Difference between revisions of "White Album 2/Script/2015"

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(Created page with "Return to the main page here. == Translation == == Editing == == Translation Notes == == Text == {{WA2ScriptTable}} {{WA2ScriptLine |1|佐藤|Sa...")
Line 21: Line 21:
|"Good morning everyone."
Line 27: Line 27:
|"Good morning~"
Line 33: Line 33:
|"For our morning shift: Nakagawa-san, Shimamoto-san, Iiyama-san, and Sugiura-san will be in the hall, and Shimoda-kun, Hattori-kun and myself will be in the kitchen."
Line 45: Line 45:
|"The members in the hall can take turns taking breaks after the lunch rush is over. <br>...The kitchen staff should wait until the other helpers arrive."
Line 57: Line 57:
|"Oh and also, Sugiura-san has completed her training period, so starting from today, she will be a full fledged member of our team. <br>...Sugiura-san."
Line 69: Line 69:
Line 75: Line 75:
Line 81: Line 81:
|"Could we hear a few words from you, just for the occasion?"
Line 87: Line 87:
|"Ah... Okay. <br>As always, I look forward to working with you all from now on as well. <br>...Umm, I didn't really think of anything to say, so I'll leave it at that."
Line 99: Line 99:
|"Okay, that concludes our meeting then. <br>Everyone, please return to your posts and begin the preparations for today's opening."
Line 111: Line 111:
|"Sugiura-san, could you restock the condiments and napkins for the tables?"
Line 117: Line 117:
|"...Hey, chief."
Line 123: Line 123:
Line 129: Line 129:
|"Is this everyone that will be working here today?"
Line 135: Line 135:
|"I suppose. We're always short on people, really. <br>You'll need to put in your 110% too."
Line 141: Line 141:
|"I don't think that will be much of a problem, but..."
Line 147: Line 147:
|"...I see you're as confident as always, Sugiura-san. <br>I'm a little surprised, considering what Kitahara-san put you through."
Line 153: Line 153:
|"Yes, about that."
Line 159: Line 159:
|"About what?"
Line 165: Line 165:
|"Is he not here?"
Line 171: Line 171:
Line 177: Line 177:
Line 183: Line 183:
|"Oh, Kitahara-san?"
Line 189: Line 189:
|"I haven't said anything yet."
Line 195: Line 195:
|"You had 'hurry up and notice it already' written all over your face, so why are you looking so annoyed when I finally brought it up...?"
Line 201: Line 201:
|"There's no such thing written on my face. <br>Also, I've had this look on my face ever since I was born."
Line 207: Line 207:
|"And you'd be so cute without it, too. What a waste."
Line 213: Line 213:
|"I'm not interested in things like that."
Line 219: Line 219:
|"We haven't heard anything from Kitahara-san."
Line 225: Line 225:
|"I see..."
Line 231: Line 231:
|"Besides, we only dragged him here to supervise your training. <br>Now that that's over with there's not really any reason for him to come over any more, right?"
Line 237: Line 237:
|"...You seem awfully indifferent about all this, chief. Especially after all the stuff you had him help you out with."
Line 243: Line 243:
|"Kitahara-san's about to go job hunting soon too. <br>We can't just keep calling him back here all the time."
Line 249: Line 249:
|"That's... probably the right thing to do, I guess."
Line 255: Line 255:
|"Anyway, forget about those little details. <br>The store's about to open."
Line 261: Line 261:
Line 273: Line 273:
|"That idiot."
Line 285: Line 285:
|"I see, so you started working at Goodies again."
Line 291: Line 291:
|"But, you haven't quit that job at the publishing company yet, right? <br>The report you were writing sounded really tiring too, so I'm a little worried. You're not pushing yourself too hard, right?"
Line 297: Line 297:
|"...But, I know that when someone asks you for something, you'd always see it through to the end no matter what."
Line 303: Line 303:
|"Actually, about a year ago, I saw you working through the windows one time when I happened to walk past the store."
Line 309: Line 309:
|"It looked like you were lecturing the girls in the store about this and that, just like you always do. <br>Everyone looked so afraid of you, Haruki-kun."
Line 315: Line 315:
|"But whenever something happened, everyone knew to run to you for help. <br>You looked really busy running between the hall and the kitchen all the time."
Line 321: Line 321:
|"I guess that's just something you were born with. <br>Even if you're a little scary, people will always want to gather around you and ask you for help."
Line 327: Line 327:
|"I felt really happy when I saw that. It was like looking into the past again. <br>...And seeing that side of you that I once knew so well. That side of you that you no longer want to show me..."
Line 333: Line 333:
|"Umm, let's cut to the chase! <br>So, will you be working during the winter break as well?"
Line 339: Line 339:
|"Um, if it's okay, if it won't be a bother to you, then, umm."
