Difference between revisions of "White Album 2/Script/2013"

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Line 705: Line 705:
|... But do I have to keep my promise with that girl, just like with with Izumi? It feels weird how I feel an obligation to them...
|... But why do I have to keep my promise with that girl, just like with with Izumi? It feels weird how I feel an obligation to them...
Line 777: Line 777:
|"Don't worry. There's left-over curry from last time. <br>I'll do my best to make a curry croquette today."
|"Don't worry. There's left-over curry from last time. <br>I'll do my best to make a croquette curry today."
Line 783: Line 783:
|"... This feels very suspicious, <br>but I love both croquettes and curry, so what am I supposed to do here?"
|"... I've got a bad feeling about this, <br>but I love both croquettes and curry, so what am I supposed to do here?"
Line 795: Line 795:
|"Ehhhhhhh~, for real? <br>Even though I don't have any classes or seminars, I have to come all the way to Minamisuetsugu?"
|"Ehhhhhhh, for real? <br>Even though I don't have any classes or seminars, I have to come all the way to Minamisuetsugu?"
Line 819: Line 819:
|"Hehe, the way you come back at me, <br>is like your health parameter of your heart. <br>Yep, it's full of darkness today too."
|"The way you come back at me totally made me see right through your heart's condition right now. Yep, it's pitch black in there today too."
|Took some liberty here. Too much?}}
|"... Don't describe other's action as if it were excrement."
|"Don't treat others' words and actions as if they were excrement..."
Line 831: Line 831:
|Normally speaking, if it's black, it means I seriously do have health issue.
|Not to mention, if it's black, it would mean I seriously do have some health issues.
Line 837: Line 837:
|"So, you seriously can't take a day off? <br>Even though I waited for you until now~"
|"So, you seriously can't take a day off? <br>Even though I've been waiting for this moment for so long, Haruki?"
Line 843: Line 843:
|"I guess... it's a very busy job after all."
|"I can't... It's a very busy job, after all."
Line 849: Line 849:
|Actually, the most busy time was last week, <br>this should be the easiest day to get a day off since I worked there for half a year.
|Actually, the busiest time was last week, so this would actually be the easiest day to get a day off since I've been working there for half a year.
Line 855: Line 855:
|...But, as for others in the editing department, <br>they're probably reading some sort ofenchantment, <br>while they slowly become a zombie.
|... Then again, the others in the editing department are probably chanting some magical year's-end incantations like zombies.
Line 861: Line 861:
|But, lets leave it at that for now...
|But let's put that aside for now...
Line 867: Line 867:
|'I'm... <br>actually more worry about you <br>than you think, you know"
|"You know, I... <br>I care about you much more than you think I do."
Line 873: Line 873:
|"...Yea, it's seriously too busy. <br>Just like the weekend, I wouldn't even notice even if the date already changed."
|"... Yeah, it's seriously too busy. <br>Just like the weekend, I wouldn't even notice if the date changed while working."
Line 879: Line 879:
|"...You look so happy when you said that. <br>Haruki, so you are M after all?"
|"... You looked so happy when you said that. <br>Haruki, are you really a masochist after all?"
Line 885: Line 885:
|"... I might be."
Line 891: Line 891:
|If I don't get treated like that once every three days, <br>it might actually damage my health.
|If I don't get treated like that once every three days, it might actually be bad for my health.
Line 903: Line 903:
|"Kitaharaaa! Calculate the sum here, I'm begging youuu!"
|"Kitahara~, I'll leave you to calculate the aggregate amount here~"
Line 909: Line 909:
|"Didn't I said to use the Macro I gave you?"
|"Wait, didn't I tell you to use the macro I made?"
Line 915: Line 915:
|"I don't know how to use that... please, I'll leave it to you."
|"I don't know how to use that... Please, help me out here!"
Line 921: Line 921:
|"...I understand. <br>Please put the data into the file server. <br>When do you need it by?"
|"... All right. Please upload the data onto the file server. When do you need it by?"
Line 927: Line 927:
|"Friday, exactly at 24 o'clock..."
|"Friday, exactly at midnight..."
Line 933: Line 933:
|"...it's already 24 o'clock and 30 minutes now, what should we do?"
|"... It's already half an hour past midnight, what now?"
