Difference between revisions of "White Album 2/Script/2032"

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(12 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Line 17: Line 17:
== Text ==
== Text ==
Line 40: Line 41:
|As the night falls upon us, cold air will come in from the pacific, <br>and the entire Kanto region is expected to become extremely cold.
|As night falls upon us, cold air will come in from the Pacific, and the entire Kanto region is expected to become extremely cold.
Line 46: Line 47:
|Perhaps it's better to say it's already looking to be a considerably frigid evening, given that it seems as if though snow might fall any minute, with thick clouds covering the sky.
|In fact, the sky is already covered by clouds so thick that it might snow any minute on this cold night.
Line 52: Line 53:
|"Oh no, there's still 30 minutes until it starts. <br>You've actually made it with some time to spare, you know?"
|"Oh no, there's still 30 minutes until it starts.<br>You've actually made it with some time to spare, you know?"
Line 64: Line 65:
|Hearing this voice from the Ogiso family intercom spreading through the chilly winter air around me steadily warms up my entire body.
|Hearing this voice from the Ogiso family intercom spreading through the chilly winter air around me steadily warms up my entire body.
Line 70: Line 71:
|...Then again, I've been warming myself up by calling her everyday as of recent, actually.
|...Then again, I've been warming myself up by calling her every day recently, actually.
Line 76: Line 77:
|"Please wait for a bit. <br>I'll head there right now... ah, hold on!"
|"Please wait for a bit. I'll get the door right now... Ah, hold on!"
Line 82: Line 83:
|"Welcome~ <br>One new guest, this way please~"
|"Welcome~ One new guest, this way, please~"
Line 88: Line 89:
Line 100: Line 101:
|February 28th. <br>The last and coldest night of February.
|February 28th. The last cold night of February.
Line 106: Line 107:
|Today, although belated for two weeks...<br>is Setsuna's birthday party.
|Today, although belated for two weeks… is Setsuna's birthday party.
Line 118: Line 119:
|"Oh, everyone's finally here~ <br>You're late, Kitahara-san."
|"Oh, everyone's finally here~ You're late, Kitahara-san."
Line 130: Line 131:
|The Ogiso family living room, which I have not visited in almost two weeks, <br>is housing more people than I had expected.
|The Ogiso family living room, which I have not entered in almost two weeks, is packed with a lot more people than I had expected.
Line 136: Line 137:
|Given the conspicuous difference in temperature compared to how it was outside, I probably shouldn't be wearing my coat here...
|Given the conspicuous difference in temperature compared to how it was outside, I probably shouldn't<br>be wearing my coat here...
Line 142: Line 143:
|"I'm sorry, Haruki-kun. <br> Were you startled?"
|"I'm sorry, Haruki-kun. Were you startled?"
Line 148: Line 149:
|Setsuna, who had been standing in the kitchen, <br>immediately snuggles up to me and receives my coat.
|Setsuna, who had been standing in the kitchen, immediately snuggles up to me and takes my coat.
Line 160: Line 161:
|"As if! <br>I don't even know why, but she just showed up on her own accord..."
|"As if! I don't even know why, but she just showed up on her own accord..."
Line 166: Line 167:
|However, right now, we're not looking at each other face-to-face.
|However, right now, we're not looking at each other face to face.
Line 178: Line 179:
|"Ah~ I see. <br>You remove the fat by steaming it..."
|"Ah~ I see. You remove the fat by steaming it..."
Line 190: Line 191:
|"Oh my~! That's amazing, auntie! <br>Thank you very much. I'll try it myself next time!"
|"Oh my~! That's amazing, auntie! Thank you very much. I'll try it myself next time!"
Line 196: Line 197:
|30|雪菜の母|Setsuna's Mother
|30|雪菜の母|Setsuna's Mother
|"My~, you're such an obedient, good girl, Tomo-chan... <br>Compared to Setsuna, who would always say 'I already know that, stop being so annoying!', no matter what I tried to tell her..."
|"My~ you're such an obedient, good girl, Tomo-chan...<br>Unlike Setsuna, who would always say<br><br>'I already know that, stop being so annoying!'<br>no matter what I tried to tell her..."
|Maybe "polite" instead of "obedient"?}}
|"I'd really like to come over again and learn more about cooking from you~<br>Ah, but only if it won't cause you any trouble, of course."
|"I'd really love to come over again and learn more about cooking from you~! Ah, but only if it won't cause you any trouble, of course."
