Difference between revisions of "White Album 2/Script/2009"

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(2 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 16: Line 16:
== Text ==
== Text ==
Line 21: Line 22:
|"Good morning, everyone."
|"Good morning, everyone!"
|"Good morning!"
|"Good morning!"
Line 33: Line 34:
|"Now, regarding the morning shift, we'll begin with 6 people: Nakagawa-san, Iiyama-san, and Mizuhara-san in the hall...<br> Honda-kun, Shimoda-kun, and myself in the kitchen."
|"Well, to address our morning shift, we'll begin with six people: Nakagawa-san, Iiyama-san, and Mizuhara-san will work in the hall while Honda-kun, Shimoda-kun,<br>and myself will handle the kitchen."
Line 39: Line 40:
|Saturday, 9:30 a.m.
|It’s Saturday, 9:30 AM.
Line 45: Line 46:
|"However, whenever someone is on break, Kitahara-san will step in and help out, so I believe things will run smoother than usual."
|"However, Kitahara-san will step in and help out whenever someone goes for their break, so I believe things will run smoother than usual."
Line 51: Line 52:
|I'm here on my second workday since my resignation half a year ago.
|This is my second day of working here again at Goodies since half a year ago.
Line 57: Line 58:
|"And as for our trainee, Sugiura-san, starting today she'll be slowly integrating into the hall team. Let's help her out as much as we can."
|"And as for our trainee, Sugiura-san, she'll be slowly integrating into the hall team starting today. Let's help her out as much as we can."
Line 63: Line 64:
|"I might still make a few mistakes here and there for the time being, but I'll work hard to improve myself so I won't slow everyone down. <br>Let's do our best to work well together today."
|"I might still make a few mistakes here and there for the time being, but I'll work hard to improve myself so I won't slow everyone down.<br>Let's do our best to work well together today."
Line 69: Line 70:
|And at the same time, it's also this girl - who's bowing deeply before us - Sugiura Koharu's second day on the job.
|And at the same time, it's also the second day that this girl who's bowing deeply before us right now—Sugiura Koharu—will be working here.
Line 75: Line 76:
|Just as I expected, she's definitely not some weakling who'd be discouraged by what happened last time.
|She's definitely not some weakling who'd be discouraged by what happened last time, though<br>I more or less expected as much.
Line 81: Line 82:
|"Well then, you're all dismissed. <br>Everyone, begin preparations for the store opening."
|"Well then, you're all dismissed. Everyone, begin preparations for the restaurant opening."
Line 87: Line 88:
|After temporary manager Satou's morning meeting, which was a little more formal than usual, everyone heads off to their appropriate stations.
|After our morning meeting—which acting manager Satou handled better than expected—everyone heads off to their stations.
Line 105: Line 106:
|That leaves me stuck here exchanging awkward gazes with Sugiura-san, who’s essentially on standby until she’s given a particular task,<br>while I haven’t been given a particular position either.
|As a result, I, who hasn't been specified a position, and her, who's been asked to stay on standby, are forced to stay here awkwardly staring at one another.
Line 111: Line 112:
|Actually, I'm probably the only one who looks awkward.
|No, I’m actually the only one between us who doesn’t appear to be very happy right now.
Line 123: Line 124:
Line 129: Line 130:
|As for her, she's been intently staring at my face for a while, not moving a muscle...
|On the other hand, she's been intently staring at me for a while, without even moving so much as a muscle...
Line 135: Line 136:
|She's probably waiting for my orders or something, but she doesn't need to look so scary, does she...?
|Well, I suppose she's probably waiting for me to give her instructions or something, but she doesn't need to look so scary, now, does she...?
Line 147: Line 148:
|"I intend to join the team in the hall as soon as the store opens."
|"I want to join the team in the hall as soon as the restaurant opens."
Line 159: Line 160:
|Just as I was no longer able to stand another moment of our current atmosphere, she breaks the silence between us without any hesitation.
|She calmly breaks the silence before I have a chance to, right as I was about to collapse from the awkward atmosphere.
Line 165: Line 166:
|"It'll be a while until noon, so there won't be as many customers for now, I think. I don't think I'll be a burden for the time being."
|"It’s still early before noon, so there won't be as many customers for now I think. I don't think I'll be a burden to the others for the time being."
Line 171: Line 172:
Line 177: Line 178:
|"But in the case that I do make some mistakes, senpai, please step in and assist me. You've been appointed as my mentor, so that's part of your job, correct?"
|"But in the event that I do end up affecting the flow of our workplace, please step in and assist me, Senpai.<br>You're in charge of training me, so that's part of your job, right?"
Line 183: Line 184:
|Rather than say she’s finally broken the silence, she’s already gone as far as to start spouting out things non-stop since a short moment ago.
|She broke the silence, all right. <br>With all the subtlety of a sledgehammer.
Line 189: Line 190:
|"At around 11, I'll probably start bothering the others if I stay there, so I'll back off and watch everyone. Please help the others out until 1 PM."
|"I'll probably end up breaking the usual pace at around 11 AM, so I’ll learn by observing how you all work from then on instead.<br>Please step in and help the others out until 1 PM, Senpai."
Line 201: Line 202:
|"Starting from 1, we can begin my training. <br>I'll be asking as many questions as I can in order to train as effectively as possible."
|"Starting from 1 o’clock, we can begin my training. I'll be asking as many questions as I can in order to improve myself as effectively as possible."
Line 213: Line 214:
|"I would like to go back to helping out at around 3, but I'll let you decide if that's the best course of action for me based on my performance in the morning."
|"I would like to go back to helping out again at around 3 PM, so please decide if I’m up for the task based on my performance in the morning."
Line 225: Line 226:
|"That'll be our plan of attack, I suppose. <br>Do you have any questions?"
|"That will be how we’ll proceed for now, right? Do you have any questions?"
Line 249: Line 250:
|By "my lines", I don't just mean the one who's speaking, but the spoken content as well...
|And when I say "my lines," I’m not just referring to the position of the one saying them, but the spoken content as well...
Line 255: Line 256:
|After all, her plan is nearly identical to the one I had come up with.
|After all, the schedule that I’d planned for her is exactly identical to what she had just proposed.
Line 261: Line 262:
|"So there's nothing else, then? Then let's open up shop. Let's do our best today, too."
|"So there's nothing else, then? In that case, we should go open up shop. Let's do our best today too."
Line 267: Line 268:
|"Like I said, that's also my..."
|"No, that's also supposed to be my..."
Line 273: Line 274:
|Is she taking her anger out on me, or is she just trying to cover up her embarrassment? <br>Or is this just the way she was born...?
|Is this her way of taking revenge on me, or is she just trying to cover up her embarrassment? Or perhaps this is simply the way she is...?
Line 279: Line 280:
|Thus, Sugiura Koharu's second day at work begins, and while she has realized her standing, she still pushes her opinions on me as if she was superior to me.
|At any rate, Sugiura Koharu's second day at work begins with her forcefully pushing her opinions on me despite being well aware of her place.
Line 285: Line 286:
|...Quite the pedantic one, isn't she?
|...Quite the bossy one, now, isn't she?
Line 297: Line 298:
|"Thank you very much. <br>Your total comes to 3280 yen...?"
|"Thank you very much. Your total comes to 3280 yen...?"
Line 303: Line 304:
|"I'm very sorry. <br>Please wait a moment."
|"...I'm very sorry. Please wait a moment."
Line 309: Line 310:
|"Senpai! <br>Kitahara-senpai!"
|"Senpai! Kitahara-senpai!"
Line 327: Line 328:
|"W-What's wrong?
|"W-What's wrong?
Line 333: Line 334:
|"The cash register made an error noise and stopped functioning. I think I might have made a mistake."
|"The cash register made a warning noise and stopped functioning. I think I might have made a mistake."
Line 345: Line 346:
|"Please wait for a second!"
|"Please wait!"
Line 357: Line 358:
|"Please let me have a better look while you're using it, so I can understand it better. <br>This is part of my training, too."
|"Please let me have a better look while you're working on that so I can understand it better. This is part of my training, too."
Line 363: Line 364:
|"Oh, sure. Sorry."
|"Y-Yeah. My bad."
Line 375: Line 376:
|"You need to do this when you reset it. <br>Like this, you can start putting the receipt..."
|"You need to do this when you reset it. That will let you go back to when you first started with the receipt..."
|the original line is also cut off}}
|"Um, you've never shown me this technique before."
|"Um, you've never shown me this technique before, though."
Line 387: Line 388:
|"It's sort of like a cheat code, so... <br>I wasn't sure if letting you know was the best idea."
|"This technique’s a bit of a cheat, so... I’m actually not sure if I should be teaching you stuff like this.
Line 393: Line 394:
|"You don't need to make those unnecessary considerations. I'll decide for myself whether the knowledge is useful or not."
|"You don't need to make such unnecessary considerations. I'll decide for myself whether the knowledge you’re giving me is useful or not."
Line 399: Line 400:
Line 405: Line 406:
|"There's no need to be so reserved when it comes to teaching me what you know. Just force it all onto me."
|"There's no need to be so reluctant when it comes to teaching me what you know. It’s okay to just force it all onto me."
Line 411: Line 412:
Line 417: Line 418:
|"Look, the customer's still waiting. Please hurry up a little... Can't you at least handle this degree of multitasking?"
|"Look, the customer's still waiting. Please hurry… Can't you at least handle this degree of multitasking?"
Line 441: Line 442:
|「ね、どしたの彼女? 今日はえらく素直じゃん。<br>よっぽど先週のアレが効いたのかな?」
|「ね、どしたの彼女? 今日はえらく素直じゃん。<br>よっぽど先週のアレが効いたのかな?」
|"Hey, what's up with her? She seems much tamer than before. Did that stuff last week have that much of an impact on her?"
|"Hey, what's up with her? She seems really obedient today. Did all that stuff last week have that much of an impact on her?"
Line 447: Line 448:
|"You call that tame...?"
|"You call that obedient...?"
Line 453: Line 454:
|Why do I need to stand here and be subjected to her holier-than-thou preaching...
|Why do I have to be subjected to her holier-than-thou way of asking me to teach her things…?
Line 465: Line 466:
|"Let me confirm the order. <br>An egg-topped salisbury steak, combo A with rice, and a pudding parfait after the meal, correct?"
|"Let me repeat your order. An egg-topped hamburger steak, combo A with rice, and a pudding parfait after the meal, correct?"
Line 477: Line 478:
|"Can I clean this side up? <br>...Then, if you'll excuse me."
|"Can I clean this side up? ...Please excuse me."
Line 489: Line 490:
|"Would you like a refill on your ice water? <br>...How about you, sir?"
|"Would you like a refill on your ice water?<br>...How about you, dear guest?"
Line 507: Line 508:
|It's only her second day, and for the most part I've already ran out of things to teach her...
|It's only her second day and there’s already no need for me to step in anymore...
Line 525: Line 526:
|Be it her knack for learning, passion, or perseverance, she definitely stands among the best of the part timers I've seen.
|Be it her knack for learning, passion, or even her perseverance, while I’m at it,<br><br>she’s definitely top class compared to the other part-timers I’ve seen work here.
Line 531: Line 532:
|I'd even go so far as to say that at the pace she's learning, I don't see any problems with making her one of the hall chiefs, <br>even if she's only planning to work part-time during the winter break...
|Given the pace she's working at, I'd even go so far as to say she could be entrusted with taking on a managerial position during the short winter break,<br>despite the fact that she's only working part-time...
Line 537: Line 538:
|"Man, we must've hit the jackpot. <br>The kids over at the high school are smart, but they almost never have this kind of motivation..."
|"Man, we really struck gold with this one. There seem to be a lot of smart students from that high school,<br><br>but all the same, there are also a lot of half-hearted ones, too…”
Line 543: Line 544:
|"Are you sure it's not our substitute manager's lack of charisma that's the problem here?"
|"Are you sure it's not our acting manager's lack of charisma that's the problem here?"
Line 549: Line 550:
|"That's why I knew it would be a good idea to let you take care of the training, Kitahara-san. <br>I'm very much indebted to you."
|"That's exactly why it was the right decision to entrust you with her training, Kitahara-san. I'm very much indebted to you."
Line 555: Line 556:
|"...I didn't really do much anyway. <br>She made it here on her own two feet."
|"...I really didn’t do anything. She’s made it here on her own two feet."
Line 561: Line 562:
|Amidst our aimless chatter, Satou's response to my little joke sends a bit of a shiver down my spine.
|Amidst our light conversation, Satou's response begins to bother me mildly.
Line 567: Line 568:
|I was fully expecting him to play the straight man there.
|And here I was fully expecting him to play the straight man there.
Line 573: Line 574:
|"You can let her go now, right? <br>She can thrive on her own now, right?"
|"You can let her go now, right? She can thrive on her own now, right?"
Line 579: Line 580:
|「? まぁ、人手不足だし。<br>これ以上遊ばせておく余裕も…」
|「? まぁ、人手不足だし。<br>これ以上遊ばせておく余裕も…」
|"Huh? Well, we are short on people. I suppose I don't really have to watch over her..."
|"Huh? Well, we are short on staff. And I suppose I don't really have to play around with her anymore..."
Line 585: Line 586:
|"So it's fine if you go help out in the kitchen now, right, Kitahara-san?"
|"That means it's fine if you go help out in the kitchen now, right, Kitahara-san?"
Line 591: Line 592:
Line 597: Line 598:
|Despite him beating around the bush, I finally manage to sniff out what this fiendish substitute manager in front of me is scheming.
|I was careless for a moment, but I finally manage to sniff out what this fiendish acting manager is scheming right before my very eyes now.
Line 603: Line 604:
|"There's a mixer going on today. And, well, there's not enough people on the night shift, so... I was wondering if you could fill in for me?"
|"There's a mixer going on today. And, well, there's not enough people on the evening shift, so... I was wondering if you could fill in for me, Kitahara-san?"
Line 609: Line 610:
|"No, hold on. Didn't you say I would only need to be on training duty today?"
|"N-No, wait a minute. We’ve decided that I’d only be responsible for training, no…?
Line 615: Line 616:
|"They say it's going to be one hell of a party! <br>A friend of mine working at a bank told me that some of the new girls at his place are planning on going..."
|"They say it's going to be one hell of a party! A friend of mine working at a bank told me that some of the new girls at his place are planning on going..."
Line 621: Line 622:
|"I suggest you don't get your hopes up..."
|"I think it’s best if you don't get your hopes up, though..."
Line 627: Line 628:
|「今日は何を言われても怒りません!<br>だからお願いします! 俺を男にしてください!」
|「今日は何を言われても怒りません!<br>だからお願いします! 俺を男にしてください!」
|"I won't be upset no matter how much you yell at me today! So please! Let me be a man tonight!"
|"I won't be angry no matter what you say to me today! So please! Let me be a man tonight!"
Line 633: Line 634:
|"Like I said, I'm not sure if it'll work out too well with those girls..."
|"Like I said, I don’t think things will work out too well with them..."
Line 645: Line 646:
|"Well, today's a little..."
|"Well, after all, today’s..."
Line 651: Line 652:
|"...Do you have something you absolutely can't put off planned for tonight? If that's the case, I'll let it go..."
|"...I suppose you have something you absolutely can't put off planned for tonight? If that's the case, I'll give up..."
Line 663: Line 664:
|"Onjuku, Hishijima building, the Italian restaurant on the 5th floor, 7 PM."
|"The Italian restaurant on the fifth floor of Hishijima Building, Onjuku, 7 PM."
|Same as the first part of 2007/402}}
|Looking at the clock, it's only 5 right now. <br>There's more than enough time for anything I might want to do...
|Looking at the clock, it's only 5 PM right now. I still have more than enough time if I plan to do it...
Line 681: Line 682:
|"So come on, then...!"
|"If that’s the case, then...!"
Line 693: Line 694:
|Why would I be planning to do anything? <br>How would I even go about doing it?
|What would be the reason behind me doing something like that? And how would I even go about doing it?
Line 699: Line 700:
|...I don't even understand what I'm thinking about.
|...I don't even understand what I'm trying to picture right now.
Line 705: Line 706:
|"Aaah, that's cheating! <br>I've been aiming for Kitahara-san since forever ago!"
|"Aaah, no fair! And I was supposed to have approached Kitahara-san!"
Line 723: Line 724:
|After only a few seconds of being lost in thought, another noisy voice came flying at me.
|What do you know—a few moments of hesitation on my end and another noisy voice comes my way.
Line 729: Line 730:
|"Both of you need to leave early on the same day... <br>Are you two actually dating behind our backs or something?"
|"Both of you having to leave early on the same day... Don’t tell me you two are secretly dating."
Line 735: Line 736:
|"No, no, no freaking way! <br>There's no way Satou-san and I would be together."
|"No, no, just no! Satou-san and me—impossible!"
Line 741: Line 742:
|"Even though that's the irrefutable truth, I can't help but feel a little hurt by the way you put it..."
|"As much as that's the irrefutable truth, you didn’t have to go so far in denying it…”
Line 747: Line 748:
|"If you asked me out, Kitahara-san, I might have thought about it. But your guard's so tight I probably don't even have a chance."
|"If you were the one who invited me, Kitahara-san,<br>I probably would have thought about it. But your guard's so tight that it’s probably unlikely to happen.
Line 753: Line 754:
|"Well, I don't think going drinking with me would be much fun at all, anyway."
|"No... I don't think going out drinking with me would be much fun at all, anyway."
