Difference between revisions of "White Album 2/Script/2402"

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== Text ==
== Text ==
Line 27: Line 28:
|As my foggy mind gradually clears up, I unconsciously check the bedside clock.
|As my foggy mind gradually clears up, I unconsciously check the clock at my bedside.
|match to 2402/1264}}
| Six thirty in the morning.
|It's 6:30 in the morning.
|match to 2402/1265}}
|Still plenty of time to get dressed, eat breakfast... and depending on the situation, even take a shower before all that and still make it before first class.
|There's still plenty of time to get dressed and eat breakfast... And depending on the situation, I could even take a shower first and still make it before my first class.
|match to 2402/1266}}
|...This is the time I usually wake up if I'm "going to school normally".
|...This is the time I usually wake up on “a normal day of going to university.
Line 51: Line 52:
Line 63: Line 64:
|The usual thought of not wanting to leave my blanket, especially in this cold season, flashes across my mind.
|Usually, during this time of the year, the unforgivable thought of not wanting to stray away from the blanket due to the cold would cross my mind for just a moment.
Line 69: Line 70:
|Today, that thought of not wanting to leave is stronger than usual, but the reason is not because of the cold.
|The feeling of not wanting to leave is stronger than usual today, but it’s not because I feel cold.
Line 75: Line 76:
|"Nnn...nnn... zzz~"
|"Nnn… nnn... zzz~"
Line 87: Line 88:
|Waking up, shaking off the hazy feeling in my head...and then watching her sleep next to me, I suddenly realized.
|After waking up and shaking off the hazy feeling in<br>my head… I noticed her sleeping right next to me,<br>and I suddenly came to a realization.
Line 93: Line 94:
|That it wasn't a dream or an illusion. Not anybody's responsibility and not influenced by anything.
|This wasn't a dream or an illusion; it wasn't anybody's responsibility, nor was it influenced<br>by anything.
Line 99: Line 100:
|It's my choice.
|It had been a choice I made on my own volition.
Line 105: Line 106:
Line 111: Line 112:
|The hot shower robs me of unneccessary memories, but in exchange, stings those wounds even I had not noticed.
|The hot shower robs me of unnecessary memories, but it also stings some wounds that I hadn’t even noticed in exchange.
Line 117: Line 118:
|Back of my neck, left side of my chest, the palm of my hands, and even my back tooth... why is it hurting in places that aren't even touched by water?
|The back of my neck, the left side of my chest, the palms of my hands, and even my molars... I wonder why these parts feel painful even when they’re not in contact with the hot water.
Line 123: Line 124:
|When I start to think about the answer to that simple mystery, the memories taken away by the heat all comes hurling back.
|When I start to think about the answer to that mystery, the memories that were taken away by the heat all wind up flooding back.
Line 129: Line 130:
|In so doing, the hot water stings again at my wounds. It's a vicious cycle. But there's already no way to escape from this pain.
|In doing so, the hot water then stings my wounds again in a vicious cycle. But there's no way to escape from the pain anymore.
Line 135: Line 136:
|At last, my relationship with Setsuna is...
|In the end, my relationship with Setsuna is...
Line 141: Line 142:
|In the truest sense, completely broken.
|...Completely and utterly broken.
Line 159: Line 160:
|I wait until the oil seeps out of the bacon and drop two eggs into the frying pan.
|I wait until the fat renders out of the bacon before dropping two eggs into the frying pan.
Line 165: Line 166:
|A pleasant smell starts to linger in the air, along with the sounds of crackling oil and sizzling eggs.
|The sound of the crackling oil blends in with the sizzling sound of frying eggs, and a pleasant aroma wafts around me.
Line 171: Line 172:
|The toaster oven turns red hot and browns two slices of bread. I take out the leftover vegetables in the fridge and serve them in a bowl.
|The toaster oven turns red hot and browns two slices of bread as I take out the leftover vegetables from the fridge and serve them in a bowl.
Line 189: Line 190:
|Hearing someone's dopey breathing as she sleeps, I am further reminded of my current situation.
|Upon hearing a certain someone dopily breathing in their sleep, I am further reminded of my current situation.
