Clannad VN:SEEN1418

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// Resources for SEEN1418.TXT

#character '*B'
#character 'Voice'
#character 'Female Student'
#character 'Teacher'
#character 'Fuuko'

// Poke...
// Poke... \ppoke.
// \{\m{B}} "Hmm...?"
// Someone's poking my back.
// Poke, poke.
// The hands move to the side and towards my hips.
// Poke... \ppoke.
// \{\m{B}} "What do you want?!"
// \{Voice} "Wah..."
// I turn around, and behind me I see a girl fleeing.
// Looking at her now, I'm pretty sure she's the girl from yesterday who was carving something.
// \{\m{B}} "Is she a weirdo...?"
// Poke.
// \{\m{B}} (Not again...?)
// Poke... \ppoke.
// I stop dead in my tracks.
// Poke, \ppoke, \ppoke.
// She pokes me all over.
// I look to the side, and I see a girl student giggling as she passes by me.
// Poke...
// \{\m{B}} (That's my \bspecial\u spot...)
// Poke.
// She checks again.
// \{\m{B}} (Are you really that curious about it...?)
// Yoink.
// \{\m{B}} "Don't grab it!"
// \{Voice} "Wah..."
// She accidentally slips and falls to the floor as I surprise her.
// Then, she stands up and brushes off her skirt.
// Now's my chance to get her...
// Don't let her run away
// Let her run away
// She finally looks at me, then begins to run away.
// \{\m{B}} "Too slow."
// I grab a hold of her hand.
// \{Female Student} "Wah..."
// \{\m{B}} "And just what do you think you're doing...?"
// \{\m{B}} "Don't you know the difference between guys and girls?"
// \{Female Student} "Fuuko is looking for... \wait{500}her knife."
// \{\m{B}} "Knife?"
// \{\m{B}} "Oh... that..."
// Now that I think about it, I did snatch it away from her.
// So that's what she's searching for?
// \{Female Student} "Please give it back."
// She suddenly runs away as I face her.
// I watch her carefully as she runs into the corner. Half of her face is visible as she cautiously peers at me.
// ... she's completely visible there.
// \{\m{B}} (What the hell does she really want from me...?)
// I slowly put my hand into my pocket.
// \{\m{B}} (Ah...)
// I touch something in my pocket and remember.
// \{\m{B}} (I get it now...)
// And I take it out.
// ... a knife.
// Pata Pata!
// Hearing her footsteps desperately running towards me, I look up.
// And our eyes meet.
// \{Female Student} "Ah..."
// \{Female Student} "Tonbi."
// She stares out the window.
// \{\m{B}} "Hey you, weren't you running over here to get your knife back?"
// \{Female Student} "Hyo~ hyororo~"
// \{\m{B}} "Hey, didn't you hear me?"
// \{Female Student} "........."
// She's completely ignoring me.
// I press her nose upwards, making it look like a pig's nose.
// \{Female Student} "Uu..."
// \{Female Student} "Uuu......"
// She's not resisting as I press her nose.
// \{Female Student} "Hah... please, stop that!"
// She finally pushes off my hand away and looks at me.
// \{Female Student} "Fuuko's nose went up somehow."
// \{\m{B}} "That's because you were ignoring me, even though I'm talking to you."
// \{Female Student} "That's not true, Fuuko only just noticed you."
// \{\m{B}} "Liar. You were trying to get your knife back just now."
// \{Female Student} "Knife?"
// \{Female Student} "Ah, the knife. That's Fuuko's."
// You're a terrible actress.
// \{Female Student} "Please give it back."
// \{\m{B}} "How's your hand?"
// \{Female Student} "It doesn't hurt anymore, it's fine now."
// \{\m{B}} "Then what's the bandage for?"
// \{Female Student} "Just in case Fuuko cuts herself again."*
// \{\m{B}} "Then, shake"
// Gyuu.
// \{Female Student} "Unn..."
// She takes my hand.
// \{\m{B}} "Then, high five"
// Smack!
// \{Female Student} "Unnn..."
// She does it.
// \{\m{B}} "All right, let's be a boxer and a trainer then."
