Difference between revisions of "White Album 2/Script/2009"

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Line 27: Line 27:
|"Good morning~"
|"Good morning!"
Line 33: Line 33:
|"Now, regarding the morning shift, we'll begin with 6 people: <br>Nakagawa-san, Iiyama-san, and Mizuhara-san in the hall; Honda-kun, Shimoda-kun, and myself in the kitchen."
|"Now, regarding the morning shift, we'll begin with 6 people: Nakagawa-san, Iiyama-san, and Mizuhara-san in the hall...<br> Honda-kun, Shimoda-kun, and myself in the kitchen."
Line 57: Line 57:
|"And as for our trainee, Sugiura-san, <br>she'll be slowly integrating into the team in the hall starting from today. Let's support her as much as we can."
|"And as for our trainee, Sugiura-san, she'll be slowly integrating into the hall team, starting today. Let's support her as much as we can."
Line 63: Line 63:
|"I might still make a few mistakes here and there for the next little while, but I'll work hard to improve myself in order to not drag everyone down. <br>Let's do our best today."
|"I might still make a few mistakes here and there for the time being, but I'll work hard to improve myself in order to not drag everyone down. <br>Let's do our best today."
Line 69: Line 69:
|And at the same time, it's also this girl - who's making a deep bow before us -, Sugiura Koharu's second day on the job.
|And at the same time, it's also this girl's - who's making a deep bow before us - Sugiura Koharu's second day on the job.
Line 87: Line 87:
|After temporary manager Satou's morning meeting that was a little more formal than usual, they each head off to our separate stations.
|After temporary manager Satou's morning meeting that was a little more formal than usual, everyone heads off to their appropriate stations.
Line 105: Line 105:
|As a result, me, who hasn't been specified a position, and her, who's been asked to stay on standby, are forced to stay here gazing at one another with an awkward look on our faces.
|As a result, me, who hasn't been specified a position, and her, who's been asked to stay on standby, are forced to stay here gazing at one another,<br> with awkward looks on our faces.
Line 141: Line 141:
|"S, so, um..."
Line 147: Line 147:
|"I intend to join the team in the hall right as the store opens."
|"I intend to join the team in the hall as soon as the store opens."
Line 159: Line 159:
|Right as I was about to collapse from the awkwardness in the air, <br>she calmly breaks the silence before I had a chance to.
|Right as I was about to collapse from the awkwardness in the air, she calmly breaks the silence before I have a chance to.
Line 165: Line 165:
|"It'll be a while before noon, so I think there won't be as many customers for the time being. <br>I believe I won't be in the others' way in that time frame."
|"It'll be a while before noon, so I think there won't be as many customers for the time being. I believe I won't bother the others in that time frame."
Line 171: Line 171:
|"S, Sugiura-san?"
Line 177: Line 177:
|"But in the case that I do make some mistakes, please step in and assist me. <br>You've been appointed as my mentor so that's part of your job, correct?"
|"But in the case that I do make some mistakes, senpai, please step in and assist me. You've been appointed as my mentor so that's part of your job, correct?"
Line 183: Line 183:
|She broke the silence, all right. <br>With a sledgehammer.
|She broke the silence, all right. <br>With all the subtlety of a sledgehammer.
|Or maybe a Gatling gun, considering her rapid fire statements}}
|"At around 11, I'll probably get in the way of the others if I stayed there, so I'll be observing everyone in the back. <br>Please help the others out until 1 p.m."
|"At around 11, I'll probably start bothering the others if I stay there, so I'll be observing everyone from the back. Please help the others out until 1 PM."
Line 213: Line 213:
|"I would like to go back to helping out at around 3, <br>but I'll let you decide if that's the best course of action for me based on my performance in the morning."
|"I would like to go back to helping out at around 3, but I'll let you decide if that's the best course of action for me based on my performance in the morning."
Line 231: Line 231:
|"...Just one."
|"... Just one."
Line 237: Line 237:
|"What is it?"
Line 261: Line 261:
|"So there's nothing else, then? <br>Then let's open up the store. Let's do our best today, too."
|"So there's nothing else, then? Then let's open up shop. Let's do our best today, too."
Line 285: Line 285:
|..She's quite the ____.
|... She's quite pushy, isn't she?.
|I believe this is meant to be ESTJ in the MBTI personality classifier. I don't have a good word for "organizes and schedules ideas and the environment to ensure the efficient, productive pursuit of objectives."}}
Line 315: Line 315:
|"I'm here I'm here! <br>On my way right now!"
|"I'm here, I'm here! Coming!"
Line 327: Line 327:
|"W-what's wrong?
|"W, what's wrong?
Line 333: Line 333:
|"The cash register made an error noise and stopped functioning. <br>I think I might have made a mistake while operating it."
|"The cash register made an error noise and stopped functioning. I think I might have made a mistake while operating it."
Line 363: Line 363:
|"S-sure. Sorry."
|"Oh, sure. Sorry."
Line 369: Line 369:
|「あれ? 今の操作なんですか?」
|「あれ? 今の操作なんですか?」
|"Huh? What was it that you did just now?"
|"Huh? What did you just do?"
Line 375: Line 375:
|"You need to do this when you reset. <br>With this, you can start putting the receipt..."
|"You need to do this when you reset it. <br>Like this, you can start putting the receipt..."
|the original line is also cut off}}
|the original line is also cut off}}
Line 393: Line 393:
|"You don't need to make those unnecessary considerations. <br>I'll decide for myself whether the knowledge is a useful asset or not."
|"You don't need to make those unnecessary considerations. I'll decide for myself whether the knowledge is a useful asset or not."