Line 195: Line 196:
|Even though it should hurt, even though it really does hurt...
|Even though it should hurt… no, even though it really does hurt...
Line 201: Line 202:
|I'm still the usual me.
|I'm still the same as always.
Line 207: Line 208:
|"These type of days" were not like this up until now.
|I’ve never lived out a day like this the way I have lived up until now.
Line 213: Line 214:
|I would be struggling hard to protect my sanity. I would grit my teeth with a face about to cry, all the while trying to maintain my normal self.
|I desperately tried to make sure things were normal.<br>I nearly broke into tears and gritted my teeth as<br>I tried to retain my usual self.
Line 219: Line 220:
|Above all, I wouldn't be able to sleep.
|Above all, I couldn’t even fall asleep.
Line 225: Line 226:
|But this morning, I woke up at the usual time, naturally took a morning shower, and even made breakfast as if nothing happened.
|And yet, I managed to wake up at the usual time, took a morning shower to refresh myself as I usually do,<br>and prepared breakfast as if nothing had ever happened at all.
Line 231: Line 232:
|Only thing different is that I made food enough for two. But the fact that I even noticed that is also the same as always.
|...The only difference is that I’ve prepared two servings. But the fact that I can even notice that suggests that things are normal.
Line 243: Line 244:
|Is this… because of her?
|Is it all thanks to this person?
Line 261: Line 262:
|Is it because I received the warmth of Izumi’s body? Is it because I received something special from her?
|Because I was warmed by Izumi's body? Because something special was done for me?
Line 267: Line 268:
|Perhaps I did something that I would do with a different person during the same time frame...
|I could have been doing those things with someone else at the exact same time...
Line 273: Line 274:
|"You should get up now. It's feeding time."
|"It’s about time you got up. It's feeding time."
Line 279: Line 280:
|"...It's cold~ turn on the heater~"
|"...It's cold~ Turn on the heater~!"
Line 285: Line 286:
|Just where did it go wrong for me to end up here right now?
|Just where did I go wrong to end up in this situation?
Line 291: Line 292:
|"No, what a waste of money."
|"No, that’s just too wasteful."
Line 297: Line 298:
|「春希寒くないの? そんな薄着で」
|「春希寒くないの? そんな薄着で」
|"Haruki, you're not cold? Wearing so little."
|"You’re not cold, Haruki? You’re dressed rather lightly.
Line 303: Line 304:
|"Not at all. I just took a shower, and besides, I'm moving around like this."
|"Not at all. I just took a shower, after all, and I’m being active.
Line 309: Line 310:
|No, now that it has come to this, I don't know which it is anymore.
|No, now that it has come to this, I don’t even know if this can be considered wrong anymore.
Line 321: Line 322:
|"....Not cold."
|"...I’m not cold."
Line 327: Line 328:
|Am I on the wrong path now? Or was everything leading to now the wrong path...?
|Am I going down the wrong path right now? Or have<br>I been going down the wrong path up until today…?
Line 333: Line 334:
|"I see...alright then, morning~~! Yawn~~ "
|"I see… Morning, then~! Aaahhhh~"
Line 339: Line 340:
|"Put on your clothes. That's why you're cold."
|"Put on your clothes. It’s no wonder you're feeling cold."
Line 345: Line 346:
|As if to mock my thoughts which had fallen into confusion, Izumi stretched, exposing her naked white skin.
|Izumi stretches with a hum as if to mock me for being lost in my labyrinth of thoughts, exposing her uncovered, fair skin.
Line 357: Line 358:
Line 369: Line 370:
|"What are you going to do today?"
|"What do you intend to do today?"
Line 375: Line 376:
Line 381: Line 382:
|"If you're going out somewhere, let's go together? Looks like the snow has melted too."
|"If you're going out somewhere, wanna go together?<br>It seems that the snow’s melted, after all.
Line 387: Line 388:
|It's not Christmas Eve anymore, but today is still glorious Christmas.
|It's not Christmas Eve anymore today, but it’s still the actual day of Christmas.
