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== Sơ đồ ==
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[[Category:CLANNAD-Góp ý]]

Revision as of 09:01, 8 August 2009


// Resources for SEEN1429.TXT

#character '*B'
#character '%A'
#character 'Sanae'
#character 'Akio'
#character 'Fuuko'
#character 'Voice'
#character 'Ibuki'
#character 'Furukawa'
#character 'Nagisa'
#character 'Kouko'

// April 29 (Thursday)
// \{\m{B}} "Yo."
// .........
// No one today, either...
// The entire family is off carving again.
// \{\l{A}} "Ah, 
// \s{strS[0]}. Welcome."
// \{Sanae} "Welcome, \m{A}-san."
// \{Akio} "Yo. If you don't need anything, go home."
// \{\m{B}} "Aren't you supposed to be tending the shop?"
// \{Akio} "When customers come, I'll go out at once. Don't you worry about it."
// \{\m{B}} "Well I guess that's fine..."
// \{\m{B}} "Yo, Fuuko."
// I settle down beside Fuuko.
// \{Fuuko} "Ah, \m{A}-san."
// \{\m{B}} "Are you doing nothing but that today too?"
// As usual, she's using the knife to carve a block in one of her hands.
// \{Fuuko} "Yes, of course. Fuuko doesn't have anything else to do."
// \{\m{B}} "That can't be true..."
// \{Voice} "Hello?"
// A customer.
// \{Akio} "Tch, this is a pain in the ass... I'm gonna pretend to not be here."
// \{\m{B}} "Didn't you say you'd go out at once?!"
// \{\m{B}} "Sanae-san, please say something!"
// \{Sanae} "Akio-san!"
// \{Sanae} "If you're this noisy, they won't believe that you're out!"
// \{\m{B}} "I don't think that's the problem."
// \{Akio} "Damn... that's a good reason."
// That's a reason...?
// \{Akio} "But you know, Sanae..."
// \{Akio} "I don't want to work today. I want to be by Fuuko... and carve..."
// \{Akio} "That's... how I feel..."
// \{Sanae} "Ah...\wait{500}Akio-san..."
// \{\m{B}} "He just said that to try to get you to feel for him. His selfishness is revealed."
// \{Akio} "Why you, you should have kept your mouth shut a long time ago!"
// He grabs at my chest.
// \{Akio} "........."
// But... then he looks funny.
// \{Akio} "\size{30}No, noooooooo!!\size{}" 
// He falls down on the ground and rolls around.
// Blood is gushing out from the sole of his foot.
// \{Akio} "Sa-sanae! P, please..."
// \{Akio} "Suck my finger!"
// He says, and sticks out his hand.
// \{\m{B}} "Wasn't the part you injured your foot?"
// Boka!
// In his weakened state, he hits me.
// \{Sanae} "Nagisa."
// \{\l{A}} "Yes?"
// \{Sanae} "Please take care of the shop. I'll watch after Akio-san."
// \{\l{A}} "Okay!"
// She stands up.
// Follow Nagisa 
// Stay here 
// \{\m{B}} "I'll go too." 
// \{\l{A}} "No, 
// you're a customer too."
// \{\m{B}} "You should stop that at this sort of time."
// \{\l{A}} "O-okay..."
// I give her pushy instructions and decide to follow her.
// \{\l{A}} "Sorry to keep you waiting."
// She bows her head and exits.
// And past the door...
// \{Ibuki} "Hello, Nagisa-chan!"
// It's the elder Ibuki.
// \{\l{A}} "Wah... um..."
// \{\m{B}} "What is it..."
// Thud.\shake{2}
// The confused Nagisa and I bang our heads together.
// The older Ibuki laughs softly.
// \{Ibuki} "You get along well." 
// \{Furukawa} "Y-yes... he gets along well with me!"すっ」
// \{Nagisa} "Y-yes... We get along. Very well."
// ... don't answer by emphasizing such an embarrassing thing.
// \{Ibuki} "Are you two helping out today?"
