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// Resources for SEEN4417.TXT
(Cập nhật sau)
#character '*B'
#character 'Girl'
#character 'Kotomi'
// \{\m{B}} (... all right, I'm going to skip class.)
// I stand up and quickly leave the classroom.
// I spent five minutes inside the washroom first.
// I'll head to the old school building after that.
// Hiding my footsteps, I walk through the hallway.
// Everyone inside the classrooms is listening to some boring lecture.
// Only this empty space feels like it belongs to me.
// There shouldn't be anyone else here besides me.
// I feel good.
// \{\m{B}} "Yo!"
// I feel so good, I'm even willing to greet a girl who shouldn't be walking around.
// \{\m{B}} "... hey, wait a minute!"
// After I shout, I immediately try to lower my voice.
// \{\m{B}} "Why are you here?"
// \{Girl} "???"
// \{Girl} "??"
// \{Girl} "?..."
// \{Girl} "........."
// It seems that my question is too deep for her.
// \{\m{B}} "... sorry for asking like that."
// \{\m{B}} "Anyway, I'll ask you normally now."
// She nods.
// \{\m{B}} "Is it your hobby to skip class?"
// She nods again.
// She's very frank.
// She's carrying a bunch of brick-like hardcover books.
// \{Girl} "Let's go."
// She says that to me as if we have an appointment.
// Go with her
// Let her go alone
// \{\m{B}} "Sorry, I have some business to attend to."
// Even though I don't know what this business I'm talking about is, I say that and turn down her invitation.
// I'm more comfortable skipping class alone. She probably feels the same too.
// \{Girl} "Well..."
// \{Girl} "Is it something important?"
// She asks me with a serious look.
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah, it's important."
// \{Girl} "Is it really important?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah, it's really important."
// I hopelessly answer, thinking that I don't want to get involved with her.
// \{Girl} "Is that so..."
// She looks a bit disappointed as she says that.
// \{\m{B}} "Later then."
// \{Girl} "Okay."
// \{Girl} "See you tomorrow."
// She carries her books as she walks away.
// \{\m{B}} "Weird girl..."
// Her behavior is quite confusing.
// The girl is gone now, so I start walking again.
// My destination is... well, I guess I'll head to the empty room of the old school building.
// .........
// ......
// ...
// Eventually, I spend my time in an empty room until fourth period ends.
// Being alone is boring, so I'll go with her.
// The girl walks as if she doesn't mind me.
// The books she's carrying against her chest don't seem to be heavy.
// Though there are classrooms having lessons beside us, she doesn't even hide her presence.
// You wouldn't think that she's skipping class, and it's quite impressive.
// We arrive in front of the library.
// There's a note in front of the door, and it says "Closed."
// In short, we shouldn't be able to go in.
// I put my hand on the sliding door, and open it sideways.
// \{Girl} "Eh?"
// \{\m{B}} "Why are you surprised?"
// \{Girl} "Well..."
// \{Girl} "It's really strange."
// \{\m{B}} "I wonder..."
// Just like in our first meeting, our conversation is slipping off to nowhere.
// Passing by my side, the girl goes inside.
// I also go in.
// There's no change at all. The bookshelves are still aligned properly.
// The girl is gazing inside with a face that looks like she has met an old friend.
// She probably really likes it here, but I'd get bored.
// \{\m{B}} "... well it's fine, I guess..."
// I murmur a little and turned around smiling.
// I know we're fellow skippers, but she's unusually over-familiar with me.
// And adding to that, I think she spends her time in this sad, distant world.
// I glance around the library.
// It's obvious, but there are no other people except us.
// \{\m{B}} "Do you always come to this place around this time?"
// \{Girl} "Most of the time."
// \{Girl} "But if there are lessons which I have to be in, I'm late coming here."
// The amazing part she does here is not "attend lesson" but "be in the lesson."
attendance. Remember that Tomoya doesn't care about studying but rather just to get an attendance so essentially, he's just "in" the lesson but not studying. -DGreater1
// Like Sunohara and me, it's proof that attendance is the only thing she cares about.
// Yet, there's something different about her.
// She doesn't emit that strong stupid scent that Sunohara and I give off.
// ... stupid scent?
// I sniff myself.
// It's all right. At least I don't understand it.
// It's the same as not minding the smell of your own socks.
// In other words, it's a meaningless behavior.
// \{Girl} "?"
// She's looking at me with curiosity.
// \{\m{B}} "Don't mind an idiot like me, just do what you like."
// I answer that as if I don't care about what's going to happen.
// She puts the books she's carrying on a desk.
// \{Girl} "Please wait a minute."
// She rushes over the window.
// She opens it to let the new air enter.
// Then, she goes inside the librarian's counter and opens a locker to get some cleaning tools.
// She returns with a mop in hand.
// Then starts sweeping the floor in front of me, for some reason.
// \{Girl} "Hmph... hmph..."
// She sweeps the wooden floor with her slender arms with all her might.
// I was told to wait, but this is getting me quite bored from standing.
// I feel like a customer lost inside a shop that's still getting ready to open.
// I wonder if something will come up if I stay waiting like this?
// \{\m{B}} "Hot coffee."
// I try to order something.
// \{Girl} "?"
