Clannad FR:SEEN4415

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// Resources for SEEN4415.TXT
// Traduction: 0,1% :p

#character '*B'
#character 'Fille'
// Girl
// 少女

<0000> I sneak out of the classroom and head towards the old school building, as always.
// I sneak out of the classroom and head towards the old school building, as always.
// 教室を抜け出し、いつものように旧校舎の方に向かった。
<0001> Softening my footsteps, I continue down the hallway.
// Softening my footsteps, I continue down the hallway.
// 足音を殺して、廊下を進む。
<0002> Almost all of the rooms here aren't used.
// Almost all of the rooms here aren't used.
// ここらの教室は、ほとんど使用されていない。
<0003> And by request, they'd become clubrooms, but they're usually just left as is.
// And by request, they'd become clubrooms, but they're usually just left as is.
// And at request, they'd become clubrooms, but they'd just usually leave it as is.
// 申請があれば文化部の部室にあてがわれるらしいが、実際は放置されている。
<0004> Without being discovered, I slip inside one of the empty classrooms.
// Without being discovered, I slip inside one of the empty classrooms.
// 見咎められることなく、空き教室のひとつに潜り込んだ。
<0005> And then sit in a suitable chair.
// And then sit in a suitable chair.
// Lit. I sit in a suitable chair, and to the back of the chair I deeply entrust my body. - Shi-an
// 適当な椅子に座り、背もたれに深く体を預けた。
<0006> Beyond the curtainless window is the beautiful sky.
// Beyond the curtainless window is the beautiful sky.
// カーテンのない窓の向こう、代わり映えのしない空。
<0007> \{\m{B}} "I went to all the trouble of skipping, but I have nothing to do."
// \{\m{B}} "I went to all the trouble of skipping, but I have nothing to do."
// Lit. "I went to all the trouble of skipping, yet the (only) thing to do is breaking time (to mean killing time)" - Shi-an
// \{\m{B}} 「せっかくサボって、やることは暇つぶしかよ…」
<0008> My murmuring fades scatters through the empty room.
// My murmuring fades scatters through the empty room.
// Lit. My own muttering, is sucked in/inhaled by this empty-like room - Shi-an
// 自分の呟きが、がらんとした部屋に吸い込まれていく。
<0009> I wonder if this kind of life will someday change too.
// I wonder if this kind of life will someday change too.
// こんな生活も、いつか変わるんだろうか?
<0010> Will the day that something changes come?
// Will the day that something changes come?
// Alt. TL: Will such a day come?
// Too short... Anyway, I just want to maintain the context here if possible so that it would make more sense. -DG1
// 変わる日が来るんだろうか?
<0011> There was a person talking about that...
// There was a person talking about that...
// そんなことを言ってた奴がいたな…
<0012> Thinking of an effeminate girl was the only thing that came to mind.
// Thinking of an effeminate girl was the only thing that came to mind.
// Prev. TL: An effeminate girl was thinking about that and it only came to my mind.
// Not really sure how this line goes, but it sounded to me like he was thinking about an effiminate girl so that idea about how he doesn't change just came in to him. Need someone to check this line. -DG1
// Lit. After thinking it was an effeminate person, I realised it was myself. 
// The context is quite ambiguous, but I presume it means that he thinks "wow, the person that I am thinking of is such a sissy", // but then he realises that he himself started thinking about it through his own stream of thought, so therefore he is just      // as sissy-like as that person. - Shi-an
// 女々しい奴だと思ってから、自分だと気づいた。
<0013> I close my eyes.
// I close my eyes.
// 俺は目を閉じた。
<0014> I wonder if something good will happen if I just sit idly here.
// I wonder if something good will happen if I just sit idly here.
// Lit. "'If I could postpone time, how good would that be?' I thought." 
// Yeah, makes no sense to me either - Shi-an
// 時間だけを先送りにできたら、どんなにいいだろうと思った。
<0015> .........
// ………。
<0016> ......
// ……。
<0017> ...
// …。
<0018> The sunlight shining on top of me becomes unbearable, and I open my eyes.
// The sunlight shining on top of me becomes unbearable, and I open my eyes.
// ほぼ真上に来た太陽の陽射しに、たまらなくなって目を開けた。
<0019> That was about as much as I could take of being in an empty room.
// That was about as much as I could take of being in an empty room.
// 何もない場所にいるのは、そのぐらいが限界だった。
<0020> I leave the empty classroom.
// I leave the empty classroom.
// 俺は空き教室を出た。
<0021> Unconcerned, I am just about to descend the stairway...
// Unconcerned, I am just about to descend the stairway...
// 何気なく階段を下りようとした時。
<0022> ... When at the end of the corridor, I see a sliding door.
// ... When at the end of the corridor, I see a sliding door.
// 廊下の突き当たりの引き戸が目に入った。
<0023> It's the library.
// It's the library.
// 図書室だった。
<0024> There's a written note saying, "Closed."
// There's a written note saying, "Closed."
// 『閉室中』と書かれた札がかかっている。
<0025> But, if I look closely, the door is slightly open.
// But, if I look closely, the door is slightly open.
// But if you look closely, the door is a little open.
// よく見ると、戸の端がほんの少しだけ開いていた。
<0026> For some reason, I am curious.
// For some reason, I am curious.
// なぜだか気になった。
<0027> I open the sliding door and go inside.
// I open the sliding door and go inside.
// 引き戸を開け、中に入ってみた。
<0028> There are tall bookshelves and reading tables all lined up.
// There are tall bookshelves and reading tables all lined up.
// 背の高い書棚と閲覧席が、整然と並んでいる。
<0029> There's a soft breeze coming in, mixing the scent of paper and dust.
// There's a soft breeze coming in, mixing the scent of paper and dust.
// かすかな風に乗って、埃と紙の匂いがした。
<0030> The floating curtain is swaying back and forth, as if it's breathing.
