Difference between revisions of "White Album 2/Script/2012"

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(13 intermediate revisions by 7 users not shown)
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== Editing ==
== Editing ==
== Translation Notes ==
== Translation Notes ==
Line 15: Line 15:
== Text ==
== Text ==
Line 21: Line 22:
|"Haruki, you didn't came to Monday's seminar right? <br> And I was there waiting for you."
|"Hey, Haruki, you didn't come to the seminar on Monday, did you? And there I was waiting for you the whole time."
Line 27: Line 28:
|"Izumi, you didn't came to Tuesday's seminar. <br> And I was there waiting for you."
|"Izumi, you didn't come to the seminar on Tuesday, did you? And there I was waiting for you the whole time."
Line 33: Line 34:
|"Going there two days in a row is harsh you know? <br> in our senpai's eye, I'm pretty much like Haruki's woman, <br> so it'll cause you even more trouble."
|"Being kept waiting in vain for two days is really painful, you know? Besides, if the upperclassmen get the impression that I’m your woman, Haruki, I’m sure it’ll inconvenience you.
Line 39: Line 40:
|"Yea, it's my fault that I skipped lecture on Monday. <br> I really should apologize for that."
|"Yes, it was my bad for not showing up on Monday. I apologize for that."
Line 45: Line 46:
|"Welp~ even though we've both missed each other one time, <br>we managed to meet up on Wednesday, <br> that's something to celebrate..."
|"Well, even though we both missed each other one time, we finally managed to meet up on Wednesday, so all’s well that ends well..."
Line 51: Line 52:
|"And so, I went to confirm with our senpais, <br> from what I heard, you just called to confirm that I'm really not here, <br> and didn't actually showed up yourself."
|"That said, I went to confirm with our upperclassmen about Monday... From what I heard, you just called to confirm that<br>I really wasn't there on Monday and didn't actually show up yourself either."
Line 63: Line 64:
|"Everyone agree on the fact that this is the first time you showed up to seminar this week. <br> Anything you want to say about that?"
|"Everyone seems to agree on the fact that this is the first time you've shown up to the seminar this week. What do you have to say for yourself?"
Line 69: Line 70:
|"...Doesn't it give an impression of a young maiden if I just called?"
|"...Don't I give the impression of a young maiden by just making a call?"
Line 75: Line 76:
|"You actually plan on only coming on Wednesday right? <br> Right?
|"You actually planned to not come at all except for Wednesday, didn't you? That’s how it is, isn’t it?
Line 87: Line 88:
|It’s Wednesday.
Line 93: Line 94:
|Izumi's and my third seminar are about to begin, <br>my dinner menu is about to run out.
|My third study session with Izumi is about to begin, and my repertoire of dinner meals is about to run out.
Line 99: Line 100:
|Since first time is curry, second time is still curry, <br> I'm thinking if I should make an extra spicy curry on my third time, recently.
|Given that I’d served her curry during our first session and curry again during the second,<br><br>I've been worried about whether I’d be able to bring myself to make yet another dose of curry, albeit an extra spicy one, for this third instance.
Line 105: Line 106:
|... But if it's this girl, she's most likely just going to ask for more with a smile, <br> and I think that's too overboard for a joke.
|...I imagine she’d just happily ask for seconds, though, even if it wouldn’t exactly be the most interesting sight.
Line 111: Line 112:
|"From the look of this, we can finish up the report in two more times, <br> you should be able to graduate this year... <br>but Izumi, how do you plan to survive the fourth year?"
|"From the looks of it, we can finish up the paper<br>in just two more sessions, so you should be able<br>to graduate this year… Still, Izumi, how do you even plan to get through the fourth year?"
Line 117: Line 118:
|Instead of worry about what's going to happen to her in the next few hours, <br>I'm more worry about her future in a year.
|Instead of worrying about what's going to happen to Izumi in the next few hours, I’m actually more worried about how she’ll end up in a year.
Line 129: Line 130:
|"Other classmates have already started to look for material for their graduation essay... <br>...what?"
|"The others have already started to look for material for their graduation thesis, after all... What is it?"
Line 135: Line 136:
|But Izumi seems to completely ignoring my worry, <br>staring at me with a weird face which I have no idea what is she thinking about.
|However, Izumi seems to be completely ignoring my sincere worry,<br><br>instead thinking about something I have no clue about as she stares at me with an absentminded expression.
Line 141: Line 142:
|"Haruki... <br>you seems to be more energetic than I thought."
|"You know, Haruki... you seem to look just a little bit better than I thought you’d be.
Line 147: Line 148:
|"As a literature major, please refrain from using such terrible grammar. <br>I'm always like this."
|"You're a literature student, so don’t go off using such a disappointing choice of words. And this is just how I always am."
Line 153: Line 154:
|"I thought you'd be more depress than this."
|"I thought you'd be more depressed, though."
Line 159: Line 160:
|"I don't understand what you're trying to say."
|"I don’t get what you mean."
Line 165: Line 166:
|Even two days ago... <br> no, even the me last night, <br> couldn't understand what is she trying to say.
|Even two days ago... no, even if she were to have brought this out last night, I probably wouldn’t have been able to understand her then either.
Line 171: Line 172:
| F16 "He's so stubborn. Even though it wouldn't hurt to show more of his own weakness."
|[F16"You're so stubborn. Even though it wouldn't hurt to show more of your own weakness."]
Line 177: Line 178:
|"I can't even hear what you're saying this time. <br> when you're speaking to someone, please speak loud enough for them to hear."
|"I can't even hear what you're saying this time. When you're speaking to someone, speak loud enough for them to hear, would you?"
Line 183: Line 184:
Line 189: Line 190:
|"And also, when you're wpeaking to someone, don't look away... <br>...what now?"
|"And also, when you're talking to someone, don't just ignore them and look elsewhere... What's the matter?"
Line 195: Line 196:
|"Back from the dead..."
Line 207: Line 208:
|I followed Izumi's gaze and look at that direction, <br> I saw the usual gate in front of the school.
|I follow Izumi's gaze and look in her direction, toward the front gate of the university that I’m all too used to seeing.
Line 219: Line 220:
Line 225: Line 226:
|A certain young girl who I’ve been seeing quite<br>often lately is standing right in front of the gate, appearing to be waiting for someone.
|In front of the gate, there's a person who look like she's waiting for someone, <br> it's a young girl whom I've seeing quite often lately.
Line 231: Line 232:
|Just like before, the same characters standing on the same stage, <br>the encounter here was exactly the same as last time.
|And the cast on this stage is exactly the same as the cast involved in a certain past encounter.
Line 237: Line 238:
|Things should be unfolding slightly differently now compared to the past encounter, however.
|But, compare to last time, <br>things should be a little different now.
Line 243: Line 244:
|「来るよ?<br>どうする? また追い払う?」
|「来るよ?<br>どうする? また追い払う?」
|"She came? <br>what should we do? Want me to chase her away?"
|"She’s coming, you know? What should we do? Want me to chase her away again?"
Line 249: Line 250:
|"Nah, no need. <br>Because she already knew about it."
|"No, it’s fine. She’s figured us out anyway."
Line 261: Line 262:
|After Sugiura Koharu saw me, <br>she completely ignore Izumi who's standing next to me, <br>and walk straight toward me.
|Sugiura Koharu approaches me as she spots me, not even giving so much as a glance to Izumi as she stands beside me.
Line 267: Line 268:
|...Another thing is, <br>The fact that this is the front door of the university <br>don't even seems like a problem in her eye.
|...It’s worth mentioning that she doesn't feel troubled at all by the fact that these are the front gates of the university.
Line 273: Line 274:
|"Hello, Kitahara Senpai. <br>...Great work on last Saturday."
|"Hello, Kitahara-senpai. ...Great work last Saturday."
Line 279: Line 280:
|"Nothing happened afterward right? <br>You ride a taxi home from the train station, right?"
|"You were fine after all that, right? You rode a taxi home from the train station, right?"
Line 291: Line 292:
|After we found Setsuna, Sugiura disappeared without me noticing. <br>That's why, I didn't even know if she made it onto the last train.
|After we found Setsuna, Sugiura disappeared without me noticing. That's why I couldn’t even confirm if she made it onto the last train.
Line 297: Line 298:
|"No need to worry. <br>nothing happened to me, I got home safely."
|"There’s no need to worry. I properly returned home safely and without incident."
Line 303: Line 304:
|"Is that so... that's great."
|"Is that so… That’s good, then."
Line 309: Line 310:
|F16"...Well, taxi fee cost quite a bit"
|[F16"...Well, I suppose the taxi fare was really expensive, though."]
Line 315: Line 316:
|But, since she appear in front of me safely, <br> another thing I've been worrying since that day have been solved.
|Since she's right here in front of me completely safe and sound, though, I’m currently relieved of yet another thing I've been worrying about since that day.
Line 321: Line 322:
|"Hey, wait a sec..."
|"Hey, hang on..."
Line 327: Line 328:
|"Excuse me, Senpai... <br>I wish to talk with you alone."
|"Excuse me, Senpai... I wish to have a word with you alone."
Line 333: Line 334:
Line 339: Line 340:
|...It's fine if it's only talking, <br>but I think there will be some other thing to worry about today.
|...It's fine if that’s all she wants, though I can’t help but feel that I’ll get something new to worry about today.
Line 345: Line 346:
|"It won't take too much of your time. <br>5 minutes should be enough."
|"I won't take too much of your time. Five minutes should be enough."
Line 351: Line 352:
|"Ah, ahh..."
|"Ah, yeah..."
Line 357: Line 358:
|Sugiura stared at me with a straight face.
|Sugiura glares at me stubbornly.
Line 363: Line 364:
|Rather than say that she’s taking an unfriendly attitude with me, though,<br><br>I think it’s more appropriate to chart her current behavior as an intentional attempt to avoid Izumi.
|This attitude of hers, instead of making me feel like she doesn't like me, <br>it feels more like she's avoiding Izumi on purpose.
Line 369: Line 370:
|Well, it's not that I don't understand her feeling. <br>...After all, she believed the lie made up by Izumi last time.
|Well, it's not like I don't understand how she feels. ...After all, she did end up believing the story Izumi made up last time.
Line 375: Line 376:
|"Well, Izumi. <br> Sorry about this..."
|"Well, Izumi... Sorry about this, but..."