Line 939: Line 939:
|"Ah~ you can't! <br>Hamada-san can't take Kitahara now! <br>My work here takes priorty!"
|"Aaah, hold it! <br>Hamada-san, you can't take over Kitahara now! <br>My work here takes priority!"
Line 945: Line 945:
|「何ぃ? お前上司に向かって生意気だぞ!<br>こっちは本当は昨日がデッドだったんだからな!」
|「何ぃ? お前上司に向かって生意気だぞ!<br>こっちは本当は昨日がデッドだったんだからな!」
|"What? Is that you attitude you should have when talking to your boss!? <br>They're already rushing me on this since yesterday!"
|"What's that? Is that the kind of attitude you should have when talking to your superior!? <br>They've been rushing me on this since yesterday!"
Line 957: Line 957:
|"As for you Suzuki-san, I just finished your part. <br>Please don't start arguing."
|"Suzuki-san, I just finished your part. <br>Please don't start arguing now."
Line 963: Line 963:
|"What about mine!? <br>How's the progress on annotating my article?"
|"What about mine!? <br>How's the progress on annotating my article!?"
Line 969: Line 969:
|"Ah, I'm working on that at the moment! <br>Please come check again in two hours~"
|"Ah, I'm working on that right now!<br>Please come check again in two hours!"
Line 975: Line 975:
|"Two more hours!?<br>Hey Kitahara, you, can you help out Matsuoka? <br>The print shop is waiting for me!"
|"Two more hours!? Hey, Kitahara, can you help out Matsuoka?<br>The print shop has been waiting too long for this!"
Line 981: Line 981:
|「ふざけんな! お前が今やってるのなんか、<br>5万も出ない増刊だろが!<br>プライオリティが違うんだよプライオリティが!」
|「ふざけんな! お前が今やってるのなんか、<br>5万も出ない増刊だろが!<br>プライオリティが違うんだよプライオリティが!」
|"Don't joke around! The thing you're working at now, <br>didn't even sold 50,000 copies! <br>There's a difference between our priority here!"
|"Don't screw with me here! The thing you're working on now didn't even sell 50,000 copies!<br>There's a difference between our priorities here!"
Line 987: Line 987:
|"'Even if it's only printing 100 copies, <br> we must still never slack off', when I first joined the company <br>aren't you the one who taught me that!?"
|"'Even if it's only to print 100 copies, we must never slack off', weren't you the one who taught me that when I joined this company!?"
Line 993: Line 993:
|"How many years ago was that!"
|"And how many years ago was that!?"
Line 999: Line 999:
|"Lets get along, everyone~"
|"Let's calm down and get along, everyone..."
Line 1,005: Line 1,005:
|As for that speech, <br>it's a great lesson for everyone for years to come, <br>but Hamada-san just erased it with a sentence...
|His speech could have been a great lesson for everyone for years to come, but Hamada-san just denied it with a single sentence himself...
|I know it says "that episode" but how exactly does that make sense here...}}
Line 1,023: Line 1,023:
|Kaiou Graph 3rd floor. <br>A long night at Kaiou Graph editing department.
|Kaiousha building, 3rd floor. <br>A long night at the Kaiou Graph editing department.
Line 1,029: Line 1,029:
|The thing they do near the end of the year, <br>can corrode many people's heart...
|The things they do to us near the end of the year here are almost enough to ruin any man's heart...
Line 1,035: Line 1,035:
|"Sigh, I'm back~! <br>Oh, everyone's doing their best~"
|"Pheew, I'm back! <br>Oh, everyone's doing their best, huh?"
Line 1,041: Line 1,041:
|"Ah, thanks for the hard work, Mari-san"
|"Ah, thanks for the hard work, Mari-san."
Line 1,077: Line 1,077:
|When everyone is at their edge, a person barge in speaking in such high pitch, <br>have definitely made the atmosphere terrible...
|With everyone on edge like this, a person barging in speaking with such a high-pitched voice would definitely ruin the atmosphere further...
Line 1,083: Line 1,083:
|"I finally turned in all the draft! <br>Finally~ it's a miracle! <br>I can finally rest this weekend~"
|"I've finally turned in all the drafts! <br>At last... it's a miracle! <br>I can finally get some rest this weekend~"
Line 1,107: Line 1,107:
|"Ahaha... ahahahaha..."
Line 1,113: Line 1,113:
|And there's only one person who completed all her missions...
|And there's only one person who completed all her tasks...
