Difference between revisions of "White Album 2/Script/2012"

From Baka-Tsuki
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Line 33: Line 33:
|"Going there two days in a row is harsh, you know? In our seniors' eyes, I must look like Haruki's girlfriend by now, so that'd just cause you even more trouble."
|"Going there two days in a row is tough, you know? In our seniors' eyes, I must look like Haruki's girlfriend by now, so that'd just cause you even more trouble."
Line 831: Line 831:
|"She's my friend's sister. I've also helped looking for her. And also... She's the girlfriend of my senpai from work!"
|"She's my friend's sister. I've also helped search for her. And also... She's the girlfriend of my senpai from work!"
Line 849: Line 849:
|If someone else were to tell the same thing, I'd probably have lose my temper and argue back.
|If someone else were to tell the same thing, I'd probably lose my temper and argue back.
Line 873: Line 873:
|"Now, listen..."
|"Hold on..."
Line 885: Line 885:
|At the same time, how useless, <br>how meaningless is this grand plan.
|And at the same time, how useless,<br>how meaningless this grand plan of hers is.
Line 891: Line 891:
|"What kind of person are you."
|"You're such a piece of work..."
|Literally "What a person you are"}}
|I want to translate this as "What kind of weirdo are you?" haha, but too bad it says person and it's voiced...}}
|"...Are you mad?"
|"... Are you mad?"
Line 903: Line 903:
|"...Sigh, whatever. <br> Just do what you want."
|"... Bah, whatever. <br>Just do whatever you want."
Line 915: Line 915:
Line 921: Line 921:
|"...What is it this time?"
|"... What is it now?"
Line 927: Line 927:
|Sugiura stared at the me who had surrendered, <br> and started loosen her frowned eyebrows.
|Sugiura stares at me as I yield, and loosens up her frowned eyebrows.
Line 933: Line 933:
|"Seems like you really are getting a little better. <br> This is great, I'm worrying about you."
|"Seems like you really are getting better. <br>Thank goodness, I was really starting to worry about you a little."
Line 945: Line 945:
|"Because today, <br>you didn't start a quarrel with me like last time."
|"Because today, you didn't start a quarrel with me like you did last time."
Line 957: Line 957:
|Her mouth opened slightly, <br>and showed a mischievous smile.
|She opens her mouth slightly, and shows a mischievous smile.
Line 963: Line 963:
|"Sugiura... did you came to taunt me, <br> just to confirm that?"
|"Sugiura... <br>Did you come here to taunt me, just to confirm that?"
Line 969: Line 969:
|"How is that possible, <br>I meant everything I said, you know?"
|"No way.<br>I meant everything I said, you know?"
Line 975: Line 975:
|"Ah, is that so..."
|"Ah, really..."
Line 981: Line 981:
|Even when she's changing her attitude, <br> she's different from a certain strategist I know, <br>she made it feel much more natural."
|Even when she changes her attitude attitude, it's very different from a certain strategist I know, she makes it feel much more natural.
Line 987: Line 987:
|"Welp, that concludes my lecture."
|"All right, that concludes my lecture."
Line 993: Line 993:
|"Lecture huh..."
|"Lecture, indeed..."
Line 999: Line 999:
|If I knew about this earlier, <br>I should've dragged her to a coffee shop by force.
|If I knew this would happen, I would have seriously dragged her to a cafe by force.
Line 1,005: Line 1,005:
|While we're debating over weird things, <br>we've been stared at by several hundred Houjou university and high school students, <br>they must have had some weird misunderstanding by now.
|While we were arguing over weird things, around a hundred Houjou University and High School students have already passed by, staring at us. Everyone must have some really weird misunderstanding about what's going on here.
Line 1,011: Line 1,011:
|"I'm not joking about what I said before though. <br> If senpai is still hesitating, <br>I'll seriously go meet with Ogiso's sister, okay?"
|"I wasn't joking about what I said before though.<br>If you're still hesitating, senpai, I'll seriously go and meet with Ogiso's sister, got it?"
|Original text is Miss Ogiso, but I'm not sure if we can write it like that here.}}
|"I got it, I got it. <br>I'll accept your kindness."
|"All right, all right.<br>I'll accept your kindness and concern."