// The floating curtain is swaying back and forth, as if it's breathing.
// Prev. TL: The curtain sways and floats as the wind blows it.
// 吹き流されたカーテンが、息をするように揺れている。
<0031> And over by the window is a person's shadow.
// And over by the window is a person's shadow.
// Prev. TL: And over there by the window was the projection of someone's shadow.
// Don't really know if it's just me but, the prev. tl sounded unnatural to me. -DG1
// "Hitokage" can also mean "figure" or "silhouette". I have a gut feeling it is actually supposed to mean one of those
// in this context. Anyone agree? - Shi-an
// その向こう、窓際に人影があった。
<0032> Wearing child-like hair ornaments, a schoolgirl who seems like the quiet type.
// Wearing child-like hair ornaments, a schoolgirl who seems like the quiet type.
// Prev. TL: There sat a reserved schoolgirl, wearing cutesy hair accessories like that of a child.
// Reason for changes: conciseness; childish and kodomo-poi radiate different impressions
// Tomoya wasn't really saying she's a reserved type, more like, someone who "might" (he has a feeling that she a quiet type of girl)
// 子供っぽい髪飾りをした、物静かな感じの女生徒。
<0033> The color of her badge is the same as mine, that of a third year.
// The color of her badge is the same as mine, that of a third year.
// Prev. TL: I see that she's a third year too from the color of her badge.
// 胸元の校章の色は、俺と同じ三年生だ。
<0034> For some reason, she's sitting on the floor.
// For some reason, she's sitting on the floor.
// なぜだか、床にぺたんと座り込んでいる。
<0035> ... is she feeling sick?
// ... is she feeling sick?
// Alt. TL: ... maybe she's not feeling well?
// …気分でも悪いんだろうか?
<0036> Moving closer, I realize that she's reading a book with enthusiasm.
// Moving closer, I realize that she's reading a book with enthusiasm.
// "realized" is past tense, reading is present participle -DG1
// 近づこうとして、彼女が熱心に本を読んでいるのに気づいた。
<0037> Is she skipping class?
// Is she skipping class?
// サボリだろうか?
<0038> And I thought Sunohara and I were the only people who wouldn't be found in a classroom in such a time.
// And I thought Sunohara and I were the only people who wouldn't be found in a classroom in such a time.
// Previous - I was thinking that the only ones that should not be in a classroom were Sunohara and I.
// Alt - And I thought Sunohara and I were the only people who won't be found in a classroom in such a time. - Kinny Riddle
// Another Alt - I thought the only people not in a classroom around this time of day were Sunohara and me.
// こんな時間に教室にいないのは、俺か春原ぐらいだと思っていた。
<0039> Without noticing me, the girl continues reading the book.
// Without noticing me, the girl continues reading the book.
// Prev. TL: She continued reading without noticing that I was there.
// 俺のことには気づかず、彼女は本を読み続けている。
<0040> Then, she stops on a page.
// Then, she stops on a page.
// と、ページをめくる手が止まった。
<0041> It seems like she found something.
// It seems like she found something.
// 何か見つけたらしい。
<0042> For some odd reason, she takes out a pair of scissors.
// For some odd reason, she takes out a pair of scissors.
// なぜかハサミを取り出した。
<0043> Holding the edge of the page, she pauses for a moment.
// Holding the edge of the page, she pauses for a moment.
// 本のページに刃を当てて、何秒かの間動作を止める。
<0044> It looks like she's thinking about something.
// It looks like she's thinking about something.
// 何かを念じるかのようだった。
<0045> And then...
// And then...
// そして。
<0046> Snip, snip, snip.
// Snip, snip, snip.
// じょきじょきじょき。
<0047> Without hesitation, she starts cutting the book...
// Without hesitation, she starts cutting the book...
// ためらうことなく、本を切り抜いていった…
<0048> \{\m{B}} "Hey! Wait a second!"
// \{\m{B}} "Hey! Wait a second!"
// \{\m{B}} 「ちょっと待て、こらっ」
<0049> I rush over to her without thinking.
// I rush over to her without thinking.
// 思わず駆け寄ってしまっていた。
<0050> \{Fille} "?"
// \{少女} 「?」
<0051> Her hand stops as she gazes up at my face.
// Her hand stops as she gazes up at my face.
// 手を止めて、俺の顔を見上げる。
<0052> For some reason, she's barefooted.
// For some reason, she's barefooted.
// なぜだか、彼女は素足だった。
<0053> Her indoor shoes and socks are placed on the floor.
// Her indoor shoes and socks are placed on the floor.
// 上履きも靴下も、脱いだまま床に置かれている。
<0054> And around her are a pouch handbag and tons of books that seem to belong to her...
// And around her are a pouch handbag and tons of books that seem to belong to her...
// その周りに、彼女のものらしい巾着袋と本の山…
<0055> If you look even further, you'll see that she even has a cushion.
// If you look even further, you'll see that she even has a cushion.
// さらによく見れば、どこから見つけてきたのかクッションまで敷いていた。
<0056> She looks serious and calm, as if she's at home, but it's kind of unbalanced.
// She looks serious and calm, as if she's at home, but it's kind of unbalanced.
// 真剣なまなざしと、自分の家のようなくつろいだ格好が、不釣り合いだった。
<0057> \{\m{B}} "That's a library book, right?"
// \{\m{B}} "That's a library book, right?"
// \{\m{B}} 「それ、図書室の本だろ?」
<0058> \{Fille} "??"
// \{少女} 「??」
<0059> She thinks of something.
// She thinks of something.
// Alt. TL: She takes a moment to think.
// Not as faithful to the original Japanese, but it flows better.
// Alt. TL: She seems to be thinking of something.
// Just switch, if you think the flow doesn't look nice -DG1
// 何事か考える。
<0060> Snip, snip, snip.
