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==(Old) Index consistency editing==
I spent a bit of effort attempting to make Index more consistent between volumes. I've deleted much of that list and comments, but if you're reviewing those edits for whatever reason, you can find the list and and comments in the history for this page (earlier than the following time stamp). --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh#top|talk]]) 19:50, 20 December 2013 (CST)
===Still unresolved ===
==Editor Commentary==
Proper usage of Sentence Fragments
The following items I didn't fix when I did my editing, because I either discovered it while editing, wasn't satisfied that I knew which one was right, or felt it was just too much of a pain to do. This list might be helpful to anyone who wants to do similar consistency editing to tamni, which will not be me in the foreseeable future. It probably will never be used, but I would feel bad throwing it away.
{| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed"
! Remaining items
--[[User:Tasear|Tasear]] ([[User talk:Tasear|talk]]) 20:31, 1 February 2014 (CST)
*‘Seven Heavens Seven Swords (Shichiten Shichitou)’ <-> Shichiten Shichitou <-> Seven Heavens Seven Swords
*‘Kamiue’ <-?-> the One Above God
*‘Demigods’ <-?-> 'The one similar to God' (or similar phrasing) (referring to one of the four archangels)
*Power of God <-> The Power of God
*Angel’s power <-> single quoted
*"outside" (nt1ch1) / Outside / outside
*Spell of Thororm <-> Thororm's technique
*reflection / vector control / vector transformation <-> vector reflection <-> Vector Change <-> vector power
*magic book (v7) <-?-> grimoire <-?-> magical text (these might have all been changed)
*church <-> Church
Okay, I made a mistake in my understanding. I believe you are talking about
"Hello World"
*Third Season program <-> Third Season project <-> Third Production Plan (equivalent searches for any instances of 1st and 2nd as well)
::-Any advice on which, if any, of those should be removed and consolidated?
:::-OH&S: The keyword is 計画 which means [plan; project; schedule; scheme; program; programme]. I would decide between Plan and Project. I would go for Project as it sounds more appropriate.
:::-Cthaeh: OK, that would resolve the question between the first two, but is the Third Production Plan supposed to be different ("Production" vs "Season")?
*description of Aleister (sinner <-> criminal <-> convict) (feminine <-> female <-> woman) (male <-> man)
::-''Hopefully this can be answered satisfactorily without having to look up each, but I assume should all these be formatted the same/similar? There are the three sets of differing word choice summarized above. There is one out of the typical order of man/woman-->adult/child-->saint/sinner. There is one swap of the typical Adult-->Child order. I'm assuming that those three things should all be the same, even if the structure of the sentences differs?
::*(v2ch1) The silver-haired “human” appeared like a man but somehow feminine, like an adult but somehow childlike, like a saint but somehow criminal. ... He sounded like a man but somehow feminine, like an adult but somehow childlike, like a saint but somehow criminal. ... The human spoke, the being that appeared like a man but somehow feminine, like an adult but somehow childlike, like a saint but somehow criminal formed an expression which could have been considered a smile and continued.
::*(v6pro) This person looked like a man, yet also a woman; like an adult, yet also a child; like a saint, yet also a criminal.
::*(v6epil) This person, Aleister, who looked like a man, and like a woman; an adult, and a child; a Saint, and a convict, had all the possibilities of humanity.
::*(v9ch1) It was hard to tell whether that voice belongs to a man or a woman, a child or an adult, a Saint or a criminal.
::*(v10epil) This person, it was unknown if he was a man or a woman, an adult or a child, a Saint or a convict.
::*(v10epil) In the darkness, the ‘human’ laughed. / Was that from the greatest scientist in the world? / Or was that from the strongest magician in the world? / Was he a man, or a woman? / An adult, or a child? / A Saint, or a convict?
::*(v16epil)An Adult, and yet a Child; a Man, and yet a Woman; a Saint, and yet a Sinner
::*(v19epil) For just an instant, a slight distortion entered that human voice that sounded like the voice of both a man and a woman, both of an adult and a child, and both of a saint and a criminal.
::*(v22epil)He had an odd atmosphere that made him seem both male and female, both adult and child, and both saint and sinner.
:::-Cthaeh: I like sinner for matching against saint (alliteration and thematic)
:::-Ultranova17: I agree that sinner sounds better.
:::-Teh Ping: 'Sinner' sounds better, but may be too light of a term to be used in this case. We are talking about the Most Wicked Man in the World after all.
:::-Cthaeh: So, 2 editor votes + 1 translator/supervisor anti-vote = ???
:::-Skies: The quoted sentence you have there from Volume 2 Chapter 1 were personal liberties that I took to make it more sensible in English. While it's possible to be a (noun), you can only be described by (adjectives). This the reasoning for being a man described as feminine, an adult described as childlike, and a saint described as criminal. Ultimately, the sentence is just a stylistic way of saying the statements said below. Whether or not you choose to adopt this or revert it to a simpler standard is up to you. These are evolving translations after all.
*commander (referring to Last Order) (nt1ch1) <-> command tower <-> control tower
::-This could easily be intentional word choice diversity, so I won’t change unless told they should be the same?
:::-js06: They should be the same.
:::-Cthaeh: I could decide between them myself, but is there any preference for one term or the other (I'd normally go by whatever js06 uses, but there are multiple instances of both command and control tower in js06 translated chapters)
"Hello World!"
I read more on it and in all most all cases you are correct. I will mention something in discussion before I do any reverts.
*XXth school district / District XX / XXth District / the XXth district / XXth student district
::-While this isn’t too big of an issue, I feel like there is a little too much diversity. If someone wants to suggest terms to consolidate to, then I’ll do that. Otherwise I’ll probably leave it alone.
:::-Ultranova: I've always edited it to District XX, since that's the term js06 uses.
:::-Skies: In all of my edits, I change them to District 11 or something similar. To be extremely pedantic, 11th District would always require that you add "of Academy City" or "of the city" to be grammatically correct.
*Amakusa Catholics / Amakusa Church / Amakusa Christian Church (NecCh1) / Amakusas / Amakusa / Amakusa-style Church / Amakusa-style Remix of Church / Amakusa Style Remix of Church / Amakusa Style Remix-of-Church
::-I could use some guidance here as to which terms to keep. The last three are likely trivial to decide on, but I think some of the first few forms should be consolidated.
:::-Teh Ping: I hate this one, and simply copied the title. Well, they aren't really Catholics, so I think Amakusa Church is more appropriate in this case.
:::-Cthaeh: (I don't like it either) Anyone want to save me from indecisiveness by bolding which terms to keep?
*Removing single quotes around special terms (ie ‘Stab Sword’ -> '''Stab Sword''', ‘Apostle's Cross’ -> '''Apostle's Cross''', and others)
::-Teh Ping’s style was to use single quotes around special terms. Js06 does not, and there are quite a few entries on this list that relate to making those two styles consistent for terms that are spread across the volumes. In addition, there are a few terms that only appear in Teh Ping translated chapters and are therefore already consistent. However, I am still planning to remove the single quotes in order for the general style to be more consistent across volumes.
:::- OH&S (paraphrasing): PLEASE DON'T REMOVE THEM. The apostrophes are clues that the word may not be translated correctly. I hope to systematically remove them as I edit each part.
:::-Ultranova17: I greatly dislike the single quotes around terms. It may just be me, but it makes the volume much more annoying to read when every term is in a quote or some kind of special character. There is always the history link above if an editor needs to see what terms were in single quotes.
:::-Skies: Once all translations are rechecked and confirmed, all grammatically erroneous singular quotes should be removed. If you want to do this immediately, I recommend just copy pasting all of the single-quoted terminologies and pasting them onto the discussion page. Alternatively, putting traditional quotation marks is reasonable as well (e.g.: The weapon was called the "Stab Sword.").
:::-Cthaeh: I think my plan is going to be to leave the quotes for the "major" terms (ie 'Apostle's Cross') that I haven't already put on this list in other sections (ie 'Saint'). So things that are already listed in other sections will be changed as indicated. And then there are also some things that I haven't listed here that I may change when I go skimming through the list of everything with single quotes (it's too long of a list for me to want to go through it an extra time just to pick out things to put on this page, but an example I noticed was 'Deep Blood'), if I know that term is already correct.
This wouldn't require punctuation. There are few other cases but I can leave that in main discussion. Most of my mine are mistakes while involving short dialouge. Thank you for catching this for me. I will be sure to note it in the future. :)
* (Hamazura's/ was) super Hamazura (ntch1) <-?-> super Hamazura-y (v19)
*Angel of Ice, Archangel of Water (v21ch8) / (vs lower case forms) / water angel (v22ch9)
:::Skies: The question there is whether or not you want to use the term as a title. Of the three, archangel of water (ignore the capitalization for the moment) is the most appropriate. Ice is inaccurate theologically and water angel implies it's made of water rather than the fact that it has mastery over water. If you want to use it as a title, like the Archangel of Water Gabriel, then that's appropriate. Otherwise it's fairly just pedantic preference.