// \{Female Student} "Huh?"
// \{\m{B}} "You're the trainer. Stand like this."
// I hold her palm open and place it just in front of her.
// \{\m{B}} "I'll jab twice and give a straight, and you'll go 'One, two, one, two!' like that, okay?"
// \{Female Student} "O-okay..."
// \{\m{B}} "Let's go."
// \{Female Student} "Okay..."
// She closes her eyes.
// \{\m{B}} "A trainer mustn't close her eyes. Just keep them open and look right at me."
// \{Female Student} "Okay..."
// Her face shows she really doesn't want to do this, so her expression is exaggerated.
// \{\m{B}} "Let's go..."
// \{Female Student} "Okay..."
// \{\m{B}} "I'll punch as fast as I can, okay?"
// \{Female Student} "Sure..."
// \{\m{B}} "Jab, jab, straight!"
// I yell out forcefully.
// \{Female Student} "One, two, one, two!"
// Puff.
// I slowly put the knife into her open palm.
// \{Female Student} "One, two, one, two!"
// Yet she's still saying that.
// \{\m{B}} "Hey, I already gave your knife back."
// \{Female Student} "Huh?"
// \{\m{B}} "I'll take it away again if you hurt yourself. So just make sure you don't get hurt."
// \{Female Student} "Oh, okay."
// \{\m{B}} "See you later, then."
// I don't look back at her as I walk away.歩き出した。
// The problem is... this room is right next to the drama club. 
// Even though there are other empty rooms...が…
// \{\m{B}} (The problem is this empty room...)
// I peep in inside.
// \{\m{B}} (She's here, just as I thought...)
// As usual, she's sitting there alone in the corner carving something.
// She was working real hard the first time I saw her.
// \{\m{B}} (I'm used to this already, but I'm still worried if she'll get hurt...)
// Leave now 
// Watch her a little longer 
// \{\m{B}} (I'll let her do what she wants...) 
// So I leave that place.た。
// I watch her for a little while. / option 2
// \{\m{B}} (Hmmm...?)
// And suddenly she freezes.
// ...And then she puts her finger in her mouth.
// \{\m{B}} "Hey you!"
// She turns around.
// Our eyes meet through the glass.
// \{Female Student} "......!"
// I hear her going "Wah!" as she runs away.
// \{\m{B}} (Idiot, panicking like that is dangerous!)
// So I go inside.
// And there she is, sitting still, all curled up in the corner of the room.
// \{\m{B}} "Hey, show me your hand."
// \{Female Student} "........."
// No reply.
// \{\m{B}} (Is she trying to play hide and seek with me...?)
// \{\m{B}} "I can see you."
// \{Female Student} "Huh?"
// She looks around the room, finally pointing to herself.
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah, right, you."
// Dash.
// And she starts running again.
// She leaves the classroom this time.
// \{\m{B}} (You moron, you shouldn't be running around when you're hurt!)
// And so I chase after her.
// \{\m{B}} (Where did she go...)
// Now there's a teacher walking towards me.
// \{Teacher} "What're you doing here, \m{A}?"
// He asks as he sees me.
// \{\m{B}} "My homeroom teacher asked me to find someone."
// \{Teacher} "During lessons? I'll verify this with your teacher later on."
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah. Go ahead, it's the truth."
// He looks at me suspiciously, and then walks past me.
// And behind him is a tiny person.
// \{\m{B}} "I can see you."
// I grab her hand.
// Looking at me, she places her index finger into her mouth.
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// I stay silent.
// \{Female Student} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{Female Student} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// ...Then finally, the teacher turns the corner and disappears.
// \{Female Student} "Whew..."
// She sighs.
// \{\m{B}} "Alright then, we're going to the nurse's office."
// \{Female Student} "Huh?"
// \{Female Student} "Uwaaaaaaa---!"
// \{\m{B}} "Why are you hiding...?"
// \{Female Student} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "Hey, your hand is injured, let's get to the nurse's office."
// \{Female Student} "It doesn't hurt."
// \{\m{B}} "Liar. Your hand was bleeding earlier, wasn't it?"