Line 345: Line 345:
|"No, it's nothing important. <br>Talk to you later."
Line 357: Line 357:
|...You can edit a text before you send it, so why didn't she just delete those "not important" things?"
Line 363: Line 363:
|She probably kept them on there on purpose, thinking I'd super curious about it or something.
Line 369: Line 369:
Line 375: Line 375:
|Setsuna's text message was coated with a light layer of poison.
|Literal translation.}}
|Has she lowered her guard, just a little bit? <br>Is she starting to show her true self?
Line 387: Line 387:
|If that's the case, then maybe this is actually a good sign.
Line 393: Line 393:
|Keeping everything to herself without saying a word, almost to the point of bursting, and exhausting herself as a result of it.
Line 399: Line 399:
|Up until a few days ago, she's been repeating those actions non-stop, rapidly tiring herself out in the process.
Line 405: Line 405:
|We can't see each other face to face, nor can we hear each other's voices, but we can still feel that we're connected.
Line 411: Line 411:
|Considering our current states, <br>this text-only relationship might be the most comforting solution for both of us.
Line 417: Line 417:
|"All right!"
Line 423: Line 423:
|Be it optimistically looking forward, or pessimistically running away, <br>I'll be putting these thoughts on hold for now.
Line 429: Line 429:
|The weekend lunch rush. <br>I should just forget everything and work like I've never worked before.
Line 435: Line 435:
|...I wonder how she's doing right now.
Line 447: Line 447:
|"Good morning."
Line 453: Line 453:
Line 459: Line 459:
|"Good morning~ <br>I've been waiting for you all this time, Kitahara-san."
Line 465: Line 465:
|"Oh~ You're finally here. <br>We have a huge backlog of orders waiting, so we'll need you to go all out from the very beginning, Kitahara-san."
Line 471: Line 471:
Line 477: Line 477:
|"Come on, Sugiura-san, don't just stand there. <br>Table 15's calling for you."
Line 483: Line 483:
|"U-um, chief? <br>What's going on here?"
Line 489: Line 489:
|"We didn't have nearly enough members for the night shift, so we arranged for him to come over in the evening. <br>...But Kitahara-san wouldn't be Kitahara-san if he didn't come over before lunch even started."
Line 495: Line 495:
|「え? え? え?」
|「え? え? え?」
|"Eh? Eh? Eh?"
Line 501: Line 501:
|「? …あ~。<br>なんかすっごい心待ちにしてたから言わなかったの。<br>その方が面白いかなと思って」
|「? …あ~。<br>なんかすっごい心待ちにしてたから言わなかったの。<br>その方が面白いかなと思って」
|"? ...Ah~ <br>You looked like you were really looking forward to it so I didn't tell you. <br>I thought that it'd be more interesting this way."
Line 507: Line 507:
Line 513: Line 513:
Line 519: Line 519:
|The "she" that I was worried about just now is trembling in front of me with a vivid blush on her face for some reason.
Line 525: Line 525:
|...Was letting her go off on her own on only the third day too much for her to handle after all?
Line 549: Line 549:
|"...(chew chew)"
Line 555: Line 555:
|"Hey, Sugiura."
Line 561: Line 561:
|"Please wait a little longer. <br>I'll be done soon."
Line 567: Line 567:
|".........No, slow down and chew more thoroughly. <br>It's better for your digestion this way."
Line 573: Line 573:
|The lunch rush is over, and the members of the store are finally able to breathe sighs of relief as we enter early afternoon.
Line 579: Line 579:
|With a level of expertise far above what you would expect from someone who's only been here for three days, Sugiura worked flawlessly through both morning and lunch, and is now enjoying her break in the staff room.
Line 585: Line 585:
|And she's also voraciously digging into my cooking at the same time.
Line 591: Line 591:
|"(chew chew) ...!? (cough)"
Line 597: Line 597:
|"...Need some tea?"
Line 603: Line 603:
|".........Yes please."
Line 609: Line 609:
|I have a number of theories as to why she's eating with such abandon right now.
Line 615: Line 615:
|Maybe she tired herself too much working so fiercely through the lunch rush that by the time she could finally have lunch herself, her hunger became just as fierce as well.
Line 621: Line 621:
|Or maybe she thinks that, as a new employee, she shouldn't be lazing around on her breaks too much.
Line 627: Line 627:
|Or maybe...
Line 633: Line 633:
|"Thanks for the food."
Line 639: Line 639:
|"...So, what did you want to say to me?"
Line 645: Line 645:
|"...So you were tired of waiting for me after all. <br>You even tried to pretend to be considerate by telling me to 'chew thoroughly' and whatnot."
Line 651: Line 651:
|Maybe it's because that, even though she's the only person who's supposed to be on break right now, she dragged me, who was still busy with work, into the break room with her anyway.