// She stops mopping and looks at me curiously.
// It seems like she doesn't have any coffee here.
// \{\m{B}} "Well then, omuraisu (omelet rice)."
// \{Girl} "W..."
// \{Girl} "Suika (watermelon)."
// \{\m{B}} "Kappa (raincoat)."
// \{Girl} "Painappuru (pineapple)."
// \{\m{B}} "ru...... rujinen (anthropoid)."
// \{Girl} "N'Djamena (njamena)."
// \{\m{B}} "Nasubi (eggplant)."
// \{\m{B}} "Hey, wait! What in the world is N'Djamena?"
// \{Girl} "It's the capital city of the Republic of Chad in Africa."
// \{Girl} "Lake Chad is located a hundred kilometers northeast of the city. The population is..."
// \{\m{B}} "... you don't need to explain."
// \{Girl} "??"
// \{Girl} "What are we going to do now then..."
// ... that's what I want to ask myself.
// \{\m{B}} "Anyway, you can't use N'Djamena."
// \{Girl} "........."
// \{Girl} "... are you a bully?"
// \{\m{B}} "Wrong."
// \{Girl} "We wouldn't be able to continue after that then..."
// \{\m{B}} "Let's stop playing \g{shiritori}={Shiritori is a Japanese word game in which the players are required to say a word which begins with the final kana of the previous word. No distinction is made between hiragana, katakana and kanji. 'Shiritori' literally means 'taking the bottom' as Japanese language can be written vertically.} and continue sweeping."
// Nod.
// She nods and moves the mop again.
// \{\m{B}} "Sigh..."
// Without anything to do, I grab a nearby chair and sit down.
// I rest my chin on my hand and watch her sweep.
// She wipes the floor many, many times.
// I think dedicating your time here in the library whenever skipping class is good.
// Though there's the question of whether it's natural to read on the floor.
// By chance, I see the books she was carrying a while ago piling up on the nearby desk.
// And just like before, they are technical books stamped with an ownership seal.
// Check to see if the pages have been cut
// Ignore it as if I don't care
// I'll check if these pages have been cut as well.
// I pick up one of the books.
// Even though I'm looking at the cover, I don't know what kind of book it is because the title is blurred.
// And I'd bet that even if I read it, I probably wouldn't understand its meaning in one go.
// I open the book and flip its pages.
// \{\m{B}} "This... is..."
// My eyes focus on something in particular.
// It transcends the problem of whether or not she cut the pages.
// I leave it as it is.
// A person like me who doesn't have any persuasive powers has already advised her.
// But nevertheless...
// I still pick up one of the books.
// Even though I'm looking at the cover, I don't know what kind of book it is because the title is blurred.
// And I'd bet that even if I read it, I probably wouldn't understand its meaning in one go.
// I open the book and flip its pages.
// My eyes focus on something in particular.
// The pages are printed in \bEnglish\u.
// It's a foreign book; even more, a technical one.
// \{\m{B}} "Woah!"
// I quickly close the book.
// ... anyway... is it normal for our school to have these kinds of books?
// \{\m{B}} "Hey... can you read English books?"
// She doesn't stop her hand from sweeping as she nods to my question.
// \{Girl} "Writing it is a bit difficult, but reading it is simple."
// \{\m{B}} "I'm really surprised to know you can actually read these."
// \{Girl} "??"
// It doesn't look like she's lying or bluffing.
// To begin with, she wouldn't be carrying these books if she couldn't read them.
// I wonder if she's a return student from abroad...
// \{Girl} "I'm done cleaning."
// \{Girl} "It's really tidy now; it sparkles."
// \{\m{B}} "I see, that's good then."
// \{Girl} "It makes me feel really good to see this place sparkle."
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah, that's right."
// \{Girl} "I can now sit on the floor without getting my skirt dirty."
// Just as I thought... that was her reason...
// \{Girl} "Please wait a little bit."
// She runs towards the librarian's seat again.
// She puts the mop back in the locker and brings back a cushion.
// It seems as though she hid it inside the librarian's seat.
// Is she really doing her work properly as a librarian? She even forgot to lock the door during lessons.
// \{Girl} "Umph!"
// She places the cushion on the floor.
// Then, she takes the books she put on the desk and places them on the floor around the cushion.
// Maybe this means that she wants to be surrounded by her favorite books.
// \{Girl} "This is perfect."
// She nods in satisfaction, then starts taking off her indoor shoes.
// \{Girl} "... umph."
// And then, standing on one leg, she takes off her socks one at the time.
// This is mostly like her own room.
// She becomes barefoot right in front of me.
// \{Girl} "It feels good this way."
// She says that as she smiles like a kid.
// \{Girl} "It feels cool, but it also feels warm."
// Her words are contradicting, but I somehow understand what she wants to say.
// Though we've only just met, this strange girl is doing her best to talk to me.
// And just beyond her slender legs is a bookshelf packed with dusty books lined up together.
// It's a surreal, yet nostalgic scene.
// \{Girl} "All right..."
// Then, she sits on the cushion.*
// As I think about how strange she looks sitting on the corner of the cushion, she gazes up at me.
// \{Girl} "Here."
// She dusts off the empty half of the cushion.
