Difference between revisions of "White Album 2/Script/2002"

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m (→‎Text: Revisit: 8, 39, 46, 68, 71, 74, 90, 223 TLC: 64, 101, **117**, 172, *184* , 189-195. ***253***, 282 Extra notes: 68 and 71 deal with an idiom, going to leave it for now. 189-195 is all kinda weird, needs TLC)
Line 49: Line 49:
|"Oh I see, you're aiming to be a publisher. That's why..."
|"Oh I see, you want to be a publisher. That's why..."
Line 73: Line 73:
|「わたし? ううん、まだまだ。<br>将来の姿なんて、全然イメージわかないな。<br>このままなら、たった二年後の話なのにね」
|「わたし? ううん、まだまだ。<br>将来の姿なんて、全然イメージわかないな。<br>このままなら、たった二年後の話なのにね」
|"Me? Nope, not yet. I still can't think of anything for my future yet, even though there's only two years left."
|"Me? Nope, not yet. Even though there's only two years left, I still can't think of anything for my future yet."
Line 97: Line 97:
|"Ah, of course. Even if we are in different buildings, we're still going to the same school. If we want to meet up, we can see each other every day."
|"Ah, of course. Even if we're in different buildings, we're still going to the same school. If we want to meet up, we can see each other every day."
Line 103: Line 103:
|"Um, hey... Can I still call you in the future?"
|"Um, hey... In the future can I still call you?"
Line 115: Line 115:
|"I see... Must be hard on you. Please take care of your health, okay?"
|"I see... Must be hard on you. Please take care of yourself, okay?"
Line 169: Line 169:
|However, it's been less than 30 minutes since I went to sleep. Yet I've been sweating like crazy in my sleep, and feeling awful.
|However, it's been less than 30 minutes since I went to sleep. Yet I was sweating like crazy and I'm feeling awful.
Line 181: Line 181:
|As I turn on the light, my eyes slowly adapt to its brightness.
|As I turn on the light, my eyes slowly adapt to the brightness.
Line 187: Line 187:
|I shake my head slowly, trying to get my brain to focus on reality, yet that familiar memory keeps forcibly resurfacing in my mind.
|I shake my head slowly, trying to force my brain to focus on reality, yet that familiar memory keeps forcibly recurring in my mind.
Line 205: Line 205:
|After forcing off the T-shirt that was stuck to my skin, I ran into the shower and turned the faucet on.
|After forcing off the T-shirt that was stuck to my skin, I ran into the shower and turned the water on.
Line 211: Line 211:
|I don't care if it's the cold water in the beginning or the warm water after it reaches the set temperature, I just want water to flush my head.
|I don't care if it's the cold water in the beginning or the warm water after it reaches the set temperature, I just want water to clear my head.
Line 217: Line 217:
|Each time I feel the intense stimulation received through my skin, I hope it can clear my thoughts and wake up my body.
|Each time I receive the intense sensations through my skin, I pray it clears my thoughts and wakes my body.
Line 235: Line 235:
|My memories still contains a fragment from three years ago which I've sealed away.
|My memories still contain a fragment from three years ago which I've sealed away.
Line 247: Line 247:
|Three years ago, after revealing her disguise, I've met a girl named Ogiso Setsuna.
|Three years ago, after revealing her disguise, I met a girl named Ogiso Setsuna.
Line 253: Line 253:
|We played on stage together, we did stupid things together and we laughed together. That all happened three years ago, and it's the irreplaceable past that the three of us share.
|We performed on stage together, we did stupid things together and we laughed together. That all happened three years ago, and it's the irreplaceable past that the three of us share.
Line 259: Line 259:
|Three years ago, although there were little twists and turns, we managed to understand each other. Slowly, our words, our feelings, and our lips drew closer to each other.
|Three years ago, although there were little twists and turns, we managed to understand each other. Slowly, our words, our passions, and our lips drew closer to each other.