:::-Cthaeh: Do you know that the original JP uses only one term where the translation uses two (Angel of Ice, Archangel of Water)? Normally I look at whether whether or not the term usage is split along translator lines, but Angel of Ice and Archangel of Water both appear in the same passage by the same translator, so I was suspicious that there were two different terms in the original.
:::-Ultranova17: Based on the three ones I looked up, it seems like water should be correct. However, angel and archangel both seem to be used. 水の大天使 is the term used in v21ch7p7, and 水の天使 is both used in v21ch8p4 and v22ch9p3
*Salvare000 - A saving hand for those who cannot be saved. (2x-nt2ch4) <--?--> Salvare000 — Be the salvation of those who cannot be saved (v4ch3)
*First Production Plan <-?-> Radio Noise project
::-Ultranova17: I'm not sure about other volumes, but in volume 5, all instances of "First Production Plan" were 量産型能力者 《レデイオノイズ》 in Japanese. That has Radio Noise as the furigana. I used a lower case project in those edits, but I'm not sure if it should be capitalized or not.
*brainwashing machine (v13ch8) <-> self-learning (device) <-> '''Testament'''
:::-OH&S: Testament is correct. Learning Device is the kanji.
*Supreme Pontiff <-> Priestess
::-Ultranova17: Priestess is the furigana. 元女教皇 《プリエステス》
*-janyo (n1ch1) <-> -jan (at end of Yomikawa's speech) (ntch1 also uses -jan, so I'm not sure if the janyo is intentional)
*educational guidance <-> student counseling (referring to gorilla-like teacher)
*magi <-?-> magicians
*Knights (TP) <-> knights (js06)
*oujo <-> high-class girl
*spears <-> lances <-> Bomber Lances
*love comedy <-> romantic comedy
*esper development <-> esper ability development <-> psychic powers development <-> psychic power development <-> esper development <->
:::-Ultranova17: I've always edited it to psychic powers as that's what js06 translates it as. Same with changing esper powers to psychic powers, and Level 5 esper to just Level 5.
:::-(I forgot to add an OH&S comment from the pm, so this is not actually a response to Ultranova17, even though the opinion is counter) OH&S: "esper vs psychic: I will probably change them all to esper after consulting js06."
:::-Cthaeh: This ended up on my list after noticing it in some of Ultranova17's edits. Frankly I'm not too motivated about this one, so I may just leave it as is. The same goes for the below entry.
*(esper) development institute <-> (psychic powers) development institution <-> (psychic powers) development organization (referring to Academy city as a whole
*'Knights of Rounds' (v16ch3) / Knights of England (v17 ch1) <-> not used by js06
:::-Ultranova17: According to js06, for Knights of Rounds, the Japanese is 騎士派, which is consistent with the rest of the series for the knight faction.
:::-Cthaeh: So the first should be knight faction?
*‘Abnormal Halloween Night’s incident’ (nt1ch1) <-?-> British Halloween (v20)
* high class lady <-> ojou <-> lady
==General Comments==
*the Third World War <-> World War III <-> World War 3 <-> World War Three
Thanks for replying to my admin ticket and even going out of your way to helping me learn how to upload a file <3
::-I'll probably get rid of at least some of these forms, I just haven't decided which. If you have an opinion feel free to share.
Also, sick name, I'm a kingkiller fan as well. [[User:Xland44|Xland44]] ([[User talk:Xland44|talk]])
:::-Skies: Historians typically use a variation of the first three (the first two in particular) but not so much the fourth.
*'''Original''' <-> original (for referring to Mikoto relative the clones)
*'''Original''' <-> original (grimoire)
Thanks for the heads up on the Log Horizon illustrations.--[[User:Drowzycow|Drowzycow]] ([[User talk:Drowzycow|talk]]) 20:42, 13 November 2013 (CST)
Thanks for adding the image link, I was staring for quote some minutes at the page when I did it and thought "I know there's something missing..." :D [[User:Cautr|-cautr]] ([[User talk:Cautr|talk]]) 03:58, 16 December 2013 (CST)
*imouto (v3ch1, others) -> sister
::-I'm not a fan of using imouto, but I think it's one of those things that some people think is important to keep, so it ended up on this list.
:::-Ultranova17: I like using Misaka Imouto, but I don't like having imouto in place of sister. Chapter 1 of volume 3 was something I had trouble with. Misaka Imouto refers to #10032 exclusively. Touma first meets Misaka #10031, who is referred in the translation as Misaka-imouto. I'm not really sure what that should be, as it would seem kind of weird to just start calling her Misaka's (younger) sister, and then suddenly switch to Misaka Imouto once #10032 shows up.
:::-Cthaeh: I do also like the usage of Misaka Imouto, and not imouto for the standard sister. I'll probably leave everything as is unless one of the two translators/supervisor comments in favor of switching (less work for me that way).
*Misaka-imouto <-> Misaka Imouto
:::-Ultranova17: When referring to #10032.
:::-Cthaeh: I never quite noticed that before now (I remember you brought it up somewhere before, but I didn't understand what you were talking about at the time). I assume there's probably not any instances that need to be switched then, and I'll leave resolving the awkwardness you mentioned in an above entry to someone else at a later date.
* ‘Queen’s Fleet’ <-> '''Queen’s Fleet'''
*'''177th branch office''' <-> 177th Branch Office (also some other branch office numbers)
*Third Gate (v13ch6) <-> third gate (v13ch6)
*'''one piece''' <-> one-piece
*'''world police''' <-> 'World Police'
*earth <-> '''Earth''' (as the planet)
*lord (v17ch4) -> '''Lord '''(when referring to the Christian god)
*'''blonde''' (for women) <-> '''blond''' (for men)
*"outside" (nt1ch1) / Outside / outside
*"graveyard" <-> graveyard (nt1ch1)
* Biri Biri <-> biri biri <-> biribiri
Thanks for the heads up. Am always trying to identify hanging quotes. Some are impossible but that one was solved by looking up the original. --[[User:Aoi uchuu|Aoi uchuu]] ([[User talk:Aoi uchuu|talk]]) 00:43, 18 January 2014 (CST)
*cross <-> Cross
*god <-> God
*Misaka speech (use of single quotes or not)
*usage of it/its vs she/her for Misha/Gabriel (v20-22 seems to use she, v4 seems to use both)
*thought formatting (nothing, italics, parentheses, and combinations thereof)
*use and prevalence of caps for shouting
*numbers as digits vs as words
*the usage of s's, s', ss's, ect
*(Note: ), (TN: ) to references with ref tag
*whether or not to put noinclude on the Notes sections (have single notes section in full text or multiple)
*formatting for dates (use or lack of st, nd, rd, th)
*-… <-> emdash
*curly/straight quotation marks
*commas and periods (and other punctuation) inside vs outside of quotation marks
Thanks for you continued support of Rakuin no Monshou. Since you've already made a considerable amount of edit, I'd like to add you to the editors list. Is that okay with you? Also, I seem to have missed some of your comments so I'm going back to read them all. Detalz and I both use Google Drive to TLC each other and improve the quality - PM me if you want to join in. But you can also keep things as is. Either way's fine. --[[User:Dohma|Dohma]] ([[User talk:Dohma|talk]]) 09:26, 22 February 2014 (CST)
== A Continued Conversation ==
It's been like forever but thanks for fixing that for me. Sorry for the inconvenience. --[[User:Tasear|Tasear]] ([[User talk:Tasear|talk]]) 06:33, 14 March 2014 (CDT)
Hey Cthaeh, I am just continuing our PM conversation from AS here as per your suggestion.
I see what you mean now about the sentence. I will fix that. Thank you ;) --[[User:Tasear|Tasear]] ([[User talk:Tasear|talk]]) 21:42, 4 August 2014 (CDT)
So about having words on words: It was never my goal to inconvenience others with my edits. As you could tell by looking at the calendar I uploaded, I have a higher tolerance towards detail than others would like. I wanted to make my edits benefit the translation and the Index LN readers rathre than hinder them. As such, I am going to have a major rethink on how to go about working with these alternately pronounced words. I actually understand the angle at which you are approaching the issue; it can be a distraction when reading. Seeing furigana on words all the time would bring about a headache. Like you said in your earlier PM, there are a lot of words for which the base kanji is only slightly different from what is spoken and very little extra information is given. In such a case, I wouldn't include it either, or only include it for the first use of the word. e.g. {{furigana|Imagine Breaker|<small>Illusion Destroyer</small>|margin=12}} only for the first time in the entire series.<br>Another issue that may be annoying to deal with is that of the furigana being squeezed between the two lines in blocks of text like the given example. Sometimes there is overlap, which increases the difficulty of reading and makes the aforementioned headache worse. It would be unwise to have furigana in such a scenario.<br>Lastly the use of bold text for the base words: I was just experimenting to see if it was a viable option (for the app) and have yet to change it back. After looking at it and hearing your opinion on it, I dont like it either. The specific example you used, Asociacion di Cienia, was bolded to highlight what was actually pronounced. No need to worry about it, that particular example doesn't even need furigana going by the above criteria. If no one changes it by the time I get to it, I will do it myself.<br><br>In the end, I may be able to avoid the excessive use of furigana by making clever use of the ref tag. I can create a reference group for alternate pronounciations and stuff all of the furigana there while listing them at the bottom of the chapter page with the other notes; its seems like a better choice. Though I still plan on using furigana for at least some of the one-off or rarely used phrases in the series.<br><br>e.g. {{furigana|Dragon Breath|<small>Dragon King's Killing Breath</small>|margin=12}} ... Actually, bad example. If the furigana is longer than the base, then I will also put it into the alt references. Like so:<br><br>Dragon Breath<ref group=alt>Kanji: Killing Breath of the Dragon King</ref>