// \{\l{A}} "Yes, because Dad injured himself."
// \{Ibuki} "That's awful... is he okay?"
// \{\l{A}} "Yeah. It wasn't too deep a wound..."
// \{Voice} "\size{30} Nooooo! It huuuuuuuuurts!\size{}"
// \{Voice} "Please be more gentle~~~!"
// \{Ibuki} "........."
// \{\l{A}} "Ehehe..."
// \{\m{B}} (Sanae-san... does what she has to do, even if it doesn't seem like it...)
// \{Ibuki} "That's pretty hard. Please let me help too."
// \{\l{A}} "Ah, no... it's fine."
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah, he just got a thumbtack stuck in his foot or something."
// \{\l{A}} "Yeah. He just likes to exaggerate things."
// \{Ibuki} "Well then... I guess that's fine."
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah, please don't worry about it."
// \{\l{A}} "Here, take a tray."
// \{Ibuki} "Ah, thank you very much."
// \{\l{A}} "I'll only tell this to you, but... the ones over here are freshly baked."
// \{Ibuki} "Really? That's tricky."
// \{\l{A}} "It is. Ehehe!"
// It seems like the conversation is progressing at \l{A}'s pace.
// They look like they're having fun choosing bread together.
// \{\m{B}} (They really seem to be hurrying...)
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// But... what were \l{A} and I hurrying about?
// If Fuuko and elder Ibuki meet here... everything would be resolved, wouldn't it?
// That's what I thought.
// But... Fuuko would say that's unfair.
// If I don't get this across...
// I guess I can't check on her...
// If I do... someone would probably get hurt...
// I don't know what to do.
// \{\l{A}} "You're buying a lot, huh!"
// \{Ibuki} "Yes. This isn't just for one person."
// \{Ibuki} "It's a lunch for two people."
// \{\m{B}} "That..."
// I ask painfully.
// \{Ibuki} "Fuu-chan loved the bread here."
// \{Ibuki} "On breaks, I would always come to buy the bread here."
// \{Ibuki} "I would go home, wake her up... and have lunch."
// \{Ibuki} "But she won't wake up..."
// \{Ibuki} "Even so... I can't just get one person's share."
// \{Ibuki} "Since I don't know when she'll wake up."
// \{Ibuki} "It might be today, it might be tomorrow."
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// I can't figure out what to say.
// I should hide my unrest and say something in a kind voice.
// I don't know Fuuko, it's someone else...
// \{\l{A}} "I'm sure..."
// \l{A} opens her mouth before me.
// \{\l{A}} "She'll wake up."
// She says in a crying voice.
// \{\m{B}} (You get upset too easily!)
// I look behind and whisper into her ears.
// \{\l{A}} (But... it's so sad... sniff...)
// \{\m{B}} (Don't talk anymore!)
// \{\l{A}} (If I don't talk, I can't tend the shop...)
// \{\m{B}} (That's enough, I'll do it!)
// \{\l{A}} (I'm sorry...)
// \{\l{A}} "........."
// She stands up speechlessly, but it's just to endure the tears.
// She's shaking softly.
// \{\m{B}} (You're so worked up...)
// \{Ibuki} "What's wrong, Nagisa-chan?"
// \{\m{B}} "I think she probably injured herself with the tray or something."
// \{Ibuki} "Oh really? Go on then, don't worry about me."
// She turns her head.
// At that moment, the tears began to overflow.
// \{Ibuki} "Nagisa-chan?!"
// \{\m{B}} (\l{A}, stop, pretend to take the tray, and go back to the room!)
// \{\l{A}} (A-all right... I'll leave it to you.)
// \{\l{A}} "Sensei, I'm sorry, I have to go!"
// Wiping off her tears, she runs off quickly.
// \{Ibuki} "........."
// \{Ibuki} "I wonder if she's okay..."
// \{\m{B}} (Uwa, she's gonna think I made her cry...)
// \{\m{B}} "She's a crybaby."
// I'll have to follow up with something like that.
