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// Resources for SEEN7600.TXT

#character '*B'
#character 'Kyou'
#character 'Đứa Trẻ'
// 'Child'
#character 'Mẹ'
// 'Mother'
#character '??'
#character 'Kappei'
#character 'Sunohara'
#character 'Giọng Nói'
// 'Voice'
#character 'Ryou'
#character 'Người Bán Mì'
// 'Ramen Shop Clerk'
#character 'Misae'
#character 'Yoshino'

// And, at that moment--...

// \size{40}Thwack!!\shake{7}\size{}

// The person walking in front of me... \pflew into mid-air...

<0003> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "You serious?!"

// That Kyou hit someone!

<0005> \{Kyou} ""
// \{Kyou} "Sorry, take my apologies instead!"

<0006> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "... Hey, you serious, damn it?!"

// Patter, pat, patter, pat~...

// The sound of the distant exhaust...

// She seriously left him like that...

// The fallen person trembles on the ground... not moving.

// I fearfully approach him.

<0012> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "... Hey, you okay?"

// .........

// ......

// ...

// The person on the ground did not give an answer.

// Oh crap...

// It'd be nice for someone familiar with the culprit to tell them to turn themselves in...

// Or would it be nicer to just shut up and not be a witness right now...?

// No... even more, would it be best to just run away from here...?

// Run away 

// Wake the person up 

// I'd regret having such problems. 

// If there aren't any witnesses, no one'll get in trouble.

// If someone's going to get her in trouble, it won't be me.

<0026>\{Đứa Trẻ} ""
// \{Child} "Mommy, someone's sleeping over there~"

<0027>\{Mẹ} ""
// \{Mother} "Ah, you're right. I wonder if that student knows him?"

// Oh crap... I became a witness...! 

// Let's try to wake this person... 

// Let's see, I could threaten Kyou during lunch every day, and I'd have a pretty nice hand up my sleeve...

// -- Hey, that's not it!

<0032> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Hey, you alright? Say something."

// I kneel down beside the non-moving victim, and shake the person's shoulder.

// The shoulder's thin.

// Maybe it's a girl...?

<0036> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Hey?"

// Twitch...

// Ah, the person moved?

<0039> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Hey, you fine?"

// I shake the person once again...

// Knock!\shake{1}

<0042> \{??} ""
// \{??} "\bWAAAAAAHHHHH!!\u"

<0043> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Uwaah...!"

<0044> \{??} ""
// \{??} "W-what the?! What was that just now?!"

<0045> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Y-you're alive..."

<0046> \{??} ""
// \{??} "All of a sudden I felt something like a \bthump\u, followed by a \broll, roll\u, and then immediately a \bslide\u or something..."

<0047> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Umm... you were hit by a bike."

<0048> \{??} ""
// \{??} "... A bike did?"

// The victim looks at me with a tilting neck and a mysterious face.

// A girl...? A guy...? Looking at their chest sorta gives me the right idea but it's a bit touchy to discuss...

<0051> \{??} ""
// \{??} "........."

<0052> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Ahh, again huh?"

// Hitting their hand, the person says that as if remembering.

<0054> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Again?!"

<0055> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Something like this happens every once in a while."

<0056> \{??} ""
// \{??} "If it were a car it'd be a problem, but since it's a bike again, that's better."

<0057> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "... Better... huh...?"

// ... Even though you flew into the sky...?

<0059> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Your body's... okay?"

<0060> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Eh? I don't think I'm hurt anywhere in particular?"

<0061> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I see... then I guess that's fine..."

<0062> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Umm, by the way, what's the time?"

<0063> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Hmm? It's about ten o'clock."

<0064> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Uwaah! Not good! I'm gonna be late for my job interview!"

<0065> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Ah! Hey!"

// The person ran away all of a sudden.

// Very far away now.

<0068> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "... Is this really okay...?"

// Should I be glad that the person survived, or that the person is strong...?