Line 1,023: Line 1,023:
|But now, I don't really care if people misunderstood us.
|But now, I don't really care if people misunderstand.
Line 1,029: Line 1,029:
|"Since you said it with such proud attitude, <br>Please show me some result soon, okay?"
|"If you're making such a proud declaration, I expect to see some results soon, okay?"
Line 1,035: Line 1,035:
|That's probably due to Sugiura's pure, <br> yet annoying kindness hit the bulls eye in my weakness.
|Probably because Sugiura's pure yet annoying kindness hit the bull's eye of my weakness.
Line 1,041: Line 1,041:
|"Guess it's time for me to go. <br> There's still someone waiting for me."
|"Anyway, I should get going. <br>There's still someone waiting for me."
Line 1,047: Line 1,047:
|"Okay, thanks for your hard work. <br>Guess it's time for me to go too."
|"Okay, thanks for everything. <br>Guess it's time for me to go too."
Line 1,053: Line 1,053:
|I didn't tell her that I'll do it, <br> but, I didn't tell her that I wouldn't do it either.
|I didn't tell her that I'd do it, <br>but I didn't tell her that I wouldn't do it either.
Line 1,059: Line 1,059:
|And so... <br>the possibility is not zero yet, <br>if that's the case, I guess I don't have to raise my voice just because my heart is irritated...
|With that, the possibility is not zero yet, and if that's the case, I guess I don't have to raise my voice just because my heart is irritated...
Line 1,065: Line 1,065:
|"Ah, Senpai!"
|"Ah, senpai!"
Line 1,077: Line 1,077:
|While I started to think about 'event of the past', <br> she called me out from behind with an cheerful voice.
|As my mind drifts to events that happened in the past, she calls me out from behind cheerfully.
Line 1,083: Line 1,083:
|"I'll go to part-time this weekend. <br>Since senpai is annoying, that's why I only worked morning shift these two days."
|"I'll go to work this weekend. <br>Since you're so annoying, senpai, I only worked the morning shift these two days."
Line 1,089: Line 1,089:
|"...and then?"
|"... And?"
Line 1,095: Line 1,095:
|"ugh! <br> That's all! <br> BYE!"
|"...! <br>That's all! <br>Bye!"
Line 1,107: Line 1,107:
|What was that... this time?
|What was... That all about?
Line 1,113: Line 1,113:
|Is she telling me not to go? <br> Or...?
|Is she telling me not to come? <br>Or maybe...?
Line 1,125: Line 1,125:
Line 1,131: Line 1,131:
Line 1,137: Line 1,137:
|"That child from before, when did you two become so close?"
|"That girl from before...<br>When did you two become so close?"
Line 1,143: Line 1,143:
|"Well, there was an accident from before, <br>or should I say there was a misunderstanding from the start."
|"Well, there was an incident from before, or should I say there was a misunderstanding from the beginning?"
Line 1,149: Line 1,149:
|"A misunderstanding?"
Line 1,155: Line 1,155:
|"She heard someone claim to be my girlfriend. <br>Then stuff happened after that."
|"Well, she heard someone claim to be my girlfriend...<br>Then, some stuff happened after that."
Line 1,161: Line 1,161:
|"...Bringing up old story again. <br>Haruki always like bringing up old stuff? <br>Even if it's on bed, it's annoying, you know?
|"... Bringing that up again. Do you always have to bring up the past, Haruki? Would you do something like that even if we were in bed together?"
Line 1,167: Line 1,167:
|"Stop twisting logic..."
|"That's your response...?"
Line 1,173: Line 1,173:
|"Hm~. <br>Even thought I was acting like the bad guy for Haruki's sake. <br> is this what they call 'removing the ladder after you got up' ~?"
|"Jeez. Even though I acted like the bad guy for Haruki's sake. Is this what they call 'removing the ladder after you got up', huh~?"
Line 1,179: Line 1,179:
|"No one would ever thank you for meddling in this, <br>learn to read the atmosphere, you useless moron, <br>I didn't say any of those to you, did I?"
|"No one would ever thank you for meddling in this, learn to read the atmosphere, you useless moron. I never said anything like that to you, did I?"