Line 405: Line 405:
|"There's no need to be reserved when it comes to teaching me what you know. <br>Just force it all into me."
|"There's no need to be so reserved when it comes to teaching me what you know. Just force it all onto me."
Line 417: Line 417:
|"Look, the customer's still waiting. Please hurry up a little. <br>...Can't you at least handle this degree of multitasking?"
|"Look, the customer's still waiting. Please hurry up a little... Can't you at least handle this degree of multitasking?"
Line 423: Line 423:
|"Y-yes, of course... I'm sorry."
|"Y, yes, of course... I'm sorry."
Line 429: Line 429:
|"Thank you very much~"
|"Thank you very much!"
Line 441: Line 441:
|「ね、どしたの彼女? 今日はえらく素直じゃん。<br>よっぽど先週のアレが効いたのかな?」
|「ね、どしたの彼女? 今日はえらく素直じゃん。<br>よっぽど先週のアレが効いたのかな?」
|"Hey, what's up with her? She seems much tamer than before. <br>Did that stuff last week make this much of an impact on her?"
|"Hey, what's up with her? She seems much tamer than before. Did that stuff last week make that much of an impact on her?"
Line 465: Line 465:
|"Let me confirm the order. <br>An egg-topped salisbury steak, combo A with rice, and a parfait after the meal, yes?"
|"Let me confirm the order. <br>An egg-topped salisbury steak, combo A with rice, and a parfait after the meal, correct?"
Line 477: Line 477:
|"Can I clean this side up? <br>...Then, if you'll excuse me."
|"Can I clean this side up? <br>... Then, if you'll excuse me."
Line 489: Line 489:
|"Would you like a refill on your ice water? <br>...How about you, sir?"
|"Would you like a refill on your ice water? <br>... How about you, sir?"
Line 495: Line 495:
|"She looks to be doing just fine."
|"She seems to be doing just fine."
Line 501: Line 501:
|"Y, yeah..."
Line 513: Line 513:
|"At this rate, <br>we might be able to take her 'In training' nametag off tomorrow."
|"At this rate, we might even be able to take her 'In training' nametag off tomorrow."
Line 525: Line 525:
|Be it her knack for learning, passion, or perseverance, she definitely stands amongst the top of the part timers I've seen.
|Be it her knack for learning, passion, or perseverance, she definitely stands among the best of the part timers I've seen.
Line 531: Line 531:
|I'd even go so far as to say that at the rate she's learning, even if she's only planning to part-time during the winter break, I don't see any problem in making her one of the hall chiefs...
|I'd even go so far as to say that at the pace she's learning, even if she's only planning to part-time during the winter break,<br> I don't see any problems with making her one of the hall chiefs...
Line 537: Line 537:
|"I must've hit the jackpot. <br>The kids over at the high school are smart, but they almost never have this kind of motivation..."
|"Man, we must've hit the jackpot. <br>The kids over at the high school are smart, but they almost never have this kind of motivation..."
Line 544: Line 544:
|"Are you sure it's not our substitute manager's lack of charisma that's the problem here?"
|"Are you sure it's not our substitute manager's lack of charisma that's the problem here?"
|As in he's unable to attract motivated workers}}
|"That's why I knew it was a good idea to let you take care of the training, Kitahara-san. <br>I'm very much indebted to you."
|"That's why I knew it would be a good idea to let you take care of the training, Kitahara-san. <br>I'm very much indebted to you."
Line 555: Line 555:
|"...I didn't really do much anyway. <br>She made it here on her own two feet."
|"... I didn't really do much anyway. <br>She made it here on her own two feet."
Line 561: Line 561:
|Amidst our aimless chatter, Satou's response to my little joke sent a bit of a shiver down my spine.
|Amidst our aimless chatter, Satou's response to my little joke sends a bit of a shiver down my spine.
Line 573: Line 573:
|"You can let go now, right? <br>She can thrive on her own now, right?"
|"You can let her go now, right? <br>She can thrive on her own now, right?"
Line 579: Line 579:
|「? まぁ、人手不足だし。<br>これ以上遊ばせておく余裕も…」
|「? まぁ、人手不足だし。<br>これ以上遊ばせておく余裕も…」
|"Huh? Well, we are short on people. <br>I suppose I don't really have the time to watch over her..."
|"Huh? Well, we are short on people. I suppose I don't really have to watch over her..."
Line 585: Line 585:
|"So it's fine if you go help out in the kitchen now, right Kitahara-san?"
|"So it's fine if you go help out in the kitchen now, right, Kitahara-san?"
Line 591: Line 591:
|"...... Satou."
Line 597: Line 597:
|Despite him beating around the bush, I finally managed to sniff out what this fiendish substitute manager in front of me was scheming.
|Despite him beating around the bush, I finally manage to sniff out what this fiendish substitute manager in front of me is scheming.
Line 603: Line 603:
|"There's a mixer going on today. <br>And, well, there's not enough people on the night shift, so... <br>I was wondering if you could fill in for me."
|"There's a mixer going on today. And, well, there's not enough people on the night shift, so... I was wondering if you could fill in for me?"
Line 609: Line 609:
|"H-hold on. <br>Didn't you say I would only need to be on training duty?"
|"No, hold on. Didn't you say I would only need to be on training duty today?"
Line 627: Line 627:
|「今日は何を言われても怒りません!<br>だからお願いします! 俺を男にしてください!」
|「今日は何を言われても怒りません!<br>だからお願いします! 俺を男にしてください!」
|"I won't be upset no matter how much you yell at me today! <br>So please! Let me be a man tonight!"
|"I won't be upset no matter how much you yell at me today! So please! Let me be a man tonight!"
Line 639: Line 639:
|"You won't? <br>Even if I'm begging you this much, you still won't help me out?"
|"You won't? Even if I'm begging you this much, you still won't help me out?"