Line 393: Line 394:
|So we'll go out into the city, do some date-like things, get some food, and then... I'll see her off at the station...
|So we could go out into the streets and do things together that would be expected during a date, share a meal,<br>and it would end with me taking her to the station…
Line 399: Line 400:
|"I'm sleeping after breakfast. I'll have a nice long sleep with a warm blanket wrapped around me."
|"I’ll be sleeping after I finish eating. I’ll wrap myself in a blanket and sleep soundly and snugly.
Line 405: Line 406:
|"What, again...? Just how much do you plan on sleeping?"
|"...Again? Just how sleepy are you?
Line 411: Line 412:
|"But it's cold~"
|"Well, I do feel cold."
Line 417: Line 418:
|"Dress warmly then. Of course you're cold in that getup."
|"Dress warmly, then. Of course you're cold dressed like that."
Line 423: Line 424:
|She's always in her camisole and mini-skirt whenever she comes to my room...
|She's always lightly dressed in her camisole and mini-skirt whenever she comes over...
Line 429: Line 430:
|Well, I admit I'm the one who stubbornly refuse to turn on the heater, but she's also at fault for wearing the sort of clothing that would clearly look cold.
|As much as I’m the one who’s stubbornly refusing to turn on the heater,<br><br>she’s also at fault for being dressed in a way that<br>I can tell she’ll feel cold just by looking at her.
Line 435: Line 436:
|"Hey, Haruki, lend me your clothes~ I didn't bring any here other than outdoor ones."
|"Oh yeah, Haruki, lend me some clothes. I didn’t bring any other clothes meant for when I go out apart from what I’m wearing, you see.
Line 441: Line 442:
|"Don't tell me you usually wear that when you go out..."
|"Are you suggesting that you usually go out dressed like that…?"
Line 447: Line 448:
|That Santa mini-skirt looked cold as well. Izumi's thighs were freezing at that time and...
|That Christmas-themed miniskirt also looked to be pretty cold. Izumi’s thighs were freezing back then...
Line 453: Line 454:
Line 459: Line 460:
|Don't remember such things so early in the morning!
|I really shouldn’t be recalling such things so early in the morning.
Line 465: Line 466:
|"If you don't have anything other than outdoor clothes, then all the more..."
|"If you don’t have any clothes other than the ones that are meant for going outside, then it’s all the more reason to go out..."
Line 471: Line 472:
|"Don't wanna."
Line 483: Line 484:
|"I'm not going out! No way! I'm tired~~ after being treated so violently like that by Haruki last night..."
|"I'm not going out! No way! I'm tired~ You treated me so violently last night, after all..."
Line 495: Line 496:
|"Rather, why are you so full of energy, Haruki? You should've moved a lot more than I did."
|"And why are you so full of energy, Haruki? Didn’t you move a lot more than I did?"
Line 501: Line 502:
|"...I always wake up at the exact same time each morning no matter how late I return home from work the night before."
|"...I always wake up at the exact same time each morning, no matter how late I come home after work."
Line 507: Line 508:
|At any rate, my reply steered the conversation away from that direction. I suppress the tone of my voice as if I'm swallowing toast.
|At any rate, my reply steered the conversation away from that topic. I lower the tone of my voice, pretending that I’m chewing on my toast.
Line 513: Line 514:
|Even if she noticed my wavering, I'll deny it to the very end.
|Even if she notices that I’m wavering, I'll deny it to the very end.
Line 519: Line 520:
|"I can't do that... Even on normal days I need at least 8 hours of sleep, but last night..."
|"I can't do that... I normally need at least eight hours of sleep, but last night..."
Line 531: Line 532:
|"Does it trouble you, Haruki?"
|"You’ll feel inconvenienced by it, Haruki?"
Line 543: Line 544:
|"Were you planning on telling me to leave? That I should stop clinging onto you?"
|"Were you planning on telling me to leave? That<br>I should stop clinging on to you?"
Line 549: Line 550:
|"Did you... have a fight with your mom again?
|"Did you... have a fight with your mother again?
Line 555: Line 556:
|The friction with her mother that she once let slip in the past.
|I’m referring to the conflict she had with her mother that she has revealed in the past.
Line 561: Line 562:
|Perhaps I'm not the only reason Izumi is staying by my side right now...
|Perhaps I'm not the only reason Izumi’s decided to stay by my side right now...