Line 759: Line 760:
|"But if we're talking in terms of a lifelong partner, your ranking would go way up. You're in Houjou, an incredibly hard worker, and not to mention picky."
|"Still, you’d only be rated higher if one were to evaluate you as a man they’d entrust the rest of their life to.<br>You're in Houjou, an incredibly hard worker, and you’re also picky."
Line 765: Line 766:
|"And I'm just some random freelancing employee..."
|"And I'm just some random part-timer at best..."
Line 771: Line 772:
|"Is 'picky' supposed to be a compliment? <br>Most people just go with 'annoying' nowadays."
|"Is 'picky' supposed to be a compliment? People have really only used it to call me annoying up until now."
Line 795: Line 796:
|"What are you all doing, chatting on the job? <br>Please focus the tasks at hand!"
|"What are you all doing, chatting on the job? Please focus on the tasks at hand!"
Line 801: Line 802:
|131|佐藤&中川&春希|Satou & Nakagawa & Haruki
|131|佐藤&中川&春希|Satou & Nakagawa & Haruki
|"Yes, ma'am!"
|"Got it!"
Line 819: Line 820:
|134|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|134|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|"Here you are, Ogiso-san."
|"Here, have one, Ogiso-san."
Line 825: Line 826:
|"Ah, I don't really drink..."
|"Ah, a drink? I..."
Line 831: Line 832:
|136|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|136|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|"It's just a toast, a toast!"
|"It's just a toast, a toast, okay?"
Line 837: Line 838:
|"I... Okay..."
Line 843: Line 844:
|"Then let's get on with the toast. <br>What was it again, Merry Christmas?"
|"Then let's get on with the toast. Um, Merry Christmas?"
Line 855: Line 856:
|「まぁいいや!<br>メリークリスマスもハッピーニューイヤーも<br>何でもアリってことで! かんぱ~い!」
|「まぁいいや!<br>メリークリスマスもハッピーニューイヤーも<br>何でもアリってことで! かんぱ~い!」
|"Ah, whatever!<br>Who cares if it's Christmas or New Year's! Cheers!"
|"Ah, whatever! Who cares if it's Christmas or New Year's! Cheers!"
Line 867: Line 868:
|142|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|142|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|"Nice to meet you, Ogiso-san. <br>I'm Shouda from M2."
|"Nice to meet you, Ogiso-san. I'm Shouda from M2."
|M2 is presumably a class number}}
|M2 is presumably a class number}}
Line 879: Line 880:
|144|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|144|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|"The name's Takeuchi. <br>My family runs a general hospital down at Yokohama."
|"The name's Takeuchi. My family runs a general hospital down in Yokohama."
Line 885: Line 886:
|"R-Really...? <br>Um, that's pretty amazing, huh?"
|"R-Really...? Um, that's pretty amazing, huh?"
Line 891: Line 892:
|146|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|146|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|"Anyway, let's drink! <br>I'll go grab some food for you, what would you like?"
|"Anyway, drink up! Ah, I'll go grab some food for you, what would you like?"
Line 897: Line 898:
|「え? いえ、そんな。<br>わたし自分で…」
|「え? いえ、そんな。<br>わたし自分で…」
|"Eh? Oh no, you don't need to that. <br>I'll get it myself..."
|"Eh? Oh no, I couldn’t bother you with that. I’ll just go myself and..."
Line 903: Line 904:
|148|男子学生4|Male Student 4
|148|男子学生4|Male Student 4
|"Don't worry about it. <br>Hey, you're from around here, right, Ogiso-san?"
|"Don't worry about it. Hey, you're from around here, right, Ogiso-san?"
Line 915: Line 916:
|"......All I've been doing is drinking these days."
|"...All I've been doing is drinking these days."
|Alcohol, of course}}
Line 933: Line 934:
|It's 8 PM....
|It's 8 PM...
|154|女子店員2|Female Clerk 2
|154|女子店員2|Female Employee 2
|"Welcome! Table for four, correct? <br>Will any of you be smoking? This way to the no-smoking section, then."
|"Welcome! Table for four, correct? Will any of you be smoking? ...This way to the no-smoking section, then, please."
Line 945: Line 946:
|While usually crowded with students from Houjou, this becomes a hot spot for family outings during weekend evenings.
|While usually crowded with students from Houjou, this place becomes a hot spot for family outings during weekend evenings.
Line 951: Line 952:
|Even though it's a bit of a walk from the station and there's never really a line up, the store's still 80% full most of the time.
|Even though it's a bit of a walk from the station and there are never really customers that have to wait for their turn,<br>the restaurant's still 80% full most of the time.
Line 957: Line 958:
|"The pasta and deluxe pizza for table 8 is done!"
|"The Napolitan and deluxe pizza for Table 8 is done!"
Line 963: Line 964:
|Honda and I are the only people in the kitchen.
|Honda and I are the only two people in the kitchen.
|Sure doesn't look like it from the background art, but that's what it says.}}
|We also got in touch with the other night shift worker, whose reassuring message of "just got up" let us breathe a sigh of relief.
|We also got in touch with the other evening shift worker, whose reassuring message of "Just got up" let us breathe a sigh of relief.
|160|女子店員3|Female Clerk 3
|160|女子店員3|Female Employee 3
|"Yes, I'll be right there! <br>Please wait a second!"
|"Yes, I'll be right there! Please wait a second!"
Line 981: Line 982:
|The hall's being taken care of by 3 of our girls.
|The hall's being taken care of by three female employees.
Line 987: Line 988:
|Nevertheless, we’re down to about two and a half people’s worth in terms of capabilities. It’s now a Saturday night where the restaurant is a little off from its original functioning minimum of five people.
|But in terms of raw performance, there's only about 2.5 people out there. <br>Even though we haven't quite reached the recommended 5-person minimum for running the place, we haven't given up our battle on this Saturday night.
Line 993: Line 994:
|Which also means that our pace isn’t as smooth as it usually is, if only slightly.
|Evidently, the store's a little short on people right now.
Line 999: Line 1,000:
|...If I were to leave my post right now, I can't even imagine how badly the others would suffer.
|...If I were to leave my post right now, I can't even imagine the disaster that the others would end up with.
Line 1,011: Line 1,012:
|...It'll take about 30 minutes for the night shift guy to get here. <br>Heading straight to Shinjuku after that will take another 30.
|...It'll be about 30 minutes until the late evening shift employee arrives. Heading straight to Onjuku after that will take another 30 for me.
Line 1,017: Line 1,018:
|...An hour later would mean it'd be 9. <br>It'd still be pretty early at night. I'll definitely make it in time.
|...It’d be 9 PM after an hour. It'd still be pretty early in the evening. I'll definitely make it in time.
Line 1,023: Line 1,024:
|......Make it in time for what?
|...But for what?
Line 1,035: Line 1,036:
|It's all Takeya's fault...
|This is all Takeya's fault...
Line 1,047: Line 1,048:
|There's no way they'd use drugs, right? <br>It's just a party of university students.
|There's no way they'll be using drugs or anything, right? It's just a party for university students.
Line 1,053: Line 1,054:
|"Excuse me..."
Line 1,065: Line 1,066:
|I think there might have been a similar party at one of the local universities that was involved in a crime like that... Or am I remembering things wrong?
|I think there might have been a similar party at one of the local universities nearby that was involved in a crime like that...
Line 1,071: Line 1,072:
|"Ugh, I can't believe this!"
|"Ugh, damn it!"
Line 1,096: Line 1,097:
|"Your hands have been moving on their own for quite some time now, you know?"
|"Your hands have been moving on their own for quite some time now, you know?"
|As in he's lost in thought yet still working}}
|"...Is there a problem?"
|"...That’s not a problem, is it?"
Line 1,107: Line 1,108:
|"It's precisely because there isn't a problem that it's almost a little eerie. Please don't work with knives while staring at the ceiling.
|"It's precisely because there doesn’t seem to be a problem that it feels eerie. Please don't work with knives while staring at the ceiling.
Line 1,113: Line 1,114:
|"...Seat number 12's sliced steak is done."
|"...The sliced steak for Counter 12 is done."
Line 1,119: Line 1,120:
|And before I even realized it, too.
|Without even realizing, I finished it.
Line 1,131: Line 1,132:
|"...Not really."
|"...I ...don’t."
Line 1,143: Line 1,144:
|Her glare, as vicious as always, hints that she's suspecting that I'm lying.
|Her gaze remains overbearing, almost accusatory, even, as if to lay bare her suspicion of me lying to her.
Line 1,149: Line 1,150:
|...Even though she shouldn't have any idea of what's going on on my end.
|...She couldn’t possibly have any idea of what’s happening on my end, though.
Line 1,155: Line 1,156:
|Just where does that confidence in her <br>"I understand what you're going through" look come from?
|Just where exactly does her baseless confidence of<br>"I understand what you're going through" come from, then?
Line 1,167: Line 1,168:
|"You should start getting ready to head home. <br>If it gets too late..."
|"You should start getting ready to head home. If it gets too late..."
Line 1,173: Line 1,174:
|Remarks that I could only describe as quite insincere spill from my mouth, perhaps due to me folding to the pressure of her troublesome gaze.
|Maybe I'm feeling a little intimidated by her annoying gaze or something, but I couldn't speak my mind just now, only insincere remarks.
Line 1,179: Line 1,180:
|"Even when both the chiefs aren't here? <br>Even when we're clearly short on people right now?"
|"Even when both managers aren't here? Even when we're clearly short on people right now?"
Line 1,191: Line 1,192:
|"I do think that I'm close to not being a burden to the store, am I wrong?"
|”And I do believe that my capabilities are getting to the point that I won’t become a burden anymore, right?
Line 1,197: Line 1,198:
|...But, the one Takeya referred to as "female Haruki" promptly dismissed everything that just came out of male Haruki's mouth.
|...But the one Takeya referred to as "a female Haruki" promptly dismissed everything that just came out of the real Haruki's mouth.
Line 1,209: Line 1,210:
|"I have their permission, of course. <br>They have the utmost trust in me, since I've never once let them down before.
|"I have their permission, of course. They have the utmost trust in me, since I've never once let them down before.
Line 1,221: Line 1,222:
|"I'll be working night shifts when winter break comes around anyway. Staying out this late isn't a problem at all."
|"I'll be working evening shifts when winter break comes around anyway. Staying out this late isn't a problem at all."
Line 1,239: Line 1,240:
|"Sorry. I'll focus harder from now on. <br>Go on, this is for seat number 12."
|"Sorry. I'll focus from now on. Go on, this is for Counter 12."
Line 1,251: Line 1,252:
|"It's fine. <br>There shouldn't be anything going on anyway..."
|"I’ll be fine. I don’t think anything is going to happen, so..."
Line 1,257: Line 1,258:
|207|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|207|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|"Come on, Ogiso-chan, let's go skiing next week. <br>I think it's already started snowing over in Inayama."
|"Hey, Ogiso-chan, let's go skiing next week.<br>I think it's already started snowing over in Inayama."
Line 1,269: Line 1,270:
|209|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|209|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|"I'll teach you, I'll teach you. If you don't want to stay the night then we can come back on the same day. My car can handle 8 people, so we can all..."
|"I'll teach you, I'll teach you. If you don't want to stay the night, then we can come back on the same day. My car can handle eight people, so we can all..."
Line 1,281: Line 1,282:
|211|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|211|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|「今年、まだ雪見てないんじゃない?<br>嫌いかな? 雪。名前にもついてるのに」
|「今年、まだ雪見てないんじゃない?<br>嫌いかな? 雪。名前にもついてるのに」
|"You haven't even had a chance to see snow yet this year, right? Do you dislike snow? It's even in your name."
|"You haven't even had a chance to see the snow yet this year, right? Do you dislike snow? It's even in your name."
|Setsuna's "Setsu" is written with the kanji for snow.}}
Line 1,293: Line 1,294:
|213|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|213|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|"You won't change your mind?<br>It doesn't have to be skiing, really.<br>Want to just go have fun somewhere?"
|"You won't change your mind? It doesn't have to be skiing, really. Want to just go have fun somewhere?"
Line 1,305: Line 1,306:
|215|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|215|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|"Yeah, hey, this guy's got a cottage over in Hawaii. <br>Last year's New Year's we all went..."
|"Yeah, hey, this guy's got a cottage over in Hawaii. We all went there last year on New Year’s..."
Line 1,311: Line 1,312:
|"Hot springs..."
|"The hot springs..."
Line 1,323: Line 1,324:
|"Snow and hot springs, would be nice, maybe."
|"The snow and hot springs would be nice... maybe."
Line 1,335: Line 1,336:
|"Taking in the sights of snow slowly piling up on the other side of the window, looking up as the snowflakes gently fall over you in an open air bath..."
|"Taking in the sights of snow slowly piling up on the other side of the window, looking up as the snowflakes gently fall upon you in an open air bath..."
Line 1,347: Line 1,348:
|"I guess I'm a little behind the times. <br>My interests don't quite match up with everyone's."
|"I guess I'm a little behind the times. My interests don't quite match up with everyone's."
Line 1,353: Line 1,354:
|223|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|223|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|「そ………そんなことないって!<br>たまにはいいじゃん? 温泉!」
|「そ………そんなことないって!<br>たまにはいいじゃん? 温泉!」
|"N-Not at all! <br>Hot springs are nice once in a while, right?"
|"N-Not at all! Hot springs are nice once in a while, right?"
Line 1,389: Line 1,390:
|229|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|229|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|「じゃあすぐに宿当たってみるわ。<br>一泊? 二泊?」
|「じゃあすぐに宿当たってみるわ。<br>一泊? 二泊?」
|"Then let's get our reservations at the hotels. <br>One night? Two nights?"
|"Then let's reserve our accommodation. One night? Two nights?"
Line 1,431: Line 1,432:
|"Hot springs... I'm never going there again. <br>And snow... I hate it."
|"Hot springs... I'm never going there again. And snow... I hate it."
Line 1,437: Line 1,438:
|237|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|237|男子学生3|Male Student 3
Line 1,443: Line 1,444:
|"Ah... <br>S-Sorry. What am I even saying?"
|"Ah... S-Sorry. What am I even saying?"
Line 1,455: Line 1,456:
|"L-Let me go get some air. <br>I think I might be a little drunk."
|"L-Let me go get some air. I think I might be a little drunk."
Line 1,485: Line 1,486:
|"Who do we have here? <br>Aren't you Ogiso-san?"
|"Well, well? If it isn’t Ogiso-san?"
Line 1,497: Line 1,498:
|"It sure is rare seeing you at an event like this. <br>You usually look down on us, but I guess the medical department's guys were enough to win you over."
|"It sure is rare seeing you at an event like this. You usually act all high and mighty, but you’re suddenly okay if people from the Medical Department are involved, huh?”
Line 1,503: Line 1,504:
|"Uh... Umm..?"
|"Uh... Umm...?"
Line 1,509: Line 1,510:
|"...Did you forget who I am? <br>Well, I guess that's to be expected. After all, you've never once realized I even exist."
|"...Did you forget who I am? Well, I guess that's to be expected. After all, it’s not like you’ve ever realized that I even exist.
Line 1,515: Line 1,516:
|「ごめんなさい…<br>同じ学部の人だったかな? 何年?」
|「ごめんなさい…<br>同じ学部の人だったかな? 何年?」
|"I'm sorry... <br>Are we in the same department? What year are you in?"
|"I'm sorry... Are we in the same department? What year are you in?"
Line 1,521: Line 1,522:
|"My name's Yanagihara Tomo. One year under you. <br>...Does that ring any bells?"
|"My name's Yanagihara Tomo. One year under you.<br>...Does that ring any bells now?"
Line 1,539: Line 1,540:
|"I'm sorry. <br>I still can't quite..."
|"I'm sorry. As I thought, I can’t..."
Line 1,587: Line 1,588:
|"I don't think I'm much different from how I used to be."
|"I don't think I'm much different from how I used to be, though."
Line 1,593: Line 1,594:
|"You haven't been competing in the Miss Houjou competitions recently either."
|"You haven't been competing in the Miss Houjou contest recently either."
Line 1,599: Line 1,600:
|"That's because... <br>It wasn't an event I wanted to attend anyway."
|"That's because... it wasn't an event I wanted to participate in anyway."
Line 1,605: Line 1,606:
|"Would've been great if you thought the same back in high school too."
|"It would've been great if you had thought the same back in high school too."
Line 1,623: Line 1,624:
|"Oh, is that right? <br>Congratulations. You're pretty amazing, Yanagihara-san."
|"Oh, is that right? Congratulations. You're pretty amazing, Yanagihara-san."
Line 1,629: Line 1,630:
|"...Are you being sarcastic? <br>Are you trying to make fun of me, since I never once won against you back in high school?"
|"...Are you being sarcastic? Are you trying to make fun of me, since I never once won against you back in high school?"
Line 1,653: Line 1,654:
|"...You really have changed, Ogiso-san. <br>Was that rumor true after all?"
|"...You really have changed, Ogiso-san. Was that rumor true after all?"
Line 1,665: Line 1,666:
|"Ogiso Setsuna was dumped during her graduation ceremony, and ever since then, has been only a shell of her former self."
|"Ogiso Setsuna, dumped by her boyfriend during her graduation ceremony, and has been reduced to a shell of her former self ever since."
Line 1,671: Line 1,672:
|".........! <br>You're wro..."
|"...! You're wro..."
Line 1,677: Line 1,678:
|"Oh dear, looks like I struck a nerve. <br>I didn't really mean to do that, though."
|"Oh dear, looks like I struck a nerve. I didn't really mean to do that, though."