Line 1,185: Line 1,185:
|"And you took revenge on the one who showed you kindness~ !?"
|"And now you're taking it out on me for showing you kindness!?"
Line 1,191: Line 1,191:
|"I'm kidding. I'm thankful, Izumi. <br>...but, your hard work was in vain this time."
|"I'm kidding. I'm grateful, Izumi. <br>... But, your hard work was in vain this time."
Line 1,197: Line 1,197:
|"Even though I tried my best to show my feminine side... <br>But not getting any reward like this feels more like a girl I guess."
|"Even though I tried my best to show my feminine side for your sake... But, not getting any reward like this makes me feel more akin to a woman, I guess."
Line 1,203: Line 1,203:
|"Ah~ I'm sorry. <br>I apologize to you, so please change the topic."
|"Ah, fine already, I'm sorry. <br>I apologize, so could we please change the topic?"
Line 1,209: Line 1,209:
|Izumi is just like her usual self, <br> getting comfortable in my room as if it's her home, <br> except her complain sounds harsher than usual today.
|Izumi is just like her usual self, making herself perfectly at home in my apartment, except her complaints sound harsher than normal today.
Line 1,215: Line 1,215:
|"But still... <br>you really did changed a little, Haruki."
|"But still... <br>You really have changed a little, Haruki."
Line 1,221: Line 1,221:
|"Is that so? <br>How exactly?"
|"Is that so? <br>How, exactly?"
Line 1,227: Line 1,227:
|"Even when you're facing girl besides me, <br>you don't seem to reject it as much as before."
|"Even when facing a girl besides me, you don't seem to be as avoidant as before."
Line 1,239: Line 1,239:
|"Is it because someone cheered you up when you were depressed? <br>and so, you soften up your attitude toward women?"
|"Is it because someone cheered you up when you were depressed? And so, you softened up your attitude towards women?"
Line 1,245: Line 1,245:
|"......It's not like that, since when was I depressed"
|"... It's not like that. And when was I ever depressed?"
Line 1,251: Line 1,251:
|This girl is the least feminine out of every girl I know, <br> yet, she's also the sharpest one among them.
|This girl is the least feminine out of every girl I know, and yet, she's also the sharpest one among them.
Line 1,257: Line 1,257:
|"Ah~ah, so boring. <br> Is this how it feels like when a child leaves its parent?"
|"Aaah, so boring. <br>Is this how it feels like when a child leaves its parent?"
Line 1,269: Line 1,269:
|But...Is that really the case?
|But... Is that really the case?
Line 1,275: Line 1,275:
|From others view, did I really changed a little?
|From another's point of view, have I really changed a little?
Line 1,281: Line 1,281:
|Even thought that kind of thing happened. <br> No, it's because that kind of thing happened...
|Even thought that happened. <br>No, it's because that happened...
Line 1,287: Line 1,287:
|"So it won't cause any drama huh... <br>Well, this is not bad too, I guess."
|"So there won't be any drama, huh... <br>Well, this isn't bad either, I guess."
Line 1,293: Line 1,293:
|"What did you just said?"
|"Did you just say something?"
Line 1,299: Line 1,299:
|"I~am~ve~ry~hun~gry~! <br>Dinner, dinner~!"
|"I~am~ve~ry~hun~gryyy! <br>Dinner, dinner!"
Line 1,305: Line 1,305:
|"What's the purpose of you being here... <br>Go write your report before dinner is ready!"
|"What are you even doing here... <br>Go write your report before dinner is ready!"
Line 1,311: Line 1,311:
|"Not giving up on my own feeling... <br>The type of "persistent", Izumi just mentioned, do I already have it?"
|Holding on to my own feelings...<br>Am I really as "persistent" as Chiaki says I am?
Line 1,323: Line 1,323:
|"Haruki~, your phone~"
|"Haruki, your phone's ringing!"
Line 1,335: Line 1,335:
|"Ah~Hello~. <br>This is Kitahara Haruki's cell phone~"
|"Ah, helloo~. <br>This is Kitahara Haruki's cell phone~!"
Line 1,341: Line 1,341:
|"Uwaaa!? <br> STOP IT STOP IT~!"
|"Uwaaa!? <br>STOP IT, STOP!"