Line 657: Line 657:
|"Please wait just a little longer... <br>
Line 663: Line 663:
|(sip) ... Hot hot hot!"
Line 669: Line 669:
|"...Are you bad with hot things?"
Line 675: Line 675:
|"Ah~ come on. <br>My entire tongue hurts now~ <br>Why would you do something like that?"
Line 681: Line 681:
|"(sip)... Seemd okay to me."
Line 687: Line 687:
|"Ha~, haaaaaa~"
Line 693: Line 693:
|"Anyway, what did you want to talk about? <br>I have to get back to the kitchen soon."
Line 699: Line 699:
|Satou's gaze of death as I left keeps flashing through my mind. <br>He didn't get to take a break yet himself, after all.
Line 705: Line 705:
|"I'll get to the point then... Senpai."
|You can hear her talking funnily because of her tongue, hence the next line, but it's not reflected in the actual script. }}
|"...Should we maybe wait a little longer?"
Line 717: Line 717:
|"No, I'm fine. <br>
Line 723: Line 723:
|The truth is, senpai... I'm feeling a little pressured in this store because of my position."
Line 729: Line 729:
|"Oh, did you get harassed by someone? <br>You do seem like the type that others would think negatively of."
Line 735: Line 735:
|"...I finally understand exactly what kind of a person you see me as."
Line 741: Line 741:
|"Eh, was I wrong?"
Line 747: Line 747:
|I was almost sure that the situation I had imagined had come true.
Line 753: Line 753:
|"Everyone's been really kind to me! <br>The workload's a little heavy but we work great as a team. Being able to find such a nice place for my first job was pretty lucky."
Line 759: Line 759:
|"...Then isn't that great?"
Line 765: Line 765:
|If you ignore that completely illogical "feeling pressured" comment just now.
Line 771: Line 771:
|"Yes, it's great. <br>But, it... <br>It feels like they're a little too friendly."
Line 777: Line 777:
|"What do you mean?"
Line 783: Line 783:
|"I got teased by the chief today."
Line 789: Line 789:
|"By Nakagawa-san?"
Line 795: Line 795:
Line 801: Line 801:
|Having finally gotten her message across, Sugiura gently nods with her eyes still downcast.
Line 807: Line 807:
|But, it seems as though she wasn't too pleased with what our little sidetracked conversation involved, so her irritated look remained as is.
Line 813: Line 813:
|"...Well, I guess she does have that side of her, <br>but she's not a mean person at heart."
Line 819: Line 819:
|"I understand, but..."
Line 825: Line 825:
|"Got it, I'll have a quick word with her. <br>Let her know that she's bothering you."
Line 831: Line 831:
|"It's true that I'm a little bothered by all this, but having you talk to her would only make things worse, I think."
Line 837: Line 837:
|"Why is that?"
Line 843: Line 843:
|Also, if that's the case, then why even come to me for advice? <br>I thought for sure she wanted me to do something about it...
Line 849: Line 849:
|"I just want to clear up this misunderstanding."
Line 855: Line 855:
Line 861: Line 861:
|"Yes... <br>Like the rumours that we might be going out with each other. Absolutely incomprehensible misunderstandings like those."
Line 879: Line 879:
|"...Got it. I'll go have a long talk with her. <br>I'll etch those words into the very essence of her being."
Line 885: Line 885:
|"Didn't I say that would just only make things worse!?"
Line 891: Line 891:
|"But come on, that's ridiculous! <br>How could we be together!?"
Line 897: Line 897:
|"The way you put it sounds so disrespectful towards me. <br>...Not that I would argue otherwise, though."
Line 903: Line 903:
|Aren't you doing it right now?"
Line 909: Line 909:
|"Hold on. <br>Then wouldn't us being here together right now further deepen the misunderstanding?"
Line 915: Line 915:
|"That's what I wanted some advice on."
Line 921: Line 921:
|You're going to write off these details just like that?
Line 927: Line 927:
|"I want to try clearing up the chief's and everyone else's misunderstanding myself..."
Line 933: Line 933:
Line 939: Line 939:
|"I'll let them know that I have absolutely no interest in someone as old fashioned, stuck up and inflexible as you are."
Line 945: Line 945:
|"Don't you think that's a little disrespectful towards me? <br>...Not that I would argue otherwise, though."
Line 951: Line 951:
|"Aren't you doing it right now?"
Line 957: Line 957:
|".........Okay, so you really think you'll convince them with that?"
Line 963: Line 963:
|The audacity of this girl...
Line 969: Line 969:
|"I do think that it might not be enough. <br>That's why I came to ask you for permission."
Line 975: Line 975:
|"Permission for what?"
Line 981: Line 981:
|"Permission to tell everyone about your girlfriend."
