Difference between revisions of "White Album 2/Script/2019"

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Line 885: Line 885:
|"Looks like it's still snowing."
|"Looks like the snow isn't letting up."
Line 903: Line 903:
|They might be able to paint the sky right above the sea in pure white, but those tiny specks of snow prove powerless against the dark, unlit waters below and are swallowed almost instantly on contact.
|They might be able to paint the sky right above the sea in pure white, but those tiny specks of snow prove powerless against the dark, unlit waters below,<br>and are swallowed almost instantly on contact.
Line 909: Line 909:
|The movie has ended, and our meal is about finished as well. <br>It's a little before 9, and I'm finally able to catch a breather.
|The movie has ended, and we're almost finished with our meal as well. It's a little before 9, and I'm finally able to relax a bit.
Line 915: Line 915:
|And in front of me, Setsuna seems to have reined in her excitement a little as well, and is starting to let her genuine feelings of listlessness show.
|Setsuna seems to have reined in her excitement a little as well, and is starting to let her genuine feelings of listlessness show.
Line 939: Line 939:
|As she says that, she lifts her left hand that she's been resting her head against, and, with the help of the candlelight in front of her, gives me a good look of her bracelet.
|Saying that, she lifts her left hand that she's been resting her head against, and with the help of the candlelight in front of her gives me a good look of her bracelet.
Line 945: Line 945:
|It looks like that's how she's decided to explain why I've been staring at her.
|It seems like she thinks that's the reason I've been staring at her.
Line 957: Line 957:
|「どう? 似合うでしょ。<br>素敵な男性からプレゼントされたんだよ?<br>…気になる?」
|「どう? 似合うでしょ。<br>素敵な男性からプレゼントされたんだよ?<br>…気になる?」
|"Looks great on me, doesn't it? <br>A wonderful guy gave it to me as a present, you know? <br>...Does that bother you?"
|"Looks great on me, doesn't it? <br>A wonderful guy gave it to me as a present, you know? <br>... Does that bother you?"
Line 969: Line 969:
|"Grr~ So you don't get jealous over stuff like that, I see. <br>I'm a little put off by that."
|"Mmm~ So you don't get jealous over stuff like that, I see. That's a bit disappointing."
Line 981: Line 981:
|"It made me so, so happy! <br>And it's got me more interested in that guy than ever before! <br>...Still won't get jealous?"
|"It made me so, so happy! And it's got me more interested in that guy than ever before! <br>... Still won't get jealous?"
Line 987: Line 987:
|"Ah~ I'm so jealous and it bothers me so much, too. <br>Can't wait to see what kind of cool, rich, and gorgeous guy gave you that amazing present."
|"Oh~ I'm so jealous and it bothers me so much. <br>Can't wait to see what kind of cool, rich, and gorgeous guy gave you that amazing present."
Line 993: Line 993:
|"Then here you go. <br>...Rich might not be entirely accurate though.
|"Then here you go. <br>... Rich might not be entirely accurate though.
Line 999: Line 999:
|"...Put the mirror away. <br>We're still in the middle of the meal."
|"... Put the mirror away. <br>We're still in the middle of the meal."
Line 1,005: Line 1,005:
|Reflected in that small mirror of hers seems to be a gloomy looking young man with his face turned to the side as if out of embarrassment.
|Reflected in that small mirror of hers is a gloomy-looking young man with his face turned to the side as if out of embarrassment.
Line 1,011: Line 1,011:
|...Let me take back what I said. <br>It doesn't seem like she's reined in her excitement just yet.
|... Let me take back what I said. It doesn't seem like she's reined in her excitement just yet.
Line 1,017: Line 1,017:
|"That wasn't really that expensive, you know."
|"It wasn't really all that expensive, you know."
Line 1,023: Line 1,023:
|She put on the Christmas present I gave her before dinner started almost immediately. <br>Even now, she's still finding her right hand reaching for her left wrist from time to time.
|She put on the Christmas present I gave her before dinner started almost immediately.<br>Even now, she's still finding her right hand reaching for her left wrist from time to time.
Line 1,035: Line 1,035:
|The presents I've put much more thought into didn't seem to have been received too well, but this other present that I picked out in only a single day sure looks like it's a winner.
|The presents I put much more thought into didn't seem to have been received too well, but this other present that I picked out in only a single day<br>sure looks like it's a winner.
Line 1,047: Line 1,047:
|"Even with just this, you already trapped me under your spell. <br>To the point where I'm so moved that I'm having trouble swallowing this fancy dinner."