// \{\m{B}} "... are you telling me to sit beside you?"
// She nods.
// No matter how I think of it, I wouldn't want my body glued next to her, so that request is impossible.
// \{\m{B}} "No, I'm fine with my chair."
// \{Girl} "...?"
// She gazes up at me as if surprised.
// \{Girl} "Don't you want to read with me?"
// ... that's pretty much impossible due to various reasons.
// \{\m{B}} "Sorry, but please read by yourself."
// \{\m{B}} "Just think that I'm not here."
// \{Girl} "??"
// She looks at me with a startled face.
// \{Girl} "Well..."
// \{Girl} "Okay..."
// It seems that my words made her feel down.
// \{\m{B}} "I'll be watching you from here."
// That's why I add something.
// With something as simple as that, the girl suddenly breaks into a smile.
// \{Girl} "Okay."
// \{Girl} "I'll be fine, even if you just watch me."
// She looks really happy.
// Does she really like being watched by other people while she reads?
// In some ways, it's an amazing hobby.
// I watch her for the time being.
// She presses her skirt down as she adjusts the way she sits on her cushion.
// It seems that she has decided on a good position.
// \{Girl} "I'm going to read then."
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah, read to your heart's content."
// \{\m{B}} And also, you don't need to read aloud."
// I add that, since I can't bear to hear English being recited.
// \{Girl} "Well..."
// \{Girl} "... then, I guess I'll read this one."
// She takes a nearby book and opens it in her lap.
// She flips through the book as she searches for the part she's going to read.
// She stops on a page and starts reading afterwards.
// She's quite serious.
// The text is written horizontally, so it's a bit interesting to see her eyes move left and right as she reads.
wikipedia for more. - Kinny Riddle
// Nevertheless, I feel that her reading is strangely fast.
// Ah... she's already flipped one page.
// It's amazing, she has already read two pages in just a moment.
// \{\m{B}} "Hey... will I really just watch?!"
// She doesn't even respond to my words.
// She's really immersed in reading the book.
// She has completely left me behind.
// \{\m{B}} "I wonder why..."
// I murmur as I look towards the window.
// It's quite sunny outside.
// Even the curtains dazzle with lights.
// They're probably playing some ball game in the gym. I can hear their cheers from time to time.
// And also, the sound of flipping pages...
// It's so peaceful.
// This warm season of April.
// There isn't anyone in this library room except me and this girl who likes books.
// If it comes to this, there's only one thing to do.
// \{\m{B}} "All right."
// \{\m{B}} "I'm going to sleep."
// I lay my face on the desk and slowly close my eyes...
// Where... am I?
// I can hear a sound from somewhere.
// A sound I haven't heard before.
// But even still, it's a nostalgic sound.
// I slowly open my eyes.
// Ding, dong, dang, dong...
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// It's the sound of the bell.
// I raise my head and look around.
// It takes me a while to realize that I'm inside the library and not the classroom.
// How long did I sleep?
// The girl lifts her face away from the book and peeks at me.
// \{Girl} "Are you awake now?"
// \{\m{B}} "... what time is it?"
// \{Girl} "It's already afternoon."
// \{\m{B}} "I see..."
// It looks like I slept for a long time.
// \{Girl} "Have you slept a lot?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah."
// \{Girl} "I see."
// \{Girl} "That's good."
// \{\m{B}} "Did you read lots of books?"
// She nods.
// \{Girl} "Yes, I read many."
// \{\m{B}} "I see, that's good then."
// \{Girl} "Well..."
// \{Girl} "Do you want to eat?"
// \{\m{B}} "That's right, I'm quite hungry."
// As I say that, she narrows her eyes and smiles.
// \{Girl} "Well then, I'll share half of my lunch with you."
// Watching that and honestly becoming happy, I'm surprised myself.
// I wonder if I'm such a positive person?
// \{\m{B}} "No... I guess I'll turn down your offer."
// I think my attitude has changed.
// \{Girl} "?"
// She tilts her head and looks at me blankly.
// Seeing that kind of appearance makes me smile a little.
// If it were me from a bit long before, I wouldn't be positively concerned with a stranger.
// Even eating bread with Furukawa wouldn't be possible.
// Much more, I even promised her I'd help with the drama club.
// I think, perhaps, I might have changed.
// I wonder if I have really changed.
// \{Girl} "Well..."
// \{Girl} "Is it because you're full?"
// She says that in a little tone, as if she's hesitating.
// \{\m{B}} "No, that's not exactly why..."だな…」
// \{\m{B}} "No, I have to decline your offer..."
// As I follow her glance, I realize that there are two pairs of chopsticks on the top cover of the lunch box.
// The first pair is a childish one painted with red, and the other pair is long and black.
// \{\m{B}} "Could it be that... that's for me?"
// She nods again.
// To that girl, this might be an act of good will.
// \{\m{B}} "Sigh..."
// For some reason, I remember something about the hill just before the school.
// Having deep concerns for a person is no different from adding unnecessary baggage.
// Then, you'll only think that the hill you don't want to climb up is steeper than it looks.
// For me to think like that... I guess nothing might have changed.
// \{\m{B}} "I'll turn down your offer."
// As I answer that, I can see that she wants to say something.