Line 1,119: Line 1,119:
|"Ah~ really~ it's so close this time. <br>I hated it when they are having these events at the end of the year. <br>Why can't they completely erase things like long holiday from the world?"
|"Aaah, jeez... It was a close call this time. I hate it how all these events and holidays are packed at the end of the year.<br>Why can't we just completely abolish things like long holidays from the world?"
Line 1,125: Line 1,125:
|On top of that, when everyone's is working desperately, <br>she's there looking back at those nostalgic days.
|On top of that, while everyone else is working desperately, she's here talking about such blissful days.
Line 1,131: Line 1,131:
|Things she said before was already dangerous.
|As if the things she said earlier weren't bad enough.
Line 1,137: Line 1,137:
|"After this, I don't even need to come tomorrow, <br>what should I do now~?"
|"Well, I guess I don't even have to come by tomorrow since I'm done. What ever should I do now~?"
Line 1,143: Line 1,143:
|'Then come help out here' is the aura everyone's giving out, <br>but no one dare to say in front of her face.
|'Then come help out here' is the aura everyone's emitting, but no one dares actually say it to her.
Line 1,149: Line 1,149:
|No matter how they put it, she worked a bigger load than anyone here, <br>she was out running to difference places earlier too, <br>no one can disagree with that.
|No matter how you look at it, she took on a bigger workload than anyone here, and was out running to different places earlier too,<br>no one can disagree with that.
Line 1,155: Line 1,155:
|"Who want to go have a drink~"
|"Anyone wanna go have a drink now?"
Line 1,185: Line 1,185:
|Right after you finished something so important, <br>you should be relaxing now.
|Sure, after finishing something important, you have the right to relax now.
Line 1,191: Line 1,191:
|...But not to the point where you ignore the atmosphere.
|... But not to the point where you blatantly ignore the atmosphere.
Line 1,197: Line 1,197:
|"...Who want to have a drink~"
|"... Anyone wanna go have a drink!?"
Line 1,203: Line 1,203:
|"Ah, I think..."
|"Ah, I could.."
Line 1,209: Line 1,209:
Line 1,215: Line 1,215:
|"... Never mind."
Line 1,221: Line 1,221:
|「ちょっとなに? みんなノリ悪いなぁ。<br>いいじゃないたまには」
|「ちょっとなに? みんなノリ悪いなぁ。<br>いいじゃないたまには」
|"What's wrong? Why is everyone so mean. <br>It's fine if it's once in a while."
|"What's wrong? Why are you all being so mean?<br>Come on, it's once in a while."
Line 1,233: Line 1,233:
|Guess I'll just be the evil guy this time...
|Guess I'll just be the scapegoat this time...
Line 1,239: Line 1,239:
|How should I put it, even if I made Mari-san mad, <br>since I'm just a part-time, it shouldn't affect me as much...
|I suppose that, even if I make Mari-san mad, I'm still just a part-timer, so it shouldn't affect me as much...
Line 1,245: Line 1,245:
|"The truth is...the only one who's done with their job is..."
|"The truth is... The only one who's done with their job is..."
Line 1,251: Line 1,251:
|"Mari-san and Kitahara-kun."
|"It's just Mari-san and Kitahara-kun."
Line 1,263: Line 1,263:
|And then, right when I muster enough courage to stand up, <br>Suzuki-san started to provide covering fire.
|Just as I muster enough courage to stand up, Suzuki-san starts providing covering fire...
Line 1,269: Line 1,269:
|...Is what I thought, but instead, she shot me right in my back.
|... Or so I thought, but instead, she shoots me right in my back.
Line 1,275: Line 1,275:
|"Eh, Just Kitahara...?"
|"Eh, just Kitahara...?"
Line 1,281: Line 1,281:
|"Yep that's it, <br>thanks for your hard work Mari-san. <br>And also Kitahara-kun!"
|"That's right, so thanks for your hard work, Mari-san. <br>You too, Kitahara-kun!"
Line 1,293: Line 1,293:
|"You can leave Hamada-san's work to me. I know the order. <br>As for my work, I'll ask for his help."
|"You can leave Hamada-san's work to me. I know the order. As for my part, I'll ask for his help."
