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===Chapter 1: The Resolute One, The Wavering One===
===Chapter 1: School begins===
''It's been a month since we parted ways and I've finally reached Zuellni. I got here just in time for the opening ceremony. There were five bus changes before I got here; living in a single city back then, I never realized how hard traveling could be. Getting to another city isn't easy, since all cities move according to their own desires. I never understood why the ancient alchemists made the cities self-aware. But now I see that it was done so they could avoid filth monsters and protect us. I understand that now.
Layfon realized that he was remembering something from long ago.
''During the trip, some filth monsters passed by my bus. Their cruel and dangerous appearance was horrifying. The thought of being attacked on a bus with no way to escape was enough to make all my hairs stand on end.
The half destroyed palace. The figure of his childhood friend, and reuniting with her on the mountain of debris. Her wearing an eyepatch, a face he had never seen before, showing to him a figure he had never seen before. And all of these things were losing clarity in his mind.
''But don't worry, our bus didn't get attacked. I think our driver was quite the professional. He stopped the bus for three days to avoid discovery. At that time, my heart ached. It's scary enough to be attacked by the filth monsters. Compared to that though, it would have been worse if the bus was damaged and marooned on this dry and scarlet earth. That would've been a death sentence. Even so, in the end I reached Zuellni safely.
He had jumped up, awakened by the dream and gradually spacing out. Was time really flowing? Had everything become nothing through time?
''I'm writing this letter in my dorm room. It's a double, but luckily I don't have a roommate. I've never had a room all to myself. I'm really happy about this.
He didn't know. Time was flowing without knowing anything. The morning turned to dusk. It repeated this cycle again and again, and this was all that told Layfon time was flowing.
''How are you doing over there? Getting used to your new life?
"What're you doing?"
A panting voice came from behind him as he watched the sun with a blank state of mind. He turned around and saw his classmate, who was also wearing a working suit. His rotund body was swaying from exhaustion. The sweat on his body was rushing out like steam.
''I just realized that I still don't know your address. I'll send the letter to your school. I hope it gets to your hands safely. It'd be great if you could include your new address in your response. After all, the head wouldn't want to see my letters going to the orphanage now.
"Ah, sorry."
In a fluster, Layfon stuffed the bundles of wheat onto the truck with the spear used for farming.
''Well –
"Ah, though this is to move the resources, why did I have to choose this?"
''I wish eternal peace for your new life and the city you're standing on.
A moment afterwards, the truck was loaded with wheat. The classmate showed a faint expression at that and raised his hand.
"Wanna swap?"
''To my dear Leerin Marfes,
"No. You must be very tired."
The classmate then pulled the truck with him. Layfon watched him leave and then went to load other trucks.
''Layfon Alseif
He was working on a farm. This was temporary. He saw this job with his classmate while looking for work because of lack of money.
He was taking a break because there were still many bundles of wheat to move. His classmate who had finished eating his lunch was lying on the bench.
"Ahh. This is tiring but the food is great."
A helpless smile appeared on Layfon's face.
"Speaking of which, have you found a place to move into?"
"Not yet......."
"Better hurry up with that. I found mine by chance, but..."
"But isn't Edo the number one dormitory?"
"The conditions are great, and it's close to school. It's because the seniors are about to graduate. If I had waited longer, the booking would have come rushing in and no one would have paid me any attention."
"......... It's all thanks to the middleman. Ahh, there's this person – the price of rent is unbelievably low."
Even the call of an uncomfortable voice would only be sucked in by the echoless, endless sky and the farm before them.
One year had passed. This was the most intense period for the Academy City. Not only did the sixth years graduate, but students of other years were also out for activities. For example, wanting to take the houses of the graduates because the housing conditions were better; or those who had to give up their houses because of the anticipation of new first year students. The classmate belonged to the former group, and Layfon was the latter.
The season of graduation was drawing near.
The season of parting. Layfon, first time experiencing this season, felt uncomfortable. The atmosphere of the Academy was slowly fading, and this was eating him up.
"Ahh, I'm jealous of the new dormitory that is to be built for the regeneration plan. It's not possible for me now. But speaking of which, Layfon, why don't you live there? You should have priority because of your marks in Military Arts."
"I was spacing out and so missed the deadline."
"I see."
The classmate said nothing else to him afterwards, feeling that Layfon wasn't at his best.
It was such an unusual crisis to have enshrouded the entire Grendan, but the Military Artists had to concentrate on protecting Zuellni. But then almost no one knew of the truth. Many students were only hovering on the level of feeling the terror that emanated from the filth monsters, and understanding the insanity of Lance Shelled City – Grendan.
This was all they knew. The terror of the filth monsters. Military Artists who had experienced this crisis were training themselves so as to prevent the same thing from happening again. This way of thinking was strong in them, but there were also many who were tortured by terror. It was rumored that many Military Arts students had gone to find a psychologist.
But this was all there was to it.
This battle was hiding something unbelievable.
Only Leerin was in it.
And this was what was plaguing Layfon. Helplessness. He wanted to board a roaming bus right now and go back to Grendan.
But, he couldn't.
Leerin didn't wish for it. And he couldn't react to her feeling.
He had confirmed something at that time. How strong was his reaction? It wasn't such a small things as to move his feet. He had confirmed something, and perhaps it was all because he was too insensitive to his own feelings.
"Ah ~ the election. They even put a poster here."
At his classmate's words, Layfon's attention turned to the poster stuck on the wall of the rest room.
The election of the Student President was about to begin.
"You didn't come with us. They randomly picked who was to leave the dormitory, and so you lost."
"Uh, yeah. I didn't come."
He stared at the sky as he replied to his classmate's various questions. He was watching a sky empty of things, and the truth was there was only the sky for him to see.
But Grendan's sky was also the same.
Line 101: Line 29:
The mobile cities, Regios, are spread across the world in their myriad forms. From the basic, standard form that provides everything necessary for human survival, to forms that specialize in specific areas.
Minse breathed in deeply at the pressure of the black eyepatch.
One of those forms is the Academy City.
This was the house of Eutnohl. He was facing two people in the most formal living room and he couldn't move his gaze from one of them.
Zuellni – Academy City Zuellni.
"The introduction is a bit late, but this child is Leerin. She's Herder's daughter, so she is your niece."
The school buildings in the center of the city provided facilities for all study areas.
Large groups of students were heading for the great hall, which was large enough to accommodate all the students inside.
The Queen held no complaints to her own unclear introduction.
Dressed casually, General Studies students walked as they chatted with friends.
Several months had passed since that battle. Half of the palace had been rebuilt. The functions of a royal palace were being performed by Alsheyra's home, the mansion of House Almonise. The rebuilding of the administration building was finished. Alsheyra and Leerin, who have been living in the home of Almonise, suddenly paid a visit to him.
"Ahh, I'm sorry. I've wanted to introduce her earlier, but the ministers like Lee-chan too much."
Uneasy smiles sat on the faces of Agricultural and Mechanical Engineering students, who weren't used to the uniforms they hadn't put on in a long time.
"I see........."
The Alchemy and Medical students wore dirty white coats on top of their uniforms.
The girl who had been honestly sitting next to Alsheyra felt more and more insignificant. Minse finally moved his gaze from her eyepatch to view her fully.
The Military Arts students, unlike the others, marched towards the hall with heads held high.
Did she look like his royal brother Herder?
Students with different characteristics were all swallowed into the hall.
The hair color was different. His brother, and himself. The dark hair that characterized the three royal families of Grendan. Leerin's face also looked different. But she seemed to look similar to her mother. Minse couldn't remember much but he knew of Meifar Stadt, who had been a maid in the Eutnohl family. He remembered she had gold hair, and she was a lively girl. It was hard to get a sense of Meifar from Leerin's tense expression, but he could see a bit of her mother in her face.
The purpose of this autonomous city was to exist for and be used by its students. Today, it was holding an entrance ceremony to welcome its new first years.
His brother and Meifar and their child. He thought they weren't in Grendan anymore. But now. This girl had grown up in the same orphanage as Layfon.
But it looked like the ceremony would be delayed.
He never thought his brother had left the city, abandoning his child here. Then.......? He thought a bit more but couldn't say anything else. The thing hidden by Leerin's eyepatch should be able to explain everything. That must be it.
An hour later.
"You should have seen me during the funeral. Us two. But it must be your first time hearing my name. I'm............"
[[image:CSR vol01 021.jpg|thumb]]
"Leerin. You belong to the Eutnohl family. The Queen has acknowledged you, and so have I. Either way, you're part of the Eutnohl family," he warned quietly about including Leerin's name in the family records.
Layfon stood with a confused expression on his face.
"Uh, your words are so like before. Isn't this just the same as the time when you scolded Layfon in anger?"
"Anyway, shall we sit down and talk?"
".......... How many years ago was that? And I still hate him."
"Oh, so honest."
Having given a tense answer, he still couldn't sit on the sofa as requested.
"I feel narrow-hearted if I don't admit this. Besides, it'll be troublesome for my spiritual life."
The student before him sat at a large business desk. Unlike Layfon, he had an air of maturity about him. Silvery-white hair framed an elegant face bearing a gentle expression, but his calm silver eyes seemed to be judging Layfon.
"So boring."
That piercing gaze of his caused Layfon to dart his gaze around in panic. Through his shoes, he could feel the softness of the carpet beneath him. The sofa and table used for meetings sat before him. Bookshelves lined one of the walls, filled with informative scrolls.
He was used to Alsheyra's attitude. He ignored her and turned to Leerin once more. Leerin's expression turned tense at the mention of Layfon. Minse said he hated him. He couldn't hide his feeling, but perhaps he might be giving out a wrong impression.
Before Layfon entered this room, he had seen a plaque with the words "Student President" carved into it next to the doors.
"You don't have to prepare Leerin's room there."
"I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Karian Loss, a sixth year student."
"Ah, that's been taken care of. Ah, but I still want to notify the school. The ministers want some opinions, so they have prepared her room in the palace."
Students were enrolled for six years in Zuellni, so Loss was in the highest grade.
"Perhaps someone with your unstable personality wouldn't be able to understand, but it's better for her to live at home, especially with how young she is."
And he was also the Student President.
"But the ministers."
The person in charge of this school.
"I've been wanting to ask why did the ministers appear there?"
"I'm Layfon Alseif."
With a straight back, Layfon clearly delivered his name. He felt cold sweat beading on his forehead.
"I see. You're quite the exception."
Karian smiled.
"Not really."
They were alone in the room.
Leerin, afraid and had retreated into herself again, was piquing Minse's curiosity.
"I wasn't planning on punishing you."
"But we've confirmed once more the purpose of rebuilding. She should also be concentrating on her study. The ministers have thought through it. But if you get her involved too much into the administration side of things, I hope you can at least make up your determination once each week before acting."
The voice tinged with a bitter smile helped Layfon to calm down. He'd been tense the whole time, as he had no idea why he had been summoned to this room.
"You're already acting like a guardian."
"First, let me convey my gratitude. Because of your help, none of the new students were injured."
"Am I, the guardian?"
The opening ceremony was canceled because of a commotion.
"Well, even so."
Two Military Arts students coming from enemy cities had met by chance before the ceremony, resulting in the commotion. They went from staring to quarreling and eventually to fighting.
"Don't worry. I've never thought of becoming the Queen."
Military Arts – Different special powers that were born to protect humanity from harm on this polluted earth.
The Military Arts is the field meant to foster such special power users.
Unable to comprehend the conversation, Leerin was comparing Minse and the Queen.
If people fought each other seriously using such powers, if worst came to worst, even normal students could have suffered injuries or been killed. In Karian's eyes was genuine gratitude.
"Anyway, prepare her room."
"The new rule that only allows new students to be armed after half a year is because some of them don't understand where they now are......This is unbearable. It's a huge amount of work for me to settle things every year.
"Ah, Leerin, I still have something to say with Minse. You can bring in the luggage."
But, there were still people who used weapons. Sometimes a fight could turn into a battle that would draw blood.
To the Student President who had been smiling bitterly but talking in a straightforward and frank manner, Layfon could only respond confusedly.
Leerin nodded. Minse called over a maid and instructed her to prepare Leerin's room. Leerin's luggage should be waiting outside the house as the Queen had said.
"Speaking of which - a General Studies student who managed to outdo Military Arts students. You must have some skills in the Arts area, don't you?"
The other maid went to prepare new tea after Leerin left.
"It's just a hobby. Um......"
"Then let's cut to the chase," Minse said, but the Queen was showing a bored expression.
Silence from the Student President made Layfon swallow.
"How come I feel my temper flaring when I'm seeing such a speculative face?"
"If yours is just the level of a hobbyist, then we ought to increase our admission standards for the Military Arts course."
Minse replied frankly. "Never mind."
''The news about the fight between Military Arts students at the opening ceremony had spread to new students in other courses. New students arriving at Zuellni came from diverse backgrounds. Besides the students getting involved in the fight, there were foreigners whom nobody liked. The dangerous atmosphere spreading out from the Military Arts center was influencing students from other courses.
Alsheyra's expression changed. In here was the face of the Queen, of someone who stood at the top of Grendan's governance. One couldn't question that this was the figure of a victorious Queen who was the most powerful Military Artist and had control of all Heaven's Blade successors.
The rioting atmosphere also affected the General Studies area. Students closer to the fight scene bumped and crashed into each other while escaping, igniting the adolescent anger sleeping in male students.
"Leerin also has the right to succeed the royal throne."
Just when everything was about to get out of hand, a huge noise echoed throughout the hall.
"You mean the royal grandson. But we haven't announced it."
Immediate silence followed, and all eyes turned to the source of that noise.
"Yes. He doesn't want to die yet. Uh, he hasn't planned on dying even now."
Where the two students who started the commotion lay immobile on the floor with Layfon standing between them.''
"Then is this done to protect Leerin?"
"That was just luck. They were blinded by anger and didn't even notice me."
"Could be. She's not a Military Artist. The rule of the three royal families is that a non-Military Artist cannot succeed the throne, but there is no such rule set for the right to becoming a successor."
"Yes, yes."
"Till now, the person used to being the head of the royal family will become the next successor. Of course he'll be the one. This has already been set down by the rule."
Karian happily nodded at Layfon's excuse. He was smiling with his face, but not his eyes. Again, Layfon felt that the Student President had seen through him.
"Well, because of that, there's no problem to work on what doesn't have a rule. The rule."
"And also, the feeling?"
Honestly, this wasn't a comfortable feeling.
While bearing the pressure that he felt would force him into some dangerous place, Layfon attempted to end this conversation.
"That's right. Anyway, it's your habit to speak on the good side. Since Tigris died, Claribel......... She's left home."