Line 208: Line 209:
|32|雪菜の母|Setsuna's Mother
|32|雪菜の母|Setsuna's Mother
|「迷惑だなんてとんでもない! いつでもいらっしゃい。<br>素直だし、家庭的だし、何より雪菜よりよっぽど可愛いし。<br>あ~あ、わたしは産む子を間違えたわねぇ」
|「迷惑だなんてとんでもない! いつでもいらっしゃい。<br>素直だし、家庭的だし、何より雪菜よりよっぽど可愛いし。<br>あ~あ、わたしは産む子を間違えたわねぇ」
|"It wouldn't be any trouble at all! You're welcome anytime. You're obedient, family-inclined, and above all, you're even cuter than Setsuna. <br>Ah~, did I take the wrong child out of the hospital back then?"
|"It wouldn't be any trouble at all! You're welcome here anytime. You're obedient, family-orientated, and above all,<br>you're even cuter than Setsuna. Aa-ah, did I take the wrong child out of the hospital back then?"
|See 30 comment}}
|"Gosh, don't say that~ <br>How could I ever compare to Set-chan~? <br>I mean, I was Miss Houjou last year, but still~"
|"Gosh, don't say that~ How could I ever compare to Secchan~? I mean, I was Miss Houjou last year, but still~"
Line 220: Line 221:
|34|雪菜の母|Setsuna's Mother
|34|雪菜の母|Setsuna's Mother
|"Would you please take care of Setsuna from now on? <br>You might never tell, but she doesn't have many friends..."
|"Would you please take care of Setsuna from now on?<br>That girl doesn’t really have a lot of friends, actually..."
Line 226: Line 227:
|"You can leave it all to me! <br>Ah, but anyway, I'm curious about the seasonings you use here~"
|"You can leave it all to me! Ah, but anyway, I'm curious about the seasonings you use here~"
Line 238: Line 239:
|"...I'll put up your coat for you."
|"...I'll hang your coat up for you."
Line 244: Line 245:
|Already overwhelmed and exasperated by the rapid pace of the event, Setsuna disappeared into the one of the other rooms.
|Already overwhelmed and exasperated by the bizarre turn of events, Setsuna disappeared into one of the other rooms.
Line 256: Line 257:
|"Ah, well~ <br>We're the ones who spilled the beans about today to her..."
|"Ah, well~ We're the ones who spilled the beans about today to her..."
Line 268: Line 269:
|"...It's a long story. <br>Not to mention it was also such a shocking development that no one would ever believe it."
|"...It's a long story. Not to mention it was also such a shocking development that no one would ever believe it."
Line 274: Line 275:
|"Don't bring it up, Takeya... <br>Nobody would actually believe the truth unless they were actually there."
|"Don't bring it up, Takeya... Nobody would actually believe the truth unless they were actually there."
Line 280: Line 281:
|"Mm, mmm..."
|"Oh, ah..."
Line 286: Line 287:
|Seriously, what happened between these three...?
|It seems like these two really got caught up in something...
Line 292: Line 293:
|The last time Io spoke with that girl, she seemed so furious I thought she'd grab her by the collar.
|The last time Io spoke with her, she seemed so furious I thought she'd grab her by the collar.
Line 298: Line 299:
|"Well, forget about that for now...<br>Have you had your fill already, Haruki?"
|"Well, forget about that for now… Have you had your fill already, Haruki?"
Line 310: Line 311:
|"I'm sure you're bright enough to realize that nobody's actually asking you about today, right?"
|"I'm sure you're bright enough to realize that we're not actually asking you about today, right?"
Line 316: Line 317:
Line 322: Line 323:
|"Rumor has it you two spent two whole days in each others' arms after the concert? <br>Whew~ man, your little lovey-dovey escapade is making even me feel flustered."
|"Rumor has it you two spent two whole days in each other’s arms after the concert?<br>Whew~ man, your little lovey-dovey escapade is making even me feel flustered."
Line 328: Line 329:
|"Tell us all about it, tell us! Your 48 hours together. We won't mind if it takes you more than 48 hours to tell the whole story."
|"Tell us all about it, tell us! Your 48 hours together. We won't mind if it takes you more than<br>48 hours to tell the whole story."
Line 340: Line 341:
|'I'm indebted to you two in so many ways. But you don't have to worry about me anymore. Thank you very much.'
|”I'm indebted to you two in so many ways. But you don't have to worry about me anymore. Thank you very much.
Line 346: Line 347:
|...Initially, I had every intention to show them how truly thankful I am for the things they've done... These guys seem to possess an inherent talent for discouraging sincerity from others, however.
|...Initially, I had every intention to show them how truly thankful I am for the things they've done... However, these two seem to possess an inherent talent for discouraging sincerity from others.
Line 352: Line 353:
|"What's with that attitude? <br>Don't tell me something happened while we weren't around...?"
|"What's with that attitude? If it weren’t for us two, who knows how you two would’ve ended up..."
Line 358: Line 359:
|"Well, we know how ungrateful Haruki can be more than anyone else, after all."
|"Well, we know more than anyone else how ungrateful Haruki can be, after all."
Line 364: Line 365:
|"I don't want to speak with you two again for the rest of the day. And while I'm at it, don't you dare bother Setsuna like this, okay?"
|"I’m not speaking to you two for the rest of the day. And while I’m at it, I’ll make sure Setsuna doesn’t either."
Line 370: Line 371:
|"We're fine with that, but wouldn't it be nice of you at least say hi to the other person involved in this?"
|"We're fine with that, but wouldn't it be nice of you to at least say hi to the other person involved in this?"