// Anyways, I guess the issue with Kyou being a criminal is now over.

// Even then...

<0072> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "... What a healthy person..."

// Seeing the person I don't know going around the corner, disappearing from my sight, I give a sigh.

<0074> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Hmm...?"

// As it happens, I see a white envelope that had fallen to the floor.

<0076> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Is it that person's...?"

// I can't see their back anymore, looking in the direction they ran in.

// I guess I'll pick it up for now.

// On one corner of the envelope, the words "resume" were written in red.

// ... Speaking of which, that person did mention something about an interview...

// If that's the case, isn't not having this bad?

<0082> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "........."

// Having said that... I have no idea of any place he might be going to...

// On the other hand, I'm a bit reluctant to just leave this resume here...

// Find the address to bring it to 

// Tear it up and throw it away 

// Having one thing after another kinda ticks me off, but I can't just leave this as it is. 

// I look over the resume in the envelope.

// As I thought, the writing's dirty...

<0090> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Umm..."

// Name... blank...

// Age... blank...

// Address... blank, too...

// Telephone number... blank...

// Academics...

// Work experience...

// .........

// Nothing's written here...

// Was there something already written here...?

// ... On the right side...

// Strongest subject... lunch...

// Weakest subject... homeroom...

// Objective... I want money...

// Hobbies... telling people stuff they don't know...

// Current health... I'll sue for sexual harassment...

// Based on this writing... it makes me think this is a guy's...

<0107> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "........."

// I have no idea what the hell he means by these...

// Even more, the writing's garbage...

// The letters look like it's all wrinkled up like an earthworm crawling through it or something.

// No matter what the reason though, I can't take this to any address, can I?

// Unable to do anything about, I fold up the letter, and put it in my bag. 

// Rip, rip... rip, rip... rip, rip... 

// I rip up the paper piece by piece.

// And then throw those small pieces into the drain on the side of the road.

<0116> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Well, then... let's go."

// The bell ending second period had just rang as I came to school.

<0118> \{Kyou} ""
// \{Kyou} "Ah, \m{B}! How's that kid?"

<0119> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "You know... you are asking me with such a smug face there."

<0120> \{Kyou} ""
// \{Kyou} "Eh? Because nothing happened, right?"

<0121> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Nothing did but, what if something happened, you know?"

<0122> \{Kyou} ""
// \{Kyou} "It's fine, it's fine. The reaction when my bike hit was different after all."

<0123> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Reaction?"

<0124> \{Kyou} ""
// \{Kyou} "Yeah. What should I call it, the feeling when the flesh gets crushed with the bone? None of that was there, was it?"

<0125> \{Kyou} ""
// \{Kyou} "I'm sure that my skill reduced the impact. I'm sure that was that of a master." 

// A person who knew the feeling of when flesh gets crushed with the bone would not be normal, would they...?

<0127> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Even though that's the case, the problem would be the person running away from there."

<0128> \{Kyou} ""
// \{Kyou} "If you weren't there, I would have stopped."

<0129> \{Kyou} ""
// \{Kyou} "\size{20}Or rather, I was supposed to be aiming at you...\size{}"

// ... She just said something scary... 

// .........

// Could it be she found out about Saturday regarding Botan...?!?!

<0133> \{Kyou} ""
// \{Kyou} "Well, nothing happened, right? Everything's okay."

// As Kyou smiles saying that, she throws something my way.

<0135> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Hmm... what's this?"

<0136> \{Kyou} ""
// \{Kyou} "Fruit milkshake. For now, drink it, since I took ten minutes just to thank you, you know. You should be grateful."

<0137> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "You shouldn't force your gratitude on me, damn it..."

<0138> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "And, don't add 'for now' when you're thanking someone."

<0139> \{Kyou} ""
// \{Kyou} "Giving juice is my thanks. What you should be thankful of is that the one I picked was delicious, right?"

