Zero no Tsukaima

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Stalled.gif Project Status: ACTIVE

This project has been updated within the past 3 months.

Vol.One Cover

The Zero no Tsukaima series is also available in the following languages:

(Note: Translation progress varies for each version.)

Visit the Baka-Tsuki Project Forum to discuss this series and other information from Baka-Tsuki.


It is with sadness that we report that Noboru Yamaguchi, the author of Zero no Tsukaima passed away from cancer on April 4, 2013. However, MF Bunko J has announced that the series will be continued based on the author's notes before his passing, according to the Zero No Tsukaima Wiki.

  • January 13, 2014:
  • January 12, 2014:

Older updates can be found on the ZnT news archive.


Translators Needed

Baka-Tsuki is desperately looking for translators for this series. If you would like to help translate this series, please post in the forums here, and we will help you get started. Thank you.


Translators are requested to mark all the chapters they are translating on the Registration Page according to Translation Management section of Zero no Tsukaima Project Specific Guidelines.

Format Standards

Every chapter (after editing) must conform to the agreed points highlighted in Format/Style Guideline.

Some of these chapters are translations of the Chinese edition of the novels, which are known to have some minor mistakes compared to the original Japanese text. If you have access to the originals and you spot an error, please feel free to make the corrections yourself - this is a Wiki which means it's meant for anyone to fix things (and if you screw up, we can revert back your changes if all deem necessary). We can see the corrections you make, so just go ahead instead of hiding or waiting for permission.

Naming Conventions For ZnT

Joint Collaboration

This Project began as a joint collaboration with the following groups:

  • Volume 1 (all chapters)
  • Volume 1, Chapter 1
  • Volume 1, Chapter 2

Zero no Tsukaima series by Noboru Yamaguchi

You can find the EPUB and MOBI version of the Volumes in the forums here and the PDF version here.

Volume 1 - Zero's Familiar / ゼロの使い魔 (Full Text)

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  • Gandálfr

Volume 2 - Albion of the Wind / 風のアルビオン (Full Text)

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Volume 3 - The Founder's Prayer Book / 始祖の祈祷書 (Full Text)

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Volume 4 - The Water Spirit of Oath / 誓約の水精霊 (Full Text)

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Volume 5 - Tristania's Holiday / トリスタニアの休日 (Full Text)

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Volume 6 - The Ruby of Atonement / 贖罪の炎赤石 (Full Text)

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Volume 7 - The Silver Pentecost / 銀の降臨祭 (Full Text)

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Volume 8 - The Serenade of Nostalgia / 望郷の小夜曲 (Full Text)

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Volume 9 - The Ball of Twin Moons / 双月の舞踏会 (Full Text)

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Volume 10 - The Hero of Ivaldi / イーヴァルディの勇者 (Full Text)

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Volume 11 - A Duet of Recollection / 追憶の二重奏 (Full Text)

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Volume 12 - The Fairies' Holiday / 妖精達の休日 (Full Text)

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  • Story 2: Knight Corps of the Water Spirit, Charge!
  • Story 3: Right to Use Saito for a Day

Volume 13 - The World Door of the Holy Country / 聖国の世界扉 (Full Text)

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Volume 14 - Aquileia's Saint / 水都市の聖女 (Full Text)

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Volume 15 - Labyrinth of Oblivion / 忘却の夢迷宮 (Full Text)

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Volume 16 - The Tea Time of Des Ornières / ド・オルニエールの安穏 (Full Text)

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Volume 17 - The Soeur of Dawn / 黎明の修道女 (Full Text)

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Volume 18 - Spirit Stone of Destruction / 滅亡の精霊石 (Full Text)

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Volume 19 - The Founder's Round Mirror / 始祖の円鏡

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  • Novel Illustrations
  • Chapter 1 - Maidens of Des Ornières
  • Chapter 2 - Assault
  • Chapter 3 - Abduction
  • Chapter 4 - Rukshana's Oasis
  • Chapter 5 - Ali's visit
  • Chapter 6 - Second meeting with Bidashal
  • Chapter 7 - Louise's Decision and Romalia's Choice
  • Chapter 8 - Two Prisoners
  • Chapter 9 - Confrontation with Ali
  • Chapter 10 - Escape
  • Epilogue

Volume 20 - Holy Land from Ancient Times / 古深淵の聖地

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Volume 21 - The Truth of 6,000 Years

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  • Novel Illustrations
  • Chapter 1 - elf´s tower
  • Chapter 2 - Assault
  • Chapter 3 - Abduction
  • Chapter 4 - Rukshana's Oasis
  • Chapter 5 - Ali's visit
  • Chapter 6 - Second meeting with Bidashal
  • Chapter 7 - Louise's Decision and Romalia's Choice
  • Chapter 8 - Two Prisoners
  • Chapter 9 - Confrontation with Ali
  • Chapter 10 - Escape
  • Epilogue

Side Story Volume 1 - Tabitha's Adventure / タバサの冒険

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Side Story Volume 2 - Tabitha's Adventure / タバサの冒険2