"Since I haven't done anything wrong, I'm returning to class."
"That can't be helped. It's her personality."
"You can't!"
Perhaps this might bring in other trouble.
Karian prevented Layfon from turning his back to him.
"The problem is perhaps they're used to breaking the rules and so are complaining about it."
The short denial halted Layfon's footsteps.
"Yes. That must be it."
"As I said, I've no intention of punishing you, Layfon ''Wolfstein'' Alseif."
"The problem of the inheritor to the Ronsmier family isn't resolved. Perhaps that's the reason for the argument."
The title in between name and surname caused Layfon to raise his eyebrows.
"And I had to get involved."
"......What does that mean?"
This meant the ministers were protecting themselves. It might be one of their strategies for allowing Leerin to come in touch with the governance of Grendan. Of course she had to show humility in the arena of social interaction and her ability to govern. Even so, people may get jealous of her for suddenly being raised to a high position. Things hadn't changed from the past till the present. Even Minse still held the same feeling to Layfon.
"I don't care if you continue to play the fool. Here's a suggestion. Layfon Alseif, how about changing from General Studies to the Military Arts?"
Anyway.….. about that. It seemed the Queen hadn't put in her best effort to debate her case.
"Anyway, give an example of those who are complaining."
"Luckily, there are now two empty slots in Military Arts thanks to those two troublemakers. We have a rule here preventing students from bringing the issues of their home cities into the academy. Those who signed the contract and broke it during the opening ceremony don't have the right to be fighters. The blame for the riot lies on them, so I've already banished them in the form of their 'voluntary withdrawal' from the course."
"And this is about her defense. She left it all to Kanaris, perhaps it's about..........."
"No, please wait."
"So the Rivanes, a branch of the royal family, the one she's dealing with, are a bunch of royalists, right? They might revolt if circumstances permit."
The two students were not important to Layfon.
Mutiny. Conscious of her utterance, Minse shivered internally. This was on the day before Delbone's death. He had been considering it after meeting her while she was still alive. She had felt that it had become reality. She wouldn't have to worry about mutiny if the current successor's power of psychokinesis was absolute.
"I don't plan to change majors."
".......... It's good that nothing has happened."
He clearly conveyed his opinion. To switch to the Military Arts......don't kid him.
The economic blow to Grendan was more severe than the loss of lives. The destroyed buildings weren't rebuilt for free. And debris couldn't be reused. Resources were limited. A moving city, Regios, couldn't immediately transform and use any resources that had been collected, and so the reduction of resources in reserve was a severe problem.
"I came here to study General Studies."
Though Minse had reduced his own discomfort as he continued to converse with the Queen, he only felt more disturbed the more they talked.
"Military Arts is a study area too. No, no matter what course you're in, General Studies is compulsory till third year. Even if you pick General Studies, you still have to specialize in something after three years, so you aren't learning different things by switching."
"The problem doesn't lie there."
Layfon was invited to dinner after the two of them finished work.
"So what is the problem?"
"............ Why there?"
Faced with that question, he found his breath being caught in his throat.
They had entered a coffee shop, a shop he was very familiar with. And the menu. But this amount of food shouldn't be enough to fill his classmate's appetite.
"......I have no interest in Military Arts."
"Don't you know that they've added big dishes to the menu here recently?"
"I see," Karian gave an exaggerated nod. It was clearly an act. The expression in his eyes hardly changed, just a twisted curve of happiness.
"Besides I'm on a scholarship. I've already applied for a job and studies. I've got to work in my spare time. I won't have enough energy left for Military Arts."
He wasn't asking his classmate. He was asking the waitress standing at their table – Meishen.
"I see. That's a good argument."
"Uh. Yeah."
Karian was only agreeing with his mouth. He didn't look persuaded at all.
Meishen spread out the menu before him, her other hand holding a tray of cups.
He took out a document from a drawer.
"The shop owner has started a so-called ‘Plan to aid the regeneration of the city’."
"Um, Layfon Alseif, D-Rank scholarship, part-time work and studies. Your job is to clean the Central Mechanism Chamber......I see, this is a taxing and time-consuming job. Do you know that the cleaning takes place while the city rests from after sunset to past midnight? A lot of working students hate cleaning there. It's hard work and the hours are terrible. Do you get it? The pay isn't too bad, but the work is toilsome. Every year, numerous students apply to work somewhere else, or leave the academy for not passing the scholarship assessment. And the scholarship you have is D-Rank. Have you ever considered that you'll be spending all of your pay on school fees?"
"Yes, it's just as you said."
There really was a picture introducing big dishes. He looked around and saw many customers eating the same thing, their dishes fully filled. It used to have more female customers, but now it had attracted male customers too.
"Frankly, won't it be hard to pass six years like that?"
"Because this is only limited to dinner, and the plan is about to finish."
"I'm confident in my physical strength."
"So gotta eat before it ends."
Karian's smile changed. Karian was full of smiles in Layfon's eyes, and something that felt like a favorable feeling towards Layfon came through.
"Delong-kun comes often."
"Ah, perhaps you're right. You should have confidence in your physical strength. That's exactly why I wish you would change to Military Arts."
"I see."
"What for?"
[[image:CSR vol15 025.jpg|thumb]]
"Do you know of the Military Arts Competition between Academy cities?"
His classmate had more confidence after listening to Meishen. Meishen was called back to the kitchen after she took their orders. Layfon spread out the leaflet on the table. He was given it on the way to the shop.
"Anything good?"
Karian spoke without any disappointment in Layfon's lack of knowledge, "To put this simply, the Competition takes place once every two years."
"Um, everywhere else is very expensive."
Layfon could guess what Karian was getting at.
"Of course it's expensive compared to the male Dormitory One."
"This is a habit of cities. I have no idea what the alchemists were thinking, but cities fight for territory every two years. What's more interesting is that they only compete with the same type of cities......I could only say that the cities were made too well."
Dormitory One for males and females had reduced its rent for new students with housing problems because of their lack of money. And some students had to give up their rooms for the new arrivals. Some of them didn't want to move out.
Although the cities were fighting for territories, it was actually the people living in the cities who carried out the fights.
This decision was made by drawing lots according to a student's saving and marks (after taking into account of unusual circumstances). There were people who could stay till graduation in the Dormitory One, and there were those who were kicked out just after their first year. And Layfon was one of the less fortunate. The lot decided he had to leave.
"Sure, it's called the Military Arts Competition, but in reality, the competition is the same as......the wars that took place between normal cities."
"But it shouldn't be a problem with the money you get from cleaning the Mechanical Department?"
War. Layfon's expression turned grim.
"Of course, our goal is to conduct a student-like all-encompassing fight. The Alliance of Academy Cities supervises every fight. Non-lethal weapons are used. Swords are sheathed. Anesthetic bullets are used. But since it's a war, there's no much difference between what the winner obtains and what the loser loses. It's not as tragic as a real war, but the ending is the same."
He had already negotiated, but the rent was still high.
"Is it the city's......life?"
Any places close to the school, commercial streets and tram stations had high rent. And the most important thing was there weren't many empty lots left. Most were taken by the seniors first, and then those juniors who managed to get a space through connections. Layfon's classmate was one of them. The other students also got a room the same way. And so Layfon, not good at social interaction, had to run around to find a living place. Though there were newly-built dormitories, in the end, he had failed to get anything. The effects of the previous crisis were still evident. Living in a dormitory with no other human presence, Layfon had no choice but to find a better house for himself.
"Yes," Karian nodded.
"You're active in the platoon. Shouldn't you have lots of money from the reward? You could just use it."
Cities have awareness. They're alive. They need food to keep on surviving. Even though they are machines, they need energy to maintain their functions.
His classmate was referring to the high level building. Its appearance was very familiar to everyone. It wasn't the same as those rent-free buildings. It was prepared for the very rich or thriftiest student in the Academy City.
The source of a city's life......is their food, a type of metal called selenium.
Layfon shook his head silently as he looked at the price of rent on the leaflet. It wasn't a problem for Karian to live there as a successful Student President with lots of money from his family, but this wasn't the same with Layfon.
"Selenium is a metal born after the earth became polluted, and so it's easy to obtain. To put it simply, you can probably find it by digging at the earth over there. But that's a dangerous action with filth monsters around. Besides, we can only obtain pure selenium from mines with a certain level of energy."
"I've used up my savings."
So, the winner took possession of the mine and the loser lost it. While increasing the prosperity of their own piece of land, people were reducing the lifespan of another piece of land.
"There should be a way, as you're in a platoon. The intercity competition was intense right?"
"When I first entered the Academy, Zuellni had three mines. Now it's down to one," Karian sighed.
Meaning Zuellni had lost in the last two competitions and its Military Arts level was much lower than the neighbouring cities.
There was only one war between cities after leaving Grendan. This was what everyone called the intercity Military Arts Competition.
The battle for a selenium mine that was the source of a city's fuel ended with Zuellni as the victor.
"It's doubtful on how much pure selenium we can mine from that remaining mine. I plan to send some alchemists over to investigate the next time our city nears it."
"In other words, if we lose the next time, there's no backup plan?"
But Layfon didn't think it was because of his efforts alone. Besides, the most important question was "Should I still stay in a platoon?"
"Exactly. The cities determine the topic of the upcoming Competition. We can't not participate."
He hadn't contacted other cities after that. About not having contact, the Student Council made such judgment according to the principles set by experience.
'If we lose......' Just the thought made Layfon shiver.
The results of the three intercity competitions were two wins and one loss. Zuellni had avoided the risk of losing all of its selenium mines. Layfon, whom Karian had placed in Military Arts program, was no longer needed. In that case, his mission as a platoon member or a Military Artist had ended. Anyone would have arrived at this conclusion. This wasn't related to Karian's concern that the feeling of sometimes being attracted by the type of people like Nina wasn't so bad. All Layfon felt was he had no strength left after the intercity Military Arts Competition had finished.
Even if a city lost all of its mines, its functions wouldn't immediately stop, because it had an emergency reserve of selenium.
"Ah, now it's quiet."
But that could only delay the inevitable for a short time.
The building that suddenly appeared before him piqued Layfon's interest. The room decoration and the width and length of it differed from other buildings. It wasn't made for one person only. Layfon was deeply attracted to the spacious living space.
The city would die. Humans would have lost space to live. Once a city dies, it returns back to the earth. People can't salvage it.
"Ah, wait. Wait. That won't work. It's close to the cargo area and is far away from the school. There isn't any commercial street near, but then it does have empty lots."
To have a city die of starvation was the same as its people dying of famine.
His classmate was right. Cargo areas took up a large chunk of the areas in the map. What was left was an unknown manufacturing area. Not that there weren't any residential buildings, but there probably weren't as many students here.
Thinking of that, a sudden shiver shook Layfon's cold body. The city he had just arrived in would die. He didn't have much of a link with this Academy, but the possibility of the city dying was terrifying.
"But it doesn't matter how far away the commercial street is as long as I can see the captain."
When a person was young, if he found out that the city he lived in could die, he'd have been scared enough to tremble all over. That experience would be the same for everyone.
He could buy the necessities after school. Layfon wasn't that interested in entertainment-related facilities. Not that he would want to go to such a place by himself.
Hearing that the fear he felt in his childhood could become reality, Layfon felt like his childhood self, trembling all over.
"Perhaps. Contact you later."
But, even so......
His classmate lifted his head to watch the sky for some reason.
To fight...... I can't do that.
Meishen arrived with the dishes. Layfon took up the spoon and began eating as his classmate explained. His gaze hadn't changed direction. He was still looking at the building.
Yes, let's say that.
Just like a ray of the sun was filtering through the heavy cloud layers. This was the feeling he got.
With determination, he lifted his gaze, preparing to refuse the Student President watching him from the desk.
After that, his classmate began to talk with him openly. They contacted the owner of the building according to the method printed on the leaflet, set a time for a meeting and then finally signed the contract.
But, the words wouldn't come.
It was easier for Layfon to move around, as he was a member of the seventeenth platoon.
The Student President watched Layfon.
The classmate who was leading him around the place had high spirits from the start to finish.
The smile on Loss' face had disappeared. The emotionless expression appeared to be too calm. This contrasted with his icy gaze that was pinning Layfon.
"Really, two of you deciding to rent here. Such good fortune. Take me there. That was what the senpai said to me."
To the breathless Layfon, Karian spoke, "I'm graduating this year. As long as this remains an academy city, no one can stay here after graduating. This means once I graduate, I'm not linked to this place anymore. But I really like the academy. Don't you think it's sad to lose your favorite thing even though you can never set foot on this piece of earth?
It's natural to want to protect what is precious. For one who goes mad over love, don't you feel that it's their fate to reach their goal using whatever means possible?"
"Yes. No one has lived here before. Because of its bad location. Anyway, it's old. I said so already yesterday. This building has all the essential facilities. Cleaning is provided, but because the building is so old, there might be unexpected things."
A light smile appeared on the countenance of the Student President. Just that. It was his way of joking in a solemn situation.
"Your scholarship will be raised to Rank A. All your fees will be waived. You will only need to earn for your living. If you aren't keen on fashion, you won't need to spend much, so you won't have to force yourself to clean at the Central Mechanism Chamber. Is that all right?"
"The most popular dormitory is the girls dorm in the self-study area of the Engineering subject. It's the best of the best in its appearance and interior design. Anyone would have been attracted by that building. As for here, there's nothing else to look at except cheap rent and lots of space."
Rationality told him not to nod.
The senpai sighed.
But his instinct howled for him to nod.
And then, Layfon left the room with swaying steps, holding a Military Arts uniform that had somehow been placed into his hands.
"Though I've only been managing this place for two years, there's finally new people coming. And two as well."
<center><span style="font-size: 300%;">◇</span></center>
He probably didn't like looking after this building. Layfon didn't want to think much as he watched the happy senpai.
A few minutes after weakly closing his door, there came impatient knocking on his door.
He looked around. Dust filled the room. Sunlight filtered through the window to shine on the empty house. It seemed to be bringing something to him.
"Come in."
If he had to avoid something.......
It was a girl in Military Arts uniform. A girl with short, golden hair. A girl with determination and resolution.
"It's hard to answer."
"Sorry for intruding."
A pair of sharp eyes rested beneath neat and thick eyebrows. Those eyes watched the Student President with challenge. The sound of the harness clasped around her waist accompanied her every step. What was inside the harness was not a sword, but two rod-like things. The threads on the harness indicated she was a third year student.