Line 1,689: Line 1,690:
|"Well, I don't really care, either way. <br>I've no interest in you now that you're like this. <br>Now, if you'll excuse me."
|"Well, I don't really care either way. I've no interest in you now that you're like this. Now, if you'll excuse me."
Line 1,695: Line 1,696:
Line 1,701: Line 1,702:
|"Aah... Why won't those medical department guys shut up about how rich they are? What a boring party. Maybe I should just go home..."
|"Aa-ah... Why won't those medical department guys shut up about how rich they are? What a boring party. Maybe<br>I should just go home..."
|The lines until 299 will only appear if you chose choice 1: "I'm bad with these types." in the very first choice of CC. This event still technically "happens" in the canon regardless of the choice, but you only get to see it if you chose the first choice.}}
|The lines until 299 will only appear if you chose choice 1: "I'm bad with these types." in the very first choice of CC. This event still technically "happens" in the canon regardless of the choice, but you only get to see it if you chose the first choice.}}
Line 1,719: Line 1,720:
|「あれ~? ごめ~ん。<br>ドアの向こうに人が立ってるなんて思わなくってさぁ」
|「あれ~? ごめ~ん。<br>ドアの向こうに人が立ってるなんて思わなくってさぁ」
|"Woah? My bad! <br>I didn't think there'd be somebody on the other side of the door."
|"Oh? My bad! I didn't think there'd be somebody on the other side of the door."
Line 1,737: Line 1,738:
|"Oh, I was in a hurry, so... <br>Looks like we were both a little unlucky, huh..."
|"Oops, I was in a hurry, so... looks like we were both a little unlucky, huh..."
Line 1,749: Line 1,750:
|"Aah, You're fine, you're fine. <br>No bleeding either, good for you!"
|"Aah, you're fine, you're fine. No bleeding either, good for you!"
Line 1,761: Line 1,762:
|"Anyway, take care. <br>I don't have another moment to spare over here."
|"Anyway, take care. I don't have another moment to spare over here."
Line 1,773: Line 1,774:
|[F16"Just think of it as karma, all right?"]
|[F16"It’s fine if you just think of it as karma, you know?"]
Line 1,803: Line 1,804:
|"Don't worry, nobody will notice that little bump on your nose. It suits you pretty well, in fact."
|"Oh, you finally look more like a proper Japanese person now. It suits you pretty well."
|In Jap, to "break one's nose" means to put someone who's acting all high and mighty back to their rightful place. To make them feel shame and humility. Chiaki's saying how Tomo "breaking her nose" brings her back to how a Japanese should be, humble and acknowledging humility. This doesn't quite translate to English at all, so I just whipped something up on the spot.}}
Line 1,815: Line 1,816:
|"Sorry, about table 4's order... They wanted to change from the fried foods set to the chicken saute... Is that okay?"
|"Sorry, regarding Table 4's order... they wanted to change their previous order of the mixed fries set to the chicken sauté... Is that okay?"
Line 1,827: Line 1,828:
|"...Is that a no? <br>If so I'll go tell them."
|"...Is that a no? I'll go tell them if so."
Line 1,833: Line 1,834:
|"No, it's fine, I haven't start frying yet."
|"No, I haven't started frying yet, so it’s alright."
Line 1,857: Line 1,858:
|"I'll take care of the order change. You can go back now."
|"I'll take care of the order change. You can go home now."
Line 1,869: Line 1,870:
|10:30 PM...
Line 1,875: Line 1,876:
|We were already here before the store's opening at 10 AM, which means more than 12 hours have passed already.
|We were already here before the restaurant's opening at 10 AM, which means more than twelve hours have passed already.
Line 1,881: Line 1,882:
|Even if you don't count our breaks, we're well into overtime territory by now.
|That means the amount of hours we’ve been actually working is well into overtime territory by now, even excluding our breaks.
Line 1,887: Line 1,888:
|"We should be closing in no more than 2 hours."
|"We should be closing in no more than two hours."
Line 1,893: Line 1,894:
|"You shouldn't be working from opening to closing on your second day, part-timer."
|"A part-timer shouldn’t be working from opening to closing on her second day."
Line 1,899: Line 1,900:
|"But, senpai, you were the one who said we wouldn't have enough workers here to..."
|"But you said that we don’t have enough workers around, Senpai..."
Line 1,917: Line 1,918:
|I can definitely see people in her class preferring to keep their distance.
|I can definitely see some of her classmates preferring to keep their distance.
Line 1,923: Line 1,924:
|"The amount of customers coming in has died down quite a bit, so we're probably fine leaving the rest to the night shifters."
|"The amount of customers coming in has died down quite a bit, as expected, so it’ll be fine leaving the rest to the evening shift."
Line 1,929: Line 1,930:
Line 1,935: Line 1,936:
|Looking at the hall, it seems like the seats are only about 40% filled.
|Looking at the hall, it seems like only four-tenths of the seats are filled.
Line 1,941: Line 1,942:
|Students make up the bulk of this store's customers, so it's usually not too busy on a Saturday night like this.
|Students usually make up the bulk of this restaurant's customers, after all, so it's usually not too busy on a Saturday night like this.
|The term used is "day off" but it sounds a little weird.}}
|"At any rate, good work today. <br>To be honest, I didn't expect you to get the hang of it as quickly as you did."
|"At any rate, good work today. To be honest, I didn't expect you to get the hang of it as quickly as you did."
Line 1,953: Line 1,954:
|Giving it her 110% on only the second day was...<br>Well, it wasn't entirely beyond what I expected.
|The fact that she already worked so hard on merely her second day is... Well, in some ways, it was an expected outcome.
Line 1,959: Line 1,960:
|"And you, senpai?"
|"And you, Senpai?"
Line 1,965: Line 1,966:
|"I'll be staying here until closing time. <br>There's a lot of tidying up to do, after all."
|"I'll be staying here until closing time. I have to clean up the place, after all."
Line 1,971: Line 1,972:
|"But you've been working just as long as I have, right? You didn't take many breaks, either.
|"But you've been working just as long as I have, right? You didn't seem to have taken any breaks either.
Line 1,977: Line 1,978:
|"...Satou also asked me to lock up afterwards."
|"...Satou also asked me to lock up afterward."
Line 2,001: Line 2,002:
|After all, she's probably kept her fair share of "You're one to talk" to herself, too.
|After all, she's probably kept her fair share of "You're one to talk" or other similar remarks to herself, too.
Line 2,007: Line 2,008:
|"At any rate, take care on your way home, okay? <br>Try to stick to the big roads..."
|"At any rate, take care on your way home, okay? Try to stick to the main roads..."
Line 2,019: Line 2,020:
|「? なに?」
|「? なに?」
|"Hmm? What?"
Line 2,043: Line 2,044:
|...I think it’s better to say that I don’t know what she’s feeling right now—all I know is that she’s glaring at me.
|...Sternly or not, I'm not too sure, but she's glaring at me all right.
Line 2,049: Line 2,050:
|"Although I wouldn't mind if some of your excessive sense of responsibility happened to lead you to think<br> that 'I should see her to the station' or something."
|"Although I wouldn't mind if some of that excessive sense of responsibility urged you to walk me to the station, you know?"
Line 2,073: Line 2,074:
|"I'll be leaving now!"
|"Now if you’ll excuse me!"
Line 2,085: Line 2,086:
Line 2,097: Line 2,098:
|The season is winter. <br>The time is just a little past 11 PM.
|It’s winter right now. The time is just a little past 11 PM.
Line 2,103: Line 2,104:
|Last week, I offered to walk her home when it was only 7. I can't believe what I just did.
|Last week, I offered to walk her home when it was only 7 PM. I can't believe what I just did.
Line 2,119: Line 2,120:
|351|男子店員3|Male Clerk 3
|351|男子店員3|Male Employee 3
|"Must have been tough on you today... <br>It's fine, it's my fault for coming in late. <br>I'll take care of tidying up..."
|"Good work today… It's fine, it's my fault for coming in late. I'll take care of tidying up by myself..."
Line 2,127: Line 2,128:
|As I turn towards the kitchen, a dependable but frail voice answers me.
|As I turn toward the kitchen, a dependable but frail voice answers me.
Line 2,139: Line 2,140:
|If you have any complaints, please direct them to the substitute manager.
|If you have any complaints, please direct them to the acting manager.
Line 2,163: Line 2,164:
|358|男子学生6|Male Student 6
|358|男子学生6|Male Student 6
|"The taxi's here. <br>Get in, get in!"
|"The taxi's here. Get in, get in!"
Line 2,187: Line 2,188:
|362|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|362|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|"You're coming to karaoke, right? <br>We're heading there now, let's go together."
|"You're coming to karaoke, right? We're heading there now, let's go together."
Line 2,193: Line 2,194:
|"Ka... karaoke?"
Line 2,199: Line 2,200:
|364|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|364|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|"Your friends all said they were coming too. <br>Don't worry, I'll give you a ride home after."
|"Your friends all said they were coming too. Don't worry, I'll give you a ride home after."
Line 2,205: Line 2,206:
|"Ah, b-but... <br>I... don't..."
|"Ah, b-but... I... don't..."
|this one's kind of hard to cut off at the end - "I don't sing"}}
Line 2,223: Line 2,224:
|368|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|368|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|"The hell's your problem, Ibata? <br>Don't just jump in out of nowhere, dude."
|"The hell's your problem, Ibata? Don't just jump in out of nowhere, dude."
Line 2,241: Line 2,242:
|371|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|371|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|"But Ogiso-san just said she doesn't want to. <br>Let's just go drinking."
|"But Ogiso-san just said she doesn't want to.<br>Let's just go drinking."
Line 2,253: Line 2,254:
|373|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|373|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|"Don't be like that, Ogiso-chan. <br>We finally got a chance to get to know each other better."
|"Don't be like that, Ogiso-chan. We finally got a chance to get to know each other better."
Line 2,259: Line 2,260:
|374|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|374|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|"Yeah, yeah! <br>We've barely even had a chance to chat yet."
|"Yeah, yeah! We've barely even had a chance to chat yet."
Line 2,265: Line 2,266:
|375|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|375|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|"There's a place that serves Dom Perignon around here. The atmosphere's nice, I'm sure you'll like it. That's fine with you too, right Yano?"
|"There's a place that serves Dom Perignon around here. The atmosphere's nice, I'm sure you'll like it. That's fine with you too, right, Yano?"
Line 2,277: Line 2,278:
|377|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|377|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|"Got it, sure. <br>Let's just get going. <br>This way, this way."
|"It’ll be fine. Let's just get going. This way, this way."
Line 2,289: Line 2,290:
|379|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|379|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|"Hey, the taxi over there! Come here! <br>Come on, get in, Ogiso-san."
|"Hey, the taxi over there! Come here! Come on, get in, Ogiso-san."
Line 2,301: Line 2,302:
|"Oooh, there you are! <br>Finally found you, Setsuna!"
|"Oooh, there you are! I finally found you, Setsuna!"
Line 2,313: Line 2,314:
|"Geez, took me forever to find you. <br>I even told you not to go outside and just wait for me."
|"Jeez~ you really had me on your heels. And here<br>I thought I told you not to go outside and just wait for me."
Line 2,319: Line 2,320:
|"You're... From back in the bathroom..."
|"You're... that girl from the bathroom earlier..."
Line 2,325: Line 2,326:
|385|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|385|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|"Eh, what? <br>Come on, Ogiso-chan, hurry up and get in..."
|"Eh, what? Come on, Ogiso-chan, hurry up and get in..."
Line 2,331: Line 2,332:
|"Sorry, that's not happening. <br>Setsuna's about to go drinking with me!"
|"Sorry, not happening. Setsuna's about to go drinking with me!"
Line 2,343: Line 2,344:
|388|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|388|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|「はぁ? どういうこと?<br>何言ってんのそれ?」
|「はぁ? どういうこと?<br>何言ってんのそれ?」
|"Huh? What's going on? <br>The hell are you talking about?"
|"Huh? What's going on? The hell are you talking about?"
Line 2,349: Line 2,350:
|"What do you mean what's going on?<br>We planned to go together from the start."
|"There’s really nothing going on. We just planned to go together from the start, you know?"
Line 2,355: Line 2,356:
|390|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|390|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|"Hold on, give me a break here, would you? <br>She's been with us the entire time..."
|"Hold on, hold on, just cut it with the jokes, would you? She's been with us the entire time..."
Line 2,361: Line 2,362:
|391|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|391|男子学生1|Male Student 1
|"Well, how about you come with us, too? I'll call another taxi over."
|"Now, come on, how about you come with us, too? I'll call another taxi over."
Line 2,367: Line 2,368:
|"Well I'm fine with it... <br>But did you get the 'okay' from Mizuno-kun? <br>He's the one who planned our little event with her."
|"Well, I'm fine with it... but did you get the okay from Mizuno-kun? He's the one who planned our little event with her."
|The "her" at the very end refers to Setsuna. Chiaki's saying this Mizuno guy is who wants to get together with Setsuna}}
|393|男子学生2|Male Student 2
|393|男子学生2|Male Student 2
Line 2,379: Line 2,380:
|"Yep. Special orders from the organizer. <br>We had it all planned from the start."
|"Yep. Special orders from the organizer. We had it all planned from the start."
Line 2,385: Line 2,386:
|395|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|395|男子学生3|Male Student 3
|"Ugh, for real...?"
|"Ugh, no fair...?"
Line 2,391: Line 2,392:
|"Well, that's how it is... <br>Let's go, Setsuna."
|"That's how it is, so... come on, Setsuna, let’s get going, shall we?"
Line 2,397: Line 2,398:
|"H-Hold on. <br>I'm still not quite following..."
|"H-Hold on. I'm still not quite following..."
Line 2,409: Line 2,410:
|"...Okay, I understand.<br>Well then, everyone, thanks for today, but I'll be going now."
|"...Okay, I understand. Well then, everyone, thank you for today."
|Standard translation for otsukaresama sounds weird *Phirb: agreed, changing it to thanks}}
Line 2,433: Line 2,434:
Line 2,439: Line 2,440:
|Even after her 12 hour shift, Sugiura Koharu is still her energetic but irritable self.
|Even after her twelve hour shift, Sugiura Koharu is still her energetic but irritable self.
Line 2,445: Line 2,446:
|After throwing a shout and a glare my way, she starts silently heading towards the station.
|After throwing a shout and a glare my way, she starts silently heading toward the station.
Line 2,451: Line 2,452:
|She walks off without looking back whatsoever, perhaps due to her trust in my “excessive sense of responsibility.”
|Perhaps of her trust in my "excessive sense of responsibility" or something, she walks off without looking back even once.
Line 2,457: Line 2,458:
|"...well then..."
|"...Well then..."
Line 2,463: Line 2,464:
|And I, of course, living up to my title of having an "excessive sense of responsibility", match her quickening pace.
|And I, of course, with said "excessive sense of responsibility," act on it and match her quickening pace.
Line 2,487: Line 2,488:
|"...Sure is cold, isn't it?"
|"...It’s cold, isn't it?"
Line 2,511: Line 2,512:
|"...Sure is quiet, isn't it?"
|"...And it’s quiet, isn't it?"
Line 2,523: Line 2,524:
|Only a few people still remain on the streets near Minamisuetsugu station when it's so close to midnight. The rather desolate atmosphere certainly adds to the chill on this cold winter night.
|Only a few people still remain on the streets near Minami-Suetsugu Station when it's so close to midnight. The rather desolate atmosphere certainly adds to the chill on this cold winter night.
Line 2,529: Line 2,530:
|「本当にこれからもやるつもりなのか? 遅番」
|「本当にこれからもやるつもりなのか? 遅番」
|"Are you really planning to take it on? <br>The night shift job."
|"Are you really planning to take it on? The evening shift job, I mean."
Line 2,535: Line 2,536:
|This kind of road, this late at night, during this season. <br>It might be fine for a guy or an adult, but it really isn't a place for a young girl such as herself to be walking through.
|It might be fine for a guy or an adult to go through a road like this during this time of night and this particular season,<br>but it really isn't a place a young girl such as herself should be walking through.
Line 2,541: Line 2,542:
|"Of course I will. <br>I'm planning to work for quite some time, after all."
|"Of course I will. I'm planning to work for quite some time, after all."
Line 2,547: Line 2,548:
|...But, she rejects all of my worries with just a couple of words.
|...But, as expected, she rejects all of my worries with a single sentence.
Line 2,553: Line 2,554:
|"Why do you want to push yourself so hard?"
|"Why do you need to push yourself so hard?"
Line 2,559: Line 2,560:
|"Because I want to reach my goal in earnings during winter break. Including my savings, I'll need to get around 200 thousand yen..."
|"Because I want to reach my goal in earnings during the winter break. Including my savings, I'll need to get around 200000 yen..."
Line 2,565: Line 2,566:
|"200 thousand... <br>Are you guys planning to go to Europe or something?"
|"200,000... Are you guys planning to go to Europe or something?"
Line 2,571: Line 2,572:
|"I'm surprised you figured it out. It'll be an 8-day trip across Spain, Italy, and France."
|"You seem to be knowledgeable about this. It'll be an eight-day trip across Spain, Italy, and France."
Line 2,577: Line 2,578:
|"...Glad I got the right answer, but don't you think that's way too extravagant for a graduation trip?"
|"...I’m glad I got the right answer, but don't you think that's way too extravagant for a graduation trip?"
Line 2,583: Line 2,584:
|"I did think that, but... <br>When I mentioned "Why not just go to Atami?" to those girls, it got rejected almost immediately."
|”My thoughts exactly, but… when I suggested “Why don’t we just go to Atami? to the girls I planned the outing with, I was rejected immediately.