<references group=alt/>
If I do things like this, I may be able to minimize the use of furigana as much as possible. However, some important ones do need to be there, like the epic line from Touma at the end of Volume 3 Chapter 4. I can also include translations of other terms not in english within the alt references. Essentially, all(majority) of the headache inducing furigana will be at the bottom of the page for those who actually click the the footnote. As long as you don't click them, no headaches. This would also fall in line with my goal of fixing up the notes section across all volumes.
'''What do you think of this new method?''' If I create another ref group for the other references, then I think this method will work well for the Index series. It would also be good to get feedback from the other translators and editors.--[[User:OH&#38;S|OH&#38;S]] ([[User talk:OH&#38;S|talk]]) 08:48, 18 September 2013 (CDT)
Thank you for pointing out my mistake in editing Rakuin no Monshou. I somehow missed that guideline and apologize for inconveniencing you with having to undo the edits. I will be sure read the guidelines more closely in the future. I have undone some of them, but it seems you have undone the rest. I apologize if this isn't the proper way to send you a message, I'm still figuring out the Baka Tsuki format. [[User:Dezz|Dezz]] ([[User talk:Dezz|talk]]) 18:13, 5 October 2014 (CDT)
Say Cthaeh, any idea how to aquire additional privileges, like page deletion? If I remember right, you have that ability. Do you need to be around a certain amount of years, have a certain amount of contribution, or just ask an admin directly? Thanks for your timeǃ
:I think references is probably the best compromise between those who want the extra information, and those who don't want to be distracted while reading. I think excess references in the text can also be distracting as well (though not as much), so my personal preference would still be to leave out unnecessary terms, and to only reference the first occurrence if it as least somewhat important. The example of Dragon Breath (Dragon King's Killing Breath) is one that I personally wouldn't consider it important enough to get a reference even on the first occurrence. Though obviously opinions will differ on what is important.
[[User:Subsinexus|Subsinexus]] ([[User talk:Subsinexus|talk]]) 10:10, 1 April 2015 (CDT)
Above question answered and resolved by cloudii. --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh#top|talk]]) 21:02, 1 April 2015 (CDT)
:One idea might be to make a list of all furigana terms on a separate page (linked from the main project page), and then those who are interested could still see all the terms that use furigana, including those that weren't important enough to get references. What I'm imagining is a new page with a sortable list (see [[Rakuin_no_Monshou:Guidelines|this page]] for an example of the wikitable sortable format), with columns <vX-cY (first appearance)> - <kanji translation> - <furigana translation>. That way people would be able to sort by first appearance and look up such terms for a given volume, or sort by name to look up if they forgot the first occurrence. Though I don't know if such list on a separate page would be a satisfactory method of providing the extra information from the perspective of those who want that extra information. --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh#top|talk]]) 19:40, 18 September 2013 (CDT)
Thank you for the notice, comrade. --[[User:john34404|john34404]] ([[User talk:john34404#top|talk]]) 11:41, 21 July 2015 (CMT)
::Well I think the best course of action is to forget about the furigana edits for now and for me to do my edits for Volume 1 and 2. Then go back and make furigana related edits afterwards as a trial. After we can come to an agreement on how to go about furigana edits. I can continue with the designated format. How does that sound?--[[User:OH&#38;S|OH&#38;S]] ([[User talk:OH&#38;S|talk]]) 21:02, 18 September 2013 (CDT)
Hello, translator of Rokujouma here, I appreciate you pointing out the mistakes in the translation, it's a constant battle finding all of the ones that slip through. --[[User:Warnis|Warnis]] ([[User talk:Warnis|talk]]) 18:22, 24 August 2015 (UTC)
:::Sure. Though if you wanted to include your furigana related edits in your first pass, I think that'd be fine too. And others might have opinions to contribute as well; my opinion isn't all that important beyond representing readers who may be like me. --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh#top|talk]]) 21:38, 18 September 2013 (CDT)
:::::Well, regardless of what happens, Volumes 1 and 2 will function as the trial.--[[User:OH&#38;S|OH&#38;S]] ([[User talk:OH&#38;S|talk]]) 22:13, 18 September 2013 (CDT)
Thanks once again for the messages, much appreciated. Left another message on my stance on the Manafist/Lich subject on my talk page--[[User:Warnis|Warnis]] ([[User talk:Warnis|talk]]) 20:06, 23 September 2015 (UTC)
Hey, regarding the edits on Rokujouma vol 8, I reuploaded an edited version of chapters 5 & 6, sadly I wasn't aware of your edits, but make no mistake, it most certainly wasn't intentional. ---[[User:Warnis|Warnis]] ([[User talk:Warnis|talk]]) 21:28, 15 October 2015 (UTC)
==General Comments==
Thanks for the heads up on the Log Horizon illustrations.--[[User:Drowzycow|Drowzycow]] ([[User talk:Drowzycow|talk]]) 20:42, 13 November 2013 (CST)
Changes for 8.5 have been made, thanks for pointing them out. The proper name for Ruth's ancestor should be Flairhan, and not Flairan however. --[[User:Warnis|Warnis]] ([[User talk:Warnis|talk]]) 20:57, 22 November 2015 (UTC)
Thank you for your reply and information regarding the editor situation. I'll be sure to direct any further inquiries about our project to enn_ are. :) --[[User:Lunar Vitae|Lunar Vitae]] ([[User talk:Lunar Vitae|talk]]) 06:04, 7 June 2016 (UTC)
:I have replied to your PM on Animesuki--[[User:OH&#38;S|OH&#38;S]] ([[User talk:OH&#38;S|talk]]) 23:33, 2 December 2013 (CST)
Thank you very much for handling the move and page deletions for Marimite Volume 20. We really appreciate it! --[[User:Lunar Vitae|Lunar Vitae]] ([[User talk:Lunar Vitae|talk]]) 01:51, 12 July 2016 (UTC)
::I have made the requested changes. I also responded on Animesuki--[[User:OH&#38;S|OH&#38;S]] ([[User talk:OH&#38;S|talk]]) 00:47, 3 December 2013 (CST)
Hello Cthaeh, I thought you would like an update regarding my recent edits to the main page. I added onto the page discussion [[Talk:Toaru Majutsu no Index|here]]. There is a bit of me repeating what I have already told you but there are a few more thoughts there.--[[User:OH&#38;S|OH&#38;S]] ([[User talk:OH&#38;S|talk]]) 01:54, 6 December 2013 (CST)
:Cthaeh, would it be possible to hear some feedback from you regarding the recent changes I made to the Index Main Page (on the page discussion)? Thank you.--[[User:OH&#38;S|OH&#38;S]] ([[User talk:OH&#38;S|talk]]) 19:11, 10 December 2013 (CST)
::Thanks for the feedback. Ive put my thoughts about it in the discussion page. You don't need to reply to this.--[[User:OH&#38;S|OH&#38;S]] ([[User talk:OH&#38;S|talk]]) 22:58, 10 December 2013 (CST)
:::I have updated the main page yet again with a small list changes put on the discussion page. Thinngs look much better now. Thanks again.--[[User:OH&#38;S|OH&#38;S]] ([[User talk:OH&#38;S|talk]]) 23:58, 10 December 2013 (CST)
Thanks for adding the image link, I was staring for quote some minutes at the page when I did it and thought "I know there's something missing..." :D [[User:Cautr|-cautr]] ([[User talk:Cautr|talk]]) 03:58, 16 December 2013 (CST)
== HSDxD - Spanish ==
Thanks for the heads up. Am always trying to identify hanging quotes. Some are impossible but that one was solved by looking up the original. --[[User:Aoi uchuu|Aoi uchuu]] ([[User talk:Aoi uchuu|talk]]) 00:43, 18 January 2014 (CST)
I haven't noticed it, thanks. I'll handle it, I guess... - [[User:Misogi|Misogi]] ([[User talk:Misogi|talk]]) 09:06, 30 July 2014 (CDT)
== Re:Joining projects and starting new ones ==
Hey it's jsmi47 here. Thanks for your advice. I went through your links and they were a great help. With this I hope to become a major contribution to the site. ^^
so yeah. thanks.
== Sobre la traducción de black bullet ==
porque rayos borraron la traducciones de los últimos volúmenes en ingles, estoy tratando de deshacer eso pero borro mucho
The translator choose to remove it. I can't help you. --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh#top|talk]]) 11:19, 11 January 2015 (CST)
== Assistance ==
Hello Cthaeh just joined back to help with minor corrections that I come across. Wondering if there was anything I do to help with the spam users and garbage texts? [[User:Nonus|Nonus]] ([[User talk:Nonus|talk]]) 19:50, 18 February 2015 (CST)
Hello, I don't think there's much that can be done other than for grunts like me or admins to come by and delete them. --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh#top|talk]]) 19:51, 18 February 2015 (CST)
What most annoys me about spam users/pages is the clutter it adds to the recent changes page. Selecting "User" as namespace and inverting it filters out user creation, but there are still all the junk pages in the list. :/ Is there something simple that would help people like you with the deletion process? Anyways, thank you, to you and other grunts and the admins who help keep this site running smoothly. Keep it up. [[User:GSC|GSC]] ([[User talk:GSC|talk]]) 05:42, 13 March 2015 (CDT)
Nothing really that could me personally with my deletion/blocking; the limitation for me deleting them is just my schedule throughout the day. But thanks for the emotional support. --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh#top|talk]]) 19:15, 13 March 2015 (CDT)
Isn't possible to setup that new users can't post anything without first approval from admins; this might help temporarily from spambots. [[User:Nonus|Nonus]] ([[User talk:Nonus|talk]]) 15:12, 23 March 2015 (CDT)