Line 277: Line 277:
|Her bashful and mischieful smile from three years ago was replaced by a forceful, tearful smile filled with feelings of resignation.
|Her bashful and mischieful smile from three years ago was replaced by a forceful, tearful smile filled with feelings of surrender.
Line 289: Line 289:
|She is becoming more and more beautiful.
|She's becoming more and more beautiful.
Line 295: Line 295:
|The pretty, yet cute Setsuna, who aroused love of others from high school, has now become a shocking beauty.
|The pretty, yet cute Setsuna, who aroused the love of others during high school, has now become an astounding beauty.
Line 307: Line 307:
|Compared to back then, she almost never showed her true self, yet her high-profile presence was getting more and more attention.
|Ever since that time, she's almost never revealed her true self, yet her striking presence captures more and more attention.
Line 313: Line 313:
|Everyone was fascinated by Setsuna. Her gorgeous figure was inscribed into everyone's minds.
|Everyone was mesmerized by Setsuna. Her gorgeous figure was etched into everyone's minds.
Line 331: Line 331:
|Even so, her smile never faded away. Yet she herself remained by my side the entire time.
|Even so, her smile never faded. Yet she remained by my side the entire time.
Line 391: Line 391:
|But after all, that's all it took. After seeing her sad smile just once, all my hard work trying to forget her had gone to waste, and I was pulled back to the past.
|But after all, that's all it took. After seeing her sad smile just once, all my hard work trying to forget her had gone to waste, and I was pulled back into the past.
Line 409: Line 409:
|How deeply do you have to hurt yourself in order to forgive me, then choose to give up on me?
|How deeply do you have to hurt yourself in order to forgive and forget about me?
Line 463: Line 463:
|Even after I came to university, I know that the only one who would approach me with his fist before calling out first is this guy.
|Even after I came to university, I know that the only one who would greet me with his fist before his voice is this guy.
Line 469: Line 469:
|Most of the people who did this to me before have changed their attitude toward me after suffering through my long lectures.
|Most of the people who've done this to me before have changed their attitude toward me after suffering through my long lectures.
Line 475: Line 475:
|I'm thankful to have him as my friend, even if he can be difficult to deal with at times, since he's one of my very few friends back from high school.
|I'm thankful to have him as my friend, even if he can be difficult to deal with at times, since he's one of my very few friends from high school.
Line 505: Line 505:
|"Since it's the Literature Department's seminar, shouldn't you be having a harem in there? How can you choose not to go?"
|"Since it's the Literature Department's seminar, shouldn't you have a harem in there? How can you choose not to go?"
Line 535: Line 535:
|I am thankful to him, yet he's difficult to deal with sometimes, because he knows my past quite well...
|I am thankful for him, yet he's difficult to deal with sometimes, because he knows my past quite well...
Line 541: Line 541:
|Up until second year, we were together in the Economics Department, and when he found out I changed departments, we got into a fight.
|Up until second year we were together in the Economics Department, and when he found out I changed departments, we got into a fight.
Line 547: Line 547:
|"Well, whatever. Wanna to go have a drink together, Haruki? You should spend some quality time with your one male friend once in a while."
|"Well, whatever. Wanna go have a drink together, Haruki? You should spend some quality time with your one and only male friend once in a while."
Line 553: Line 553:
|"You don't have to force yourself. You're the type who would suffocate without a girl drinking by him."
|"You don't have to force yourself. You're the type who would die without a girl drinking by him."
Line 565: Line 565:
|From what I know about this guy, 90 percent of what comes out of his mouth is complaints, narcissistic bragging, or flirting. But when he speaks seriously, about once per year, he usually hits the bullseye deep inside my heart as if trying to kill me.
|From what I know about this guy, 90 percent of what comes out of his mouth is complaints, narcissistic bragging, or flirting. But about once per year when he gets serious, he usually hits the bullseye deep inside my heart as if trying to kill me.
Line 583: Line 583:
|... No, maybe this guy simply can't bear to look at the way I act any longer.
|... No, maybe this guy simply can't bear witness to the way I act any longer.