Line 567: Line 568:
|"I don't care either way, but if you insist on me leaving, I will? Haruki, you decide."
|"I don’t mind going back home if you insist that<br>I have to, you know? I’ll let you decide that, Haruki.
Line 579: Line 580:
|The excuse I created to escape responsibility was sent flying in an instant.
|The excuse I created to escape responsibility is sent flying away in an instant.
Line 585: Line 586:
|Whether this person can stay here... can stay by my side forever, solely depends on my circumstances.
|She’s telling me that it’s at my discretion as to whether or not she can stay here… to stay by my side forever.
Line 591: Line 592:
|"So, what will it be?"
|"What’ll it be?"
Line 597: Line 598:
|"What’ll it be? Well..."
Line 603: Line 604:
|Then that means I need to quickly get back myself.
|Then that means I have to return to my usual self as soon as possible.
Line 609: Line 610:
|I can't always have it this easy. I need to face the path I'm going to be walking on.
|I can’t indulge myself in such comforts forever;<br>I have to face the path I’m going to be moving forward on.
Line 615: Line 616:
|Because the scenery around me is already irreversibly changed.
|And that’s because the scenery surrounding me has already changed irreversibly.
Line 627: Line 628:
Line 639: Line 640:
|As if things can be decided based only on my circumstances.
|As if things can be decided at my own convenience.
Line 645: Line 646:
|Thinking back to what I did to her yesterday and the things I received from her, I can't just tell her to go back home. There's no way I can say that to her.
|Thinking back to what I did to her yesterday and what I’d asked of her, I won’t forcibly say I want her to go home—I just can’t.
Line 651: Line 652:
| "Hehehe~ you lovable guy~"
|"Hehehe~ well, aren't you adorable~?"
Line 657: Line 658:
|"Stop it with that attitude. It's stupid."
|"Stop behaving like that. It's stupid."
Line 663: Line 664:
|It's fine, she'll get bored of this all and leave in two or three days anyway. I'll let her have her way until then.
|It's fine, she'll get bored of all this and leave in two or three days anyway. I'll let her do what she wants to until then.
Line 669: Line 670:
|No matter how I think about it, I'm the reason she's here right now. It doesn't hurt to play along for the time being.
|No matter how I think about it, I'm the reason she's here right now. It shouldn’t hurt to play along with Izumi’s whims for the time being.
Line 675: Line 676:
|"Well then, let's hurry up and sleep, Haruki! Come to me~ my cold repellent~"
|"Well then, let's hurry up and sleep, Haruki! Come to me, my cold repellent~"
Line 681: Line 682:
|"...Listen a little to what others have to say."
|"...You could at least pay a little attention to what others have to say.
Line 687: Line 688:
|Then how about two or three days later...?
|Then what about after two to three days have passed…?
Line 693: Line 694:
|Will I be able to simply send her away?
|Will I be able to bring myself to flatly send her away?
Line 705: Line 706:
|"Nnn~ ...Haha… Ahahahaha..."
Line 717: Line 718:
|...saying that, it's nighttime in the blink of an eye.
|...Saying that, it's nighttime in the blink of an eye.
Line 723: Line 724:
|Izumi seriously dived into bed the instant she finished her breakfast and fell asleep in no time.
|Izumi seriously dove into bed the instant she finished her breakfast and fell asleep in no time.
Line 729: Line 730:
|"Uwah...what's this...is this for real?"
|"Uwah… What's this…? Is this for real?"
Line 735: Line 736:
|I couldn't just head out and leave my guest alone, so I began to clean my room as quietly as possible, prepared dinner as quietly as possible...
|I couldn't just head out and leave my guest alone,<br>so I proceeded to clean my room and prepare dinner as quietly as possible...
Line 741: Line 742:
|And as quietly as possible, watched Izumi's carefree, sleeping face.
|And I helped myself to the sight of Izumi's carefree, sleeping expression as quietly as possible.
Line 747: Line 748:
|"Hm~~ it's all special programs today. I'm getting a bit bored."
|"Hmm... it's all special programs today. I'm getting a bit bored."