Maybe, but there are likely more common solutions like adding a captcha. Unfortunately the only one who can implement it is MIA. --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh#top|talk]]) 18:50, 24 March 2015 (CDT)
May I bother you to change a filename for an illustration? After reading Date·A·Live's volume 12 afterword, I realized that there was a missing illustration. For some reason, the one who uploaded them marked the cover as "cover" and the table of contents as "000a", then named every other illustration as "000" plus a letter. It seems that, by doing that, the uploader skipped the one that should've been named "000a", so it was skipped. I've uploaded it, but there may be issues since one is "DAL_v12_000a.jpg" while the other is "DAL_v12_000a.png". Could you please rename "DAL_v12_000a.png" as "DAL_v12_contents.png" (and change the reference at the illustration page)?--[[User:Kemm|Kemm]] ([[User talk:Kemm|talk]])
:Thanks for the info. I didn't know that there was a way for general users to move content. At least in my case, it's concealed inside a "more" drop-down list (as the only element, to boot), which is more plain than the other options and thus easy to miss. I've already fixed what I wanted to fix.--[[User:Kemm|Kemm]] ([[User talk:Kemm|talk]])
== Questions about moving Volumes ==
Hi Cthaeh! This is BionicMeerkat. I'm posting this because it is now obvious that Volume 9 of Mondaiji should be placed under a short story section. I can see how to implement a Short Story section through glancing at other series that have short stories of their own, but my question is mainly regarding the illustrations. If I change the volume to be Volume 1 under short stories as it is labeled in Japan, wouldn't the illustrations become wacky from Volume 9 onward? I say this because we have been continuing with labeling the volumes with the short stories being Volume 9 when it should be the next main story that should be labeled volume 9. Sorry about the block of text and thank you! - [[User:BionicMeerkat|BionicMeerkat]] ([[User talk:BionicMeerkat|talk]]) 18:43, 9 April 2015 (CDT)
Thank you so much for your help! Like you said, I've planning on just moving them, although I have no clue how to name the volume since I assume putting Volume 1 in the front will conflict with the Volume 1 of the main story. I might just put SS1 in front so that way no conflicts will occur, but at this juncture I'm just going to attempt to make the short story section work before running into the moving portion. I will also be sure to check the international versions of the text to see if they are at the same spot and will try to notify them if so. Thanks again! (Sorry if the reply is suppose to be on my page, been here for nearly 2 years and still don't know the etiquette for replying haha) - [[User:BionicMeerkat|BionicMeerkat]] ([[User talk:BionicMeerkat|talk]]) 19:37, 9 April 2015 (CDT)
I've been here a little longer and I don't really know the proper etiquette for user talk page replies either. I think I do both at various times (like now). --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh#top|talk]]) 19:43, 9 April 2015 (CDT)
:Hey Cthaeh! So I'm swinging by because I have encountered a issue in moving the volumes around. So I can see that moving the illustrations is fine, however the biggest issue now is the navbar. I can't seem to make it identify the short story section, and thus I'm scared to move further into transferring the volume over. I have reverted all my changes I have made back to how it was prior to my tinkering and so far I have seen nothing that seems to be wrong thankfully. I have checked the SimpleNav, but I have no idea how well it will work, since I think it would be easier for the readers to just click the short story instead of having to go back to the main page just to read the volume. If all else fails I'm considering just naming the Volume as Volume 8.5 and then moving the later volumes to their correct volume number. However, the same issue comes up as I have no clue if the current Mondaiji navbar will recognize 8.5 and then I'm back to where I started. Any advice will be very much appreciated. Thank you! - [[User:BionicMeerkat|BionicMeerkat]] ([[User talk:BionicMeerkat|talk]]) 16:23, 20 April 2015 (CDT)
==Request for Editor Privileges==
Hi Cthaehǃ
Previously, I asked on this page the method for acquiring page deletion privileges, and was told to ask a supervisor for them. I went to Onizuka-Gto, left a message on his talk page, and have received no response up to now. Perhaps he is busy with other things?
So, I have no choice but to seek another. May I, as an editor of Tate no Yuusha, request of you the privileges associated with the position (page deletion, etc)?
Thank you for your timeǃ<br>
[[User:Subsinexus|Subsinexus]] ([[User talk:Subsinexus|talk]]) 10:29, 10 April 2015 (CDT)
Thank youǃ<br>[[User:Subsinexus|Subsinexus]] ([[User talk:Subsinexus|talk]]) 14:06, 10 April 2015 (CDT)
Umm... I didn't do anything. Cloudii did it over a week ago when he first posted on your talk page. --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh#top|talk]]) 18:33, 10 April 2015 (CDT)
A month later...
Oh. *Facepalm*. Well, thanks for being alive!<br>[[User:Subsinexus|Subsinexus]] ([[User talk:Subsinexus|talk]]) 09:06, 2 May 2015 (CDT)
Wow, late reply.
No, at the time, there was a lot of opposition even just shifting the chapters into preview links. So I didn't dare do anything more. Yoraikun's, at least, shouldn't be considered previews. [[User:Subsinexus|Subsinexus]] ([[User talk:Subsinexus|talk]]) 14:34, 29 September 2015 (UTC)
Yup, you did an amazing job. Thanks for the helpǃ Now I can properly rest in peace... [[User:Subsinexus|Subsinexus]] ([[User talk:Subsinexus|talk]]) 17:21, 30 September 2015 (UTC)
== Genre tag ==
Dear Cthaeh,
Ah, I wasn't too clear on what i meant, what i was thinking of, for example, a genre tag such as "adventure" or "harem" is allocated and this will be applied to both English and alternative Language project but there will not be a separate tags in each language and only in English for international simplicity sake.
--Onizuka-GTO 23:37, 27 April 2015 (CDT)
== VD2000 ==
Thanks for your reply I appreciate it! Ill contact Green Moriyama and after that hopefully get started. <3 --[[Special:Contributions/|]] 20:43, 28 April 2015 (CDT)
== Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance ==
Ah, I see. It seems to me you have this project all under control, I wasn't aware that it was still in the process of being edited so I assumed that it had been completed for now. Well, I'd hate to mess up the long hours of work you've put into editing, so I'll just stay put for now, unless you are in need of any help. [[User:Ruby Halo|Ruby Halo]] ([[User talk:Ruby Halo|talk]]) 04:36, 13 May 2015 (CDT)
== Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha Volume 3 Illustrations ==
Good day. I just want to ask something all about uploading of the colored illustrations. Some of the colored illustrations have text in them, and I want to edit that texts (via photoshop) and replace them with translated texts, specifically [[http://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/index.php?title=File:Shinmai_v03_000_color_04.jpg this file]] and this file only (well, for now). My question is, is that allowed?--[[User:Arsl31|Arsl31]] ([[User talk:Arsl31|talk]]) 07:41, 19 May 2015 (CDT)
== About Shippai Kinshi ==
Hi, sorry for the late reply. I was waiting for Teh Ping's response. He said that it was okayː http://postimg.org/image/qv08hozzp/ [[User:Onemanleft|Onemanleft]] ([[User talk:Onemanleft|talk]]) 16:38, 13 June 2015 (UTC)
OK, thanks for checking. --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh#top|talk]]) 17:13, 13 June 2015 (UTC)
== Stuff from Hellping ==
Just wanted to say that I already have ping's permission to upload his stuff here (Facebook dare or do. I told him i'd do it months ago but was too lazy lolz~) As you can see I've already uploaded CLockwork. Done with Magdala too(almost). Will do the rest when I have time. So can you remove the teaser tags and turn them into full projects? thanks --[[User:Ways|<span style="color:green;font:bold 10pt kristen itc">TheCatWalk</span>]] 12:50, 3 August 2015 (UTC)
OK. --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh#top|talk]]) 23:29, 3 August 2015 (UTC)
== Editing ZnT ==
Actually I'm still not clear on that. I intended to make major changes and want to register as an editor. Who on the "project staff" is actually responsible for registration? I've contacted some translators and editors about it, but they're not really sure. The project manager is supposed to take of this, but "Vaelis" is actually inactive.
Can you Cthaeh register me as an editor? - [[User:Iro Daijoubu|Iro Daijoubu]] ([[User talk:Iro Daijoubu|talk]])
Also one of the major changes I want to do is to change the term Ondine to Undine. Undine is correct term for water spirit. Its also the cannon term used in the anime. - [[User:Iro Daijoubu|Iro Daijoubu]] ([[User talk:Iro Daijoubu|talk]])
Hmmm I see, thanks for the clarification.
Oh and one more thing I want to ask about; when I was checking to see how to register as an editor, I also had a look at the contributions of the other editors on the main page (https://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/index.php?title=Zero_no_Tsukaima). Some of these editors' only contribution was to add themselves onto the editor list. What's up with that? Someone should remove them off the list imo. - [[User:Iro Daijoubu|Iro Daijoubu]] ([[User talk:Iro Daijoubu|talk]])
== Ore to Kanojo ga Geboku de Dorei de Shuujuu Keiyaku ==
EnTruce here. I will be adding both the External site and host it here. I am not taking any donation for Ore to Kanojo so I believe that I can, or not? (need Answer). I also have other novels and that's the reason it takes more time to TL it. The chapters are big and so...
== Re: Papa no Iu Koto o Kikinasai! ==
(The post at the following timestamp was cut and moved to the user's talk page for a contiguous conversation) [[User:Shanesan|Shanesan]] ([[User talk:Shanesan|talk]]) 12:43, 18 August 2015 (UTC)