// What a ridiculous reason to use, saying that with such a smooth smile.

// Taking a deep breath, for now I guess I'll be thankful for the milkshake I have in my hand.

<0142> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Oh man..."

<0143> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Hmm?"

<0144> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Where did it fall to...?"

// Perhaps this is the guy who lost it...?

<0146> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Hey!"

<0147> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Sigh~~~..."

<0148> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I said hey!"

<0149> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Whew~~~..."

<0150> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Wait a second!"

<0151> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Huah?" 

<0152> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Yo."

<0153> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Umm..."

<0154> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "You don't remember me?"

<0155> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Ah, it's you!"

<0156> \{??} ""
// \{??} "The one who helped me in Okinawa!"

<0157> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Who the hell's that?!"

<0158> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Eh? Maybe Tochiki?"

<0159> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "No."

<0160> \{??} ""
// \{??} "... Tottori?"

<0161> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Also no."

<0162> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Uwaah! Someone I don't know is talking to me!!"

<0163> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Are you some old fart?!"

<0164> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Because, I don't know who you are?!"

<0165> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Ah..."

// Speaking of which, I haven't said my name.

<0167> \{??} ""
// \{??} "I'm looking for something right now. If you have business, I'd like for you to bother me afterwards."

<0168> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Something you're looking for?"

<0169> \{??} ""
// \{??} "An important paper..."

<0170> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Paper... so, you mean this?"

// I take the resume I picked up from before out of my bag.

<0172> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Ah, ah! That's it, that's it!"

<0173> \{??} ""
// \{??} "... But, why do you have it...?"

<0174> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "You don't remember? You were hit by a bike a while ago."

<0175> \{??} ""
// \{??} "A bike?"

<0176> \{??} ""
// \{??} "... Hmm? Ah, ahh! You're that person!"

<0177> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "You remembered?"

<0178> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Yup, yup, I remembered!"

<0179> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Eh? But why do you have the resume?"

<0180> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I picked it up."

<0181> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Eh? When?"

<0182> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I said from that time, right?"

<0183> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Is that so."

<0184> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Here."

<0185> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Ah, thank you!"

// With a smile, he takes the resume.

// My heart skipped a few beats from that.

<0188> \{??} ""
// \{??} "What is it?"

<0189> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Uh, nothing... nothing at all." 

<0190> \{??} ""
// \{??} "I see."

<0191> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Well~ I had that job interview shortly after, but since I lost the resume it didn't go well."

<0192> \{??} ""
// \{??} "I guess something like this is important after all."

// Is it necessary to have a resume that doesn't have a name written on it...?

<0194> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Ah, right! I should thank you, I should!"

<0195> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Huh? You don't really need to worry about that."

<0196> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Not at all, showing your gratitude is the most important!"

<0197> \{??} ""
// \{??} "It's not something the eye can reliably see, as it shows good faith."

<0198> \{??} ""
// \{??} "The truth is, giving money or something the person likes to eat could be called quite cool."

<0199> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "... Someone like that would be very annoying."

<0200> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "You don't have to do something, so don't worry."

<0201> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Nope, I have to. It goes against my own principles."

<0202> \{??} ""
// \{??} "It'd be the worst as a guy."

// ... A guy? So he's really a guy?

<0204> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Would you like me to at least get you some juice?"

<0205> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Eh? Ah, yeah, I guess that's enough."

<0206> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Then, please wait a second."

// Tap tap tap tap tap tap...

// He runs off to the vending machine.

// I guess I should think of him as a good guy, for being able to thank me...

// A guy...? With a thin body like that, I couldn't tell if he was a girl...

// ... Tap tap tap tap tap tap!

// Hmm? He come back?

<0213> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Umm, you like juice or tea?"

<0214> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Uh, yeah, juice."

<0215> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Roger!"

// Tap tap tap tap tap tap...

// Someone going through the trouble of asking what one likes is really humble.

// Even though he's the one treating me, he shouldn't really do so much.