Line 2,589: Line 2,590:
|"You should have at least compromised with Hokkaido or Okinawa..."
|"I suppose you could have at least compromised with Hokkaido or Okinawa..."
Line 2,595: Line 2,596:
|"My friends all come from rich families... <br>Sometimes it feels like I chose the wrong school."
|"My friends all come from rich families... I actually have the slightest feeling that I chose the wrong school."
Line 2,601: Line 2,602:
|"I know what you mean. <br>I graduated from there 3 years ago myself."
|"I know what you mean. I graduated from there three years ago myself, after all."
Line 2,613: Line 2,614:
|"Compared to the people around me, I'd say it was... normal."
|"Compared to the people around me, I'd say it was... average."
Line 2,619: Line 2,620:
|After all, a person close to me was the daughter of a world class pianist, compared to me being a bastard child of a prestigious family from Okayama.
|After all, a person close to me was the daughter of a world-class pianist,<br><br>whereas I’m only from an insignificant branch of a prestigious family from Okayama.
Line 2,625: Line 2,626:
|"Speaking of, you mentioned you were working several part time jobs yourself, didn't you? <br>You're also working pretty hard."
|"While we’re at it, you mentioned you were working several part-time jobs yourself, didn't you? ...You're also working pretty hard, Senpai."
Line 2,638: Line 2,639:
|Seeing you taking my words at face value stabs at my conscience a little...
|Seeing you taking my words at face value stabs at my conscience a little...
|As in Koharu thinks he's a hard worker, but in reality he's only doing it to take his mind off things}}
|"Anyway, that's just how it is. <br>The lone daughter of a middle class family being surrounded by classmates like that has no other choice but to work her hardest behind the others' backs."
|"Anyway, that's just how it is. The lone daughter of a middle class family being surrounded by classmates like that has no other choice but to work her hardest behind the others' backs."
Line 2,661: Line 2,662:
|"That's the whole story. Do you still have any complaints?"
|"That's the whole story. Any objections?"
Line 2,667: Line 2,668:
|"I still think you should forgo the night shifts. <br>Going home alone this late at night is just too dangerous."
|"I still think you should forgo the evening shifts. Going home alone this late at night is just too dangerous."
Line 2,679: Line 2,680:
|The peaceful atmosphere we've maintained up to this point scattered in an instant thanks to my purposefully dense comment,<br>leaving us once again faced with the season's unrelenting wrath.
|The peaceful atmosphere we've maintained up to this point is shattered in an instant thanks to my purposefully dense comment,<br>returning us to the gloominess befitting of the season.
|Dense as in "can't read the mood" dense.}}
|"So what you mean is... <br>You won't be walking me home from now on? <br>Is that what you're saying?"
|"So in other words... you won't be walking me home from now on? Is that what you're saying?"
Line 2,691: Line 2,692:
|And of course, it naturally follows that she, whose relationship with me is already a little delicate to begin with,<br>would take offense to what I just said.
|And, of course, it naturally follows that this girl—whose relationship with me is already rather delicate to begin with—would take offense<br>to what I just said.
|Delicate, tricky, precarious, etc. 微妙 translates terribly to English.}}
|"I never asked you to take me home in the first place. <br>You don't need to feel responsible for that, so I'd like to ask that you stop meddling so much."
|"I never asked you to take me home in the first place. You don't need to feel responsible for that, so I'd like to ask that you stop meddling so much."
Line 2,703: Line 2,704:
|"It really wouldn't be a problem..."
|"It’s not because I can’t be bothered to..."
Line 2,709: Line 2,710:
|"Then why were you trying to be all sympathetic just now? Why do you have these moments where you just start treating me so nicely...?"
|"Then why were you being sympathetic just earlier? You treated me kindly once only to now say that…"
Line 2,721: Line 2,722:
|「………やめるんですか? アルバイト」
|「………やめるんですか? アルバイト」
|"...Are you quitting? The part time job, I mean."
|"...Are you quitting? The part-time job, I mean."
Line 2,733: Line 2,734:
|"I was only helping out anyway. <br>I only agreed to stay until I turned you into a full-fledged member of the team."
|"I was only helping out in the first place. I only agreed to stay until I turned you into a full-fledged member of the team."
Line 2,745: Line 2,746:
|"So basically, I don't really know how things will turn out from here on, so try to stick only to the morning..."
|"Basically, I don't really know how things will turn out from here on, so try to stick only to the morning..."
Line 2,751: Line 2,752:
|"...That's why I said it should be my decision and mine alone."
|"...That’s my decision to make."
Line 2,763: Line 2,764:
|"I don't need someone who's not even a fellow colleague at work to be worrying about me. <br>...I'll be going now."
|"I don't need someone who's not even a fellow colleague at work to be worrying about me. ...I'll be going now."
Line 2,775: Line 2,776:
|"You won't be taking me home anymore, right? <br>Then we can just part ways here. <br>Goodbye!"
|"You won't be taking me home anymore, right? Then we can just part ways here. Goodbye!"
Line 2,781: Line 2,782:
|"I'm taking you home right now, aren't I!? <br>Don't just make some weird explanation and start throwing a tantrum!"
|"I'm taking you home right now, aren't I!? Don’t interpret things the wrong way and start throwing a tantrum!"
Line 2,787: Line 2,788:
|"Don’t say “tantrum” like I’m some kid!"
|"I'm not some kid who'd go around throwing tantrums!"
Line 2,793: Line 2,794:
|"If you don't want to look like a kid then stop running away!"
|"If you don't want to be treated like a kid, then stop running!"
Line 2,805: Line 2,806:
|Sugiura Koharu has been irritated the entire time... <br>And with what happened just now, her mood took yet another turn for the worse.
|Sugiura Koharu has been irritated the entire time... and right now, her mood just took yet another turn for the worse.
Line 2,817: Line 2,818:
|"In any case, great job surviving through that bore of a party. Cheers!"
|"Well, here’s to us surviving through that absolute bore of a party. Cheers!"
|Lines until 515 only appear if you chose choice 1: "I'm bad with these types." in the very first choice of CC. This event still technically "happens" in the canon regardless of the choice, but you only get to see it if you chose the first choice.}}
|Lines until 515 only appear if you chose choice 1: "I'm bad with these types." in the very first choice of CC. This event still technically "happens" in the canon regardless of the choice, but you only get to see it if you chose the first choice.}}
Line 2,823: Line 2,824:
|"I thought you were just putting up an act to get me out of there. I didn't think we'd actually be drinking..."
|"I thought you were just putting on an act to get me out of there. I didn't think we'd actually be drinking..."
Line 2,829: Line 2,830:
|"It was totally an act. <br>And to prove that, there's nobody named Mizuno here, right? <br>It's just the two of us."
|"It was totally an act. And to prove that, there's nobody named Mizuno here, right? It's just the two of us."
Line 2,835: Line 2,836:
|"Are you friends with the party organizer?"
|"Are you acquainted with the party organizer?"
Line 2,841: Line 2,842:
|"No, I only talked with him a little during the party. He looked the most in-charge among the bunch, so I took a mental note of his name."
|"No, I only talked with him a little during the party. He looked the most influential among the bunch, so I took a mental note of his name."
Line 2,847: Line 2,848:
|"Re-Really now... You pulled that off despite only knowing that much? You sure have guts."
|"I-Is that so... You pulled that off despite only knowing that much? You sure have guts."
Line 2,853: Line 2,854:
|"It's no big deal, really. <br>I'm more than used to that by now."
|"It's no big deal, really. I'm more than used to that by now."
Line 2,859: Line 2,860:
|"By the way... <br>Have I met you somewhere before?"
|"By the way... have I met you somewhere before?"
Line 2,865: Line 2,866:
|"...You're probably imagining it. <br>We've never met before."
|"...You're probably imagining it. This is the first time we’ve met."
Line 2,877: Line 2,878:
|"I'm Nagase Shouko. Commercial sciences, senior year. <br>Nice to meet you, Ogiso Setsuna-san."
|"I'm Nagase Shouko. Economics Department, third year. Nice to meet you, Ogiso Setsuna-san."
Line 2,883: Line 2,884:
|"Ah, yes, nice to meet you too, Nagase-san. <br>But, if it's our first time meeting, why do you know my name...?"
|"Ah, yes, nice to meet you too, Nagase-san. But if it's our first time meeting, why do you know my name...?"
Line 2,901: Line 2,902:
|"You're pretty famous, Ogiso-san. <br>You seemed much more popular with the guys than that Miss Houjou girl."
|"You're pretty famous, Ogiso-san. You seemed much more popular with the guys than that Miss Houjou girl."
Line 2,907: Line 2,908:
|"That's... Not really true."
|"That's... not really true."
Line 2,919: Line 2,920:
|"My friends were all pushing me to go, <br>and after so many invites it was kind of hard to keep rejecting them.<br>And also..."
|"My friends were all pushing me to go, and after so many invites, it was kind of hard to keep rejecting them. And also..."
Line 2,931: Line 2,932:
|"...No, I just couldn't say no any more, that's all. That was pretty silly of me."
|"...No, I just couldn't say no anymore, that's all. That was pretty silly of me."
Line 2,949: Line 2,950:
|"Just like that little Miss Houjou said, nobody could stop bragging about themselves. <br>Parents being on some board of directors, owning however many Ferraris or whatever."
|"Just like that little Miss Houjou said, nobody could stop bragging about themselves.<br>Parents being on some board of directors, owning however many Ferraris or whatever."
Line 2,961: Line 2,962:
|"So, just when I thought I'd go get a drink, I found myself a fellow party-goer who also looked bored out of her mind."
|"So just when I thought I'd go get a drink, I found myself a fellow party-goer who also looked bored out of her mind."
Line 2,985: Line 2,986:
|"I know, right? Ahaha."
|"Touché. Ahaha."
Line 3,003: Line 3,004:
|"Ah, me too."
|"Ah, for me too."
Line 3,021: Line 3,022:
|「本当に大丈夫? 飲み過ぎてない?<br>ひどく眠いとか、妙に気分がいいとか…」
|「本当に大丈夫? 飲み過ぎてない?<br>ひどく眠いとか、妙に気分がいいとか…」
|"Are you sure you're okay? <br>Did you have a little too much? <br>Do you feel really tired, or feel oddly relaxed, at all?"
|"Are you sure you're okay? Did you have a little too much? Do you feel really tired, or feel oddly relaxed at all?"
Line 3,027: Line 3,028:
|"No, not really. <br>Maybe just a little bit drunk, that's all."
|"No, not really. Maybe just a little bit drunk, that's all."
Line 3,033: Line 3,034:
|"So it was just an urban legend..."
|[F16"So it was just an urban legend..."]
Line 3,039: Line 3,040:
|"Oh, yeah. <br>I should tell my parents that I'll be home late."
|"Oh, yeah. I should tell my parents that I'll be home late."
Line 3,045: Line 3,046:
|"Oh? Quite the well behaved little princess, are we? <br>Just what I expected from a Houjou High graduate."
|"Ah, we have a princess here. Just what I expected from a Houjou High graduate."
Line 3,075: Line 3,076:
|"No, it's fine. <br>...I'm not really that kind of person anyway."
|"No, it's fine. ...I'm not really that kind of person anyway."
Line 3,099: Line 3,100:
|"Then, once more from the top... <br>To our little encounter."
|"Then, once again... to our little encounter."
Line 3,105: Line 3,106:
Line 3,123: Line 3,124:
|"...What is it? <br>If we don't hurry, we'll miss the next train."
|"...What is it? If we don't hurry, we'll miss the next train."
Line 3,129: Line 3,130:
|"...Ha... Haa...<br>Are you... in a sports club or something?"
|"...Hah... Haah… Are you... in a sports club?"
Line 3,135: Line 3,136:
|In the end, I only managed to catch up to her after we got to the station's entrance, which is where we were supposed to part.
|In the end, I only managed to catch up to her after we got to the station's entrance, which is where we were supposed to part ways.
Line 3,153: Line 3,154:
|The difference in the rates of our breathing is not a result of our difference in age, but rather just the difference<br>between a sports club member and a former recreational club member.
|The difference in the rates of our breathing is not a result of our difference in age,<br><br>but rather just the difference between a sports club member and a former recreational club member.
Line 3,159: Line 3,160:
|"Haah... Ha... Ha... <br>B-By the way..."
|"Haah... Haah... Haah... B-By the way..."
Line 3,165: Line 3,166:
|"Take a second to catch your breath. <br>I can at least wait for that long."
|"Take a second to catch your breath. I can at least wait for that long."
Line 3,177: Line 3,178:
|Well, whatever the reason is, it wouldn't change the difference between our current conditions.
|Well, whatever the reason is, it doesn’t change the fact that I’ve been outclassed.
Line 3,189: Line 3,190:
|"Minegaya station, why?"
|"Minegaya Station, why?"
Line 3,195: Line 3,196:
|By the time I caught my breath, the next train already passed us by.
|By the time I caught my breath, the next train had already passed us by.
Line 3,207: Line 3,208:
|"Yes, for about 15 minutes."
|"Yes, for about fifteen minutes."
Line 3,219: Line 3,220:
|"No thank you."
|"No, thank you."
Line 3,243: Line 3,244:
|"If there's really a problem I'll just call a taxi."
|"If it comes to that, I'll just call a taxi."
Line 3,249: Line 3,250:
|"We haven't finished talking anyway, right? <br>Come on, let's go."
|"We haven't finished talking anyway, right? Come on, let's go."
Line 3,261: Line 3,262:
|Even so, I can tell that she still has some things to say to me from the fact that she let that train go,.
|Even so, I can tell that she still has some things to say to me from the fact that she let that train go.
Line 3,267: Line 3,268:
|I really need to settle this little conflict between us...
|I think it’s about time I settled the differences between us...
Line 3,273: Line 3,274:
|After all, we've been stuck in this endless loop of arguing, making up, and then arguing again, for about half a month now.
|After all, we've been stuck in this endless loop of arguing, making up, and then arguing again for about half a month now.
Line 3,279: Line 3,280:
|If I don't put a stop to it, it might start weighing her down emotionally.
|If I don't put an end to this, it might start weighing her down emotionally.
Line 3,291: Line 3,292:
|...But, naturally putting a stop to everything as soon as she sees me trying to settle things, as if she was waiting for that exact moment,<br>might just be a part of who she is.
|...But naturally putting an end to everything as soon as she sees me trying to settle things, as if she was waiting for that exact moment,<br>might just be a part of who she is.
|The first part of this sentence should be very similar to that of line 557}}
|The first part of this sentence should be very similar to that of line 557}}
Line 3,303: Line 3,304:
|"You're checking your watch again. <br>That's the eighth time today, and that's only counting the ones I saw."
|"You're checking your watch again. That's the eighth time today, and that's only counting the ones I saw."
Line 3,309: Line 3,310:
|.........11:10 PM.
|...11:10 PM.
Line 3,375: Line 3,376:
|"You keep forcing your ideals onto others, and yet you yourself don't stick to them at all... It's almost irritating how far you're straying from them."
|"You keep forcing your ideals onto others, and yet you yourself don't stick to them at all... It's almost irritating how different of a person you become."
Line 3,399: Line 3,400:
|"Are you saying that despite trying so hard yourself to understand others? <br>Despite always wanting to take care of others?"
|"Are you saying that despite trying so hard yourself to understand others? Despite always wanting to take care of others?"
Line 3,411: Line 3,412:
|Worrying about complete strangers, and even going so far as to help out someone you hate. <br>An obnoxious meddler.
|Worrying about complete strangers, and even going so far as to help out someone you hate. An obnoxious meddler.
Line 3,429: Line 3,430:
|"Then shouldn't... <br>Shouldn't I be able to understand just what it is that you want to do?"
|"Then if that’s the case... shouldn't I be able to understand just what it is that you want to do?"
Line 3,447: Line 3,448:
|「話し合いたい? いいですよ?<br>ただその時は、“お互い”本音でお願いします」
|「話し合いたい? いいですよ?<br>ただその時は、“お互い”本音でお願いします」
|"You want to talk it out with me? That's fine. <br>But when you do, I'd like us 'both' to speak the truth."
|"You want to talk it out with me? That's fine.<br>But when you do, I'd like ‘the both of us’ to<br>speak the truth."
Line 3,453: Line 3,454:
|"Why do you... <br>Always try to force your opinions on me?"
|"Why do you... always try to force your opinions on me?"
Line 3,459: Line 3,460:
|"Because I want to know more about you. <br>I don't want to know someone I can't understand."
|"Because I want to know more about you. I don't want to know someone I can't understand."
|match to 3023/200}}
|"That's so stupid... <br>What's the point in doing something like that?"
|"That's so stupid... What's the point in doing something like that?"
Line 3,471: Line 3,472:
|"Would you be able to rely on someone who just gives up like that? Would you able to stand taking advice from someone like that?"
|"Would you be able to rely on someone who just gives up like that? Would you be able to stand taking advice from someone like that?"
Line 3,477: Line 3,478:
Line 3,484: Line 3,485:
|What a... girl.
|What a... girl.
|It's an adjective that's "cut out" here}}
|"Senpai, you're so strange. You're sometimes meddlesome, sometimes strict, and sometimes kind, but also sometimes you feel distant, cowardly, and cold."
|"You're so strange, Senpai. You're meddlesome, strict, and I guess somewhat kind, but sometimes I also feel that you're distant, cowardly, and cold."