"Then when can I move over?"
The girl stood straight before the desk and her gaze met the Student President's.
"Well, I've to start planning cleaning up the house, and I need one more day to follow up. Probably one week will do."
"I'm a third-year in Military Arts, Nina Antalk. I heard you're looking for me?"
"Then I'll move in after one week's time."
"Yes, I'm looking for you."
"Ok. Give me the key for now. I'll contact you if there're any changes."
Karian smiled.
"All right."
"What is it about?"
The old key was like the past.
"Have you found enough members?"
But this wasn't related to whether the key was old or new. He could only think that it was a new key to him.
The sudden question caused Nina to furrow, but she checked her attitude and replied, "Not yet."
"Yes, I thought so too. You haven't yet sent me the report on your team members since the day you took the application form. The opening ceremony ended. If you don't hurry up and produce your team member list, you won't be able to participate in the next City competition. In that case, you'll become the lowest-level soldier in the next round of platoon competitions."
Only this situation was broadcasted all around her.
"Excuse me, Student President. Hasn't the opening ceremony been delayed?"
Nina controlled her annoyance. She couldn't retreat in this situation. The annoyance in her was like smoke, rising and invading her nostrils.
"It's been cancelled thanks to other schedules. It's a shame. I won't call everyone to the hall again. Because of this year's Military Arts competition, there are lots of things to do."
The empty space of the self-study area of the Engineering subject, the space where new dormitories once stood and were then torn down, had become Nina's best training ground. Students were in self-study mode during the regenerating period, and so Nina had a good chance to train, putting her accumulated experience into practice. No one could disturb her.
Nina's face fell. She kept silent.
"Ahh, what's happening?"
"I think it's enough to observe the new students at the opening ceremony. What do you think?"
Claribel was provoking her, but Nina kept practicing.
"No one is suitable. Everyone was affected too much by the atmosphere. You can't tell what'd happen in a battle. I want someone who can observe calmly without getting caught in the confusion."
This tension-filled situation was created deliberately.
Nina had been watching the entire commotion today. Every new Military Arts student was affected by the two who started the whole thing. Violent expressions on their faces said they wanted to join in and make the mess even bigger.
Layfon had used that technique and he had used his clones to attack Gorneo during the inter-platoon match. She knew the difference between those two moves. The former was to create an opportunity whereas the latter was to attack.
To get caught up by the enemies like that was the same as digging their own graves.
Then what was this?
"Is there really no one suitable?"
Countless Claribels were moving around her. All of them were illusions, as of blurry shadows reflected on the surface of the water.
Nina didn't reply immediately. Her confused gaze moved up and down.
But the presence was changing constantly.
A clue had appeared in a place empty of things.
In her hesitation floated up the image of the new student. The one who suppressed the two troublemakers without anyone knowing. He suppressed the center of the commotion to prevent the violent emotions from spreading, and at the same time, he exaggerated his act to threaten people who were caught up in the commotion. She found his response very certain.
The truth was the place itself was confusing her. Nina had hidden herself so she could ambush Claribel. Claribel's words and the unbearable circumstance were all made to provoke her.
Annoyance remained with her even though she knew it was a provocation.
"This is Karen Kei."
"He's in General Studies."
That new student wore the uniform of General Studies. This way, he couldn't participate in the competition.
Claribel had been instructing her at the beginning of practice. "Control the amount of your Kei and let it change through different limbs and joints, so that your opponent cannot anticipate your next move. Fight without regularity. My teacher wants me to destroy in a more efficient manner, but I'm not up to his level yet. Besides, I'm still not used to that state of mind."
But the Student President smiled happily.
Nina was interested in what it was like to destroy efficiently. Right now, she was confusing her opponent with Karen Kei and not moving her body an inch.
"Yes, that was true, until now."
Gorneo was also using Karen Kei, the same as Shante who had been copying his moves. But he had added combat skills on top of it. Nina still wasn't sure of what it meant that he was basically just using Karen Kei.
"......What does that mean?"
Claribel wasn't holding the strange weapon – the weapon that she named as Kochouenshiken (Flaming Butterfly Sword). She was only fighting Nina with Karen Kei.
"He's just transferred into Military Arts."
She never had to think about her opponent much, because the injured would be lying on the ground if she were to hammer with the iron whips. As for now, she didn't know where she should hit, as her opponent was evading her – this was her first time meeting such an opponent.
A disapproving expression appeared on Nina's face.
But Nina didn't move. Maybe she didn't move because she didn't know where the blows were coming or maybe because she kept immobile so she could see through Claribel's technique. Claribel's clones surrounded her, but only her presence was flowing. Her actual body had not moved.
"I can't waste such good material."
The key of a battle between Military Artists was speed. The style of Karen Kei was a waste of time, meaningless. She should be thinking of strategies to aid her fight while her opponent was confused. But Claribel didn't do that. As for Nina, she was doing the expected, thinking of close quarters fighting and how to break through the technique of Karen Kei.
"So you ignored his wish?"
Was she thinking of this because of the training? Or would she have thought of it in a real battle too? In that case, she felt that her spirit was in danger in this battle against Claribel.
"I didn't ignore it. I showed him the highest level of sincerity. He should be quite satisfied with it."
Control her worries and calmly observe her opponent. Claribel shouldn't be using Sakkei. Sakkei would be flowing out of her body as she used it. This meant she couldn't be using it. The numerous presences were used to hide Claribel's real self. Now Nina needed to find the real body from the illusory clones.
"If you don't attack, I'll begin."
Nina understood how hard the Student President's attitude could be. Last time during the Student President election, Karian wasn't nominated, yet at the time when he gloriously became a candidate, he had waged a rare intelligence fight with his opponents, causing them to all lose.
The words were bounced to her from the half destroyed buildings around them. Nina couldn't tell where Claribel was hiding.
"It doesn't matter what the truth is. What do you think now that he's in Military Arts? That's the only answer I want to know."
What to do?
"What is it to be? At this rate, you won't have enough members. Do you plan to experience the same shame as before, but now as a low-ranked soldier?"
Nina wasn't trained enough to be able to tell apart the flow of Kei. She couldn't do it with her level of skill. And so what should she do?
Nina clenched her teeth together.
She had decided to stand still. But.........
"I have no such intention."
"Ok. Everyone, stop."
"Then what should you do? I think the answer is clear."
It was an unfamiliar voice. The tip of a blade was already on her back at where her heart was when Nina realized it.
Karian slid a document on the desk to Nina. It was a resume with the name "Layfon Alseif" written on it. The document was clearly in the structure of a resume, along with a close-up photo of Layfon.
"Ah," she moaned. The muscles of her back felt like they were dead. The feeling of the tip of the blade was different from Claribel's real body. It was a quick sense of intense pressure.
"Please excuse me."
[[image:CSR vol15 037.jpg|thumb]]
Having taken a glimpse of the document, Nina turned her back to Karian and left the room. He smiled at the back of the girl who didn't give him a reply.
"You almost failed to control it."
Alone once more, Karian took out a new document and laid it beside Layfon's resume. It was also a resume, but with the name Nina Antalk on it.
"If things go well, this will become the strongest team. The problem is how to operate it......" he murmured. He didn't look cheerful at all.
Nina sat down, exhausted, as Claribel replied. Claribel returned the weapon to its Dite form and sat down too.
"You can control it now. That's improvement."
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Nina looked at her. She must be comforting her. Claribel had followed Layfon from Grendan and settled down in Zuellni as a new student of the coming year. She was still wearing her old clothes but she seemed happy. It took her a short period of time to adapt to life here. She had gone to find part time work after Nina helped her finish the procedures for entering the dormitory.
And so she was now training with Nina.
On the way back to his classroom, Layfon changed into the new uniform in a health clinic he found. The Student President threatened him that if he continued to walk about not in uniform, he'd be considered to be committing a fraud.
Claribel's expression was carefree.
Holding the uniform of General Studies, he entered the classroom to collect his bag. From a uniform he hadn't gotten used to yet to another unfamiliar uniform...... He wasn't yet familiar with this uniform, but it gave him an intriguing feeling.
"Sorry. I still have to train."
Also, the new uniform fit him perfectly.
"Of course. I've to train a lot too. I'll also improve by looking at how you move."
"Oh, what would you have done if it was you?"
"Damn, this must have been planned!"
Walking in the corridor, Layfon couldn't help but curse out loud. His height and weight were standard for a male of his age, but his right arm was slightly longer than his left. His General Studies uniform had been fixed to cater for that difference, but how could the Military Arts uniform given to him on a spur of the moment decision be such a perfect fit?
"Yes. I'm not sure. I'd have destroyed everything around me and used external Kei to take away all interference. And I wouldn't have given my opponent any chances."
Meaning – the truth couldn't be changed.
"What if you can't destroy it?"
"Why......How did they find out?"
"Then I can take hold whatever opportunity that presents to me. If I feel that I can't win, then I'll have to concentrate on gaining time, and step into the opponent's trap. Isn't that more meaningful?"
Anxiety filled him. He came here to major in General Studies, to seek a world that had nothing to do with Military Arts, but on the first day of his arrival, he had once again stepped into that world he wanted to leave behind.
Nina could discern Claribel's personality from her words.
"Ah Ah! Why didn't I refuse him? I'm such a coward......a coward!" Layfon shouted.
"I want Layfon to participate in this training too," she muttered. It was regretful, but it would have been fun.
Only the opening ceremony was taking place today, so nobody was in the corridor. Without considering, he shouted again, "How should I have put it? That Student President's too scary! What kind of gaze was that? It really terrifies me. How could I have resisted that type of person?"
Layfon lacked the air of a Military Artist since he returned from Grendan. He was originally very ordinary. Now he even lacked his shine in battles. He didn't come to the platoon training. Even Nina saw that his skill was lacking luster in the last intercity Military Arts Competition.
Having let it all out, Layfon arrived at his classroom. Ah, meaning his classroom would be different now. But the Student President didn't mention that at all? What should he do? Layfon opened the door.
Claribel knew all these and so she had applied to train with him in order to help him pick himself up. But it was all in vain. Now she had nothing to say to Layfon.
The door opened and the scene inside the room entered Layfon's sight.
"We must find a way."
Nina felt that Claribel's reason for coming to Zuellni was Layfon. Claribel's expression contained a bit of anger at the current Layfon. Both of them failed to keep calm when facing this situation.
That sound came through.
"But what should we do about the distance between us?"
There were still students in the classroom.
Layfon still hadn't come to platoon training. Of course they were naturally growing apart. Shouldn't we have removed all roadblocks to get closer? But it wasn't possible for Nina. As a member of the 17th platoon, she understood why he felt so down.
"Look, look. He really is in Military Arts. Yeah~~ It's my win. I'm lucky --!"
Layfon had chosen to live an ordinary Academic life, but he was facing difficulties. Time still flowed even though Nina couldn't see him.
One of the girls jumped up in excitement. Chestnut colored hair tied into two tails on each side of her head shook with her movement.
Layfon already had one year of experience at the Mechanical Department. He was able to make sound judgments and so didn't have to pair up with her anymore. He was an excellent Military Artist. Nina felt that he wanted to work alone.
Only three girls were in the room.
All Military Arts students thought that they could relax after the intercity Military Arts Competition. The platoon training days and the cleaning of the Training Complex were days of the past. And the relationship between Sharnid and Felli were naturally becoming less and less harmonious.
Their curious gazes were glued closely to Layfon without reserve. Layfon halted his steps.
Even Nina felt that the 17th platoon might be disbanded.
"Why! Wasn't he wearing a General Studies uniform? That was deceptive," said a red-haired girl. She wore the same uniform as Layfon's. And like Layfon, the empty harness swayed around her waist.
What should she do? She had no idea. There were many factors to consider, but it wasn't possible for her alone to make it into reality. Sadness and loneliness cut deep into her.
"I don't have a General Studies uniform. Hey, just why do you have one?" she questioned him as if she was bringing him to account.
"You can only be strong."
"Uh, something happened......"
Did Claribel say this because of her personality or that she still didn't understand? Nina didn't know.
"So? Do you mean I don't get that uniform 'cause I'm not cute? Is that it?"
Even if you ask me that, I can't do anything about it. As for the girl, she was more handsome than cute. Compared to the General Studies uniform designed for cuteness, Layfon thought the sharp edges of the Military Arts uniform suited her better.
The person looking for a good book to read saw through the window that Layfon was walking with a lot of luggage.
Felli put down the book and followed.
But the girl was dissatisfied.
"Wait a moment, Nakki, calm down. You're causing trouble for Mei-chi," the girl with two tails concluded. The red-haired girl paused as if she had thought of something, then she moved aside for the other girl.
"Layfon," she called.
"That's right. Hurry up, Meishen."
He turned around in surprise.
With one hand on the back of the third girl, the red-haired girl moved her to stand in front of Layfon.
[[image:CSR vol01 043.jpg|thumb]]
"What're you doing?"
The third girl had long hair streaming past her shoulders. She looked shy and gentle. Her face facing the ground, she seemed afraid. Her eyebrows curved as if she was about to cry. Her face was faintly red.
"Uh, thank......thank you very much." Just saying that seemed to take all of her energy. The black-haired girl hid behind the red-haired girl, her face reddened.
He didn't look to be shopping. It seemed he was moving his luggage to somewhere.
"Sorry, she's always been this shy. Even so, she still wants to thank you for saving her at the opening ceremony, right?" said the girl with two tails.
"I'm moving my things."
The black-haired girl buried her face into the back of the red-haired girl.
Layfon had no recollection of that ever happening. He only recalled pushing away those people about to get caught in the fight. He might have saved her during that time.
An ominous feeling flashed through her.
The red-haired girl sighed. "This child......yes, I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Naruki Gelni in the Military Arts."
"I'm moving and taking the things I don't need to the rubbish collector."
"I'm Mifi Rotten. The one playing hide-and-seek is Meishen Trinden. We're both in General Studies. The three of us came from the Transit City Joeldem. Do you know of it?"
"Yes, it's the center where roaming buses gather. I passed through on the way here. I'm Layfon Alseif, from the Lance Shelled City, Grendan."
She heard of his reason as they walked together.
"Oh, that was where Military Arts was born. No wonder you're so strong."
"So have you decided to move to the dormitory that far away?"
"No, that's not it......" Layfon replied vaguely. Just when he thought of how to explain it......
Felli was surprised that he was moving to the cargo area. She was strongly against his choice because that place was very far away from the school. She vaguely remembered that place as she had walked past it when she went to play somewhere after school.
"Ah, don't just stand there and talk! I'm hungry. Let's find something good to eat."
"But it's still close to the station."
"Again? Do you have to make a map of this area too?"
That wasn't assuring.