// Snip, snip, snip.
// じょきじょきじょき。
<0061> \{Fille} "Yes."
// \{Girl} "Yes."
// \{少女} 「はい」
<0062> She cuts the corner of the cut-off page again, and presents it to me.
// She cuts the corner of the cut-off page again, and presents it to me.
// She cuts anew the corner of the cut off page, she then presents it to me.
// Prev. TL: She started cutting the corner of the paper and presented it to me.
// Alt TL She cuts off the corner of the severed page, and hands it to me.
// 切り取ったページの隅を新しく切って、俺に差し出してきた。
<0063> \{Fille} "The tip is delicious."
// \{Girl} "The tip is delicious."
// The tip corner, like in a piece of pie where you bite first. -DG1
// \{少女} 「はしっこの方が、おいしいの」
<0064> She says that as though it's like sponge cake or roast pork.
// She says that as though it's like sponge cake or roast pork.
// カステラか焼き豚みたいなことを言う。
<0065> \{\m{B}} "Do you eat this?"
// \{\m{B}} "Do you eat this?"
// \{\m{B}} 「食べるのか、あんたはこれを」
<0066> I ask while thrusting the piece of paper she cut out of the book in front of her.
// I ask while thrusting the piece of paper she cut out of the book in front of her.
// 成り行きで受け取ってしまった紙切れを突きつけ、そう訊いてやる。
<0067> \{Fille} "I don't, it's not mutton."
// \{Girl} "I don't, it's not mutton."
//PREV TL: "I don't, It's not edible."
//JUSTIFICATION FOR CHANGING: [YA][GI], the katakana, spells out goat; and goat is usually written in katakana, not in kanji, as one might expect. Therefore, this is almost certainly mutton.
// Yup, but I was like, "mutton? You're not making any sense" When I translated this route almost 2 years ago, I forgot to note it though, anyway, Kotomi isn't really making any sense sometimes as well... XD -DG1
//I wonder how the translation gotten to mutton??? Kotomi is saying shes not eating cause she is not a goat... thats all. - Anon A
// \{少女} 「食べないの。ヤギじゃないから」
<0068> \{\m{B}} "That's right."
// \{\m{B}} "That's right."
// \{\m{B}} 「そうだろうな」
<0069> \{Fille} "Do you want to eat paper?"
// \{Girl} "Do you want to eat paper?"
// \{少女} 「紙、食べたい?」
<0070> \{\m{B}} "I don't want to eat paper either."
// \{\m{B}} "I don't want to eat paper either."
// \{\m{B}} 「俺だって食べたくない」
<0071> \{Fille} "You're not hungry?"
// \{Girl} "You're not hungry?"
// \{少女} 「お腹、空いてない?」
<0072> \{\m{B}} "No, I am a bit hungry."
// \{\m{B}} "No, I am a bit hungry."
// \{\m{B}} 「いや。そろそろ腹は減ってきたところだ」
<0073> \{Fille} "I'm also hungry."
// \{Girl} "I'm also hungry."
// In this scenario, translating the tense into present tense makes much more sense.
// \{少女} 「私も、お腹空いてきたの」
<0074> \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{\m{B}} 「………」
<0075> As we engage in conversation, I feel like we are slipping towards very basic communication.
// As we engage in conversation, I feel like we are slipping towards very basic communication.
// Prev. TL: It seems I'm engaging in some conversation with her, but, it feels like we're slipping away from the basics.
// Prev. TL: As we engage in this conversation, I realize that we're slipping off to basics.
// I have looked through several Kanji dictionaries and have not found 'kami' to mean 'falter.' 
// Assuming that it takes the meaning of the compund verb to means gears meshing, a literal translation would be: "It seems that our
// conversation is meshing together, and so I feel that it is slipping towards the fundamentals/basics.
// Noticably he says 'ni'(towards) instead of 'kara'(away from), when it comes to the direction that the conversation is slipping
// from the basics, so I believe Tomoya is saying that he realises that when the pair have a mutually intelligible conversation,
// it seems to consist of nothing but very basic conversation (which involves them talking about how hungry they are). - Shian
//Jc100: Looking over this script for about the 4-5th time, I'm starting to suspect that 噛み合って means 'to break down' in this context;with the 'kami' part meaning 'to falter', and 'atte' together; instead of the meaning of the compound verb of gears meshing or chewing one another. Please look into this.
// Actually, I think the line meant, "It seems I'm engage to some coversation with her but, it feels like we're slipping away from the basic." ask some pro to be sure though. -DG1
// 会話が噛み合っているようで、根本的にずれている気がする。
<0076> \{\m{B}} "Anyway..."
// \{\m{B}} "Anyway..."
// \{\m{B}} 「とにかくだ」
<0077> \{\m{B}} "I don't think you should cut pages out of school books."
// \{\m{B}} "I don't think you should cut pages out of school books."
// Prev - "Don't think of cutting up the pages of the school book."
// Alt - "I don't think you should cut pages out of books from school." - Kinny Riddle
// \{\m{B}} 「学校の本を切り取るのはどうかと思うぞ」
<0078> This is unlike me, but I try to preach to her.
// This is unlike me, but I try to preach to her.
// Prev. TL: This is unlike me to be preaching to her.
// Alt TL: It's not usually in my nature, but I lecture her anyway. - Shi-an
// Just wanted to maintain the "try" part -DG1
// how about "preach to her" rather than "preach her?" -R23
// 柄にもないが、一応説教しておく。
<0079> Snip, snip.
// Snip, snip.
// じょきじょき。
<0080> She's not even listening...
// She's not even listening...
// I think listen would be better choice here (just my opinion), I mean, it's not that Kotomi didn't hear him, more like she wasn't listening because she's preoccupied... Hmmm... the idea is the same since she didn't quite hear him well since she's preoccupied... geh... I'm going on a circle XD -DG1
// 聞いちゃいなかった。
<0081> \{Fille} "?"