Line 993: Line 993:
|"'Neither of us are dating anyone, but we don't feel that way towards each other, either' doesn't sound too convincing."
Line 1,005: Line 1,005:
|"It would have been great if we both had our own partners, but unfortunately I don't have anyone like that right now."
Line 1,017: Line 1,017:
|"So I'll be using you to make the point instead. <br>No objections, right?"
Line 1,023: Line 1,023:
|"Hold it!!"
Line 1,029: Line 1,029:
|"No objections, right?"
Line 1,035: Line 1,035:
|"I did say I wasn't going to argue otherwise, but you can't just take my words in through one ear then straight out the other."
Line 1,041: Line 1,041:
|"Didn't you promise just the other day that you weren't going to give up on it?"
Line 1,047: Line 1,047:
|"That doesn't mean you should just broadcast it to the world like that..."
Line 1,053: Line 1,053:
|Just a few days ago, she certainly did tell me to "not give up", and I certainly did answer her with a "I'll take it into consideration."
Line 1,059: Line 1,059:
|But that only meant that I've decided to do so in my heart, not that I'd be announcing it to anyone and everyone around me...
Line 1,065: Line 1,065:
|"So what's the issue? <br>It's nothing to feel guilty about, right? <br>There's not really any need to hide it, is there?"
Line 1,071: Line 1,071:
|"I haven't even confirmed her feelings yet. What good is me getting all carried away with it going to do?"
Line 1,077: Line 1,077:
|"Ogiso told me already. <br>You've been together ever since three years ago. You even won her parents over."
Line 1,083: Line 1,083:
|"That only applied three years ago. <br>...And three years has past since then."
Line 1,089: Line 1,089:
|There's no way I can repair the very relationship I decimated with my own two hands with just this tiny bit of optimism on my end.
Line 1,095: Line 1,095:
|It's just that I've finally decided to face my goals straight on.
Line 1,101: Line 1,101:
|Without knowing just how far we've separated from each other, and without knowing just how long it will be until we can be together again.
Line 1,107: Line 1,107:
|"...In that case."
Line 1,113: Line 1,113:
|"I'll go talk to Nakagawa-san. <br>I won't make it any worse on you, okay...?"
Line 1,119: Line 1,119:
|"Please give me Ogiso-senpai's cell phone number. <br>I'll confirm it with her myself."
Line 1,125: Line 1,125:
|"Could you cut it out already!?"
Line 1,131: Line 1,131:
|"You're the one that should cut this out already!"
Line 1,137: Line 1,137:
Line 1,143: Line 1,143:
|"Why do you always, always, always, always stick your nose into places that other people don't want you to..."
Line 1,149: Line 1,149:
|"This time around it concerns me as well, so I have no choice."
Line 1,155: Line 1,155:
|How many times have we argued like this already?
Line 1,161: Line 1,161:
|"You're just using that as an excuse, aren't you? <br>You're just trying to get involved with our affairs again, aren't you?"
Line 1,167: Line 1,167:
|"It's all because you can never bring yourself to make a firm decision."
Line 1,173: Line 1,173:
|And she's gotten so serious about it...
Line 1,179: Line 1,179:
|If there's anything I've learned in this past month, it's that whenever Sugiura's like this, she's not far from transforming into an invincible champion of justice.
Line 1,185: Line 1,185:
|"It's so irritating... <br>Whenever you say these indecisive things it always annoys me to no end..."
Line 1,191: Line 1,191:
|"I'm the one that's annoyed here..."
Line 1,197: Line 1,197:
|Just when I thought she's become a bit more modest.
Line 1,203: Line 1,203:
|Just when I thought her busybody and hard to get along with personality had finally been overshadowed by her good traits.
Line 1,209: Line 1,209:
|"Could you please stop running away? <br>...For my sake as well."
Line 1,215: Line 1,215:
|"What am I going to do if rushing forward with this blindly ends up making it even more awkward between me and Setsuna?"
Line 1,221: Line 1,221:
|"If that happens, I'll take responsibility and help you in any way I can. <br>Taking what's best for you, Ogiso-senpai, and myself into consideration."
Line 1,233: Line 1,233:
|And to top it all off, there's never any hidden agendas behind her meddling. All of it is out of sincere consideration towards the other party.
Line 1,239: Line 1,239:
|"...It's fine, right?"
Line 1,245: Line 1,245:
|1. Whatever. Do what you want.
Line 1,251: Line 1,251:
|2. Not a chance.
Line 1,258: Line 1,258:
|Lines until 283 are if 1 is chosen.}}
Line 1,275: Line 1,275:
|"Sorry for the wait. <br>Here are the chocolate fudge sundaes you ordered."
Line 1,281: Line 1,281:
|211|お客様1|Guest 1
|211|お客様1|Guest 1
|"Eh!? <br>Is that true?"