Line 651: Line 651:
|"...Do you have something you absolutely can't put off planned for tonight? <br>If that's the case I'll let it go..."
|"... Do you have something you absolutely can't put off planned for tonight? If that's the case, I'll let it go..."
Line 663: Line 663:
|"Onjuku, Hishijima building, the Italian restaurant on the 5th floor, 7 p.m."
|"Onjuku, Hishijima building, the Italian restaurant on the 5th floor, 7 PM."
Line 675: Line 675:
|"...Well, it's not like I have another job to get to."
|"... Well, it's not like I have another job to get to..."
Line 681: Line 681:
|"If that's the case, then...!"
|"So come on, then...!"
Line 705: Line 705:
|"Ah~ You're playing dirty! <br>I've been aiming for Kitahara-san since forever ago!"
|"Aaah, that's cheating! <br>I've been aiming for Kitahara-san since forever ago!"
Line 717: Line 717:
|"I promised to go drinking with some friends today, too. <br>Hey Kitahara-san, forget about the kitchen, could you help me out in the hall?"
|"I promised to go drinking with some friends today, too. Hey, Kitahara-san, forget about the kitchen, could you help me out in the hall?"
Line 729: Line 729:
|"Both of you needing to leave early on the same day... <br>Are you two actually dating behind our backs or something?"
|"Both of you need to leave early on the same day... <br>Are you two actually dating behind our backs or something?"
Line 735: Line 735:
|"No way no way no freaking way! <br>There's no way me and Satou-san would be together."
|"No, no, no freaking way! <br>There's no way Satou-san and I would be together."
Line 741: Line 741:
|"Even though that's the irrefutable truth, <br>I can't help but feel a little hurt at the way you put it..."
|"Even though that's the irrefutable truth, I can't help but feel a little hurt by the way you put it..."
Line 747: Line 747:
|"If you had invited me, Kitahara-san, I might have thought about it. <br>But your guard's so tight I probably don't even have a chance."
|"If you asked me out, Kitahara-san, I might have thought about it. But your guard's so tight I probably don't even have a chance."
Line 753: Line 753:
|"Well, I don't think going drinking with me would be much fun at all."
|"Well, I don't think going drinking with me would be much fun at all, anyway."
Line 759: Line 759:
|"But if we're talking in terms of a lifelong partner, your ranking would go way up. <br>You're in Houjou, an incredibly hard worker, and not to mention picky."
|"But if we're talking in terms of a lifelong partner, your ranking would go way up. You're in Houjou, an incredibly hard worker, and not to mention picky."
Line 771: Line 771:
|"Is 'picky' supposed to be praise? <br>Most people just go with 'annoying' nowadays."
|"Is 'picky' supposed to be a compliment? <br>Most people just go with 'annoying' nowadays."
Line 777: Line 777:
|"That's because you seem like the type of guy who, after getting married and despite always correcting your wife on the tiniest little details, would just do all the housework yourself anyway."
|"That's because you seem like the type of guy who, after getting married and despite always correcting your wife on the tiniest little details,<br>would just do all the housework yourself anyway."
Line 783: Line 783:
|"Then, unable to balance both work and family, overwork yourself and fall into a depression."
|"Then, unable to balance both work and family, you'd overwork yourself and fall into depression."
Line 789: Line 789:
|"...Could you stop with the jinxing?"
|"... Could you stop with the jinxing?"
Line 801: Line 801:
|131|佐藤&中川&春希|Satou & Nakagawa & Haruki
|131|佐藤&中川&春希|Satou & Nakagawa & Haruki
|"Yes ma'am!"
|"Yes, ma'am!"
Line 813: Line 813:
|"All right, does everyone have their drinks?"
|"All right, does everyone have a glass yet?"
Line 825: Line 825:
|"Ah, alcohol's a little..."
|"Ah, I don't really drink..."
Line 837: Line 837:
|"I-I see..."
|"I... Okay..."
Line 855: Line 855:
|「まぁいいや!<br>メリークリスマスもハッピーニューイヤーも<br>何でもアリってことで! かんぱ~い!」
|「まぁいいや!<br>メリークリスマスもハッピーニューイヤーも<br>何でもアリってことで! かんぱ~い!」
|"Ah, who cares if its Christmas or New Years! <br>Cheers!"
|"Ah, whatever!<br>Who cares if it's Christmas or New Year's! Cheers!"
Line 885: Line 885:
|"R-really...? <br>Um, that's pretty cool, huh?"
|"R, really...? <br>Um, that's pretty amazing, huh?"
Line 903: Line 903:
|148|男子学生4|Male Student 4
|148|男子学生4|Male Student 4
|"Don't worry about it. <br>Hey, you were born and raised here, right Ogiso-san?"
|"Don't worry about it. <br>Hey, you're from around here, right, Ogiso-san?"
Line 909: Line 909:
|"I-I am..."
|"I... Yes..."
Line 915: Line 915:
|".........All I've been doing is drink these days."
|"...... All I've been doing is drinking these days."
|Alcohol, of course}}
|Alcohol, of course}}
Line 933: Line 933:
|8 p.m....
|8 PM....
Line 939: Line 939:
|154|女子店員2|Female Clerk 2
|154|女子店員2|Female Clerk 2
|"Welcome! Table for four, correct? <br>Will any of you be smoking... This way to the no-smoking section."
|"Welcome! Table for four, correct? <br>Will any of you be smoking? This way to the no-smoking section, then."
Line 957: Line 957:
|"The pasta and deluxe pizza for table 8 are done~"
|"The pasta and deluxe pizza for table 8 are done!"