// \{\m{B}} "Later then."
// Not minding it, I turn around and leave the library.
// I say that and realize that she's looking at me.た。
// The lunch box is already out of her pouch handbag.
// And in the lid of the lunch box are two pairs of chopsticks.
// The first pair is a childish one painted with red, and the other pair is long and black.
// \{\m{B}} "Could it be that... that's for me?"
// She nods again.
// \{\m{B}} "Sigh..."
// I'm really glad about this, but I just don't understand why she'd even go as far as giving me my own chopsticks.
// Is she normally this kind to everyone?
// It doesn't look like it though.
// \{\m{B}} "That's right, what's your name?"
// \{Girl} "???"
// Is there any need to look so surprised?
narration) there's no need to look this surprised at the question. - Kinny Riddle
// \{\m{B}} "It's all right if you don't want to tell me your name."
// \{Girl} "Well..."
// She stops for a while.
// \{Girl} "Kotomi."
// \{Girl} "Three syllables, Ko-to-mi."
// \{Girl} "Call me Kotomi-chan."
// It sure is hard to add -chan to her name, due to her age.
// \{\m{B}} "At least let me call you by your name without using suffixes."
// She nods as I say that.
// \{\m{B}} "I'm \m{A} \m{B}."
// \{\m{B}} "You can call me any way you want."
// I stand up and out of my chair as I stretch myself.
// She stands up too.
// She then looks straight at me.
// \{Kotomi} "\m{B}-kun."
// She calls me with that.
// \{Kotomi} "\m{B}-kun, \m{B}-kun, \m{B}-kun."
// She's repeating it for some reason.
// \{Kotomi} "\m{B}-kun?"
// Why did it turn out to be a question?
// \{Kotomi} "\m{B}......\wait{1500}kun..."
// Don't make a pause for no reason.
// \{Kotomi} "........."
// \{Kotomi} "\m{B}-kun."
// She says it one more time as if she's trying to confirm something.
// \{Kotomi} "I feel strange somehow..."
// She says that as she smiles.
// I think I should be the one feeling strange, because I'm being watched like I'm some kind of patron.
// \{\m{B}} "I guess it's fine..."
// This isn't the place for me to be wasting my time.
// \{\m{B}} "Later then..."
// I'm about to leave just like that when I suddenly stop.
// Because the girl is looking at me as if she still has something to say.
// \{\m{B}} "... are you still going to read?"
// I look back and ask that.
// \{Kotomi} "I plan to stay here till afternoon."
// \{\m{B}} "Don't cut up pages today, all right?"
// She looks a little troubled as I say that.
// Then, she gives me an ambiguous smile.
// \{\m{B}} "See you again then."
// \{Kotomi} "Okay."
// \{Kotomi} "See you tomorrow."
// I leave the library.
== Sơ đồ ==
== Sơ đồ ==
{{Clannad:Sơ đồ}}
{{Clannad:Sơ đồ}}
[[Category:CLANNAD-Góp ý]]

Revision as of 16:10, 8 August 2009


// Resources for SEEN4417.TXT

#character '*B'
#character 'Girl'
#character 'Kotomi'

// \{\m{B}} (... all right, I'm going to skip class.)
// I stand up and quickly leave the classroom.
// I spent five minutes inside the washroom first.
// I'll head to the old school building after that.
// Hiding my footsteps, I walk through the hallway.
// Everyone inside the classrooms is listening to some boring lecture.
// Only this empty space feels like it belongs to me.
// There shouldn't be anyone else here besides me.
// I feel good.
// \{\m{B}} "Yo!"
// I feel so good, I'm even willing to greet a girl who shouldn't be walking around.
// \{\m{B}} "... hey, wait a minute!"
// After I shout, I immediately try to lower my voice.
// \{\m{B}} "Why are you here?"
// \{Girl} "???"
// \{Girl} "??"
// \{Girl} "?..."
// \{Girl} "........."
// It seems that my question is too deep for her.
// \{\m{B}} "... sorry for asking like that."
// \{\m{B}} "Anyway, I'll ask you normally now."
// She nods.
// \{\m{B}} "Is it your hobby to skip class?"
// She nods again.
// She's very frank.
// She's carrying a bunch of brick-like hardcover books.
// \{Girl} "Let's go."
// She says that to me as if we have an appointment.
// Go with her 
// Let her go alone 
// \{\m{B}} "Sorry, I have some business to attend to."
// Even though I don't know what this business I'm talking about is, I say that and turn down her invitation.
// I'm more comfortable skipping class alone. She probably feels the same too.
// \{Girl} "Well..."
// \{Girl} "Is it something important?"
// She asks me with a serious look.
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah, it's important."
// \{Girl} "Is it really important?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah, it's really important."
// I hopelessly answer, thinking that I don't want to get involved with her.
// \{Girl} "Is that so..."
// She looks a bit disappointed as she says that.
// \{\m{B}} "Later then."
// \{Girl} "Okay."
// \{Girl} "See you tomorrow."
// She carries her books as she walks away.
// \{\m{B}} "Weird girl..."
// Her behavior is quite confusing.
// The girl is gone now, so I start walking again.
// My destination is... well, I guess I'll head to the empty room of the old school building.