Line 1,347: Line 1,347:
|"Just kidding~"
Line 1,353: Line 1,353:
|"Ugh... don't play stupid prank like that! <br>You can cause some serious misunderstanding if you keep doing that."
|"Ugh... Don't play stupid pranks like that!<br>You could cause some serious misunderstandings if you keep doing that!"
Line 1,359: Line 1,359:
|"So it is~ bad, like that last time when I answered your phone. <br>You have to tell me these kind of stuff without worrying."
|"So it was a problem when I answered your phone last time! You could have told me that, I wouldn't have held it against you."
Line 1,365: Line 1,365:
|"...I'm sorry."
|"... I'm sorry."
Line 1,371: Line 1,371:
|"...Before you apologize, answer the phone."
|"... Before start bowing, answer the phone."
Line 1,383: Line 1,383:
|"Ah~ How are you Haruki? <br> Io and I are at a convenient store nearby~, <br>you got beer at home~?"
|"Hey, how are you doing, Haruki? <br>Io and I are at a convenience store nearby, <br>you got any beer at home, dude?"
Line 1,407: Line 1,407:
|「え? いや、今日はちょっと...<br>だから冬休みまでにレポート提出しないと」
|「え? いや、今日はちょっと...<br>だから冬休みまでにレポート提出しないと」
|"Eh? Today is a little... <br>Like I said, I have to turn in a report before winter break."
|"Eh? No, today's a bit... <br>Like I said, I have to turn in a report before winter break."
Line 1,413: Line 1,413:
|It's not me.
|It's not mine, though.
Line 1,419: Line 1,419:
|"Don't you still have a week? <br>It's fine if we hang out once in a while right?"
|"Come on, don't you still have a week? <br>It's fine if we hang out once in a while, right?"
Line 1,425: Line 1,425:
|"That's what I've been saying before, <br>until I realize due date already past, this is the final due date."
|"I've been telling you, the original deadline already passed because I forgot about it, and this is my final deadline."
Line 1,431: Line 1,431:
|It's not me.
|It's not mine, though.
Line 1,438: Line 1,437:
|「そういう大げさなこと言っといて、<br>数日間のバッファ隠し持ってるのが春希だよな~。<br>何年つきあってると思ってんだよ? 俺を侮るなよ?」
|「そういう大げさなこと言っといて、<br>数日間のバッファ隠し持ってるのが春希だよな~。<br>何年つきあってると思ってんだよ? 俺を侮るなよ?」
|"You're always exaggerating, <br>but you always leave yourself several days for backup, right~? <br>How many years do you think I've known you for? Don't underestimate me."
|"You're always exaggerating, but you always leave yourself several days for backup, right? How many years do you think I've known you for? Don't underestimate me, man."
Line 1,444: Line 1,443:
|"Ah... Haha..."
Line 1,450: Line 1,449:
|Like I said, it's not me.
|Like I said, it's not mine.
Line 1,462: Line 1,461:
|"Well, we've already bought snacks. <br>We should arrive in about 5 minutes."
|"Well, we've already bought snacks. <br>We should be there in about 5 minutes."
Line 1,468: Line 1,467:
|"That's great. <br> You only need around 6 minutes to get to the station."
|"That's great. <br>You only need around 6 minutes to get to the station."
Line 1,474: Line 1,473:
|"Can't do it no matter what? <br>It only takes about an hour."
|"Can't do it no matter what? <br>Come on, we'll only take about an hour."
Line 1,480: Line 1,479:
|"If you only want to drink for an hour, I'll recommend you a place. <br>There's a store call "Hangyojin" in front of the station..."
|"If you only want to drink for an hour, I'll recommend you a place. There's a place called "Hangyojin" in front of the station..."
Line 1,486: Line 1,485:
|"I got it, I got it! <br>...You're a terrible friend. <br>I was going to make you cook dinner for me."
|"Fine, fine already! <br>... Some friend you are. I was hoping you'd make me some dinner, too."
Line 1,492: Line 1,491:
|"Is that what a good friend should say?"
|"Is that something a good friend should say?"