Line 376: Line 377:
|"Involved? Wait, who else was..."
|"Involved...? Wait, who else was..."
Line 382: Line 383:
|"Congratulations for everything. <br>...Given that you're here, I can assume that's the case, right?"
|"Congratulations for everything. ...Given that you're here, I can assume those words are in order, right?"
Line 394: Line 395:
|The moment I entered the living room, I didn't notice her at first due to her height, meaning that she was easily hidden among the other guests, but I caught sight of a conspicuously bouncing ponytail.
|Entering the living room, I didn't notice her at first as she was easily hidden among the other guests due to her height,<br>but I caught sight of a conspicuously bouncing ponytail.
Line 400: Line 401:
|"Don't worry. Mihoko isn't coming. <br>...It seems she hasn't come to terms with her feelings yet."
|"Don't worry. Mihoko isn't coming. It seems she hasn't come to terms with her feelings yet..."
Line 406: Line 407:
|"N-No, that's not actually I was worried about, okay?"
|"N-No, I really wasn't worried about that, okay?"
Line 418: Line 419:
|"We've decided to celebrate us graduating and getting into university on the same day, after all. And knowing that we're likely going to cry our hearts out tommorrow, I thought I'd enjoy myself before that."
|"We've decided to celebrate us graduating and getting into university on the same day, after all. And knowing that we're likely going to cry our hearts out tomorrow, we thought we'd enjoy ourselves before that."
Line 424: Line 425:
|Incidentally, she does have a connection to Takahiro-kun...
|Incidentally, she does have a connection with Takahiro-kun...
Line 430: Line 431:
|"Is that so... your graduation ceremony is tomorrow?"
|"Is that so... I take it that your graduation ceremony is tomorrow?"
Line 436: Line 437:
|"But Ogiso's announcement on whether he passed or not is next week."
|"Ogiso's announcement on whether he passed or not is next week, though."
Line 442: Line 443:
|"...Takahiro-kun's as easy-going as ever, isn't he?"
|"...As usual, he's always so optimistic, that Takahiro-kun."
Line 448: Line 449:
|"That's what I'm thinking as well...<br>Be it looking for studying options for his gap year or looking for a second option, there's a lot of things I believe he should consider..."
|"That's what I'm thinking as well… Be it looking for studying options for his gap year or looking for a second option,<br>there's a lot of things I believe he should consider..."
Line 454: Line 455:
|"And you're as pessimistic and meddlesome as ever, Sugiura. Can't you at least take the possibility of him passing into consideration?"
|"And you're as pessimistic and meddlesome as ever, Sugiura. Can't you at least take the possibility of<br>him passing into consideration?"
Line 460: Line 461:
|"To me, whether it's studying or sport related things, I believe only those who work hard will be rewarded."
|"If you ask me, regardless of whether it's studying or sports and the like, I firmly believe that only those who work hard will be rewarded in the end."
Line 466: Line 467:
|"...He probably did work hard for a little bit."
|"...He probably did work hard, for at least a little bit."
Line 472: Line 473:
|"Senpai, you worked very hard though. <br>I went to the concert. <br>...It was amazing."
|"And you worked very hard as well, right, Senpai?<br>I went to the concert. ...It was wonderful."
Line 478: Line 479:
|"!...Th......ank you. <br>Um... I'm in debt to you in many many ways. You don't need to worry anymore. Thank you."
|"...! Th...ank you. Um... I'm indebted to you in so many ways. You don't need to worry anymore. Thank you."
Line 484: Line 485:
|She suddenly threw a straight ball right at me as if to cut me off, so I expressed my honest, grateful feelings to her, despite my slight embarrassment.
|In response to the abrupt curveball that she threw toward me, I bashfully expressed my honest, grateful feelings to her.
|I know that 真っ直ぐな牽制球 = straight pickoff attempt, but this is probably far too obscure for anyone that doesn't actually know baseball, and curveball is commonly used in this context in English}}
|"Since everyone's eyes were glued on Ogiso-senpai, <br>the only people who were watching you, Senpai, <br>are pretty much just Mihoko and I.......ah."
|"Since everyone's eyes were glued to Ogiso-senpai, the only people watching you, Senpai, were probably pretty much just Mihoko and I... Ah..."
Line 496: Line 497:
|"Sp-Speaking of which, Sugiura, <br>How's your graduation trip..."
|"S-Speaking of which, Sugiura, what about your graduation trip…?"
Line 502: Line 503:
|But if I allow this topic to continue until we decide a victor, <br>it'll be bad, so I tried my best to change the topic...
|I don't think anything good will come out of it if<br>I were to continue this topic until we decided on a victor,<br>so I desperately try to avert the conversation...
Line 520: Line 521:
|"...It feels like a storm is coming for some reason."
|"...It feels like a storm is brewing."
Line 526: Line 527:
|"Because today's supposed to be snowing. <br>The weather report..."
|"Well, it's supposed to snow today, right? Even the weather report..."
