Difference between revisions of "White Album 2/Script/2403"

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Line 27: Line 27:
|"...Are you really not in?"
|"...Did you really head out?"
Line 51: Line 51:
|"Haruki...does your ski trip last into the new year? If that's the case, then at least make sure people can reach you through your cell. <br>Do you plan on not attending my wake even if I were to drop dead this instant?"
|"Haruki...does your ski trip last into the new year? If that's the case, then at least make sure people can reach you through your cell.<br>Do you plan on not attending my wake even if I were to drop dead this instant?"
Line 75: Line 75:
|"You...didn't go back to your old house, did ya? <br> You're not in the hospital, right...? Or taken into custod...no, forget I said that."
|"You… didn't go back to your old house, did ya?<br> You're not in the hospital, right...? Or taken into custod...no, forget I said that."
Line 81: Line 81:
|"...I hope you're not just pretending to be out. Hurry up and come back, Haruki."
|"I hope you're not just... pretending to be out. Hurry up and come back, Haruki."
Line 123: Line 123:
|"You guys DID check into the hotel last night, right? <br>...If not, I'm going to cry."
|"You guys DID check into the hotel last night, right?<br>...If not, I'm going to cry."
Line 135: Line 135:
|"You finally did it, congratulations. <br>...Give me a chance to say that to you, alright?"
|"You finally did it, congratulations.<br>...Give me a chance to say that to you, alright?"
Line 183: Line 183:
|"Only trying to put up a good front... <br>They don't realize they're causing more trouble for others by doing so."
|"Only trying to put up a good front...<br>They don't realize they're causing more trouble for others by doing so."
Line 189: Line 189:
|"...Ah, I'm not talking about you, alright? <br>Besides, you had a "promise" that needed fulfilling."
|"...Ah, I'm not talking about you, alright?<br>Besides, you had a "promise" that needed fulfilling."
Line 195: Line 195:
|"...I've got a lot of other things I wanted to say but I'll stop for today. I'm so tired~"
|"...I've got a lot of other things I still want to say but I'll stop for today. I'm already exhausted~"
Line 207: Line 207:
|"...Oh and also, please let me know how you're doing. I'm a bit worried after all."
|"...Oh and also, please let me know how you're doing. For once, I’m just a little worried after all."
Line 297: Line 297:
|From this point on, the situation in my surroundings drastically begin to change.
|From this point on, the situation in my surroundings will begin to change drastically.
Line 309: Line 309:
|It's not only because they feel responsible for being the instigators. Their voices sound of people genuinely worried about a close friend and at wit's end.
|It's not only because they feel responsible for being the instigators. They sound genuinely worried about a close friend and at their wit's end.
Line 363: Line 363:
|"Ah, but I won't be here even if you come. <br> I'll be gathering materials in the States starting today. I'm at Narita airport right now."
|"Ah, but I won't be here even if you come.<br> I'll be gathering materials in North America starting today. I'm at Narita airport right now."
Line 369: Line 369:
|"I'll be going around to places like New York and Los Angeles, and then meet up with a friend at Guam to start my vacation. I'll be back in Japan around the 5th of next year."
|"I'll be going around to places like New York and Los Angeles, and then I’ll meet up with a friend at Guam to start my vacation. I'll be back in Japan around the 5th of next year."
Line 387: Line 387:
|"Such being the case, call me on my cell if anything comes up.... <br> Ah, collect call is fine since it'll be an international call."
|"There you have it, call me on my cell if anything comes up....<br>Ah, collect call is fine since it'll be an international call."
Line 393: Line 393:
|"Ah, and feel free to call me even if it's not about work. <br> You've got some personal problems you're dealing with right now, am I wrong?"
|"Ah, and feel free to call me even if it's not about work.<br> You've got some personal problems you're dealing with right now, am I wrong?"
Line 492: Line 492:
|79|男性劇団員1|Male Troupe Member 1
|79|男性劇団員1|Male Troupe Member 1
|"Yeah, but the moment she got back, she holed herself up in that room. See for yourself."
|"For a moment we though she did, but the instant she got back, she holed herself up in that room. See for yourself."