Line 3,502: Line 3,503:
|"Well, I feel bothered when you act like that around me."
|"Well, I feel bothered when you act like that around me."
|match to 3023/201}}
|"Why would it bother you? <br>It shouldn't concern you at all!"
|"Why would it bother you? It shouldn't concern you at all!"
Line 3,513: Line 3,514:
|"Because I can't get it off my mind. <br>Because I'm very interested in you, senpai!"
|"Because I can't get it off my mind. Because I'm very interested in you, Senpai!"
|match to 3023/202}}
Line 3,555: Line 3,556:
Line 3,561: Line 3,562:
|Be it her determination to get the truth out of me, or my uncertain desire to stop her from prying, both dispersed with the arrival of my phone call.
|Be it her determination to get the truth out of me<br>or my uncertain desire to stop her from prying, both dispersed with the arrival of my phone call.
Line 3,573: Line 3,574:
|"Ah, Kitahara-san? <br>It's... been a while. This is Ogiso speaking. <br>Thanks for always taking care of my sister."
|"Ah, Kitahara-san? It's... been a while. This is Ogiso speaking. Thanks for always taking care of my sister."
Line 3,579: Line 3,580:
|"Ta... Takahiro-kun?"
Line 3,597: Line 3,598:
|"...Re-Really. <br>You told him exactly how you felt, huh?"
|"...R-Really. You told him exactly how you felt, huh?"
Line 3,603: Line 3,604:
|"And then he was all like, 'I love you too, but she's the only one for me!', seriously!"
|"And then he was all like, 'I love you too, but she's the only one for me!' seriously!"
Line 3,609: Line 3,610:
Line 3,627: Line 3,628:
|"Can you believe that! Who cares if the horse was off by a millimeter or an entire mile? It doesn't change the fact that my bet's a bust!"
|"Can you believe that!? Who cares if the horse was off by a millimeter or an entire mile? It doesn't change the fact that my bet's a bust!"
Line 3,645: Line 3,646:
|"...You're a strong girl."
|"...You’re really strong."
Line 3,651: Line 3,652:
|「どうなのかな? 自分でもそんなでもなかったのかも。<br>だって、別れて一月で、こうして話せちゃうんだし。<br>初めて会った相手に」
|「どうなのかな? 自分でもそんなでもなかったのかも。<br>だって、別れて一月で、こうして話せちゃうんだし。<br>初めて会った相手に」
|"Am I? I don't really think I'm all that. It hasn't even been a month yet and I'm already telling this stuff to other people. To someone I just met, no less."
|"Am I? I don't really think I'm all that strong. It hasn't even been a month yet and I'm already telling this stuff to other people.<br>To someone I just met, no less."
Line 3,663: Line 3,664:
|"I get that a lot. People say I'm too outspoken. It might have been a reason for the break-up in the first place."
|"I get that a lot. People say I'm too outspoken. It might have been a reason for the breakup in the first place."
Line 3,675: Line 3,676:
|"But, it's not like I'd just tell anyone. <br>You'd never tell anyone else, right Setsuna?"
|"But it's not like I'd just tell anyone. You'd never tell anyone else, right, Setsuna?"
Line 3,687: Line 3,688:
|"Now, then! <br>It's your turn now, Setsuna."
|"Now, then! It's your turn now, Setsuna."
Line 3,699: Line 3,700:
|"Seeing how many men have been trapped by your devilish charms, your love life must really be something else, right? I'd probably melt just from hearing how heated it must be. I'm so looking forward to it~"
|"Seeing how many men have been lured by your devilish charms, your love life must really be something else, right? I'd probably melt just from hearing how heated it must be. I'm so looking forward to it~"
Line 3,705: Line 3,706:
|"C-Come on, let's not talk about that.<br>I already said I'm really not that kind of person."
|"C-Come on, let's not talk about that. I already said I'm really not that kind of a person."
Line 3,711: Line 3,712:
|"What are you even saying? <br>You stole all the guys' attention for yourself back at that party, didn't you? Don't play dumb with me."
|"What are you even saying? You stole all the guys' attention for yourself back at that party, didn't you? Don't play dumb with me."
Line 3,717: Line 3,718:
|"That's not it. I'm really not like that... <br>Oh... Whatever! I don't care any more."
|"That's not it. I'm really not like that... Oh... Whatever! I don't care anymore."
Line 3,723: Line 3,724:
|"The way you get irritated is so cute, too! <br>If I were a guy there's no way I'd let you go."
|"The way you pout like that is also really cute, too! If I were a guy there's no way I'd let you go."
Line 3,735: Line 3,736:
|"Come on, there has to be something, right? <br>Some kind of crazy scandal or whatever."
|"Come on, there has to be something, right? Some kind of crazy scandal or whatever."
Line 3,747: Line 3,748:
|"Oh, you're single right now? <br> Well, I don't mind if you tell me some stuff from the past. <br>Like, from back when you were in high school?"
|"Oh, you're single right now? Well, I don't mind if you tell me some stuff from the past. Like, from back when you were in high school?"
Line 3,754: Line 3,755:
|"That's... even more of a secret."
|"That's... even more of a secret."
|Not quite sure how to word this. She didn't want to talk about her love life now but she doesn't want to talk about high school stuff even more.}}
|"Then let's just talk hypothetically! <br>What kind of a guy would be enough for you to entrust your lovely self to?"
|"Then let's just talk hypothetically! What kind of a guy would you entrust your lovely heart and soul to, Setsuna?
Line 3,765: Line 3,766:
Line 3,771: Line 3,772:
|「そう! あくまでたとえ話。<br>どんなにありそうな内容でも、絶対に本当じゃない、<br>あくまでも仮定の、夢のお話」
|「そう! あくまでたとえ話。<br>どんなにありそうな内容でも、絶対に本当じゃない、<br>あくまでも仮定の、夢のお話」
|"Exactly! At the end of the day, it'd just be hypothetical. Nothing you tell me will be taken as truth, only imaginary. Just a simple little 'what if'."
|"Exactly! It'll all be completely hypothetical. Regardless of how probable what you’re saying is,<br><br>it’s absolutely not going to be taken as fact by me—nothing but supposition and imaginary conversation.
Line 3,795: Line 3,796:
|"Barkeep! <br>Another one for both of us!"
|"Barkeep! Another one for both of us!"
Line 3,801: Line 3,802:
|"If we're only talking hypothetically, then... <br>Someone that likes looking out for others would be nice."
|"If we're only talking hypothetically, then... Someone that likes looking out for others would be nice."
Line 3,807: Line 3,808:
|632|車内アナウンス|Train Announcement
|632|車内アナウンス|Train Announcement
|"Minegaya Station, Minegaya Station. <br>Please mind the door on your way out."
|"Minegaya, Minegaya. Please mind the door on your way out."
Line 3,825: Line 3,826:
|635|駅アナウンス|Station Announcement
|635|駅アナウンス|Station Announcement
|"The doors are closing. <br>Please be careful."
|"The doors are closing. Please be careful."
Line 3,861: Line 3,862:
|"I could say the same... <br>Weren't you planning to take me all the way home?"
|"I could say the same... Weren't you planning to take me all the way home?"
Line 3,879: Line 3,880:
|"No... I should apologize.<br>I did say I'd take you all the way home."
|"No... I should apologize. I did say I'd take you all the way home."
Line 3,885: Line 3,886:
|Takahiro-kun sounded almost apologetic during the phone call. He also... Didn't seem worried at all about his sister's whereabouts.
|Takahiro-kun sounded almost apologetic during the phone call. He also... didn't seem worried at all about his sister's whereabouts.
Line 3,891: Line 3,892:
|He merely listened to his parents, who were worried after not being able to reach her cellphone despite it being an hour past her curfew,<br>and contacted "the first person that came to mind".
|He merely listened to his parents, who were worried after not being able to reach her cell phone despite it being an hour past her curfew,<br>and contacted "the first person that came to mind."
Line 3,897: Line 3,898:
|"But I already told you, didn't I? <br>You really don't need to come searching with me..."
|"But I already told you, didn't I? You really don't need to come searching with me..."
Line 3,903: Line 3,904:
|"She's my classmate's sister. <br>I'm worried about her too."
|"She's my classmate's sister. I'm worried about her too."
Line 3,909: Line 3,910:
|If you talked to her for just a few minutes, even if you didn't want to, you'd easily see that her words are neither lies nor exaggerations. <br>Her concern is undoubtedly genuine.
|If you talked to her for just a few minutes, even if you didn't want to, you'd easily see that her words are neither lies nor exaggerations. Her concern is undoubtedly genuine.
Line 3,921: Line 3,922:
|"I'm the class representative for the first term, and he's in charge of the second term. <br>We talk once in a while because of that."
|"I'm the class representative for the first term, and he's in charge of the second term. We talk once in a while because of that."
Line 3,945: Line 3,946:
|So that's why she reacted a little when I said "Takahiro-kun? "Setsuna?" "Yeah, she's with me right now." over the phone.
|So that's why she reacted a little when I said "Takahiro-kun? Setsuna? Yeah, she's with me right now." over the phone.
Line 3,963: Line 3,964:
|"Do you know where she went off to? <br>And, do you know why she ran away?"
|"Do you know where she went off to? And do you know why she ran away?"
|She didn't actually say "ran away", but it needs to be enough of an exaggeration to make the next line make sense.}}
|"Ran away? You're exaggerating things a little. She just went out a little longer than usual. Besides, a 10 o'clock curfew for a university student is..."
|"Ran away? You're exaggerating things a little. She just went out a little longer than usual. Besides,<br>a 10 o'clock curfew for a university student is..."
Line 3,987: Line 3,988:
|"Here, use my handkerchief. <br>At the very least, you should wipe the sweat off your forehead. <br>...It's the middle of winter, you know?"
|"Here, use my handkerchief. At the very least, you should wipe the sweat off your forehead. ...It's the middle of winter, you know?"
Line 3,993: Line 3,994:
|"The heater's on way too strong in this train, don't you think...?"
|"The heater's on way too high in this train, don't you think...?"
Line 4,029: Line 4,030:
|"I was wondering what kind of answer you'd give me, so I asked it like that on purpose."
|"I was wondering what kind of answer you'd give me,<br>so I asked it like that on purpose."
Line 4,041: Line 4,042:
|"Then I'll change my question. <br>Ogiso's older sister... Setsuna-san, was it? <br>What kind of person is she?"
|"Then I'll change my question. Ogiso's older sister... Setsuna-san, was it? What kind of person is she?"
Line 4,053: Line 4,054:
|"I'm going to be looking for her too, aren't I? If I don't even know what she looks like, how am I supposed to find her?"
|"I'm going to be looking for her too, aren't I?<br>If I don't even know what she looks like, how am I supposed to find her?"
Line 4,083: Line 4,084:
Line 4,089: Line 4,090:
|"And also, after the phone call just now, <br>you started getting extremely anxious."
|"And also, I’ll tell them that after the phone call just now, you started getting extremely anxious."
Line 4,101: Line 4,102:
|Getting driven into a corner by a girl 3 years younger than me only makes me feel all the more hopeless.
|Getting driven into a corner by a girl three years younger than me only makes me feel all the more hopeless.
Line 4,113: Line 4,114:
|"Don't make her family worry any more than they already do. <br>They're really, really nice people."
|"Don't make her family worry any more than they already do. They're really, really nice people."
Line 4,131: Line 4,132:
|"But there's still that one in a million chance, isn't there? I know you're not the type that would easily shrug off something like this. <br>...That's also why you couldn't focus at work, right?"
|"But there's still that one in a million chance, isn't there? I know you're not the type that would easily shrug off something like this.<br>...That's also why you couldn't focus at work, right?"
Line 4,143: Line 4,144:
|"I don't mind if you drop the formalities. <br>You're my senior both at school and at work, anyway."
|"I don't mind if you drop the honorifics. You're my senior both at school and at work, anyway."
Line 4,149: Line 4,150:
|Maybe the negative tone in my voice as I said her name put her off or something, but after "Sugiura" makes her comment, she put on her usual glare.
|Maybe the irritated tone in my voice as I said her name put her off or something, but after "Sugiura" makes her comment, she puts on her usual glare.
Line 4,161: Line 4,162:
|"You sure love to mind others' business,<br>don't you, Sugiura?"
|"You sure love to mind others' business, don't you, Sugiura?"
Line 4,179: Line 4,180:
|"Not that! <br>I meant the 'minding others' business' part!"
|"Not that! I meant the 'minding others' business' part!"
Line 4,197: Line 4,198:
|My little trap must have caught Sugiura by surprise. <br>Her glare remains unchanged, but her face becomes flushed.
|My little trap must have caught Sugiura by surprise. Her glare remains unchanged, but her face becomes flushed.
Line 4,203: Line 4,204:
|"If you're still relaxed enough to poke fun at others, then I guess you're fine. Keeping calm is the best way to raise your work efficiency after all."
|"If you're still relaxed enough to poke fun at others, then I guess you're fine. After all, remaining calm is good for your efficiency.
Line 4,215: Line 4,216:
Line 4,221: Line 4,222:
|With that, our little bickering comes to an end, allowing us to better cooperate on the task at hand. Exactly what she meant by "efficiency".
|With that, our little bickering comes to an end, allowing us to cooperate on the task at hand—efficiently, as she just described it.
Line 4,227: Line 4,228:
|702|車内アナウンス|Train Announcement
|702|車内アナウンス|Train Announcement
|"We're arriving at Sasakubo Station, Sasakubo Station. <br>The exit is on the left side of the train."
|"We're arriving at Sasakubo Station, Sasakubo Station. The exit is on the left side of the train."
Line 4,239: Line 4,240:
|I'll have to put on my game face within the next five minutes.
|I'll have to put on my usual study mode within the next five minutes.
Line 4,245: Line 4,246:
|This is my true battle stance. <br>Doing anything and everything in my power to achieve the best possible results.
|This is my true battle stance. Doing anything and everything in my power to achieve the best possible results.
Line 4,251: Line 4,252:
|"Someone who likes to look out for other people…? Someone like that sounds rather convenient, although not exactly manly either, no?”
|"Likes looking out for others...? <br>Pretty much anyone who can help you out once in a while would fall under that category."
|The lines until 740 will only appear if you chose choice 1: "I'm bad with these types." in the very first choice of CC. This event still technically "happens" in the canon regardless of the choice, but you only get to see it if you chose the first choice.}}
|The lines until 740 will only appear if you chose choice 1: "I'm bad with these types." in the very first choice of CC. This event still technically "happens" in the canon regardless of the choice, but you only get to see it if you chose the first choice.}}
Line 4,257: Line 4,258:
|「ん~、説明しにくいな。<br>面倒見のいい人? 一生懸命な人? 頑張ってる人?<br>…そのせいで損してる人」
|「ん~、説明しにくいな。<br>面倒見のいい人? 一生懸命な人? 頑張ってる人?<br>…そのせいで損してる人」
|"Hmmm, I'm not too sure how to put it. <br>Likes looking out for others? Willing to give it his all? Always tries his best?<br>...And because of all that, often gets the short end of the stick..."
|”How do I put this... He's someone who looks out for anyone? Someone who tries his best and puts everything he has into anything?<br>...And someone who only loses out as a result.
Line 4,269: Line 4,270:
|"The truth is, I love being spoiled, actually."
|"The truth is, I love being spoiled..."
|match with 2012/299}}
|Any major changes to Setsuna's lines up to 715 from here on out need to be matched with lines from 299 onward, in file 2012.}}
Line 4,281: Line 4,282:
|"That's why I'm attracted to guys I can rely on. I'd fall in love with someone like that, and try to get him to spoil me even more."
|"That's why I'm attracted to guys I can rely on.<br>I'd fall in love with someone like that and try to get him to spoil me even more."
|match with 2012/301}}
|"Someone who'd do everything in his power to grant my selfish little wishes. I'd like that.<br>I'd love that."
|"I’d like someone who'd do everything in his power to grant my selfish little wishes. I’d really like that person."
|match with 2012/303}}
Line 4,300: Line 4,301:
|"Even if he might be a little annoying, and even if he might complain about stuff all the time, he'd never abandon me, no matter what."
|"Even if he might be a little annoying, and even if he might complain about stuff all the time, he'd never abandon me, no matter what."
|match with 2012/305}}
|"He'd be equally nice to everyone else, but save a special sweeter side just for me.<br>Wouldn't that just be the best?"
|"He'd be equally nice to everyone else, but save a special sweeter side just for me. Wouldn't that just be the best?"
|match with 2012/307}}
|"Even your selfish side is quite modest, huh?"
|”That’s quite a modest selfish side you got there, huh?"
Line 4,317: Line 4,318:
|"But, that's exactly why..."
|"But that's exactly why..."
Line 4,329: Line 4,330:
|"As a result, when he'd hurt someone, he'd hurt himself more in the process. He'd blame himself for everything, and end up hurting himself more and more..."
|"As a result, when he'd hurt someone, he'd hurt himself more in the process. He'd blame himself for everything<br>and end up hurting himself more and more..."
Line 4,335: Line 4,336:
|"We're still talking hypothetically... Right?"
|"We're still talking hypothetically... right?"
Line 4,341: Line 4,342:
|"Of course. <br>Do you even need to ask?"
|"Of course. Do you even need to ask?"
Line 4,353: Line 4,354:
|"You know, I... <br>I loved him when he would look over to her with those gentle, affectionate eyes."
|"You know, I... I loved him when he would look over to her with those gentle, affectionate eyes."
|Not sure if I got the wording quite right. The important part is that she's saying she loved HIM when he looked at 'her', not just the WAY he looked at 'her' }}
Line 4,365: Line 4,366:
|"He was serious, unwilling to compromise, <br>and he firmly believed that he was a level-headed person..."
|"He was serious, unwilling to compromise, and he firmly believed that he was a level-headed person..."