Line 589: Line 589:
|"At least give your one male friend some priority once in a while. There shouldn't be any problems if it's just one day, right?"
|"At least try to prioritize your one male friend once in a while. There shouldn't be any problems if it's just one day, right?"
Line 607: Line 607:
|Seems like he finally remembered he tried to use this same tactic to trick me once before.
|Seems like he finally remembered when he tried to use this same trick once before.
Line 625: Line 625:
|Even now, Takeya is an irreplaceable friend deep inside my heart.
|Even now, deep in my heart Takeya is an irreplaceable friend.
Line 631: Line 631:
|When I see him worrying about me, I almost want to cry because I really appreciate it.
|When I see him worrying about me, I almost want to cry because it means so much to me.
Line 649: Line 649:
|Because if that happened, I would be involving everyone around me and playing a charade that would make everyone's lives miserable again.
|Because if that happened, I would be involving everyone around me and playing a charade that would make everyone miserable again.
Line 655: Line 655:
|"Rater, Takeya..."
|"Rather, Takeya..."
Line 667: Line 667:
|"You should start breaking up with the high school girls already. You're a 3rd year university student, for crying out loud."
|"You should start breaking up with those high school girls already. You're a 3rd year university student, for crying out loud."
Line 673: Line 673:
|"... I appreciate your warning, but I don't see why you're telling me that now."
|"... I appreciate your concern, but I don't see why you're bringing this up now."
Line 691: Line 691:
|I point out a person with my chin, and Takeya finally seems to understand what I'm saying.
|I point my chin at a person, and Takeya finally seems to understand what I'm saying.
Line 703: Line 703:
|Well, from the looks of it, it seems more like she "found" the person she's been waiting for.
|Well, from the looks of it, it seems more like she's "found" the person she's been waiting for.
Line 721: Line 721:
|Given that change of expression, what happens next should be a familiar scene.
|Given her change of expression, what happens next should be some déjà vu
Line 727: Line 727:
|After this, she would either be crying while clinging onto Takeya or yelling at him angrily... Come to think of it, someone did strung her cheek before.
|After this, she'll either be crying and clinging onto Takeya or angrily yelling at him ... Come to think of it, someone did strung her cheek before.
|the latter part of this feels mistranslated. Don't know what to do with it.}}
|the latter part of this feels mistranslated. Don't know what to do with it.}}
Line 733: Line 733:
|Well, since I'm already used to this. I should be able to pretend like I didn't hear anything by turning my head aside while listening to their sweet talk.
|Well, since I'm already used to this. I should be able to pretend like I don't hear anything by turning my head aside while listening to their lovers quarrel.
Line 739: Line 739:
|And when Takeya sees the girl off after having changed her crying face to a smile, I will pat his shoulder and continue with my "It's about time..." lecture.
|And when Takeya sees the girl off after changing her crying face to a smile, I will pat his shoulder and continue with my "It's about time..." lecture.
Line 745: Line 745:
|"No, wait a minute. Even though I don't plan to listen to your lecture, at least let me say that I don't even know who this girl is."
|"No, wait a minute. Even though I don't plan to listen to your lecture, at least let me say that I don't even know this girl"
Line 763: Line 763:
|Her face is filled with anger, but that's also why it calmed me a little... After all, it's better if she's angry than if she's crying.
|Her face is filled with rage, but that also calmed me a little... After all, it's better if she's angry than if she's crying.
Line 847: Line 847:
|The statement "Angry is better than crying" is only true if I'm not the target.
|The statement "Angry is better than crying" only applies if I'm not the target.
Line 853: Line 853:
|Until now, I've never in my life met a girl who glared at me with such hostility.
|Until now, I've never in my life met a girl who has glared at me with such hostility.
Line 907: Line 907:
|"Not only that... The worst possible opponent interrupted at the worst possible time, too..."
|"Not only that... The worst possible competitor interrupted at the worst possible time, too..."
Line 913: Line 913:
|"The worst opponent? Who's that?"
|"The worst competitor? Who?"