Line 1,287: Line 1,287:
|212|お客様2|Guest 2
|212|お客様2|Guest 2
|"Totally~ <br>It was a huge deal back then. <br>...But only for the female staff members."
Line 1,299: Line 1,299:
|214|お客様2|Guest 2
|214|お客様2|Guest 2
|"Ah, excuse me~ <br>Can I also get a half-cooked omelette rice, please~"
Line 1,305: Line 1,305:
|215|お客様1|Guest 1
|215|お客様1|Guest 1
|"Ah, I'll have the same thing as well."
Line 1,311: Line 1,311:
Line 1,317: Line 1,317:
|217|お客様2|Guest 2
|217|お客様2|Guest 2
|「あれぇ? 注文内容の反復は?<br>そんな適当な接客してると、<br>どっかのうるさい教育係が黙ってないんじゃないかな」
|「あれぇ? 注文内容の反復は?<br>そんな適当な接客してると、<br>どっかのうるさい教育係が黙ってないんじゃないかな」
|"Oh? Aren't you going to repeat the order to us? <br>Maybe I should report your lazy customer service to that one annoying trainer you guys have around here."
Line 1,323: Line 1,323:
|218|お客様1|Guest 1
|218|お客様1|Guest 1
|"I got called on that 5 times on the second day, you know? <br>3 of those times I did respond, but he still said stuff like 'my voice wasn't clear enough' and 'don't change the order of things around' and whatever."
Line 1,329: Line 1,329:
|".........Aren't your shifts in the morning? <br>Why are you girls still here?"
Line 1,335: Line 1,335:
|220|お客様2|Guest 2
|220|お客様2|Guest 2
|「あれぇ? お客様に向かってタメ口?<br>そんな横柄な接客してると、<br>どっかのうるさい教育係が…」
|「あれぇ? お客様に向かってタメ口?<br>そんな横柄な接客してると、<br>どっかのうるさい教育係が…」
|"Oh? Is this how you treat customers? <br>Maybe I should report your lazy customer service to that one annoying..."
Line 1,341: Line 1,341:
|221|お客様1|Guest 1
|221|お客様1|Guest 1
|"It's not like we're not paying for everything, nor are we breaking any rules. <br>I can't believe you're shooing away legitimate customers. What an awful business model you guys have."
Line 1,347: Line 1,347:
Line 1,353: Line 1,353:
|223|お客様2|Guest 2
|223|お客様2|Guest 2
|"So, our order was?"
Line 1,359: Line 1,359:
|"...Allow me to confirm your order. <br>Two plates of half-cooked omelette rice, correct?"
Line 1,365: Line 1,365:
|225|お客様2|Guest 2
|225|お客様2|Guest 2
|"Ah, could you draw our faces on it with ketchup? <br>Put our names on it as well."
Line 1,371: Line 1,371:
|"...We don't offer that kind of service at our establishment. <br>We eagerly await your next visit."
Line 1,377: Line 1,377:
|227|お客様1|Guest 1
|227|お客様1|Guest 1
|"He basically told us to get out again!"
Line 1,383: Line 1,383:
|".........Please take your time. <br>And please try to leave as soon as possible."
Line 1,389: Line 1,389:
|229|お客様2|Guest 2
|229|お客様2|Guest 2
|"I don't really like this employee's attitude. <br>Maybe I should tell that one annoying trainer you have around here about it."
Line 1,395: Line 1,395:
Line 1,401: Line 1,401:
|231|お客様1|Guest 1
|231|お客様1|Guest 1
|"Sorry, so regarding what we were talking about earlier..."
Line 1,407: Line 1,407:
|232|お客様2|Guest 2
|232|お客様2|Guest 2
|"Oh yeah, Tanicchi, right? Oh, that's our nickname for Taniguchi-san. <br>She started working here about the same time as I did."
Line 1,413: Line 1,413:
|233|お客様1|Guest 1
|233|お客様1|Guest 1
|"About a year ago, right?"
Line 1,419: Line 1,419:
|234|お客様2|Guest 2
|234|お客様2|Guest 2
|"Basically, she confessed to that one annoying trainer here back then."
Line 1,425: Line 1,425:
|235|お客様1|Guest 1
|235|お客様1|Guest 1
|"...I guess she has no taste in men."
Line 1,431: Line 1,431:
|236|お客様2|Guest 2
|236|お客様2|Guest 2
|"Well, you know. He's pretty tall, looks okay, takes things seriously, reliable, and not to mention a student at Houjou. <br>Those were some pretty impressive specs back then."
Line 1,437: Line 1,437:
|237|お客様1|Guest 1
|237|お客様1|Guest 1
|"'Looks okay'? <br>Did all the girls think that?"
Line 1,443: Line 1,443:
|238|お客様2|Guest 2
|238|お客様2|Guest 2
|"But you know, his response back then became something of a legend... <br>In the end, before any weird rumours started flying around, both of them quit the job."