"Of course! Maps for food, fashion, territory......so long as it can be drawn, I'll do it. Since I'll be here for six years, I don't want to lose out by not having a map. Ah! It's my hobby to gather intelligence. If you want to know something, just ask me. Even if I don't know, I'll investigate it and find out."
"You could have picked a better house."
"Yeah, I'm hungry......besides, I have things to ask you, like about the thing you're holding."
She could imagine the rent of his house judging by the money and reward money given to her by the 17th platoon. She hadn't needed to find a new home, as she didn't have to move. But it wouldn't be difficult to find a place with better conditions if she were to find one right away.
With a pair of sharp eyes, Naruki looked at the General Studies uniform that Layfon was holding.
He didn't even get a chance to speak. They decided it for him then.
A strange smile appeared on his face.
"Uh, well......look. This is troubling for Meishen. And you said she's shy."
They had arrived at the rubbish collector. The things Layfon took with him weren't worth a penny, but he wasn't frustrated. He happily transferred the money into his card and looked one more time at the things he were to sell.
"......I'm ok with it," Meishen said from behind Naruki's back.
This should be a busy time for the rubbish collecting point. The things that the graduates didn't need were lined up in rows. The assortment of domestic things weren't likeable because they were brought for the convenience of travel. It would take lots of effort to take apart or transfer those things.
"Ok. That's decided."
Layfon stopped at a corner of the bed.
And it was decided.
"The bed?"
"The old bed belongs to the dormitory, so I have to buy a new one."
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"I see..."
"The place is really big, and I guess I'm the only person living in it. Might as well buy a bigger bed."
The location was then changed to a coffee shop close by. The coffee shop was made of red bricks and designed not to stand out too much. Since it was already past lunch time, the shop was nearly empty. The four of them somehow managed to catch up to lunch time special. While eating, Layfon explained why he was transferred to the Military Arts – he didn't mention that he was forced to transfer.
"Why are you living in such a big house?"
They were eating dessert.
Felli guessed he would say because it was cheap. Was this due to his being raised in an orphanage? Or that he was affected by the poverty he experienced in the food shortage crisis? Anyway, he was a thrifty and easy person.
Only Layfon wasn't eating, instead drinking juice.
"I've always wanted a big house."
"Oh, I was worried that Academy City only had healthy food for students. It's great that my worry was unfounded," Mifi said with satisfaction, her mouth filled with cake.
His answer was unexpected, but it wasn't surprising. He was happy that he could use the space that was meant for two. A spacious house must be very appealing. Felli had been living in a big house all her life. Even though she was able to understand a bit of his feeling, she probably couldn't understand the inconvenience brought by a small living space. Layfon seemed to really like this bed. The corner of his lips hadn't stopped smiling as he praised the bed, caressing the mattress with his hand.
"This really is worth drawing a map for."
"If a large room is good, would you come to my room?"
"And I was wondering what a city operated by students was like. Who'd have thought it would be quite organized," Naruki said with admiration.
In reality, many shops lined the roads heading from the dormitories to the school, but because it was an Academy City, most of the shops were closed during class hours. Once classes finished, the shops were full of people. These shops were managed by senior General Studies students who studied Commerce or Management. Other students came here to work as employees.
After saying so, she realized she just said something ridiculous.
The food was made by seniors in Gastronomy.
But, it wouldn't stop.
"There's a Police Department and a Court here too. I'll try applying to the Police."
"My brother's room will be left behind once he graduates. That's why I haven't given any thought to moving. I have not received instructions from my brother or from home to move. What do you say?"
"Nakki's dream is to be a policewoman."
"Iya, even if you say that…..."
Seeing Layfon's confused face, Felli desperately tried not to let her cheeks become red. If it's like this, there's no choice but to act obtuse. Even if Felli feel that she failed, she didn’t think that her proposal was bad, so she could not bring herself to withdraw.
"As for me, the newspaper. Since it's related to publishing, I'll try to find somewhere that publishes news. What about Mei-chi?"
"Iya, but that's a little difficult."
"......Somewhere that makes dessert."
"Then you'll have to find somewhere with delicious food. Uh, eating while you walk......watch out so you don't get fat."
Seeing Layfon's cheeks get red, Felli taunted Layfon in the back of her mind for having good intuition only at times like this.
"You're pretty red right now, aren't you?"
After deciding what to buy and telling the delivery location, the two walked back to their own rooms.
Thinking that they would no longer share the same return path, Felli felt a sadness in her chest.
"Urg, what was that? It's because Nakki's all sweaty from exercising. You smell~~"
"Oh yeah, you received something from Delbone-san, right?"
"Psh, that's the smell of youth."
Layfon suddenly said while they silently walked without talking.
"Y, yes. I still haven't analyzed it."
"Agh, I don't get you."
The conversation expanded, and Layfon watched it all with a distant feeling. Those three were from the same city. From their conversation, it seemed they already knew each other before coming here. Shut outside the intimate conversation, Layfon sipped his juice.
The information from data converted from the battle experience she received from the Heaven’s Blade successor, psychokinesist Delbone still could not be accessed.
Mifi suddenly directed a question at him. "That's right. Where'll you be working, Layton?"
Even though psychokinesist users were used to treating their own brains like a calculator, because of the transfer of a difficult thing like digitized experience, or perhaps because it was the first encounter with something like it, she just followed intuition for the current situation.
"I wonder if Delbone-san was happy."
Startled at the unexpected name change, Layfon opened his lips with juice still inside his mouth. He almost spilled it all.
"I said so."[sou ittemashita]
"Yeah, Layton. That's easier to say, isn't it?" Mifi said cheerfully.
Felli could not measure the meaning of Layfon's words. However, Felli heard the woman's words on the verge of death. She did not think that it was a lie.
"Nakki, Mei-chi, Layton, and I'm Mi-chan. Is that ok?"
"To think even Tigris-san to die too."
"You didn't give the names any good thought. More importantly, let my nickname be my normal name."
"The oji-san of that person who came to Zuellni, correct?"
"It's boring to think up a nickname for yourself. If I said "Just call me Mi-chi~", doesn't that sound revolting?"
"Yes. I wonder what Claribel wants to do from now on. I'm sure it has become troublesome at home too."
"Revolting. At least I wouldn't want to be friend with that person."
"But she did not seem to worry too much about it."
"Exactly. Then that's ok. So Layfon is called Layton now!"
"sou desu ka"
"That can't be helped. Then we're counting on you from now on, Layton."
"'Because it is the battlefield, the possibility of dying is natural. I've alreadt said so', she said."
"Yeah, Layton, Layton~"
"Just like Tigris-san, かな?"
Was Layfon asking himself, looking into the distance.
Even Meishen was calling him by that name. For some reason, Layfon felt like he had come from a really far away place. Where was this place? Just in which dimension was he lost in?
"They were both so old, but I didn't very much think they were likely to die, na."
Till now, none of his female friends had ever called him like that. Even his closest friend Leerin would only call him by his first name. For his nickname, she just called him "Lay."
Though the impact of death can be felt anytime, the chaos is too busy for us to stare at this sadness. Layfon now finally might be able to feel the death of the two.
Layton......Layfon was dumbfounded.
"Tigris-sanはね, when I was little brought me a lot of sweets んですよ. Delbone-san too often talk with otouto-tachi using her terminal[flake]. The two of them were good people."
"So, where will you be working at, Layton?"
He could only answer the question, since he knew it wasn't possible to resolve the name issue.
Felli watched the figure of Layfon's imouto, whom she met at Grendan, waving her hand at Delbone's terminal.
At this moment, no words came to him.
"Demo ne, on the battlefield, whether or not you're a good person doesn't matter desu yo ne."
Speaking of which, somebody just said Layfon's scholarship had been upgraded, so it didn't matter if he worked or not.
Felli can not say anything in front of that cold reality.
"Don't tell me it's all right if you don't work?"
"boku wa, dousurubeki nandarou"[what should i do]
"No, I've still got to work," Layfon shook his head. "I'll be working in the mechanical department."
With again no way for her to come up with words that she should say to that too, Felli could only keep quiet.
All three girls burst out with "Wow" and frowned.
Not knowing how many more of times like this she will have, Felli, feeling the anger that she could not embrace, did not open her mouth until reaching the place their paths parted, to push away the feeling of being wrapped in sadness.
"Why such a hard working job?"
The talk reached the point of 'for now there is no longer anything to talk about'.
"I heard you need lots of strength for Military Arts. That kind of lifestyle will damage your body. Are you sure about this?"
"......Won't that be very tiring?"
All three girls expressed their worries. Layfon could only smile bitterly.
Even he knew it'd be hard work. But it was dangerous to rely fully on the Student President. If something happened and he had to oppose the Student President, his scholarship might be cancelled. It'd be the worst case scenario to be left without money, unable to continue his studies.
"Yeah, but that can't be helped. I'm an orphan. I don't have anything else besides the scholarship."
He thought the way he put it was natural and inconspicuous.
Those who can be trusted, those who can't be, those undistinguishable gray people, in most cases, fist lifting work is left to them(?)[それらを拳げていく作業がほとんどであり]. Next, they were preoccupied with how to build preparations for the convoy for that girl.
But the word "orphan" caused the three girls to widen their eyes. Embarrassed, their uneasy gazes darted around.
"For now, let them protecting Leerin from the shadows in turns. That is the most efficient ga."
"Ah~~ I see. Sorry. Do your best."
"I suppose, well then, how do I say it ka shira ne[どう話したものかしらね]"
"Yeah, if it's anything I can do, I'll help out."
Among the three classifications, the most important was the presence of the Tenken wielders.
"......Me too."
"The completely trustworthy, or rather with ambiguous intent, Lintence, Reverse, Cauntia. The only ones her majesty picked up who were born outside. As for the others, they have a difference in size(?) and are involved in some big military families, and Kalvan and the others are usually urusai people, so they are the number one difficult enemy and thing to be considered desu ne."
"It's ok. Don't worry about it......"
The supposed political faction was outside Grendan until the other day, as was Elsmau が, kanojo wa, from the start, Delbone's blood relative であり, and now, using the multiple new nen'i users, things are busy with the construction of the information network.
Their attitude made him feel troubled.
Though until the other day outside Grendan, Elsmau too was part of the supposed political faction, kanojo wa, from the start, Delbone's blood relative であり, and now, using the multiple new nen'i users, things are busy with the construction of the information network. And then, for that group that uses those people, it is no longer the case like before where one preside over information and processes internal problems alone.[i TLed this wrongly, i think]
"I don't find it particularly difficult. I feel troubled when I'm pitied."
That is just a personal escape kind of danger-avoidance ability; as an organization, there are better ways, but this time, there does not seem to be one that would be helpful.
Even so, Mifi and Meishen exchanged a glance, their faces full of anxiety. From his previous experiences, Layfon knew it wasn't possible to make them understand it right away, so he wasn't bothered by their reaction.
"Lin, being like he is, doesn't seem motivated yo ne. We can't rely on Cauntia for something like convoy duty. That only leaves Reverse."
"Ok, I get it. I won't worry about it." Naruki nodded immediately. Her quick response was a surprise to him.
"To leave escort duty to him alone, that's a job I can't do desu ne."[can't do what? the convoy duty or letting reverse guard leerin alone?]
"Uh? What? Did you say you wouldn't worry too much about it?"
Upon thinking about a jealous Cauntia, Minse shivered imagining the site where he[Minse] would be slaughtered.
"Yeah, that's right."
"Even I don't want to do it if possible. But when it is requested, it is a set[of people, so everyone is included whether they like it or not]. When that happens, there's only one usable piece[a person or a method?]. Maa, since I move too, considering the shift system[taking turns to guard leerin], it's not impossible."
It was clear that Naruki wasn't just talking about it. She meant it. Layfon nodded hesitantly, then he couldn't hold it back anymore and laughed.
"I too, among my subordinates, I look for the ones that would seem to be useful."
Nodding at Minse's words, Alsheyra leaned her whole body on the sofa's backrest, looking up at the ceiling.
"Nothing. It's just that you act like a big sister."
"It would've been nice if those[competent people] came to my assassination."
"What did you say?"
"Is that sarcasm....?"
Naruki frowned, but Mifi agreed.
He glared at her thin neck.
"Ah, I understand. I understand. Nakki's got that feel about her. She's cool."
"Masaka. Isn't that person is fast at snatching up various things"
"......And she's popular with lots of girls."
Selfishly, it was also Minse who suggested assassinating the queen.
"Yep, she always receives lots of presents and love letters."
"Yes. But this time, something like that won't happen deshou. If the queen dies, an unbeatable enemy will remain. For example, even if the rebels run wild, you would definitely become a deterent that could not be overcome."
"Well, I'm troubled by that. I've never known what to do with them."
"She too is needed nandakedo ne."
Although she said so seriously, Layfon laughed again.
"Sore wa, to others, that is something that cannot be grasped."
(The atmosphere feels good.) Layfon thought as he laughed. Although what he experienced at the opening ceremony was a setback for him, from his conversation with the girls, it felt as if he was now back on track.
"Iya na koto. Even though you experience hardships in your own lives,
"Uh......excuse me."
to not understand it nante."
A voice broke through the laughter.
"Even if many humans expect someone with the image of a hero, or the protagonist from a story, I don't beleive that someone like that really exists among us yo. I don't want to imagine anyone having their death decided as a result of others' efforts."
As their eyes found the owner of the voice, everyone couldn't help but held their breath.
"But tiresome things are pushed onto people."
[[image:CSR vol01 053.jpg|thumb]]
"sore mo mata, truth to iu koto desu ne. Let us stop this meaningless discussion.sore de, doushitemasu? The movement is still not clear. On the contraty, we don't even know if there is movement or not. Will we still send Reverse as an escort?"
Standing beside the table was a girl. The silvery hair hanging down to her waist shone as if to reflect the light of the coffee shop. She had snowy white skin and a heart-shaped lower jaw. Peeking from inside her collar was a delicately small neck and a kind of a dangerous charm. Long eyebrows trembled above a slightly lowered, silver-eyed gaze.
A girl who was as beautiful and delicate as a doll.
"Toriaezu, set de tanomu shika nai wa ne."
No one noticed she was wearing the uniform of Military Arts.
"Dewa, yoroshikuonegaishimasu."
The first to finally notice was Naruki.
After making sure the talk was over, Minse asked for new tea and sweets to heal his exhaustion. The arranging and unpacking of the luggage that the newly arrived 侍女長[chief lady attendant, i guess Alsheyra's attendant(?)], Leerin, had brought という. Though the others work as if annoyed even if they were told off, Minse was instructed to do it as if he likes to. Though making one realize all at once one's change in position and lifestyle is one way, letting one get accustomed little by little is also a way, Minse thought.
"Aren't you a grade older than us? Do you want something?" Naruki said.
Alsheyra reached out her hand when the lady-in-waiting brought new tea.
Layfon realized the color of the threads on her harness was different from his own. From the harness hung a long thin rod like thing.
"I came up with something good."
"Are you Layfon Alseif?"
Upon seeing her face, Minse very much didn't think it would be
Silvery eyes caught Layfon's image.
something good.
"I've something to tell you. Could you come with me?"
"Between Kanaris and Barmelin, who is better?"
"Nani ga desuka?"
Layfon stood up naturally, compelled by that voice to obey.
As expected, this was a topic about which he would feign ignorance. The lady-in-waiting with listening ears and a pretending-not-to-know face also understood this.