Line 999: Line 999:
|...If I were to leave my post right now, I can't even imagine how badly the others would suffer.
|... If I were to leave my post right now, I can't even imagine how badly the others would suffer.
Line 1,011: Line 1,011:
|...It'll take about 30 minutes for the night shift guy to get here. <br>Heading straight to Shinjuku after that will take another 30.
|... It'll take about 30 minutes for the night shift guy to get here. <br>Heading straight to Shinjuku after that will take another 30.
Line 1,017: Line 1,017:
|...An hour later would mean it'd be 9. <br>It'd still be pretty early at night. I'll definitely make it in time.
|... An hour later would mean it'd be 9. <br>It'd still be pretty early at night. I'll definitely make it in time.
Line 1,023: Line 1,023:
|.........Make it in time for what?
|...... Make it in time for what?
Line 1,041: Line 1,041:
|It's all because he made that stupid prophesy like announcement that, despite there being nothing to back it up, is still more than capable of making me worry...
|It's all because he made that stupid prophetic announcement that, despite having nothing to back it up, is still more than capable of making me worry...
Line 1,047: Line 1,047:
|There's no way they'd use drugs, right? <br>It's just a party of university students."
|There's no way they'd use drugs, right? <br>It's just a party of university students.
Line 1,089: Line 1,089:
|Before I knew it, my disciple, beneath me in both stature and age, came staring me down with a vicious glare in her eyes.
|Before I knew it, my pupil, beneath me in both stature and age, came staring me down with a vicious glare in her eyes.
Line 1,101: Line 1,101:
|"...Is there a problem?"
|"... Is there a problem?"
Line 1,107: Line 1,107:
|"It's precisely because there isn't a problem that it's almost a little eerie. <br>Please don't work with knives while staring at the ceiling.
|"It's precisely because there isn't a problem that it's almost a little eerie. Please don't work with knives while staring at the ceiling.
Line 1,113: Line 1,113:
|"...Seat number 12's sliced steak is done."
|"... Seat number 12's sliced steak is done."
Line 1,119: Line 1,119:
|Without me even realizing I finished it.
|Without even realizing, I finished it.
Line 1,125: Line 1,125:
|"You looked like you were spacing out for quite a while now. <br>You really do have some important things you need to attend to, don't you?"
|"You looked like you were spacing out for a while now. You really do have some important things you need to attend to, don't you?"
Line 1,131: Line 1,131:
|"...Not really."
|"... Not really."
Line 1,149: Line 1,149:
|...Even though she shouldn't have any idea of what's going on on my end.
|... Even though she shouldn't have any idea of what's going on on my end.
Line 1,155: Line 1,155:
|Just where does that confidence in her look of "I understand what you're going through" come from?
|Just where does that confidence in her look of<br>"I understand what you're going through" come from?
Line 1,161: Line 1,161:
|...If I asked that to my past self, would I have answered with a smug look on my face?
|... If I asked my past self that, would I have answered with a smug look on my face?
Line 1,179: Line 1,179:
|"Even when both chiefs aren't here? <br>Even when we're clearly short on people right now?"
|"Even when both the chiefs aren't here? <br>Even when we're clearly short on people right now?"
Line 1,197: Line 1,197:
|...But, the one referred to by Takeya as "female Haruki", promptly dismissed everything that just came out of male Haruki's mouth.
|... But, the one Takeya referred to as "female Haruki" promptly dismissed everything that just came out of male Haruki's mouth.
Line 1,209: Line 1,209:
|"Of course I have their permission. <br>They have the utmost trust in me, since I've never once let them down before.
|"I have their permission, of course. <br>They have the utmost trust in me, since I've never once let them down before.
Line 1,215: Line 1,215:
|"...I should have guessed."
|"... I should have guessed."
Line 1,221: Line 1,221:
|"I'll be working night shifts when winter break comes around anyway. <br>Staying out this late isn't a problem at all."
|"I'll be working night shifts when winter break comes around anyway. Staying out this late isn't a problem at all."
Line 1,227: Line 1,227:
|"I see."
|"I see..."
Line 1,233: Line 1,233:
|"But forget about me, you should focus on what's troubling you. <br>If there's something wrong then you should probably..."
|"But forget about me, you should focus on what's troubling you. If there's something wrong, then you should probably..."
Line 1,239: Line 1,239:
|"Sorry. I'll focus harder from now on. <br>This is for seat number 12."
|"Sorry. I'll focus harder from now on. <br>Go on, this is for seat number 12."
Line 1,257: Line 1,257:
|207|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|207|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|"Come on, Ogiso-chan, let's go skiing next week. <br>I think it already started snowing over in Inayama."
|"Come on, Ogiso-chan, let's go skiing next week. <br>I think it's already started snowing over in Inayama."
Line 1,269: Line 1,269:
|209|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|209|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|"I'll teach you, I'll teach you. <br>If you don't want to stay the night then we can come back on the same day. <br>My car can handle 8 people so we can all..."
|"I'll teach you, I'll teach you. If you don't want to stay the night then we can come back on the same day. My car can handle 8 people, so we can all..."
Line 1,275: Line 1,275:
|"B, but..."
Line 1,281: Line 1,281:
|211|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|211|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|「今年、まだ雪見てないんじゃない?<br>嫌いかな? 雪。名前にもついてるのに」
|「今年、まだ雪見てないんじゃない?<br>嫌いかな? 雪。名前にもついてるのに」
|"You haven't even had a chance to see snow yet this year, right? <br>Do you dislike snow? It's even in your name."
|"You haven't even had a chance to see snow yet this year, right? Do you dislike snow? It's even in your name."
|Setsuna's "Setsu" is written with the kanji for snow. I'll leave it up to the editors to find the right level of localization.}}
|Setsuna's "Setsu" is written with the kanji for snow.}}
|"Snow, is..."
|"Snow is..."