Line 4,371: Line 4,372:
|"But when he was with her, he'd get all flustered at the smallest things, or get nervous, or sometimes even excited. <br>All of his little reactions just felt so interesting to look at..."
|"But when he was with her, he'd get all flustered at the smallest things, or get nervous, or sometimes even excited.<br>All of his little reactions just felt so interesting to look at..."
Line 4,377: Line 4,378:
|"Those little details of him seemed so lovely. <br>...That's how I felt."
|"Those little details of him seemed so lovely. ...That's how I felt."
Line 4,389: Line 4,390:
|"I... <br>I wouldn't have minded if he fell in love with someone else."
|"I... I wouldn't have minded if he fell in love with someone else."
Line 4,425: Line 4,426:
|"I see... <br>You're a woman too, after all."
|"I see... You really are a woman, Setsuna."
Line 4,431: Line 4,432:
|"Do you not quite get what I mean, Shouko-san?"
|"Do you not get what I mean, Shouko-san?"
Line 4,437: Line 4,438:
|"I guess. <br>Like a certain someone once said, nothing about me says 'woman' at all."
|"I guess. To take a page from a certain person’s book, I’m really nothing like a woman at all."
Line 4,443: Line 4,444:
|"I can't believe it... I wonder how it came to this. <br>I wonder how I ended up just wanting to tell you everything."
|"I can't believe it... I wonder how it came to this.<br>I wonder how I ended up just wanting to tell you everything, Shouko-san."
Line 4,467: Line 4,468:
|"Umm... I'm not too sure. <br>There were at least 30 people in here, after all."
|"Umm... I'm not too sure. There were at least 30 people in here, after all."
Line 4,473: Line 4,474:
|"Please take a closer look. <br>It's the girl in the middle of this picture."
|"Please take a closer look. It's the girl in the middle of this picture."
Line 4,503: Line 4,504:
|"...!? <br>Could you let me see that for a second?"
|"...!? Could you let me see that for a second?"
Line 4,515: Line 4,516:
|Which also means... with only the clues we have, the situation's looking worse and worse.
|Which also means... with only the clues we have, the situation's only appearing to get worse.
Line 4,521: Line 4,522:
|"You have the party organizer's phone number, right? <br>I'd like to contact him, so could you please give it to me?"
|"You have the party organizer's phone number, right? I'd like to contact him, so could you please give it to me?"
Line 4,527: Line 4,528:
|「え? いや、でも…<br>あなた、知り合いですか?」
|「え? いや、でも…<br>あなた、知り合いですか?」
|"Eh? Wait, but... <br>Do you know him?"
|"Eh? Wait, but... do you know him?"
Line 4,551: Line 4,552:
|"I lost my cell phone last week. <br>I'm using a new one right now, so my list of contacts is pretty much empty."
|"I lost my cell phone last week. I'm using a new one right now, so my list of contacts is pretty much empty."
Line 4,557: Line 4,558:
|"Ah, I see. <br>But, still..."
|"Ah, I see. But still..."
Line 4,563: Line 4,564:
|"There's a chance that some illegal narcotics were brought to the party today. <br>The police might come to perform a search later."
|"There's a chance that some illegal drugs were brought to the party today. The police might come to perform a search later."
Line 4,575: Line 4,576:
|"Before it gets to that point, I need to get in touch with the organizer. <br>...Or maybe I should call the police over first?"
|"Before it gets to that point, I need to get in touch with the organizer. ...Or maybe I should call the police over first?"
Line 4,581: Line 4,582:
|"Ah, all right. <br>Let me go get the list of reservations."
|"Ah, all right. Let me go get the list of reservations."
Line 4,587: Line 4,588:
Line 4,593: Line 4,594:
|My overly bold improv somehow managed to win the trust of the kind manager.
|My overly bold improvisation somehow managed to win the trust of the kind manager.
Line 4,599: Line 4,600:
|Yes, this is in no way extortion, just a fair exchange of information between two trusted parties. <br>...Probably.
|Yes, this is in no way extortion, just a fair exchange of information between two trusted parties. ...Probably.
Line 4,605: Line 4,606:
|"...I knew it! <br>Senpai, how do you explain this!?"
|"...I knew it! Senpai, how do you explain this!?"
Line 4,611: Line 4,612:
|"...The girl in the middle is Ogiso Setsuna. <br>Takahiro-kun's sister."
|"...The girl in the middle is Ogiso Setsuna.<br>She’s Takahiro-kun's older sister."
Line 4,623: Line 4,624:
|"...That has nothing to do with the situation right now. Don't get distracted by excess information. If you get carried away and lose track of Setsuna, I'll get angry with you."
|"...That has nothing to do with the situation right now. Don't get distracted by unnecessary information.<br>If you get distracted and lose track of Setsuna,<br>I'll get mad at you."
Line 4,629: Line 4,630:
Line 4,641: Line 4,642:
|"But enough about that, I need you to do something. Go buy a cell phone charger at the nearest convenience store. A *u model. Disposable chargers are fine too."
|"But enough about that, I need you to do something.<br>Go buy a cell phone charger at the nearest convenience store. A U-mobile model. Disposable chargers are fine too."
Line 4,647: Line 4,648:
|But I don't need to hide it any more.
|But I don't need to hide it anymore.
Line 4,659: Line 4,660:
|"The next couple of calls are going to be really really important. I'll explain it to you later if you want. Just go get it!"
|"The next couple of calls are going to be really, really important. I'll explain it to you later if you want. Just go get it!"
Line 4,677: Line 4,678:
|...My "Reign of terror", as both Satou and the manager called it.
|...My "reign of terror," as both Satou and the manager so coin it.
Line 4,683: Line 4,684:
|"Sorry to keep you waiting. <br>Umm, a Mizuno-sama, correct?"
|"Sorry to keep you waiting. Umm, Mizuno-sama, correct?"
Line 4,701: Line 4,702:
|"...He even used his brother's name. <br>Is he in on it too?"
|"...He even used his brother's name. Is he in on it too?"
Line 4,713: Line 4,714:
|"Sorry for the trouble, manager. We'll try to keep the mess to a minimum on our end, so I'd appreciate it if you could keep things down as well."
|"Sorry for the trouble, manager. We'll try to keep the mess to a minimum on our end, so I'd appreciate it if you could keep quiet about this as well."
Line 4,767: Line 4,768:
|"How is it, Haruki? <br>How are things on your end?"
|"Well, Haruki? How are things on your end?"
Line 4,773: Line 4,774:
|"I got in touch with eleven of them. <br>Two groups of four people at the bars were clean. Two others are already home."
|"I got in touch with eleven of them. Two groups of four people at the bars were clean. Two others are already home."
Line 4,779: Line 4,780:
|One of which started yelling at me for no real reason, but after I got her name, the whole ordeal felt like a trip down memory lane...
|One of whom started yelling at me for no real reason, but after I got her name, the whole ordeal felt like a trip down memory lane...
|As in he found Yanagihara Tomo and it reminded him of his high school days with her in the light music club}}
Line 4,797: Line 4,798:
|"Two of them were there on their own volition, so I let them go. But the other three..."
|"Two of them were there on their own volition,<br>so I let them go. But the other three..."
Line 4,803: Line 4,804:
|"A-Are you saying…?”
|"N-No way...?"
Line 4,809: Line 4,810:
|"...Setsuna wasn't part of it, of course. <br>It's just that one of the girls got too drunk, and looked pretty messed up in more ways than one."
|"...Setsuna wasn't among them, of course. It's just that one of the girls got too drunk and looked pretty messed up in more ways than one."
Line 4,815: Line 4,816:
|"Oh, okay... Wait, two guys? That's messed up!<br>...If it were the other way around it'd be pretty impressive, though."
|"Oh, okay... Still, two guys? That's messed up! ...It’d be pretty impressive if it were the other way around, though."
Line 4,827: Line 4,828:
|And of course, gave the two medical department guys a stern talking to... Pretty bold, if you ask me.
|Of course, she also didn’t forget to give the two students from the Medical Department a scathing scolding… It seems she really has no fear.
Line 4,833: Line 4,834:
|...Well, it might have been a result of me and the organizer's fierce exchange over the phone setting off some kind of switch in her.
|...Well, it might have been a result of my fierce exchange with the organizer over the phone setting off some kind of switch in her.
Line 4,845: Line 4,846:
|"I got in touch with twenty-one of them. Eight are at karaoke, ten of them are at some after-party, and three went home right after."
|"I got in touch with twenty-one of them. Eight are at a karaoke place, ten of them are at some after-party, and three went home right after."
Line 4,851: Line 4,852:
|"Twenty-one...<br>That's everyone, then."
|"Twenty-one… That's everyone, then."
Line 4,857: Line 4,858:
|According to the list I got (through intimidation) from the organizer, there were 33 people including Setsuna.
|According to the list I got—coercively—from the organizer, there were 33 people including Setsuna.
Line 4,863: Line 4,864:
|The guys were all from the medical department. The girls, according to Takeya, were all strictly picked from the other departments. The best of the best.
|The guys were all from the Medical Department. The girls, according to Takeya, were all strictly picked from the other departments. The best of the best.
Line 4,869: Line 4,870:
|"Setsuna wasn't at any of those places though. <br>Assuming what they said can be trusted, that is."
|"Setsuna-chan wasn't at any of those places though. Assuming what they said can be trusted, that is."
Line 4,881: Line 4,882:
|"Probably. I have some past connections with a few of the girls, after all. <br>...Hearing Chika was there was quite a shock, though."
|"Probably. I have some past connections with a few of the girls, after all. ...Hearing Chika was there was quite a shock, though."
Line 4,887: Line 4,888:
|And, also according to Takeya, even amongst that group, there was still nobody who could compare to Setsuna. <br>There was even some sort of competition between the guys to try and get a better chance with her.
|And, also according to Takeya, even amongst that group, there was still nobody who could compare to Setsuna.<br>There was even some sort of competition between the guys to try and get a better chance with her.
Line 4,893: Line 4,894:
|I can't believe that Ogiso Setsuna...
|Really, this girl they call Ogiso Setsuna...
Line 4,905: Line 4,906:
|Just exactly how foolish can she be despite being blessed with such strong feminine charm…?
|Despite her unmatched feminine charm, she's still such a naive girl...
Line 4,911: Line 4,912:
|"Another thing, Haruki. Something one of the guys at the after party said caught my attention."
|"Another thing, Haruki. Something one of the guys at the after-party said caught my attention."
Line 4,923: Line 4,924:
|"He said he saw a girl who looked like one of Setsuna-chan's friends call out to her, and the two of them went off somewhere on their own."
|"He said he saw a girl who seemed to be one of Setsuna-chan's friends call out to her, and the two of them went off somewhere on their own."
Line 4,929: Line 4,930:
|"...A girl that looked like a friend of hers?"
|"...A girl that seemed to be a friend of hers?"
Line 4,941: Line 4,942:
|"So she met a friend of hers by chance, <br>and just went drinking with her...?"
|"So she met a friend of hers by chance, and just went drinking with her...?"
Line 4,971: Line 4,972:
|"What is she trying to do... <br>Getting everyone all worked up like this..."
|"What is she trying to do... Getting everyone all worked up like this..."
Line 4,977: Line 4,978:
|"At least it's some good news! My little rumor ended up being just a rumor... Sorry about that, actually. I didn't really think it through when I told you."
|"At least it's some good news! My little rumor ended up being just a rumor... Sorry about that, actually.<br>I didn't really think it through when I told you."
Line 4,983: Line 4,984:
|"There's no way it's your fault, Takeya... <br>I'm the one at fault here, really."
|"There's no way it's your fault, Takeya... I'm the one at fault here, really."
Line 4,995: Line 4,996:
|"Sorry, Takeya... <br>For laughing off what you told me back then and making you work so hard after what happened."
|"Sorry, Takeya... For laughing off what you told me back then and making you work so hard after what happened."
Line 5,001: Line 5,002:
|"Your instructions were as clear as always so I didn't really mind. Also... You should thank Io later, too. <br>I got a good chunk of the guys' contact info from her."
|"Your instructions were as clear as always, so I didn't really mind. Also... you should thank Io later, too. I got a good chunk of the guys' contact info from her."
Line 5,013: Line 5,014:
|"This is a pretty delicate topic for me so just drop it, okay? She was invited to begin with, you know...?"
|"This is a pretty delicate topic for me, so just drop it, okay? She was invited to begin with, you know...?"
Line 5,025: Line 5,026:
|"Anyway... sorry about keeping you up this late. <br>I'll just randomly go around looking a bit more and head home..."
|"Anyway... sorry about keeping you up this late.<br>I'll just go around randomly looking for a bit more and head home afterward..."
Line 5,037: Line 5,038:
Line 5,043: Line 5,044:
|"This is a good chance... <br>If you find Setsuna, have a proper talk with her."
|"This is a good chance... If you find Setsuna, have a proper talk with her."
Line 5,055: Line 5,056:
|"You're being a bit more true to yourself now, aren't you? You're getting angry over what Setsuna-chan did, just like the old days, aren't you? <br>...This is your chance."
|"You're being a bit more true to yourself now, aren't you? You're getting angry over what Setsuna-chan did, just like the old days, aren't you?<br>...This is your chance."
Line 5,073: Line 5,074:
|"How could I... <br>The one who's really in pain is..."
|"How could I... The one who's really in pain is..."
Line 5,079: Line 5,080:
|"It'll cheer Setsuna-chan up for sure! <br>Don't you want to see her smile? <br>Then just do what I said."
|"It'll cheer Setsuna-chan up for sure! Don't you want to see her smile? Then just do what I said."
|The "don't you want to see her smile?" part should match line 948}}
|The "don't you want to see her smile?" part should match line 948}}
Line 5,085: Line 5,086:
|"That's... <br>That would just be lying..."
|"But that’s… just deception..."
Line 5,091: Line 5,092:
|"Anyway, that's all the advice I have for you. <br>See ya! Sweet dreams."
|"Anyway, that's all the advice I have for you. See ya! Sweet dreams."
Line 5,145: Line 5,146:
|She left me a chance for us to move forward again. <br>A chance for me and Setsuna to talk again.
|She left me a chance for us to move forward again.<br>A chance for Setsuna and me to talk again.
Line 5,175: Line 5,176:
|"I somehow managed to get her on the train. <br>...I can't say for sure whether or not she'll be able to get off on her own, though."
|"I somehow managed to get her on the train. ...I can't say for sure whether or not she'll be able to get off on her own, though."
Line 5,187: Line 5,188:
|Just as expected, whenever the two of us come together, we end up sticking our hands into anybody and everybody's business.
|Just as expected, whenever the two of us come together, we end up sticking our noses into anybody and everybody's business.
Line 5,199: Line 5,200:
|"What should we do now? Want to go take a look at places you think she might have went off to?"
|"What should we do now? Want to go take a look at places you think she might have gone?"
Line 5,205: Line 5,206:
|"No... We don't need to do that any more."
|"No... We don't need to do that anymore."
Line 5,217: Line 5,218:
|"All my worries disappeared with the phone call just now."
|”I’m not worried anymore after the call I just got.
Line 5,259: Line 5,260:
|"Really...? That's great news! <br>Ah, but it's not like we actually found her so it's not that 'great' news yet, huh?"
|"Really...? Thank goodness! Ah, what am I saying? We haven't even actually found her yet, so ‘Thank goodness’ isn’t really appropriate.”
Line 5,265: Line 5,266:
|"...No, it should be fine now. <br>Sorry for dragging you along with me on this rather fruitless adventure."
|"...No, it should be fine now. Sorry for dragging you along with me on this rather fruitless adventure."
Line 5,271: Line 5,272:
|"Just getting rid of that 'one in a million chance' is fruitful enough for me, senpai!"
|"Just getting rid of that one in a million chance is fruitful enough for me, Senpai!"
Line 5,301: Line 5,302:
|So this is what she's like on the inside... <br>It's like I'm surrounded by nothing but amazing people.
|So this is what she's like on the inside... It's like I'm surrounded by nothing but amazing people.
Line 5,307: Line 5,308:
|"That reminds me... <br>You looked a little scary back there, senpai."
|"That reminds me... You looked a little scary back there, Senpai."
Line 5,313: Line 5,314:
|"Sorry. I got pretty frantic back there, so... <br>I probably sounded really mean talking to you, Sugiura."
|"Sorry. I got pretty frantic back there, so...<br>I probably said some mean things to you as well, Sugiura."
Line 5,331: Line 5,332:
|"You were pretty frantic back there for sure, but you also got more and more calm as time went on, like you were focusing every last bit of your energy to the task."
|"You were pretty frantic back there for sure, but you also got more and more calm as time went on,<br><br>like you were focusing every last bit of your energy on the task."
Line 5,349: Line 5,350:
|"You're just imagining things. <br>I'm always like that, aren't I?"
|"You're just imagining things. I'm always like that, aren't I?"
Line 5,355: Line 5,356:
|"You're probably right. <br>Maybe I only felt like that because... these busy streets at night are a little scary, after all."
|"You're probably right. Maybe I only felt like that because... these busy streets at night are a little scary, after all."
Line 5,367: Line 5,368:
|That's probably because these past 3 years in university raised my skill in this field a little more.
|That's probably because these past three years in university raised my skill in this field a little more.