// ... Tap tap tap tap tap tap!

// He came back again...?

<0221> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Pant, pant, umm, carbonated or fruit juice?"

<0222> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Uhh, I guess carbonated."

<0223> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Pant, pant... r-roger!"

// Tap tap tap tap tap tap...

// He's really humble.

// ... Tap tap tap tap tap tap!

<0227> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Pant... pant... pant... u-umm, partly carbonated or fully carbonated... pant... w-which do you like?"

<0228> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "... Fully carbonated..."

<0229> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Ro... roger..."

// Tap tap tap tap tap tap...

<0231> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "........."

// I feel this is slowly becoming bad...

// ... Tap tap tap tap tap tap!

<0234> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Whew, pant, whew, pant... u-umm... I've only got bills... got... any change?"

<0235> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah, here."

// Clatter, clatter.

<0237> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Whew, pant... t-thank you..."

// Tap tap tap tap tap tap...

// .........

// ... Tap tap tap tap tap tap!

<0241> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Whew, pant, whew pant... u-umm, is fizzy drink fine?" 

<0242> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah..."

<0243> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Whew, pant... roger.."

// Tap tap tap tap tap tap...

// ... Tap tap tap tap tap tap!

<0246> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Whew, pant... h-here, juice."

<0247> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "T... thank you..."

<0248> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Well, you should gulp down the cold stuff then."

<0249> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah..."

// I take the cold drink.

// Flip. 

// Pshhhh---!!\shake{1}\shake{2}

// White foam comes gushing up into my face the moment I flip the pulltab...

<0254> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "........."

<0255> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Uh... eh?"

<0256> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Damn it... you shook it..."

<0257> \{??} ""
// \{??} "I-I'm sorry! I didn't meant to shake it like that... I was in a hurry so..."

<0258> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "........."

// He doesn't mean... any ill will, does he...

<0260> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Ahh... for this to splash around like this... I'm sorry!"

// Saying that, he pulls out a handkerchief.

<0262> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Woah, stop. I'll clean it up myself."

<0263> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Come on, come on."

// With a sweet smile, he dries my face... um... "he" is fine, right?

// My forehead... eyebrows... cheek... lips...

// Getting close all over my face...

// His breath comes near my nose.

// Why do I smell something good in that...?

<0269> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "........."

<0270> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Eh? What's wrong? Your face's red."

<0271> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Gah... nothing!"

<0272> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Ahh! Geez, don't move, I might poke your eyes!"

<0273> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Don't say such scary stuff!"

// I twist my body to get away from this dangerous feeling.

<0275> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Geez, there's still something to clean up you know!"

<0276> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "... Just give me the handkerchief. I'll clean it myself."

<0277> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Hmm... okay."

<0278> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Thank you..."

// I look at the handkerchief he gives me.

// ... It's a girl's...

// Wipe, wipe...

// Maybe he's a... girl?

<0283> \{??} ""
// \{??} "By the way, what time is it now?"

<0284> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Hmm? Oh ,it's four o'clock."

<0285> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Uwawah! It's already that time?!"

<0286> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "What's wrong?"

<0287> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Sorry! I have to hurry to an interview!"

<0288> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Eh, ah, hey, wai..."

<0289> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Later, thanks for the resume!"

// Tap tap tap tap tap tap...

<0291> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Ah..."

// Only the handkerchief's left in my hand.

// Oh man... I thought I'd return the resume, now it's a handkerchief...?

// Guess I'll have to return this next time we meet.

// Deeply sighing, I drink what's left of my juice in one gulp.

<0296> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "... Hmm?"

// Thinking about it... this was all bought with my own cash, wasn't it...?

// The morning, with no one coming to school.

// Holding back my yawn, I drag my heavy steps around.

<0300> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Ahh!"

<0301> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Hmm?"

// I turn around to a familiar face...

<0303> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Good morning, umm, umm, resume person!"