Test. --[[User:Cthaeh bot|Cthaeh bot]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh bot|talk]]) 23:49, 15 September 2015 (UTC)
== Re : No Game No Life Illustration ==
Hello, thanks for watching over what I m doing.
I didn't know if we needed a specific naming for each country since the english illustration got deleted when it got licenced.
I d be pleased if you could undelete them.
Just to know, where can I get all their names ?
Thank you. [[User:Djidji|Djidji]] ([[User talk:Djidji|talk]]) 01:48, 21 September 2015 (UTC)
Nervermind, I also read your answer before you correct yourself. ^^'
So I should keep spanish illustration for further volumes ? [[User:Djidji|Djidji]] ([[User talk:Djidji|talk]]) 01:59, 21 September 2015 (UTC)
Ok, thanks for your answer! [[User:Djidji|Djidji]] ([[User talk:Djidji|talk]]) 10:20, 21 September 2015 (UTC)
Hi, I'm updating some illustrations of the 8th volume.<br />
I was wondering if I had to notice you to delete those two pages ([https://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/index.php?title=File:NGNL_V08_-_06.jpg 1];[https://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/index.php?title=File:NGNL_V08_-_08.jpg 2]) as they were splitted pictures and I found the overall pictures. [[User:Djidji|Djidji]] ([[User talk:Djidji|talk]]) 23:49, 2 June 2016 (UTC)
Replied on Djidji's talk page. --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh#top|talk]]) 00:15, 3 June 2016 (UTC)
Thanks for the fast reply! :) [[User:Djidji|Djidji]] ([[User talk:Djidji|talk]])
Sorry, can you tell me which is the problem with the links?
== Editing Issues ==
Got it i do not have a copy of the original light novel so i thought the " is extra or something i undo it
== Index SS removal?? ==
Hey Cthaeh,
I was notified that two of the Index SS were removed by you. As the acting Project Manager, can I get a heads up as to what is going on ? --[[User:OH&#38;S|OH&#38;S]] ([[User talk:OH&#38;S|talk]]) 01:50, 18 December 2015 (UTC)
Greetings Cthaeh, I received a similar notification about some of our [[Slayers]] translations. Did some bot run wild with your privileges, or is there something else I missed...? --[[User:Pip25|Pip25]] ([[User talk:Pip25|talk]]) 01:54, 18 December 2015 (UTC)
:Go to the [https://www.facebook.com/groups/Baka.Tsuki.org/permalink/10153395174585892/ Facebook page]. There was a big DMCA of stuff. I'm guessing that's what it is. -[[User:Ultranova17|Ultranova17]] ([[User talk:Ultranova17|talk]]) 01:56, 18 December 2015 (UTC)
DMCA notice requires immediate deletion. An announcement will be made by someone else at some point. --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh#top|talk]]) 02:00, 18 December 2015 (UTC)
Sorry, with all that needed to be done, I didn't (and don't) really have time to notify individuals about deletion. See the news now posted on the main page. That's all the information I have anyways. Also, I probably won't be very responsive to any future messages in the near future due to the holidays. --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh#top|talk]]) 03:28, 18 December 2015 (UTC)
== Bakemonogatari deleting ==
Hello Cthaeh,
It seemes to me that Bakemonogatari volumes 1 and 2 have been recently deleted. Please, tell me why and where I can find them. I've registered just to ask it.
Djidji already already gave the correct answer on your talk page, but just to repeat it here: They were deleted because [http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2016-02-13/vertical-licenses-nisioisin-bakemonogatari-novels/.98646 Vertical announced] it would release them, the deletion in line with [[Baka-Tsuki:Project_Abandonment_Policy|BT policy]]. So you can find them in book stores or online in half a year from Vertical. --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh#top|talk]]) 22:31, 14 July 2016 (UTC)
== Rakuin short story ==
Hello Cthaeh, sorry to bother you but I have a question about uploading etiquette and you seem like the person to ask. I managed to get hold of the short story for Rakuin no Monshou which [[User:Par74583|Par74583]] started translating and as I would like to replace his translation, I'm not sure what the proper way of doing that is, especially since he doesn't really seem to be active here anymore. Should I move his translation to the Discussion page (since just deleting it seems kind of rude)? --[[User:renuac|renuac]]
*Hello renuac, it's generally acceptable for an active translator to replace old translations for consistency or as necessary, though I don't think there's really a strict or formal procedure for it. I would personally drop a message on Par74583's talk page saying you plan to finish the short story and replace the start for consistency, just as a courtesy. As you've noted, he doesn't seem active, so it's likely you won't get a reply, which is fine. If you just paste over the existing translation, the page history will still show Par74583's contributions and allow someone to look up his version, plus you could leave his name on the registration page (while adding your own) as a way to acknowledge his work; so I wouldn't consider it very necessary to copy his version to the talk page, not that you couldn't if you wanted to do it that way. --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh#top|talk]]) 01:52, 20 December 2016 (CET)
Brilliant, thanks for the reply and I've done as you suggested and written to Par74583. And you are very welcome about the translations, I'm glad you're enjoying them. --[[User:renuac|renuac]] ([[User talk:renuac|talk]])
==TAMNI (Indonesia)==
The new user (a translator as he proclaimed) refuse to hold discussion with the previous translator and doing as he pleases. I just tried to warn him a little so he would calm down and be more cooperative. I didn't think it would draw your attention. Sorry. And thank you for your help. I might change it back depend on how the situation changes but for now I think it was for the best. I will inform the other translators about the change in protection level.
--[[User:Tony Yon|Tony Yon]] ([[User talk:Tony Yon|talk]]) 21:45, 16 May 2017 (CEST)
Hello boss, someone told me to contact you regarding the project of TAMNI indo, and i'm ready to take responsibility as project manager
--[[User:C.I.U|C.I.U]] ([[User talk:C.I.U|talk]]) 09:15, 17 May 2017 (CEST)
Yess, bos... Please keep it locked. I'm gonna inform you if there are some qualified translators that can take the project properly --[[User:C.I.U|C.I.U]] ([[User talk:C.I.U|talk]]) 15:48 , 18 May 2017 (CEST)
== Request for Supervisor ==
Hello Cthaeh, sorry if I bothering you. I am leader project of [[CLANNAD ~Vietnamese~]] and since we are going to release final patch of this visual novel in next year, I really need working hard on the documents page here in our projects. However, during the task, I need to see the old version of seens page of English version project, but since all of them already deleted, may I get Supervisor right to view old revision of those pages? I am not going to undelete any page, it just that I need read them to check the code and Japanese text. I hope you can understand and sorry for my bad English. Thank you in advanced! --[[User:minhhuywiki|<font color="green">'''minhhuy'''</font>]] <sup>([[User talk:Trần Nguyễn Minh Huy|talk]])</sup> 17:23, 29 December 2018 (CET)
* Yeah, sorry, I haven't logged in to the wiki or my email recently. I typed a little more in email, but it's generally the policy that we don't give out access to deleted content (unless it's to the original translator for that content). --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh#top|talk]]) 03:18, 5 February 2019 (CET)
== Spicing Up Bladedance's Translation ==
So, I really love Seirei Tsukai No Bladedance. I reread it quite a lot, but I always end up wanting to rewrite or change some sentence or other because I feel like the translation could use some more flavor. I feel the best example is in volume 9, when Kamito thinks "Having arrived at this point, all that's left is a dialogue through swords." I think that a better translation would be "At this point, all that's left is to let our swords do the talking."
Are you okay with edits like these? Because I'm probably changing the original sentence quite a bit in service of adding a bit more voice, personality, and overall polish to the translation.--[[User:Manofshaqfu|Manofshaqfu]] ([[User talk:Manofshaqfu|talk]]) 14:35, 5 August 2019 (CEST)
* Sorry for the late reply; I'm not very active anymore and should probably remove myself from the list there (but there's one more thing I want to get done first). Short answer is I'm personally fine with that kind of edit in moderation; however, I'll note the translator for most of the later volumes, zzhk, does (or at least used to) police edits on their own translations. Even if you have some valid edits, zzhk may undo them if there are some they feel went to far. So you'll likely want to either be prepared for the possibility your edits will be undone or check with zzhk first (though zzhk is also less active these days, and you may not get a prompt reply).
I'm thinking of editing another Index volume in the veins of Volumes 1 and 2. Which of the novels in particular would you like to see edited, or think I ought to, stylistic, Cthaeh?
--[[User:Skies|Skies]] ([[User talk:Skies|talk]]) 20:31, 27 January 2014 (CST)
: An addendum to that is that I advocate for moderation in that style of editing to preserve a level of consistency. Editors invariability come and go, and if everyone was editing to full extent of their stylistic sensibilities, the translation would end up a incongruous mismatch of differing styles even if it started with a consistent output from a single translator. So I like to view stylistic edits on the wiki as more to smooth out the rough edges rather than try to upgrade every possible line. Just giving a bit a food for thought regarding editing. --[[User:Cthaeh|Cthaeh]] ([[User talk:Cthaeh#top|talk]]) 02:04, 22 August 2019 (CEST)
I do have 16 done, but I was fairly liberal with the text and it would require a TL check at some point.
--[[User:Skies|Skies]] ([[User talk:Skies|talk]]) 23:54, 27 January 2014 (CST)