Line 532: Line 533:
|"I was being glared at by Ogiso-senpai for a while now..."
|"What I mean is, Ogiso-senpai has been staring daggers at me for a while now..."
Line 556: Line 557:
|As I followed Koharu's line of sight, I faced an immature, piercing gaze of a certain someone who, with her comically puffed up cheeks, was acting rather unscrupulously, but also undeniably adorable...
|As I followed Koharu's line of sight, I faced an immature, piercing gaze of a certain someone with comically puffed up cheeks. A rather unscrupulous act, no doubt, but also undeniably adorable...
Line 574: Line 575:
|Perhaps in realization of her own undignified behavior, <br>Setsuna stomped to the second floor. <br>Which meant that Setsuna... was the one who had been glaring at us earlier.
|Perhaps in realization of her own undignified behavior, Setsuna stomped her way to the second floor.<br><br>Which meant that Setsuna... saw our exchange up until a moment ago.
Line 580: Line 581:
|"I think it's best if you went after her..."
|"I think it would be best if you went after her..."
Line 586: Line 587:
|"No, it's not what you're thinking..."
|"No, it's really not what you're thinking..."
Line 592: Line 593:
|"With the way things are now, there's no point in hiding it or feeling embarrassed anymore, you know?"
|"At this stage, there's no point in hiding it or feeling embarrassed anymore, you know?"
Line 598: Line 599:
|"......Don't say unnecessary things to others. <br>Well, excuse me for a bit..."
|"...Just don't say anything unnecessary to the others, okay? Um, excuse me for a bit..."
Line 610: Line 611:
|Really now, Setsuna... <br>How can you act like this. <br>Sugiura who's three years younger than you is handling this in a much more adult-like manner.
|For goodness' sake, Setsuna... What am I supposed to do about your indiscriminate behavior? Even Sugiura, who's three years younger than you, is acting more maturely than you are.
Line 616: Line 617:
|...Well, it's made her all the more adorable, of course. <br>Setsuna's recent behavior, I mean.
|...Well, it's made her all the more adorable, of course. Setsuna's recent behavior, I mean.
Line 622: Line 623:
|"Sigh... Ah~"
|"Haah... Ah, jeez."
Line 628: Line 629:
|"H-Hey, hey, Koharu! <br>That was the guitarist, wasn't it?"
|"H-Hey, hey, Koharu! That was the guitarist, wasn't it?"
Line 640: Line 641:
|"H-He went to the second floor,didn't he? <br>Together with Ogiso-senpai! <br>T-Those two, could they be... could they be...!?"
|"H-He went to the second floor, didn't he? Together with Ogiso-senpai! T-Those two, could they be... don't tell me...!?"
Line 646: Line 647:
|"......Don't ask me things like that. <br>It's not like I'm supposed to know."
|"...Don't ask me things like that. How am I supposed to know!?"
Line 676: Line 677:
|In the end, Setsuna only remained mad for the first three seconds.
|In the end, Setsuna only remained annoyed for the first three seconds.
Line 682: Line 683:
|"Ha, ah, ah...nn, chuu... nnahh... ahh... <br>Ha, Haruki...ku...nnnn, nn, nn..."
|"Ha, ah, ah...nn, chuu... nnahh... ahh... Ha-Haruki-ku-n, nn, nn..."
Line 688: Line 689:
|Before the door even closed, she forcefully hugged and kissed me, <br>she closed her eyes and let out a sigh, <br>then slowly leaned towards me with her body.
|Before the door even closed, she forcefully hugged me and pressed her lips against mine. Shutting her eyes as she let out her sweet breath after a few moments, she slowly surrendered herself<br>to me.
Line 694: Line 695:
|"Nn, ha, haa... ah, ahh... nn...chuu...uu... <br>ha, haa, haaa... uu, n... <br>Ah~ it's been a week... I waited for so long."
|"Nn, ha, haa... ah, ahh... nn...chuu...uu... ha, haa, haaa... uu, n... Ah~ it's been a week... I waited for so long."
Line 700: Line 701:
|Setsuna had been placed on a one-week curfew since last week...
|Last week, Setsuna was forbidden to go out...
Line 706: Line 707:
|"But... <br>Isn't it too obvious that we disappeared in the middle? <br>I'm sure they're making blind guesses about us right now."
|"But... isn't it too obvious that we disappeared in<br>the middle? I'm sure they're making some wild guesses about what we're doing right now."
Line 712: Line 713:
|"Even if they're making blind guesses, it's fine. <br>Since we're doing something similar anyway, <br>it's not like it'll be a misunderstanding, right?"
|"I don't mind them making wild guesses. Since we're doing something along the lines of their imagination anyway, it's not like there will actually be any misunderstanding, right?"
Line 718: Line 719:
|"...I have a feeling your dad wouldn't be so pleased though."
|"...I have a feeling your dad wouldn't be so happy, though."
Line 724: Line 725:
|"He hasn't come out today. He's been inside his reading room."
|"He hasn't come out today. He's been cooped up inside his study all day."