Line 931: Line 931:
|"You'll know what I mean if you meet her. The only thing I can say for now is that there is at least three of a kind for each type of person in this world.
|"You'll know what I mean if you meet her. The only thing I can say for now is that there is at least three of the same type of person in this world.
Line 979: Line 979:
|"... Oh? Didn't you said you might not be able to come today?"
|"... Oh? Didn't you say that you might not be able to come today?"
Line 1,015: Line 1,015:
|Did your girlfriend your date or something?"
|Did your girlfriend cancel your date or something?"
Line 1,027: Line 1,027:
|"... Don't put on that positive face and nod in agreement. Do you even realize what a terrible thing you just said?"
|"... Don't put on that happy face then nod in agreement. Do you even realize how depressing you sound?"
Line 1,039: Line 1,039:
|"... Don't put on that whiny face either. Did I hit the bullseye?"
|"... Don't put on that whiny face either. Was I right?"
Line 1,063: Line 1,063:
|"That's the work I assigned you. If I remember correctly, that's only due next week, on Monday?"
|"That's the work I assigned you. If I remember correctly, that's due all the way next week, on Monday?"
Line 1,075: Line 1,075:
|"Well, I guess that's true. Perfect, we've just decided to work on a new project from our meeting earlier."
|"Well, I guess that's true. Perfect, just in our meeting earlier we decided to work on a new project ."
Line 1,087: Line 1,087:
|She can just about make a magazine on her own, even though she hasn't even been working for whole five years in this company.
|She can just about write a magazine on her own, even though she hasn't even been working for a full five years with this company.
Line 1,105: Line 1,105:
|"... I'll bear it in mind."
|"... I'll keep that in mind."
Line 1,129: Line 1,129:
|All the people around me are "experienced adults", and I can continue to be myself within the group...
|All the people around me are "experienced adults", so I can continue to be myself in peace...
Line 1,141: Line 1,141:
|If they don't know anything, I can keep my distance easily.
|If they don't know anything, I can easily keep my distance.
Line 1,153: Line 1,153:
|Do you believe that you can apply what you think is correct to another person's life?
|Do you believe that you can apply your morals to another person's life?
Line 1,177: Line 1,177:
|You ask me why can't I understand your arguments? Then let me ask you why you would judge me with your standard?
|You ask me why can't I understand your arguments? Then let me ask you why you do judge me with your standards?
Line 1,207: Line 1,207:
|"I was just praising you inside my heart, please don't ruin it..."
|"I was just in the middle of mentally praising you, please don't ruin it..."
Line 1,243: Line 1,243:
|The girl named Sugiura Koharu talked to me about Yada Mihoko with an unfriendly expression.
|The girl named Sugiura Koharu talked to me about Yada Mihoko while looking quite unfriendly.
Line 1,249: Line 1,249:
|Just from hearing that name, I understood her reason for being here.
|Just from hearing that name, I understood why she was here.
Line 1,261: Line 1,261:
|"Wait a moment. A girl from high school confessed to you...? Haruki, are you even aware of the situation you're in!?"
|"Wait a moment. A girl from high school confessed to you...? Haruki, do you even understand the situation you're in!?"
Line 1,315: Line 1,315:
|"She didn't come to school the whole day yesterday."
|"She was missing from school all of yesterday."
Line 1,327: Line 1,327:
|"Because she was coldly rejected by the 'Kitahara-sensei' she so respected... When I visited her, she couldn't stop crying."
|"When I visited her, she couldn't stop crying because she was coldly rejected by the 'Kitahara-sensei' whom she respected so much... ."
Line 1,345: Line 1,345:
|I had only said that in reflex. That much was obvious to me.
|I had only said that in reflex. That much was clear to me.
Line 1,363: Line 1,363:
|Then, after considering what I had done once again, I finally realized the sin I committed.
|Then, after reconsidering what I had done, I finally realized the sin I committed.