<0304> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Who's that..."

<0305> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Then... umm... coke face!"

<0306> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "That was your doing, wasn't it...?"

<0307> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Umm... what was your name?"

<0308> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "........."

// Speaking of which, I never told him...

<0310> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I'm \m{A}."

<0311> \{??} ""
// \{??} "\m{A}... what's your first name?"

<0312> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Hmm? \m{B}."

<0313> \{??} ""
// \{??} "\m{A} \m{B}, huh... nice name."

<0314> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Really?"

<0315> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Can I call you \m{B}-\bkun\u?"

<0316> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I don't care what you call me."

<0317> \{??} ""
// \{??} "\m{B}-\bkun\u, \m{B}-\bkun\u, \m{B}-\bkun\u, \m{B}-\bkun\u..." 

<0318> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Yeah, now I'll remember it."

<0319> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "And, you are?"

<0320> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Hiiragi."

<0321> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Hiiragi... huh."

// An ambiguous surname.

// Not that a man wouldn't have this name, but it could also be a girl's.

<0324> \{??} ""
// \{??} "Yup, Hiiragi Kappei."

// ... Kappei...?

<0326> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "What's wrong? Something strange?"

<0327> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "... A guy?"

<0328> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Who is?"

<0329> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "You."

<0330> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Ahahahaha! Oh man, \m{B}-\bkun\u, did you see me as a girl?"

<0331> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "No... well... umm..."

<0332> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Ah, here, this."

// I show him the handkerchief that I borrowed yesterday.

<0334> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Ah, that's,"

<0335> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "The girl-like handkerchief."

<0336> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "And this confused you?"

<0337> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Ahaha, \m{B}-\bkun\u is such a birdbrain!"

<0338> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "F-for now, I'll give it back."

<0339> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Yeah, thank you. This is important to me."

<0340> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Really?"

<0341> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "You have to return things that you borrow after all."

<0342> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Oh...?"

<0343> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "You can't just wait to meet someone by chance, without even knowing their name."

<0344> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah. It'd be nice to meet."

<0345> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Yup."

<0346> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Oh yeah, how did that job interview go?"

<0347> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Something happened after that, right?"

<0348> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Eh... umm... ahaha, actually that didn't go too well either."

<0349> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I see. That's too bad."

<0350> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "I thought showing them the resume might have been good enough though..."

<0351> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "... You mean... showing the resume that I picked up as it is...?"

<0352> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Eh? Yeah, that."

<0353> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Of course it won't go well."

<0354> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Eh? Why?"

<0355> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "........."

// Asking me with such an honest face bothers me...

<0357> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "For now, it's better to write your name and address down."

<0358> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "There aren't any shops that'll employ people with an unknown address."

<0359> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Ahh, but that's impossible."

<0360> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Hmm? Why's that?"

<0361> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "I don't have a home."

<0362> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "... Huh?"

<0363> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Ahahaha, that's just my circumstances right now~ I'm in the middle of traveling."

<0364> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "That's why I'm trying to find a job where I can live in."

<0365> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Circumstances...?"

<0366> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "You want to hear?"

<0367> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Not really."

<0368> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Hmm, that's a \blie\u. You must've wanted to hear, didn't you, \m{B}-\bkun\u."

<0369> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "About how I'm returning home, worrying in the middle of the night as I sleep until morning."

<0370> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "And then the next time we meet, I'd be telling you what happened while going 'Haah, haah', I'm sure."

// I wouldn't want a guy telling me what happened in the middle of the night while going "Haah, haah"...

<0372> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "By the way, do you think there's a job like that out there that I can get an interview for?"

<0373> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "It's got to be short term, high pay, manual that's user-friendly for beginners, and cosplay."

<0374> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Hold that last thought."

<0375> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Eh?"

<0376> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "What do you mean by cosplay?"

<0377> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Hmm, well about that... what \bis\u cosplay? Cosmo President?"

