Difference between revisions of "White Album 2/Script/2030"

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Line 1,659: Line 1,659:
|What Setsuna's eyes reflect is the snow from that day. <br>What Setsuna could hear is my explanation during that day.
|I'm sure Setsuna's eyes still see the snow from that day. Her ears still hear the echoes of my excuses from that day.
Line 1,665: Line 1,665:
|"During the graduation ceremony... <br>At the airport, when I bid Kazusa farewell, <br>it vividly appear in my mind."
|"What happened during the graduation ceremony... and at the airport, when I bid Kazusa farewell... it all emerges from my memories so vividly."
Line 1,671: Line 1,671:
|My worst confession. <br>When I called out for Kazusa. <br>And also... the proof of our betrayal.
|My disgusting confession. <br>My voice, calling out to Kazusa. <br>And finally... the proof of our betrayal.
Line 1,677: Line 1,677:
|"If this continue, <br>I might start to dislike you... <br>I may even begin to hate you..."
|"If it goes on like that, I may start to dislike you... <br>I may even come to hate you..."
Line 1,683: Line 1,683:
|There shouldn't be any 'may even' in there.
|There shouldn't be any "may even" in there.
Line 1,689: Line 1,689:
|Because it's abnormal to not feel any hatred, <br>if you look at the 'truth'.
|Because it's abnormal for her not to feel any hatred, if you look at the truth of the matter.
Line 1,695: Line 1,695:
|"That's why, I won't sing again."
|"That's why... I've stopped singing."
Line 1,701: Line 1,701:
|In order to run away from there, Setsuna made a decision, <br>It's like she's trying to destroy her own identity.
|In an attempt to run away, Setsuna has made a decision that's tantamount to her destroying her own identity.
Line 1,707: Line 1,707:
|"If I give it up once, I can forget about it fairly fast. <br>The melodies won't appear in my mind again. <br>I couldn't hum any of the phrase either."
|"As soon as I managed to stop, I was able to forget about it pretty quickly. The melodies stopped popping up in my mind, so I couldn't hum any of the phrases either."
Line 1,713: Line 1,713:
|Because during that time, Setsuna lived with her song.
|Because all throughout that time, Setsuna lived with her song.
Line 1,719: Line 1,719:
|"No, I don't feel very lonely. <br>Because I won't remember the time when I still sing."
|"And no, I don't feel lonely or anything. <br>Because I don't even remember the time when I still sang."
Line 1,725: Line 1,725:
|People gather around her, giving her expectation that she never wanted, <br>when she felt tire, she sing along in the karaoke box to vent things out.
|Everyone around her burdened her with expectations that she never asked for, so when it all piled up, she'd sing her heart out alone in the karaoke box to vent everything.
Line 1,731: Line 1,731:
|She went to the roof top to avoid people, <br>but what she heard was a melody that she like, <br>she couldn't helped herself but start singing on her own.
|She went to the rooftop to avoid people, but when she heard one of her favorite melodies from down below, she spontaneously started singing along.
Line 1,737: Line 1,737:
|"Hey, Haruki kun..."
|"Hey, Haruki-kun..."

Revision as of 19:16, 15 July 2017

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