Line 1,387: Line 1,387:
|I'm sure she didn't have any bad intentions. She was only trying to get her message across to me clearly.
|I'm sure she didn't have any bad intentions. She was only trying to clearly get her message across to me.
Line 1,393: Line 1,393:
|I had said such cold words to a girl like it was nothing, and that was really unforgivable.
|I had said such cold words to a girl like it was nothing, and that was truely unforgivable.
Line 1,417: Line 1,417:
|It was a necessary evil that I had to bear to prevent myself from committing an even greater sin.
|It was a necessary evil that I had to commit to prevent myself from committing an even greater sin.
Line 1,441: Line 1,441:
|"That's why I couldn't help but feel happy about it, but it's possible that I got too close to her. For that, I'll reflect upon the issue."
|"That's why I couldn't help but feel happy about it, but it's possible that I got too close to her. For that, I'll repent for my actions."
Line 1,471: Line 1,471:
|The heavy mood, which even a comedian wouldn't have been able to lighten up, was lifted with that one sentence.
|The heavy mood, which couldn't be lifted by even a comedian, was lifted with that one sentence.
Line 1,501: Line 1,501:
|"Come to think of it, you're pretty brave, Koharu-chan. You dared to yell at a college student you'd never even seen before."
|"Come to think of it, you're pretty brave, Koharu-chan. You dared to yell at a college student you've never even seen before."
Line 1,507: Line 1,507:
|"It doesn't really have anything to do with bravery. I only want to do what's right."
|"It doesn't really have anything to do with bravery. I just wanted to do what's right."
Line 1,513: Line 1,513:
|In a way that doesn't feel like a proper reply…
|In a way that doesn't feel like a proper response…
Line 1,537: Line 1,537:
|Just like that, thanks to this girl's gentle expression, I was able to relax a bit.
|Just like that,I was able to relax a bit thanks to this girl's now gentle expression.
Line 1,543: Line 1,543:
|Both her dignified expression from before and her gentle expression now suit Takeya's tastes, but even from a normal person's point of view...
|Both her dignified expression from before and her current gentle expression suit Takeya's tastes, but that's pretty typical from a normal person's point of view...
Line 1,549: Line 1,549:
|"So, is that all? I still have to go to work at my part-time job."
|"So, is that all? I still have to go to work."
Line 1,555: Line 1,555:
|... But what difference does it make if I have those thoughts on my mind?
|... But what difference does it make if I think about these things?
Line 1,573: Line 1,573:
|「え? だって俺さっきお前に振られたし、<br>小春ちゃんとお近づきにならないといけないし」
|「え? だって俺さっきお前に振られたし、<br>小春ちゃんとお近づきにならないといけないし」
|"Eh? But you just ditched me, dude. Now I have no choice but to get more acquainted with Koharu-chan."
|"Eh? But you just ditched me dude. Now I have no choice but to get more acquainted with Koharu-chan."
Line 1,579: Line 1,579:
|"I don't recall ever agreeing to the second half of that statement..."
|"I don't recall ever agreeing to the second half of that comment..."
Line 1,615: Line 1,615:
|"Please talk it out with her properly, okay?"
|"Please properly talk it over with her, okay?"
Line 1,621: Line 1,621:
|As expected, the soft expression she'd showed for a while tensed up once again...
|As expected, the soft expression she had for a while tensed up once again...
Line 1,627: Line 1,627:
|"I understand. I'll apologize for my cold attitude back then."
|"I understand. I'll apologize for my cold attitude."
Line 1,633: Line 1,633:
|"Don't just apologize, okay? Please talk to her properly."
|"Don't just apologize, okay? Please properly talk to her."
Line 1,657: Line 1,657:
|Then, as she started speaking with the tense expression from earlier, the mood returned to the way it was before...
|Then, as she started speaking with the tense expression from earlier, the mood shifted back again...
Line 1,705: Line 1,705:
|Something about her reminded me of myself, I could see vehement justice shining through her eyes.
|Something about her reminded me of myself, I could see passionate justice shining through her eyes.