// .........
// ......
// ...
// Eventually, I spend my time in an empty room until fourth period ends.
// Being alone is boring, so I'll go with her. 
// The girl walks as if she doesn't mind me.
// The books she's carrying against her chest don't seem to be heavy.
// Though there are classrooms having lessons beside us, she doesn't even hide her presence.
// You wouldn't think that she's skipping class, and it's quite impressive.
// We arrive in front of the library.
// There's a note in front of the door, and it says "Closed."
// In short, we shouldn't be able to go in.
// I put my hand on the sliding door, and open it sideways.
// \{Girl} "Eh?"
// \{\m{B}} "Why are you surprised?"
// \{Girl} "Well..."
// \{Girl} "It's really strange."
// \{\m{B}} "I wonder..."
// Just like in our first meeting, our conversation is slipping off to nowhere.
// Passing by my side, the girl goes inside.
// I also go in.
// There's no change at all. The bookshelves are still aligned properly.
// The girl is gazing inside with a face that looks like she has met an old friend.
// She probably really likes it here, but I'd get bored.
// \{\m{B}} "... well it's fine, I guess..."
// I murmur a little and turned around smiling.
// I know we're fellow skippers, but she's unusually over-familiar with me.
// And adding to that, I think she spends her time in this sad, distant world.
// I glance around the library.
// It's obvious, but there are no other people except us.
// \{\m{B}} "Do you always come to this place around this time?"
// \{Girl} "Most of the time."
// \{Girl} "But if there are lessons which I have to be in, I'm late coming here."
// The amazing part she does here is not "attend lesson" but "be in the lesson."
attendance. Remember that Tomoya doesn't care about studying but rather just to get an attendance so essentially, he's just "in" the lesson but not studying. -DGreater1
// Like Sunohara and me, it's proof that attendance is the only thing she cares about.
// Yet, there's something different about her.
// She doesn't emit that strong stupid scent that Sunohara and I give off.
// ... stupid scent?
// I sniff myself.
// It's all right. At least I don't understand it.
// It's the same as not minding the smell of your own socks.
// In other words, it's a meaningless behavior.
// \{Girl} "?"
// She's looking at me with curiosity.
// \{\m{B}} "Don't mind an idiot like me, just do what you like."
// I answer that as if I don't care about what's going to happen.
// She puts the books she's carrying on a desk.
// \{Girl} "Please wait a minute."
// She rushes over the window.
// She opens it to let the new air enter.
// Then, she goes inside the librarian's counter and opens a locker to get some cleaning tools.
// She returns with a mop in hand.
// Then starts sweeping the floor in front of me, for some reason.
// \{Girl} "Hmph... hmph..."
// She sweeps the wooden floor with her slender arms with all her might.
// I was told to wait, but this is getting me quite bored from standing.
// I feel like a customer lost inside a shop that's still getting ready to open.
// I wonder if something will come up if I stay waiting like this?
// \{\m{B}} "Hot coffee."
// I try to order something.
// \{Girl} "?"
// She stops mopping and looks at me curiously.
// It seems like she doesn't have any coffee here.
// \{\m{B}} "Well then, omuraisu (omelet rice)."
// \{Girl} "W..."
// \{Girl} "Suika (watermelon)."
// \{\m{B}} "Kappa (raincoat)."
// \{Girl} "Painappuru (pineapple)."
// \{\m{B}} "ru...... rujinen (anthropoid)."
// \{Girl} "N'Djamena (njamena)."
// \{\m{B}} "Nasubi (eggplant)."
// \{\m{B}} "Hey, wait! What in the world is N'Djamena?"
// \{Girl} "It's the capital city of the Republic of Chad in Africa."
// \{Girl} "Lake Chad is located a hundred kilometers northeast of the city. The population is..."
// \{\m{B}} "... you don't need to explain."
// \{Girl} "??"
// \{Girl} "What are we going to do now then..."
// ... that's what I want to ask myself.
// \{\m{B}} "Anyway, you can't use N'Djamena."
// \{Girl} "........."
// \{Girl} "... are you a bully?"
// \{\m{B}} "Wrong."
// \{Girl} "We wouldn't be able to continue after that then..."
// \{\m{B}} "Let's stop playing \g{shiritori}={Shiritori is a Japanese word game in which the players are required to say a word which begins with the final kana of the previous word. No distinction is made between hiragana, katakana and kanji. 'Shiritori' literally means 'taking the bottom' as Japanese language can be written vertically.} and continue sweeping."
// Nod.
// She nods and moves the mop again.
// \{\m{B}} "Sigh..."
// Without anything to do, I grab a nearby chair and sit down.
// I rest my chin on my hand and watch her sweep.
// She wipes the floor many, many times.
// I think dedicating your time here in the library whenever skipping class is good.
// Though there's the question of whether it's natural to read on the floor.
// By chance, I see the books she was carrying a while ago piling up on the nearby desk.
// And just like before, they are technical books stamped with an ownership seal.
// Check to see if the pages have been cut 
// Ignore it as if I don't care
// I'll check if these pages have been cut as well.
// I pick up one of the books.
// Even though I'm looking at the cover, I don't know what kind of book it is because the title is blurred.