Line 381: Line 382:
|"You're going to abandon me and go with the high school girl huh... <br>Haruki really is a pervert and a pedophilic criminal!"
|"You're going to abandon me and go with the high school girl, huh...? I knew it, Haruki, you're a massive pervert and a criminal lusting after young girls after all...!"
Line 387: Line 388:
|"Guess I won't lend you my report then. <br> Go home! 'kouhai!'"
|"I won't be checking your papers ever again then.<br>Run along now, ‘underclassman’!"
|I don't know if I should to translate kouhai to underclassman here... }}
|"Haha, kidding, I'm just kidding! <br> I'll just burn some time at the convenient store for now, make sure you pick me up later~ <br>You two have fun~!"
|"Haha, kidding, I'm just kidding, okay? I'll just kill some time at a convenience store for now, make sure you pick me up later! You two have fun~!"
Line 405: Line 406:
|"You see now? <br>the true face of the person whom you thought was my 'girlfriend' before"
|"Do you see it now? That’s the true face of the person you thought was my girlfriend before."
Line 411: Line 412:
|"......She's a very interesting person. <br>But I don't think I want that type of person to stick around me though.
|"...She does seem to be a rather interesting person. Though I wouldn’t say she’s the type I’d like hanging around me…”
Line 417: Line 418:
|Well, since this girl is even more stubborn than me, <br>of course she couldn't deal with the type who lies and give half-ass effort at everything.
|Well, given that she’s someone who’s even more stubborn than I am,<br><br>it’s only natural that she wouldn’t really get along well with someone who lies a lot and is irresponsibly happy-go-lucky.
Line 423: Line 424:
|Welp... want to look for a coffee shop? <br>Talking here is a bit..."
|”Well… do you want to go to a café? No point standing around here.
Line 429: Line 430:
|"It's fine here. <br>Since it's nothing important. <br>...I don't want to make your friend wait too long"
|"It’s fine if we talk here. It's nothing important. ...I don't want to make your friend wait too long, either."
Line 435: Line 436:
|"Is that so, I understand"
|"Okay, I understand."
Line 441: Line 442:
|Still, well, I should say that the fact that she’s capable of being considerate toward Izumi,<br><br>as well as the fact that she simply recognizes her as only a friend of mine, are great steps in the right direction.
|Even though she don't like Izumi, she still care about her, <br> she even realize that Izumi is my 'regular friend', <br>that's a very big improvement compare to last time."
|It's not voiced, and original text is "But, well, not only that she still care about izumi, but also realize that person is my 'regular friend', to me, it's a very big improvement" feels weird, so I changed it a little.}}
Line 459: Line 460:
|"... You seems more energetic than I thought. <br>I thought you'd be more depress."
|"...You seem to look a little better than I thought you’d be. I thought you'd be more depressed."
Line 465: Line 466:
|"That again..."
|"Again, huh..."
Line 477: Line 478:
|Their expression are exactly the same. <br> This girl must be coming to Literature department next year...
|Their expressions are exactly the same. I'm sure this girl will be enrolling in the Literature Department next year, too...
Line 483: Line 484:
|"Well, since everyone's fine. <br>Even though it caused quite a bit of problem, nothing much happen at the end."
|"Well, everyone's fine, so... even though it caused a bit of a commotion, nothing much happened in the end."
Line 489: Line 490:
|"She's the only one that's fine. <br>Everyone else was treated very poorly thanks to you, senpai."
|"She's the only one that's fine. Everyone else who got involved in your crisis had a really rough time, Senpai."
Line 501: Line 502:
|"Not only that you threaten the clerk at where the party was host, but also made the manager gave you everyone's contact information, <br>you even drag your friend along with you at the end..."
|"Not only did you threaten the manager at where the party was hosted, but you also made the organizer give you everyone's contact information,<br>and you even dragged your friend into it at the end..."
Line 507: Line 508:
|"You spend 1 minute walking from high school to here <br> just to say this?"
|"You spent a whole minute walking from the high school to here just to say that?"
Line 513: Line 514:
|When I'm with her, no matter how much our relationship have improve, <br>our blunt conversation never seems to change...
|When I'm with her, no matter how much our relationship improves, our blunt conversations never seem to change...
Line 519: Line 520:
|"I'm here to scold my senpai"
|"I've come here to scold you, Senpai.”
Line 525: Line 526:
|"You've already scolded me many times."
|"You've already scolded me countless times."
Line 531: Line 532:
|'See, exactly what I thought she'd say' <br>...I almost said that out loud, since I saw that coming miles away.
|"See, exactly what I thought you'd say" ...I almost said that out loud, since I saw it coming miles away.
Line 537: Line 538:
|"Unlike the small issue from before. <br> I'm just here to correct your personality."
|"This isn't like the small issues from before.<br>I'm here to make you reflect on your personality<br>this time, Senpai."
Line 543: Line 544:
|"...Really, you're seriously not afraid of anything huh, Sugiura."
|"...I swear, you know no fear, do you, Sugiura?"
Line 549: Line 550:
|I thought so myself too... <br> it's just that this time, I couldn't stay quiet."
|”I don’t think I do, but... It's just that I can't stay quiet this time."
Line 555: Line 556:
|"From the past few days, <br> I don't recall seeing you staying quiet"
|"Well, for the past few days, I don't recall ever seeing you staying quiet."
Line 561: Line 562:
|"Please you close your mouth. <br> I'm the one who wants to talk."
|"Could you be quiet for a second, please? I'm still not done talking, you know?"
Line 573: Line 574:
|If she said this to the me from three years ago, <br>our conversation probably won't go anywhere no matter how long we talk."
|If she said something like that to me three years ago, our conversation probably wouldn't go anywhere no matter how long we talked afterward.
Line 579: Line 580:
|Since I've grown, <br> I'll act like an adult and step back a little <br> in order to balance thing out.
|Since I've grown, I'll act like an adult and step back a little in order to balance things out.
Line 585: Line 586:
|"...I've already seeing the school festival video."
|"...I saw the video from your school festival."
Line 597: Line 598:
|After that event with Kazusa, <br> everyone seems to be talking about it.
|Ever since Kazusa got a bit of recognition, everyone seems to be talking about that video.
Line 603: Line 604:
|"And also, I've also heard about what happened to you guys from Ogiso. <br>...Even though he doesn't know about anything beyond what had happened during high school era."
|"And I also heard about what happened between you guys from Ogiso, Senpai... Even though he doesn't know about anything beyond what happened during high school."
Line 609: Line 610:
|"Why would you do that..."
|"But how did you manage to get that out…?"
Line 615: Line 616:
|I don't want to remind about that event... <br>No, it's just something that I don't need to be remind, <br> I don't need to remind myself to remember what happened, it's carved into my memory.
|I don't want to be reminded of that event... No, it's just something that I don't need to be reminded of since it's carved so deep into my mind.
|Original text: I don't want to remember that event... no, I should say there's no need to remember, because I never once hide it behind my mind, it's a vivid memory, so I changed up a little, check please.}}
|"Do you think I'm unsolicited? <br>... I think so myself too"
|"Do you think I'm being out of line here? I actually... think so myself, too."
Line 627: Line 628:
|"If you know you are then..."
|"If you know you are, then..."
Line 633: Line 634:
|"If you know about it then how long do you plan on staying this way?"
|"I could ask you the same. If you know about it, then how long do you plan on staying this way, Senpai?"
Line 639: Line 640:
|"Wha... staying which way?"
|"Wha... What do you mean?"
Line 645: Line 646:
|"You seemed so happy during the school festival. <br> The atmosphere was so good back then..."
|"You seemed to enjoy yourself so much during the school festival. You looked so happy..."
Line 651: Line 652:
Line 657: Line 658:
|This is not good...
|This is bad...
Line 663: Line 664:
|"Why are you two like this now?"
|"Why have you two ended up like this?"
Line 669: Line 670:
|She's the last one I want that event to be discovered by, <br>it's an critical error... <br>I haven't made this big of a mistake for more than 5 times throughout my life."
|To think that the last person I wanted to know about the details of the event now knows something about it...<br>This is probably among the top five mistakes I’ve ever made in my life.
Line 675: Line 676:
|"You always said 'it doesn't matter', 'not interested', <br> but in reality, you actually cares a lot. <br>When she's in danger, aren't you the one who tried to save her with everything you got?"
|"You've always told me that none of that mattered or that you weren't interested, but in reality you actually care a lot, don't you? When she was in danger, weren't you the one who tried to save her with everything you had?"
Line 681: Line 682:
|If I knew she's going to use my weakness like this, <br> I should've used the person who I was raising in the cafeteria every day to help me out.
|If I knew she was going to use my weakness like this, I would rather have become that girl’s endless source of free school lunch.
Line 687: Line 688:
|"Since you regret so much of your decision, <br> I won't allow you to leave her! <br>I definitely won't allow you two to break up now!"
|"Since you regret your decision so much, I won't allow you to leave her! I definitely won't allow you two to break up now!"
Line 693: Line 694:
|"Like I said... it's not..."
|"That’s... It's not... Haah..."
Line 699: Line 700:
|Although I think she's over stepping her boundary into another's life...
|Although I think she's overstepping her boundary into someone else’s life...
Line 705: Line 706:
|But still, I didn't expect her to over step this far, <br>Instead of losing my temper, it actually made me let out a sigh.
|I didn't expect her to overstep this far. Instead of making me lose my temper, it actually made me let out a sigh.
Line 711: Line 712:
|"Like I said, Sugiura."
|"Listen, Sugiura..."
Line 723: Line 724:
|"Lets not talk about what you just said earlier, <br>I think you misunderstood your position."
|"Putting aside what you just said earlier, aren’t you taking a stance that’s completely wrong here?"
|Original says "I think you got your stance wrong" not sure what to do here.}}
|"No matter how correct your logic is, senpai, <br>I don't plan to change my view on this."
|"No matter how much you try to hide behind logic, Senpai, I don't plan to back down on this!"
Line 735: Line 736:
|"If we put this bluntly, you dislike me, right? <br>Then why are you..."
|"If you had to pick between the two, you’d say you dislike me, right? Then why are you..."
Line 741: Line 742:
|"I'm not doing this for you, senpai!"
|"I'm not doing this for you, Senpai!"