Line 1,717: Line 1,717:
|"Or else, I'm worried that girl might not be able to fall in love again. If she continues to be depressed like this..."
|"If she continues to be this depressed, I'm worried that girl might not be able to fall in love again. ..."
Line 1,729: Line 1,729:
|Most likely, it was because my expression changed in an instant.
|Most likely, it was because my expression instantly deteriorated.
Line 1,735: Line 1,735:
|Takeya, who had only been joking around, stood between the two of us seriously, trying his best to defuse this situation.
|Takeya, who had only been joking around, now stood between the two of us seriously, trying his best to defuse this situation.
Line 1,753: Line 1,753:
|"Um, that's...<br>H, he'll take care of it properly, for sure!"
|"Um, that's...<br>H, he'll work it all out for sure!"
Line 1,777: Line 1,777:
|Serious, inflexible, not allowing her opponent to escape, and at the same time consistently and entirely honest with herself.
|Serious, inflexible, leaving no chance for her opponent to escape, and at the same time consistently and entirely honest with herself.
Line 1,783: Line 1,783:
|The truth is, it felt so familiar because it sounded like I was listening to myself. That was all my reasoning, as well.
|The truth is, it felt so familiar because it sounded like I was listening to myself. Im extremely familiar with this reasoning, as well.
Line 1,807: Line 1,807:
|"Why should I tell someone unrelated to me those kinds of things?"
|"Why should I tell someone who has nothing to do with me those kinds of things?"
Line 1,837: Line 1,837:
|I showed the disgusting feelings hidden deep inside my heart to a girl who's three years younger than me.
|The disgusting emotions buried deep in my heart reared it's ugly head to a girl who's three years younger than me.
Line 1,843: Line 1,843:
|"Th.. That's... The problem doesn't lie with the other person, then, the problem is inside your heart!"
|"Th.. That's... The problem doesn't lie with the other person then, the problem is inside your heart!"
Line 1,849: Line 1,849:
|"You kept saying 'It's for that girl, it's for that girl' over and over again, but now that it's no longer in your favor, it's a problem in my heart?"
|"You kept saying 'It's for that girl, it's for that girl' over and over again, but now that it's no longer convenient for you, it's a problem in my heart?"
Line 1,873: Line 1,873:
|My painful emotions erupted like lava once again, and would only leave ashes around me afterwards.
|My painful emotions burst forward like lava once again, and would only leave ashes around me afterwards.
Line 1,885: Line 1,885:
|"Exactly. That's the kind of person I am. Why couldn't she understand? Why wouldn't she hate me...
|"Exactly. That's the kind of person I am. Why couldn't she understand? Why couldn't she hate me...

Revision as of 15:32, 5 September 2016

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Translation Notes

This file covers spoken-only lines, starting around line 65:

Radio host: We’ve been playing this song since the start of this week, so we’ve gotten some nice feedback in just as we thought we would! Here’s one from Yuuchan-san, from the Department of Science and Engineering:

“It’s the first time I’ve ever heard Todokanai Koi, but I instantly fell in love with the song! The heartrending lyrics, gentle melody, and crystal clear vocals form a wonderful harmony. It’s so lonesome but so warm at the same time, I just can’t put the feeling into words. By the way, would it be possible to get this song on a CD or something? It being exclusive to our school and faculty is nice and all, but it’s such a shame that we can only hear it on this program, during this season. Could you do something about it?”

Hmmm… Well, to tell you the truth, this is far from the first time we’ve gotten this request from you guys. We tried getting in touch with the responsible people once, but we were completely rejected. Here’s what the former Light Music Club’s president had to comment on the issue at the time:

“Todokanai Koi is a very personal and emotional song created by and for the members of the former Light Music Club alone. Thus, we have no plans to modify or publicize the song, nor do we see any merit in doing so. I’m happy that it’s getting such nice feedback, but there’s really no point in playing it anywhere other than Houjou FM. And besides… I’m sure that there’s no way the members we had back then will ever assemble again.”


Script Chart

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