Line 730: Line 731:
|"Does that mean... he doesn't want to see me..."
|"Does that mean... he doesn't want to see me...?"
Line 736: Line 737:
|Setsuna had received her initial penalty due to the fact that she'd stayed out 5 days in a row and went to the concert without permission, <br>and as such she was forbidden to stay out anymore during spring break.
|Setsuna initially received a penalty due to the fact that she'd stayed out five days in a row and went to the concert without permission. As such, she was forbidden to stay out anymore during spring break.
Line 742: Line 743:
|"That's fine Haruki-kun, don't worry about him! <br>Just leave that terrible dad to be on his own!"
|"It's fine, Haruki-kun, don't worry about him!<br>Just leave that lame old dad to be on his own!"
Line 748: Line 749:
|To put myself in her father's shoes, the punishment for the distressful conclusion towards his "daughter who's already a university student" I'd consider is very concessive, given the circumstances.
|Putting myself in her father's shoes, this sort of conclusion for all the distress his daughter, who’s already a university student,<br>had put the family through was already quite concessive given the circumstances.
Line 754: Line 755:
|"No... the way I see it, <br>this is actually quite reserved already..."
|"No... the way I see it, he’s actually being quite reserved..."
Line 760: Line 761:
|"How so? <br>Forbidding me from going out was terrible!"
|"What do you mean? Forbidding me from going out was just terrible!"
Line 766: Line 767:
|"Yeah, but that was because you went against his authority, Setsuna..."
|"That's because Setsuna you broke the rule..."
Line 772: Line 773:
|"Are you saying it's my fault? <br>Even Haruki-kun... did it, as well..."
|"Are you saying it's just my fault? I mean, Haruki-kun... you did it, too..."
Line 778: Line 779:
|Nonetheless, <br>Setsuna had arrived at my place early in the morning last weekend, had all three of her meals there, <br>and would turn into her 'night mode' before me whenever I attempted to remonstrate her to return home.
|Nonetheless, Setsuna had arrived at my place early in the morning last weekend, had all three of her meals there,<br>and would go into her “night mode” whenever<br>I attempted to remonstrate her to return home.
Line 784: Line 785:
|"Isn't it obvious I would do it. <br>I don't have such virtuous self-control."
|"Well, of course I would. My own self-control isn't quite so virtuous, either."
Line 790: Line 791:
|As a result, Setsuna's father, who could no longer tolerate such behavior, <br>placed Setsuna on a curfew that would be lifted under the condition that she would reflect on her mistake.
|As a result, Setsuna's father, who could no longer tolerate such behavior,<br><br>placed Setsuna on a curfew that would be lifted under the condition that she showed genuine remorse for her actions.
Line 796: Line 797:
|"...And so, <br>Tonight, I'll go to Haruki kun's room, okay?"
|"...With that in mind, I'll come over to your place tonight, okay?"
Line 802: Line 803:
|"No, because this party..."
|"No, hold on, the party..."
Line 808: Line 809:
|"That's what I'm aiming for. <br>When it ends and we're sending people home, <br>we'll sneak out."
|"I already know exactly when we'll get our chance. When it ends, and right after we've sent everyone home, we'll sneak out."
Line 820: Line 821:
|Setsuna... seems like she's getting stronger in a different way.
|Setsuna... seems to have gotten stronger, but in a different sense than usual, perhaps.
Line 826: Line 827:
|At any rate, I need to talk to her father directly and slowly about all this, just once. <br>I don't... think he has the wrong idea about us, but I still want to be sure I have his understanding.
|At any rate, I need to talk to her father directly<br>and slowly about all this, just once.<br><br>I don't... think he has the wrong idea about us, but<br>I still want to be sure I have his approval.
Line 844: Line 845:
|"The corner of your mouth, is wet..."
|"The corner of your mouth is... wet..."
Line 856: Line 857:
|That was the trace left behind after our kiss.
|There must have been a trace left behind after our kiss.
Line 874: Line 875:
|With things like this, you just need to wipe it a little with a handkerchief, <br>and it'll be back to what it used to be...
|And to deal with such a thing, all you'd need to do is dab it a little with a handkerchief, and that'd be the end of it, and yet...
Line 880: Line 881:
|"Nn...n, chuu... chuu..."
|"Nn... chuu... chuu..."
Line 886: Line 887:
Line 892: Line 893:
|What Setsuna took out, <br>wasn't a handkerchief or a tissue...
|What Setsuna chose to use was neither a handkerchief nor a tissue...
Line 898: Line 899:
|"Eh... it's wet again. <br>It's so weird..."
|"Huh... it's wet again... That's strange, huh...?"
Line 904: Line 905:
|"Ah... you little..."
Line 922: Line 923:
|"Nnnn, nn, nnn~! <br>Nn, nn... ha, haa, haa... umm..."
|"Nnnn, nn, nnn~! Nn, nn... ha, haa, haa... umm..."
