinos or the Higgs boson or whatever led to rumors that a strange door opened in an unused subway station. And if you go through that door, you would be teleported to a fantasy world where swords and magic are intertwined. It’s recently become somewhat viral.]

Tanaka Tarou: [So how is that connected to the headless rider?]

Satin dress: [Ahh, yes. Well, if we can go to the other side, it’s logical to think that someone could come to us from the other side. There have also been numerous rumors of strange sightings around the station’s entrances and exits. Should I send you the video URLs?]

Tanaka Tarou: [That would be great. …Wait, numerous rumors?]

Satin dress: [Yeah. You’ll see it in the video, but it seems that there’s more than one of them who came through. Vampiric aristocrats, retro gangs from the Prohibition era, and all sorts of other things. I mean, compared to UFOs and Little Greys, it seemed there were more types of them.]

Tanaka Tarou: [Then, you’re saying one of them was–]

Satin dress: [Exactly. There was a headless rider in a jet black riding suit. Well, I suppose it could just be something a college film student is doing to ease their boredom.]

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12


At the moment, Kamijou Touma was buried inside a passenger car parked on the side of the road.

This was not some exaggerated metaphor. Half of his body was literally sunken within the rolled metal of the car door.

The car itself had skidded all the way to the other side of the road. The dark marks left on the road by the friction from the tires were testimony to the intensity of the impact.

It was that much.

Shizuo Heiwajima's "accident" had caused that much destruction.

Index had told him about the German words written in blood.

At first, he had been dubious. That was until he witnessed certain things like a bronze statue in front of a station toppling over and all of the windows on a building shattering.

Like a snowball rolling down a slope, the significance of the incidents had grown larger until when he looked back, it had grown to the point where it covered the sky itself.

And then he had heard about the disappearance of Misaka Mikoto.

Through his phone, he had heard that the students of Tokiwadai Middle School were locked up in the "Sky by Fire." In addition, he heard that the giant structure was acting all on its own, so the girls didn't know how to land it.

Death. As if he sensed that one word inching closer toward someone he knew, Kamijou couldn't help but tremble.

He also knew that the existence of the "Ikebukuro group,” who had come from the tunnel over to this side, was at the center of all these distorted events.

There was no way of knowing who had written the bloody German text and what their intentions were. However, now that the situation had reached a critical point, there was no longer room for any doubt.

The "Sky by Fire" planned to obliterate Academy City in order to destroy the tunnel.

If that happened, everything would be lost: the students living in the city, the students of Tokiwadai, and the people from Ikebukuro. They would lose everything. There was no time to explain to each and every one of them. Even if he was being stubborn, it was still the only way.

If he gave up here, everything would be lost.

He might never see the smiles that should've been around him.



With a tremendous sound, Kamijou Touma dug himself out of the metal.

It wasn't over yet.

Even if his opponent wasn't a particularly evil person.

Even if his opponent had a power that didn't make sense in "this world."

That was not a reason for not saving the people in the city or the girls on the "Sky by Fire."

Nor was it a reason to nonchalantly admit that the "Ikebukuro group" should be trapped in this world forever.

"Have to save...."

Kamijou said, with a mouth filled with the taste of iron.

Forcing his wobbly vision to look firmly ahead, he steadied himself.

"I have to save everyone."

Just that was enough.

The young man, once again, firmly stepped toward the future.

Sending the entire "Ikebukuro group" back to their original world before any critical damage is done.

There was no other way to smash through the current situation.

Part 13

[This is bad.]

The headless rider was driving a large, black motorcycle while entering some words on her PDA.

[Isn't this a super dangerous situation!?]

She was not human, nor did she didn't feel any special attachment to cities outside of Ikebukuro.

However, perhaps because her life in Ikebukuro had influenced the meaning of her existence, she could not put on a leisurely attitude while bringing useless chaos to human society, at least for now.

[I need to do something… It'd be better to start with something simple and easy to understand and then gradually make everything come together. If Shizuo were here, he would've been found out right away, and Anri might also surface due to her "heterogeneity". I guess it's very possible to find information about them through what's trending on SNS and bulletin boards… So then the problem is with Mikado and Aoba, the "ordinary" people. It would be pretty difficult to find them if they're here.]

Although she wanted to "take action" right away, the headless rider suddenly turned her train of thought around.

She was known as a "transporter" underground, and this time, she had once again been involved in some trouble while working but had somehow come to Academy City.