Line 747: Line 748:
|"Then who are you doing this ... ah."
|"Then just who are you doing this fo... Ah."
Line 759: Line 760:
|"Because she cried. <br> Wasn't that girl crying !?"
|"But she was crying, wasn’t she!? Your girlfriend was crying, wasn’t she!?"
Line 765: Line 766:
|Come to think of it, <br>This girl have met Setsuna before.
|Come to think of it, she has met Setsuna before.
Line 771: Line 772:
|Waiting in front of the ticket station for the last train, all by herself.
|She found her waiting for the last train in front of the ticket gate all by herself.
Line 777: Line 778:
|Setsuna had been right before her very eyes as her gaze was downcast,<br><br>not appearing to have had any inclination of heading home as she was simply being left behind by the surrounding crowd.
|Lowering her head, not wanting to go home, <br> the girl who's left behind by the crowd, <br>was founded by her.
Line 783: Line 784:
|"I can't stand watching this kind of stuff. <br>Since you two like each other, I'll feel troubled if you two can't be together."
|"I can't stand watching stuff like this, you know. Since you two like each other, it bothers me that you can’t be together."
Line 789: Line 790:
|"The one who feels troubled is..."
|"What do you mean, ‘bother’...?"
Line 795: Line 796:
|"Because if it were me...<br> I couldn't stand being treated with such cold attitude by person I like."
|"After all, if I were in that position… I couldn't stand being treated so coldly by the person I like."
Line 807: Line 808:
|"Especially if I know that person still likes me, <br>it's only cause more pain over-time, <br>and not knowing what to do."
|"Especially if I knew that that person still liked me and that it would only cause us more pain and confusion over time."
Line 813: Line 814:
|In order to defend her own perspective, she even resorts to involving someone who’s involved with someone who’s acquainted with her own best friend.
|To prove her way of thinking is correct, <br>she won't hesitate to drag her friend who's related to this event in, <br>and also everyone else who have any relation to the event.
|Now this one... is complicated, so I changed it up a little, original is "To prove one's thinking is correct, finally, start dragging in one's best friend who knows people who are related to the event, and also all the people who are related to the event in" <- ... yep...}}
|"That's why, I hope you won't just give up like that, senpai. <br>If you think it's too hard to face her by yourself, <br>I can act as the mediator."
|"That's why I hope you won't just give up like that, Senpai. If you think it's still too hard to face her by yourself, I can act as a mediator..."
Line 825: Line 826:
|"Hey, wait a second. <br>Aren't you completely not related to this, Sugiura...?"
|"Whoa, wait a second. This has nothing to do with you, Sugiura."
Line 831: Line 832:
|"She's my friend's sister. <br>I've also helped looking for her. <br>And also...she's my part-time senpai's girlfriend!"
|"She's my friend's sister. I've also helped search for her. That, and... she's the girlfriend of my senior from work!"
Line 843: Line 844:
|What kind of twisted logic is that.
|What kind of twisted logic is that...?
Line 849: Line 850:
|If it were someone else who said the same thing to me, <br>I'd probably fought back due to losing my temper.
|If someone else were to tell me the same thing,<br>I'd probably lose my temper and argue back.
Line 855: Line 856:
|"And also, I'm doing this for myself."
|"And finally, I'm also doing this for myself."
Line 861: Line 862:
|"How so...?"
Line 867: Line 868:
|"Because if I can remove the burden for my senpai... <br>Senpai wouldn't behave in such perverse way anymore, <br> and will start being nicer to me."
|"Because if I can help lift the burden from your heart, Senpai, maybe you would stop being such a cold person and you would start being nicer to me as well."
Line 873: Line 874:
|"Like I said..."
|"Hold on..."
Line 879: Line 880:
|It's a really roundabout way to put it...
|What a roundabout way to put it...
Line 885: Line 886:
|At the same time, how useless, <br>how meaningless is this grand plan.
|And at the same time, what a useless and meaningless grand plan this is.
Line 891: Line 892:
|"What kind of person are you."
|"You really are a piece of work..."
|I want to translate this as "What kind of weirdo are you?" haha, but too bad it says person and it's voiced...}}
Line 903: Line 904:
|"...Sigh, whatever. <br> Just do what you want."
|"...Tch, whatever. Just do whatever you want."
Line 915: Line 916:
Line 921: Line 922:
|"...What is it this time?"
|"...What is it now?"
Line 927: Line 928:
|As I finally throw in the towel, Sugiura’s knitted brows relax slightly as she stares at me.
|Sugiura stare at the me who have surrendered, <br> and started loosen her frowned eyebrows.
Line 933: Line 934:
|"Seems like you really are getting a little better. <br> This is great, I'm about worrying about you."
|"Seems like you really are getting better. Thank goodness, I was really starting to worry about you a little."
Line 945: Line 946:
|"Because today, <br>you didn't start a quarrel with me like last time."
|"Because today, you didn't start an argument with me like you did last time."
Line 957: Line 958:
|Slightly open her mouth, <br>and showed a mischievous smile.
|She opens her mouth slightly and shows a mischievous smile.
Line 963: Line 964:
|"Sugiura... did you came to taunt me, <br> just to confirm that?"
|"Sugiura... Did you come here to provoke me just to confirm that?"
Line 969: Line 970:
|"How is that possible, <br>I meant everything I said, you know?"
|"Not at all. I meant everything I just said, you know?"
Line 975: Line 976:
|"Ah, is that so..."
|"Ah, really..."
Line 981: Line 982:
|Even when she's changing her attitude, <br> she's different from a certain strategist I know, <br>she made it feel much more natural."
|Even when she changes her attitude, it's very different from a certain strategist I know.<br>She makes it feel much more natural.
Line 987: Line 988:
|"Welp, that concludes my lecture."
|"All right, that concludes my lecture."
Line 993: Line 994:
|"Lecture huh..."
|"A lecture, you say..."
Line 999: Line 1,000:
|If I knew about this earlier, <br>I should've dragged her to a coffee shop by force.
|If I knew this would happen, I would have seriously dragged her to a coffee house by force.
Line 1,005: Line 1,006:
|While we're debating over weird things, <br>we've been stared at by several hundred Houjou university and high school students, <br>they must have had some weird misunderstanding by now.
|I can only imagine the misunderstandings, suppositions and delusions our strange argument has instilled in the minds<br>of the hundreds of university and high school students who have passed through this school gate.
Line 1,011: Line 1,012:
|"I'm not joking about what I said before though. <br> If senpai is still hesitating, <br>I'll seriously go meet with Ogiso's sister, okay?"
|"I wasn't joking about what I said before though.<br>If you're still hesitating, Senpai, I'll seriously go and meet with Ogiso-san, got it?"
|Original text is Miss Ogiso, but I'm not sure if we can write it like that here.}}
|"I got it, I got it. <br>I'll accept your kindness."
|"All right, all right. I'll accept your kindness and concern for the time being."
Line 1,023: Line 1,024:
|But now, I don't really care if people misunderstood us.
|But now, I don't really care if people misunderstand.
Line 1,029: Line 1,030:
|"Since you said it with such proud attitude, <br>Please show me some result soon, okay?"
|"If you're making such a proud declaration, I expect to see some results soon, okay?"
Line 1,035: Line 1,036:
|That's probably due to Sugiura's pure, <br> yet annoying kindness hit the bulls eye in my weakness.
|Probably because I've been affected by Sugiura's overly frank, annoying kindness.
Line 1,041: Line 1,042:
|"Guess it's time for me to go. <br> There's still someone waiting for me."
|"Anyway, I should get going. There's still someone waiting for me."
Line 1,047: Line 1,048:
|"Okay, thanks for your hardwork. <br>Guess it's time for me to go too."
|"Okay, thanks for everything. I’ll be going too then."
Line 1,053: Line 1,054:
|I didn't tell her that I'll do it, <br> but, I didn't tell her that I wouldn't do it either.
|I didn't tell her that I'd do it, but I didn't tell her that I wouldn't either.
Line 1,059: Line 1,060:
|And so... <br>the possibility is not zero yet, <br>if that's the case, I guess I don't have to raise my voice just because my heart is irritated...
|With that, the possibility is not zero yet, and if that's the case, I guess I don't have to raise my voice just because my heart is irritated...
Line 1,077: Line 1,078:
|While I started to think about 'event of the past', <br> she called me out from behind with an cheerful voice.
|As my mind drifts off to events that happened in the past, I hear a cheerful voice calling out to me from behind.
Line 1,083: Line 1,084:
|"I'll go to part-time this weekend. <br>Since senpai is annoying, that's why I only worked morning shift these two days."
|"I'll be going to work this weekend. Since you've been nagging about it so much, Senpai, I'll only be working the morning shifts on those two days."
Line 1,089: Line 1,090:
|"...and then?"
Line 1,095: Line 1,096:
|"ugh! <br> That's all! <br> BYE!"
|"...! That's all! Bye!"
Line 1,107: Line 1,108:
|What was that... this time?
|What was... that all about?
Line 1,113: Line 1,114:
|Is she telling me not to go? <br> Or...?
|Is she telling me not to come? Or maybe...?
Line 1,125: Line 1,126:
Line 1,131: Line 1,132:
Line 1,137: Line 1,138:
|"That child from before, when did you two became so close?"
|"That girl from before… When did you two start getting along?"
Line 1,143: Line 1,144:
|"Well, there was an accident from before, <br>or should I say there was a misunderstanding from the start."
|"Well, there was an incident from before, or should<br>I say there was a misunderstanding from the beginning?"
Line 1,149: Line 1,150:
|"A misunderstanding?"
Line 1,155: Line 1,156:
|"She heard someone claim to be my girlfriend. <br>Then stuff happened after that."
|"Well, she heard someone claim to be my girlfriend… Then, some stuff happened after that."
Line 1,161: Line 1,162:
|"...Bringing up old story again. <br>Haruki always like bringing up old stuff? <br>Even if it's on bed, it's annoying, you know?
|"...Bringing that up again. As I thought, you’re still so obsessed with the past, aren’t you, Haruki? Do you act like that even when you’re in bed with someone?"
Line 1,167: Line 1,168:
|"Stop twisting logic..."
|"That's your response...?"