Line 928: Line 929:
|"N...n, nn... chu... ha, umm... "
|"Nn... n, nn... chu... ha, hah..."
Line 934: Line 935:
|In response to Setsuna's impish, irresistible act of sticking her tongue out playfully, I press my lips against hers once more without warning.
|She stick out her tongue as if she just played a prank, <br>so I kissed her once again.
Line 946: Line 947:
|Setsuna did changed after all.
|Setsuna has changed after all.
Line 952: Line 953:
|She's strong behind her feeble looks, <br>she's mean behind her amiability , <br>and her modest looks defy her actual selfishness.
|She's strong behind her feeble looks, she's mean behind her amiability, and her reserved attitude defies her actual selfishness.
Line 958: Line 959:
|It's just that this changed demeanor of hers is quite like her high school self,<br>something that elates me beyond description.
|It's just that this changed demeanor of hers is quite like her high school self, something that elates me beyond description.
Line 964: Line 965:
|"N, nn, Setsuna...ah"
|"N, nn, Setsuna… ah..."
Line 970: Line 971:
|"Haruki... kunn...n, nn...~!"
|"Haruki...kun… n, nn...!"
Line 976: Line 977:
|......Can we really make her father understand like this...?
|...I wonder if her dad would really be able to understand that?
Line 994: Line 995:
|"Well, since we're finished planning things here, <br>it's about time we go downstairs."
|"Well, since we've finished planning things here, it's about time we went downstairs."
Line 1,000: Line 1,001:
|We spent about 10 seconds discussing the plan to escape, <br>and spent about 10 minutes discussing about the 'other' thing.
|While we'd spent only ten seconds discussing our escape plan, it took us more than ten minutes to settle... a certain something else.
Line 1,006: Line 1,007:
|Since we came up for such a long time, <br>it'd be pretty hard for them not to have guessed what we did up here.
|Since we've been up for such a long time, it'd be pretty hard for them not to have guessed what we've been doing up here.
Line 1,012: Line 1,013:
|"Well, let's go, Haruki kun. <br>I'm quite confident on the roast beef I made today..."
|"Alright, let's go, Haruki-kun. I'm pretty proud of the roast beef I prepared for today..."
Line 1,018: Line 1,019:
|"Ah, before that... here's your present."
|"Ah, before that... I have a present for you."
Line 1,024: Line 1,025:
|But I still need one more minute...
|But I still need just one more minute...
Line 1,030: Line 1,031:
|"Th-Thank you... <br>But shouldn't you give the present to me in front of everyone...?"
|"Th-Thank you... But shouldn't you give me the present in front of everyone else...?"
Line 1,036: Line 1,037:
|"I couldn't, not this... <br>Due to numerous reasons, it can't be shown in front of others."
|"I couldn't, not this... I have my reasons, but this just isn't something I can show to the others."
Line 1,048: Line 1,049:
|When she saw the small box I handed to her, Setsuna froze there.
|Setsuna froze on the spot when she noticed the small box I'd presented to her.
Line 1,054: Line 1,055:
|"Be it the fact that I'd feel relieved after doing this, <br>or the fact that I'd possibly be complacent after I backed away a little, <br>or the fact that it'd really upset me if I did this..."
|"Maybe I feel that I would really screw up by doing that. Or perhaps I thought it’d be over for me and I’d feel really hurt if you end up being even the slightest bit taken aback by it...
Line 1,060: Line 1,061:
|No, the real reason is, <br>I'm just trying to say things to hide the sweat that's coming out on my forehead.
|No, more accurately, she probably froze on the spot at the sight of the sweat trickling down my forehead and at the way I’m babbling.
Line 1,066: Line 1,067:
|"......Can I open it?"
|"...Can I open it?"
Line 1,072: Line 1,073:
Line 1,078: Line 1,079:
|The moment Setsuna opened the wrapper... <br>the nervous feeling I had when I bought this came up again.
|The moment Setsuna opened the wrapper... the nervous feeling I had when I bought this came up again.
Line 1,084: Line 1,085:
|Just like that time during three years ago...
|Just like that time three years ago...
Line 1,096: Line 1,097:
|"Um... it might be a little old, and it's just something cheap, <br>but it should look decent since I cleaned it."
|"Um... it might be a little old, and it's just something cheap, but it should look decent since<br>I cleaned it."
Line 1,108: Line 1,109:
|"I don't want others to see it yet."
|"I don't want the others seeing me do this."
Line 1,114: Line 1,115:
|Because it's just something cheap. <br>Because it's already old.
|Because it's just something cheap. Because it's already so old.
Line 1,120: Line 1,121:
|And also...... it has a very deep meaning to it.
|And also... because it has a very deep meaning to it.
Line 1,132: Line 1,133:
|"Um... <br>In case you don't like this, <br>I've prepared some other thing as well."
|"Um... in case you don't like this, I've prepared something else as well."
Line 1,144: Line 1,145:
|"Is this better after all? <br>I bought it from the same store, <br>it's more expensive than that one and also..."
|"W-Would you like this better after all? I bought it from the same store, and it's more expensive than that one, and also..."