// \{少女} 「?」
<0082> \{\m{B}} "No, nothing, do what you like."
// \{\m{B}} "No, nothing, do what you like."
// \{\m{B}} 「いや、もういい。勝手にしてくれ」
<0083> She puts the cut-off piece of the book on the floor.
// She puts the cut-off piece of the book on the floor.
// 渡されたページの切れ端を、床に放った。
<0084> During that, I look at the books placed around her.
// During that, I look at the books placed around her.
// ついでに、少女の周りに置かれている本をそれとなく眺める。
<0085> Written on the front of the thickest book is, "Astrophysics ~The History and Prospects~"
// Written on the front of the thickest book is, "Astrophysics ~The History and Prospects~"
// いちばん厚い本の表紙には、『宇宙物理学~その歴史と展望~』と書かれていた。
<0086> Even if I read that book, I probably wouldn't understand a single line of it.
// Even if I read that book, I probably wouldn't understand a single line of it.
// 俺が読んでも、1行も意味がわからないだろう。
<0087> All the books look too expensive and technical for a school library.
// All the books look too expensive and technical for a school library.
// At least, they're books that would be inappropriate to this library, as they're all high-priced technical books.
// Prev. TL: There's something almost inappropriate about this sort of library; there are only expensive, technical books.
// Tomoya, speaking about the books placed around Kotomi, is saying that they look too expensive, and are about specific subjects,
// which are not befitting to this (a school's) library. - Shi-an
// こんな図書室には似つかわしくないぐらい、専門的で高価そうな本ばかりだ。
<0088> If you look pretty closely, you'll see the stamp "Prefectural Library Book Collection".
// If you look pretty closely, you'll see the stamp "Prefectural Library Book Collection".
// Something about the quotation usage, if the period is not among the quote, it is outside, blah. -Amoirsp
// Note that the typography you just corrected is standard American typography; however, the reason for that is now redundant with electronic text input; and hence this is redundant too. But thought you should know. --Jc100
// よく見ると、『県立図書館蔵書』と印がおしてある。
<0089> \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{\m{B}} 「………」
<0090> Moreover, it isn't even a book from this school.
// Moreover, it isn't even a book from this school.
// そもそも学校の本じゃなかった。
<0091> \{\m{B}} "Hey..."
// \{\m{B}} "Hey..."
// \{\m{B}} 「あのなあ…」
<0092> I scratch my head.
// I scratch my head.
// 思わず髪を掻きむしる俺。
<0093> \{\m{B}} "Didn't your parents tell you to take care of everyone's belongings when you were little?"
// \{\m{B}} "Didn't your parents tell you to take care of everyone's belongings when you were little?"
// "Didn't your parents tell you to handle public resources with care?"
// IMO 'minna no mono' refers to public stuff.--Jc100
// Sound unnatural, erm I mean, that's a famous phrase, right? XD
// I propose changing the line to "Didn't your parents ever tell you to take care of everyone's belongings?". I know that Tomoya
// says "when you were a child" but it can't really be translated well and sound natural so it would be better just to omit it.
// - Shi-an
// \{\m{B}} 「『みんなのものは大切に』って、子供の頃親に言われただろ?」
<0094> \{Fille} "??"
// \{少女} 「??」
<0095> She's thinking about something again.
// She's thinking about something again.
// また何事か考える。
<0096> She takes out something like a box from her pouch handbag and opens the lid.
// She takes out something like a box from her pouch handbag and opens the lid.
// It's a pouch handbag and not a bag :3, you can see it at the CG -DGreater1
// 巾着袋の中から、何か箱のようなものを取り出し、ぱかっと蓋を開ける。
<0097> \{Fille} "Boxed lunch."
// \{Girl} "Boxed lunch."
// \{少女} 「お弁当」
<0098> \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{\m{B}} 「………」
<0099> \{Fille} "A very delicious boxed lunch."
// \{Girl} "A very delicious boxed lunch."
// \{少女} 「とってもおいしいお弁当」
<0100> I never heard anything about this.
// I never heard anything about this.
// Prev TL: Not listening again...
// This statement is actually coming from Tomoya about himself. In english the same statement is used, such as when one gets a phone
// bill with a hundred dollars worth of hidden charges and so one says "I never heard about this!". In Japanese it used much more
// casually to say that one did not expect the current turn of events. - Shi-an
// 聞いてないっての。
<0101> \{Fille} "I made it myself."
// \{Girl} "I made it myself."
// \{少女} 「私の手づくりなの」
<0102> \{Fille} "Today's menu is egg roll in a soup, meat and potato stew with spinach, and cooked beans."
// \{Girl} "Today's menu is egg roll in a soup, meat and potato stew with spinach, and cooked beans."
// \{少女} 「今日のメニューは、出汁巻き卵と肉じゃがとほうれん草と煮豆なの」
<0103> \{Fille} "I'm especially confident in this one."
// \{Girl} "I'm especially confident in this one."
// \{少女} 「特にこの辺が自信作」
<0104> She points inside the Tupperware.
// She points inside the Tupperware.
// タッパーの中を指さす。
<0105> \{\m{B}} "It certainly looks good..."
// \{\m{B}} "It certainly looks good..."
// \{\m{B}} 「たしかに、うまそうだけどな…」
<0106> ... but I have a feeling that eating food is prohibited in the library.
// ... but I have a feeling that eating food is prohibited in the library.
// Alt - I have a feeling eating is not allowed in the library. - Kinny Riddle
// 禁止 = prohibited, banned, not allowed, etc.
// 図書室は、飲食禁止だった気がする。
<0107> And to top that off, I remember that lessons are still taking place.
// And to top that off, I remember that lessons are still taking place.