Line 1,173: Line 1,174:
|"Hm~. <br>Even thought I was acting like the bad guy for Haruki's sake. <br> is this what they call 'removing the ladder after you got up' ~?"
|"Jeez. Even though I acted like the bad guy for your sake, Haruki. This is what they call pulling the ladder up behind you, huh~?"
Line 1,179: Line 1,180:
|"No one would ever thank you for meddling in this, <br>learn to read the atmosphere, you useless moron, <br>I didn't said any of those to you, did I?"
|"I never said anything like ‘No one would ever thank you for meddling in this, learn to read the atmosphere, you useless moron.’ to you, did I?"
Line 1,185: Line 1,186:
|"And you took revenge on the one who showed you kindness~ !?"
|"And now you're taking it out on me for showing you kindness!?"
Line 1,191: Line 1,192:
|"I'm kidding. I'm thankful, Izumi. <br>...but, your hard work was in vain this time."
|"I'm kidding. I'm grateful, Izumi. ...But your hard work was in vain this time."
Line 1,197: Line 1,198:
|"Even though I tried my best to show my feminine side... <br>But not getting any reward like this feels more like a girl I guess."
|"Even though I tried my best to show my feminine side for your sake, Haruki… But not getting any reward like this makes me feel more like a woman, I guess."
Line 1,203: Line 1,204:
|"Ah~ I'm sorry. <br>I apologize to you, so please change the topic."
|"Ah, fine already, I'm absolutely sorry. I apologize, so could we please change the topic?"
Line 1,209: Line 1,210:
|Izumi is just like her usual self, <br> getting comfortable in my room as if it's her home, <br> except her complain sounds harsher than usual today.
|Izumi is just like her usual self, making herself perfectly at home in my apartment, except her complaints sound harsher than normal today.
Line 1,215: Line 1,216:
|"But still... <br>you really did changed a little, Haruki."
|"But still... as I thought, you really have changed a little, Haruki."
Line 1,221: Line 1,222:
|"Is that so? <br>How exactly?"
|"Is that so? How, exactly?"
Line 1,227: Line 1,228:
|"You don't seem to be as evasive when dealing with a woman other than me."
|"Even when you're facing girl besides me, <br>you don't seem to reject it as much as before."
Line 1,233: Line 1,234:
|"That's because..."
Line 1,239: Line 1,240:
|"Is it because someone cheered you up when you were depress? <br>and so, you soften up your attitude toward women?"
|"Is it because someone cheered you up when you were depressed? And so you softened up your attitude toward women?"
Line 1,245: Line 1,246:
|"......It's not like that, since when was I depress"
|"...It's not like that. And nothing happened to make me depressed."
Line 1,251: Line 1,252:
|This girl is the least feminine out of every girl I know, <br> yet, she's also the sharpest one among them.
|Despite being the least feminine woman I know, she seems to at least have a sharp woman’s intuition somehow.
Line 1,257: Line 1,258:
|"Ah~ah, so boring. <br> Is this how it feels like when a child leave its parent?"
|"Aa-ah, so boring. Is this how it feels when a child leaves its parents?"
Line 1,269: Line 1,270:
|But...Is that really the case?
|But... is that really the case?
Line 1,275: Line 1,276:
|From others view, did I really changed a little?
|Does it really seem like I changed a little from another’s perspective?
Line 1,281: Line 1,282:
|Even thought that kind of thing happened. <br> No, it's because that kind of thing happened...
|Despite what happened? No, perhaps that’s the reason...
Line 1,287: Line 1,288:
|"So it won't cause any drama huh... <br>Well, this is not bad too, I guess."
|"So there won't be any drama, huh... Well, this isn't bad either, I guess."
Line 1,293: Line 1,294:
|"What did you just said?"
|"Did you just say something?"
Line 1,299: Line 1,300:
|"I~am~ve~ry~hun~gry~! <br>Dinner, dinner~!"
|"I~am~ve~ry~hun~gryyy! Dinner, dinner!"
Line 1,305: Line 1,306:
|"What's the purpose of you being here... <br>Go write your report before dinner is ready!"
|"What are you even doing here…? Go write your paper before dinner is done!"
Line 1,311: Line 1,312:
|Holding on to my own feelings… Am I really as obsessed as Izumi says I am?
|"Not giving up on my own feeling... <br>The type of "persistent", Izumi just mentioned, do I already have it?"
Line 1,323: Line 1,324:
|"Haruki~, your phone~"
|"Haruki, your phone's ringing!"
Line 1,329: Line 1,330:
|"Wa, wait a second. <br>Let me turn off the fire..."
|"W-Wait a second. Let me turn off the fire..."
Line 1,335: Line 1,336:
|"Ah~Hello~. <br>This is Kitahara Haruki's cell phone~"
|"Ah, helloo~ This is Kitahara Haruki's cell phone~"
Line 1,341: Line 1,342:
|"Uwaaa!? <br> STOP IT STOP IT~!"
|"Uwaaa!? Stop it! Stop!"
Line 1,347: Line 1,348:
|"Just kidding~"
Line 1,353: Line 1,354:
|"Ugh... don't play stupid prank like that! <br>You can cause some serious misunderstanding if you keep doing that."
|"Ugh... Don't play stupid pranks like that! If you keep doing that, you could cause some serious misunderstandings!"
Line 1,359: Line 1,360:
|"So it is~ bad, like that last time when I answered your phone. <br>You have to tell me these kind of stuff without worrying."
|"So it was a problem when I answered your phone last time! You could have told me, I wouldn't have held it against you."
Line 1,371: Line 1,372:
|"...Before you apologize, answer the phone."
|"...Before you start bowing, answer the phone."
Line 1,383: Line 1,384:
|"Ah~ How are you Haruki? <br> Io and I are at a convenient store nearby~, <br>you got beer at home~?"
|"Hey, how are you doing, Haruki? Io and I are at a convenience store nearby, you got any beer at home, dude?"
Line 1,407: Line 1,408:
|「え? いや、今日はちょっと...<br>だから冬休みまでにレポート提出しないと」
|「え? いや、今日はちょっと...<br>だから冬休みまでにレポート提出しないと」
|"Eh? Today is a little... <br>Like I said, I have to turn in a report before winter break."
|"Eh? No, today's a bit... Like I said, I have to turn in a paper before winter break."
Line 1,413: Line 1,414:
|It's not me.
|It's not mine, though.
Line 1,419: Line 1,420:
|"Don't you still have a week? <br>It's fine if we hang out once in a while right?"
|"Come on, don't you still have a week? It's fine if we hang out once in a while, right?"
Line 1,425: Line 1,426:
|"That's what I've been saying before, <br>until I realize due date already past, this is the final due date."
|"I've been telling you that I forgot about the original deadline and missed it, so this is my final chance.
Line 1,431: Line 1,432:
|It wasn’t me who forgot about it, though.
|It's not me.
Line 1,438: Line 1,438:
|「そういう大げさなこと言っといて、<br>数日間のバッファ隠し持ってるのが春希だよな~。<br>何年つきあってると思ってんだよ? 俺を侮るなよ?」
|「そういう大げさなこと言っといて、<br>数日間のバッファ隠し持ってるのが春希だよな~。<br>何年つきあってると思ってんだよ? 俺を侮るなよ?」
|"You're always exaggerating, <br>but you always leave yourself several days for backup, right~? <br>How many years do you think I've known you for? Don't underestimate me."
|"You're always exaggerating, but you always leave yourself a couple days to spare, right? How many years do you think I've known you for? Don't underestimate me, man."
Line 1,444: Line 1,444:
|"Ah... Haha..."
Line 1,450: Line 1,450:
|Like I said, it's not me.
|Like I said, it wasn’t my fault.
Line 1,462: Line 1,462:
|"Well, we've already bought snacks. <br>We should arrive in about 5 minutes."
|"Well, we've already bought snacks. We should be there in about five minutes."
Line 1,468: Line 1,468:
|"That's great. <br> You only need around 6 minutes to get to the station."
|"That's great. You’ll only need around six minutes to get to the station."
Line 1,474: Line 1,474:
|"Can't do it no matter what? <br>It's only take about an hour."
|"Can't do it no matter what? Come on, we'll only take about an hour."
Line 1,480: Line 1,480:
|"If you only want to drink for an hour, I'll recommend you a place. <br>There's a store call "Hangyojin" in front of the station..."
|"If you only want to drink for an hour, I know just the spot. There's this place called Mermaid right in front of the station..."
Line 1,486: Line 1,486:
|"I got it, I got it! <br>...You're a terrible friend. <br>I was going to make you cook dinner for me."
|"Fine, fine already! ...Jeez, some friend you are.<br>I was hoping you'd make us some dinner, too."
Line 1,492: Line 1,492:
|"Is that what a good friend should say?"
|"Is that something a friend should say?"
Line 1,498: Line 1,498:
|"Well, guess I'll head home today. <br>...But before that, can I ask you several questions?"
|"Well, guess we'll head home today. ...But before that, could I ask you a couple of things?"
Line 1,510: Line 1,510:
|「ちゃんと飯食ってるか? 寝てるか?<br>...自堕落な生活送ってないだろうな?」
|「ちゃんと飯食ってるか? 寝てるか?<br>...自堕落な生活送ってないだろうな?」
|"Have you ate properly? Have you slept properly? <br>...You haven't been living a dissolute life, right?"
|"Have you been eating properly? Sleeping properly? ...You haven't been living a negligent life, have you?"
Line 1,522: Line 1,522:
|So it's like that...
|Now I get it...
Line 1,528: Line 1,528:
|Takeya want to come at this timing, <br>because there are things he want to accomplish by being here.
|Takeya wants to come right now because he wants to figure out some things.
Line 1,534: Line 1,534:
|"It's best if you can come out, <br>even 5 minutes if fine, can I talk to you for a bit? <br>...Even in front of your door is fine."
|"It'd be best if we could meet up, even for just five minutes. Could I talk to you in person? ...Even in front of your door would be fine."
Line 1,546: Line 1,546:
|"Last Saturday night, I dragged Takeya and Io into that mess."
|Last Saturday night, I dragged Takeya and Io into that mess.
Line 1,552: Line 1,552:
|After that, Setsuna probably went to apologize to them, <br>in the same time, only told them how things appear to be on the surface.
|After that, Setsuna definitely went to apologize to them, and they only got a superficial understanding of the whole situation.