In other words, she still had "the goods."

Inside the stainless steel case and shock-absorbing resin was a bottle of aged liquor. It probably could be stored at room temperature as there was no special coolant.

“Well..... this isn't the best time to talk about this, but this is this, and that’s that, so… Since I don't know what's happening at Ikebukuro, there's no telling what would affect someone's life. Even though it's kept in a case, the bottle is still scary.”

After reconsidering, the headless rider headed to a nearby station.

She placed "the goods" in a station locker and got back on her large motorcycle.

[Alright, now it's time to deal with this super dangerous situation!!]


The headless rider tried her best to eliminate "a certain possibility" from her mind.

But it was impossible to ignore.

Even though she knew that it was the worst case scenario, she couldn't help but think about it.

[Orihaya Izaya... If that guy has something to do with this current situation, then only God knows how this will end.]

The viscount, after watching the headless rider leave, moved the clump of blood floating in the air and wrote some particular German words.

[Well, she's gone.]

"Yes, she's gone."

Someone answered back.

You couldn't really describe how a blood clot that didn't even have eyes, ears, a mouth, or a nose would "look back," but the viscount deliberately made a red silhouette to turn around, purely out of courtesy.

Standing there was a beautiful woman surrounded by frigid air and covered in white from head to toe.

Dorothy Nifas.

She had gone down a different evolutionary path from the viscount, but in a sense, she was a vampire that was closer to the viscount than anyone else.

[If you had explained it to the humans, things might not have come to this.]

"Don't be ridiculous. Do you think I could've talked to a ‘human being’ I've never met before?"

[If I had known this, I would've brought the "children" with me. Since they're all part of a new generation, they weren't poisoned by the witch hunts, the exorcisms.... as well as the "eaters."]

"Are you serious? Do you really think that having those siblings lingering here will make the current situation even a tiny bit better?"

[...Ah, yes, well, never mind that. Even though they don't mean any harm, they certainly have the power and the temperament to mess everything up. In that respect, "the children" are probably the top of the top.]

"You spoil your children too much."

Dorothy said with a soft, icy sigh.

"So what do we do now?"

[Hmmm. Since the warning has been accurately delivered, we'll rely on that headless rider to spread it now. There's no need for us to continue sending messages in blood. It's about time we started on something else.]

"Are you going to confront the group from Ikebukuro?"

[I'd like to if I could, but I've got other things to do.]

The viscount said with floating red text.

[Something bad is about to crawl out of the tunnel over there. Now, the fact that it's bad isn't a matter of that thing's consciousness, but rather about its very nature. Anyway, this is far from good. The moment it comes out, it'll probably exceed the capacity for "the world on this side."]

"More specifically?"

[From us vampires, the very ends of the galaxy; from the madness of the liquor of immortality, the deepest secret of alchemy.]

The viscount didn't name the thing openly, probably because of how terrible the situation was.

As if by just uttering a name, one called upon its owner.

Dorothy frowned.

"And if that's true, what can you do?"

[I've never been a vampire who seeks power. However, I'm better than the others at not dying, and above all, I'm confident in my ability to lead a humorous conversation. Even just stalling for time would be enough from me.]


Dorothy's eyes narrowed.

And then, she said.

"I'll go with you."

[There's no need for that, you know?]

"I'm your fiancée."

[Well, in that case, I might just leave it to you.]


Her gaze, which always gave a cold impression, suddenly turned even sharper.

"Did you know that the headless rider just now was actually a woman?"

[Huh? I didn't notice that... Hey, wait, Dorothy. Why is everything starting to freeze up?]

"What do you think? Hint: female jealousy."

"Your ability to say such things so nonchalantly is part of your charm, you k-k-k-k-kno–?"

The viscount's crimson clot froze over before he could finish.

After freezing everything, the pure white vampire exhaled softly.

"Really, how could I just let you go?"

As if it were absurd.

But there was also a glint of warmth in her eyes.

"The fact that we have Hawking, a black hole vampire, on one hand, and that on the other we have Ronny is the worst XXXX."

That said, if "they" had already come when he woke up, and everything was destroyed before his eyes, the viscount would surely be in a sorrowful state...

Probably not angry, but sad.

That was why.

"Sigh, how could I have fallen in love with such a troublesome man?"

There was nobody listening, so she could rest assured in speaking her true feelings.

Dorothy Nifas, who spoke thus, departed, alone, from the frozen viscount.

After all, that was what he had said.