// \{\m{B}} "Would you like anything else? I'll ring it up for you."
// \{Ibuki} "Yes, please."
// I stand at the register.
// \{\m{B}} (Come to think of it... I don't know the cost...)
// \{\m{B}} (Maybe I'll just make this a special 50 yen on everything day...)
// \{\m{B}} (But even so... I don't even know if I'm supposed to tax...)
// \{\m{B}} (Hmm...)
// \{\m{B}} "Congratulations."
// \{Ibuki} "Yes?"
// \{\m{B}} "Today is free."
// \{Ibuki} "You're joking, right?"
// \{\m{B}} "I'm serious."
// \{Ibuki} "You don't know the price, do you? I'll tell it to you."
// \{\m{B}} "A-all right... sorry."
// ... she saw through me.
// \{\m{B}} "After this, are you going to go see your sister?"
// \{Ibuki} "Yes."
// \{\m{B}} "She... your sister..."
// \{\m{B}} "Is she really...\pthere?"
// \{Ibuki} "Eh?"
// After asking, I instantly regret it. Now I just look weird.
// \{Ibuki} "You ask some weird things... um, was it \m{A}-san?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yes, I'm \m{A}."
// \{Ibuki} "You're weird, \m{A}-san."
// She laughs softly.
// \{\m{B}} (Ah, I'm branded as weird by both sisters...)
// \{Ibuki} "She's always in there."
// \{\m{B}} "I see..."
// \{\m{B}} "Um... Ibuki... actually, is it alright if I call you Kouko-san?"
// \{Ibuki} "Yes, of course."
// \{\m{B}} "Then, Kouko-san..."
// \{Kouko} "Yes?"
// \{\m{B}} "Please be strong."
// \{\m{B}} "If you believe in it... the day she wakes up will come... I'm sure of it."
// I wonder why I had suddenly wanted to add that.
// I don't really understand.
// \{Kouko} "Well then, I'll be going."
// \{\m{B}} "Alright."
// After parting... and after watching her leave, I understand at once.
// \{\m{B}} (I don't hate her at all...)
// That's all.
// It's the same as \l{A}.
// \{\m{B}} (Come to think of it, if I had gotten into school one year earlier, I could have taken her class...)
// \{\m{B}} (Damn... that would've been nice.)
// \{Sanae} "I'm sorry, \m{A}-san."
// When I return to the room, Sanae-san bows to me.
// \{\m{B}} "No, it's fine..."
// \l{A} and her dad can't be found.
// Fuuko is diligently carving by herself.
// \{\m{B}} "The customer just now..." 
// \{\m{B}} "Was Ibuki Kouko-san."
// I say it purposefully loud so that it'd be heard.
// \{Sanae} "Is that so? I'm sorry I didn't leave then..."
// \{Sanae} "I'll have to call her later."
// \{\m{B}} "Do you get along well with her?"
// \{Sanae} "Yes!"
// She smiles as she replies immediately.
// A scene with both Sanae-san and Kouko-san together...
// ... I can't imagine it. 
// I decide to stay.する。
// \{\l{A}} "Well then, I'll go take care of the shop!"
// \l{A} left alone.
// Sanae-san leaves the room for a moment, then returns with a box of medical supplies.
// From inside she pulls out a small bottle, tweezers, and cotton.
// \{Sanae} "I'm going to rub alcohol on it."
// \{Akio} "A-alright..."
// She soaks the cotton, which she's holding with tweezers, in the alcohol and pushes it against his foot.
// \{Sanae} "If it hurts, please tell me."
// Then, she fiercely moves her wrist and goes all out in applying alcohol to the infected part.
// \{Akio} "\size{30} Nooooo! It huuuuuuuuurts!\size{}"
// \{Sanae} "Does it hurt? Please endure it!"
// \{Akio} "Please be more gentle!"
// \{Sanae} "I can't do that."
// \{\m{B}} (Sanae-san goes all out when she needs to...)
// \{Voice} "Um, 
// \s{strS[0]}!"