|"Even with just this, you've already trapped me under your spell. To the point where I'm so moved that I'm having trouble swallowing this fancy dinner."
Line 1,053: Line 1,053:
|"In terms of cost-effectiveness this seems like the worst possible scenario, or it might even be having the opposite effect... <br>But, are you okay?"
|"In terms of cost-effectiveness this seems like the worst possible scenario, or it might even be having the opposite effect... But, are you okay?"
Line 1,065: Line 1,065:
|"You said you were having trouble swallowing, right? <br>In actuality you just didn't eat much at all, did you?"
|"You said you were having trouble swallowing, right? <br>But the truth is, you just didn't eat much at all, did you?"
Line 1,071: Line 1,071:
|".........I'm fine, really."
|"......... I'm fine, really."
Line 1,083: Line 1,083:
|Despite her "when it comes to movies, we can't forget popcorn, right?" comment earlier, she didn't even have a drink with her when we went inside.
|Despite her "Since we're going to the cinema, we can't forget popcorn" comment earlier, she didn't even have a drink with her when we went inside.
Line 1,101: Line 1,101:
|"Were you not feeling well? <br>And despite that you still came out during the big snowstorm and..."
|"Were you not feeling well? <br>And despite that, you still came out during this big snowstorm and..."
Line 1,119: Line 1,119:
|"I feel just fine. <br>No fever, either. Want to see for yourself?"
|"I feel just fine. <br>No fever, either. Want to check for yourself?"
Line 1,137: Line 1,137:
|After some hesitation, I pressed my hand against her forehead. <br>As she said, it doesn't feel like there's any fever.
|After some hesitation, I press my hand against her forehead. As she said, it doesn't feel like she has a fever.
Line 1,143: Line 1,143:
|"I didn't eat much because I've been on a diet recently. <br>A small pasta at night is usually enough to fill me up, <br>so I'm already really full now."
|"I didn't eat much because I've been on a diet recently. A bit of pasta in the evening is usually enough to fill me up, so I'm already really full now."
Line 1,155: Line 1,155:
|"I kept quiet about it because I knew you'd say that. <br>...But it looks like I made you even more worried because of it."
|"I kept quiet about it because I knew you'd say that. <br>... But it looks like I just made you even more worried instead."
Line 1,161: Line 1,161:
|"...You're really okay, right? <br>You're not lying or anything, right?"
|"... You're really okay, right? <br>You're not lying or anything, are you?"
Line 1,167: Line 1,167:
|"I'm about as fine as your wallet, probably?"
|"I'm about as fine as your wallet, I suppose?"
Line 1,173: Line 1,173:
|"...Are you trying to give me a heart attack? <br>I thought I had to call an ambulance just now."
|"... Are you trying to give me a heart attack? <br>I thought I'd have to call an ambulance for a split second now."
Line 1,179: Line 1,179:
|"Haha... I guess we were both being a bit pretentious just now."
|"Haha... I guess we were both being a bit ostentatious just now."
|Ostentatious? Exaggerating stuff to look more important.}}
|It's not that it doesn't feel like she was trying to hide something, but regardless, she rejected my intervention with a devious smile on her face.
|It's not that it doesn't feel like she's trying to hide something, but regardless, she rejects my intervention with a devious smile on her face.
|The double negative in the first part is there in the original.}}
|The double negative in the first part is there in the original.}}
Line 1,191: Line 1,191:
|Is she totally fine, or is she actually not feeling too well? <br>I can't tell just by looking.
|Is she totally fine, or is she actually not feeling too well? I can't tell just by looking.
Line 1,197: Line 1,197:
|What she did manage to get across to me, however, is that she wants to treasure the time we're spending right now, even if it means she'll have to grin and bear whatever's troubling her.
|What she did manage to get across to me, however, is that she wants to treasure the time we're spending t0gether right now,<br> even if it means she'll have to grin and bear through whatever is troubling her.
Line 1,233: Line 1,233:
|I don't care how forced or stupid I look doing it; I want to treasure the time I spend with Setsuna as well.
|I don't care how forced or stupid I look doing it, I want to treasure the time I spend with Setsuna as well.
Line 1,245: Line 1,245:
|"So, listen..."
Line 1,257: Line 1,257:
|We've finished the deserts, and the table's been cleared as well. <br>All that's left is the after-meal chatter and the bill.
|We've finished with our dessert, and the table's been cleared as well. All that's left is the after-meal chatter and the bill.

Revision as of 15:37, 21 November 2015

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