Line 1,293: Line 1,293:
|213|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|213|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|"You won't change your mind? <br>It doesn't have to just be skiing. <br>Want to just go have fun somewhere?"
|"You won't change your mind?<br>It doesn't have to be skiing, really.<br>Want to just go have fun somewhere?"
Line 1,299: Line 1,299:
|214|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|214|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|"Don't you have anywhere you want to go to, Ogiso-chan? <br>Anywhere's fine, we can even go swimming if you want."
|"Don't you have anywhere you want to go to, Ogiso-chan? Anywhere's fine, we can even go swimming if you'd like."
Line 1,305: Line 1,305:
|215|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|215|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|"Yeah. This guy's got a cottage over in Hawaii. <br>Last year's New Years we all went..."
|"Yeah, hey, this guy's got a cottage over in Hawaii. <br>Last year's New Year's we all went..."
Line 1,335: Line 1,335:
|"Taking in the sight of snow slowly pile up on the other side of the window, <br>looking up as the snowflakes gently fall over you at in an open air bath..."
|"Taking in the sight of snow slowly piling up on the other side of the window, looking up as the snowflakes gently fall over you at in an open air bath..."
Line 1,365: Line 1,365:
|225|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|225|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|"Yeah yeah, it gives off that classy, tasteful feel, right? <br>Might be pretty cool."
|"Yeah, yeah, it gives off that classy, tasteful feel, right? Might be pretty cool."
Line 1,371: Line 1,371:
|226|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|226|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|"Ah, then let's just go with Inayama. <br>They have hot springs there, and the snow's already piled up."
|"Ah, then let's just go with Inayama. They have hot springs there, and the snow's already piled up."
Line 1,383: Line 1,383:
|228|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|228|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|"Then we'll scrap the skiing. <br>Bathing in the hot springs, drinking, watching the snow with everyone, and just leisurely passing the time will be our main goals."
|"Then we'll scrap the skiing. Bathing in the hot springs, drinking, watching the snow with everyone, and just leisurely passing the time will be our main goals."
Line 1,425: Line 1,425:
|235|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|235|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|"W, what?"
Line 1,437: Line 1,437:
|237|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|237|男子学生3|Male Student 3
Line 1,443: Line 1,443:
|"Ah... <br>S-sorry. <br>What am I even saying?"
|"Ah... <br>S-sorry. What am I even saying?"
Line 1,449: Line 1,449:
|239|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|239|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|"N-no... It's fine..."
|"N, no... It's fine..."
Line 1,503: Line 1,503:
|"Uh... Umm..?"
Line 1,509: Line 1,509:
|"...Did you forget who I am? <br>Well, I guess that's to be expected. After all, you've never once had me in your sights before."
|"...Did you forget who I am? <br>Well, I guess that's to be expected. After all, you've never once realized I even exist."
Line 1,521: Line 1,521:
|"My name's Yanagihara Tomo. One year under you. <br>...Does that seem familiar at all?"
|"My name's Yanagihara Tomo. One year under you. <br>... Does that ring any bells?"
Line 1,545: Line 1,545:
|"...! <br>Did you forget all about what happened back in high school? <br>You even got incredibly popular over what happened with the Light Music Club."
|"...! Did you forget all about what happened back in high school? You even got incredibly popular over what happened with the Light Music Club."
Line 1,575: Line 1,575:
|"Uh... Umm..."
Line 1,581: Line 1,581:
|"Come to think of it, you haven't been up to much lately, have you? <br>What happened to your overwhelming influence and dominance back in the day?"
|"Come to think of it, you haven't been up to much lately, have you? What happened to your overwhelming influence and dominance from back in the day?"
Line 1,587: Line 1,587:
|"I don't think I'm much different than how I used to be."
|"I don't think I'm much different from how I used to be."
Line 1,599: Line 1,599:
|"That's because... <br>Those aren't things that someone like me can attend anyway."
|"That's because... <br>It wasn't an event I wanted to attend anyway."
Line 1,617: Line 1,617:
|"Well, since you weren't participating, I managed to win the title this year. Miss Houjou that is."
|"Well, since you weren't participating, I managed to win the title this year. Miss Houjou, that is."
Line 1,629: Line 1,629:
|"...Are you being sarcastic? <br>Are you trying to make fun of me, since I never once won against you back in high school?"
|"... Are you being sarcastic? <br>Are you trying to make fun of me, since I never once won against you back in high school?"
Line 1,647: Line 1,647:
|「? な、なに?」
|「? な、なに?」
|"? W-what?"
|"Um? W, what?"
Line 1,653: Line 1,653:
|"...You really did change, Ogiso-san. <br>Was that rumour right after all?"
|"...You really have changed, Ogiso-san. <br>Was that rumor true after all?"
Line 1,659: Line 1,659:
Line 1,671: Line 1,671:
|"......... <br>You're wro..."
|".........! <br>You're wro..."
|She doesn't quite finish saying it}}
|"Oh dear, it looks like I touched on something I shouldn't have. <br>I didn't really mean to do that, though."
|"Oh dear, looks like I struck a nerve. <br>I didn't really mean to do that, though."
Line 1,689: Line 1,689:
|"Well, I don't really care either way. <br>I've no interest in you now that you're like this. <br>Now, if you'll excuse me."
|"Well, I don't really care, either way. <br>I've no interest in you now that you're like this. <br>Now, if you'll excuse me."
