Clannad VN:SEEN7400P10

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Bản thảo

// Mei Epilogue 

// I slide open the classroom door.

// The classmates who were all busy up until now suddenly fell silent.

// Everyone looked at my face.

// Blue bruises and compresses all over.

// That kinda stands out, doesn't it?

// They give me a glance for a while, and then all at once turn away their eyes.

// Though they didn't care much about it.

// The usual time as always...

// I slowly approach my seat and take a seat.

<5005> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Fuwahh..."

// A single yawn.

// It's already afternoon.

// The warm and silent day calls me to sleep.

// And finally, the class returns to its noisy self.

// And again, like being hit by water, the place falls silent for a while.

// I sleepily look towards the door.

// A guy stood there with a compress stuck to his face.

// A strange guy, with blonde hair.

// That was obviously Sunohara.

// He hesitates at the class' looks, but then immediately walked off, slowly.

// Our eyes meet.

// Sunohara stops there.

// We stared at each other.

// At our fists, and at our bruised up faces, and then..

// I laughed.

// A laughter from the bottom of my heart.

// The way we had completely looked different here was somehow too strange.

// Unable to hold back my nauseous laughter, I brought up my voice.

// Sunohara blankly looked for a moment...

// And then, laughed as well.

// Even though we pointed at each other and were choking, still...

// We laughed.

<5028> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "S-Sunohara!"

// We did so for a while, and finally wiped the tears that came up.

<5030> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "L-let's go and get lunch!"

<5031> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "S-sure!"

// After that, it was business as usual.

// Nothing's really changed.

<5034> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "The cafeteria?"

<5035> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "That's nice!"

<5036> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "Hey, gehhhh---! I have to pay 150 yen?!"

<5037> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "That's too bad."

<5038> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "\m{A}, I guess I'll make do with a ramen cup from the convenience store."

<5039> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Where are you planning to eat that?"

// The two of us leave the classroom.

// What we talked about was somewhat strange again, and we burst into laughter.

// That's right, we had this kind of relationship.

// There was nothing we were worried, uneasy, or much less troubled about.

// Lingering was left in our hearts. A very strong feeling of resentment.

// A feeling that didn't disappear like a lie.

<5046> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} (... What have we been doing up until now?)

// Even though this should have been fine.

// Even though this alone should have been fine.

// Yapping back and forth, we walked down the hallway.

// The classmates only looked at us, dumbfounded.

<5051> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "... You have to go home now?"

<5052>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "Yes. You've been a lot of help."

// That day after school.

// I exchanged words with Mei-chan, who had collected her things into her luggage.

<5055> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "If that's the case, you could just stay until next week."

<5056> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Not like you're missing much, are you?"

<5057>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "If I could, I'd also like to do that."

<5058>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "But, my parents said I had to."

<5059> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "They're angry, I guess?"

<5060>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "Well, that's..."

// I can tell from the way she leans her head.

// Mei-chan gave nothing but a bitter smile.

<5063> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Then, it can't be helped."

<5064> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Take care."

<5065>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "Yeah, I know."

<5066>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "I just regret it a little bit..."

<5067>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "But, I'm glad I came."

<5068>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "And met you, \m{A}-san..."

<5069>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "And... also met onii-chan."

<5070> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I see..."

<5071> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah, I'm glad too."

// As I thought, the way Mei-chan smiles is cute.

// Though it was just a little bit, I was also happy to have helped her.

<5074> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "Geez, what was with that old guy..."

// With a nod, her brother appeared.

// He got pressed hard by the teacher over his injuries.

<5077> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "Ain't that great for you to be released so early, \m{A}?"

<5078> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "There's only one way to say that."

<5079> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Besides that, you made something up, right?"

<5080> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "I suppose, just leave it to me."

<5081> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "We're innocent victims, yeah."

<5082>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "Umm... what do you mean by that?"

<5083> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Talking about the injuries. We made the industrial high school guys the culprits." 

<5084> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "They picked a fight with us, and we got beat up one-sided... like that."