// The president of all space...?

<0379> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "No... what do you mean by that?"

<0380> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Something. So, is there one? Though it'd be perfect if they also had a dormitory too."

<0381> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "If you had to basically ask me.. isn't that what a girl usually does?"

<0382> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Eh?"

// Kappei looks at the words I just gave him.

// Looking carefully... carefully...

<0385> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Ah..."

// A disappointing voice leaks out.

<0387> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Right?"

<0388> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "I wonder if there are any jobs posted that are meant for people above thirty years of age regardless of gender..."

<0389> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "\bWait\u a tick!"

<0390> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "... It'd be better you don't concern yourself with such jobs."

<0391> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Eh? Why?"

<0392> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "It's very suspicious..."

<0393> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "I guess so... but it's no good, not being old enough."

// Nine times out of ten, this guy would definitely pass any age requirements, I'm sure...

<0395> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Oh, whatever. Today, I'm taking an interview with a job I like."

<0396> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "What job is it?"

<0397> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Pizza home delivery."

<0398> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "With a bike?"

<0399> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Yup. Sounds pretty good, delivering stuff to people."

<0400> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "It really feels like a job that's for anyone."

<0401> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Certainly, that seems pretty good."

<0402> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Best of all, what I'm delivering is food..."

<0403> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Food... something people need to live... giggle..."

<0404> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} ".........?"

<0405> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Delivering pizza now, maybe someone who's on the verge of death will muster all of his strength just to order it..."

<0406> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "And if that's the case, their fate would be in my hands..."

<0407> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Being caught by a single traffic light would mean the difference between life and death..."

<0408> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Something like that feels so thrilling... giggle, giggle..."

<0409> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "........."

<0410> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Uh, huh? \m{B}-\bkun\u? You seem distant."

<0411> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Well... would you not look this way... it'd be a problem if people thought I knew you..."

<0412> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Ahahaha, no way, it's a joke, a joke."

<0413> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Delivering to homes really is a job for guys after all."

<0414> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Being entrusted with something, and going to someone."

<0415> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "It feels so numbing!"

// This guy... I can't read what the hell his smile means at all...

<0417> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Later, I have to go to my interview now."

<0418> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Y-yeah..."

<0419> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Next time we meet, I'll be a delivery boy then."

// Smiling with sparkling teeth, Kappei says that as he runs away.

<0421> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Home delivery, huh..."

// It's just a job delivering stuff, but I'm becoming more worried about \bhim\u doing that...

// Well, it's someone else's problem...

// Even more... Hiiragi Kappei... huh.

// ... Kappei's name is a girl's... no, that's impossible.

// It's a guy's, isn't it...?

// Break is about to start as I arrive at the school gates.

// Growing weary of watching Sunohara immerse himself in the game, I decide to walk outside to get some fresh air. 

// I wonder how long I'll be out here until I go back?

<0430> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Hmm?"

// I see a familiar person holding a magazine in front of him.

<0432> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Yo."

<0433> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Ah... \m{B}-\bkun\u."

<0434> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "How'd the pizza delivery thing go? Did you get it?"

<0435> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "........."

// He silently shows me the magazine he's holding.

// It's an employment magazine.

<0438> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "This is my answer."

<0439> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "So it didn't work out."

<0440> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Please don't point it out..."

<0441> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I'm just making sure."

<0442> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "You're quite cruel, \m{B}-\bkun\u."

<0443> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I don't like stuff I'm not sure about."

<0444> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "So, what was their reason?"

<0445> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Yeah, that's just it!"

<0446> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "It was just a tiny little thing too, geez!"

<0447> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "What man, you angry?"

<0448> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Of course I am. Even I get angry about things like these too."

<0449> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Did the interviewer sexually harass you?"

<0450> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Of course not!"

<0451> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "When they asked me if I had a license, I have to tell them that I don't have one, don't I?"