// I turn around to the voice calling me, and \l{A} is sticking her head in through a crack in the door.
// \{\m{B}} "What's wrong?"
// \{\l{A}} "Please help for a bit..."
// Responding to her call, I stand up.
// \{\l{A}} "It's Ibuki-sensei."
// \{\m{B}} "What?"
// \{\l{A}} "The customer that came right now."
// \{\m{B}} "Seriously...?"
// \{\l{A}} "Yes!"
// \{\l{A}} "Why are you all upset about a good thing?"
// \{\m{B}} "What's wrong... you couldn't possibly have been talking about Fuuko, could you?"
// \{\l{A}} "No... I hit my head against the racks."
// She lifts up her bangs and shows me her forehead is getting red.
// \{\m{B}} "There, there."
// I rub her head.
// \{\l{A}} "Thank you very much."
// \{\l{A}} "So then, right now she's choosing bread, but..."
// \{\l{A}} "
// Could you stay together with me, \s{strS[0]}?"
// \{\l{A}} "I don't know what I'll say if I stay in there by myself."
// \{\l{A}} "Please."
// \{\m{B}} "You just can't do anything, can you..."
// I follow her and step onto the dirt floor.
// \{\l{A}} "Sorry for keeping you waiting."
// \{Ibuki} "It's fine, I can take my time choosing."
// \{\m{B}} "Hey."
// \{Ibuki} "Oh, so \m{A} was here, too. Hello."ですね。こんにちは」
// \{Ibuki} "You get along well."
// \{Furukawa} "Y-yes... He gets along well with me!"
// \{Ibuki} "Are you two helping out today?"
// \{Furukawa} "Yes, because Dad injured himself."
// \{Ibuki} "That voice screaming before, was that him? Is he okay?"
// \{\m{B}} "Nah, that was just him getting treated."
// \{Ibuki} "By Sanae-san?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yes."
// I bow my head, and the elder Ibuki laughs softly.
// \{Ibuki} "Is his wound okay?"
// \{Furukawa} "He just likes to exaggerate."
// \{Ibuki} "It must be nice, you always seem like you're having fun."
// \{Furukawa} "Dad's always really loud. He's a bit of a disturbance to the neighborhood."
// I start thinking as I look at elder Ibuki's face.
//  If Fuuko and elder Ibuki meet here... everything would be resolved, wouldn't it?
// But... Fuuko would say that's unfair.
// If I don't get that across...
// I guess I can't check on her...
// If I do... someone would probably get hurt...
// I don't know what to do. 
// \{Ibuki} "Nagisa-chan, going out of your way bringing your boyfriend out here, you really must be fond of him!"
// \{Nagisa} "N-no, that's not how it is!"
// \{Nagisa} "He seemed like he wanted to become friends with you."
// \{Ibuki} "Really?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yes. Let's be friends."
// \{Ibuki} "Sure, it's my pleasure."
// I gaze intently at her smile.
// If Fuuko and the elder Ibuki meet here... everything would be resolved, wouldn't it?
// That's what I think.
// But... Fuuko would say that's unfair.
// If I don't get that across...
// I guess I can't check on her...
// If I do... someone would probably get hurt...
// I don't know what to do.
// \{Nagisa} "\m{B}-kun..."
// Nagisa is waving her hand at the edge of my vision.
// \{\m{B}} "Hm?"
// \{Nagisa} "You're staring too much..."
// \{\m{B}} "Huh?"
// \{Nagisa} "That is... um... I don't think getting along means that..."
// ... I'm being envied.
// \{\m{B}} "You know..."
// \{Nagisa} "Um... was I wrong?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yes!"
// \{Nagisa} "Well that... I'm sorry I jumped to... such conclusions!"
// \{\m{B}} "It's fine I guess."
// Nagisa turns to look at elder Ibuki. 
// As the day gets dark, the Furukawa household gets busy closing up shop and preparing dinner. 
// \{\l{A}} "Please stay and have dinner with us, 
// \s{strS[0]}."