Line 1,701: Line 1,701:
|"Ah~ Why won't those medical department guys shut up about how rich they are? <br>What a boring party. Maybe I should just go home..."
|"Aah... Why won't those medical department guys shut up about how rich they are? What a boring party. Maybe I should just go home..."
|The lines until 299 will only appear if you chose choice 1: "I'm bad with these types." in the very first choice of CC. This event still technically "happens" in the canon regardless of the choice, but you only get to see it if you chose the first choice.}}
|The lines until 299 will only appear if you chose choice 1: "I'm bad with these types." in the very first choice of CC. This event still technically "happens" in the canon regardless of the choice, but you only get to see it if you chose the first choice.}}
Line 1,719: Line 1,719:
|「あれ~? ごめ~ん。<br>ドアの向こうに人が立ってるなんて思わなくってさぁ」
|「あれ~? ごめ~ん。<br>ドアの向こうに人が立ってるなんて思わなくってさぁ」
|"Eh~? My bad~ <br>I didn't think there'd be somebody behind the door."
|"Woah? My bad! <br>I didn't think there'd be somebody on the other side of the door."
Line 1,731: Line 1,731:
|"A-are you okay?"
|"Are... Are you okay?"
Line 1,737: Line 1,737:
|"I was in a hurry, so... <br>Looks like we were both a little unlucky~"
|"Oh, I was in a hurry, so... <br>Looks like we were both a little unlucky, huh..."
Line 1,749: Line 1,749:
|"Ah~ You're fine you're fine. <br>No bleeding either, isn't it great?"
|"Aah, You're fine, you're fine. <br>No bleeding either, isn't it great?"
Line 1,761: Line 1,761:
|"Anyhow, take care. <br>I don't have another moment to spare over here."
|"Anyway, take care. <br>I don't have another moment to spare over here."
Line 1,773: Line 1,773:
|[F16"Just think of it as her getting what she deserved."]
|[F16"Just think of it as karma, all right?"]
Line 1,785: Line 1,785:
|"Ah~ I can't believe this, there's sauce all over my dress! <br>I wonder if this'll stain..."
|"Aaah, I can't believe this, there's sauce all over my dress! <br>I wonder if this'll stain..."
Line 1,809: Line 1,809:
Line 1,815: Line 1,815:
|"Sorry, about table 4's order, <br>they wanted to change from the fried foods set to the chicken saute... <br>Is that okay?"
|"Sorry, about table 4's order... They wanted to change from the fried foods set to the chicken saute... Is that okay?"
Line 1,827: Line 1,827:
|"...Is that a no? <br>If so I'll go tell them."
|"... Is that a no? <br>If so I'll go tell them."
Line 1,833: Line 1,833:
|"No, I didn't start frying yet so it's fine."
|"No, I didn't start frying yet, it's fine."
Line 1,839: Line 1,839:
|"Then answer the question clearly, please. <br>It's difficult to tell what you mean when you're quiet like that."
|"Then answer the question clearly, please. It's hard to tell what you mean when you're quiet like that."
Line 1,857: Line 1,857:
|"I'm working on the order change. You can go back now."
|"I'll take care of the order change. You can go back now."
Line 1,875: Line 1,875:
|We were already here before the store's opening at 10 a.m., which means more than 12 hours passed us by already.
|We were already here before the store's opening at 10 AM, which means more than 12 hours have passed already.
Line 1,881: Line 1,881:
|Even if you don't count our breaks, we're still well into overtime territory by now.
|Even if you don't count our breaks, we're well into overtime territory by now.
Line 1,893: Line 1,893:
|"You shouldn't be working from opening to closing on only your second day, part-timer."
|"You shouldn't be working from opening to closing on your second day, part-timer."
Line 1,899: Line 1,899:
|"But you were the one who said we wouldn't have enough workers here to..."
|"But, senpai, you were the one who said we wouldn't have enough workers here to..."
Line 1,905: Line 1,905:
|"That stopped being accurate an hour ago."
|"That was only true until an hour ago."
Line 1,942: Line 1,942:
|Students make up the bulk of this store's customers, so it's usually not too busy on a Saturday night like this.
|Students make up the bulk of this store's customers, so it's usually not too busy on a Saturday night like this.
|The term used is "day off" but it sounds a little wierd, I don't quite remember if it was actually a Saturday.}}
|The term used is "day off" but it sounds a little weird.}}
Line 1,953: Line 1,953:
|Giving it her 110% on only the second day was... well, it wasn't entirely beyond what I expected.
|Giving it her 110% on only the second day was...<br>Well, it wasn't entirely beyond what I expected.
Line 1,959: Line 1,959:
|"What will you be doing?"
|"And you, senpai?"
Line 1,971: Line 1,971:
|"But you've been working just as long as I have, right? <br>You didn't take many breaks, either.
|"But you've been working just as long as I have, right? You didn't take many breaks, either.
Line 1,977: Line 1,977:
|"...Satou also asked me to lock up afterwards."
|"... Satou also asked me to lock up afterwards."
Line 1,983: Line 1,983:
|"Why do you keep insisting on having such an unnecessarily big sense of responsibility?"
|"Why do you keep insisting on having such an unnecessarily great sense of responsibility?"
Line 2,001: Line 2,001:
|After all, she's probably kept her fair share of "you're one to talk" to herself, too.
|After all, she's probably kept her fair share of "You're one to talk" to herself, too.
Line 2,025: Line 2,025:
|Did me not arguing back come off as that much of a surprise? <br>She seems to be glaring at me rather sternly.
|Did me not arguing back come off as that much of a surprise? She seems to be glaring at me rather sternly.
Line 2,043: Line 2,043:
|...Sternly or not I'm not too sure, but she's glaring at me all right.
|... Sternly or not, I'm not too sure, but she's glaring at me all right.