Line 498: Line 498:
|「お、おお…そうか。<br>で、進捗は? どのくらい出来てるって?」
|「お、おお…そうか。<br>で、進捗は? どのくらい出来てるって?」
|"Oh, ohhh...I see. <br> So, what's the progress? About how much did she get done?"
|"Oh, ohhh...I see.<br> So, what's the progress? About how much did she get done?"
Line 504: Line 504:
|81|男性劇団員1|Male Troupe Member 1
|81|男性劇団員1|Male Troupe Member 1
|"At least check something like that yourself, leader."
|"At least check something like that yourself, boss."
Line 516: Line 516:
|83|男性劇団員1|Male Troupe Member 1
|83|男性劇団員1|Male Troupe Member 1
|"Then why are you getting me to do something like that!?"
|"Then why are you getting me to do something like that?"
Line 540: Line 540:
|87|男性劇団員1|Male Troupe Member 1
|87|男性劇団員1|Male Troupe Member 1
|"Will we even make it in time? <br>We've only got 2 months left before the first show."
|"Will we even make it in time?<br>We've only got 2 months left before the first show."
Line 546: Line 546:
|"I think we'll...probably be fine? <br>Besides, it looks like she's able to create a very strong character this time around....to the point I feel pity for her partner."
|"I think we'll...probably be fine?<br>Besides, it looks like she's able to create a very strong character this time around....to the point I feel pity for her partner."
Line 558: Line 558:
|"There's nothing I can do but trust her... <br>She doesn't joke around when it comes to the stage."
|"There's nothing I can do but trust her...<br>She doesn't joke around when it comes to the stage."
Line 630: Line 630:
|"I'm getting all jealous, geez. <br> Even though you're mine, you naughty boy~"
|"I'm getting all jealous, geez.<br> Even though you're mine, you naughty boy~"
Line 672: Line 672:
|"You even used disinfectant... <br>Did you have to be so thorough with your cleaning?"
|"You even used disinfectant...<br>Did you have to be so thorough with your cleaning?"
Line 727: Line 727:
|I won't lie anymore... <br>It's because I made that decision that I invited these two over.
|I won't lie anymore...<br>It's because I made that decision that I invited these two over.
Line 739: Line 739:
|「お! 怪しいDVD発見!<br>一枚だけRメディアってところがまた…」
|「お! 怪しいDVD発見!<br>一枚だけRメディアってところがまた…」
|"Oh! Here's a suspicious DVD! <br> Still, you only got one R-rated disc huh..."
|"Oh! Here's a suspicious DVD!<br> Still, you only got one R-rated disc huh..."
Line 757: Line 757:
|『200×年学園祭 二日目ステージイベント』
|『200×年学園祭 二日目ステージイベント』
|&lt;Year 200x School Festival 2nd Day Stage Event&gt;
|The Year 200x School Festival 2nd Day Stage Event.
Line 817: Line 817:
|"...There, the food is ready. <br> Clear the tables for me."
|"...There, the food is ready.<br> Clear the tables for me."
Line 823: Line 823:
|"O, oh... right! <br>That sure took long. <br>Well then, let's open up some cans of beer!"
|"O, oh... right!<br>That sure took long.<br>Well then, let's open up some cans of beer!"
Line 841: Line 841:
|"Oiii, Io~ <br>We're about to start~"
|"Oiii, Io~<br>We're about to start~"
Line 895: Line 895:
|"...It's nothing. <br> Hand me a beer too, Takeya."
|"...It's nothing.<br> Hand me a beer too, Takeya."
Line 907: Line 907:
|"Happy New Year. <br> Let's treat each other well this year too, Haruki."
|"Happy New Year.<br> Let's treat each other well this year too, Haruki."