Line 1,558: Line 1,558:
|In other word, <br>They were the same as Mari-san and Sugiura...
|In other words, they know about as much as Mari-san and Sugiura...
Line 1,564: Line 1,564:
|"Since I've already bought it, it's a waste if I just take it home. <br>Why don't you just take it."
|"Since we've already bought all this, it'd be a waste if we just took it home. Why don't you just take it?"
Line 1,570: Line 1,570:
|These guys, <br> how little faith do they have in me...
|Just how little do these guys trust me...
Line 1,576: Line 1,576:
|How much do they care about me...
|And just how much do these people care about me...
Line 1,582: Line 1,582:
|"Takeya, uh...<br> I'll meet up with you guys there... eh"
|"Takeya, listen… I'll meet up with you guys there... Eh?"
Line 1,600: Line 1,600:
|At this time, someone patted my shoulder twice.
|At that moment, I feel two pats on my shoulder.
Line 1,606: Line 1,606:
|When I turn my heard around, <br>I saw Izumi already wear her coat, <br>packed everything up and is ready to go home.
|As I turn around, I see Izumi already wearing her coat, all packed up and ready to go home.
Line 1,612: Line 1,612:
|"What's wrong Haruki? <br>What did you just say?
|"What's wrong, Haruki? What did you just say?
Line 1,624: Line 1,624:
|While she's giving a warm smile, <br>she waved her hand as if saying "bye bye".
|While giving me a warm smile, she waves her hand as if to say goodbye.
Line 1,630: Line 1,630:
|"See you"
|"See you."
Line 1,636: Line 1,636:
|"You don't have to be like that, I've already rejected him."
|"You don't have to, I've already turned him down."
Line 1,642: Line 1,642:
|"To the current Haruki, I think not rejecting him would be better."
|"With the way you are now, Haruki, I’d say it’s better if you don’t turn him down."
Line 1,654: Line 1,654:
|In the end, <br>Izumi didn't even took a single bite at my super spicy curry, <br>and went home while she's still 'starving'.
|In the end, Izumi didn't even take a single spoonful of my super spicy curry, and unbelievably she is willingly left "starving."
Line 1,660: Line 1,660:
|"I'll need to come some other time this week. <br>Since winter break starts next week, so it must be before that."
|"I'll come by some other time this week. Since winter break starts next week, we'll have to meet before that."
|match 2013/86}}
|"Is that so."
Line 1,672: Line 1,672:
|"Yep, thanks in advance."
|"Yeah, so thanks in advance."
Line 1,690: Line 1,690:
|In other word, Takeya and Io, <br>both came without an invitation because they are worry about me...
|Basically, Takeya and Io decided to come uninvited because they're worried about me...
Line 1,696: Line 1,696:
|And that's why Izumi have to leave, <br>but isn't she here for the same reason...?
|And that's why Izumi has to leave, but isn't she here for the same reason...?
Line 1,708: Line 1,708:
|"The people around you are interesting, Haruki."
|"The people around you are so interesting, Haruki."
Line 1,720: Line 1,720:
|”You look out for everyone so much, you see, and you put in so much effort and merely keep on giving, only to get nothing in return. That’s what I believed.”
|"Since you always take care of everyone, <br> back then, I always thought even though you worked so hard, <br>you'll never get anything back for doing it."
Line 1,726: Line 1,726:
|"Well, of course you'll think like that. <br>You're the one leading them after all."
|"Well, of course you'd think that. You're my greatest exploiter, after all."
Line 1,732: Line 1,732:
|But that's not true in reality. <br>Different kinds of people, regardless of gender, always paid you back. <br>...Really, it's interesting."
|”But that's not true at all. All kinds of people,<br>men and women alike, always return the favor, Haruki… It's really interesting."
Line 1,738: Line 1,738:
|"Among those people around me. <br>I'd say you're the most interesting one."
|"Among the people around me, I'd say you're the most interesting one."
Line 1,744: Line 1,744:
|F16"It's really interesting. <br>I've learned a lot through your simple, yet complicated relationship."
|[F16"It's really interesting. Really heart-pounding. I've learned a lot through the plain, yet complicated relationship between you and those around you."]
Line 1,750: Line 1,750:
|「え? 何だって?」
|「え? 何だって?」
|"Eh? What did you say?"
|"Eh? What was that?"
Line 1,756: Line 1,756:
|"What I'm saying is, I really do like Haruki after all."
|"What I'm saying is, I really like you after all, Haruki."
|match 2013/97}}
Line 1,768: Line 1,768:
|「今の秘密だからね? 特にあんたには。<br>...あんたにだけ言うんだからね?」
|「今の秘密だからね? 特にあんたには。<br>...あんたにだけ言うんだからね?」
|"What I just said was a secret, you know? Especially for you. <br>...because I'll only say it to you."
|"What I just said is a secret, all right? And just for you... You're the only one I'll say it to."
Line 1,774: Line 1,774:
|"You...<br>really think I'm an idiot are you?"
|"You… You're just making a fool of me again, aren't you?"
Line 1,780: Line 1,780:
|"No, I'm serious. <br>I really like the type of people who take care of others."
|"No, I'm serious. I really like people who look out for others."
Line 1,792: Line 1,792:
|This instant...
|In an instant...
Line 1,798: Line 1,798:
|After Izumi changed her expression.
|Izumi's expression completely changed.
Line 1,804: Line 1,804:
|At least, that’s what it looked like to me.
|This is how I felt.
Line 1,810: Line 1,810:
|"The truth is, I love being spoiled..."
|"I'm actually a very spoiled girl~"
|match with 2009/709}}
|"I, Izumi...?"
Line 1,822: Line 1,822:
|"That's why, I always like reliable people. <br>Loving that person deeply and make many spoiled wishes."
|"That's why I'm attracted to guys I can rely on.<br>I'd fall in love with someone like that and try to get him to spoil me even more."
|match with 2009/711}}
|"H, hey..."
Line 1,834: Line 1,834:
|"Even so, you'll do your best to make my spoiled wishes come true, <br> I really like you."
|"Someone who'd do everything in his power to grant my selfish little wishes. I’d really like that person."
|match with 2009/712}}
|Izumi reached out with her two hands, <br> and hold my face in place.
|Izumi reaches out with her hands and holds my face in place.
Line 1,846: Line 1,846:
|"Even though you nag all the time, always complaining about everything, <br>you'll never abandon me."
|"Even if he might be a little annoying, and even if he might complain about stuff all the time, he'd never abandon me, no matter what."
|match with 2009/714}}
|Under the brilliant light of her seriousness, <br>her dark eyes reflected my panicked expression.
|Along with showing the brightness of her resolve,<br>her dark eyes clearly reflect my ridiculous, panicked expression.
Line 1,858: Line 1,858:
|"If you can treat everyone equally, <br> but treat me just a little more special, that would be the best."
|"He'd be equally nice to everyone else, but save a special sweeter side just for me. Wouldn't that just be the best?"
|match with 2009/715}}
|"Stop...joking around."
|"Stop... joking around."
Line 1,870: Line 1,870:
|"Do you think I'm... joking?"
|"You think... I'm joking?"
Line 1,882: Line 1,882:
|How should I put it, it doesn't feel like I'm talking to Izumi right now.
|Somehow, it doesn't feel like I'm talking to Izumi right now.
Line 1,888: Line 1,888:
|This person, a girl name Izumi Chiaki, <br>shouldn't be the type of woman who have this kind of dark, quiet and passionate personality.
|This person named Izumi Chiaki isn't the kind of "woman" to have this kind of dark, quiet and passionate personality.
Line 1,894: Line 1,894:
|It's because she's the complete opposite of the word "feminine", that allows me to stay around her for so long, she's one of the few friend who won't remind me of that bitter past.
|It's because she's the complete opposite of the average woman that I've been able to stay around her for so long. She's one of my few friends who doesn't remind me of my bitter past.
Line 1,900: Line 1,900:
|But when she's... like this.
|Still, this is… if she’s like this...
Line 1,906: Line 1,906:
|She's not the Izumi that I know, <br>yet she is Izumi...
|She's not the Izumi that I know, yet she still is Izumi...
Line 1,912: Line 1,912:
|"... I actually am joking."
|"Hehe... Yeah, I'm just joking."
Line 1,918: Line 1,918:
|"Like I said!!!"
|"I knew it!"
Line 1,924: Line 1,924:
|Seems like she really want her revent...<br> for not being able to the curry.
|As I thought, she’s really spiteful right now…<br>for not being able to eat any curry tonight.
Line 1,936: Line 1,936:
|"Ah... excuse me."
|"Ah... Oh, excuse me."
Line 1,942: Line 1,942:
|"Ah!? <br>N, no, I'm the one who should apologize."
|"Ah!? N-No, I'm the one who should apologize..."
Line 1,948: Line 1,948:
|「...?<br>あれ? あのコ...」
|「...?<br>あれ? あのコ...」
|"...?<br>eh? That girl..."
|"...? Wait, what? That girl..."
Line 1,954: Line 1,954:
|"Seems like she landed right into the strike zone. <br>Yours, I mean."
|"Seems like she falls right into the strike zone. Yours, I mean."
Line 1,960: Line 1,960:
|"N, not that... <br>it's a great ball for sure. <br>But where have I seeing her before...?"
|"N-Not that... I mean, she’s a beauty for sure… But where have I seen her before...?"
Line 1,966: Line 1,966:
|"She's probably from our University. <br>Most of the resident here are."
|"She's probably from our university. Most of the residents here are."
Line 1,972: Line 1,972:
|"Is that really ... the reason?"
|"Is that... really it?"
Line 1,984: Line 1,984:
|328|武也&依緒|Takeya & Io
|328|武也&依緒|Takeya & Io
Line 1,990: Line 1,990:
|"Uwa HOT!? <br>This curry is freaking spicy!"
|"Uwah, hot!? This curry is freaking spicy!"
Line 1,996: Line 1,996:
|"Keh, really, it's pure red. <br>How much spices did you put in to make it like this."
|"Geh, for real, it's pure red. How much spice did you put in to make it like this?"
Line 2,002: Line 2,002:
|"Then don't eat it. <br>This is just right for me."
|"Then don't eat it. This is just right for me."