Line 1,498: Line 1,497:
|"Well, guess I'll head home today. <br>...But before that, can I ask you several questions?"
|"Well, guess I'll head home today. <br>... But before that, could I ask you a couple of things?"
Line 1,510: Line 1,509:
|「ちゃんと飯食ってるか? 寝てるか?<br>...自堕落な生活送ってないだろうな?」
|「ちゃんと飯食ってるか? 寝てるか?<br>...自堕落な生活送ってないだろうな?」
|"Have you ate properly? Have you slept properly? <br>...You haven't been living a dissolute life, right?"
|"Have you ate properly? Have you slept properly? <br>... You haven't been living a dissolute life, have you?"
Line 1,528: Line 1,527:
|Takeya want to come at this timing, <br>because there are things he want to accomplish by being here.
|Takeya wants to come right now because he wants to figure out some things.
Line 1,534: Line 1,533:
|"It's best if you can come out, <br>even 5 minutes if fine, can I talk to you for a bit? <br>...Even in front of your door is fine."
|"It'd be best if you could come out, even for just five minutes. Could I talk to you in person?<br>... Even in front of your door would be fine."
Line 1,546: Line 1,545:
|"Last Saturday night, I dragged Takeya and Io into that mess."
|Last Saturday night, I dragged Takeya and Io into that mess.
Line 1,552: Line 1,551:
|After that, Setsuna probably went to apologize to them, <br>in the same time, only told them how things appear to be on the surface.
|After that, Setsuna probably went to apologize to them, and they only got a shallow understanding of the whole situation.
Line 1,558: Line 1,557:
|In other word, <br>They were the same as Mari-san and Sugiura...
|In other words, they're the same as Mari-san and Sugiura...
Line 1,564: Line 1,563:
|"Since I've already bought it, it's a waste if I just take it home. <br>Why don't you just take it."
|"Since we've already bought all this, it'd be a waste if we just took it home. Why don't you just take it?"
Line 1,570: Line 1,569:
|These guys, <br> how little faith do they have in me...
|Just how little do these guys trust me...
Line 1,576: Line 1,575:
|How much do they care about me...
|And just how much do they care about me...
Line 1,582: Line 1,581:
|"Takeya, uh...<br> I'll meet up with you guys there... eh"
|"Takeya, listen...<br>I'll meet up with you guys there... Eh?"
Line 1,600: Line 1,599:
|At this time, someone patted my shoulder twice.
|In that moment, I feel two pats on my shoulder.
Line 1,606: Line 1,605:
|When I turn my heard around, <br>I saw Izumi already wearing her coat, <br>packed everything up and is ready to go home.
|As I turn around, I see Izumi already wearing her coat, packed up and ready to go home.
Line 1,612: Line 1,611:
|"What's wrong Haruki? <br>What did you just say?
|"What's wrong, Haruki? <br>What did you just say?
Line 1,624: Line 1,623:
|While she's giving a warm smile, <br>she waved her hand as if saying "bye bye".
|While giving me a warm smile, <br>she waves her hand as if saying "Bye bye".
Line 1,630: Line 1,629:
|"See you"
|"See you."
Line 1,636: Line 1,635:
|"You don't have to be like that, I've already rejected him."
|"You don't have to, I've already rejected him."
Line 1,642: Line 1,641:
|"To the current Haruki, I think not rejecting him would be better."
|"As you are, Haruki, I think not rejecting him would be better."
Line 1,654: Line 1,653:
|In the end, <br>Izumi didn't even took a single bite at my super spicy curry, <br>and went home while she's still 'starving'.
|In the end, Izumi didn't even take a single bite of my super spicy curry, and is going home "starving".
Line 1,660: Line 1,659:
|"I'll need to come some other time this week. <br>Since winter break starts next week, so it must be before that."
|"I'll need to come by some other time this week. <br>Since winter break starts next week, we'll have to meet before that."
Line 1,666: Line 1,665:
|"Is that so."
Line 1,672: Line 1,671:
|"Yep, thanks in advance."
|"Yeah, so thanks in advance."
Line 1,690: Line 1,689:
|In other words, Takeya and Io, <br>both came without an invitation because they are worry about me...
|Basically, Takeya and Io decided to come uninvited because they're worried about me...