Line 753: Line 754:
|It was already evening when Izumi woke up.
|It was already evening by the time Izumi woke up.
Line 759: Line 760:
|When the curry I made using leftover ingredients from the fridge was ready, she woke up in a daze enticed by the smell.
|She woke up rather giddily at about the time the curry I made with the leftover ingredients I had in the fridge was ready, enticed by the smell.
Line 765: Line 766:
|In other words, both of us really stayed indoors the whole day today.
|In other words, the two of us really ended up not taking so much as a single step outside for the whole day today.
Line 771: Line 772:
|"Haruki~ Come over here~"
|"Haruki~! Come over here~!"
|match to 2407/150}}
Line 783: Line 784:
|"Just leave those till the next time we need them~"
|"It’s fine to just leave them until you need them next time, right~?"
Line 789: Line 790:
|We ended up spending Christmas even more idly than we would spend a normal day<br><br>when it was supposed to have been a special occasion for the two of us to pass the time together.
|We wasted this Rspecial day^Christmas doing nothing.
Line 795: Line 796:
|I would have been full of resentment and regret over how much time we’ve wasted if I were my usual self.
|If this were before, this would probably be a day where I would be filled with resentment and regret over doing nothing.
Line 801: Line 802:
Line 807: Line 808:
Line 813: Line 814:
|Only my mouth is angry.
|Only my words suggest that I’m angry.
Line 819: Line 820:
|I turn off the faucet and while complaining the whole way, take a seat not in front of Izumi, but beside her.
|I turn off the faucet while in the middle of washing the dishes and mutter that as I approach Izumi to sit right beside her rather than opposite her.
Line 837: Line 838:
|And then, as if she knew I was coming close.... no actually, she obviously knew.
|And Izumi, as if she understands that I’m about to cuddle close to her… rather, it’s obvious that she already knew I was going to do this.
Line 843: Line 844:
|Izumi leans her back to my chest, allowing me to feel her softness and warmth.
|She leans her back onto my chest, allowing me to feel her softness and warmth.
Line 849: Line 850:
|...Just like yesterday.
|...Just like how she did yesterday.
Line 855: Line 856:
|"Yikes, Haruki's hands are so cold~"
|"Yikes, your hands are so cold~!"
Line 861: Line 862:
|"Well, I WAS washing the dishes."
|"Well, I was washing the dishes."
Line 867: Line 868:
|"Use hot water~"
|"Use hot water, then~"
Line 873: Line 874:
|"Such a waste. You can clean just fine with normal water."
|"Not necessary. You can clean just fine with cold water."
Line 879: Line 880:
|"What a cheapskate."
|"You really are a cheapskate, you know that, Haruki?”
Line 891: Line 892:
|"Treat yourself a little better~"
|"You could at least be a little kinder to yourself~"
Line 903: Line 904:
|We naturally end up in position where I'm hugging her from behind. Similar to last night, we become closer together.
|We naturally end up in a position where I'm hugging her from behind, cuddling close together just like how we did last night.
Line 909: Line 910:
|"Hm~ my back's warm but my stomach is still cold. What to do~?"
|"Hmm... my back's warm, but my stomach is still cold. What to do?"
Line 915: Line 916:
|What do you mean what? You do whatever you want."
|"What do you mean, what to do? You’re the one who wanted to do this, aren’t you?"
Line 921: Line 922:
|"Haruki, these shows are boring! Don't you have a P*3?"
|"What’s on TV is boring, Haruki. Don't you have a PS3 or something?"
Line 927: Line 928:
|"You think I have money for that kind of luxury good?"
|"Do you think I actually have a luxury item like that?
Line 933: Line 934:
|"I see… guess there’s no helping it, then!"
|"I see...well then, can't be helped!"
Line 939: Line 940:
|"You're quick to give up."
|"You sure gave up quickly."
Line 945: Line 946:
|"Well I guess it's fine even if we stay like this all bored. Let's just pass our days in leisure~"
|"Well, I guess I don’t mind even if we stay bored like this. Let's just pass our days in leisure~"
Line 957: Line 958:
Line 969: Line 970:
|The TV continues to play the same boring noises as always.
|Boring sound waves continue to flow out from the TV.