Line 2,008: Line 2,008:
|...Too spicy
|...Too spicy.
Line 2,014: Line 2,014:
|"N, nah... if it's this spicy then it's a perfect match with beers! <br>moving on moving on~"
|"N-Nah... If it's this spicy, then it's a perfect match with beer! Here we go, here we go~!"
Line 2,020: Line 2,020:
|The moment the duo entered my door carrying beer and snacks from the convenient store, <br>first thing they checked was the cooking pot in my house.
|As soon as the duo entered my room carrying beer and snacks from the convenience store, the first thing they checked was the cooking pot.
Line 2,026: Line 2,026:
|"It would've been much better if there's rice. <br>Hey Haruki, you got raw eggs?"
|"It would've been much better if there was rice to go with it. Hey, Haruki, you got any raw eggs?"
Line 2,032: Line 2,032:
|...Are these two...really coming here just to eat free dinner?
|...Are these two… only here for a free dinner?
Line 2,038: Line 2,038:
|"Don't eat all of it, okay? <br>I need these to survive until this weekend."
|"Don't eat all of it, okay? I planned on eating this until the weekend."
Line 2,044: Line 2,044:
|Come to think of it, recently, I've been eating curry more than half the time every week...
|Come to think of it, recently, I've been eating curry for more than half of my meals for the week...
Line 2,050: Line 2,050:
|Is this because I lack repertoire, <br>or I just want to reward myself with a punishment.
|I wonder if it's because my cooking repertoire is limited or if I just want to treat myself to a crappy reward.
Line 2,056: Line 2,056:
|"Come to think of it, I haven't come here in a while."
|"Come to think of it, I haven't been here in a while."
Line 2,062: Line 2,062:
|"When I first heard Haruki's going to live by yourself, <br>I was thinking about coming over everyday too."
|"When I first heard Haruki was going to live by himself, I was thinking about coming over every day too."
Line 2,068: Line 2,068:
|"If you do that, <br>I'll make you clean up every time you come."
|"If you do that, I'll make you clean up every time you come."
Line 2,074: Line 2,074:
|"We haven't really got a chance to see you face-to-face after you changed department. <br>We can't get the rhythm right if we don't see each other everyday."
|"We haven't really had a chance to see you face to face after you changed departments. It just feels weird, not seeing you every day."
Line 2,080: Line 2,080:
|"A, ah... I'm sorry."
|"Ah, yeah... I'm sorry."
Line 2,086: Line 2,086:
|"Hey, Io."
|"Oi, Io."
Line 2,098: Line 2,098:
|After reading the atmosphere... or should I say, Takeya who's overreacting to the atmosphere <br>elbowed Io who sat next to him."
|And she read the atmosphere… Or rather, she got promptly elbowed by the overreacting Takeya who was sitting next to her.
Line 2,104: Line 2,104:
|Back when we first became third year, <br>when I changed my department without consulting anyone, <br>Io criticized me harshly.
|Back when we started our third year, I changed my department without consulting anyone. Io gave me hell for that.
Line 2,110: Line 2,110:
|"Don't worry about it. <br>I think it was my fault too."
|"Don't worry about it. I think I was in the wrong back then too."
Line 2,116: Line 2,116:
|"...But making you remember that event was our failure."
|"...Well, making you remember all that was a mistake to begin with."
Line 2,128: Line 2,128:
|"We're just here for some drink today, <br>so we've decided before we came here, <br>whoever made the atmosphere awkward shall receive an penalty."
|"We're just here for some drinks today, so before we came, we decided that if either of us made the atmosphere awkward, they would receive a penalty."
Line 2,134: Line 2,134:
|"If Takeya doesn't make any mistake from now on, <br>I'd have to pay for all the beer today..."
|"If Takeya doesn't make any mistakes from now on,<br>I'll have to pay for all the beer today..."
Line 2,140: Line 2,140:
|"...Don't you think your contest was quite rude to me?"
|"...Don't you think this little bet of yours is a bit rude to me?"
Line 2,146: Line 2,146:
|"...I knew it, <br>these two really are just here for free dinner huh?
|...I knew it. These two really are just here for free dinner.
Line 2,152: Line 2,152:
|"Ah, speaking of which, Io."
|"Ah, speaking of which, Io..."
Line 2,164: Line 2,164:
|"'Oi, Io' is actually a loop. <br>I didn't realized that until now."
|"'Oi, Io' is actually a palindrome. I didn't realize that until now."
Line 2,170: Line 2,170:
Line 2,176: Line 2,176:
Line 2,188: Line 2,188:
|"Hey, what are you doing Takeya? <br>Don't just open other people's drawer."
|"Hey, what are you doing, Takeya? Don't just dig through other people's drawers!"
Line 2,194: Line 2,194:
|"What are you talking aobut. <br>When you go to other people's house, you must search it through at least once, that's the basic."
|"What are you saying, man? It’s only common sense that the first thing to do when entering someone’s home is to search the place, right?”
Line 2,200: Line 2,200:
|"Are you a middleschooler?"
|"Are you a middle schooler or something?"
Line 2,206: Line 2,206:
|"Hey, Haruki, you got some non-censored AV? <br>Lets screen it~"
|"Hey, Haruki, you got any uncensored porn? Let's watch it, dude, let's watch it~!"
Line 2,212: Line 2,212:
|"Don't make me say this again. <br>Are you a middleschooler?"
|"Don't make me say it again. Are you a middle schooler or something?"
Line 2,218: Line 2,218:
|"Do you know the gender of the person who came with you?"
|"Are you aware of the gender of the person who came with you?"
Line 2,224: Line 2,224:
|"Don't worry about that. It's just Io."
|"Oh, no sweat, man. It's just Io."
Line 2,236: Line 2,236:
|"Don't really care. <br>Because I don't think Haruki have that kind of stuff anyway."
|"I really don't care. Besides, I don't think you have that kind of stuff anyway, Haruki."
Line 2,242: Line 2,242:
|"...seems like I have a good reputation."
|"...Seems like I have a good reputation."
Line 2,248: Line 2,248:
|"Well, in a certain way, yes."
|"Well, that's one way to put it."
Line 2,254: Line 2,254:
|"Damn it~, there is none."
|"Damn... there really isn't any."
Line 2,260: Line 2,260:
|Takeya completely ignored our conversation just now, <br> and continue to hunt my bookshelf and under the bed.
|Takeya completely ignored our conversation and continued to rummage through my bookshelf and under the bed.
Line 2,266: Line 2,266:
|Even though he might be a little drunk, <br>but if the current Takeya was seeing by his 'girlfriends', <br>his three month worth of love relationship will end in an instant.
|Even though he might be a little drunk, if Takeya were to be seen by his "girlfriends,"<br><br>the relationships that he's built for approximately three months would end in an instant.
Line 2,272: Line 2,272:
|Well, Takeya is only like this because the girl who's here is Io, <br>that's why he can use this kind of attitude.
|Well, I suppose Takeya is able to act this way because the girl among us here happens to be Io.
Line 2,278: Line 2,278:
|'RIo^true love' is the only girl who he'll show this middle school personality to, <br>even though he's trying so hard, it's just painful to watch...
|Io... his "one true love," is the only one who he'll show this middle schooler personality to. But at this point, it's just wasted effort and painful to watch...
Line 2,284: Line 2,284:
|"Oh yea... it became downloadable video from the internet recently. <br>Time to go check your bookmarks!"
|"I get it… Nowadays people just download their videos from the internet. Let's check your bookmarks!"
Line 2,290: Line 2,290:
|"STOP IT~! <br>YOU IDIOT~!"
|"Stop it! You goddamn idiot!"
Line 2,308: Line 2,308:
|"Don't be like that~. <br>I'm really at another guy's house. He's my friend since high school."
|"Oh, don't be like that~! I'm really at another guy's place. He's been my friend since high school."
Line 2,314: Line 2,314:
|「マジでゴメン。今日だけは行けない。<br>来週は絶対に...え? 明日?」
|「マジでゴメン。今日だけは行けない。<br>来週は絶対に...え? 明日?」
|"I'm seriously sorry. I really can't make it today. <br>I'll make sure next week...eh? Tomorrow?"
|"I'm seriously sorry. I really can't make it today. I'll make sure next week… Eh? Tomorrow?"
Line 2,320: Line 2,320:
|"Ah, tomorrow is a little...<br> no actually, I have to stay by this guy's side for the next few days. <br> Since he's sounds like he's going to suicide because he got dump."
|"Ah, tomorrow is a little... No, actually, I have to stay by this guy's side for the next few days. He keeps saying he wants to die because a girl dumped him."
Line 2,326: Line 2,326:
|"...Don't worry about it, just go to where she is."
|"...Don't worry about it, just go see her."
Line 2,332: Line 2,332:
|「え? 女?<br>やっだな~、そんなのいるわけないじゃん。<br>静子ちゃんだけだって...何回言わせるのこれ?」
|「え? 女?<br>やっだな~、そんなのいるわけないじゃん。<br>静子ちゃんだけだって...何回言わせるのこれ?」
|"Eh? Woman?<br>No way~, how could that happen. <br>My heart only belong to you, Shizuko-chan...How many times do I have to say that?"
|"Eh? A woman? No way, how could I? My heart belongs only to you, Shizuko-chan... How many times do I have to say that?"
Line 2,338: Line 2,338:
|"...Well, in Takeya's eye, there really isn't any woman here."
|"...Well, the way Takeya sees it, there really aren't any women here."
Line 2,344: Line 2,344:
|「だからさぁ...泣くなって、ほら。<br>いい? 今から俺が言うことよく聞いて?<br>.........愛してる、君だけだ」
|「だからさぁ...泣くなって、ほら。<br>いい? 今から俺が言うことよく聞いて?<br>.........愛してる、君だけだ」
|"Like I said... don't cry, okay? <br>Listen to me carefully now okay? <br>......You're the only one I love."
|"Listen to me... Don't cry, okay? Listen to me carefully now. ...I love you. You’re the only one for me."
Line 2,356: Line 2,356:
|"Why should I even bother to judge if that's good or bad?"
|"Why should I need to judge if that's good or bad?"
Line 2,362: Line 2,362:
|"Can you at least show a little jealousy? You know he's doing it on purpose right?"
|"Can't you at least show a little jealousy? You know he's doing it on purpose, right?"