Line 1,449: Line 1,449:
|239|お客様1|Guest 1
|239|お客様1|Guest 1
|"What did he say?"
Line 1,455: Line 1,455:
|240|お客様2|Guest 2
|240|お客様2|Guest 2
|"It was crazy. 'Don't mistake me looking after you at work as signs of affection.' How could he say that to a girl? And at the very end of it he finished it up with a 'Never speak of this again' or something horrible like that."
Line 1,461: Line 1,461:
|241|お客様1|Guest 1
|241|お客様1|Guest 1
|"Ah~! <br>That's like the exact same thing he said to my friend!"
Line 1,467: Line 1,467:
|242|お客様2|Guest 2
|242|お客様2|Guest 2
|"I see... So even after he quit he was still using the same M.O. elsewhere, huh? How awful~"
|Or just "he was still using the same techniques elsewhere, huh?"}}
|243|お客様1|Guest 1
|243|お客様1|Guest 1
|"If he had just said that he had a girlfriend from the very beginning, he wouldn't have had to hurt those other girls so much in the first place."
Line 1,479: Line 1,479:
|244|お客様2|Guest 2
|244|お客様2|Guest 2
|"No matter how many times we asked he always said he didn't have one. <br>That's what got Tanicchi's hopes up..."
Line 1,485: Line 1,485:
|245|お客様1|Guest 1
|245|お客様1|Guest 1
|"I can't forgive him. <br>How could he get people's hopes up and just crush it into the ground like that? <br>Just thinking about it gets my blood boiling..."
Line 1,491: Line 1,491:
|246|お客様2|Guest 2
|246|お客様2|Guest 2
|"Do you think that's his true self? <br>A sadist that gets his kicks from seeing girls cry?"
Line 1,497: Line 1,497:
|247|お客様1|Guest 1
|247|お客様1|Guest 1
|"Unbelievable. <br>He's as bad as they get. <br>I finally see how he is now."
Line 1,509: Line 1,509:
|"The two half-cooked omelette rice for table 3 is done."
Line 1,515: Line 1,515:
|".........Hey, substitute manager, could you take it to them for me?"
Line 1,521: Line 1,521:
|"Could you take your job a bit more seriously, Kitahara-san? <br>We're very short on people in the hall right now."
Line 1,527: Line 1,527:
|"You only start putting pressure on people when you see them at their weakest, huh..."
Line 1,533: Line 1,533:
|"I'm not benevolent enough to feel sympathetic to people with a girlfriend."
Line 1,545: Line 1,545:
|I knew it'd turn out like this, which is why I was against the idea in the first place...
Line 1,551: Line 1,551:
|Out in the hall, my girls' opinions of me are getting worse by the minute. <br>Here in the kitchen, the guys are turning against me one by one. <br>And here I stand in solitude, amidst them both, all alone.
Line 1,557: Line 1,557:
|...Solitude usually implies being alone, right? This is taking a bigger toll on me than I thought.
Line 1,563: Line 1,563:
|258|お客様2|Guest 2
|258|お客様2|Guest 2
|"Hey, what's taking so long with the omelette rice~?"
Line 1,569: Line 1,569:
|259|お客様1|Guest 1
|259|お客様1|Guest 1
|"You're not lazing around in there, are you? <br>You're getting paid on the hour, aren't you?"
Line 1,575: Line 1,575:
|"O-okay! <br>I'll be there soon!"
Line 1,581: Line 1,581:
|"See? You're making the customers wait. <br>Make sure to apologize to them later, okay?"
Line 1,587: Line 1,587:
Line 1,593: Line 1,593:
|With this, Sugiura's concerns have faded away, and the atmosphere between the girls in the hall has also gotten a lot more peaceful.
Line 1,599: Line 1,599:
|...Thanks to the valiant sacrifices of a certain annoying trainer.
Line 1,605: Line 1,605:
|"I just finished my shift. <br>Currently about to head home."
Line 1,611: Line 1,611:
|"I can juggle work and the seminars just fine. <br>You don't need to worry about me."
Line 1,617: Line 1,617:
|"Also, this is a short term job, <br>and I might even stop coming after new years."
Line 1,623: Line 1,623:
|"So basically..."
Line 1,629: Line 1,629:
|"Um, let me just say that, it's not my intention for you to get upset over this, but..."
Line 1,635: Line 1,635:
|"I don't think you'll be a bother at all."
Line 1,641: Line 1,641:
|"But, it might be boring, or just a complete waste of time. <br>It's only because of these trivial reasons, I swear."
Line 1,647: Line 1,647:
|"Basically what I want to say is..."
Line 1,653: Line 1,653:
|"Please don't come to Goodies while I'm still working here."