// And I'd bet that even if I read it, I probably wouldn't understand its meaning in one go.
// I open the book and flip its pages.
// \{\m{B}} "This... is..."
// My eyes focus on something in particular.
// It transcends the problem of whether or not she cut the pages. 
// I leave it as it is.
// A person like me who doesn't have any persuasive powers has already advised her.
// But nevertheless...
// I still pick up one of the books.
// Even though I'm looking at the cover, I don't know what kind of book it is because the title is blurred.
// And I'd bet that even if I read it, I probably wouldn't understand its meaning in one go.
// I open the book and flip its pages.
// My eyes focus on something in particular.
// The pages are printed in \bEnglish\u.
// It's a foreign book; even more, a technical one.
// \{\m{B}} "Woah!"
// I quickly close the book.
// ... anyway... is it normal for our school to have these kinds of books?
// \{\m{B}} "Hey... can you read English books?"
// She doesn't stop her hand from sweeping as she nods to my question.
// \{Girl} "Writing it is a bit difficult, but reading it is simple."
// \{\m{B}} "I'm really surprised to know you can actually read these."
// \{Girl} "??"
// It doesn't look like she's lying or bluffing.
// To begin with, she wouldn't be carrying these books if she couldn't read them.
// I wonder if she's a return student from abroad...
// \{Girl} "I'm done cleaning."
// \{Girl} "It's really tidy now; it sparkles."
// \{\m{B}} "I see, that's good then."
// \{Girl} "It makes me feel really good to see this place sparkle."
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah, that's right."
// \{Girl} "I can now sit on the floor without getting my skirt dirty."
// Just as I thought... that was her reason...
// \{Girl} "Please wait a little bit."
// She runs towards the librarian's seat again.
// She puts the mop back in the locker and brings back a cushion.
// It seems as though she hid it inside the librarian's seat.
// Is she really doing her work properly as a librarian? She even forgot to lock the door during lessons.
// \{Girl} "Umph!"
// She places the cushion on the floor.
// Then, she takes the books she put on the desk and places them on the floor around the cushion.
// Maybe this means that she wants to be surrounded by her favorite books.
// \{Girl} "This is perfect."
// She nods in satisfaction, then starts taking off her indoor shoes.
// \{Girl} "... umph."
// And then, standing on one leg, she takes off her socks one at the time.
// This is mostly like her own room.
// She becomes barefoot right in front of me.
// \{Girl} "It feels good this way."
// She says that as she smiles like a kid.
// \{Girl} "It feels cool, but it also feels warm."
// Her words are contradicting, but I somehow understand what she wants to say.
// Though we've only just met, this strange girl is doing her best to talk to me.
// And just beyond her slender legs is a bookshelf packed with dusty books lined up together.
// It's a surreal, yet nostalgic scene.
// \{Girl} "All right..."
// Then, she sits on the cushion.*
// As I think about how strange she looks sitting on the corner of the cushion, she gazes up at me.
// \{Girl} "Here."
// She dusts off the empty half of the cushion.
// \{\m{B}} "... are you telling me to sit beside you?"
// She nods.
// No matter how I think of it, I wouldn't want my body glued next to her, so that request is impossible.
// \{\m{B}} "No, I'm fine with my chair."
// \{Girl} "...?"
// She gazes up at me as if surprised.
// \{Girl} "Don't you want to read with me?"
// ... that's pretty much impossible due to various reasons.
// \{\m{B}} "Sorry, but please read by yourself."
// \{\m{B}} "Just think that I'm not here."
// \{Girl} "??"
// She looks at me with a startled face.
// \{Girl} "Well..."
// \{Girl} "Okay..."
// It seems that my words made her feel down.
// \{\m{B}} "I'll be watching you from here."
// That's why I add something.
// With something as simple as that, the girl suddenly breaks into a smile.
// \{Girl} "Okay."
// \{Girl} "I'll be fine, even if you just watch me."
// She looks really happy.
// Does she really like being watched by other people while she reads?
// In some ways, it's an amazing hobby.
// I watch her for the time being.
// She presses her skirt down as she adjusts the way she sits on her cushion.
// It seems that she has decided on a good position.
// \{Girl} "I'm going to read then."
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah, read to your heart's content."
// \{\m{B}} And also, you don't need to read aloud."
// I add that, since I can't bear to hear English being recited.
// \{Girl} "Well..."
// \{Girl} "... then, I guess I'll read this one."
// She takes a nearby book and opens it in her lap.
// She flips through the book as she searches for the part she's going to read.
// She stops on a page and starts reading afterwards.
// She's quite serious.
// The text is written horizontally, so it's a bit interesting to see her eyes move left and right as she reads.
wikipedia for more. - Kinny Riddle
// Nevertheless, I feel that her reading is strangely fast.
// Ah... she's already flipped one page.
// It's amazing, she has already read two pages in just a moment.
// \{\m{B}} "Hey... will I really just watch?!"
// She doesn't even respond to my words.
// She's really immersed in reading the book.
// She has completely left me behind.
// \{\m{B}} "I wonder why..."
// I murmur as I look towards the window.
// It's quite sunny outside.
// Even the curtains dazzle with lights.
// They're probably playing some ball game in the gym.  I can hear their cheers from time to time.