The girl turned her back to leave the coffee shop. Layfon would have followed behind just like that, but he returned to the seat. He took his bag and from his wallet, left some change on the table for his juice.
"Your[anta] marriage partner. We can't let you not do it with anyone anyway, so, better yet, how about you decide already?"
"Sorry, I gotta go."
'And then make her a hikikomori by my side[Soushitara kochira Soba ni hikikomeru to wa]', sasuga I can't say that before others.
"Sure. Then go." Naruki said on behalf of her two still silent companions.
"My house hasn't even finished being rebuilt, kekkon nante kangaeraremasen ne."
"Yeah. But, just what......"
As a result of brother helda's(?)[兄ヘルダ-] marriage-destruction cum disappearance, and the rampage by Minse, house Euthenol's economic strength considerably declined. With that house's situation, the Euthenol kinsmen slightly distancing themselves was status quo.
Wordlessly, Layfon rushed after the silvery girl.
To say it frankly, among the three royal families, house Euthenol was the poorest.
To fix that was what the current Minse thought was his duty. Also true was that too few wandering busses were dabbled with for exploitable trade information.
"Sō iu kotonara, Kanaris to kekkon sureba iijan."
The bell tied to the coffee shop door swung out crisp notes as Layfon passed. Thinking back on how confused Layfon appeared to be, Naruki smiled bitterly.
"'Jan' te...sonna kantan ni"
"Wh......What just happened?" Mifi muttered.
"You don't want your a brides connections and financial reliability? So it's Barmelin then ne. She's not from some elite military family shi - even her parents wonder how they had given birth to her[like a miracle-baby?] ni - she's docile shi, her ability is satisfactory, and no conspirators appear among her dependents kedo?"[why is this a question?]
"Of course he's been targeted after that elegant performance at the opening ceremony."
Behind minse was his nursing mother[nurse hired to breast-feed a baby] cum appointed lady-in-waiting, whom he sensed was gesturing "tell it to him more, tell it to him more".
Mifi didn't understand what Naruki had just said. She looked at her friend with questions on her face.
"Ima wa, kangaetemasen."
"Isn't there a different badge on that Senpai's chest pocket?"
"Ara, producing a more than excellent military artist blood is the three royal houses's duty yo."
"Yeah, really?" Mifi frowned.
"If that's the case, first you carry that out. You're older than me deshou."
"......It's a silvery round thing?"
"But you will definitely age faster ne."[she uses kei to slow aging]
Brilliantly retorted upon, Minse breathed out a magnificent sigh.
Meishen had seen it.
"......There's the number 17 on it."
Felli and the left-the-dorm Layfon surprisedly felt the that room became more spacious[because all his stuff are gone]. It was a two-person room used by one person. In the first place, all of this room's furniture were provided for. To that degree, there was no sense of having bought anything.
"A badge that only people belonging to a platoon would have."
Nevertheless, the first-years to be are coming here. When the sixth-years leave, Layfon will change from a first-year into a second-year.
"A platoon......what is that?"
There was no sense of having done something or having accomplished something. Nevertheless, time continues to flow. Layfon would no longer enter this room.
"To put it simply, they're the official candidates in the Military Arts course. It carries the additional meaning of a fighter with high level of skill."
Layfon did not know how to handle the indescribable feeling passing through in his chest. Though Leerin's rejection was heartbreaking, it does not mean that the remaining heaviness in his heart was the only thing he was supporting. Time flows. And then, no matter what one does, the only power humans can obtain is to stand back up.
If you don't stand, you will only die. If you are fazed by the death of a close person on the battlefield, you will be drawn into that death. Layfon has seen that scene countless times. Though the form is different, seeing that scene countless times, Layfon, as one of those people, stood up. That way of thinking datte should be doable.
Naruki explained. "They're the core teams in the Military Arts competition. Underneath the General headquarter are the platoons......They're called commanding teams. Beneath them are the larger teams, and those take charge of people who don't belong to any teams, meaning, normal Military Arts students like me......"
He suddenly remembered.
"Wow, if that's the case, then it's like climbing all the way up to the top." Mifi said, clapping her hands.
About the time Claribel challenged him to a duel upon the return to Zuellni. Though she said it would just be practice, there was a hint of seriousness. Or maybe her style is to fight seriously even though it's a practice. That may be the thinking of one who fights on the battlefield.
"But it's not that easy in there."
"Didn't I mention it? That badge holds the meaning of a high level fighter. Students belonging to a platoon must excel in certain area, from commanding ability to the control of psychokinesis. Mostly, they specialize in a certain weapon. Besides the individual skills that are judged, the strength of how well an entire team does is also assessed. Whether a person can work in a team is also evaluated. As such, there's competition going on between teams for the ranking list. In other words, it's a fight in between students at the academy. During those fights, if a team doesn't perform well, the worst situation is that it gets disbanded. Official candidates turning back to normal students. Fighters normally have strong self-esteem. If one returns to being a normal student, other people would say he's fallen from the clouds to the bottom of a valley......no one can take that kind of a setback. His life in the Academy would become too painful to bear."
Naruki glanced at the door that Layfon had just left through. No new customers had entered. The bell remained solemn.
Though making an encumbered face upon her Kochouenshiken (Flaming Butterfly Sword) being covered with safety equipment in accordance with academy city rules, she soon got used to it, and fought Layfon.
"......Layton said he's going to clean in the mechanical department," Meishen said.
The result was Layfon's defeat.
"Ah, that will be tiring for him!" Mifi said. "Will he be all right?"
There was nothing to say about it. To those who would know Layfon, independent of ability, it was a clear defeat.
"Yeah, it should be quite smooth for him." Naruki could only give such an answer. She washed down the last piece of cake with red tea.
"Doushita no desu ka?"
A surprised Claribel was heard saying so.
<center><span style="font-size: 300%;">◇</span></center>
“Anata wa sonna mono dewanai deshou?”
At the forcefully-brought-to secluded place at the outer edge, in the almost undisturbed air, with a face with almost no sweat on the surface, Claribel, after her surprise was looking down with anger at Layfon who fell down on his bottom.
"To see you like this is not the reason I came to Zuellni desu yo."
With no intention of osameru[obtain, acquire; reap; accept; win...???none of them fit the context]-ing the sharpness of her words, Claribel mercilessly cut. Layfon could not do anything but stay silent. Unable to even stare at the cold light emitted by the sapphire dite right beside him, he averted his gaze.
"Nani ga anata wo sonna ni shiteiru no ka shirimasen ga"[idk what made you this way]
Kanojo wa Leerin no koto o shiranai. Ima mo shiranai no ka dou ka wa wakaranai ga, ano toki wa shiranakatta.
“Ima no anata wo mirarete, hazukashii to omou hito wa inai no desuka?"[Is there no one who would make you feel embarrassed is they saw the current you?]
“Watashi ni wa imasu.”[I have (such a person)]
"Ie wo deta koto de okorudarou iroirona koto yori mo, kore wo nashienakereba naranai to kanjiru koto ga arimasu[Upon leaving home, more than the things that would probably transpire, there is the feeling that I must do this]. Sono hito no mae de mune wo haru[stick out] tame ni wa, sou shinakereba naranai koto ga"[what must she do?]
"Sonotame ni watashi wa koko ni kitandesu"
Vexed by Layfon who could not reply, Claribel sonomama turned on her heel.[turned around]
“Watashi datte.....sonna anata wa mitaku arimasen yo”
"Dakedo kore wa, watashi no kattena negai nano deshou ne"[but this was just my selfish wish]
A voice lowering in volume as though melting into the air reached Layfon's ears, and then drowned he in Claribel's lilting voice.
What Naruki said to the other two at the coffee shop also came to Layfon's ears, but from the terrifying girl with golden hair.
The beautiful, silver-haired girl took Layfon deep inside the first year dormitories, it was a certain building with an old and worn out feel about it.
Layfon was taken to one of the rooms and was greeted by a terrifying girl with golden hair.
......Sono hito no mae de mune o haru tame.
"I'm Nina Antalk, the captain of the seventeenth platoon," the girl said firmly.
Sore wa osoraku Tigris no koto nanodarou. For the sake of not shaming her great grandfather, she came to Zuellni to do something something more important than succeeding her house. Sore wa Layfon wo taosu koto nanoka. But there is no killing intent in the way she fights. Naraba Tenken jujusha ni naru koto ka. But if it's only for training then Grendan which has plenty of strong people should be enough.
The room Layfon was in had been split into two by a huge wall, so the space was only twice as large as a normal classroom. On the wall were hung many different types of weapons.
Wakaranai. Wakaranai ga, kanojo wa shikkari to shita mokuteki wo motte koko ni iru.[she came here properly holding a purpose]
Including Layfon, there were five people in the room.
Layfon datte, kono mamade ii to omotteiru wake dewanai. There were plenty of clapping hands in him, not wanting show his depressed appearance. Zuellni no nakama-tachi wa mochironda. And his adoptive father and everyone in the orphanage, even Lintence, he did not want to be seen.
The first person was the girl Nina Antalk, standing right before Layfon. Next was the girl who took Layfon here. The beautiful silver-haired girl had moved immediately to a corner after having entered the room.
.......Leerin ni datte miraretakunai.
The rest were two male students. The taller boy lay lazily in a corner. The other wore a dark green working suit that was stained with engine oil and some other type of machine related liquid.
Dakedo, dou sureba ii no ka.
Nina gave the confused Layfon an explanation about the platoon.
Mondai nano wa, nan no tame ni tachiagaru no ka to iu kotodarou.
Layfon half listened, with his mind somewhere else.
His original reason for enrolling was to search for a new self, but because of Zuellni's situation it remains unanswered[the search], and then because who-knows-what chemical changes occured, he was in the midst of a cataclysm involving Grendan.
"Do you understand?"
In a sense, Leering thrust Layfon away for the sake of bringing him back to his original starting point. Sou interpret wo suru koto datte dekiru. Thinking bout Leerin maked his chest hurt wa, kanojo o Mae ni shite Kanojo no ishi ni taikou[oppose her will] Dekiru nani ka o, probably because it reminded him of the truth that he has nothing[please someone TL this sentence]. Even his feelings toward Leerin he was not able to clearly form.
"Ah, yes."
Kizuite shimatta kono katachi wa, mou kowarete shimatta no darou ka.[when form was realized, it was already broken]
Turning his gaze back to Nina, Layfon gave her a quick answer without really meaning anything he had just said.
Yoku wakaranai.
"Then why was I called here?"
Once again, Layfon had become unsure of his feelings.
Layfon understood everyone here was an official candidate.
Dousureba ii no ka yoku wakaranai to iu koto mo, sou iu koto nanodarou ka.
But, that was all he knew.
Nyuugaku shita[entered school] toki kara, jibun wa nani mo kawatteinai to iu koto nanodarou ka.
Nina didn't explain why Layfon was here.
Me no mae ni aru henka[change] ni oiteikarete shimatteiru[left behind] no darou ka.
Half of Nina's eyebrow trembled as if it had the cramps.
Sou kangaeru to Layfon wa dou[body] ga itakunaru.[become hurt(because of the fight with Claribel)]
"I understand from your explanation that everyone here is an elite. But, if that's the case......because of that, I don't get why I, as a first year student, was called here," Layfon said, trying to mediate the atmosphere. Nina closed her open mouth, her shoulders moved as if she was breathing deeply, then she opened her mouth again to speak.
He threw his body onto the bed and rolled around. The excitement from obtaining a new room disappeared somewhere.
But before that—
As if he had abandoned everything, he collapsed on the bed, yahari nothing disappears.[the body pain?the hurtful thoughts?]
His thoughts were running wild, like a torrent, something was screaming. And then blocking his ears, Layfon closed his eyes.
The tall male student burst out laughing from his position.
"Sharnid-senpai!" Nina said loudly, her shoulders trembling in anger.
In a new place at night, it was very quiet.
"Gahaha! Ha~heehee......Ah, my stomach hurts! Nina, it's your fault. All because you beat around the bush and gave the new student there an opportunity to pretend he was a fool."
Alsheyra, wearing a nightgown from her many newly bought clothes, looked out of a large window, such you could find in the royal palace. Sono mukou ni wa terrace ga atta ga, soto ni deru ki[feeling of wanting to go out] ni wa narazu[does not become], Koko kara soto o miru.
House Euthenol's garden ga ari, and Grendans skyline was visible.
Nina clamped hard on her teeth.
[Leerin's POV]If one changes the place from where to watch, the scenery of the city also changes. She knew that since the time she entered the advance school's dormitory. Just one year. No, not a year has passed, but Shinky? suru Koto o kangaereba tatta to kangaete mo mondainaidarou. In that one year, she never thought that the landscape she could see would again change.
"Heh!" Sharnid jumped up, watching Layfon in a flippant manner.
No, it can be said that it was a year with continuously changing landscape.[because she(Leerin?) keeps getting promoted?] She attended advance school, and then took a leave of abscence to go to Zuellni. The incidents that happened in the middle of her journey, and the things that happened even in Zuellni. Konna ni mo Hayaku Grendan ni modotte kuru koto ni naru to wa omowanakatta.[Leerin didn't think she would have to return so soon?]
"I'm Sharnid Elipton, a fourth year. I'm a sniper."
Nani yori, keshiki dakedenaku[not only scenery], jibun[leerin's self] made mo henka[change] suru to wa omowanakatta.
"Ah, nice to meet you."
Leerin softly touched the eyepatch covering her right eye.
"Well, let me explain clearly in place of our captain. Layfon Alseif, we asked you to come because we need the right number."
Saya again returned to the inner sanctuary. She said, though she does not know whether she would be able to sleep, it can't be helped that she must stay in the royal palace. Leerin, having more things she wanted wanted Saya to tell her about, but not knowing what those things were, was unable to stop her.
Ima no jibun wa Leerin Euthenol. Sono jijitsu o mado kara no keshiki[scenery] to, soshite furikaereba[look back] aru hiroi heya o mite kakunin suru[confirm]. Kore ga saigo da. Mou konna, muikura na kakunin wa shinaito kokoro ni kimete, heya o nagameru[with a non-vague confirmation, she decided in her heart, and looked at the room?]. Hitotsu no heya da to iu no ni, the bed and the rest of the space was cleverly partitioned. If this were the orphanage, it would be possible for everyone sleep in this space darou.
"Hey, hey, hey. Stop pretending. Everybody saw your performance at the opening ceremony. The excuse of you being a new student and not having enough skill won't work. You've already proven your skill. We thought you were good, so we want you in our team."
Sou kangaeru no mo, konya[tonight] ga saigoda.
Sharnid gave Nina a meaningful glance.
".......Iikagen, nareyou, Leerin"[just get used to it already, Leerin]
Nina cleared her throat and stood before Layfon again.
She persuaded herself.
"Layfon Alseif. I order you to become a member of team seventeen. No refusal will be accepted. The Student President has already given permission and formally proposed for your application. Either way, those who are in the Military Arts aren't allowed such a feeble action as refusing to enter a platoon."
Ironna mono ni. Ushinatta to iu jijitsu ni. Henka shita to iu jijitsu ni. Ima no jibun ga Leerin. Leerin dearu to iu koto ni.[Get used to various things. To the truth of the things she lost. To the truth of the things that changed. To the Leerin she was now. To the fact that she was Leerin.?]
What a resolute speech. Nina's unyielding attitude meant Layfon had no way to run.
"I have to get used to those various things."
"We'll now conduct a test to see which position you're best suited for in the platoon."
“Sate, before I sleep I should continue a little with my report."
Nina took out the two rods from her weapon harness. She pointed at Layfon with the rod held tightly in her right hand.
She had submitted her reentry notification for advance school. Unfortunately, in Zuellni, the study, inside dotabata, did not have the free time to issue a certificate, but through the queen's middleman, upon submitting the report as soon as possible, she was taken into consideration and promoted to a second-year.
"Choose whatever weapon you like!"
First, she must return to normal life.
Perturbed by the seriousness in Nina's eyes, Layfon turned to examine the weapons on the wall.
Her normal life as Leerin Euthenol.
The price of free school fees......what an A grade scholarship.
The cataclysism is not all there is to life.
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Revision as of 04:57, 4 August 2013