Line 1,659: Line 1,659:
|"Will she get mad...?"
Line 1,665: Line 1,665:
|But if she were to come over, I wouldn't be the only one who'd be picked on - Setsuna herself might even be inconvenienced as a result.
Line 1,671: Line 1,671:
|The status of our relationship is still a bit hazy right now, having her be mistaken by the staff here as my girlfriend is a little...
Line 1,683: Line 1,683:
|If somebody were to ask that to her face, <br>what would she even answer...?
Line 1,689: Line 1,689:
|"She replied already!?"
Line 1,695: Line 1,695:
|"I never said I wanted to go!"
Line 1,701: Line 1,701:
|Just from the title I can tell it sparked a rather emotional response from her...
Line 1,707: Line 1,707:
|In the end,
Line 1,713: Line 1,713:
|It took a total of 5 texts for me to finally calm her down afterwards.
Line 1,720: Line 1,720:
|Lines until the end, with the exception of 344 to 363, which I'll explain there, are if choice 2 was chosen}}
Line 1,737: Line 1,737:
|"Sorry for the wait. <br>Here are the chocolate fudge sundaes you ordered."
Line 1,743: Line 1,743:
|"We'll be heading home now."
|Literally translating these greetings don't sound too natural so I made some up myself. Literally it'd be "we'll be leaving first" for Koharu and Nakagawa and 4 sets of "good work today" after that}}
|"Take care~"
Line 1,755: Line 1,755:
|"Thanks for your hard work today, girls."
Line 1,761: Line 1,761:
|291|女子店員3|Female Clerk 3
|291|女子店員3|Female Clerk 3
|"Tough day today, wasn't it~"
Line 1,767: Line 1,767:
|292|男子店員3|Male CLerk 3
|292|男子店員3|Male CLerk 3
|"Sure was."
Line 1,773: Line 1,773:
|"You can say that...!?"
Line 1,785: Line 1,785:
Line 1,791: Line 1,791:
Line 1,797: Line 1,797:
|With her morning shift complete, Sugiura left the staff a parting greeting and "energetically" left through the side door, for some definition of "energetic".
Line 1,803: Line 1,803:
|In fact, her "energy" was so visibly intense that the customers by the door even looked scared of her.
Line 1,809: Line 1,809:
Line 1,815: Line 1,815:
|"See what you did? Now she's all upset."
Line 1,821: Line 1,821:
|"Make sure to make up with her afterwards, okay? <br>Maybe give her a call or something."
Line 1,827: Line 1,827:
|"I don't know what her number is..."
Line 1,833: Line 1,833:
|"You don't have to hide it or anything. We know already."
Line 1,839: Line 1,839:
|"I'm not hiding anything."
Line 1,845: Line 1,845:
|"Do you really not know? <br>Her cellphone number, I mean."
Line 1,857: Line 1,857:
|"Umm, what do they call this again?"
Line 1,863: Line 1,863:
|"Kitahara got betrayed?"
|No real way to "translate" this line. Satou here makes a mistake with his words, which Haruki corrects later. 'Literally', what he says is something like "Kitahara's over?"}}
|But, what happened last week was an emergency. <br>I needed to be able to contact her at any time, so...
Line 1,875: Line 1,875:
|"You mean my words betrayed me."
|Assuming this means what I think it means, and that it fits. He's lying here and both Satou and Nakagawa knows it. This is used again later so correct both if I'm wrong}}
|But before I try to explain myself, I should correct his butchering of the Japanese language.
Line 1,887: Line 1,887:
|"If she ends up quitting, it'll be your fault, Kitahara-san. <br>That makes two people now, after what happened with Tanicchi."
Line 1,893: Line 1,893:
|"Could you not bring that up any more please? <br>I know that was my fault, and I've been reflecting on that mistake."
Line 1,899: Line 1,899:
|All thanks to who Nakagawa referred to as the "second" person.
Line 1,905: Line 1,905:
|"Unlike you who won't be with us for too much longer, <br>we really want her to keep working here."
Line 1,911: Line 1,911:
|"She's great at her job and she looks really cute too. <br>Give her a month and she might become our poster girl."
Line 1,917: Line 1,917:
|"...If only she was single."
Line 1,923: Line 1,923:
|"What do you mean by single?"
Line 1,929: Line 1,929:
|This conversation's going off in a weird direction...
Line 1,935: Line 1,935:
|After that, since nobody came in, we kept arguing in the break room for a good 10 minutes or so.
Line 1,941: Line 1,941:
|But when we realized that the number of people pressing their ears on the other side of the door was enough to be a serious detriment to the store, we reconciled almost immediately.
Line 1,947: Line 1,947:
|"How many times do you need me to say it? <br>There's nothing between me and Sugiura, okay? <br>Besides, she's only been working here for three days, so..."