Line 975: Line 976:
|Outside the window, the skies are, in contrast to last night, clear to the point where one can see stars even in this brightly lit city.
|The scenery outside the window has also changed from last night,<br><br>such that the sky is now so clear and bright that we’re able to see some stars even in this well-lit neighborhood.
Line 981: Line 982:
|It is cold inside the room but the remaining heat from the curry pot gives off a little warmth.
|It’s cold inside the room, but the residual heat from the curry pot gives off a little warmth.
Line 987: Line 988:
|But I can't compare it to the coldness outside because I haven't left this room even once today.
|I can’t really compare it to the coldness outside, though. After all, I’ve not gone outside even once today to know just how cold it is.
Line 993: Line 994:
|Always staying in this "place prepared for me by Izumi"... running away from any outside stimulation.
|I've been taking refuge in this personal hideaway that Izumi’s been facilitating for me this entire time… away from any external stimulation.
Line 1,005: Line 1,006:
|"It’s fine, I don’t need any."
|"Nah, it's fine~"
Line 1,011: Line 1,012:
|"I see..."
Line 1,017: Line 1,018:
|Overlapped by Izumi's hands, sensation gradually returns to my cold hands.
|My sense of touch gradually returns to my cold, numb hands as they overlap with Izumi’s.
Line 1,023: Line 1,024:
|Similar to yesterday, I bury my face in Izumi's hair many times, casually touching it with my lips and breathing in its fragrance.
|I’ve buried my face in Izumi’s hair countless times yesterday, and I now once again brush my lips against it, making sure to get a good whiff of her fragrance.
Line 1,029: Line 1,030:
|Even though Izumi, who just took a shower moments ago, must have used my cheap shampoo, her hair gives off a nice but unfamiliar scent.
|She just came out of the shower, and though I imagined she’d be using my cheap shampoo, there’s a pleasant scent on her hair that’s completely new to me.
Line 1,035: Line 1,036:
|Not just her hair, but also her skin which used my soap...
|And it’s not just her hair; I imagined she’d be using my soap as well, but her skin is also...
Line 1,047: Line 1,048:
|"Like I said, it's fine. Don't do any work, Haruki."
|"Like I said, it's fine. Don't go out of your way to do something, Haruki."
Line 1,053: Line 1,054:
|"But somehow I can't seem to calm down..."
|"No, but… I just can't seem to calm down, somehow..."
Line 1,065: Line 1,066:
|It’s not just because I’m getting close to Izumi; the fact that I’m doing nothing right now is making my usually restless self rather anxious.
|For someone like me who can't stay idle, spending all my time with Izumi and not doing anything like this is mounting my frustration.
Line 1,077: Line 1,078:
|I can't help but feel a discrepancy between yesterday's grave mistake and today's carefreeness.
|The fact that I can feel so lax right now despite the grave mistake I made last night just doesn’t make any sense.
Line 1,083: Line 1,084:
|"Like I said, stop thinking. Don't do anything."
|"Like I said, don't worry about all that stuff.<br>You don't have to do anything."
|match to 2407/158}}
|"But.. that won't change a thing."
|"But… nothing will change if we go on like this."
Line 1,095: Line 1,096:
|"It will change. Even if Haruki doesn't do anything, time can change things."
|"Things will change. Even if you don’t do anything, Haruki, time will change everything."
|match to 2407/164}}
Line 1,107: Line 1,108:
|"So for now... don't think and don't act. Just wait patiently for time to resolve everything."
|"So for now... you don't need to act or think. Just wait patiently for time to resolve everything."
|match to 2407/170}}
|"That’s… not true. That’s just not how things work.”
|"That won't... happen. Something like that.. it's not possible."
Line 1,119: Line 1,120:
|Because time did not solve anything for us in these three years.
|After all, time did not solve anything between us in these past three years.
Line 1,125: Line 1,126:
|Didn't erase anything. Didn't heal anything.
|It didn't erase anything. It didn't heal anything.
Line 1,131: Line 1,132:
|"Well, that’s because… you didn’t go out of your way to rest, Haruki.”
|"That's because... Haruki didn't rest."