Chapter 1: School begins

It's been a month since we parted ways and I've finally reached Zuellni. I got here just in time for the opening ceremony. There were five bus changes before I got here; living in a single city back then, I never realized how hard traveling could be. Getting to another city isn't easy, since all cities move according to their own desires. I never understood why the ancient alchemists made the cities self-aware. But now I see that it was done so they could avoid filth monsters and protect us. I understand that now.

During the trip, some filth monsters passed by my bus. Their cruel and dangerous appearance was horrifying. The thought of being attacked on a bus with no way to escape was enough to make all my hairs stand on end.

But don't worry, our bus didn't get attacked. I think our driver was quite the professional. He stopped the bus for three days to avoid discovery. At that time, my heart ached. It's scary enough to be attacked by the filth monsters. Compared to that though, it would have been worse if the bus was damaged and marooned on this dry and scarlet earth. That would've been a death sentence. Even so, in the end I reached Zuellni safely.

I'm writing this letter in my dorm room. It's a double, but luckily I don't have a roommate. I've never had a room all to myself. I'm really happy about this.

How are you doing over there? Getting used to your new life?

I just realized that I still don't know your address. I'll send the letter to your school. I hope it gets to your hands safely. It'd be great if you could include your new address in your response. After all, the head wouldn't want to see my letters going to the orphanage now.

Well –

I wish eternal peace for your new life and the city you're standing on.

To my dear Leerin Marfes,

Layfon Alseif

The mobile cities, Regios, are spread across the world in their myriad forms. From the basic, standard form that provides everything necessary for human survival, to forms that specialize in specific areas.

One of those forms is the Academy City.

Zuellni – Academy City Zuellni.

The school buildings in the center of the city provided facilities for all study areas.

Large groups of students were heading for the great hall, which was large enough to accommodate all the students inside.

Dressed casually, General Studies students walked as they chatted with friends.

Uneasy smiles sat on the faces of Agricultural and Mechanical Engineering students, who weren't used to the uniforms they hadn't put on in a long time.

The Alchemy and Medical students wore dirty white coats on top of their uniforms.

The Military Arts students, unlike the others, marched towards the hall with heads held high.

Students with different characteristics were all swallowed into the hall.

The purpose of this autonomous city was to exist for and be used by its students. Today, it was holding an entrance ceremony to welcome its new first years.

But it looked like the ceremony would be delayed.

An hour later.

CSR vol01 021.jpg

Layfon stood with a confused expression on his face.

"Anyway, shall we sit down and talk?"


Having given a tense answer, he still couldn't sit on the sofa as requested.

The student before him sat at a large business desk. Unlike Layfon, he had an air of maturity about him. Silvery-white hair framed an elegant face bearing a gentle expression, but his calm silver eyes seemed to be judging Layfon.

That piercing gaze of his caused Layfon to dart his gaze around in panic. Through his shoes, he could feel the softness of the carpet beneath him. The sofa and table used for meetings sat before him. Bookshelves lined one of the walls, filled with informative scrolls.

Before Layfon entered this room, he had seen a plaque with the words "Student President" carved into it next to the doors.

"I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Karian Loss, a sixth year student."

Students were enrolled for six years in Zuellni, so Loss was in the highest grade.

And he was also the Student President.

The person in charge of this school.

"I'm Layfon Alseif."

With a straight back, Layfon clearly delivered his name. He felt cold sweat beading on his forehead.

Karian smiled.

They were alone in the room.

"I wasn't planning on punishing you."

The voice tinged with a bitter smile helped Layfon to calm down. He'd been tense the whole time, as he had no idea why he had been summoned to this room.

"First, let me convey my gratitude. Because of your help, none of the new students were injured."

The opening ceremony was canceled because of a commotion.

Two Military Arts students coming from enemy cities had met by chance before the ceremony, resulting in the commotion. They went from staring to quarreling and eventually to fighting.

Military Arts – Different special powers that were born to protect humanity from harm on this polluted earth.

The Military Arts is the field meant to foster such special power users.

If people fought each other seriously using such powers, if worst came to worst, even normal students could have suffered injuries or been killed. In Karian's eyes was genuine gratitude.

"The new rule that only allows new students to be armed after half a year is because some of them don't understand where they now are......This is unbearable. It's a huge amount of work for me to settle things every year.

But, there were still people who used weapons. Sometimes a fight could turn into a battle that would draw blood.

To the Student President who had been smiling bitterly but talking in a straightforward and frank manner, Layfon could only respond confusedly.

"Speaking of which - a General Studies student who managed to outdo Military Arts students. You must have some skills in the Arts area, don't you?"

"It's just a hobby. Um......"

Silence from the Student President made Layfon swallow.

"If yours is just the level of a hobbyist, then we ought to increase our admission standards for the Military Arts course."

The news about the fight between Military Arts students at the opening ceremony had spread to new students in other courses. New students arriving at Zuellni came from diverse backgrounds. Besides the students getting involved in the fight, there were foreigners whom nobody liked. The dangerous atmosphere spreading out from the Military Arts center was influencing students from other courses.

The rioting atmosphere also affected the General Studies area. Students closer to the fight scene bumped and crashed into each other while escaping, igniting the adolescent anger sleeping in male students.

Just when everything was about to get out of hand, a huge noise echoed throughout the hall.

Immediate silence followed, and all eyes turned to the source of that noise.

Where the two students who started the commotion lay immobile on the floor with Layfon standing between them.

"That was just luck. They were blinded by anger and didn't even notice me."

"Yes, yes."

Karian happily nodded at Layfon's excuse. He was smiling with his face, but not his eyes. Again, Layfon felt that the Student President had seen through him.