Line 1,953: Line 1,953:
|"But you actually knew her well before she started coming here, right? <br>And then you two had a little fated reunion thing here."
Line 1,965: Line 1,965:
|"Your words betrayed you again, I see."
Line 1,971: Line 1,971:
Line 1,977: Line 1,977:
|"Last week too, she waited until you were all finished before leaving. <br>And then you guys walked away side by side, disappearing into the night..."
Line 1,983: Line 1,983:
|"We were short on people. <br>And all I did was take her to the station."
Line 1,989: Line 1,989:
|How can they talk to me like this after making a high school student work so late into the night...
Line 1,995: Line 1,995:
|"Come on, give it up already Kitahara-san. <br>Besides, if you two aren't going out, then there's no reason to hide what you two were talking about back there, right?"
Line 2,001: Line 2,001:
|"She was just being nosy, is all. <br>I just, uh, got some advice from her, is all..."
Line 2,007: Line 2,007:
|"If you were going to lie anyway, you should have at least reversed who was giving advice to who. That would've made it much more believable."
Line 2,013: Line 2,013:
|"I'm telling you the truth! <br>You guys just don't know how nosy she can get..."
Line 2,019: Line 2,019:
|"Then what did you, a twenty something year old university student, get advice on from her, a high school student?"
Line 2,025: Line 2,025:
Line 2,031: Line 2,031:
|I can't just tell you...
Line 2,037: Line 2,037:
|"I forgot to mention..."
Line 2,043: Line 2,043:
|"You haven't left yet!?"
Line 2,049: Line 2,049:
|"It's all because you're always so wishy washy like this that the misunderstandings keep getting worse, you know?"
Line 2,055: Line 2,055:
|"...So you're saying this is all my fault?"
Line 2,061: Line 2,061:
|"Nothing comes to mind? <br>Nobody that people might think you're going out with at school, or at work, perhaps?"
Line 2,067: Line 2,067:
|"Of course I don't have someone like that!"
Line 2,073: Line 2,073:
|"Really now...? <br>Well anyway, I'll be leaving for real now. Goodbye."
Line 2,079: Line 2,079:
|"Here's your coffee, Mari-san. <br>I purposefully brewed it a bit stronger than usual."
|Lines until 363 only appear if certain flags for Mari's route were raised in the past.}}
|"Ah, thanks."
Line 2,091: Line 2,091:
|"Are your shoulders stiff? <br>Should I give you a massage?"
Line 2,097: Line 2,097:
|"...You seem awfully considerate today."
Line 2,103: Line 2,103:
|"Of course. Having you here to help me out on a holiday is a real life saver. <br>And also..."
Line 2,109: Line 2,109:
Line 2,115: Line 2,115:
|「色々と障害は多いでしょうけど、<br>わたしは応援してますからね! 二人のこと」
|「色々と障害は多いでしょうけど、<br>わたしは応援してますからね! 二人のこと」
|"There's probably going to be a lot of problems that you'll have to deal with here and there, but I'll be cheering for you both every step of the way!"
Line 2,121: Line 2,121:
|"What are you talking about?"
Line 2,127: Line 2,127:
|"This is probably the only thing that I might have more experience in you in. <br>If you run into any trouble, feel free to come to me for advice!"
Line 2,133: Line 2,133:
|"T-thanks. <br>...So, what are you talking about?"
Line 2,139: Line 2,139:
|"So anyway... <br>There's something I wanted to talk to you about..."
Line 2,145: Line 2,145:
|"I thought I was the one asking questions here..."
Line 2,151: Line 2,151:
|"No matter what happens, I'll be here to help you out, Mari-san. <br>So I can count on you to help me in my time of need too, right Mari-san...?"
Line 2,157: Line 2,157:
|"Cut to the chase."
Line 2,163: Line 2,163:
|"Then......... please let me have the 24th off! <br>I already made the restaurant and hotel reservations!"
Line 2,169: Line 2,169:
|"Do you really think we have time right now for this nonsense!?"
Line 2,175: Line 2,175:
|"Come on~! <br>You know how I feel now too, right Mari-san?"
Line 2,181: Line 2,181:
|"I still don't know what you're trying to say!"
Line 2,187: Line 2,187:
|"I'm begging you~! <br>He said he'd leave me if he got stood up again, so this is my last chance~!"
Line 2,193: Line 2,193:
|"H-hey! Let go of me!"
Line 2,211: Line 2,211:
|"S-see, she fully denied it just now, didn't she?"
Line 2,217: Line 2,217:
|"Did she now...?"
Line 2,223: Line 2,223:
|"I think she 'choked herself' with what she said there."
|I think what he's trying to say is "she dug her own grave"}}
|"How about you guys go back to middle school and relearn proper Japanese again?"
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Revision as of 04:52, 16 August 2015

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