Line 1,143: Line 1,144:
|"Normally when you catch a cold, you would get plenty of sleep, not do anything, take your medicine...and stay put until your body heals, right?"
|"Normally when you catch a cold, you would get plenty of sleep, take it easy, take your medicine… and stay put until your body heals, right?"
|match to 2407/261}}
|"You have your point..."
|"That’s… a sound point, but..."
Line 1,155: Line 1,156:
|"So for now, you should get plenty of sleep, not do anything, take your medicine...."
|"So for now, you should get plenty of sleep, take it easy, and take your medicine..."
Line 1,161: Line 1,162:
|"What medicine...!? Nnn, nn~!!
|"What medicine...!? Nnn, nn!
Line 1,167: Line 1,168:
|"Nnn… nn..."
Line 1,173: Line 1,174:
|Izumi, who is a bit restless in my arms, turns to face me and suddenly places her lips on mine.
|Izumi, who’d been a bit restless in my arms, turns to face me and suddenly kisses me.
Line 1,179: Line 1,180:
|"Haa… aa… nnnn… mnnn..."
Line 1,185: Line 1,186:
|Just as I did to her last night, violently thrusting her tongue in, licking, saliva flowing...
|Just as I did to her last night, violently thrusting her tongue in, licking all over, and making her saliva flow into my mouth...
Line 1,191: Line 1,192:
|And then Izumi abruptly moves her mouth away, making a smack sound in the air.
|Then, all of a sudden, she moves her mouth away, making the escaping air produce a smacking sound.
Line 1,203: Line 1,204:
|"Y, you..."
Line 1,209: Line 1,210:
|The leftover saliva in my mouth pervertly connects the two of us.
|The leftover saliva in my mouth is like an obscene connection between the two of us now.
Line 1,221: Line 1,222:
|"... There's no side-effect right?"
|"...There aren’t any side effects, now, are there?"
Line 1,227: Line 1,228:
|"Of course there is~? ... You'll get severe withdrawal symptoms~!
|"Of course there are~? ...You'll end up showing severe withdrawal symptoms~!
Line 1,233: Line 1,234:
|"...Now, that’s just awful."
|"That sucks."
Line 1,239: Line 1,240:
|"Nn...!? Nn..nn..nn~~"
|"Nn...!? Nn… nn… nn~"
Line 1,245: Line 1,246:
|Since I'm not told the dosage, I take a little more just in case.
|Given that I wasn’t told the dosage, I take a little more just in case.
Line 1,251: Line 1,252:
|"Nn… nnn..."
Line 1,257: Line 1,258:
|"Nn~nnnnn~! Ah mm nn..."
|"Nn, nnnnn~! Ah, mm... nn..."
Line 1,263: Line 1,264:
|This time around, I stick in my tongue and loudly drink down the saliva inside her mouth.
|This time around, I stick in my tongue and loudly drink down the saliva inside her mouth.
Line 1,275: Line 1,276:
|"Haa, haa, haa....that's right...this is how you rest."
|"Haah, haah, haah… That's right… This is how you rest."
Line 1,281: Line 1,282:
|"So, if I don't do anything, you'll do all the cooking, washing, and cleaning for me?"
|"So if I don't do anything, you'll do all the cooking, washing, and cleaning for me?"
Line 1,287: Line 1,288:
|"Oh~~ that's~~ um.... it's a nice change of pace if you do it from time to time~?"
|"Oh, that's... um... it's a nice change of pace if you do it from time to time~?"
Line 1,299: Line 1,300:
|"Nn, nn...ahhh..hha...nn..."
|"Nn, nn… ahhh... hha… nn..."
Line 1,305: Line 1,306:
|Once again I seal the mouth of this person who only says irresponsible things but in the end doesn't do anything herself.
|Once again, I seal the mouth of this person who only says irresponsible things, and in the end, doesn't do anything herself.
Line 1,311: Line 1,312:
|Hold on...did I say cooking, washing and cleaning?
|Hold on… did I say cooking, washing, and cleaning?
Line 1,317: Line 1,318:
|Just how long am I intending to keep her here?
|Just how long was I planning to let her stay here?
Line 1,323: Line 1,324:
|"Nn...nnn..aahh....hey, Haruki...?"
|"Nn… nnn… aahh… hey, Haruki...?"