Line 992: Line 992:
|"We still have lots of leftover black soybeans. <br>I don't feel like eating at home for some time."
|"We still have lots of leftover black soybeans.<br>I don't feel like eating at home for some time."
Line 1,004: Line 1,004:
|"Ahhh~~ I don't feel like moving for a while~ <br> Haruki, I'm staying over tonight."
|"Ahhh~~ I don't feel like moving for a while~<br> Haruki, I'm staying over tonight."
Line 1,040: Line 1,040:
|"... (siiiip)"
Line 1,046: Line 1,046:
|"... (siiiip)"
Line 1,052: Line 1,052:
|"... (siiiip)"
Line 1,070: Line 1,070:
|"Say, Haruki. <br>What happened between you and Setsuna?"
|"Say, Haruki.<br>What happened between you and Setsuna?"
Line 1,142: Line 1,142:
|Everyone knew from the beginning the meaning behind gathering in my room. <br>But everyone also hesitated on touching the subject.
|Everyone knew from the beginning the meaning behind gathering in my room.<br>But everyone also hesitated on touching the subject.
Line 1,190: Line 1,190:
|"In the end, I wasn't able to forget. <br>Even so, I said I had already forgotten."
|"In the end, I wasn't able to forget.<br>Even so, I said I had already forgotten."
Line 1,202: Line 1,202:
|"I lied. <br>Setsuna saw through my lie."
|"I lied.<br>Setsuna saw through my lie."
Line 1,293: Line 1,293:
|"Then solve it! <br> Phone her however many times you need and apologize! Even if you have to get down on your knees, ask for her forgiveness!"
|"Then solve it!<br> Phone her however many times you need and apologize! Even if you have to get down on your knees, ask for her forgiveness!"
Line 1,365: Line 1,365:
|"It's all a matter of your attitude. <br>If you think it's no longer possible, then it will turn out that way, you understand?"
|"It's all a matter of your attitude.<br>If you think it's no longer possible, then it will turn out that way, you understand?"
Line 1,371: Line 1,371:
|Besides, even if Setsuna allowed that, I don't know if it's even alright for me right now to go back.
|Besides, even if Setsuna allowed that, I don't know if it's even alright for to go back right now.
Line 1,413: Line 1,413:
|"More than half of the toothpaste is gone from what I just saw. <br>It was brand new before."
|"More than half of the toothpaste is gone from what I just saw.<br>It was brand new before."
Line 1,486: Line 1,486:
|I should have been frank with them from the start. <br>I shouldn't have kept it a secret.
|I should have been frank with them from the start.<br>I shouldn't have kept it a secret.
Line 1,745: Line 1,745:
|"Isn't it obvious? <br>I'm going to call that woman who was here."
|"Isn't it obvious?<br>I'm going to call that woman who was here."
Line 1,751: Line 1,751:
|"No. It has nothing to do with her. <br>That's the one thing I absolutely won't allow."
|"No. It has nothing to do with her.<br>That's the one thing I absolutely won't allow."
Line 1,877: Line 1,877:
|"But Haruki's running away. <br>He's just running away from reality.<br>That's not like him at all."
|"But Haruki's running away.<br>He's just running away from reality.<br>That's not like him at all."
Line 1,937: Line 1,937:
|So, seeing Io frail and unlike her usual self, <br>Takeya pulls her in close....
|So, seeing Io frail and unlike her usual self,<br>Takeya pulls her in close....
Line 2,021: Line 2,021:
|"Stop it Takeya! <br> It's all my fault!"
|"Stop it Takeya!<br> It's all my fault!"
Line 2,117: Line 2,117:
|"Can't help it. <br>If what you did is a crime, then I'm already at a death sentence."
|"Can't help it.<br>If what you did is a crime, then I'm already at a death sentence."
Line 2,154: Line 2,154:
|We had a cool albeit pathetic exchange as we sat back to back, despite the fact that no one's even watching.
|We had a cool abeit pathetic exchange as we sat back to back, despite the fact that no one's even watching.

Revision as of 19:59, 23 September 2018

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