<0452> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "You don't need a license for even a bike nowadays, right?"

<0453> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "I can't move on a scooter with just my right hand."

<0454> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "There's a limit to making a fool out of people."

<0455> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "The one being made a fool of is you, man..."

<0456> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Eh? Why?"

<0457> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "You'd be arrested for getting on a bike without a license."

<0458> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Of course not. Though it is a problem if you do get caught, if you don't screw up you won't get arrested."

<0459> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Shops think about what might happen if you do screw up."

<0460> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "They're thinking about something so small!"

<0461> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "For you, it'd be really big, man..."

<0462> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "In any case, I'll have to pass on jobs that need licenses I can't use."

<0463> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "A man's path is to have a job that'll bring them from zero to the top."

<0464> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Ah... well, good luck with that..."

// With an exaggerated wave with one hand, I get away from there--...

// Snatch!

// ..-- Or maybe not...

// Kappei's thin finger grabs ahold of my hand.

<0469> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "What...?"

<0470> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "You see, I'm gonna have another interview again."

<0471> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Good luck with that."

// Struggle, struggle...

// His hand doesn't let go of mine.

<0474> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "I'm thinking of going to the fast food restaurant."

<0475> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Good luck."

// Struggle, struggle...

<0477> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "You know of Moff Burger? It's a nationwide fast food chain, right?"

<0478> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah, good luck."

// Struggle, struggle...

<0480> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Could you come too? I feel uneasy going alone."

<0481> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Go deal with it yourself!"

// Struggle, struggle...

<0483> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Don't say that so easily~ It'll definitely be fun!"

<0484> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I don't have free time for jobs, you know!"

<0485> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Our chance meeting here is due to karma from a previous life!"

<0486> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I have no idea what the hell you're talking about!"

<0487> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "You'll make 730 yen an hour! If you stare for two hours you'll get 1,460 yen!"

<0488> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Go and work!"

<0489> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Let's work together from morning until night."

<0490> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I've got school!"

<0491> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "You should leave that in this case."

<0492> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "That's a really scary basis you have there, right...?"

<0493> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "I'm being honest."

<0494> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Anyways, go to the job yourself."

<0495> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Besides, if you take friends to the job, the chance of losing the job will be high."

<0496> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Eh? Really?"

<0497> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah, and the chance of friends quitting the job when you quit the job is high as well."

<0498> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "You're not coming with me because it's a bother, right, \m{B}-\bkun\u?"

<0499> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Your principles are really weird, man..."

<0500> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "But, thinking in such a pessimistic way is how I've been living so far."

<0501> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "That so...?"

<0502> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Then, I'll get going."

<0503> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Next time we meet, call me Mr. Burger."

<0504> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Later, Mr. Baka."

<0505> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Ahahaha, it's too early for that!"

// He really is an idiot...

<0507> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "If you come to the shop, I'll give you two pickles!"

<0508> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "You'll feel a bit happier with just that!"

<0509> \{Kappei} ""
// \{Kappei} "Ahahahaha!"

// With that echoing, bottomless laugh, he heads to the interview.

// I wouldn't want to go to the burger shop he's working at...

// .........

// Well, he'll probably lose out.