Line 2,368: Line 2,368:
|"I like the type of guy who only have me in his eye. <br>If I have to choose between Takeya and Haruki, it's obvious I'll pick the latter."
|"I like the type of guy who only has eyes for me.<br>If it came down to choosing between you and Takeya, Haruki, I'd obviously pick you."
Line 2,374: Line 2,374:
Line 2,380: Line 2,380:
|"Ah, Sumiyo-chan? <br>It's me, Takeya~"
|"Ah, Sumiyo-chan? It's me, Takeya!"
Line 2,392: Line 2,392:
|"...Here, Rokku"
|"...Here, Rokku."
Line 2,398: Line 2,398:
Line 2,410: Line 2,410:
|"Here, use it"
|"Here you go..."
Line 2,416: Line 2,416:
|"Ah, that's squid, not cracker."
|"Ah, that's squid, not a cracker."
Line 2,422: Line 2,422:
Line 2,440: Line 2,440:
Line 2,470: Line 2,470:
Line 2,482: Line 2,482:
|"What happen, Haruki?"
|"What's up, Haruki?"
Line 2,494: Line 2,494:
|"It already past 3 minutes ago."
|"It already passed three minutes ago."
Line 2,500: Line 2,500:
|"Ah, can you turn on the TV? <br>I think in satellite channel there's a NBA game..."
|"Oh, could you turn on the TV? I think there's an NBA game on a satellite channel..."
Line 2,506: Line 2,506:
|"If I remember correctly, the last bus's time is..."
|"If I remember correctly, the last train’s already..."
Line 2,512: Line 2,512:
|"No problem, just sleep here."
|"It's fine, we'll just huddle up and sleep here."
Line 2,518: Line 2,518:
|"Make sure the AC is stronger. <br>And it'd be best if you have humidifier."
|"Make sure the AC is on stronger. While you’re at it, set the humidifier to its maximum.
Line 2,524: Line 2,524:
|"Although I kind of guessed it already, <br>don't tell me you really plan on staying..."
|"I had a feeling this would happen, but don't tell me you seriously plan on staying..."
Line 2,530: Line 2,530:
|"That's fine. <br>I haven't really drink like this without any worry for a while, you know?
|"It's fine, isn't it? I haven't drunk like this without a worry on my mind for a while, you know?
Line 2,536: Line 2,536:
|"That's because you're always on high alert all the time..."
|"That's because you're on high alert all the time..."
Line 2,542: Line 2,542:
|"If it's just drinking and have fun, <br>there shouldn't be any worry in the first place."
|"If it's just drinking and having fun, there shouldn't be any worry in the first place..."
Line 2,548: Line 2,548:
|"That would be rude to the girls who are aiming for me. <br>You two seriously don't understand anything..."
|"That would be rude to all the girls who are aiming for me. You two seriously don't understand anything..."
Line 2,554: Line 2,554:
|"I don't want to understand either."
|"It's not like I want to understand either."
Line 2,566: Line 2,566:
|"Nn... Mmh... zzz..."
Line 2,572: Line 2,572:
|"Here's a blanket. <br>At least put it on top."
|"Here's a blanket. At least cover yourself."
Line 2,578: Line 2,578:
|"Mm~? Zzzzzz..."
Line 2,584: Line 2,584:
|"So untidy."
|"What a slob."
Line 2,596: Line 2,596:
|"Io, are you fine? <br>you can use the bed, you know?"
|"Io, are you okay? You can use the bed, you know?"
Line 2,602: Line 2,602:
|"I'm good. <br>Don't let your bed get the smell of woman who's not your girlfriend."
|"I'm good. Wouldn't want to let your bed catch the scent of a girl who's not your girlfriend."
Line 2,608: Line 2,608:
|"I don't really care about things like that."
|"I don't really care about something like that."
Line 2,614: Line 2,614:
|It already did last week.
|It already did, last week.
Line 2,620: Line 2,620:
Line 2,626: Line 2,626:
|"Still want to drink? <br>I can get you some"
|"Still want to drink? I can get you some."
Line 2,632: Line 2,632:
|"I'm good... need a little break."
|"I'm good… just need a little break."
Line 2,638: Line 2,638:
|"Is that so"
Line 2,644: Line 2,644:
|Between the three of us, our alcohol tolerance hasn't changed at all since the old days.
|The strength between us three are the same since we've met.
|strength as in how much they can drink}}
|But, if there's one extra person here, <br> then the balance would tilt instantly.
|Though if a certain other person were present, that statement would no longer be true.
Line 2,662: Line 2,662:
|"Nn... Mmm..."
Line 2,668: Line 2,668:
Line 2,674: Line 2,674:
|Since the date changed, the atmosphere have started to became heavy, <br>now that one person is down, it became even heavier than before.
|Ever since the date changed, the atmosphere has started getting heavy, and it's become even heavier than before now that one of us is out.
Line 2,680: Line 2,680:
|Both me and Io are just forcing our some-what heavy eyelid to open, <br> and keep on drinking while staring at the ceiling or the wall.
|Both me and Io are just forcing our heavy eyelids open and continuously drinking while staring at the ceiling or walls.
Line 2,698: Line 2,698:
|To tell the truth, we are both not satisfy with this silent.
|Truth be told, neither of us are satisfied with this silence.
Line 2,704: Line 2,704:
|I'm waiting for Io to speak first, <br>Io is waiting for me to talk first, <br>I'm sure it's like that for us.
|I’m sure the both of us are eagerly waiting for the other to get the ball rolling.
Line 2,710: Line 2,710:
|"About that."
Line 2,722: Line 2,722:
|"...I haven't said anything yet right?"
|"...I haven't said anything yet, have I?"
Line 2,734: Line 2,734:
|I probably got too excited due to the 'it's coming!' feeling. <br>I'm a bit ashamed of that.
|It seems I got too excited by the fact that she was the one who initiated the conversation. I’m admittedly a little embarrassed.
Line 2,740: Line 2,740:
|"To tell the truth... <br>We went to Setsuna's house yesterday."
|"To tell you the truth... we went to Setsuna's house yesterday."
Line 2,752: Line 2,752:
|That's right, this is the correct way to go.
|That's it—this is the flow of conversation I was waiting for.
Line 2,758: Line 2,758:
|"Since her parents are home, <br>we went home around 11."
|"Since her parents were home, we went home around 11 o’clock."
Line 2,764: Line 2,764:
|"Is she...fine?"
|"Is she... doing all right?"
Line 2,770: Line 2,770:
|Even though I saw her few days ago.
|Even though I saw her a few days ago.
Line 2,776: Line 2,776:
|Setsuna's expression, voice and things she said, <br> are still carved into my brain.
|Even though Setsuna's expression, voice, and everything she said at the time is so deeply etched in my mind, unable to be erased.
Line 2,782: Line 2,782:
|Even so, I still wonder about how's Setsuna doing one day ago, <br>I really do care about her, after all.
|Even so, I still wondered about how Setsuna was doing yesterday. I really do care about her, after all.
Line 2,788: Line 2,788:
|"When we first saw her... <br>She's even more depressed than you are right now."
|"When we first saw her... she seemed even more depressed than you are right now, Haruki."
Line 2,794: Line 2,794:
|"Well, how about when we guys went home?"
|"Then, how about when you guys went home?"
Line 2,800: Line 2,800:
|"...Still a little more depress than you right now, I think?"
|"...Still a little more depressed than you are right now, I think?"
Line 2,806: Line 2,806:
|"Is that so."
|"Is that so..."
Line 2,818: Line 2,818:
|'You won't get mad at me after all...'
|"You're not going to get mad at me after all..."
|match with 2009/1080}}
|'You won't criticize me, won't scold me... <br>you won't treat me like you would back then ...'
|"You still won't tell me off or set me straight...<br>You still won't treat me like you did back then…!"
|match with 2009/1084}}
|How many times have things like this repeated, <br>the result of misunderstanding and faith we have for each other came across, <br>along with Setsuna's tear, it pierce through my heart.
|I’ve lost track of how many times something like this has happened. Past all the misunderstandings, assumptions,<br>and the sorrowful way we keep missing one another, Setsuna’s tears always brutally pierced through my heart without fail.
Line 2,836: Line 2,836:
|But this level of pain to me, <br>is only the aftereffect of an disaster.
|But to me, this level of pain is nothing more than a side effect of the disaster.
Line 2,842: Line 2,842:
|"Hey, Haruki."
Line 2,854: Line 2,854:
|"You're pretty strong, you know"
|"You're pretty strong, you know."
Line 2,860: Line 2,860:
|By listening to this sentence alone, <br>it might make you think it's a positive statement.
|Listening to the words alone, one would think that they were meant as praise at first.
Line 2,866: Line 2,866:
|Unfortunately, the delivery of those words lacks any hint of such nuance.
|But unfortunately, when it comes out of her mouth, <br>it doesn't feel that way at all.
Line 2,872: Line 2,872:
|"Setsuna...said 'it's all my fault' again."
|"Setsuna said... 'It's all my fault' again."
Line 2,884: Line 2,884:
|Because, she accepted an invitation and went to a party. <br>And broke the curfew without contacting anyone.
|She simply accepted an invitation and went to a party. And she broke her curfew without contacting anyone.
Line 2,890: Line 2,890:
|"She always said 'it's all my fault'. <br>Regardless of three days ago, one year ago, even three years ago..."
|"She keeps saying, 'It's all my fault' over and over. Be it three days ago, one year ago, or even three years ago..."
Line 2,902: Line 2,902:
|Even when we can't remain the three of us. <br>...and when we first became the three of us.
|Even when the three of us couldn't stay together. ...And when the three of us first came together.
|beginning and the end of the "three people" relationship between Kazusa, Haruki and Setsuna}}
|"She gets depress regardless when we comfort her or scold her. <br>...She's a hard woman to serve."
|"She gets depressed regardless of whether we comfort her or scold her... She's become really hard to please."
Line 2,914: Line 2,914:
|But Setsuna only thinks like that, <br>because of my mistake.
|But Setsuna only thinks like that because of my mistake.
Line 2,920: Line 2,920:
|"And also, you're hard to serve too, Haruki."
|"But you know, you're hard to please too, Haruki."
Line 2,926: Line 2,926:
|"Is that...so?"
|"Is that... so?"