Honestly, this wasn't a comfortable feeling.

While bearing the pressure that he felt would force him into some dangerous place, Layfon attempted to end this conversation.

"Since I haven't done anything wrong, I'm returning to class."

"You can't!"

Karian prevented Layfon from turning his back to him.

The short denial halted Layfon's footsteps.

"As I said, I've no intention of punishing you, Layfon Wolfstein Alseif."

The title in between name and surname caused Layfon to raise his eyebrows.

"......What does that mean?"

"I don't care if you continue to play the fool. Here's a suggestion. Layfon Alseif, how about changing from General Studies to the Military Arts?"


"Luckily, there are now two empty slots in Military Arts thanks to those two troublemakers. We have a rule here preventing students from bringing the issues of their home cities into the academy. Those who signed the contract and broke it during the opening ceremony don't have the right to be fighters. The blame for the riot lies on them, so I've already banished them in the form of their 'voluntary withdrawal' from the course."

"No, please wait."

The two students were not important to Layfon.

"I don't plan to change majors."

He clearly conveyed his opinion. To switch to the Military Arts......don't kid him.

"I came here to study General Studies."

"Military Arts is a study area too. No, no matter what course you're in, General Studies is compulsory till third year. Even if you pick General Studies, you still have to specialize in something after three years, so you aren't learning different things by switching."

"The problem doesn't lie there."

"So what is the problem?"

Faced with that question, he found his breath being caught in his throat.

"......I have no interest in Military Arts."

"I see," Karian gave an exaggerated nod. It was clearly an act. The expression in his eyes hardly changed, just a twisted curve of happiness.

"Besides I'm on a scholarship. I've already applied for a job and studies. I've got to work in my spare time. I won't have enough energy left for Military Arts."

"I see. That's a good argument."

Karian was only agreeing with his mouth. He didn't look persuaded at all.

He took out a document from a drawer.

"Um, Layfon Alseif, D-Rank scholarship, part-time work and studies. Your job is to clean the Central Mechanism Chamber......I see, this is a taxing and time-consuming job. Do you know that the cleaning takes place while the city rests from after sunset to past midnight? A lot of working students hate cleaning there. It's hard work and the hours are terrible. Do you get it? The pay isn't too bad, but the work is toilsome. Every year, numerous students apply to work somewhere else, or leave the academy for not passing the scholarship assessment. And the scholarship you have is D-Rank. Have you ever considered that you'll be spending all of your pay on school fees?"

"Yes, it's just as you said."

"Frankly, won't it be hard to pass six years like that?"

"I'm confident in my physical strength."

Karian's smile changed. Karian was full of smiles in Layfon's eyes, and something that felt like a favorable feeling towards Layfon came through.

"Ah, perhaps you're right. You should have confidence in your physical strength. That's exactly why I wish you would change to Military Arts."

"What for?"

"Do you know of the Military Arts Competition between Academy cities?"


Karian spoke without any disappointment in Layfon's lack of knowledge, "To put this simply, the Competition takes place once every two years."

Layfon could guess what Karian was getting at.

"This is a habit of cities. I have no idea what the alchemists were thinking, but cities fight for territory every two years. What's more interesting is that they only compete with the same type of cities......I could only say that the cities were made too well."

Although the cities were fighting for territories, it was actually the people living in the cities who carried out the fights.

"Sure, it's called the Military Arts Competition, but in reality, the competition is the same as......the wars that took place between normal cities."

War. Layfon's expression turned grim.

"Of course, our goal is to conduct a student-like all-encompassing fight. The Alliance of Academy Cities supervises every fight. Non-lethal weapons are used. Swords are sheathed. Anesthetic bullets are used. But since it's a war, there's no much difference between what the winner obtains and what the loser loses. It's not as tragic as a real war, but the ending is the same."

"Is it the city's......life?"

"Yes," Karian nodded.

Cities have awareness. They're alive. They need food to keep on surviving. Even though they are machines, they need energy to maintain their functions.

The source of a city's life......is their food, a type of metal called selenium.

"Selenium is a metal born after the earth became polluted, and so it's easy to obtain. To put it simply, you can probably find it by digging at the earth over there. But that's a dangerous action with filth monsters around. Besides, we can only obtain pure selenium from mines with a certain level of energy."

So, the winner took possession of the mine and the loser lost it. While increasing the prosperity of their own piece of land, people were reducing the lifespan of another piece of land.

"When I first entered the Academy, Zuellni had three mines. Now it's down to one," Karian sighed.

Meaning Zuellni had lost in the last two competitions and its Military Arts level was much lower than the neighbouring cities.

"It's doubtful on how much pure selenium we can mine from that remaining mine. I plan to send some alchemists over to investigate the next time our city nears it."

"In other words, if we lose the next time, there's no backup plan?"

"Exactly. The cities determine the topic of the upcoming Competition. We can't not participate."

'If we lose......' Just the thought made Layfon shiver.

Even if a city lost all of its mines, its functions wouldn't immediately stop, because it had an emergency reserve of selenium.

But that could only delay the inevitable for a short time.

The city would die. Humans would have lost space to live. Once a city dies, it returns back to the earth. People can't salvage it.

To have a city die of starvation was the same as its people dying of famine.

Thinking of that, a sudden shiver shook Layfon's cold body. The city he had just arrived in would die. He didn't have much of a link with this Academy, but the possibility of the city dying was terrifying.

When a person was young, if he found out that the city he lived in could die, he'd have been scared enough to tremble all over. That experience would be the same for everyone.

Hearing that the fear he felt in his childhood could become reality, Layfon felt like his childhood self, trembling all over.

But, even so......


To fight...... I can't do that.

Yes, let's say that.

With determination, he lifted his gaze, preparing to refuse the Student President watching him from the desk.

But, the words wouldn't come.

The Student President watched Layfon.

The smile on Loss' face had disappeared. The emotionless expression appeared to be too calm. This contrasted with his icy gaze that was pinning Layfon.

To the breathless Layfon, Karian spoke, "I'm graduating this year. As long as this remains an academy city, no one can stay here after graduating. This means once I graduate, I'm not linked to this place anymore. But I really like the academy. Don't you think it's sad to lose your favorite thing even though you can never set foot on this piece of earth?

It's natural to want to protect what is precious. For one who goes mad over love, don't you feel that it's their fate to reach their goal using whatever means possible?"

A light smile appeared on the countenance of the Student President. Just that. It was his way of joking in a solemn situation.

"Your scholarship will be raised to Rank A. All your fees will be waived. You will only need to earn for your living. If you aren't keen on fashion, you won't need to spend much, so you won't have to force yourself to clean at the Central Mechanism Chamber. Is that all right?"

Rationality told him not to nod. But his instinct howled for him to nod.

And then, Layfon left the room with swaying steps, holding a Military Arts uniform that had somehow been placed into his hands.

A few minutes after weakly closing his door, there came impatient knocking on his door.

"Come in."

It was a girl in Military Arts uniform. A girl with short, golden hair. A girl with determination and resolution.

"Sorry for intruding."

A pair of sharp eyes rested beneath neat and thick eyebrows. Those eyes watched the Student President with challenge. The sound of the harness clasped around her waist accompanied her every step. What was inside the harness was not a sword, but two rod-like things. The threads on the harness indicated she was a third year student.

The girl stood straight before the desk and her gaze met the Student President's.

"I'm a third-year in Military Arts, Nina Antalk. I heard you're looking for me?"

"Yes, I'm looking for you."

Karian smiled.

"What is it about?"

"Have you found enough members?"

The sudden question caused Nina to furrow, but she checked her attitude and replied, "Not yet."

"Yes, I thought so too. You haven't yet sent me the report on your team members since the day you took the application form. The opening ceremony ended. If you don't hurry up and produce your team member list, you won't be able to participate in the next City competition. In that case, you'll become the lowest-level soldier in the next round of platoon competitions."

"Excuse me, Student President. Hasn't the opening ceremony been delayed?"

"It's been cancelled thanks to other schedules. It's a shame. I won't call everyone to the hall again. Because of this year's Military Arts competition, there are lots of things to do."

Nina's face fell. She kept silent.

"I think it's enough to observe the new students at the opening ceremony. What do you think?"

"No one is suitable. Everyone was affected too much by the atmosphere. You can't tell what'd happen in a battle. I want someone who can observe calmly without getting caught in the confusion."

Nina had been watching the entire commotion today. Every new Military Arts student was affected by the two who started the whole thing. Violent expressions on their faces said they wanted to join in and make the mess even bigger.

To get caught up by the enemies like that was the same as digging their own graves.

"Is there really no one suitable?"

Nina didn't reply immediately. Her confused gaze moved up and down.


In her hesitation floated up the image of the new student. The one who suppressed the two troublemakers without anyone knowing. He suppressed the center of the commotion to prevent the violent emotions from spreading, and at the same time, he exaggerated his act to threaten people who were caught up in the commotion. She found his response very certain.


"He's in General Studies."

That new student wore the uniform of General Studies. This way, he couldn't participate in the competition.

But the Student President smiled happily.

"Yes, that was true, until now."

"......What does that mean?"

"He's just transferred into Military Arts."

A disapproving expression appeared on Nina's face.

"I can't waste such good material."

"So you ignored his wish?"

"I didn't ignore it. I showed him the highest level of sincerity. He should be quite satisfied with it."


Nina understood how hard the Student President's attitude could be. Last time during the Student President election, Karian wasn't nominated, yet at the time when he gloriously became a candidate, he had waged a rare intelligence fight with his opponents, causing them to all lose.

"It doesn't matter what the truth is. What do you think now that he's in Military Arts? That's the only answer I want to know."

"What is it to be? At this rate, you won't have enough members. Do you plan to experience the same shame as before, but now as a low-ranked soldier?"

Nina clenched her teeth together.

"I have no such intention."

"Then what should you do? I think the answer is clear."

Karian slid a document on the desk to Nina. It was a resume with the name "Layfon Alseif" written on it. The document was clearly in the structure of a resume, along with a close-up photo of Layfon.

"Please excuse me."

Having taken a glimpse of the document, Nina turned her back to Karian and left the room. He smiled at the back of the girl who didn't give him a reply.

Alone once more, Karian took out a new document and laid it beside Layfon's resume. It was also a resume, but with the name Nina Antalk on it.

"If things go well, this will become the strongest team. The problem is how to operate it......" he murmured. He didn't look cheerful at all.

On the way back to his classroom, Layfon changed into the new uniform in a health clinic he found. The Student President threatened him that if he continued to walk about not in uniform, he'd be considered to be committing a fraud.

Holding the uniform of General Studies, he entered the classroom to collect his bag. From a uniform he hadn't gotten used to yet to another unfamiliar uniform...... He wasn't yet familiar with this uniform, but it gave him an intriguing feeling.

Also, the new uniform fit him perfectly.

"Damn, this must have been planned!"

Walking in the corridor, Layfon couldn't help but curse out loud. His height and weight were standard for a male of his age, but his right arm was slightly longer than his left. His General Studies uniform had been fixed to cater for that difference, but how could the Military Arts uniform given to him on a spur of the moment decision be such a perfect fit?

Meaning – the truth couldn't be changed.

"Why......How did they find out?"

Anxiety filled him. He came here to major in General Studies, to seek a world that had nothing to do with Military Arts, but on the first day of his arrival, he had once again stepped into that world he wanted to leave behind.

"Ah Ah! Why didn't I refuse him? I'm such a coward......a coward!" Layfon shouted.

Only the opening ceremony was taking place today, so nobody was in the corridor. Without considering, he shouted again, "How should I have put it? That Student President's too scary! What kind of gaze was that? It really terrifies me. How could I have resisted that type of person?"

Having let it all out, Layfon arrived at his classroom. Ah, meaning his classroom would be different now. But the Student President didn't mention that at all? What should he do? Layfon opened the door.

The door opened and the scene inside the room entered Layfon's sight.


That sound came through.

There were still students in the classroom.

"Look, look. He really is in Military Arts. Yeah~~ It's my win. I'm lucky --!"

One of the girls jumped up in excitement. Chestnut colored hair tied into two tails on each side of her head shook with her movement.

Only three girls were in the room.

Their curious gazes were glued closely to Layfon without reserve. Layfon halted his steps.

"Why! Wasn't he wearing a General Studies uniform? That was deceptive," said a red-haired girl. She wore the same uniform as Layfon's. And like Layfon, the empty harness swayed around her waist.

"I don't have a General Studies uniform. Hey, just why do you have one?" she questioned him as if she was bringing him to account.

"Uh, something happened......"

"So? Do you mean I don't get that uniform 'cause I'm not cute? Is that it?"

Even if you ask me that, I can't do anything about it. As for the girl, she was more handsome than cute. Compared to the General Studies uniform designed for cuteness, Layfon thought the sharp edges of the Military Arts uniform suited her better.

But the girl was dissatisfied.

"Wait a moment, Nakki, calm down. You're causing trouble for Mei-chi," the girl with two tails concluded. The red-haired girl paused as if she had thought of something, then she moved aside for the other girl.

"That's right. Hurry up, Meishen."

With one hand on the back of the third girl, the red-haired girl moved her to stand in front of Layfon.

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The third girl had long hair streaming past her shoulders. She looked shy and gentle. Her face facing the ground, she seemed afraid. Her eyebrows curved as if she was about to cry. Her face was faintly red.

"Uh, thank......thank you very much." Just saying that seemed to take all of her energy. The black-haired girl hid behind the red-haired girl, her face reddened.