Sơ đồ

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× Chính Fuuko Tomoyo Kyou Kotomi Yukine Nagisa After Story Khác
14 tháng 4 SEEN0414 SEEN6800 Sanae's Scenario SEEN7000
15 tháng 4 SEEN0415 SEEN2415 SEEN3415 SEEN4415 SEEN6801
16 tháng 4 SEEN0416 SEEN2416 SEEN3416 SEEN6416 SEEN6802 Yuusuke's Scenario SEEN7100
17 tháng 4 SEEN0417 SEEN1417 SEEN2417 SEEN3417 SEEN4417 SEEN6417 SEEN6803
18 tháng 4 SEEN0418 SEEN1418 SEEN2418 SEEN3418 SEEN4418 SEEN5418 SEEN6418 SEEN6900 Akio's Scenario SEEN7200
19 tháng 4 SEEN0419 SEEN2419 SEEN3419 SEEN4419 SEEN5419 SEEN6419
20 tháng 4 SEEN0420 SEEN4420 SEEN6420 Koumura's Scenario SEEN7300
21 tháng 4 SEEN0421 SEEN1421 SEEN2421 SEEN3421 SEEN4421 SEEN5421 SEEN6421 Interlude
22 tháng 4 SEEN0422 SEEN1422 SEEN2422 SEEN3422 SEEN4422 SEEN5422 SEEN6422 SEEN6444 Sunohara's Scenario SEEN7400
23 tháng 4 SEEN0423 SEEN1423 SEEN2423 SEEN3423 SEEN4423 SEEN5423 SEEN6423 SEEN6445
24 tháng 4 SEEN0424 SEEN2424 SEEN3424 SEEN4424 SEEN5424 SEEN6424 Misae's Scenario SEEN7500
25 tháng 4 SEEN0425 SEEN2425 SEEN3425 SEEN4425 SEEN5425 SEEN6425 Mei & Nagisa
26 tháng 4 SEEN0426 SEEN1426 SEEN2426 SEEN3426 SEEN4426 SEEN5426 SEEN6426 SEEN6726 Kappei's Scenario SEEN7600
27 tháng 4 SEEN1427 SEEN4427 SEEN6427 SEEN6727
28 tháng 4 SEEN0428 SEEN1428 SEEN2428 SEEN3428 SEEN4428 SEEN5428 SEEN6428 SEEN6728
29 tháng 4 SEEN0429 SEEN1429 SEEN3429 SEEN4429 SEEN6429 SEEN6729
30 tháng 4 SEEN1430 SEEN2430 SEEN3430 SEEN4430 SEEN5430 SEEN6430 BAD End 1 SEEN0444
1 tháng 5 SEEN1501 SEEN2501 SEEN3501 SEEN4501 SEEN6501 Gamebook SEEN0555
2 tháng 5 SEEN1502 SEEN2502 SEEN3502 SEEN4502 SEEN6502 BAD End 2 SEEN0666
3 tháng 5 SEEN1503 SEEN2503 SEEN3503 SEEN4503 SEEN6503
4 tháng 5 SEEN1504 SEEN2504 SEEN3504 SEEN4504 SEEN6504
5 tháng 5 SEEN1505 SEEN2505 SEEN3505 SEEN4505 SEEN6505
6 tháng 5 SEEN1506 SEEN2506 SEEN3506 SEEN4506 SEEN6506 Other Scenes SEEN0001
7 tháng 5 SEEN1507 SEEN2507 SEEN3507 SEEN4507 SEEN6507
8 tháng 5 SEEN1508 SEEN2508 SEEN3508 SEEN4508 SEEN6508 Kyou's After Scene SEEN3001
9 tháng 5 SEEN2509 SEEN3509 SEEN4509
10 tháng 5 SEEN2510 SEEN3510 SEEN4510 SEEN6510
11 tháng 5 SEEN1511 SEEN2511 SEEN3511 SEEN4511 SEEN6511 Fuuko Master SEEN1001
12 tháng 5 SEEN1512 SEEN3512 SEEN4512 SEEN6512 SEEN1002
13 tháng 5 SEEN1513 SEEN2513 SEEN3513 SEEN4513 SEEN6513 SEEN1003
14 tháng 5 SEEN1514 SEEN2514 SEEN3514 EPILOGUE SEEN6514 SEEN1004
15 tháng 5 SEEN1515 SEEN4800 SEEN1005
16 tháng 5 SEEN1516 BAD END SEEN1006
17 tháng 5 SEEN1517 SEEN4904 SEEN1008
18 tháng 5 SEEN1518 SEEN4999 SEEN1009
-- Image Text Misc. Fragments SEEN0001