Line 2,932: Line 2,932:
|"Even though in any other thing, you can criticize other people calmly, <br>but when it's related to this event, <br>you won't admit it's Setsuna's fault no matter what."
|"When it's related to this, you won't admit it's Setsuna's fault no matter what, even though you can calmly criticize other people in any other situation."
Line 2,938: Line 2,938:
|Because this debate is similar to the one about 'does chicken comes first or egg comes first', <br>we've already come to an conclusion long time ago.
|This pointless debate of “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” has lost any value it held a long time ago.
Line 2,944: Line 2,944:
|"That's because I always take neutral stand. <br>...I know it when I'm the one at fault."
|"That's because I always look at things objectively. ...I know when I'm the one at fault."
Line 2,950: Line 2,950:
|"Well... You are the one at fault in reality."
|"Well... you really are the one at fault."
Line 2,956: Line 2,956:
|"But as for debate about who's sin is greater, <br>because the answer is too obvious, <br>Setsuna won't touch that topic."
|But as for the debate about whose sin is greater, Setsuna won't touch that topic because the answer is too obvious.
Line 2,974: Line 2,974:
|"The fact that you came here."
|"For coming here, I mean..."
Line 2,980: Line 2,980:
|"...No, I should be more thankful, <br>for you to check up on Setsuna."
|"...No, I should be more thankful for you going to check up on Setsuna."
Line 2,986: Line 2,986:
Line 2,992: Line 2,992:
|I've received enough blessing. <br>Because this is the fourth group already.
|I've had enough blessings. After all, this is the fourth time that I’ve received one already.
Line 2,998: Line 2,998:
|During the past few days, many people checked up on me, <br>I don't have time to remain depress any longer.
|During the past few days, so many people checked up on me, I can't afford to stay depressed any longer.
Line 3,004: Line 3,004:
|There are people who would encourage me, comfort me, <br>tease me and criticize me.
|I have people who would encourage me, comfort me, tease me and criticize me.
Line 3,010: Line 3,010:
|"Hey, Io. <br>From here on, please take care of things on Setsuna's end."
|"Hey, Io. Please continue to take care of Setsuna, okay?"
Line 3,016: Line 3,016:
|But as for Setsuna, there's only Io and Takeya by her side. <br>...That's why, she's more depress compare to me.
|But as for Setsuna, she only has Io and Takeya by her side. ...That's why she must be more depressed than me.
Line 3,022: Line 3,022:
|From others point of view, she was pretty and popular, <br>yet the current Setsuna, seems to reject having any relationship with other people even more than I do.
|Others always see her as pretty and popular, but right now, Setsuna seems to reject having any relationship with other people even more than I do.
Line 3,028: Line 3,028:
|It's just that she's better at disguising than me, <br>that's why people other us three wouldn't notice it.
|It's just that she's better at hiding it than I am, that's why people other than the three of us can't notice it.
Line 3,034: Line 3,034:
|"I can handle it for now. <br>...In exchange, please take her back soon. <br>No matter how we put it, we're just your substitute."
|"Sure, leave it to me for now. ...In exchange, please take her back soon. In the end, I hope you realize that we're just acting as your substitutes, you know."
Line 3,040: Line 3,040:
|"...You guys sure love to butt in. <br>You don't have the right to say that to me at all."
|"...You guys sure love to butt in, too. You don't have the right to criticize me at all."
|They always say "Haruki, you always butt into other people's business and ....." since IC, just to clarify thing here.}}
|"Haruki, you're the one who summon your kind around yourself."
|"You were the one who brought us along, like birds of a feather."
Line 3,064: Line 3,064:
|"Zzz... zzz..."
Line 3,070: Line 3,070:
|"M...nn... zz"
|"Mm... Nn... zz..."
Line 3,082: Line 3,082:
|Two down.
|Two down.
Line 3,088: Line 3,088:
|It's now midnight 3 o'clock. <br>...In other word, Wednesday's 27 o'clock.
|It's 3 AM... Wednesday.
Line 3,094: Line 3,094:
|An idiosyncratic time meant for the two of us that was special in our eyes for several days, only for it to end up ruined just a few days ago.
|In these few days, it became very special, <br>few days ago, it just fell off the seat of being special, <br>our very special moment.
|Check line 512 again if you don't understand this. It refers to Haruki and Setsuna contacting each other earlier.}}
|This one is complicated... can you understand?}}
|Even so, I must start here. <br>...If I don't use this as starting point, <br>I couldn't muster any courage at all.
|Even so, I have to start here. ...If I don't use this as a starting point, I won't be able to muster up any courage at all.
Line 3,106: Line 3,106:
|Even if I must rely on the power of alcohol. <br>I must talk to Setsuna once.
|Even if I must rely on the power of alcohol... I have to talk to Setsuna once more.
Line 3,112: Line 3,112:
|'Takeya and Io came today.'
|"Takeya and Io are at my place right now."
Line 3,118: Line 3,118:
|Wanting to return to three years ago, is what I thought. <br>Wanting to escape from reality, is what I wished for.
|A return to three years ago—that's what I thought about. An escape from reality—that's what I wished for.
Line 3,130: Line 3,130:
|I must live in the current time... <br>Three years after THAT happened.
|I have to live in the present... in a world three years after that happened.
Line 3,136: Line 3,136:
|I must live in the current world, where Setsuna is.
|I have to live in the present, where the present Setsuna is.
Line 3,142: Line 3,142:
|'Don't just come to someone else's house eat dinner, throw a fuss, <br>then fall asleep on their own.'
|"They just came over uninvited, had dinner and caused a ruckus, then fell asleep on their own."
Line 3,148: Line 3,148:
|Mari-san, Sugiura, Izumi... aside, <br>this world is also connected to Io and Takeya.
|Mari-san, Sugiura, and Izumi aside... I'm also connected to Io, Takeya, and the rest of the world.
Line 3,154: Line 3,154:
|There are many people who loves butting in, just like three years ago.
|There are so many people who love butting in, just like three years ago.
Line 3,160: Line 3,160:
|'It's been a while since we drink until our heart content. <br>Can we even get it up tomorrow?'
|"It's been so long since we drank so much. I wonder if we'll even be able to get up in the morning."
Line 3,166: Line 3,166:
|Hey, Setsuna...<br>if there a lot of people by your side now? <br>Is there many important friend?"
|Hey, Setsuna... Are there a lot of people by your side now? People you can say are important to you?
Line 3,172: Line 3,172:
|I must became like that? <br>Can I really become like that? <br>...I betrayed you once before.
|Do I have to become a person like that? Do I even have the right to, when I’ve already betrayed you once before?
Line 3,178: Line 3,178:
|'That's all for today. I'm going to sleep. <br>I'll text you again tomorrow.'
|"That's all for today. I'm going to sleep. I'll text you again tomorrow."
Line 3,184: Line 3,184:
|At the very end, I typed in the message I wanted to sent the most, <br>and sent it as if nothing happened...
|At the very end, I typed in the message I wanted to send and sent it nonchalantly...
Line 3,190: Line 3,190:
|"Haugh... Uwaah..."
Line 3,196: Line 3,196:
|Right after I press the sent button, <br>I felt very sleepy all of a sudden.
|Right after I pressed the send button, I felt very sleepy all of a sudden.
Line 3,202: Line 3,202:
|No, I was probably very sleepy in the first place, <br>but I was just thinking about other stuff, <br> and didn't realize it.
|No, I was probably very sleepy in the first place,<br>but I was just thinking about other stuff and didn't realize it.
Line 3,208: Line 3,208:
|Things like 'This is completely unrelated' or, <br>'There's more important thing to sent' or <br>'Are you a middle schooler?'.
|Things like "This is completely irrelevant", or "There are more important things you should tell her", or "Are you a middle schooler or something?"
Line 3,214: Line 3,214:
|If the two in front of me saw my message, they'd probably say something like those.
|If the two in front of me saw my message, they'd probably say something like that.
Line 3,220: Line 3,220:
|But it's fine for today. <br>Because I'm too tire right now...
|But it's fine for today. I'm too tired right now...
Line 3,226: Line 3,226:
|If there are other things I want to say, <br> I can just send another text tomorrow.
|If there's anything else I want to say, I can just send another text tomorrow.
Line 3,244: Line 3,244:
|'Io and Takeya-kun, <br> came to play yesterday'
|"Io and Takeya-kun came by to visit yesterday."
Line 3,250: Line 3,250:
|'Since my dad is home, <br>we didn't get to drink alcohol, but we get to talk about many things, <br> it's very fun.'
|"Since my dad was home, we didn't get to drink any alcohol, but we got to talk about so many things. I had a lot of fun."
Line 3,256: Line 3,256:
|'It'd be nice if you can get up tomorrow morning. <br>Make sure you don't catch a cold.'
|"I hope you'll be able to get up tomorrow morning. Make sure you don't catch a cold!”
Line 3,262: Line 3,262:
|'Good night. <br>See you tomorrow.'
|"Good night. I’ll catch up with you tomorrow."
Line 3,268: Line 3,268:
|“Tomorrow, no matter what.”
|'remember, see you tomorrow.'
|I changed "Absolutely" to "remember" because it make more sense in English, if "Absolutely, see you tomorrow" is fine then we should go with that instead}}
|"nngh~... *yawn*..."
|"Nngh~... Nguaaaah..."
|Lines from here until the end only appear if the first option was chosen in the first choice of Closing Chapter.}}
|"Uwa~... headache."
|"Uwaah... My head hurts..."
Line 3,286: Line 3,286:
|"This suck... <br>There's class this morning too."
|"We really blew it... We have classes this morning, too."
Line 3,292: Line 3,292:
|"That Haruki... <br>Just left by himself."
|"Haruki... That guy seriously just left by himself."
Line 3,298: Line 3,298:
|"Haaaaa~ ... Uh, where's the travel set. <br>I'm pretty sure I bought it..."
|"Fuaaah... Uhh, where's the travel set…? I'm pretty sure I bought one..."
Line 3,304: Line 3,304:
|"Ah~, found it found ..."
|"Aah, found it, fou..."
Line 3,310: Line 3,310:
Line 3,316: Line 3,316:
|"It's used..."
|"This one's been used..."

Latest revision as of 20:38, 18 December 2021

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