"Sorry, she's always been this shy. Even so, she still wants to thank you for saving her at the opening ceremony, right?" said the girl with two tails.

The black-haired girl buried her face into the back of the red-haired girl.

Layfon had no recollection of that ever happening. He only recalled pushing away those people about to get caught in the fight. He might have saved her during that time.

The red-haired girl sighed. "This child......yes, I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Naruki Gelni in the Military Arts."

"I'm Mifi Rotten. The one playing hide-and-seek is Meishen Trinden. We're both in General Studies. The three of us came from the Transit City Joeldem. Do you know of it?"

"Yes, it's the center where roaming buses gather. I passed through on the way here. I'm Layfon Alseif, from the Lance Shelled City, Grendan."

"Oh, that was where Military Arts was born. No wonder you're so strong."

"No, that's not it......" Layfon replied vaguely. Just when he thought of how to explain it......

"Ah, don't just stand there and talk! I'm hungry. Let's find something good to eat."

"Again? Do you have to make a map of this area too?"

"Of course! Maps for food, fashion, territory......so long as it can be drawn, I'll do it. Since I'll be here for six years, I don't want to lose out by not having a map. Ah! It's my hobby to gather intelligence. If you want to know something, just ask me. Even if I don't know, I'll investigate it and find out."

"Yeah, I'm hungry......besides, I have things to ask you, like about the thing you're holding."

With a pair of sharp eyes, Naruki looked at the General Studies uniform that Layfon was holding.

He didn't even get a chance to speak. They decided it for him then.

"Uh, well......look. This is troubling for Meishen. And you said she's shy."

"......I'm ok with it," Meishen said from behind Naruki's back.

"Ok. That's decided."

And it was decided.

The location was then changed to a coffee shop close by. The coffee shop was made of red bricks and designed not to stand out too much. Since it was already past lunch time, the shop was nearly empty. The four of them somehow managed to catch up to lunch time special. While eating, Layfon explained why he was transferred to the Military Arts – he didn't mention that he was forced to transfer.

They were eating dessert.

Only Layfon wasn't eating, instead drinking juice.

"Oh, I was worried that Academy City only had healthy food for students. It's great that my worry was unfounded," Mifi said with satisfaction, her mouth filled with cake.

"This really is worth drawing a map for."

"And I was wondering what a city operated by students was like. Who'd have thought it would be quite organized," Naruki said with admiration.

In reality, many shops lined the roads heading from the dormitories to the school, but because it was an Academy City, most of the shops were closed during class hours. Once classes finished, the shops were full of people. These shops were managed by senior General Studies students who studied Commerce or Management. Other students came here to work as employees.

The food was made by seniors in Gastronomy.

"There's a Police Department and a Court here too. I'll try applying to the Police."

"Nakki's dream is to be a policewoman."


"As for me, the newspaper. Since it's related to publishing, I'll try to find somewhere that publishes news. What about Mei-chi?"

"......Somewhere that makes dessert."

"Then you'll have to find somewhere with delicious food. Uh, eating while you walk......watch out so you don't get fat."

"You're pretty red right now, aren't you?"

"Urg, what was that? It's because Nakki's all sweaty from exercising. You smell~~"

"Psh, that's the smell of youth."

"Agh, I don't get you."

The conversation expanded, and Layfon watched it all with a distant feeling. Those three were from the same city. From their conversation, it seemed they already knew each other before coming here. Shut outside the intimate conversation, Layfon sipped his juice.

Mifi suddenly directed a question at him. "That's right. Where'll you be working, Layton?"


Startled at the unexpected name change, Layfon opened his lips with juice still inside his mouth. He almost spilled it all.

"Yeah, Layton. That's easier to say, isn't it?" Mifi said cheerfully.

"Nakki, Mei-chi, Layton, and I'm Mi-chan. Is that ok?"

"You didn't give the names any good thought. More importantly, let my nickname be my normal name."

"It's boring to think up a nickname for yourself. If I said "Just call me Mi-chi~", doesn't that sound revolting?"

"Revolting. At least I wouldn't want to be friend with that person."

"Exactly. Then that's ok. So Layfon is called Layton now!"

"That can't be helped. Then we're counting on you from now on, Layton."

"Yeah, Layton, Layton~"


Even Meishen was calling him by that name. For some reason, Layfon felt like he had come from a really far away place. Where was this place? Just in which dimension was he lost in?

Till now, none of his female friends had ever called him like that. Even his closest friend Leerin would only call him by his first name. For his nickname, she just called him "Lay."

Layton......Layfon was dumbfounded.

"So, where will you be working at, Layton?"

He could only answer the question, since he knew it wasn't possible to resolve the name issue.

At this moment, no words came to him.

Speaking of which, somebody just said Layfon's scholarship had been upgraded, so it didn't matter if he worked or not.

"Don't tell me it's all right if you don't work?"

"No, I've still got to work," Layfon shook his head. "I'll be working in the mechanical department."

All three girls burst out with "Wow" and frowned.

"Why such a hard working job?"

"I heard you need lots of strength for Military Arts. That kind of lifestyle will damage your body. Are you sure about this?"

"......Won't that be very tiring?"

All three girls expressed their worries. Layfon could only smile bitterly.

Even he knew it'd be hard work. But it was dangerous to rely fully on the Student President. If something happened and he had to oppose the Student President, his scholarship might be cancelled. It'd be the worst case scenario to be left without money, unable to continue his studies.

"Yeah, but that can't be helped. I'm an orphan. I don't have anything else besides the scholarship."

He thought the way he put it was natural and inconspicuous.

But the word "orphan" caused the three girls to widen their eyes. Embarrassed, their uneasy gazes darted around.

"Ah~~ I see. Sorry. Do your best."

"Yeah, if it's anything I can do, I'll help out."

"......Me too."

"It's ok. Don't worry about it......"

Their attitude made him feel troubled.

"I don't find it particularly difficult. I feel troubled when I'm pitied."

Even so, Mifi and Meishen exchanged a glance, their faces full of anxiety. From his previous experiences, Layfon knew it wasn't possible to make them understand it right away, so he wasn't bothered by their reaction.

"Ok, I get it. I won't worry about it." Naruki nodded immediately. Her quick response was a surprise to him.

"Uh? What? Did you say you wouldn't worry too much about it?"

"Yeah, that's right."

It was clear that Naruki wasn't just talking about it. She meant it. Layfon nodded hesitantly, then he couldn't hold it back anymore and laughed.


"Nothing. It's just that you act like a big sister."

"What did you say?"

Naruki frowned, but Mifi agreed.

"Ah, I understand. I understand. Nakki's got that feel about her. She's cool."

"......And she's popular with lots of girls."

"Yep, she always receives lots of presents and love letters."

"Well, I'm troubled by that. I've never known what to do with them."

Although she said so seriously, Layfon laughed again.

(The atmosphere feels good.) Layfon thought as he laughed. Although what he experienced at the opening ceremony was a setback for him, from his conversation with the girls, it felt as if he was now back on track.

"Uh......excuse me."

A voice broke through the laughter.

As their eyes found the owner of the voice, everyone couldn't help but held their breath.

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Standing beside the table was a girl. The silvery hair hanging down to her waist shone as if to reflect the light of the coffee shop. She had snowy white skin and a heart-shaped lower jaw. Peeking from inside her collar was a delicately small neck and a kind of a dangerous charm. Long eyebrows trembled above a slightly lowered, silver-eyed gaze.

A girl who was as beautiful and delicate as a doll.

No one noticed she was wearing the uniform of Military Arts.

The first to finally notice was Naruki.

"Aren't you a grade older than us? Do you want something?" Naruki said.

Layfon realized the color of the threads on her harness was different from his own. From the harness hung a long thin rod like thing.

"Are you Layfon Alseif?"

Silvery eyes caught Layfon's image.


"I've something to tell you. Could you come with me?"


Layfon stood up naturally, compelled by that voice to obey.

The girl turned her back to leave the coffee shop. Layfon would have followed behind just like that, but he returned to the seat. He took his bag and from his wallet, left some change on the table for his juice.

"Sorry, I gotta go."

"Sure. Then go." Naruki said on behalf of her two still silent companions.

"Yeah. But, just what......"

Wordlessly, Layfon rushed after the silvery girl.

The bell tied to the coffee shop door swung out crisp notes as Layfon passed. Thinking back on how confused Layfon appeared to be, Naruki smiled bitterly.

"Wh......What just happened?" Mifi muttered.

"Of course he's been targeted after that elegant performance at the opening ceremony."

Mifi didn't understand what Naruki had just said. She looked at her friend with questions on her face.

"Isn't there a different badge on that Senpai's chest pocket?"

"Yeah, really?" Mifi frowned.

"......It's a silvery round thing?"


Meishen had seen it.

"......There's the number 17 on it."

"A badge that only people belonging to a platoon would have."

"A platoon......what is that?"

"To put it simply, they're the official candidates in the Military Arts course. It carries the additional meaning of a fighter with high level of skill."


Naruki explained. "They're the core teams in the Military Arts competition. Underneath the General headquarter are the platoons......They're called commanding teams. Beneath them are the larger teams, and those take charge of people who don't belong to any teams, meaning, normal Military Arts students like me......"

"Wow, if that's the case, then it's like climbing all the way up to the top." Mifi said, clapping her hands.

"But it's not that easy in there."


"Didn't I mention it? That badge holds the meaning of a high level fighter. Students belonging to a platoon must excel in certain area, from commanding ability to the control of psychokinesis. Mostly, they specialize in a certain weapon. Besides the individual skills that are judged, the strength of how well an entire team does is also assessed. Whether a person can work in a team is also evaluated. As such, there's competition going on between teams for the ranking list. In other words, it's a fight in between students at the academy. During those fights, if a team doesn't perform well, the worst situation is that it gets disbanded. Official candidates turning back to normal students. Fighters normally have strong self-esteem. If one returns to being a normal student, other people would say he's fallen from the clouds to the bottom of a valley......no one can take that kind of a setback. His life in the Academy would become too painful to bear."

Naruki glanced at the door that Layfon had just left through. No new customers had entered. The bell remained solemn.

"......Layton said he's going to clean in the mechanical department," Meishen said.

"Ah, that will be tiring for him!" Mifi said. "Will he be all right?"

"Yeah, it should be quite smooth for him." Naruki could only give such an answer. She washed down the last piece of cake with red tea.

What Naruki said to the other two at the coffee shop also came to Layfon's ears, but from the terrifying girl with golden hair.

The beautiful, silver-haired girl took Layfon deep inside the first year dormitories, it was a certain building with an old and worn out feel about it.

Layfon was taken to one of the rooms and was greeted by a terrifying girl with golden hair.

"I'm Nina Antalk, the captain of the seventeenth platoon," the girl said firmly.

The room Layfon was in had been split into two by a huge wall, so the space was only twice as large as a normal classroom. On the wall were hung many different types of weapons.

Including Layfon, there were five people in the room.

The first person was the girl Nina Antalk, standing right before Layfon. Next was the girl who took Layfon here. The beautiful silver-haired girl had moved immediately to a corner after having entered the room.

The rest were two male students. The taller boy lay lazily in a corner. The other wore a dark green working suit that was stained with engine oil and some other type of machine related liquid.

Nina gave the confused Layfon an explanation about the platoon.

Layfon half listened, with his mind somewhere else.

"Do you understand?"

"Ah, yes."

Turning his gaze back to Nina, Layfon gave her a quick answer without really meaning anything he had just said.

"Then why was I called here?"

Layfon understood everyone here was an official candidate.

But, that was all he knew.

Nina didn't explain why Layfon was here.

Half of Nina's eyebrow trembled as if it had the cramps.

"I understand from your explanation that everyone here is an elite. But, if that's the case......because of that, I don't get why I, as a first year student, was called here," Layfon said, trying to mediate the atmosphere. Nina closed her open mouth, her shoulders moved as if she was breathing deeply, then she opened her mouth again to speak.

But before that—


The tall male student burst out laughing from his position.

"Sharnid-senpai!" Nina said loudly, her shoulders trembling in anger.

"Gahaha! Ha~heehee......Ah, my stomach hurts! Nina, it's your fault. All because you beat around the bush and gave the new student there an opportunity to pretend he was a fool."


Nina clamped hard on her teeth.

"Heh!" Sharnid jumped up, watching Layfon in a flippant manner.

"I'm Sharnid Elipton, a fourth year. I'm a sniper."

"Ah, nice to meet you."

"Well, let me explain clearly in place of our captain. Layfon Alseif, we asked you to come because we need the right number."


"Hey, hey, hey. Stop pretending. Everybody saw your performance at the opening ceremony. The excuse of you being a new student and not having enough skill won't work. You've already proven your skill. We thought you were good, so we want you in our team."

Sharnid gave Nina a meaningful glance.

Nina cleared her throat and stood before Layfon again.

"Layfon Alseif. I order you to become a member of team seventeen. No refusal will be accepted. The Student President has already given permission and formally proposed for your application. Either way, those who are in the Military Arts aren't allowed such a feeble action as refusing to enter a platoon."

What a resolute speech. Nina's unyielding attitude meant Layfon had no way to run.

"We'll now conduct a test to see which position you're best suited for in the platoon."

Nina took out the two rods from her weapon harness. She pointed at Layfon with the rod held tightly in her right hand.

"Choose whatever weapon you like!"

Perturbed by the seriousness in Nina's eyes, Layfon turned to examine the weapons on the wall.

The price of free school fees......what an A grade scholarship.

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