// \{\m{B}} "Alright."
// \{\l{A}} "Well then, I'm going to help with dinner. Please excuse me."
// \l{A} stands up and leaves the room.
// The only ones left were Fuuko and me.
// Shu... shu...
// Fuuko is still carving nonstop.
// \{\m{B}} (What should I do...)
// There's no one to talk to.
// .........
// The sound stops.
// When I look over at Fuuko, she's rubbing a newly made wooden starfish in her hands.
// \{\m{B}} "You made another one?"
// \{Fuuko} "Yes, it's the cutest one made thus far."
// \{\m{B}} "I don't think there's any real difference from the ones already lined up on the floor but..."
// \{Fuuko} "The balance of the hands is very good."
// \{\m{B}} "I think it'd be cuter if it had no hands."
// \{Fuuko} "Then it'd just be a coin."
// \{\m{B}} "It's a thousand times more preferable than a starfish."
// \{Fuuko} "Who would think that a coin is cuter than a starfish?!"
// \{\m{B}} "Who would think the opposite...?"
// \{Fuuko} "You're so rude."
// \{\m{B}} "You're the one being rude, aren't you insulting the coin?"
// \{Fuuko} "Even if a coin falls, no one will pick it up."
// \{\m{B}} "Are you saying if a starfish fell, you'd pick it up?"
// \{Fuuko} "Even more than picking it up, Fuuko would hug it!"
// \{\m{B}} "........."」
// \{\m{B}} "... good night."
// I face the wall and lie down.
// \{Fuuko} "Please don't sleep in the middle of a conversation."
// \{\m{B}} "Our values are too different. We can't hold a conversation."
// \{Fuuko} "You're so rude."
// Why are there so many people with interests in these kind of weird things around me?
// \{\m{B}} (Next time, I'll make \l{A} and this girl discuss which is cuter, the Big Dango Family or starfish...)
// \{\m{B}} (I think it would go on forever...)
// \{\m{B}} (For now, I'll make them decide which is cuter, the Big Dango Family or starfish...)
// \{\m{B}} (Something like this...)
// \{\l{A}} "The dango are cute since they have a song. But starfish aren't because they don't!"
// \{Fuuko} "That's rude, starfish do too have a song!"
// \{\l{A}} "Then please sing it."
// \{Fuuko} "OK then."
// \{Fuuko} "YO! Fuukos'a born in Tokyo Bay, And shes'a raised in a tetrapod. Shes'a friends with funny things, thats'a grow hands usually."
// \{\l{A}} "That's a ripoff!"
// I think this is the Dango's victory.
// \{\m{B}} (Come to think of it, thinking up a song in hip-hop... that's just like Sunohara...)
// I decide to sleep until dinner like that.
// \{\m{B}} (No, wait...)
// I start thinking again.
// \{\m{B}} (Right now, I can talk to Fuuko. Isn't this a rare chance...?)
// \{\m{B}} (Ever since she came here, she's been carving the whole time...)
// \{\m{B}} "Geez..."
// I reluctantly wake up from my rest and turn back to Fuuko.
// \{Fuuko} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// She dies on me. 
// \{\m{B}} "You know... even though I was gonna talk to you..."
// ... it seems like it'd be no use, no matter what I say.