Line 5,373: Line 5,374:
|Because I don't ever want to repeat the mistake of making the worst possible choice due to being unsure of what to do, like I did in high school.
|Because I don't ever want to repeat the mistake of letting my indecisiveness lead me to make the worst possible choice.
Line 5,385: Line 5,386:
|"So... what should we do now? <br>Just go home, or maybe give the Ogiso family a call? <br>Or should we go check places that she might..."
|"So... what should we do now? Just go home, or maybe give the Ogiso family a call? Or should we go check places that she might..."
Line 5,391: Line 5,392:
|And, with the clock past 12 and Sugiura still before me looking as energetic as ever and seemingly in a good mood for whatever reason, I...
|And with the clock past midnight and Sugiura still looking as energetic as ever and seemingly in a good mood for whatever reason, I...
Line 5,397: Line 5,398:
|Accompany her back.
|1. I should accompany her back.
Line 5,403: Line 5,404:
|Bid her farewell.
|2. I should send her off.
Line 5,409: Line 5,410:
|"Let me take you to the station. <br>We're close to missing the last train of the day."
|"Let me take you to the station. We're close to missing the last train of the day."
|Lines until 928 are if choice 1 is selected}}
|Lines until 928 are if choice 1 is selected}}
Line 5,415: Line 5,416:
|"...You're right. <br>I'll take you up on that offer."
|"...You're right. I'll take you up on that offer."
Line 5,439: Line 5,440:
|It's almost 12:30. I certainly wasn't joking when I said "we're close to missing the last train."
|It's almost 00:30. I certainly wasn't joking when<br>I said, "We're close to missing the last train."
Line 5,451: Line 5,452:
|However, that little "you're right" she said just now clearly wasn't referring to the train schedule.
|However, that little, "You're right" she said just now clearly wasn't referring to the train schedule.
|Referring to what she said on line 900}}
|Referring to what she said on line 900}}
Line 5,457: Line 5,458:
|And also, she'll "take me up on my offer"...?
|And also, she'll "Take me up on my offer"...?
Line 5,463: Line 5,464:
|Compared to her "no thanks" or simply ignoring me outright, it's an unbelievable improvement considering only a few hours have passed...
|Compared to her "No, thanks" or simply ignoring me outright, it's an unbelievable improvement considering only a few hours have passed...
Line 5,469: Line 5,470:
|"But, I won't let you try to 'take me all the way home' like before, okay? You wouldn't be able to get home yourself if you did that."
|"But I won't let you try to, 'Take me all the way home' like before, okay? You wouldn't be able to get home yourself if you did that."
Line 5,475: Line 5,476:
|"But, it's already past midnight..."
|"But it's already past midnight..."
Line 5,482: Line 5,483:
|"Don't worry, I'll take a taxi home from the station. It's only a short distance, but it's already this late, so I doubt the driver will turn me down."
|"Don't worry, I'll take a taxi home from the station. It's only a short distance, but it's already this late, so I doubt the driver will turn me down."
|"Starting price" being the basic price you must pay regardless of distance travelled, but won't go up until you cover a certain amount of ground. No clue what the proper term is. // How about settling it like this?}}
Line 5,493: Line 5,494:
|"Let's go, senpai. I think the last train on Saturdays leaves at 10 to 1. We'll probably make it just fine, but we should hurry just to be on the safe side."
|"Let's go, Senpai. I think the last train on Saturdays leaves at ten to 1. We'll probably make it just fine, but we should hurry just to be on the safe side."
Line 5,505: Line 5,506:
|Well past midnight on these restless streets, <br>Sugiura makes her way to the station with a light spring in her step.
|Well past midnight on these restless streets, Sugiura makes her way to the station with a light spring in her step.
Line 5,511: Line 5,512:
|She started working early in the morning, ran all the way from the store to the station, and did a sizeable amount of walking here in Onjuku as well. <br>What a craz- What an energetic girl.
|She started working early in the morning, ran all the way from the restaurant to the station, and did a sizable amount of walking here in Onjuku as well.<br>What a craz... What an energetic girl.
Line 5,517: Line 5,518:
|"What are you dragging your feet for? You're the one who tried to hurry me back home, weren't you? Keep up with my pace, got it?"
|"What are you dragging your feet for? You were the one who tried to hurry me back home, weren't you? Could you at least keep up with my pace, please?"
Line 5,529: Line 5,530:
|She really is energetic… and a very fussy junior of mine.
|What an energetic... And fussy girl she is.
Line 5,589: Line 5,590:
|"You should really head home. <br>I'm really sorry about what happened today."
|"You should really head home. I'm really sorry about what happened today."
|Lines until 986 are if choice 2 was selected}}
|Lines until 986 are if choice 2 was selected}}
Line 5,595: Line 5,596:
|It's almost 12:30.
|It's almost 00:30.
Line 5,601: Line 5,602:
|No matter how you look at it, a high school student really shouldn't be running around at this hour.
|No matter how you look at it, a high school student really shouldn't be out and about at this hour.
Line 5,607: Line 5,608:
|"...What about you, senpai?"
|"...What about you, Senpai?"
Line 5,613: Line 5,614:
|"I'll... Go searching for a little bit more, then head home myself."
|"I'll... go searching for a little bit longer, then head home myself."
Line 5,619: Line 5,620:
|I'd also like to add... <br>Daughters from families as strict as the Ogiso family really shouldn't be running around at this hour either.
|I'd also like to add... daughters from families as strict as the Ogiso family really shouldn't be running around at this hour either.
Line 5,631: Line 5,632:
|"I don't need it. <br>...Ah, but, I'll still be taking the taxi. I won't try to be stubborn and walk home by myself."
|"I don't need it. ...Ah, but I'll still be taking a taxi. I won't try to be stubborn and walk home by myself."
Line 5,643: Line 5,644:
|"...I'm more worried about you, senpai. Today's Saturday, so the last train of the night will be gone soon, you know? How are you going to get home?"
|"...I'm more worried about you, Senpai. Today's Saturday, so the last train of the night will leave soon, you know? How are you going to get home?"
Line 5,649: Line 5,650:
|"I'll be fine. If I really need to, I can just take a taxi from here. And if nothing else, I can just spend the night at some internet cafe."
|"I'll be fine. If I really need to, I can just take a taxi from here. And as a last resort, I can just spend the night at an internet cafe."
Line 5,679: Line 5,680:
|"Is that it? Is that really your reason for not bothering to catch the last train home?"
|"Is that it? Is that really your reason for not caring to catch the last train home?"
Line 5,685: Line 5,686:
|"It's not a big deal... <br>Tomorrow's Sunday, anyway."
|"It's not a big deal... Tomorrow's Sunday, anyway."
Line 5,691: Line 5,692:
|"...You want to see her, don't you? <br>Right this instant."
|"...You want to see her, don't you? Right this instant."
Line 5,697: Line 5,698:
|"......Not really."
|"...Not really."
Line 5,721: Line 5,722:
|Why does everyone... <br>Why do they all act like they've got me figured out...
|Why does everyone... Why do they all act like they've got me figured out…?
Line 5,739: Line 5,740:
Line 5,745: Line 5,746:
|Just as I was in a panic over my desperate attempt to step on the breaks not seeming to have any effect,<br>with a thousand voices shouting "I can't do this any more" inside my head...
|Just as I was in a panic over my desperate attempt to step on the brakes seemingly having no effect,<br><br>with a thousand voices shouting "I can't do this anymore" inside my head...
Line 5,763: Line 5,764:
|It seems as though she’s finally picked up on the fact that I can’t really help myself anymore.
|As if she could see that I'm on the verge of collapsing.
Line 5,775: Line 5,776:
|"That'll depend on what your attitude towards things is like in the future."
|"That'll depend on what your attitude toward things is like in the future."
Line 5,811: Line 5,812:
|We were arguing like always, then in an instant, it felt like I was the one taking charge...<br>But in the next moment, it felt like our age, both real and mental, was reversed...
|We were arguing like always, then in an instant, it felt like I was the one taking charge...<br>But in the next moment, it felt like both our biological and mental ages were reversed...
Line 5,817: Line 5,818:
|Was it because she found a "foothold" for herself in my world, after knowing about Setsuna and a little bit about Kazusa as well?
|Was it because she found a "foothold" for herself in my world after knowing about Setsuna and a little bit about Kazusa as well?
Line 5,835: Line 5,836:
|"Now, then..."
Line 5,841: Line 5,842:
|But, now's not the time to let, what seems to be regret, take hold of me.
|But now's not the time to let what seems to be regret take hold of me.
Line 5,853: Line 5,854:
|I need to find that girl who, even though is apparently with a friend of hers, went out drinking without bothering to tell her parents.
|I have to find the girl who went out drinking without bothering to tell her parents, even if only with someone she knows and by a coincidental meeting.
Line 5,859: Line 5,860:
|Should I yell at her? Should I apologize? Or should I...
|Should I yell at her? Should I apologize?<br>Or should I...
Line 5,865: Line 5,866:
|I haven't the slightest idea on how I should approach her.
|I don't have the slightest idea on how I should approach her.
Line 5,871: Line 5,872:
|But something in me is telling me I need to find her. <br>...Of course, this is only out of wishful thinking, without any real rhyme or reason.
|But something in me is telling me I need to find her. ...Of course, this is only out of wishful thinking, without any real rhyme or reason.
Line 5,895: Line 5,896:
|"...What's wrong, Sugiura? <br>Did you miss the last train?"
|"...What's wrong, Sugiura? Did you miss the last train?"
Line 5,901: Line 5,902:
|"Ah, senpai... <br>No, there's still 10 minutes until the last train leaves, but..."
|"Ah, Senpai... No, there's still ten minutes until the last train leaves, but..."
Line 5,907: Line 5,908:
|「お金が足りないとか?<br>今どこだ? 東口?」
|「お金が足りないとか?<br>今どこだ? 東口?」
|"Are you short on money or something? <br>Where are you right now? The east gate?"
|"Are you short on money or something? Where are you right now? The east gate?"
Line 5,913: Line 5,914:
|「はい! 東口です!<br>今すぐ来てください!」
|「はい! 東口です!<br>今すぐ来てください!」
|"Yes! East gate! <br>Please come as soon as possible!"
|"Yes! The east gate! Please come as soon as possible!"
Line 5,919: Line 5,920:
|"You don't need to panic that much. <br>It's only a 5 minute walk to..."
|"You don't need to panic that much. It's only a five minute walk to..."
Line 5,925: Line 5,926:
|"I found Ogiso's sister! <br>She's over here, outside the entrance!"
|"I found Ogiso's older sister! She's over here, outside the entrance!"
Line 5,937: Line 5,938:
|987|駅アナウンス|Station Announcement
|987|駅アナウンス|Station Announcement
|"The last train of the night to Washiou will be leaving shortly. Passengers that wish to board are urged to hurry."
|"The last train of the day to Washiou will be leaving shortly. Please take care not to miss the train.
|From here the 2 choices merge.}}
|From here the 2 choices merge.}}
Line 5,961: Line 5,962:
|"The last train's gone, huh?"
|"Well, there goes the last train, huh?"
Line 5,973: Line 5,974:
|When I found Setsuna by the ticket dispenser, there were still 5 minutes before the train would leave.
|I found Setsuna by the ticket dispensers with more than five minutes left before the last train would leave.
Line 5,979: Line 5,980:
|Even if we wanted to take our time, as long as we went in, we could have easily caught the train.
|At that point, we could’ve taken our time walking toward the platform after passing the ticket gate and still have plenty of time to spare.
Line 5,985: Line 5,986:
|But Setsuna didn't show any sign of wanting to go, <br>and I couldn't bring myself to rush her.
|Setsuna didn't seem to want to move from that spot, however, and I couldn't bring myself to rush her given her reaction.
Line 5,991: Line 5,992:
|「どしよっか?<br>どっか泊まる? 一緒に」
|「どしよっか?<br>どっか泊まる? 一緒に」
|"What should we do now? <br>Want to go stay somewhere? Just the two of us."
|"What should we do now? Want to go stay somewhere? Just the two of us."
Line 5,997: Line 5,998:
|"If you're done resting, we're going home. By taxi. <br>Your family's waiting for you, you know?"
|"After we’ve rested a bit, we're going home. By taxi. Your family's waiting for you, aren’t they?"
Line 6,009: Line 6,010:
|But when I asked her if she wanted to go find somewhere to sit together, she followed me without a moment of hesitation.
|Even so, when I asked her if she wanted to go find somewhere to sit together, she followed me without a moment of hesitation.
Line 6,015: Line 6,016:
|Which means the reason behind her not wanting to move back then was most likely not the result of drinking too much.
|Which means the reason behind her not wanting to move back then was most likely not the result of having drunk too much.
Line 6,021: Line 6,022:
|「孝宏君から電話あったんだよ。<br>今日、遅くなるって言ってなかったんだって? 家に」
|「孝宏君から電話あったんだよ。<br>今日、遅くなるって言ってなかったんだって? 家に」
|"Takahiro-kun gave me a call earlier. <br>I hear that you didn't tell your parents that you'd be out late tonight."
|"Takahiro-kun gave me a call earlier. I hear that you didn’t let anyone at home know you’d be coming home late tonight?”
Line 6,027: Line 6,028:
|"I see... So that's why Haruki-kun..."
|"I see... Haruki-kun, so that’s why..."
Line 6,039: Line 6,040:
|That's why after I told her the truth, she had an "I knew it" look on her face, and dropped her head down, unamused.
|That’s why, even after I’d explained myself, her gaze apathetically fell to the ground with an expression on her face<br>that suggested she’d expected something like this.
Line 6,045: Line 6,046:
|"Aaah, how annoying can they be? <br>I wish my parents would just back off."
|"Aa-ah, how annoying can they be? I wish both mom and dad would just give me a break already!"
Line 6,051: Line 6,052:
|Don’t say things you don’t mean!
|How can you say something so heartless!?
Line 6,057: Line 6,058:
|"You shouldn't say that... They have good intentions."
|"Don’t say that… they’re good people."
Line 6,069: Line 6,070:
|"They said they couldn't reach your cell phone. <br>That's why everyone was worried..."
|"They said they couldn't reach your cell phone.<br>That's why everyone was worried..."
Line 6,075: Line 6,076:
|"Ah, my battery was dead the whole time. <br>I guess I'm pretty careless, aren't I?"
|"Ah, my battery was dead the whole time. I guess I'm pretty careless, aren't I?"
Line 6,087: Line 6,088:
|There's no way you couldn't figure that out, right, Setsuna?
|There's no way you wouldn’t be able to figure that out, right, Setsuna?
Line 6,093: Line 6,094:
|"Then... I guess you didn't have a choice. <br>Looks like fortune wasn't quite in your favour."
|"Then... I guess you didn't have a choice. Looks like you just weren’t very lucky today.
Line 6,123: Line 6,124:
|"Everybody there was super rich, one guy was like some heir to a hospital or something, and another guy had all these foreign cars... <br>It's like they're all children of prestigious families from Okayama, or something!"
|"Everybody there was super rich, one guy was like some heir to a hospital or something, and another guy had all these foreign cars...<br>It's like they're all children of prestigious families from Okayama or something!"
Line 6,129: Line 6,130:
|"That sounds about right. Our school's medical department is pretty amazing, after all."
|"That sounds about right. They're all from our university... not to mention from the Medical Department, after all."
Line 6,135: Line 6,136:
|"Everyone was so nice, too. We had a blast talking about going skiing once it starts snowing!"
|"Everyone was so nice, too. We had a blast talking about going skiing once the season starts!"
Line 6,141: Line 6,142:
|Aren't those just regular old pick-up lines? Did you show those guys that smile of yours?
|Aren't those just regular old pick-up lines? Did you really show those guys that smile of yours?
Line 6,147: Line 6,148:
|"Really...? I'm glad. <br>You're like snow so much, after all."
|"Really...? That sounds nice. You like the snow so much, after all."
Line 6,171: Line 6,172:
|"...I know some guy in the medical department that went to the party."
|"...I know a guy from the Medical Department. He was at the party too."
Line 6,177: Line 6,178:
|「知り合いって?<br>青山さん? 伊藤さん? 岸山さん? 日比野さん?」
|「知り合いって?<br>青山さん? 伊藤さん? 岸山さん? 日比野さん?」
|"Who was it? <br>Aoyama-san? Itou-san? Kishiyama-san? Hibino-san?"
|"Who was it? Aoyama-san? Itou-san? Kishiyama-san? Hibino-san?"
Line 6,189: Line 6,190:
|"...Ah, whatever.<br>I actually just met her... Nagase-san, at the party, and we got to know each other there."
|"...Well, whatever. I got to know her... Nagase-san,<br>I mean, at the party. It was actually the first time we met."
Line 6,195: Line 6,196:
|"You just met her...?"
|"The first time the two of you met...?"
Line 6,201: Line 6,202:
|"She's really outspoken, a little wild,<br>but still really reliable."
|"She's really outspoken and a little unpredictable, but still really reliable."
Line 6,207: Line 6,208:
|"...Just from that description, <br>it doesn't sound like she's very feminine at all."
|"...From that description alone, it doesn't sound like she's very feminine at all."
Line 6,213: Line 6,214:
|"But she was really pretty, you know? <br>And a really good person at heart, too. <br>We had so much fun talking we lost track of the time."
|"But she was quite the beauty, you know? And a really good person at heart, too. We had so much fun talking we lost track of time."
Line 6,225: Line 6,226:
|"Today was the best... I had so much fun. <br>If only every day could be like this."
|"Really, today was just the best…! I had so much fun and so many nice things happened. If only every day could be like this."