Line 1,150: Line 1,151:
|"......I'm very happy."
|"...I love it."
Line 1,162: Line 1,163:
|"I want this one. <br>I won't take anything else."
|"I want this. I won't take anything else."
Line 1,168: Line 1,169:
|"......Thank you."
|"...Thank you."
Line 1,174: Line 1,175:
|"Why is the one giving the present thanking me... <br>The way you use Japanese is weird. <br>You're weird, Haruki kun......"
|"Why is the one giving the present thanking me...<br>The way you use Japanese is weird. You're so weird, Haruki-kun..."
Line 1,180: Line 1,181:
Line 1,186: Line 1,187:
|Her face is full of smile.
|Surely, this is... the most radiant smile I've ever seen.
Line 1,192: Line 1,193:
|Right now, her eye expression and the things flowing out from her eyes, <br>is nothing special anymore.
|This one time, I need not worry about the redness in her eyes, or the tears welling up in them...
Line 1,198: Line 1,199:
|Because we finally got back to that time.
|Because... we've finally returned.
Line 1,210: Line 1,211:
|"Well then..."
|"Well, then..."
Line 1,228: Line 1,229:
|As she said that, Setsuna... <br>held out 'that hand' in front of me.
|As she said that, Setsuna... held out one of her hands in front of me.
Line 1,240: Line 1,241:
|After many intense moments throughout the span of three years, our ending was simply too calm, it feels almost anti-climatic.
|After many intense moments throughout the span of three years, this ending is simply so calm it feels almost anticlimactic.
Line 1,246: Line 1,247:
|But this, <br>is the ending we got...
|But this is it—this is the ending we got...
Line 1,252: Line 1,253:
|This is the best ending we could've hoped for.
|And it's the best ending we could have hoped for.
Line 1,264: Line 1,265:
|"Ah, where did you go, sis? <br>Everything is ready here."
|"Ah, where did you go, Nee-chan? Everything’s already prepared here."
Line 1,270: Line 1,271:
|"Sorry, sorry. <br>Something got into my eyes..."
|"Sorry, sorry. Something got into my eyes..."
Line 1,276: Line 1,277:
|To explain her red eyes, <br>she used a well-crafted, yet obvious excuse.
|In response to the question about her reddened eyes, Setsuna responds with a well-crafted yet transparent excuse.
Line 1,282: Line 1,283:
|"Let's begin then. <br>Everyone~, get your drinks ready~. <br>...Hey mom, can I drink wine today?"
|"Let's begin, then! Everyone, got your drinks ready~? ...Hey Mom, I can have some wine today, right?"
Line 1,288: Line 1,289:
|"Here Set-chan. <br>Your glass cup~"
|"Here, Secchan. Your glass, your glass~"
Line 1,294: Line 1,295:
|"For the last time, I’m not Secchan…
|"Like I said don't call me Set-chan."
Line 1,300: Line 1,301:
|......Well, whatever."
|Well, whatever."
Line 1,306: Line 1,307:
|"U-Um, Miss, please to meet you! <br>I'm Ogiso-kun's classmate..."
|"U-Um, Miss, it's a pleasure to meet you!<br>I'm Ogiso-kun's classmate..."
Line 1,312: Line 1,313:
|"My name is Shimizu Sayuri! <br>U-Um, I went to the concert. <br>And I'm very touched by it!"
|"I'm Shimizu Sayuri! U-Um, I went to the concert.<br>And I was deeply moved by it!"
Line 1,318: Line 1,319:
|"Thank you. <br>Hey, are you two going to be attending Houjou University next year?"
|"Thank you. Hey, are you two going to be enrolling in Houjou University next year?"
Line 1,324: Line 1,325:
|"Ye-Yes, <br>I'm a foreign language major and she's an education major..."
|"Y-Yes, I'll specialize in a foreign language, and she'll specialize in education..."
Line 1,330: Line 1,331:
|"Is that so... our major is different, that's regrettable. <br>But if we see each other in campus, lets greet each other okay? <br>Ah, right, want me to show you around the campus next time?"
|"I see... It's a shame all our specializations are different. But if you see me on campus, feel free to call out to me anytime, okay? Ah, right, and how about I show you around the campus sometime?"
Line 1,336: Line 1,337:
|"Ehhh, are you serious!? <br>We'll really take it seriously, you know?"
|"Ehhh, are you serious!? We'll really take you up on that offer, you know?"
Line 1,342: Line 1,343:
|"A-Ahh Sayuri... <br>Let me say something too."
|"Wh... Jeez, Sayuri... Let me introduce myself too."
Line 1,348: Line 1,349:
|When Setsuna returned to the center of the crowd, <br>the atmosphere got exciting again.
|The instant Setsuna became the center of the party again, the atmosphere livened up immediately.
Line 1,354: Line 1,355:
|She seems so flashy to others, <br>always in the center of attention...
|She always puts on a show for others, constantly attracting the attention of those around her...