// After that, I have dinner and decide to leave.決め込んだ。

Sơ đồ

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× Chính Fuuko Tomoyo Kyou Kotomi Yukine Nagisa After Story Khác
14 tháng 4 SEEN0414 SEEN6800 Sanae's Scenario SEEN7000
15 tháng 4 SEEN0415 SEEN2415 SEEN3415 SEEN4415 SEEN6801
16 tháng 4 SEEN0416 SEEN2416 SEEN3416 SEEN6416 SEEN6802 Yuusuke's Scenario SEEN7100
17 tháng 4 SEEN0417 SEEN1417 SEEN2417 SEEN3417 SEEN4417 SEEN6417 SEEN6803
18 tháng 4 SEEN0418 SEEN1418 SEEN2418 SEEN3418 SEEN4418 SEEN5418 SEEN6418 SEEN6900 Akio's Scenario SEEN7200
19 tháng 4 SEEN0419 SEEN2419 SEEN3419 SEEN4419 SEEN5419 SEEN6419
20 tháng 4 SEEN0420 SEEN4420 SEEN6420 Koumura's Scenario SEEN7300
21 tháng 4 SEEN0421 SEEN1421 SEEN2421 SEEN3421 SEEN4421 SEEN5421 SEEN6421 Interlude
22 tháng 4 SEEN0422 SEEN1422 SEEN2422 SEEN3422 SEEN4422 SEEN5422 SEEN6422 SEEN6444 Sunohara's Scenario SEEN7400
23 tháng 4 SEEN0423 SEEN1423 SEEN2423 SEEN3423 SEEN4423 SEEN5423 SEEN6423 SEEN6445
24 tháng 4 SEEN0424 SEEN2424 SEEN3424 SEEN4424 SEEN5424 SEEN6424 Misae's Scenario SEEN7500
25 tháng 4 SEEN0425 SEEN2425 SEEN3425 SEEN4425 SEEN5425 SEEN6425 Mei & Nagisa
26 tháng 4 SEEN0426 SEEN1426 SEEN2426 SEEN3426 SEEN4426 SEEN5426 SEEN6426 SEEN6726 Kappei's Scenario SEEN7600
27 tháng 4 SEEN1427 SEEN4427 SEEN6427 SEEN6727
28 tháng 4 SEEN0428 SEEN1428 SEEN2428 SEEN3428 SEEN4428 SEEN5428 SEEN6428 SEEN6728
29 tháng 4 SEEN0429 SEEN1429 SEEN3429 SEEN4429 SEEN6429 SEEN6729
30 tháng 4 SEEN1430 SEEN2430 SEEN3430 SEEN4430 SEEN5430 SEEN6430 BAD End 1 SEEN0444
1 tháng 5 SEEN1501 SEEN2501 SEEN3501 SEEN4501 SEEN6501 Gamebook SEEN0555
2 tháng 5 SEEN1502 SEEN2502 SEEN3502 SEEN4502 SEEN6502 BAD End 2 SEEN0666
3 tháng 5 SEEN1503 SEEN2503 SEEN3503 SEEN4503 SEEN6503
4 tháng 5 SEEN1504 SEEN2504 SEEN3504 SEEN4504 SEEN6504
5 tháng 5 SEEN1505 SEEN2505 SEEN3505 SEEN4505 SEEN6505
6 tháng 5 SEEN1506 SEEN2506 SEEN3506 SEEN4506 SEEN6506 Other Scenes SEEN0001
7 tháng 5 SEEN1507 SEEN2507 SEEN3507 SEEN4507 SEEN6507
8 tháng 5 SEEN1508 SEEN2508 SEEN3508 SEEN4508 SEEN6508 Kyou's After Scene SEEN3001
9 tháng 5 SEEN2509 SEEN3509 SEEN4509
10 tháng 5 SEEN2510 SEEN3510 SEEN4510 SEEN6510
11 tháng 5 SEEN1511 SEEN2511 SEEN3511 SEEN4511 SEEN6511 Fuuko Master SEEN1001
12 tháng 5 SEEN1512 SEEN3512 SEEN4512 SEEN6512 SEEN1002
13 tháng 5 SEEN1513 SEEN2513 SEEN3513 SEEN4513 SEEN6513 SEEN1003
14 tháng 5 SEEN1514 SEEN2514 SEEN3514 EPILOGUE SEEN6514 SEEN1004
15 tháng 5 SEEN1515 SEEN4800 SEEN1005
16 tháng 5 SEEN1516 BAD END SEEN1006
17 tháng 5 SEEN1517 SEEN4904 SEEN1008
18 tháng 5 SEEN1518 SEEN4999 SEEN1009
-- Image Text Misc. Fragments SEEN0001