<5085>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "Then, there aren't any problems?"

<5086> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Well, none, yeah."

// Though I'm scared of the tell-tales the soccer club guys have, that too is also fine, I think.

// We had passed by the captain in the hallway...

// Just from our eyes crossing each other, he lowered his head, and left as if running.

// Judging from that, he was already scared out of his pants, not wanting to follow.

// Besides, they have a match coming up soon.

// They also figured that it wasn't anything too big to deal with right now.

<5093>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "... I'm glad."

<5094>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "If you ended up dropping out of school, you'd be like an idiot."

<5095> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "I guess..."

<5096>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "I'd like onii-chan to come to this school."

<5097>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "To... stay in this city."

<5098> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "Mei..."

<5099>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "... Truth is,"

<5100>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "Up until I came here, I didn't think that was possible."

<5101>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "I thought it'd be better for you to leave school."

<5102>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "And that you should come home."

<5103>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "Showing yourself to be tough as much as you could..."

<5104>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "I didn't like that kind of onii-chan."

<5105> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "........."

<5106>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "Gramps... ah, you know old man Mitani, right?"

<5107>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "He asked what you thought of opening a car garage and stuff..."

<5108>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "Our friends might come in and stuff, he said..."

<5109>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "And thought it'd be nice if you came back."

<5110>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "And live like old times..."

<5111> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "But, that's..."

<5112>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "Yeah, I know."

<5113>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "But... that's wrong."

<5114>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "You have reasons for being here..."

<5115>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "Don't you...?"

// Mei-chan's words.

// Sunohara took those, and slightly lowered his head.

// He kept quiet for a while...

// And finally, he slowly nodded.

<5120> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "... That's right."

<5121> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "I'm here."

<5122> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "And I'll be here until the end, for one more year."

<5123>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "Even if you don't keep up with studies... right?"

<5124> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "Yeah."

<5125> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "Because, right now..."

<5126> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "This is the one chance in a lifetime, where I have to spend my most important time, right?"

<5127>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "Important time..."

<5128> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "The time to be an idiot."

<5129> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "Because I won't be able to come back to being an idiot after this."

<5130> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "And, I have a friend here who'll be an idiot with me during this time..."

<5131> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "I can only get that right now!"

<5132>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "Onii-chan..."

// ... And that friend would be me, wouldn't it?

// That's why, I sighed in disbelief...

// And then, slowly opened my mouth.

<5136> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Sorry, I never thought of you as my friend."

<5137> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "Think of it as such from now on!"

<5138>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "H-haha... now, now, onii-chan."

<5139>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "Having an argument over a joke is being friends, isn't it?"

<5140> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "Though it was a bit of a close gag..."

<5141> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "But you see, Mei,"

<5142>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "Yeah?"

<5143> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "The friend I have right now is not related to me just by the school." 

<5144> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "Even if we graduate and move far away..."

<5145> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "Even so, when we have holidays we'll come and meet... that kind of relationship."

<5146> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Sorry for you come all the way this far?" 

<5147> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "You should visit me as well!"

<5148>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "I-it's a joke, onii-chan."

<5149> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "That's true..."

<5150>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "From now until you become an adult..."

<5151>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "Even if your surroundings change..."

<5152>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "You guys will still be friends, right?"

<5153> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "... Yeah, that's right."

<5154> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "Even if everyone does well... and gets really busy..."

<5155> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "Even if I find a new place with a job and coworkers..."

<5156> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "Even if I get married, have kids, and protect my family with all my life..."

<5157> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "Even then... when we cross each others' paths, we'll be smiling."

<5158> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "We have to be such friends."

<5159> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "That's... what I think."

<5160>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "Yeah..."

<5161> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "That's why I'm here."

<5162> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "For one more year, until the end..."

<5163> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "Your brother will..."

<5164> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "Be spending his most important time."

<5165> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "And then after a year, I'd hear you say that you just want to play."

<5166> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "Please, don't ever hear that!"