Latest revision as of 02:05, 22 August 2019

Editor Commentary[edit]

Proper usage of Sentence Fragments http://grammar.about.com/od/rhetoricstyle/a/effectivefrag.htm

--Tasear (talk) 20:31, 1 February 2014 (CST)

Okay, I made a mistake in my understanding. I believe you are talking about

"Hello World"

"Hello World!"

I read more on it and in all most all cases you are correct. I will mention something in discussion before I do any reverts.



This wouldn't require punctuation. There are few other cases but I can leave that in main discussion. Most of my mine are mistakes while involving short dialouge. Thank you for catching this for me. I will be sure to note it in the future. :)

General Comments[edit]

Thanks for replying to my admin ticket and even going out of your way to helping me learn how to upload a file <3 Also, sick name, I'm a kingkiller fan as well. Xland44 (talk)

Thanks for the heads up on the Log Horizon illustrations.--Drowzycow (talk) 20:42, 13 November 2013 (CST)

Thanks for adding the image link, I was staring for quote some minutes at the page when I did it and thought "I know there's something missing..." :D -cautr (talk) 03:58, 16 December 2013 (CST)

Thanks for the heads up. Am always trying to identify hanging quotes. Some are impossible but that one was solved by looking up the original. --Aoi uchuu (talk) 00:43, 18 January 2014 (CST)

Thanks for you continued support of Rakuin no Monshou. Since you've already made a considerable amount of edit, I'd like to add you to the editors list. Is that okay with you? Also, I seem to have missed some of your comments so I'm going back to read them all. Detalz and I both use Google Drive to TLC each other and improve the quality - PM me if you want to join in. But you can also keep things as is. Either way's fine. --Dohma (talk) 09:26, 22 February 2014 (CST)

It's been like forever but thanks for fixing that for me. Sorry for the inconvenience. --Tasear (talk) 06:33, 14 March 2014 (CDT)

I see what you mean now about the sentence. I will fix that. Thank you ;) --Tasear (talk) 21:42, 4 August 2014 (CDT)

Thank you for pointing out my mistake in editing Rakuin no Monshou. I somehow missed that guideline and apologize for inconveniencing you with having to undo the edits. I will be sure read the guidelines more closely in the future. I have undone some of them, but it seems you have undone the rest. I apologize if this isn't the proper way to send you a message, I'm still figuring out the Baka Tsuki format. Dezz (talk) 18:13, 5 October 2014 (CDT)

Say Cthaeh, any idea how to aquire additional privileges, like page deletion? If I remember right, you have that ability. Do you need to be around a certain amount of years, have a certain amount of contribution, or just ask an admin directly? Thanks for your timeǃ Subsinexus (talk) 10:10, 1 April 2015 (CDT)

Above question answered and resolved by cloudii. --Cthaeh (talk) 21:02, 1 April 2015 (CDT)

Thank you for the notice, comrade. --john34404 (talk) 11:41, 21 July 2015 (CMT)

Hello, translator of Rokujouma here, I appreciate you pointing out the mistakes in the translation, it's a constant battle finding all of the ones that slip through. --Warnis (talk) 18:22, 24 August 2015 (UTC)

Thanks once again for the messages, much appreciated. Left another message on my stance on the Manafist/Lich subject on my talk page--Warnis (talk) 20:06, 23 September 2015 (UTC)

Hey, regarding the edits on Rokujouma vol 8, I reuploaded an edited version of chapters 5 & 6, sadly I wasn't aware of your edits, but make no mistake, it most certainly wasn't intentional. ---Warnis (talk) 21:28, 15 October 2015 (UTC)

Changes for 8.5 have been made, thanks for pointing them out. The proper name for Ruth's ancestor should be Flairhan, and not Flairan however. --Warnis (talk) 20:57, 22 November 2015 (UTC)

Thank you for your reply and information regarding the editor situation. I'll be sure to direct any further inquiries about our project to enn_ are. :) --Lunar Vitae (talk) 06:04, 7 June 2016 (UTC)

Thank you very much for handling the move and page deletions for Marimite Volume 20. We really appreciate it! --Lunar Vitae (talk) 01:51, 12 July 2016 (UTC)

HSDxD - Spanish[edit]

I haven't noticed it, thanks. I'll handle it, I guess... - Misogi (talk) 09:06, 30 July 2014 (CDT)

Re:Joining projects and starting new ones[edit]

Hey it's jsmi47 here. Thanks for your advice. I went through your links and they were a great help. With this I hope to become a major contribution to the site. ^^ so yeah. thanks.