// \{Female Student} "Fuuko licked it already."
// \{\m{B}} "And that stopped the bleeding?"
// \{Female Student} "Yep, it did."
// \{\m{B}} "Really? Show me."
// \{Female Student} "Here."
// She shows me her index finger.
// As I take a look, a small trickle of blood begins to flow out.
// \{Female Student} "Wah..."
// And suddenly she pulls her hand away, sucking the blood from her finger.
// \{Female Student} "Here."
// She shows me her hand again, obviously trying to hide something.
// Sure enough, it stopped bleeding...
// \{\m{B}} "Why don't you try yelling, like 'Yay!'"
// \{Female Student} "Yay!"
// Pyuu!
// And sure enough, blood starts spurting from her finger.
// \{\m{B}} "Very nice, good job."
// \{Female Student} "Wah..."
// And so, she puts her finger back in her mouth again.
// \{\m{B}} "That's a deep cut, isn't it?"
// \{Female Student} "Even if it's deep..."
// \{Female Student} "It's none of your business."
// She says that while sucking her finger like a kid.
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "... maybe."
// \{Female Student} "This is what Fuuko wants to do."
// \{Female Student} "So please leave Fuuko alone."
// \{\m{B}} "That Fuuko you're talking about, is that your name?"
// \{Fuuko} "Yes... Ibuki Fuuko."
// \{Fuuko} "Is that weird?"
// \{\m{B}} "Not really, it suits you."
// \{Fuuko} "Oh?"
// \{Fuuko} "Well, then."
// She turns around and walks away.
// \{\m{B}} "Hurry up and go to the nurse's office!"
// I bite my nails.
// \{\m{B}} (There are also things I like...)
// \{\m{B}} (It's just that... she was doing something dangerous in front of me...)

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× Chính Fuuko Tomoyo Kyou Kotomi Yukine Nagisa After Story Khác
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29 tháng 4 SEEN0429 SEEN1429 SEEN3429 SEEN4429 SEEN6429 SEEN6729
30 tháng 4 SEEN1430 SEEN2430 SEEN3430 SEEN4430 SEEN5430 SEEN6430 BAD End 1 SEEN0444
1 tháng 5 SEEN1501 SEEN2501 SEEN3501 SEEN4501 SEEN6501 Gamebook SEEN0555
2 tháng 5 SEEN1502 SEEN2502 SEEN3502 SEEN4502 SEEN6502 BAD End 2 SEEN0666
3 tháng 5 SEEN1503 SEEN2503 SEEN3503 SEEN4503 SEEN6503
4 tháng 5 SEEN1504 SEEN2504 SEEN3504 SEEN4504 SEEN6504
5 tháng 5 SEEN1505 SEEN2505 SEEN3505 SEEN4505 SEEN6505
6 tháng 5 SEEN1506 SEEN2506 SEEN3506 SEEN4506 SEEN6506 Other Scenes SEEN0001
7 tháng 5 SEEN1507 SEEN2507 SEEN3507 SEEN4507 SEEN6507
8 tháng 5 SEEN1508 SEEN2508 SEEN3508 SEEN4508 SEEN6508 Kyou's After Scene SEEN3001
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10 tháng 5 SEEN2510 SEEN3510 SEEN4510 SEEN6510
11 tháng 5 SEEN1511 SEEN2511 SEEN3511 SEEN4511 SEEN6511 Fuuko Master SEEN1001
12 tháng 5 SEEN1512 SEEN3512 SEEN4512 SEEN6512 SEEN1002
13 tháng 5 SEEN1513 SEEN2513 SEEN3513 SEEN4513 SEEN6513 SEEN1003
14 tháng 5 SEEN1514 SEEN2514 SEEN3514 EPILOGUE SEEN6514 SEEN1004
15 tháng 5 SEEN1515 SEEN4800 SEEN1005
16 tháng 5 SEEN1516 BAD END SEEN1006
17 tháng 5 SEEN1517 SEEN4904 SEEN1008
18 tháng 5 SEEN1518 SEEN4999 SEEN1009
-- Image Text Misc. Fragments SEEN0001