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Side Story Volume 3 - Tabitha's Adventure / タバサの冒険3

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  • Novel Illustrations
  • Story 9 - Tabitha and Sylphid
  • Story 10 - Tabitha and the old Warrior
  • Story 11 - Tabitha and first Love
  • Story 12 - Tabitha's Birth

Spin-Off Volume 1 - Heavy Wind, the Female Knight Captain / 烈風の騎士姫

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  • Novel Illustrations
  • Prologue
  • Chapter 1 - Karin goes to the Capital
  • Chapter 2 - Sandorion
  • Chapter 3 - Lord Jervul's Mansion
  • Chapter 4 - Dormitory
  • Chapter 5 - Four vs Four Duel
  • Chapter 6 - Philippe III and Grand Duke Eustace
  • Chapter 7 - Three Knights and Karin are honoured with the Audience
  • Chapter 8 - Sandorion's Past
  • Chapter 9 - De Ville's Confrontation
  • Epilogue

Spin-Off Volume 2 - Heavy Wind, the Female Knight Captain / 烈風の騎士姫2

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  • Novel Illustrations
  • Prologue
  • Chapter 1 - Report for the King
  • Chapter 2 - Dream Place of Memories
  • Chapter 3 - Secret Meeting
  • Chapter 4 - Eustace's Manor
  • Chapter 5 - Dark Truth
  • Chapter 6 - Darsini the Vampire
  • Chapter 7 - Karin's Infiltration
  • Chapter 8 - Duty of the Knight
  • Chapter 9 - King's Decision
  • Epilogue

Zero no Tsukaima: Single Side Stories

  • Novel Illustrations
  • On a Certain Day for a Certain Maid
  • Eight Years ago
  • Five Years Ago
  • The Birth of Louise the Zero
  • Marter and Familiar - Saito's Mischiefs
  • Tiffania's Troubles
  • Louise's Tart
  • Wardrobe of the Past
  • Louise’s Room

Project Staff








This is the Project Editorial Team. They will regularly patrol the projects to prevent vandalism & make sure the guidelines are implemented. If you have any inquiries about certain edits please contact any one of the members.





Series Overview

  • Light Volume(Japanese)
  • Main Series
  • Volume 1 - Zero's Familiar (June 25, 2004) ISBN 978-4840111058
  • Volume 2 - Albion of the Wind (September 25, 2004) ISBN 978-4840111447
  • Volume 3 - The Founder's Prayer Book (December 25, 2004) ISBN 978-4840111966
  • Volume 4 - The Water Spirit of Oath (March 25, 2005) ISBN 978-4840112369
  • Volume 5 - Tristania's Holiday (July 25, 2005) ISBN 978-4840112901
  • Volume 6 - The Ruby of Atonement (November 25, 2005) ISBN 978-4840114493
  • Volume 7 - The Silver Pentecost (February 25, 2006)ISBN 978-4840115018
  • Volume 8 - The Serenade of Nostalgia (June 25, 2006) ISBN 978-4840115421
  • Volume 9 - The Ball of Twin Moons (September 25, 2006) ISBN 978-4840117074
  • Volume 10 - The Hero of Ivaldi (December 25, 2006) ISBN 978-4840117661
  • Volume 11 - A Duet of Recollection (May 25, 2007) ISBN 978-4840118590
  • Volume 12 - The Fairies' Holiday (August 25, 2007) ISBN 978-4840119009
  • Volume 13 - The World Door of the Holy Country (December 25, 2007) ISBN 978-4840121101
  • Volume 14 - Aquileia's Saint (May 25, 2008) ISBN 978-4840123198
  • Volume 15 - Labyrinth of Oblivion (September 25, 2008) ISBN 978-4840124188
  • Volume 16 - The Tea Time of Des Ornières (February 25, 2009) ISBN 978-4840126649
  • Volume 17 - The Soeur of Dawn (June 25, 2009) ISBN 978-4840128070
  • Volume 18 - Spirit Stone of Destruction (January 25, 2010) ISBN 978-4840131537
  • Volume 19 - The Founder's Round Mirror (July 23, 2010) ISBN 978-4840134545
  • Volume 20 - Holy Land from Ancient Times (February 25, 2011) ISBN 978-4840134545
  • Volume 21 - The Truth of 6,000 Years (February 25, 2016)
  • Zero no Tsukaima Gaiden: Tabatha no Bōken
  • Side Story Volume 1 - Tabitha's Adventure (October 25, 2006)ISBN 978-4840117265
  • Side Story Volume 2 - Tabitha's Adventure (October 25, 2007) ISBN 978-4840120586
  • Side Story Volume 3 - Tabitha's Adventure (March 25, 2009)ISBN 978-4840127271
  • Kaze no Kishihime
  • Side Story Volume 1 - Heavy Wind, the Female Knight Captain (October 23, 2009)ISBN 978-4840130530
  • Side Story Volume 2 - Heavy Wind, the Female Knight Captain (March 2010)ISBN 978-4840132466

ISBN information