Sobre la traducción de black bullet[edit]

porque rayos borraron la traducciones de los últimos volúmenes en ingles, estoy tratando de deshacer eso pero borro mucho

The translator choose to remove it. I can't help you. --Cthaeh (talk) 11:19, 11 January 2015 (CST)


Hello Cthaeh just joined back to help with minor corrections that I come across. Wondering if there was anything I do to help with the spam users and garbage texts? Nonus (talk) 19:50, 18 February 2015 (CST)

Hello, I don't think there's much that can be done other than for grunts like me or admins to come by and delete them. --Cthaeh (talk) 19:51, 18 February 2015 (CST)

What most annoys me about spam users/pages is the clutter it adds to the recent changes page. Selecting "User" as namespace and inverting it filters out user creation, but there are still all the junk pages in the list. :/ Is there something simple that would help people like you with the deletion process? Anyways, thank you, to you and other grunts and the admins who help keep this site running smoothly. Keep it up. GSC (talk) 05:42, 13 March 2015 (CDT)

Nothing really that could me personally with my deletion/blocking; the limitation for me deleting them is just my schedule throughout the day. But thanks for the emotional support. --Cthaeh (talk) 19:15, 13 March 2015 (CDT)

Isn't possible to setup that new users can't post anything without first approval from admins; this might help temporarily from spambots. Nonus (talk) 15:12, 23 March 2015 (CDT)

Maybe, but there are likely more common solutions like adding a captcha. Unfortunately the only one who can implement it is MIA. --Cthaeh (talk) 18:50, 24 March 2015 (CDT)

May I bother you to change a filename for an illustration? After reading Date·A·Live's volume 12 afterword, I realized that there was a missing illustration. For some reason, the one who uploaded them marked the cover as "cover" and the table of contents as "000a", then named every other illustration as "000" plus a letter. It seems that, by doing that, the uploader skipped the one that should've been named "000a", so it was skipped. I've uploaded it, but there may be issues since one is "DAL_v12_000a.jpg" while the other is "DAL_v12_000a.png". Could you please rename "DAL_v12_000a.png" as "DAL_v12_contents.png" (and change the reference at the illustration page)?--Kemm (talk)

Thanks for the info. I didn't know that there was a way for general users to move content. At least in my case, it's concealed inside a "more" drop-down list (as the only element, to boot), which is more plain than the other options and thus easy to miss. I've already fixed what I wanted to fix.--Kemm (talk)

Questions about moving Volumes[edit]

Hi Cthaeh! This is BionicMeerkat. I'm posting this because it is now obvious that Volume 9 of Mondaiji should be placed under a short story section. I can see how to implement a Short Story section through glancing at other series that have short stories of their own, but my question is mainly regarding the illustrations. If I change the volume to be Volume 1 under short stories as it is labeled in Japan, wouldn't the illustrations become wacky from Volume 9 onward? I say this because we have been continuing with labeling the volumes with the short stories being Volume 9 when it should be the next main story that should be labeled volume 9. Sorry about the block of text and thank you! - BionicMeerkat (talk) 18:43, 9 April 2015 (CDT)

Thank you so much for your help! Like you said, I've planning on just moving them, although I have no clue how to name the volume since I assume putting Volume 1 in the front will conflict with the Volume 1 of the main story. I might just put SS1 in front so that way no conflicts will occur, but at this juncture I'm just going to attempt to make the short story section work before running into the moving portion. I will also be sure to check the international versions of the text to see if they are at the same spot and will try to notify them if so. Thanks again! (Sorry if the reply is suppose to be on my page, been here for nearly 2 years and still don't know the etiquette for replying haha) - BionicMeerkat (talk) 19:37, 9 April 2015 (CDT)

I've been here a little longer and I don't really know the proper etiquette for user talk page replies either. I think I do both at various times (like now). --Cthaeh (talk) 19:43, 9 April 2015 (CDT)

Hey Cthaeh! So I'm swinging by because I have encountered a issue in moving the volumes around. So I can see that moving the illustrations is fine, however the biggest issue now is the navbar. I can't seem to make it identify the short story section, and thus I'm scared to move further into transferring the volume over. I have reverted all my changes I have made back to how it was prior to my tinkering and so far I have seen nothing that seems to be wrong thankfully. I have checked the SimpleNav, but I have no idea how well it will work, since I think it would be easier for the readers to just click the short story instead of having to go back to the main page just to read the volume. If all else fails I'm considering just naming the Volume as Volume 8.5 and then moving the later volumes to their correct volume number. However, the same issue comes up as I have no clue if the current Mondaiji navbar will recognize 8.5 and then I'm back to where I started. Any advice will be very much appreciated. Thank you! - BionicMeerkat (talk) 16:23, 20 April 2015 (CDT)

Request for Editor Privileges[edit]

Hi Cthaehǃ

Previously, I asked on this page the method for acquiring page deletion privileges, and was told to ask a supervisor for them. I went to Onizuka-Gto, left a message on his talk page, and have received no response up to now. Perhaps he is busy with other things?

So, I have no choice but to seek another. May I, as an editor of Tate no Yuusha, request of you the privileges associated with the position (page deletion, etc)?

Thank you for your timeǃ
Subsinexus (talk) 10:29, 10 April 2015 (CDT)

Thank youǃ
Subsinexus (talk) 14:06, 10 April 2015 (CDT)

Umm... I didn't do anything. Cloudii did it over a week ago when he first posted on your talk page. --Cthaeh (talk) 18:33, 10 April 2015 (CDT)

A month later... Oh. *Facepalm*. Well, thanks for being alive!
Subsinexus (talk) 09:06, 2 May 2015 (CDT)

Wow, late reply. No, at the time, there was a lot of opposition even just shifting the chapters into preview links. So I didn't dare do anything more. Yoraikun's, at least, shouldn't be considered previews. Subsinexus (talk) 14:34, 29 September 2015 (UTC)

Yup, you did an amazing job. Thanks for the helpǃ Now I can properly rest in peace... Subsinexus (talk) 17:21, 30 September 2015 (UTC)

Genre tag[edit]

Dear Cthaeh,

Ah, I wasn't too clear on what i meant, what i was thinking of, for example, a genre tag such as "adventure" or "harem" is allocated and this will be applied to both English and alternative Language project but there will not be a separate tags in each language and only in English for international simplicity sake.

--Onizuka-GTO 23:37, 27 April 2015 (CDT)


Thanks for your reply I appreciate it! Ill contact Green Moriyama and after that hopefully get started. <3 -- 20:43, 28 April 2015 (CDT)

Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance[edit]

Ah, I see. It seems to me you have this project all under control, I wasn't aware that it was still in the process of being edited so I assumed that it had been completed for now. Well, I'd hate to mess up the long hours of work you've put into editing, so I'll just stay put for now, unless you are in need of any help. Ruby Halo (talk) 04:36, 13 May 2015 (CDT)

Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha Volume 3 Illustrations[edit]

Good day. I just want to ask something all about uploading of the colored illustrations. Some of the colored illustrations have text in them, and I want to edit that texts (via photoshop) and replace them with translated texts, specifically [this file] and this file only (well, for now). My question is, is that allowed?--Arsl31 (talk) 07:41, 19 May 2015 (CDT)

About Shippai Kinshi[edit]

Hi, sorry for the late reply. I was waiting for Teh Ping's response. He said that it was okayː http://postimg.org/image/qv08hozzp/ Onemanleft (talk) 16:38, 13 June 2015 (UTC)

OK, thanks for checking. --Cthaeh (talk) 17:13, 13 June 2015 (UTC)

Stuff from Hellping[edit]

Just wanted to say that I already have ping's permission to upload his stuff here (Facebook dare or do. I told him i'd do it months ago but was too lazy lolz~) As you can see I've already uploaded CLockwork. Done with Magdala too(almost). Will do the rest when I have time. So can you remove the teaser tags and turn them into full projects? thanks --TheCatWalk 12:50, 3 August 2015 (UTC)

OK. --Cthaeh (talk) 23:29, 3 August 2015 (UTC)

Editing ZnT[edit]

Actually I'm still not clear on that. I intended to make major changes and want to register as an editor. Who on the "project staff" is actually responsible for registration? I've contacted some translators and editors about it, but they're not really sure. The project manager is supposed to take of this, but "Vaelis" is actually inactive.