// And also, the sound of flipping pages...
// It's so peaceful.
// This warm season of April.
// There isn't anyone in this library room except me and this girl who likes books.
// If it comes to this, there's only one thing to do.
// \{\m{B}} "All right."
// \{\m{B}} "I'm going to sleep."
// I lay my face on the desk and slowly close my eyes...
// Where... am I?
// I can hear a sound from somewhere.
// A sound I haven't heard before.
// But even still, it's a nostalgic sound.
// I slowly open my eyes.
// Ding, dong, dang, dong...
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// It's the sound of the bell.
// I raise my head and look around.
// It takes me a while to realize that I'm inside the library and not the classroom.
// How long did I sleep?
// The girl lifts her face away from the book and peeks at me.
// \{Girl} "Are you awake now?"
// \{\m{B}} "... what time is it?"
// \{Girl} "It's already afternoon."
// \{\m{B}} "I see..."
// It looks like I slept for a long time.
// \{Girl} "Have you slept a lot?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah."
// \{Girl} "I see."
// \{Girl} "That's good."
// \{\m{B}} "Did you read lots of books?"
// She nods.
// \{Girl} "Yes, I read many."
// \{\m{B}} "I see, that's good then."
// \{Girl} "Well..."
// \{Girl} "Do you want to eat?"
// \{\m{B}} "That's right, I'm quite hungry." 
// As I say that, she narrows her eyes and smiles.
// \{Girl} "Well then, I'll share half of my lunch with you."
// Watching that and honestly becoming happy, I'm surprised myself.
// I wonder if I'm such a positive person?
// \{\m{B}} "No... I guess I'll turn down your offer."
// I think my attitude has changed.
// \{Girl} "?"
// She tilts her head and looks at me blankly.
// Seeing that kind of appearance makes me smile a little.
// If it were me from a bit long before, I wouldn't be positively concerned with a stranger.
// Even eating bread with Furukawa wouldn't be possible.
// Much more, I even promised her I'd help with the drama club.
// I think, perhaps, I might have changed.
// I wonder if I have really changed.
// \{Girl} "Well..."
// \{Girl} "Is it because you're full?"
// She says that in a little tone, as if she's hesitating.
// \{\m{B}} "No, that's not exactly why..."だな…」
// \{\m{B}} "No, I have to decline your offer..." 
// As I follow her glance, I realize that there are two pairs of chopsticks on the top cover of the lunch box.
// The first pair is a childish one painted with red, and the other pair is long and black.
// \{\m{B}} "Could it be that... that's for me?"
// She nods again.
// To that girl, this might be an act of good will.
// \{\m{B}} "Sigh..."
// For some reason, I remember something about the hill just before the school.
// Having deep concerns for a person is no different from adding unnecessary baggage.
// Then, you'll only think that the hill you don't want to climb up is steeper than it looks.
// For me to think like that... I guess nothing might have changed.
// \{\m{B}} "I'll turn down your offer."
// As I answer that, I can see that she wants to say something.
// \{\m{B}} "Later then."
// Not minding it, I turn around and leave the library. 
// I say that and realize that she's looking at me.た。
// The lunch box is already out of her pouch handbag.
// And in the lid of the lunch box are two pairs of chopsticks.
// The first pair is a childish one painted with red, and the other pair is long and black.
// \{\m{B}} "Could it be that... that's for me?"
// She nods again.
// \{\m{B}} "Sigh..."
// I'm really glad about this, but I just don't understand why she'd even go as far as giving me my own chopsticks.
// Is she normally this kind to everyone?
// It doesn't look like it though.
// \{\m{B}} "That's right, what's your name?"
// \{Girl} "???"
// Is there any need to look so surprised?
narration) there's no need to look this surprised at the question. - Kinny Riddle
// \{\m{B}} "It's all right if you don't want to tell me your name."
// \{Girl} "Well..."
// She stops for a while.
// \{Girl} "Kotomi."
// \{Girl} "Three syllables, Ko-to-mi."
// \{Girl} "Call me Kotomi-chan."
// It sure is hard to add -chan to her name, due to her age.
// \{\m{B}} "At least let me call you by your name without using suffixes."
// She nods as I say that.
// \{\m{B}} "I'm \m{A} \m{B}."
// \{\m{B}} "You can call me any way you want."
// I stand up and out of my chair as I stretch myself.
// She stands up too.
// She then looks straight at me.
// \{Kotomi} "\m{B}-kun."
// She calls me with that.
// \{Kotomi} "\m{B}-kun, \m{B}-kun, \m{B}-kun."
// She's repeating it for some reason.
// \{Kotomi} "\m{B}-kun?"
// Why did it turn out to be a question?
// \{Kotomi} "\m{B}......\wait{1500}kun..."
// Don't make a pause for no reason.
// \{Kotomi} "........."
// \{Kotomi} "\m{B}-kun."
// She says it one more time as if she's trying to confirm something.
// \{Kotomi} "I feel strange somehow..."
// She says that as she smiles.
// I think I should be the one feeling strange, because I'm being watched like I'm some kind of patron.
// \{\m{B}} "I guess it's fine..."
// This isn't the place for me to be wasting my time.