Line 1,696: Line 1,695:
|And that's why Izumi have to leave, <br>but isn't she here for the same reason...?
|And that's why Izumi has to leave, <br>but isn't she here for the same reason...?
Line 1,708: Line 1,707:
|"The people around you are interesting, Haruki."
|"The people around you are so interesting, Haruki."
Line 1,720: Line 1,719:
|"Since you always take care of everyone, <br> back then, I always thought even though you worked so hard, <br>you'll never get anything back for doing it."
|"Since you always take care of everyone, I always thought that even though you work so hard, you'll never get anything back for doing it."
Line 1,726: Line 1,725:
|"Well, of course you'll think like that. <br>You're the one leading them after all."
|"Well, of course you'd think like that. <br>You're my greatest exploiter, after all."
Line 1,732: Line 1,731:
|But that's not true in reality. <br>Different kinds of people, regardless of gender, always paid you back. <br>...Really, it's interesting."
|But that's not true at all. All kinds of people, men and women alike, always returned the favor to you... It's really interesting."
Line 1,738: Line 1,737:
|"Among those people around me. <br>I'd say you're the most interesting one."
|"Among the people around me, <br>I'd say you're the most interesting one."
Line 1,744: Line 1,743:
|F16"It's really interesting. <br>I've learned a lot through your simple, yet complicated relationship."
|[F16"It's really interesting. <br>I've learned a lot through your simple, yet complicated relationship."]
Line 1,750: Line 1,749:
|「え? 何だって?」
|「え? 何だって?」
|"Eh? What did you say?"
|"Eh? What was that?"
Line 1,756: Line 1,755:
|"What I'm saying is, I really do like Haruki after all."
|"What I'm saying is, I really like you after all, Haruki."
Line 1,768: Line 1,767:
|「今の秘密だからね? 特にあんたには。<br>...あんたにだけ言うんだからね?」
|「今の秘密だからね? 特にあんたには。<br>...あんたにだけ言うんだからね?」
|"What I just said was a secret, you know? Especially for you. <br>...because I'll only say it to you."
|"What I just said is a secret, all right? And just for you... You're the only one I'd say it to."
Line 1,774: Line 1,773:
|"You...<br>really think I'm an idiot are you?"
|"You...<br>You're just making a fool of me again, aren't you?"
Line 1,780: Line 1,779:
|"No, I'm serious. <br>I really like the type of people who take care of others."
|"No, I'm serious. <br>I really like people who take care of others."
Line 1,792: Line 1,791:
|This instant...
|In an instant...
Line 1,798: Line 1,797:
|After Izumi changed her expression.
|Izumi's expression completely changed.
Line 1,804: Line 1,803:
|This is how I felt.
|I saw it clearly.
Line 1,810: Line 1,809:
|"I'm actually a very spoiled girl~"
|"I'm actually a very spoiled girl, you see..."
Line 1,822: Line 1,821:
|"That's why, I always like reliable people. <br>Loving that person deeply and make many spoiled wishes."
|"That's why, I've always liked reliable people. <br>I'd give them my love and make many spoiled wishes."
Line 1,834: Line 1,833:
|"Even so, you'll do your best to make my spoiled wishes come true, <br> I really like you."
|"Even so, you're doing your best to make my spoiled wishes come true, and I like that. I really like you."
Line 1,840: Line 1,839:
|Izumi reached out with her two hands, <br> and held my face in place.
|Izumi reaches out with her hands, <br>and holds my face in place.
Line 1,846: Line 1,845:
|"Even though you nag all the time, always complaining about everything, <br>you'll never abandon me."
|"Even though you nag all the time, and always complain about everything, you'll never abandon me."
Line 1,852: Line 1,851:
|Under the brilliant light of her seriousness, <br>her dark eyes reflected my panicked expression.
|Along with showing the brightness of her resolve, her dark eyes clearly reflect my ridiculous, panicked expression.
Line 1,858: Line 1,857:
|"If you can treat everyone equally, <br> but treat me just a little more special, that would be the best."
|"If you can treat everyone equally, <br>but treat me just a little more special, that would be the best."

Revision as of 13:56, 1 September 2015

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Translation Notes


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