Line 1,360: Line 1,361:
|And yet there's no other like her—a girl who, despite the aforementioned traits,<br><br>is unbalanced by the fact that her taste in men is as plain as her personality.
|But her personality or her taste in men was extremely normal, <br>she's a very unbalanced girl, <br>I don't think there will be another one like her.
Line 1,366: Line 1,367:
|She doesn't belong to anyone else, <br>she belongs to me and me alone...
|A girl that doesn't belong to anyone else, but to me and me alone...
Line 1,372: Line 1,373:
|"This here, this here~ <br>What's with that ring finger~"
|"Hey now, hey now~ What's with that ring finger~"
Line 1,378: Line 1,379:
|"After making her wait for three years, isn't this like flying? <br>Just watching the current you makes people blush you know."
|"Making up for the three years you kept her waiting by completely overdoing it, are you? Just seeing you guys is enough to make me blush, you know."
Line 1,384: Line 1,385:
|"......Didn't I say I won't be talking to you two again today?"
|"...Didn't I say I don't want to speak with you two again for today?"
Line 1,390: Line 1,391:
|The image of Setsuna's left hand didn't go unnoticed by the sharp eyes of a certain duo, <br>who take their elbows and... jab me in my sides rather inconsiderately.
|The image of Setsuna's left hand didn't go unnoticed by the sharp eyes of a certain duo, who take their elbows and... jab me in my sides rather inconsiderately.
Line 1,396: Line 1,397:
|"Well then, let's get ready for the cheers..."
|"Well then, let's get ready for the toast..."
Line 1,402: Line 1,403:
|「わ、雪! 雪降ってきたよ!」
|「わ、雪! 雪降ってきたよ!」
|"Woah, snow! It's snowing!"
|"Whoa, snow! It's snowing!"
Line 1,408: Line 1,409:
|「え、どれどれ? 本当だ~!」
|「え、どれどれ? 本当だ~!」
|"Eh, where where? It's true~!"
|"Eh, let me see, where? Whoa, it really is~!"
Line 1,414: Line 1,415:
|Just when we thought the birthday party was starting, <br>the arrival of an expected guest stopped the idea.
|Just when we thought the birthday party was about to start in earnest,<br><br>the sudden arrival of a long-anticipated guest inevitably interrupted our plans.
Line 1,420: Line 1,421:
|"Whaaa... it's snowing hard... it's so white."
|"Uwaaah... it's snowing hard... and it's so white."
Line 1,426: Line 1,427:
|"It'll accumulate for sure."
|"It'll build up for sure."
Line 1,432: Line 1,433:
|"Let's prepare our toast…"
|"A toast…!"
Line 1,438: Line 1,439:
|As if to respond to our cheer, the snowflakes outside the window make their existence known to us in a strong, intense dance.
|As if to respond to our cheer, the snowflakes outside the window show off with a strong, intense dance.
Line 1,444: Line 1,445:
|"Hey, Haruki-kun should we..."
|"Hey, Haruki-kun, you too..."
Line 1,456: Line 1,457:
|Gazing at the window before her, Setsuna extends her left hand—with a slight glint of silver—before me.
|Setsuna lifted up her head and looked outside, <br>stretching out her left hand which had a little silver shine on it.
Line 1,462: Line 1,463:
|That's why I... <br>stood next to Setsuna as if it was only natural, <br>and we leaned on each other.
|Naturally, I stood at the empty spot next to Setsuna, tightly snuggling up to her.
Line 1,468: Line 1,469:
|"It's beautiful."
|"It's beautiful, huh?"
Line 1,474: Line 1,475:
Line 1,480: Line 1,481:
|March will arrive, starting tomorrow.
|Tomorrow is March.
Line 1,486: Line 1,487:
|From the weather forecast, after this wave of cold air passes by, <br>the temperature will rise sharply, and it will start to feel like spring.
|According to the monthly weather forecast, after<br>the current period of cold passes, a sharp rise<br>in temperature is expected to follow. And then, the first merry signs of spring are also expected to arrive.
Line 1,492: Line 1,493:
|If that's the case, <br>most likely, this will be the last snow of this season.
|If that were to be true, this could perhaps be the last snow we see for this season...
Line 1,498: Line 1,499:
|Winter, came to an end.
|[S0Winter has come to an end.]
Line 1,504: Line 1,505:
|三人の季節が、終わる。<br>『WHITE ALBUM』の季節が、終わる。
|三人の季節が、終わる。<br>『WHITE ALBUM』の季節が、終わる。
|The season for three of us, has come to an end. <br>The season of 'White Album' has come to an end.
|[S0The season belonging to the three of us has come to an end. ][w50][s0The season of White Album has come to an end.]
Line 1,510: Line 1,511:
|And so, our...
|[s0And so it begins...]
Line 1,516: Line 1,517:
|Season that belongs to two of us, has started.
|[s0The season belonging to just the two of us.]

Latest revision as of 22:21, 19 December 2021

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