Line 2,049: Line 2,049:
|"Though I wouldn't mind if some of your excess sense of responsibility happened to lead you to think 'I should see her to the station' or something."
|"Though I wouldn't mind if some of your excess sense of responsibility happened to lead you to think<br>'I should see her to the station' or something."
Line 2,067: Line 2,067:
|"... Ah!"
Line 2,079: Line 2,079:
|"H-hey, wait!"
|"Ah, hey, wait!"
Line 2,097: Line 2,097:
|Winter. <br>Just a little past 11p.m.
|The season is winter. <br>The time is just a little past 11 PM.
Line 2,103: Line 2,103:
|Last week, I offered to walk her home when it was only 7. <br>I can't believe what I just did.
|Last week, I offered to walk her home when it was only 7. I can't believe what I just did.
Line 2,115: Line 2,115:
|"H, hey..."
Line 2,127: Line 2,127:
|Turning towards the kitchen, a dependable but frail voice answers me.
|As I turn towards the kitchen, a dependable but frail voice answers me.
Line 2,133: Line 2,133:
|"... Sorry."
Line 2,139: Line 2,139:
|If you have steam to blow off, please direct it to the substitute manager.
|If you have any complaints, please direct them to the substitute manager.
Line 2,151: Line 2,151:
|356|男子学生4|Male Student 4
|356|男子学生4|Male Student 4
|"Who's coming to the karaoke after-party~"
|"Hey, who's coming to the karaoke after-party?"
Line 2,157: Line 2,157:
|357|男子学生5|Male Student 5
|357|男子学生5|Male Student 5
|"Who's staying behind to drink some more~"
|"Who's staying behind to drink some moore?"
Line 2,163: Line 2,163:
|358|男子学生6|Male Student 6
|358|男子学生6|Male Student 6
|"The taxi's here. <br>Get on get on~"
|"The taxi's here. <br>Get on, get on!"
Line 2,169: Line 2,169:
Line 2,175: Line 2,175:
|360|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|360|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|"Ogiso-chan, over here over here."
|"Ogiso-chan! Over here, over here!"
Line 2,181: Line 2,181:
|「え? あ、あの…ちょっと」
|「え? あ、あの…ちょっと」
|"Eh? S-sorry, I'm not..."
|"Eh? S, sorry, I'm not..."
Line 2,193: Line 2,193:
|"Ka... karaoke?"
Line 2,199: Line 2,199:
|364|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|364|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|"Your friends all said they were coming too. <br>Don't worry, I'll drive you home after."
|"Your friends all said they were coming too. <br>Don't worry, I'll give you a ride home after."
Line 2,205: Line 2,205:
|"Ah, b-but... <br> I, singing is..."
|"Ah, b-but... <br>I... don't..."
|this one's kind of hard to cut off at the end - "I don't sing"}}
|366|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|366|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|"Then come with us. <br>How about we go find some quiet place and drink some more?"
|"Then come with us! How about we go find some quiet place and drink some more?"
Line 2,229: Line 2,229:
|369|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|369|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|"You're the one that tried to run off first."
|"You're the one who tried to run off first!"
Line 2,235: Line 2,235:
|370|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|370|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|"Then come to karaoke with us."
|"Then you come to karaoke with us too."
Line 2,241: Line 2,241:
|371|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|371|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|"But Ogiso-san said she doesn't want to. <br>Let's just go drinking."
|"But Ogiso-san just said she doesn't want to. <br>Let's just go drinking."
Line 2,253: Line 2,253:
|373|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|373|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|"Don't be like that Ogiso-chan. <br>We finally got a chance to know each other better."
|"Don't be like that, Ogiso-chan. <br>We finally got a chance to get to know each other better."
Line 2,259: Line 2,259:
|374|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|374|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|"Yeah. <br>We barely even had a chance to chat yet."
|"Yeah, yeah! <br>We've barely even had a chance to chat yet."
Line 2,265: Line 2,265:
|375|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|375|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|"There's a place that serves Dom Perignon around here. <br>The atmosphere's nice, you'll surely like it. <br>That's fine with you, right Yano?"
|"There's a place that serves Dom Perignon around here. The atmosphere's nice, I'm sure you'll like it. That's fine with you too, right Yano?"
Line 2,271: Line 2,271:
|"B, but..."
Line 2,277: Line 2,277:
|377|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|377|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|"It's okay It's okay. <br>Let's just get going. <br>This way this way."
|"Got it, sure. <br>Let's just get going. <br>This way, this way."
Line 2,289: Line 2,289:
|379|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|379|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|"Hey, the taxi over there! Come here! <br>Come on, get on, Ogiso-san."
|"Hey, the taxi over there! Come here! <br>Come on, get in, Ogiso-san."
Line 2,295: Line 2,295:
|"I'm saying I don't want..."
|"I told you I don't want..."
|The lines until 400 will only appear if you chose choice 1: "I'm bad with these types." in the very first choice of CC. This event still technically "happens" in the canon regardless of the choice, but you only get to see it if you chose the first choice.}}
|The lines until 400 will only appear if you chose choice 1: "I'm bad with these types." in the very first choice of CC. This event still technically "happens" in the canon regardless of the choice, but you only get to see it if you chose the first choice.}}
Line 2,301: Line 2,301:
|"Oh~ There you are! <br>Finally found you, Setsuna."
|"Oooh, there you are! <br>Finally found you, Setsuna!"
Line 2,313: Line 2,313:
|"Geez~ Took me forever to find you. <br>I even told you not to go outside and just wait for me."
|"Geez, took me forever to find you. <br>I even told you not to go outside and just wait for me."
Line 2,319: Line 2,319:
|"You're... back in the bathroom..."
|"You're... From back in the bathroom..."