Line 1,299: Line 1,299:
|"I guess. I can think of ways to solve the issue here. <br>Kitahara, you should go to a place that suits you."
|"I guess that works. We'll think of some way to solve the issue here. So Kitahara, you fill your own place too."
Line 1,305: Line 1,305:
|"Where's the place that suits me..."
|"What do you mean, my place..."
Line 1,311: Line 1,311:
|Could it be... to become Mari-san's drinking buddy?
|Am I supposed to be Mari-san's drinking buddy?
Line 1,323: Line 1,323:
|「え? あ、ああ.........うん」
|「え? あ、ああ.........うん」
|"Eh? Ah, ahh...... yea."
|"Eh? Ah... Sure. Yeah."
Line 1,329: Line 1,329:
|"It's fine with you too right? Kitahara? <br>Thanks for your hard work today."
|"It's fine with you too, right, Kitahara? <br>Thanks for your hard work today."
Line 1,341: Line 1,341:
|"......Le, lets go, Kitahara. <br>Well then, we'll be leaving."
|"... Le, let's go, Kitahara. <br>Well then, if you'll excuse us."
Line 1,353: Line 1,353:
|Just like that, <br>the me who tried to save everyone by becoming the evil one...
|Just like that, in trying to save everyone by becoming the scapegoat...
Line 1,359: Line 1,359:
|Is walking toward a extremely weird direction, <br>should I say I became the sacrifice, or got lucky, <br> well, I got forced into a very awkward situation.
|I ended up heading in an extremely weird direction. I'm not sure if I'm really a sacrifice or if I actually got lucky, but I definitely got forced into a very awkward situation.
Line 1,383: Line 1,383:
|"...They left?"
|"... They left?"
Line 1,389: Line 1,389:
|"Ahh, they left."
|"Yeah, they left."
Line 1,395: Line 1,395:
|「ね? ね! 麻理さん照れてたでしょ今?<br>北原君と二人っきりってなっちゃったらさぁ!」
|「ね? ね! 麻理さん照れてたでしょ今?<br>北原君と二人っきりってなっちゃったらさぁ!」
|"Right? Right!? Mari-san was embarrassed earlier right? <br>Because she get to be alone with Kitahara-kun!"
|"Right? Right!? Mari-san was embarrassed earlier, wasn't she? Because she'll get to be alone with Kitahara-kun!"
Line 1,401: Line 1,401:
|"It's the first time I've seeing her showing that expression..."
|"It's the first time I've seen her showing that expression..."
Line 1,407: Line 1,407:
|「ほら! だからこの間見たって言ったよね?<br>麻理さんが北原君のこと口説いてたって!」
|「ほら! だからこの間見たって言ったよね?<br>麻理さんが北原君のこと口説いてたって!」
|"See! Didn't I said this before? <br>I saw Mari-san confess to Kitahara-kun!"
|"See! Didn't I tell you before? <br>I saw Mari-san confess to Kitahara-kun!"
Line 1,413: Line 1,413:
|"Are you for real, That Kazaoka and the student part-time...<br>Isn't the difficulty too high?"
|"Are you for real?<br>Kazaoka and the student part-timer...<br>Isn't the bar way too high?"
Line 1,419: Line 1,419:
|"...For which side?"
|"... For which side?"
Line 1,425: Line 1,425:
|"......Both side"
|"... Both of them..."
Line 1,431: Line 1,431:
|"Everyone start working together again when it became things like this."
|"You all sure start getting along again when it's about something like this."
Line 1,443: Line 1,443:
|'Whoa! <br>The article you wrote was used already!? <br>That's great, congratulation!'
|"Really? The article you wrote was used already, Kitahara-kun? <br>That's great, congratulations!"
Line 1,449: Line 1,449:
|'But, <br> >>you got the chance because you are related to the person in the article, you even explained this part, it's really like you.'
|"But you got the chance because you personally know the person in the article, and you even explained this fact, it's really like you."
Line 1,455: Line 1,455:
|'Even though you don't need to specify, <br>After all, you are just using whatever possible to seize your chance.'
|"I suppose you had to make an excuse for that. But the fact is, you seized the chance and put all your effort in."
Line 1,461: Line 1,461:
|'And so, no matter how you disagree. <br>I still think you're amazing.'
|"So no matter how much you try to disagree, I still think you're amazing."