That even if your strength was not on par with your opponent, you might find a way to stall for time.

Part 14

A mass of screeching, ear-piercing sounds gathered together.

From deep within the darkness of a railroad tunnel, a large number of rats scrambled to escape. It was not unlike the unusual behaviour exhibited by animals just before a storm or a great disaster.

Complete darkness.

True darkness.

No one dared to peek inside. Surely nobody could go in there and come back in one piece.

Nobody knew if whatever was inside carried obvious malice or evil intentions. Maybe it was thinking about completely destroying the Euclidean world as we know it, or it was just dissatisfied with the seasonal chips at the convenience store.

Either way.

While there was no way to peer through the darkness, there was definitely something peering out from the dark.

It was clear.

“It” was interested in this place.

The moment “it” came out, everything would be thrown into disaster.

Part 15

Part 16

Part 17

Part 18

Part 19

Part 20

[v d e]Toaru Majutsu no Index: Genesis Testament
GT Volume 1 Illustrations - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword
GT Volume 2 Illustrations - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword - Ending
GT Volume 3 Illustrations - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword - Ending
GT Volume 4 Illustrations - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword - Ending
GT Volume 5 Illustrations - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword - Ending
GT Volume 6 Illustrations - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword
GT Volume 7 Illustrations - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword - Ending
GT Volume 8 Illustrations - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword - Ending
GT Volume 9 Illustrations - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword - Ending
GT Volume 10 Illustrations - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword - Ending
[v d e]Side Stories
Volume SP Illustrations - Stiyl Magnus - Mark Space - Kamijou Touma - Uiharu Kazari - Afterword
Railgun SS1 Illustrations - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8
Kanzaki SS Illustrations - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8
Railgun SS2 Illustrations - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8
Road to Endymion Illustrations - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5
Necessarius SS Illustrations - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8
Virtual-On Illustrations - Preface - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword
Railgun SS3 Illustrations - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8
Biohacker SS Illustrations - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6
Agnese SS Illustrations - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8
Railgun LN Illustrations - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword
Item LN Illustrations - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword - Ending
Item LN 2 Illustrations - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - Afterword - Ending
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun: Cold Game
Toaru Jihanki no Fanfare
Toaru Majutsu No Index: Love Letter SS
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun SS: A Superfluous Story, or A Certain Incident’s End
Toaru Majutsu no Index: New Testament SS
Toaru Majutsu no Index: Shokuhou Misaki Figurine SS
Toaru Majutsu no Index: A Certain Midsummer Return to the Starting Point
Toaru Majutsu no Index: Using Final Bosses to Determine a Sociological Threat
Toaru Majutsu no Index: New Testament Bonus Short Story
Toaru Majutsu no Index: Thus Spoke the Kumokawa Sisters
Toaru Majutsu no Virtual-On: Vooster's Cup, The Day Before
Toaru Majutsu no Virtual-On: Misaka Mikoto's Dangerous Tea Party
Toaru Majutsu no Index: Birthday Through the Glass
Toaru Majutsu no Index: New Testament 20 Bonus Short Story
Toaru Majutsu no Index: Misaka Mikoto’s Teamwork
A Certain Magical Index: Genesis Testament SS
[v d e]Official Parody Stories
A Certain Prophecy Index
A Certain Academy Index
A Certain Gift Exchange
A Certain March 201st Novel
I Don't Want This First Story of A Certain Magical Index!! or I Don't Want This Final Story
An All-In "World" Tour of Academy City, the 37th Mobile Maintenance Battalion, and Ground's Nir
Kamijou-san, Two Idiots, Jinnai Shinobu, Gray Pig, and Freedom Award 903, Listen Up! …Fall Asleep and You Die, But Not From the Cold☆
We Tried Having a Group Blind Date, but It was an All Stars Affair and a World Crisis
Will the Spiky-Haired Idiot See a Piping Hot Dream of His Wife?
Dengeki Island: A Girl’s Battle (Still Growing)
Kamijou Touma Visits Another World
Toaru Majutsu no Index X Apocalypse Witch Crossover SS
Toaru Majutsu no Index X Apocalypse Witch X Heavy Object Crossover SS
I Still Want to Do a Summer Fair
A Certain Collaboration Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4
Kamachi Crossover Illustrations - Preface - Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Epilogue - A.E. 02 - Afterword
Durarara Crossover Preface - Academy City Chapter - Ikebukuro Chapter
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