Line 2,325: Line 2,325:
|385|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|385|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|"Eh, what? <br>Come on, Ogiso-chan, hurry up and get on..."
|"Eh, what? <br>Come on, Ogiso-chan, hurry up and get in..."
Line 2,331: Line 2,331:
|"Sorry, that's not happening. <br>Setsuna's about to come drinking with me."
|"Sorry, that's not happening. <br>Setsuna's about to go drinking with me!"
Line 2,343: Line 2,343:
|388|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|388|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|「はぁ? どういうこと?<br>何言ってんのそれ?」
|「はぁ? どういうこと?<br>何言ってんのそれ?」
|"Huh? What's going on? <br>The hell did you just say?"
|"Huh? What's going on? <br>The hell are you talking about?"
Line 2,349: Line 2,349:
|"What do you mean what's going on? <br>We planned to go together from the start."
|"What do you mean what's going on?<br>We planned to go together from the start."
Line 2,355: Line 2,355:
|390|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|390|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|"Hold on, stop joking around, would you? <br>She's been with us the entire time..."
|"Hold on, give me a break here, would you? <br>She's been with us the entire time..."
Line 2,361: Line 2,361:
|391|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|391|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|"Well, how about you come with us, too? <br>I'll call another taxi over."
|"Well, how about you come with us, too? I'll call another taxi over."
Line 2,373: Line 2,373:
|393|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|393|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|"Mi, Mizuno...?"
Line 2,385: Line 2,385:
|395|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|395|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|"H-how underhanded..."
|"Ugh, for real...?"
Line 2,403: Line 2,403:
|[F16"I'll fill you in once we get away from these guys."]
|[F16"I'll explain once we get away from these guys."]
Line 2,409: Line 2,409:
|".........Okay. I got it. <br>Well then everyone, I had fun today, but I'll be going now."
|"... Okay, I understand.<br>Well then, everyone, I had fun today, but I'll be going now."
|Standard translation for otsukaresama sounds weird}}
|Standard translation for otsukaresama sounds weird}}
Line 2,415: Line 2,415:
|400|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|400|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|"Huh... Huuuh!?"
Line 2,439: Line 2,439:
|Even after her 12 hour shift, Sugiura Koharu is still her energetic but irritated self.
|Even after her 12 hour shift, Sugiura Koharu is still her energetic but irritable self.
Line 2,451: Line 2,451:
|Maybe it's because of her trust in my "excessive sense of responsibility" or something, she left without looking back even once.
|Perhaps because of her trust in my "excessive sense of responsibility" or something, she left without looking back even once.
Line 2,463: Line 2,463:
|And I, of course, living up to my title of having an "excessive sense of responsibility", matched up with her quickening pace.
|And I, of course, living up to my title of having an "excessive sense of responsibility", match up with her quickening pace.
Line 2,487: Line 2,487:
|"...Sure is cold, isn't it?"
|"... Sure is cold, isn't it?"
Line 2,511: Line 2,511:
|"...Sure is quiet, isn't it?"
|"... Sure is quiet, isn't it?"
Line 2,517: Line 2,517:
|"And? Is there a problem?"
|"And? Is that a problem?"
Line 2,523: Line 2,523:
|Only a few people still remain on the streets next to Minamisuetsugu station when it's so close to midnight. The rather desolate atmosphere certainly adds to the chill on this cold Winter night.
|Only a few people still remain on the streets near Minamisuetsugu station when it's so close to midnight. The rather desolate atmosphere certainly adds to the chill on this cold winter night.
Line 2,529: Line 2,529:
|「本当にこれからもやるつもりなのか? 遅番」
|「本当にこれからもやるつもりなのか? 遅番」
|"Are you really planning to take it on? <br>That night shift job."
|"Are you really planning to take it on? <br>The night shift job."
Line 2,547: Line 2,547:
|...But, she rejected all of my worries with just a couple of words.
|... But, she rejected all of my worries with just a couple of words.
Line 2,559: Line 2,559:
|"Because I want to reach my goal in earnings during the Winter break. <br>Including my savings, I'll need to get around 200 thousand yen..."
|"Because I want to reach my goal in earnings during winter break. Including my savings, I'll need to get around 200 thousand yen..."
Line 2,571: Line 2,571:
|"I'm surprised you figured it out. <br>It'll be an 8 day trip across Spain, Italy, and France."
|"I'm surprised you figured it out. It'll be an 8-day trip across Spain, Italy, and France."
Line 2,577: Line 2,577:
|"...Glad I got the right answer, but don't you think this is way too extravagant of a graduation trip?"
|"... Glad I got the right answer, but don't you think that's way too extravagant for a graduation trip?"
Line 2,583: Line 2,583:
|"I did think that, but... <br>When I mentioned "why not just go to Atami?" to those girls, it got rejected almost immediately."
|"I did think that, but... <br>When I mentioned "Why not just go to Atami?" to those girls, it got rejected almost immediately."
Line 2,595: Line 2,595:
|"My friends all come from rich families... <br>It sometimes felt like I chose the wrong school."
|"My friends all come from rich families... <br>It sometimes feels like I chose the wrong school."
Line 2,613: Line 2,613:
|"Compared to the people around me, I'd say it was normal."
|"Compared to the people around me, I'd say it was... Normal."
Line 2,619: Line 2,619:
|After all, the people around me were always people like the daughter of a world class pianist or the descendant of a prestigious family in Okayama.
|After all, a person close to me was the daughter of a world class pianist, so I pale in comparison, being the bastard child of a prestigious family from Okayama.
|I'm not completely sure what 岡山の旧家 is. From what I can find it's like a group of old but fancy estates which I assume were owned by the Ogisos' ancestors. Might need some checking with earlier stuff}}
Line 2,631: Line 2,631:

Revision as of 03:26, 25 August 2015

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