Line 1,467: Line 1,467:
|'That's why, I hope you would brag more in front of me. <br>I wish you'll be more selfish.'
|"That's why, I'd like you to brag more in front of me. <br>I'd like you to be just a little bit more selfish."
Line 1,473: Line 1,473:
|'Ah, I went off topic. <br>Well, when is the article publishing? <br>Please tell me the name and the release date of the article. I'll buy it for sure!'
|"Ah, sorry for going off topic. Well, when will it be published? Please tell me the name and the release date of the article. I'll buy it for sure!"
Line 1,479: Line 1,479:
|'It'd be nice if the publisher accept you because of this. <br>It'd be better if you can take on a bigger task next time.'
|"It'd be nice if the publisher would accept you because of this. It'd be nice if you could take on a bigger task next time."
Line 1,485: Line 1,485:
|'You are one step closer to your goal. <br>I must start working toward my goal too.'
|"You're one step closer to your goal. <br>I should start working towards my goal too."
Line 1,491: Line 1,491:
|'...But, I must first decide, <br>what exactly is my goal.'
|"... But, before that I need to figure out what my goal actually is, don't I?"
Line 1,497: Line 1,497:
|'Well, see you next time. <br>I'll go to sleep after I sent this text.'
|"Well, I'll be seeing you. <br>I'll go to sleep after I sent this text."
Line 1,503: Line 1,503:
|'And also...'
|"And also..."
Line 1,509: Line 1,509:
|'Thank you for your second mail yesterday. <br>Good night.'
|"Thank you for your second mail yesterday. <br>Good night."
Line 1,515: Line 1,515:
|"Sorry, I was on the phone for so long."
|"Sorry, that phone call took way too long."
Line 1,521: Line 1,521:
|"What do you want to drink?"
|"What would you like to drink?"
Line 1,527: Line 1,527:
|"Ah~, guess I'll have a beer first."
|"Aaah, I guess I'll start out with a beer."
Line 1,533: Line 1,533:
|Right after we arrived at the store, Mari-san's phone started ringing, <br>we both thought 'guess we need to postpone this'.
|Just as we arrived at the bar, Mari-san's phone started ringing, and we both thought we'd have to postpone this.
Line 1,539: Line 1,539:
|But, we're still here ordering drink, <br>because that call wasn't Hamada-san's screaming, Kizaki-san's sighing, <br>or even Suzuki-san's crying.
|But we're still here, ordering drinks, because that call wasn't Hamada-san's screaming, Kizaki-san's sighing, or even Suzuki-san's crying.
Line 1,545: Line 1,545:
|"Ah, there's another person coming later."
|"Ah, by the way, there'll be another person joining us later."
Line 1,551: Line 1,551:
|"Ahh, the one who's on phone just now?"
|"Right, the one you were just on the phone with?"
Line 1,557: Line 1,557:
|"Yep, since that person's done with work early too, <br>we were planning on drinking until morning. <br>...As a woman, it's done for."
|"Yep, since that person's done with work early too, <br>we were planning on drinking until morning.<br>... Done for as a woman, I guess."
Line 1,563: Line 1,563:
|"Is...is that so."
|"Is... that so."
Line 1,569: Line 1,569:
|I don't have the courage to ask 'who are you referring to?'. <br>Actually, I shouldn't even be asking.
|I don't have the courage to ask "Who are you referring to?". Actually, I shouldn't even be asking.
Line 1,575: Line 1,575:
|Besides, 'that person's done with work early too', <br>how exactly is past 1 AM early..."
|Besides, "that person's done with work early too", <br>how exactly is past 1 AM "early"..."
Line 1,581: Line 1,581:
|People around Mari-san, <br>are they all workaholic like her?
|Are all the people around Mari-san workaholics, just like her?
Line 1,587: Line 1,587:
|"It's your first time meeting with her, <br>so I feel sorry about it..."
|"This'll be your first time meeting her, <br>so I feel kind of sorry about that..."
Line 1,593: Line 1,593:
|"It's fine. <br>The more the merrier."
|"I don't mind. <br>The more, the merrier."
Line 1,599: Line 1,599:
|「そう? よかった...<br>『大学生の男のコと一緒にいる』って言ったら、<br>絶対に行くってうるさくて、あいつ」
|「そう? よかった...<br>『大学生の男のコと一緒にいる』って言ったら、<br>絶対に行くってうるさくて、あいつ」
|"Is that so? Great... <br>I just said 'I'm with a college boy right now', <br>after she heard that, she said she must come."
|"Is that so? Great... I just said 'I'm with a college boy right now', and after she heard that, she said she definitely had to come."