<5167> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "I'm saying something real good right now!"

<5168>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "But, I kinda agree as well..."

<5169> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah."

<5170> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "You guys..."

<5171>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "... But, I think it's amazing,"

<5172>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "That you want to be in such a school, even though you say you hate it."

<5173>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "Just to play, right?"

<5174>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "... Sounds fun."

<5175> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "Yeah."

<5176>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "I'm envious."

<5177> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "... Hey, Mei,"

<5178>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "What?"

<5179> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "Do you have any friends that will always be smiling?"

<5180>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "I have a lot of friends but..."

<5181>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "Friends that go that far, not really..."

<5182> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "Then, when you enter high school, work hard and find someone."

<5183> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "And be idiots."

<5184> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "People who'll be idiots with you during your school life will always be there for you."

<5185> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Even if they don't like it."

<5186> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "Something like that's fine."

<5187> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "Afterward, in your life having such friends around..."*

<5188> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "You'll definitely smile, no matter how much pain you feel."

<5189> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Ah, that's right. Their life will be one where you hit them and they laugh going, 'Uhyahyahya!'"

<5190> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "You've completely gotten the wrong idea!"

<5191>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "........."

// The usual exchange between me and Sunohara.

// Mei-chan looked at us with a satisfied look on her face.

<5194>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "Onii-chan,"

<5195>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "I'll do my best,"

<5196>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "And find myself friends."

<5197>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "Good friends, like \m{A}-san."

<5198> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Hey, hey, I'm not really..."

<5199>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "\m{A}-san,"

// She looked at me with widened eyes.

<5201>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "I won't forget about this city..."

<5202>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "I won't forget about you, \m{A}-san."

<5203>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "For onii-chan to have such a good friend..."

<5204>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "I definitely, definitely, won't forget."

<5205> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "... Well, do what you like."

<5206>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "I'll come and play again."

<5207>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "Next time, I'll be at least really grown up and stuff, so be surprised, okay?"

<5208> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I look forward to it."

<5209>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "Yup. See you..."

// She carried the sports bag that was laid at her feet.

// It was a little sad, but that was also fleeting.

// She lifted her head, with a beautiful smile.

<5213>\{Mei} ""
// \{Mei} "Later!"

<5214> \{Sunohara} ""
// \{Sunohara} "Yeah, later."

<5215> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "... Until next time."

// Mei-chan left, waving her hand.

// We stood there until she disappeared from our sight.

Sơ đồ

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× Chính Fuuko Tomoyo Kyou Kotomi Yukine Nagisa After Story Khác
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29 tháng 4 SEEN0429 SEEN1429 SEEN3429 SEEN4429 SEEN6429 SEEN6729
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1 tháng 5 SEEN1501 SEEN2501 SEEN3501 SEEN4501 SEEN6501 Gamebook SEEN0555
2 tháng 5 SEEN1502 SEEN2502 SEEN3502 SEEN4502 SEEN6502 BAD End 2 SEEN0666
3 tháng 5 SEEN1503 SEEN2503 SEEN3503 SEEN4503 SEEN6503
4 tháng 5 SEEN1504 SEEN2504 SEEN3504 SEEN4504 SEEN6504
5 tháng 5 SEEN1505 SEEN2505 SEEN3505 SEEN4505 SEEN6505
6 tháng 5 SEEN1506 SEEN2506 SEEN3506 SEEN4506 SEEN6506 Other Scenes SEEN0001
7 tháng 5 SEEN1507 SEEN2507 SEEN3507 SEEN4507 SEEN6507
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14 tháng 5 SEEN1514 SEEN2514 SEEN3514 EPILOGUE SEEN6514 SEEN1004
15 tháng 5 SEEN1515 SEEN4800 SEEN1005
16 tháng 5 SEEN1516 BAD END SEEN1006
17 tháng 5 SEEN1517 SEEN4904 SEEN1008
18 tháng 5 SEEN1518 SEEN4999 SEEN1009
-- Image Text Misc. Fragments SEEN0001