// He already knew he was skipping a lesson, so I'm replacing, "also realize" with "remember".  The other translations don't say anything about him realizing anything, so I don't think it's that big of a change.
// Prev. TL: And also, it's like eating during lessons.
// Alt - And to top that off, I realized lessons are still taking place. - Kinny Riddle
// It's prohibited to eat during lesson -DG1
// I think the "I remember that" could be ommitted, and the sentence would flow more smoothly.
// それ以前に、今は授業中だったような気もする。
<0108> \{Fille} "Won't you eat?"
// \{Girl} "Won't you eat?"
// \{少女} 「食べる?」
<0109> \{\m{B}} "No, that's not what I mean..."
// \{\m{B}} "No, that's not what I mean..."
// \{\m{B}} 「いや、そうじゃなくてだな…」
<0110> \{Fille} "It's not clay today..."
// \{Girl} "It's not clay today..."
// \{少女} 「今日のは、粘土じゃないから」
<0111> \{\m{B}} "... do you usually eat boxed lunches made of clay?"
// \{\m{B}} "... do you usually eat boxed lunches made of clay?"
// \{\m{B}} 「…普段は粘土で作った弁当を食ってるのか?」
<0112> \{Fille} "I don't. I'll get indigestion."
// \{Girl} "I don't. I'll get indigestion."
// Alt. TL: "I don't. It will upset your stomach."
// \{少女} 「食べないの。お腹こわすから」
<0113> \{Fille} "Do you want to eat clay?"
// \{Girl} "Do you want to eat clay?"
// \{少女} 「粘土、食べたい?」
<0114> \{\m{B}} "I don't want to eat clay either."
// \{\m{B}} "I don't want to eat clay either."
// \{\m{B}} 「俺だって食べたくない」
<0115> \{Fille} "You're not hungry?"
// \{Girl} "You're not hungry?"
// \{少女} 「お腹、空いてない?」
<0116> \{\m{B}} "No, I am a bit hungry."
// \{\m{B}} "No, I am a bit hungry."
// \{\m{B}} 「いや。そろそろ腹は減ってきたところだ」
<0117> \{Fille} "I'm also become hungry."
// \{Girl} "I'm also become hungry."
// \{少女} 「私も、お腹空いてきたの」
<0118> I just realized that it seems our conversation doesn't connect, and is in a loop.
// I just realized that it seems our conversation doesn't connect, and is in a loop.
// Alt - I just realized our conversation was going in circles. - IMHO, If the essence of the Japanese text can be kept with a shorter sentence in English, then it's better to just keep it simple rather than trying to translate sentence by sentence. - Kinny Riddle
// I have a habit of maintaining the context as much as possible without making it sound unnatural :3 -DG1
// The problem is that if it doesn't connect, it can't make a loop...  I also prefer Kinny Riddle's sentence, but that's because I have the same opinion he does.
// I am for Kinny's translation too. What I do not understand is why previously Tomoya said earlier that their conversation WAS //"meshing together in gear" yet now he is saying that it isn't. If in line <0075> he said the conversation was NOT meshing 
// together, I could have changed that line to say "We were on completely different wavelengths", and then change this line to
// "On top of us being on completely different wavelengths, our conversation was stuck in a loop." - Shi-an
// 会話が噛み合わない上に、ループしてるような気がする。
<0119> \{\m{B}} "Wait a minute, you see I..."
// \{\m{B}} "Wait a minute, you see I..."
// no comma after 'you see' is better than with, even though you may get the urge to insert one.-Jc100
// Not sure though, but I think having a "pause" there would be better -DG1
// \{\m{B}} 「ちょっと待て。俺はだな…」
<0120> \{Fille} "Won't you eat?"
// \{Girl} "Won't you eat?"
// \{少女} 「食べる?」
<0121> She looks straight into my eyes and asks again.
// She looks straight into my eyes and asks again.
// 俺の目をまっすぐに見て、もう一度訊いてくる。
<0122> \{Fille} "Won't you eat...?"
// \{Girl} "Won't you eat...?"
// \{少女} 「食べる…?」
<0123> Her voice sounds somewhat lonely.
// Her voice sounds somewhat lonely.
// I was thinking 'desperate' for 'lonely' but decided against; it is too active and physical an emotion
// I don't think desperate would sound good here -DG1
// どこか心細そうな声。
<0124> The wind blowing from the window makes her childlike hair ornaments sway softly.
// The wind blowing from the window makes her childlike hair ornaments sway softly.
// 窓から入ってくる風に、子供っぽい髪留めがふわりと揺れる。
<0125> For some reason, I feel a little guilty.
// For some reason, I feel a little guilty.
//PREV TL: For some reason, I remembered some small memories of guilt. 'oboeru' in this context is not remember but feel. PREV TL is nonsense and doesn't aid reader in comprehension.
// なぜだか少し、罪悪感を覚えた。
<0126> Eat some // Option 1, goto 128
// Eat some
// 食べる
<0127> Decline offer // Option 2, goto 156
// Decline offer
// 断る
<0128> \{\m{B}} "I guess I'll take some." 
// \{\m{B}} "I guess I'll take some." 
// \{\m{B}} 「少しだけ、もらうな」
<0129> The girl nods as if she's relieved.
// The girl nods as if she's relieved.
// 彼女は安心したように、こくりと頷いた。
<0130> \{Fille} "Shall we eat then?"
// \{Girl} "Shall we eat then?"
// \{少女} 「いただきましょう」
<0131> \{Fille} "Let's eat."
// \{Girl} "Let's eat."
// \{少女} 「いただきます」
<0132> She joins her hands together and bows down.
// She joins her hands together and bows down.
// きちんと手を合わせ、ぺこりとお辞儀をする。
<0133> \{Fille} "Say 'Ahh.'"
// \{Girl} "Say 'Ahh.'"
// \{少女} 「あーんして」
<0134> \{\m{B}} "Ahh..."