// \{\m{B}} "Later then..."
// I'm about to leave just like that when I suddenly stop.
// Because the girl is looking at me as if she still has something to say.
// \{\m{B}} "... are you still going to read?"
// I look back and ask that.
// \{Kotomi} "I plan to stay here till afternoon."
// \{\m{B}} "Don't cut up pages today, all right?"
// She looks a little troubled as I say that.
// Then, she gives me an ambiguous smile.
// \{\m{B}} "See you again then."
// \{Kotomi} "Okay."
// \{Kotomi} "See you tomorrow."
// I leave the library.

Sơ đồ

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× Chính Fuuko Tomoyo Kyou Kotomi Yukine Nagisa After Story Khác
14 tháng 4 SEEN0414 SEEN6800 Sanae's Scenario SEEN7000
15 tháng 4 SEEN0415 SEEN2415 SEEN3415 SEEN4415 SEEN6801
16 tháng 4 SEEN0416 SEEN2416 SEEN3416 SEEN6416 SEEN6802 Yuusuke's Scenario SEEN7100
17 tháng 4 SEEN0417 SEEN1417 SEEN2417 SEEN3417 SEEN4417 SEEN6417 SEEN6803
18 tháng 4 SEEN0418 SEEN1418 SEEN2418 SEEN3418 SEEN4418 SEEN5418 SEEN6418 SEEN6900 Akio's Scenario SEEN7200
19 tháng 4 SEEN0419 SEEN2419 SEEN3419 SEEN4419 SEEN5419 SEEN6419
20 tháng 4 SEEN0420 SEEN4420 SEEN6420 Koumura's Scenario SEEN7300
21 tháng 4 SEEN0421 SEEN1421 SEEN2421 SEEN3421 SEEN4421 SEEN5421 SEEN6421 Interlude
22 tháng 4 SEEN0422 SEEN1422 SEEN2422 SEEN3422 SEEN4422 SEEN5422 SEEN6422 SEEN6444 Sunohara's Scenario SEEN7400
23 tháng 4 SEEN0423 SEEN1423 SEEN2423 SEEN3423 SEEN4423 SEEN5423 SEEN6423 SEEN6445
24 tháng 4 SEEN0424 SEEN2424 SEEN3424 SEEN4424 SEEN5424 SEEN6424 Misae's Scenario SEEN7500
25 tháng 4 SEEN0425 SEEN2425 SEEN3425 SEEN4425 SEEN5425 SEEN6425 Mei & Nagisa
26 tháng 4 SEEN0426 SEEN1426 SEEN2426 SEEN3426 SEEN4426 SEEN5426 SEEN6426 SEEN6726 Kappei's Scenario SEEN7600
27 tháng 4 SEEN1427 SEEN4427 SEEN6427 SEEN6727
28 tháng 4 SEEN0428 SEEN1428 SEEN2428 SEEN3428 SEEN4428 SEEN5428 SEEN6428 SEEN6728
29 tháng 4 SEEN0429 SEEN1429 SEEN3429 SEEN4429 SEEN6429 SEEN6729
30 tháng 4 SEEN1430 SEEN2430 SEEN3430 SEEN4430 SEEN5430 SEEN6430 BAD End 1 SEEN0444
1 tháng 5 SEEN1501 SEEN2501 SEEN3501 SEEN4501 SEEN6501 Gamebook SEEN0555
2 tháng 5 SEEN1502 SEEN2502 SEEN3502 SEEN4502 SEEN6502 BAD End 2 SEEN0666
3 tháng 5 SEEN1503 SEEN2503 SEEN3503 SEEN4503 SEEN6503
4 tháng 5 SEEN1504 SEEN2504 SEEN3504 SEEN4504 SEEN6504
5 tháng 5 SEEN1505 SEEN2505 SEEN3505 SEEN4505 SEEN6505
6 tháng 5 SEEN1506 SEEN2506 SEEN3506 SEEN4506 SEEN6506 Other Scenes SEEN0001
7 tháng 5 SEEN1507 SEEN2507 SEEN3507 SEEN4507 SEEN6507
8 tháng 5 SEEN1508 SEEN2508 SEEN3508 SEEN4508 SEEN6508 Kyou's After Scene SEEN3001
9 tháng 5 SEEN2509 SEEN3509 SEEN4509
10 tháng 5 SEEN2510 SEEN3510 SEEN4510 SEEN6510
11 tháng 5 SEEN1511 SEEN2511 SEEN3511 SEEN4511 SEEN6511 Fuuko Master SEEN1001
12 tháng 5 SEEN1512 SEEN3512 SEEN4512 SEEN6512 SEEN1002
13 tháng 5 SEEN1513 SEEN2513 SEEN3513 SEEN4513 SEEN6513 SEEN1003
14 tháng 5 SEEN1514 SEEN2514 SEEN3514 EPILOGUE SEEN6514 SEEN1004
15 tháng 5 SEEN1515 SEEN4800 SEEN1005
16 tháng 5 SEEN1516 BAD END SEEN1006
17 tháng 5 SEEN1517 SEEN4904 SEEN1008
18 tháng 5 SEEN1518 SEEN4999 SEEN1009
-- Image Text Misc. Fragments SEEN0001