Line 1,605: Line 1,605:
|"......Well, thank you."
|"... Well, thank you."
Line 1,611: Line 1,611:
|Since she want to join with that kind of attitude, <br>I wonder how much is she expecting?
|Since she's so eager to join us, I wonder what she's expecting?
Line 1,617: Line 1,617:
|Guess I'll use this time now <br>to think of ways to apologize for not meeting her expectation.
|Guess I'll use this time now to think of ways to apologize for not meeting her expectations.
Line 1,623: Line 1,623:
|"But, yea, it's great...<br>honestly, it's great that she's able to come."
|"But... yeah, it's great...<br>Honestly, it's great that she's able to come."
Line 1,629: Line 1,629:
|"Ahh, of course, it's boring to just talk with me. <br>I'm sorry, I don't know how to make the mood lighter."
|"Ahh, true, I guess it'd be kind of boring to just talk to me. I'm sorry, I don't know how to make the mood lighter."
Line 1,635: Line 1,635:
|"Ah~, that's not what I mean. <br>Well, we'll calm down after a little bit."
|"Oh, that's not what I mean... <br>Well, I guess we'll be fine after we talk a bit more."
Line 1,647: Line 1,647:
|"Sorry about that time. <br>I said many rude things to you."
|"I'd like to apologize about last time. <br>I said a lot of rude things to you."
Line 1,653: Line 1,653:
|Is that so...
|Oh, I see...
Line 1,659: Line 1,659:
|So she's worried about that.
|She's worried about that.
Line 1,665: Line 1,665:
|"Now that I think about it...actually, I've known since the beginning, <br>since it's your first time getting work like that. <br>I shouldn't let a part-time to handle such thing."
|"Now that I think about it... No, actually, I've known it all along. It was your first time getting work like that. <br>I shouldn't have made a part-timer handle such a thing."
Line 1,671: Line 1,671:
|"What are you saying now, Mari-san. <br>You're the one who made me write a proposal document on my third day."
|"What are you saying now, Mari-san? <br>You're the one who made me write a proposal document on my third day."
Line 1,677: Line 1,677:
|"That's because Kitahara, you're the one who asked to work for a publisher. <br>No one get to do this before you know? <br>I almost want to make you pay internship fee."
|"That was because you personally asked to work for a publisher, Kitahara.<br>No one get to do something like that before you, you know? <br>I almost want to make you pay an internship fee."
Line 1,683: Line 1,683:
|"Yep, you're right. <br>That's why I said, what are you saying now."
|"Yep, that's exactly right. <br>That's why I asked you what you were saying there."
Line 1,689: Line 1,689:
|"...You're only perfect when it comes to debate."
|"... You're only perfect when it comes to debate."
Line 1,701: Line 1,701:
|Ever since I start working at Kaiou Graph, <br>I felt like I'm no longer a student.
|Ever since I started working at Kaiou Graph, <br>I've felt like I'm no longer a student.
Line 1,707: Line 1,707:
|Unlike the job at family restaurant and the private tutoring school, <br>I've learned many things here, <br>I've learned so much that I don't even think I deserve to get pay...
|Unlike the job at the family restaurant and the private tutoring school, I've gotten so much experience here. I've learned so much that I don't even think I deserve to get paid...
Line 1,713: Line 1,713:
|Well, of course I still take my pay check. <br>Since it's the first part-time that tortured me this hard.
|Well, of course, I still take my pay check. It's the first job that's actually tiring me out, after all.
Line 1,719: Line 1,719:
|"Well, rather than scolding you, <br>I hate myself more when I tried to encouraged you..."
|"Well, rather than scolding you, <br>I feel bad for trying to encourage you..."
Line 1,725: Line 1,725:
Line 1,731: Line 1,731:
|'The wound left by love, should be healed by love.'
|"Heal scars left from love with love itself."
|I don't remember how did Jason translate this part before, check for consistency please ;) }}
|I don't remember how did Jason translate this part before, check for consistency please ;) }}
Line 1,737: Line 1,737:
|"Umm, if it's fine with you <br>please forget about that event..."
|"Umm, if possible, I'd like to ask you to forget about all that..."