Can you Cthaeh register me as an editor? - Iro Daijoubu (talk)

Also one of the major changes I want to do is to change the term Ondine to Undine. Undine is correct term for water spirit. Its also the cannon term used in the anime. - Iro Daijoubu (talk)

Hmmm I see, thanks for the clarification.

Oh and one more thing I want to ask about; when I was checking to see how to register as an editor, I also had a look at the contributions of the other editors on the main page (https://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/index.php?title=Zero_no_Tsukaima). Some of these editors' only contribution was to add themselves onto the editor list. What's up with that? Someone should remove them off the list imo. - Iro Daijoubu (talk)

Ore to Kanojo ga Geboku de Dorei de Shuujuu Keiyaku[edit]

EnTruce here. I will be adding both the External site and host it here. I am not taking any donation for Ore to Kanojo so I believe that I can, or not? (need Answer). I also have other novels and that's the reason it takes more time to TL it. The chapters are big and so...

Re: Papa no Iu Koto o Kikinasai![edit]

(The post at the following timestamp was cut and moved to the user's talk page for a contiguous conversation) Shanesan (talk) 12:43, 18 August 2015 (UTC)

Test. --Cthaeh bot (talk) 23:49, 15 September 2015 (UTC)

Re : No Game No Life Illustration[edit]

Hello, thanks for watching over what I m doing. I didn't know if we needed a specific naming for each country since the english illustration got deleted when it got licenced. I d be pleased if you could undelete them. Just to know, where can I get all their names ? Thank you. Djidji (talk) 01:48, 21 September 2015 (UTC)

Nervermind, I also read your answer before you correct yourself. ^^' So I should keep spanish illustration for further volumes ? Djidji (talk) 01:59, 21 September 2015 (UTC)

Ok, thanks for your answer! Djidji (talk) 10:20, 21 September 2015 (UTC)

Hi, I'm updating some illustrations of the 8th volume.
I was wondering if I had to notice you to delete those two pages (1;2) as they were splitted pictures and I found the overall pictures. Djidji (talk) 23:49, 2 June 2016 (UTC)

Replied on Djidji's talk page. --Cthaeh (talk) 00:15, 3 June 2016 (UTC)

Thanks for the fast reply! :) Djidji (talk)


Sorry, can you tell me which is the problem with the links?

Editing Issues[edit]

Got it i do not have a copy of the original light novel so i thought the " is extra or something i undo it

Index SS removal??[edit]

Hey Cthaeh,

I was notified that two of the Index SS were removed by you. As the acting Project Manager, can I get a heads up as to what is going on ? --OH&S (talk) 01:50, 18 December 2015 (UTC)

Greetings Cthaeh, I received a similar notification about some of our Slayers translations. Did some bot run wild with your privileges, or is there something else I missed...? --Pip25 (talk) 01:54, 18 December 2015 (UTC)

Go to the Facebook page. There was a big DMCA of stuff. I'm guessing that's what it is. -Ultranova17 (talk) 01:56, 18 December 2015 (UTC)

DMCA notice requires immediate deletion. An announcement will be made by someone else at some point. --Cthaeh (talk) 02:00, 18 December 2015 (UTC)

Sorry, with all that needed to be done, I didn't (and don't) really have time to notify individuals about deletion. See the news now posted on the main page. That's all the information I have anyways. Also, I probably won't be very responsive to any future messages in the near future due to the holidays. --Cthaeh (talk) 03:28, 18 December 2015 (UTC)

Bakemonogatari deleting[edit]

Hello Cthaeh, It seemes to me that Bakemonogatari volumes 1 and 2 have been recently deleted. Please, tell me why and where I can find them. I've registered just to ask it.

Djidji already already gave the correct answer on your talk page, but just to repeat it here: They were deleted because Vertical announced it would release them, the deletion in line with BT policy. So you can find them in book stores or online in half a year from Vertical. --Cthaeh (talk) 22:31, 14 July 2016 (UTC)

Rakuin short story[edit]

Hello Cthaeh, sorry to bother you but I have a question about uploading etiquette and you seem like the person to ask. I managed to get hold of the short story for Rakuin no Monshou which Par74583 started translating and as I would like to replace his translation, I'm not sure what the proper way of doing that is, especially since he doesn't really seem to be active here anymore. Should I move his translation to the Discussion page (since just deleting it seems kind of rude)? --renuac

  • Hello renuac, it's generally acceptable for an active translator to replace old translations for consistency or as necessary, though I don't think there's really a strict or formal procedure for it. I would personally drop a message on Par74583's talk page saying you plan to finish the short story and replace the start for consistency, just as a courtesy. As you've noted, he doesn't seem active, so it's likely you won't get a reply, which is fine. If you just paste over the existing translation, the page history will still show Par74583's contributions and allow someone to look up his version, plus you could leave his name on the registration page (while adding your own) as a way to acknowledge his work; so I wouldn't consider it very necessary to copy his version to the talk page, not that you couldn't if you wanted to do it that way. --Cthaeh (talk) 01:52, 20 December 2016 (CET)

Brilliant, thanks for the reply and I've done as you suggested and written to Par74583. And you are very welcome about the translations, I'm glad you're enjoying them. --renuac (talk)

TAMNI (Indonesia)[edit]

The new user (a translator as he proclaimed) refuse to hold discussion with the previous translator and doing as he pleases. I just tried to warn him a little so he would calm down and be more cooperative. I didn't think it would draw your attention. Sorry. And thank you for your help. I might change it back depend on how the situation changes but for now I think it was for the best. I will inform the other translators about the change in protection level. --Tony Yon (talk) 21:45, 16 May 2017 (CEST)

Hello boss, someone told me to contact you regarding the project of TAMNI indo, and i'm ready to take responsibility as project manager --C.I.U (talk) 09:15, 17 May 2017 (CEST)

Yess, bos... Please keep it locked. I'm gonna inform you if there are some qualified translators that can take the project properly --C.I.U (talk) 15:48 , 18 May 2017 (CEST)

Request for Supervisor[edit]

Hello Cthaeh, sorry if I bothering you. I am leader project of CLANNAD ~Vietnamese~ and since we are going to release final patch of this visual novel in next year, I really need working hard on the documents page here in our projects. However, during the task, I need to see the old version of seens page of English version project, but since all of them already deleted, may I get Supervisor right to view old revision of those pages? I am not going to undelete any page, it just that I need read them to check the code and Japanese text. I hope you can understand and sorry for my bad English. Thank you in advanced! --minhhuy (talk) 17:23, 29 December 2018 (CET)

  • Yeah, sorry, I haven't logged in to the wiki or my email recently. I typed a little more in email, but it's generally the policy that we don't give out access to deleted content (unless it's to the original translator for that content). --Cthaeh (talk) 03:18, 5 February 2019 (CET)

Spicing Up Bladedance's Translation[edit]

So, I really love Seirei Tsukai No Bladedance. I reread it quite a lot, but I always end up wanting to rewrite or change some sentence or other because I feel like the translation could use some more flavor. I feel the best example is in volume 9, when Kamito thinks "Having arrived at this point, all that's left is a dialogue through swords." I think that a better translation would be "At this point, all that's left is to let our swords do the talking."

Are you okay with edits like these? Because I'm probably changing the original sentence quite a bit in service of adding a bit more voice, personality, and overall polish to the translation.--Manofshaqfu (talk) 14:35, 5 August 2019 (CEST)

  • Sorry for the late reply; I'm not very active anymore and should probably remove myself from the list there (but there's one more thing I want to get done first). Short answer is I'm personally fine with that kind of edit in moderation; however, I'll note the translator for most of the later volumes, zzhk, does (or at least used to) police edits on their own translations. Even if you have some valid edits, zzhk may undo them if there are some they feel went to far. So you'll likely want to either be prepared for the possibility your edits will be undone or check with zzhk first (though zzhk is also less active these days, and you may not get a prompt reply).
An addendum to that is that I advocate for moderation in that style of editing to preserve a level of consistency. Editors invariability come and go, and if everyone was editing to full extent of their stylistic sensibilities, the translation would end up a incongruous mismatch of differing styles even if it started with a consistent output from a single translator. So I like to view stylistic edits on the wiki as more to smooth out the rough edges rather than try to upgrade every possible line. Just giving a bit a food for thought regarding editing. --Cthaeh (talk) 02:04, 22 August 2019 (CEST)