Line 6,231: Line 6,232:
|Today was the best...? <br>It was pretty much the worst for me.
|What do you mean, today was the best...? It’s pretty much been the worst for me.
Line 6,237: Line 6,238:
|Do you have any idea how much trouble I went through because of your little stunt? You're way out of line!
|Do you have any idea how much trouble I went through because of your whimsical little stunt? You're getting way out of line!
Line 6,243: Line 6,244:
|"Are you feeling more sober now?<br>We should head home."
|"Have you sobered up a little? We should think about heading home now."
Line 6,255: Line 6,256:
|"Oh, yeah... I told your parents that you were with me the entire time today."
|"By the way... I told your family that you spent the whole day with me today."
Line 6,267: Line 6,268:
|"Memorize what I'm about to tell you. <br>From noon, we took a train all the way to Hakone to visit an art gallery."
|"Make sure to memorize what I'm about to tell you. Starting from noon, we took a trip by train all the way to Hakone to visit an open-air art gallery."
Line 6,279: Line 6,280:
|"And, when the gallery closed, we had dinner at a nearby restaurant. It wasn't until we got to the station that we realized that the train schedule today was the weekend one."
|"We stayed at the gallery until closing time and then had dinner at a nearby restaurant.<br><br>It wasn't until we got to the station planning to go home that we realized that the train schedule today was the weekend one."
Line 6,291: Line 6,292:
|"There were still trains running, but only a few, and transferring was also really tough. As a result, we couldn't make it back at 10 like we planned. We just couldn't make it to the final train... Something like that."
|"There were still trains running, but only a few, and finding transfers was also really tough. We realized then that we wouldn’t be able to make it back<br>by 10 o’clock like we had planned. And then, at our last transfer, we ended up just barely missing the last train... Or something like that."
Line 6,297: Line 6,298:
|"You even thought up an excuse for me... <br>You haven't changed a bit, Haruki-kun."
|"You even thought up an excuse for me... You haven't changed a bit, Haruki-kun."
Line 6,303: Line 6,304:
|"Did you memorize it? <br>I'll give you a pop quiz, just to make sure. <br>Where did we go today?"
|"Did you memorize it? I'll give you a pop quiz, just to make sure. Where did we go today?"
Line 6,327: Line 6,328:
|"Then I'll start again from the beginning. <br>We went to Hakone's..."
|"Okay, I'll start again from the beginning, then. We went to Hakone's..."
Line 6,345: Line 6,346:
|"I can't lie. <br>I can't lie as calmly as you can, Haruki-kun."
|"I can't lie like that. There’s no way I can lie as calmly as you can about that, Haruki-kun."
Line 6,351: Line 6,352:
|"Well... I shouldn't really be trying to lie to them, but this is only to make them not have to worry..."
|"Well... look, I’m sorry for lying to them. But this is only to make them not have to worry..."
Line 6,369: Line 6,370:
|"My face will give it away for sure. <br>Telling a lie like that would only make me miserable... I wouldn't be able to stop my tears."
|"My face will give it away for sure. Telling a lie like that would only make me miserable and frustrated... I wouldn't be able to stop my tears."
Line 6,375: Line 6,376:
|「何言ってんだよ…<br>楽しかったんだろ? 今日」
|「何言ってんだよ…<br>楽しかったんだろ? 今日」
|"What are you talking about... <br>Didn't you have fun today?"
|"What are you talking about…? Didn't you have fun today?"
Line 6,381: Line 6,382:
Line 6,387: Line 6,388:
|It must have been way more fun than the fake date I came up with just now, right?
|It must have been way more fun than the fake date<br>I randomly came up with on the spot just now, right?
Line 6,393: Line 6,394:
|So why can't you even tell a lie as simple as this?
|So what do you mean you can’t even tell a lie as simple as this?
Line 6,399: Line 6,400:
|"Let's go home, Setsuna. <br>You must be freezing, right?"
|"Come on, let's go home, Setsuna. You must be freezing, right?"
Line 6,411: Line 6,412:
|"I can't do that. <br>Leaving you by yourself after finally finding you? <br>There's no way I'd be able to do that."
|"There’s no way I can do that. How could I leave you by yourself after finally finding you?"
Line 6,417: Line 6,418:
|"It's fine. You don't have to worry about someone like me... That's what you've always done, isn't it?"
|"It's fine. Just leave me here... that's what you've always been doing, isn't it?"
Line 6,435: Line 6,436:
|Get angry. Snap a fuse. <br>...And start setting her straight.
|Get angry. Blow a fuse. ...And start setting her straight.
Line 6,441: Line 6,442:
|Tell Setsuna that what she's doing is wrong.<br>Tell her that she's being thoughtless.
|Tell Setsuna that what she's doing is wrong. Tell her just how inconsiderate she’s being.
Line 6,447: Line 6,448:
|Tell her that her attitude right now is terrible.
|Tell her how terrible her behavior is right now.
Line 6,453: Line 6,454:
|Tell her to stop throwing tantrums. <br>And that she's way out of line.
|Tell her to stop being so petulant. And that she's way out of line.
Line 6,459: Line 6,460:
Line 6,465: Line 6,466:
|Man up...
|Come on, man up already...
Line 6,471: Line 6,472:
|Even if it'd just be the pot calling the kettle black, I need to tell her. That's the right way to handle this.
|Just this once, I need to be the pot calling the kettle black. Just this once, it’s the proper way<br>to handle this.
Line 6,477: Line 6,478:
|I need... To be straight with her. I need to be angry with her. I need to tell her how much she's worried me, how much she made me go through.
|Just this one time… I need to be frank with her.<br>I need to be angry with her. I need to show her how much she's worried me, how much she’s made me go through.
Line 6,483: Line 6,484:
|Setsuna's trying to provoke me too, isn't she? <br>She's practically begging me to "get angry" with her.
|Setsuna's trying to provoke me too, isn't she? In her own roundabout way, she's practically begging me to get angry with her.
Line 6,489: Line 6,490:
|I'm saying it. I'm saying it... <br>Because to me, Setsuna is...
|I'll say it. I'm saying it... Because I am, Setsuna’s...
Line 6,495: Line 6,496:
|1080|春希&雪菜|Haruki & Setsuna
|1080|春希&雪菜|Haruki & Setsuna
|"Setsuna... You're way out of..." <br> "You're not going to get mad at me after all..."
|"Setsuna... You're way out of..."<br><br>"You're not going to get mad at me after all..."
|match Setsuna’s line with 2012/467}}
Line 6,507: Line 6,508:
|"Even though I'm throwing all these tantrums, <br>even though I'm causing so much trouble for you..."
|"Even though I'm being so petulant, even though I'm causing so much trouble for you..."
Line 6,519: Line 6,520:
|"You still won't yell at me, or set me straight... <br>You still won't treat me like you did back then..."
|"You still won't tell me off or set me straight...<br>You still won't treat me like you did back then…!"
|match with 2012/468}}
Line 6,537: Line 6,538:
|"I would have been so happy if you just got mad at me! I might have been even happier if you had just completely lost it and hit me..."
|"I would have been so happy if you’d just yelled at me! I might have been even happier if you had just completely lost it and hit me..."
Line 6,543: Line 6,544:
|If I'd snapped just a tiny bit earlier... <br>Or if Setsuna could have held on a tiny bit longer...
|If I'd snapped just a tiny bit earlier... or if Setsuna could have held on a tiny bit longer...
Line 6,549: Line 6,550:
|But it's too late. <br>That one second made all the difference.
|But it's all too late now. That one fatal second made all the difference.
Line 6,555: Line 6,556:
|"Why won't it reach...? <br>Why must these efforts be wasted..."
|"Why couldn't I just get that across…? Why do we just keep going around in circles...?"
|This is intentionally vague. }}
|This is intentionally vague}}
Line 6,573: Line 6,574:
|What slipped through our fingers can never be picked back up and put together again.
|Two people who have already missed each other once can never come together again.
Line 6,579: Line 6,580:
|Because, my spirit's been shattered. <br>And Setsuna herself has been broken as well.
|Because now, my spirit's been shattered. And Setsuna herself has broken down as well.
Line 6,585: Line 6,586:
|"It was like this last Wednesday, too..."
|"It was like this on Wednesday, too..."
Line 6,591: Line 6,592:
Line 6,597: Line 6,598:
|My cell phone still shows the record of her calling my phone on that day.
|That’s the day my cell phone had a record of an incoming call from Setsuna.
Line 6,603: Line 6,604:
|That must be part of the reason of our collapse today, and not a small one either.
|That must be part of the reason for our collapse today, and not a trivial one either.
Line 6,609: Line 6,610:
|"Last week, we had a chance to share our thoughts over the phone... So I thought this week too, on the same day, at the same time, maybe... Just maybe..."
|"Last week, we had a chance to share our thoughts over the phone... so I thought this week too, on the same day, at the same time, maybe... just maybe..."
|First part should be kept ambiguous since there was a choice whether or not to call her or text her the Wednesday before, so it can't say something like "we had a chance to TALK over the phone"}}
|First part should be kept ambiguous since there was a choice whether or not to call her or text her the Wednesday before, so it can't say something like "we had a chance to TALK over the phone"}}
Line 6,615: Line 6,616:
|Just as the thought "If only I'd followed up with a call" crossed my mind, Setsuna trapped herself further in her mental anguish.
|During the whole time I was restlessly wondering if Setsuna would call again, Setsuna was suffering from a much deeper anguish.
Line 6,621: Line 6,622:
|"That's why I tried to build up my courage... <br>Deciding all of that took me an entire day."
|"That's why I tried to build up my courage... Finding the resolve to do that took me an entire day."
Line 6,627: Line 6,628:
|...That's a matter of course. After all, I only thought about being on the receiving end. <br>And Setsuna knows that about me as well.
|...That much is a given. After all, I only thought about being on the receiving end. But Setsuna knew how I would respond.
Line 6,633: Line 6,634:
|"I really, really wanted to hear your voice, but... I was worried whether or not it was too late at night for me to call, and... <br>Choosing between calling or texting took me another 3 hours."
|"I really, really wanted to hear your voice, but...<br>I was worried whether or not it was too late at night for me to call, and... choosing between calling or texting took me another three hours."
Line 6,639: Line 6,640:
|That's why she could only take the initiative... <br>She could only build up the courage to make the first move. She had no other choice.
|That's why she could only take the initiative…<br>Left with no other choice, she could only<br>build up the courage to make the first move.
Line 6,645: Line 6,646:
|"An hour before, I finally realized that I didn't really know what to talk to you about, so I wrote down a bunch of keywords in my notebook, and held my head..."
|"An hour before I tried, I realized that I didn't really know what to talk to you about, so I scribbled a bunch of keywords in my notebook,<br>and buried my face in my hands..."
|Not sure of a good way to say the last part. That thing you do when you hold your head during stressful times.
|She couldn't just turn a blind eye to these troubles plaguing her mind. <br>She couldn't just laugh it off thinking just how stupid it all was.
|She couldn't just stay exasperated in the face of all the troubles plaguing her mind. She couldn't just brush it all off saying, “This is just stupid.
Line 6,658: Line 6,658:
|"And when I'd finally decided to give up, and to just shower and go to bed, I caught a glimpse at just how badly I was crying in the bathroom mirror..."
|"And when I'd finally decided to give up and go take a bath, I caught a glimpse of just how much I’d been crying in the bathroom mirror..."
Line 6,664: Line 6,664:
|Even though everything was indeed as stupid as all hell.
|Even though this really is just the stupidest thing imaginable.
Line 6,676: Line 6,676:
|"So I couldn't help it. After getting your text last time, I couldn't help but want to hear your voice this time!"
|"So I couldn't help it. After getting your text last time, I couldn't help but want to hear your voice!"
|This line only plays if you chose to text Setsuna in that one choice way back when}}
|This line only plays if you chose to text Setsuna in that one choice way back when}}
Line 6,682: Line 6,682:
|To think she'd be so obsessed over a piece of trash like me even now, she's the most foolish person I've ever met.
|Even though there’s nothing other than sheer foolishness that could cause her to remain obsessed over the cruel and utterly horrible person that I am.
Line 6,688: Line 6,688:
|"No... In the end, I wanted to see you."
|"No... In the end, what I really wanted was to see you."
Line 6,694: Line 6,694:
|It's that ridiculous line of reasoning...
|These foolish thoughts...
Line 6,700: Line 6,700:
|"Little by little,<br>I started to get consumed by my desires..."
|"Little by little, I grew incapable of resisting the desires inside me..."
Line 6,706: Line 6,706:
|Setsuna's kind but foolish thoughts stabbed at her heart.
|That caused Setsuna's own tender but foolish feelings to stab at her heart.
Line 6,712: Line 6,712:
|"Uu... Wah... <br>...Ah... Aaaah...."
|"Uu... nng... ah... Ah… ah... waaah..."
Line 6,724: Line 6,724:
|And then there's me, only acting as I usually do.
|And I'm always the same.
Line 6,730: Line 6,730:
|I can't bring myself to take a step forward to hold her in my arms, nor can I bring myself to take a step back and just run away from here. I'm just like a pathetic bystander.
|I'm the very definition of a bystander who's neither able to bring himself to take a step forward to hold her in his arms,<br>nor bring himself to turn back and just run away.
Line 6,737: Line 6,737:
|"Hey, Haruki-kun..."
|"Hey, Haruki-kun..."
|match to 2409/46}}
|match to 2409/47}}
|"Did you... find someone you like? <br>Have your troubles... been eased a little?"
|"Have you... found someone you like? Have you... moved on, somewhat?"
|match to 2409/48}}
|"Th-That wasn't...!"
|"T-That was..."
|match to 2409/49}}
|That Wednesday night, Setsuna gathered what little courage she had and pressed the call button.
|Setsuna gathered what little courage she had and pressed the call button in the middle of the night on Wednesday.
Line 6,766: Line 6,766:
|And yet, the voice that she heard on the other end didn't belong to me.
|But the voice that she heard on the other end wasn’t mine.
Line 6,772: Line 6,772:
|"If you did, then could you introduce me? <br>Don't worry, I won't say anything weird. <br>...I won't do something that would give you trouble."
|"If you did, could you introduce me this time? Don't worry, I won't say anything weird... I won't do anything that could cause you trouble."
|match to 2409/50}}
|She's not like that. <br>We're not like that at all.
|She's not like that. We're not like that at all.
Line 6,784: Line 6,784:
|She's just a friend who goes to the same seminars as I do. <br>We were too focused on finishing her report that night, so we missed the last train like we did just now.
|She's just a friend who goes to the same seminars as<br>I do. We were too focused on finishing her paper that night,<br>so we missed the last train like we did just now.
Line 6,790: Line 6,790:
|I let her use my bed, and I slept in the bathroom. <br>It might sound a little unbelievable, but I'm telling you, nothing happened between us.
|I let her use my bed, and I slept in the bathroom.<br>I know how unbelievable it sounds, but nothing happened between us.
Line 6,814: Line 6,814:
Line 6,820: Line 6,820:
|But... <br>There's no point in making an excuse like that.
|But... there's no point in making an excuse like that.
Line 6,832: Line 6,832:
|It wouldn't be just meaningless. <br>It'd only serve as another shackle to tie her down. <br>A curse to keep her trapped in a state of uncertainty.
|Not only would it prove meaningless, it would only continue to serve as a vicious curse<br><br>that would half-heartedly shackle Setsuna to a state of uncertainty.
Line 6,856: Line 6,856:
|Who cares if it was just a misunderstanding? <br>If this is enough to set her free, then I'll...
|What does it matter if it was all just a misunderstanding? If this is what it takes to set Setsuna free, then I'll...
Line 6,862: Line 6,862:
|「嫌ぁっ!<br>今のなし! 絶対になしだから!」
|「嫌ぁっ!<br>今のなし! 絶対になしだから!」
|"No! <br>Forget what I just said!<br>I didn't mean any of it!"
|"No! Forget what I just said! Forget I said any of that!"
Line 6,874: Line 6,874:
|As if. Just as I look like I'm about to take half a step back, Setsuna tries to hold on again.
|...But the moment I show even the slightest sign of backing out, Setsuna once again falls into denial and cuts me off.
Line 6,880: Line 6,880:
|"You didn't hear anything, right? <br>I didn't say anything, right!?"
|"You didn't hear anything, right? I didn't say anything, right!?"
Line 6,886: Line 6,886:
|This is how we've spent the last 3 years with each other.
|This is how we've spent the last three years with each other.
Line 6,892: Line 6,892:
|"Forget all of it... <br>Everything I said here today was a lie. <br>Please, please forget everything you just heard!"
|"Forget all of it... Everything I said here today was a lie. Please, I’m begging you, pretend you didn’t hear any of that!"
Line 6,910: Line 6,910:
|And because she's still holding on to someone like me, Setsuna can't take a step in a new direction either.
|And because I keep leading her on like that, Setsuna can't take a step in a new direction either.
Line 6,916: Line 6,916:
|"I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble. <br>...I'm going home."
|"I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble. ...I'm going home."
Line 6,922: Line 6,922:
|Why did it turn out like this...?
|Why has it turned out this way...?
Line 6,928: Line 6,928:
|We were supposed to get closer to each other.
|We were supposed to have tried to get closer to each other.
Line 6,934: Line 6,934:
|We should have gotten closer to each other...
|And we should have gotten closer...
Line 6,940: Line 6,940:
|But then, why... did it turn out like this...?
|But then, why... has it turned out this way...?

Latest revision as of 20:36, 18 December 2021

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