// \{\m{B}} "Ahh..."
// \{\m{B}} 「あーん」
<0135> \{\m{B}} "... geh! As if I'd do such an embarrasing thing when we've only just met!"
// \{\m{B}} "... geh! As if I'd do such an embarrasing thing when we've only just met!"
// \{\m{B}} 「…って、初対面なのにそんな恥ずかしいことできるかっ!」
<0136> \{Fille} "???"
// \{少女} 「???」
<0137> It seems she doesn't understand what is so embarrassing about it.
// It seems she doesn't understand what is so embarrassing about it.
// Prev. TL: It seems like she doesn't what she's doing that's embarassing
//IMO, if the scriptwriter's intention was to say that she doesn't know the definition of 'embarassing', it would be instead written: 『恥ずかしい』とこの言葉、彼女がわからないらしい。
//PREV TL:It seems like she doesn't have any idea what embarrassing is.
// Alt - Seems like she doesn't have any idea what it was that's embarrassing. - Kinny Riddle
// "なにが恥ずかしいのか (What's embarassing)" is the object of what she doesn't seem to know. -DG1
// How about, "It seems she doesn't understand what embarrassing is."
// Kinny is right. I do not know how to explain it, but Tomoya is saying Kotomi does not understand what is embarrassing about the
// SITUATION, not what 'embarrassing' is as a whole. The problem is that in Japanese who/what is being talked about is often only
// implied, (seen in how there are no articles like "the" or "a") which to people who speak a very specific language like English
// can be a bit confusing. - Shi-an
// なにが恥ずかしいのか、わからないらしい。
<0138> \{\m{B}} "Sigh..."
// \{\m{B}} "Sigh..."
// \{\m{B}} 「はあ…」
<0139> I can feel that I'm not just an ordinary person in this girl's distant, lonely world.
// I can feel that I'm not just an ordinary person in this girl's distant, lonely world.
// I prefer "I feel" or "I can tell", but...
// I can feel that I'm not just an ordinary person in the distant lonely world of this girl.
// この少女の浮世離れっぷりは、只者ではない気がする。
<0140> \{Fille} "Well..."
// \{Girl} "Well..."
// \{少女} 「ええと…」
<0141> \{Fille} "But there is only one pair of chopsticks."
// \{Girl} "But there is only one pair of chopsticks."
// PREV TL: "But I only have one pair of chopsticks." sounds quite discouraging, which is not the case
// Don't really know, but prev. tl sound more natural to me -DG1
// \{少女} 「でも、お箸、一膳しかないの」
<0142> \{Fille} "What should we do..."
// \{Girl} "What should we do..."
// PREV TL:"What should I do..."
// \{少女} 「どうしよう…」
<0143> I take a piece of meat out with my fingers and put it inside my mouth.
// I take a piece of meat out with my fingers and put it inside my mouth.
// One finger meat grab!
// 俺は肉じゃがをひとつ、指でひょいっとつまんで、口に入れた。
<0144> I chew it well and swallow.
// I chew it well and swallow.
// よく噛んで食べる。
<0145> It's a little cold, but it's really tasty.
// It's a little cold, but it's really tasty.
// 冷たいけれどよく味が染みている。
<0146> If she made this, then I can say that she's really good at cooking.
// If she made this, then I can say that she's really good at cooking.
// これが手作りなら、かなり料理上手だと思う。
<0147> \{Fille} "Oh..."
// \{少女} 「お…」
<0148> She says something and looks at my face again.
// She says something and looks at my face again.
// 少女は何か言いかけて、もう一度俺の顔を見た。
<0149> \{Fille} "Is it good?"
// \{Girl} "Is it good?"
// \{少女} 「おいしい?」
<0150> \{\m{B}} "It's all right."
// \{\m{B}} "It's all right."
// \{\m{B}} 「まあまあ、だな」
<0151> She shows me a faint smile.
// She shows me a faint smile.
// 答えると、かすかに微笑んだ。
<0152> \{Fille} "Do you want to eat some more?"
// \{Girl} "Do you want to eat some more?"
// \{少女} 「もっと食べる?」
<0153> At that moment, the bell for lunch break rings.
// At that moment, the bell for lunch break rings.
// Prev. TL: The chime rang at that time and it's already lunch break.
// Alt - At that moment, the bell for lunch break rang. - Kinny Riddle
// その時、昼休みのチャイムが鳴った。
<0154> Another fifteen minutes, and this place will also be full of students preparing for lessons. 
// Another fifteen minutes, and this place will also be full of students preparing for lessons. 
// もう15分もすれば、予習をする生徒でここも混み合うはずだ。
<0155> This lunch is quite small, so I shouldn't really take any more.
// This lunch is quite small, so I shouldn't really take any more.
// orig wording: I shouldn't take any more of her inadequate boxed lunch. 
// Prev. TL: I shouldn't take any more of her already-scarce boxed lunch.
//REASON FOR CHANGE: as is apparent from the CG, and the previous part of the scenario, Kotomi starts off with a small bento; it isn't empty; nothing was eaten by this time other than the single chunk of (bite-sized)meat
// except, you should know that CG is not a good way to tell what the line should be saying, as there isn't that much CG in CLANNAD --velocity7
// Don't really know, but I think what Tomoya meant here is that her lunch box is too little for him (in his mind), so taking more would make the lunch not enough for the Fille. -DG1
// そう量が多くない弁当を、これ以上もらうわけにもいかない。// goto 195
<0156> \{\m{B}} "No, I guess not."
// \{\m{B}} "No, I guess not."
// \{\m{B}} 「いや、やめとく」
<0157> After saying that, she looks curiously at me.
// After saying that, she looks curiously at me.
// そう言ったとたん、不思議そうに俺のことを見た。
<0158> \{Fille} "Are you full?"
// \{Girl} "Are you full?"