Line 1,749: Line 1,749:
|Certainly, that event really is.... <br>Just think about it made me feel extremely awkward...
|Yeah, that was...<br>Just thinking about it makes me feel extremely awkward...
Line 1,755: Line 1,755:
|"About...acting so bossy, <br>and making a speech that could lead to huge misunderstanding, <br>I've reflected about that event afterward...
|"About... me acting so bossy, and making a speech that could lead to huge misunderstanding. I reflected on that event afterward...
Line 1,761: Line 1,761:
|"N, no, as for that..."
|"N, no, I don't really..."
Line 1,767: Line 1,767:
|Not good, I can't taste the wine anymore.
|This is bad, I can't even taste my drink.
Line 1,773: Line 1,773:
|It's probably the same for the person next to me. <br>She haven't even took a sip on the beer she ordered.
|It's probably the same for the person next to me. <br>She hasn't even taken a sip of the beer she ordered.
Line 1,779: Line 1,779:
|Normally, for the very first cup, <br>she'd finished it in less than 10 seconds then ordered a second cup.
|Normally she'd finish her first glass in less than ten seconds, and immediately order another one.
Line 1,785: Line 1,785:
|"Since there's so many coincidence overlapping, <br>it feels very hard to talk about it..."
|"Since there are so many coincidences overlapping, it feels very awkward to talk about it..."
Line 1,791: Line 1,791:
|"Is that so..."
|"Is that... so..."
Line 1,803: Line 1,803:
|I won't pry too deeply into that kind of topic of course.
|I won't pry too deeply into that kind of topic, yet.
Line 1,809: Line 1,809:
|...But what does she mean.
|... But what does she mean?
Line 1,815: Line 1,815:
|That's why... I'd be thankful if you can forget about it."
|That's why... I'd be thankful if you could just forget about it."
Line 1,821: Line 1,821:
|"I refuse to do so."
|"I refuse."
Line 1,839: Line 1,839:
|"I was really embarrassed that time too..."
|"I was really embarrassed that time, too..."
Line 1,845: Line 1,845:
|「待て! 私は恥ずかしかったなんて言ってないぞ?」
|「待て! 私は恥ずかしかったなんて言ってないぞ?」
|"Hold on! I didn't said I was embarrassed right?"
|"Hold on! I never said I was embarrassed, did I?"
Line 1,857: Line 1,857:
|"...How is it possible to not feel embarrassing. <br>Even now I felt like my face is burning."
|"... How is it possible to not feel embarrassed by that? <br>Even now, I feel like my face is burning."
Line 1,863: Line 1,863:
|"But I'm very happy about it. <br>I actually received an encouragement."
|"But it made me very happy. <br>I actually received an encouragement."
Line 1,875: Line 1,875:
|Those words she said back then saved me, <br>it's not fake nor lies, it's the truth that doesn't have any extra component.
|The words she said back then saved me, and that's unmistakably and undoubtedly true.
Line 1,881: Line 1,881:
|"From now on, please encourage me once in a while too. <br>...Even if it's 1 to 10 ratio compare to the usual scolding I get."
|"From now on, please encourage me once in a while too. Even if it's on a 1 to 10 ratio compared to the usual scolding I get."
Line 1,887: Line 1,887:
|Without any doubt, I'm only able to talk to her like this now, <br>was thanks to the fact that she went berserk that time.
|Without a doubt, I'm only able to talk to her like this now thanks to the fact that she went berserk that time.
Line 1,893: Line 1,893:
|"'This woman is so annoying', ever got a thought like that?"
|"'This woman is so annoying', ever thought something like that?"
Line 1,899: Line 1,899:
|"I always welcome advice and lecture from adult who have experience."
|"I always welcome advice and lectures from adults with more experience than me."
Line 1,905: Line 1,905:
|"...We're not that far apart in age."
|"... We're not that far apart in age."
Line 1,911: Line 1,911:
|The people around me always twist the logic so much that it's giving me headache, <br>even though they're being unreasonable, yet they still talk believing they're correct.
|The people around me always twist logic so much that it gives me a headache. Even if they're being completely unreasonable, they still talk believing they're correct.
Line 1,917: Line 1,917:
|Of course, I'm one of them too.
|Of course, that goes for me too.

Revision as of 00:26, 18 September 2015

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