// \{少女} 「おなか、いっぱい?」
<0159> \{\m{B}} "No, that's not really it..."
// \{\m{B}} "No, that's not really it..."
// \{\m{B}} 「いや、そういうわけじゃなくてだな…」
<0160> ... I guess I have a resistance against suddenly accepting lunch from a stranger.
// ... I guess I have a resistance against suddenly accepting lunch from a stranger.
// Prev. TL: ... I guess it's quite unnatural to be accepting a sudden offer for lunch from a stranger.
// REASON FOR CHANGE: as 'yahari' shows, 'resistance' os not an emotion the player induces; it is an emotion which the player finds himself to be feeling
// やはり抵抗がある means "I have a resistance, as I thought..." and that resistance he's talking about is to suddenly accept some lunch from a stranger. -DG1
// Reword if it doesn't look right.
// …見ず知らずの奴からいきなり弁当を恵んでもらうのは、やはり抵抗がある。
<0161> The girl is staring at me and, with determination, she says:
// The girl is staring at me and, with determination, she says:
// Prev. TL: The girl was staring at me and proceeded to say with determination.
// should I end this with a colon instead? --Jc100
// I think this would be better :3 -DG1
// 少女は俺のことをじっと見ていたが、決心したように言った。
<0162> \{Fille} "Well then, I'll try to eat."
// \{Girl} "Well then, I'll try to eat."
// Prev. TL: "Well then, I'll give the meal a taste."
// Not sure but, she made it herself, right? Don't you think it would be unnatural if she say she'll give it a taste when hours could have passed since she cooked it and she might have already tasted it? -DG1
// \{少女} 「それじゃ、私が食べてみるの」
<0163> \{\m{B}} "Well, you don't really need to announce that..."
// \{\m{B}} "Well, you don't really need to announce that..."
// \{\m{B}} 「いや、いちいち宣言しなくても…」
<0164> \{Fille} "Shall we eat then?"
// \{Girl} "Shall we eat then?"
// \{少女} 「いただきましょう」
<0165> \{Fille} "Let's eat."
// \{Girl} "Let's eat."
// \{少女} 「いただきます」
<0166> She places her hands together and bows down.
// She places her hands together and bows down.
// きちんと手を合わせ、ぺこりとお辞儀をする。
<0167> \{Fille} "The first one is, egg roll in a soup."
// \{Girl} "The first one is, egg roll in a soup."
// \{少女} 「最初は出汁巻き卵」
<0168> She divides it in half with her chopsticks.
// She divides it in half with her chopsticks.
// 丁寧に箸で半分にする。
<0169> ... munch, munch, munch.
// ... munch, munch, munch.
// …はぐはぐはぐ。
<0170> Gulp.
// Gulp.
// ごくん。
<0171> \{Fille} "It's really delicious."
// \{Girl} "It's really delicious."
// \{少女} 「とってもおいしいの」
<0172> \{Fille} "Next is the stew."
// \{Girl} "Next is the stew."
// \{少女} 「次は肉じゃが」
<0173> She also divides it in half.
// She also divides it in half.
// やっぱり半分にする。
<0174> ... munch, munch, munch, munch.
// ... munch, munch, munch, munch.
// …もぐもぐもぐもぐ。
<0175> Gulp.
// Gulp.
// ごくん。
<0176> \{Fille} "It's really, really delicious."
// \{Girl} "It's really, really delicious."
// \{少女} 「とってもとってもおいしいの」
<0177> \{Fille} "And then, the next one is..."
// \{Girl} "And then, the next one is..."
// \{少女} 「それでね、次は…」
<0178> Then, she spreads the white rice with her chopsticks.
// Then, she spreads the white rice with her chopsticks.
// 白いご飯に箸をのばす。
<0179> \{Fille} "... I'll show you a dried plum."
// \{Girl} "... I'll show you a dried plum."
// \{少女} 「…と見せかけて梅干しなの」
<0180> It's a feint.
// It's a feint.
// フェイントだった。
<0181> \{Fille} "It's difficult dividing this in two so..."
// \{Girl} "It's difficult dividing this in two so..."
// \{少女} 「これは半分こするのがむずかしいから…」
<0182> \{Fille} "Is it all right if I eat this before you?"
// \{Girl} "Is it all right if I eat this before you?"
// \{少女} 「私が先に食べてみていい?」
<0183> \{\m{B}} "... do as you please."
// \{\m{B}} "... do as you please."
// \{\m{B}} 「…勝手にしてくれ」
<0184> \{Fille} "Okay."
// \{Girl} "Okay."
// \{少女} 「うん」
<0185> She flings the small, deep, red plum in her mouth with her chopsticks.
// She flings the small, deep, red plum in her mouth with her chopsticks.
// Deep?
// 真っ赤な小梅を、箸で口に放り込む。
<0186> \{Fille} "... it's really sour."
// \{Girl} "... it's really sour."
// \{少女} 「…とってもしょっぱいの」
<0187> She says so as if it's really sour.
// She says so as if it's really sour.
// 本当にしょっぱそうに言う。
<0188> After that, she gently takes out the seed, and for some reason, she holds it up in front of her.
// After that, she gently takes out the seed, and for some reason, she holds it up in front of her.
// それから種をそっと出して、なぜか自分の顔の前にかざす。
<0189> It seems like she's trying to show me something.
// It seems like she's trying to show me something.
// どうやら俺に見せびらかしているらしい。
<0190> \{Fille} "See, it's not clay."
// \{Girl} "See, it's not clay."
// \{少女} 「ほらね、粘土じゃないの」
<0191> \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{\m{B}} 「………」
<0192> I really don't understand what she means by that.
// I really don't understand what she means by that.
// ものすごい意味不明っぷりだった。
<0193> At that moment, the bell signaling the start of lunch break rings.
// At that moment, the bell signaling the start of lunch break rings.
//PREV TL: At that moment, the bell starting lunch break rings.
// No harm adding nore detail and clarity here --Jc100
// Alt - At that moment, the bell for lunch break rang. - Kinny Riddle
// その時、昼休みのチャイムが鳴った。
<0194> Another fifteen minutes, and this place will also be full of students preparing for lessons. 
// Another fifteen minutes, and this place will also be full of students preparing for lessons. 
// もう15分もすれば、予習をする生徒でここも混み合うはずだ。
<0195> \{\m{B}} "Sorry for bothering you." 
// \{\m{B}} "Sorry for bothering you." 
// \{\m{B}} 「邪魔したな」
<0196> Saying only that, I turn away from her.
// Saying only that, I turn away from her.
// それだけ言って、彼女から背を向けた。
<0197> \{Fille} "Um..."
// \{Girl} "Um..."
// \{少女} 「ええと…」
<0198> It seems she wants to say something, but I can see that she's hesitating.
// It seems she wants to say something, but I can see that she's hesitating.
// I can see that she wants to say something but she's hesitating.
// 何か言いたそうにして、ためらったのがわかった。
<0199> \{Fille} "See you again tomorrow."
// \{Girl} "See you again tomorrow."
// \{少女} 「また、明日」
<0200> That's the only thing I hear.
// That's the only thing I hear.
// それだけ聞こえた。
<0201> I raise my left hand just over my shoulder, and then leave the library.
// I raise my left hand just over my shoulder, and then leave the library.
// 俺は肩越しにひょいっと左手を上げて、図書室を後にした。

Tableau de script

Vous pouvez modifier ce tableau en cliquant ici et SVP Finissez la traduction de ce patch FR SVP :

Intrigue principale Fûko Tomoyo Kyô Kotomi Yukine Nagisa After Story Autres
14 Avril SEEN0414 SEEN6800 Scénario
de Sanae
15 Avril SEEN0415 SEEN2415 SEEN3415 SEEN4415 SEEN6801
16 Avril SEEN0416 SEEN2416 SEEN3416 SEEN6416 SEEN6802 Scénario
de Yûsuke
17 Avril SEEN0417 SEEN1417 SEEN2417 SEEN3417 SEEN4417 SEEN6417 SEEN6803
18 Avril SEEN0418 SEEN1418 SEEN2418 SEEN3418 SEEN4418 SEEN5418 SEEN6418 SEEN6900 Scénario
19 Avril SEEN0419 SEEN2419 SEEN3419 SEEN4419 SEEN5419 SEEN6419
20 Avril SEEN0420 SEEN4420 SEEN6420 Scénario
de Kômura
21 Avril SEEN0421 SEEN1421 SEEN2421 SEEN3421 SEEN4421 SEEN5421 SEEN6421 Interlude
22 Avril SEEN0422 SEEN1422 SEEN2422 SEEN3422 SEEN4422 SEEN5422 SEEN6422 SEEN6444 Scénario
de Sunohara
23 Avril SEEN0423 SEEN1423 SEEN2423 SEEN3423 SEEN4423 SEEN5423 SEEN6423 SEEN6445
24 Avril SEEN0424 SEEN2424 SEEN3424 SEEN4424 SEEN5424 SEEN6424 Scénario
de Misae
25 Avril SEEN0425 SEEN2425 SEEN3425 SEEN4425 SEEN5425 SEEN6425 Mei et Nagisa
26 Avril SEEN0426 SEEN1426 SEEN2426 SEEN3426 SEEN4426 SEEN5426 SEEN6426 SEEN6726 Scénario
de Kappei
27 Avril SEEN1427 SEEN4427 SEEN6427 SEEN6727
28 Avril SEEN0428 SEEN1428 SEEN2428 SEEN3428 SEEN4428 SEEN5428 SEEN6428 SEEN6728
29 Avril SEEN0429 SEEN1429 SEEN3429 SEEN4429 SEEN6429 SEEN6729
30 Avril SEEN1430 SEEN2430 SEEN3430 SEEN4430 SEEN5430 SEEN6430 MAUVAISE FIN 1 SEEN0444
1 Mai SEEN1501 SEEN2501 SEEN3501 SEEN4501 SEEN6501 Livre-jeu SEEN0555
2 Mai SEEN1502 SEEN2502 SEEN3502 SEEN4502 SEEN6502 MAUVAISE FIN 2 SEEN0666
3 Mai SEEN1503 SEEN2503 SEEN3503 SEEN4503 SEEN6503
4 Mai SEEN1504 SEEN2504 SEEN3504 SEEN4504 SEEN6504
5 Mai SEEN1505 SEEN2505 SEEN3505 SEEN4505 SEEN6505
6 Mai SEEN1506 SEEN2506 SEEN3506 SEEN4506 SEEN6506 Autres
7 Mai SEEN1507 SEEN2507 SEEN3507 SEEN4507 SEEN6507
8 Mai SEEN1508 SEEN2508 SEEN3508 SEEN4508 SEEN6508 Épilogue
9 Mai SEEN2509 SEEN3509 SEEN4509
10 Mai SEEN2510 SEEN3510 SEEN4510 SEEN6510
11 Mai SEEN1511 SEEN2511 SEEN3511 SEEN4511 SEEN6511 Maître
12 Mai SEEN1512 SEEN3512 SEEN4512 SEEN6512 SEEN1002
13 Mai SEEN1513 SEEN2513 SEEN3513 SEEN4513 SEEN6513 SEEN1003
14 Mai SEEN1514 SEEN2514 SEEN3514 ÉPILOGUE SEEN6514 SEEN1004
15 Mai SEEN1515 SEEN4800 SEEN1005
17 Mai SEEN1517 SEEN4904 SEEN1008
18 Mai SEEN1518 SEEN4999 SEEN1009