Line 1,329: Line 1,330:
Line 1,335: Line 1,336:
|"Let's fall to the dark side together~"
|"Let's fall into depravity together, okay?"
|match to 2407/207}}
Line 1,347: Line 1,348:
|"...heheheh, hehehe~"
|"...Heheheh, hehehe~"
Line 1,353: Line 1,354:
|"....shut up."
|"...Shut up."
Line 1,359: Line 1,360:
|I fondle her breasts on a whim. It annoys me to no end that Izumi is grinning, so pleased with herself.
|I fondle her breasts on a whim. It annoys me to no end that upon doing so, she grins, looking so pleased with herself exactly as I thought she would.
Line 1,365: Line 1,366:
|"…! Aah... nnn, nnn, haaa… nn… that's… good… yes, like… that… ahh..."
Line 1,371: Line 1,372:
|As expected, she ends up enjoying it when I slip my hand inside her camisole and fondle her breasts intensely.
|And that’s why I slip my hand under her camisole and fondle her breasts with a force that threatens to crush them,<br>and she seems to be enjoying the sensation, as expected.
Line 1,377: Line 1,378:
|"Ahh, aha..ahahahahah, Haruki, Haruki...it's touching me, touching me~"
|"Ahh, aha… ahahahaha, Haruki, Haruki… it's touching me, it’s touching me~"
Line 1,383: Line 1,384:
|"Be quiet..."
|"Shut up..."
Line 1,389: Line 1,390:
|She’s laughing heartily again just because my thing is already touching her back.
|Just because "my thing" touches her back, she starts to cackle again.
Line 1,395: Line 1,396:
|It's way too irritating that I won't be satisfied unless I silence her.
|She’s just so irritating that I won't be satisfied unless I silence her.
Line 1,407: Line 1,408:
|"Ahhhhhhhhhh… ahhh~!"
Line 1,413: Line 1,414:
|"Does it...still hurt?"
|"Does it… still hurt?"
Line 1,419: Line 1,420:
|"Haa, haa..aaa...Haruki..."
|"Haa, haa… aaa… Haruki..."
Line 1,431: Line 1,432:
|"After giving Haruki his medicine, I get injected in return..."
|"After giving you your medicine, Haruki, I get an injection in return..."
Line 1,437: Line 1,438:
|"....Stop ruining the mood yourself."
|"...Stop ruining the mood yourself."
Line 1,443: Line 1,444:
|"A, aha, aha...but you're right, it still hurts..."
|"Ahaha, aha… but you're right, it still hurts..."
Line 1,449: Line 1,450:
|"...Sorry. Today for sure I'll be gentle with you."
|"...Sorry. I'll be gentle with you today."
Line 1,455: Line 1,456:
|"No, it's okay~ you can be rough with me. But in exchange..."
|"N-No, it's okay, you can be rough with me. But in exchange..."
Line 1,467: Line 1,468:
|"Chi-a-ki ♪"
Line 1,473: Line 1,474:
Line 1,479: Line 1,480:
|"Mhm… nnn!"
Line 1,485: Line 1,486:
|"Chiaki… Chiaki…!"
Line 1,527: Line 1,528:
|When was the last time a call came in from this phone and not my cellphone...?
|When was the last time a call came from this phone and not my cell phone...?
Line 1,533: Line 1,534:
|Ahh, that's right. My cellphone's been off since two days ago.
|Ahh, that's right. My cell phone's been off for two days.
Line 1,545: Line 1,546:
|The short hand on the bedside clock is pointing to an hour far from my usual wake up time.
|The short hand on the bedside clock is pointing at an hour far from the usual time I wake up.
Line 1,551: Line 1,552:
|I didn't notice because the curtains were drawn... no, they're always like that. That is nothing but an excuse.
|I didn't notice because the curtains were closed...<br>No, they're always like that. I’m just making excuses.
Line 1,557: Line 1,558:
Line 1,563: Line 1,564:
|"Nn… nnnnn~♪"
Line 1,569: Line 1,570:
|"Wait, hey...your leg."
|"Wait, hey… your leg."
Line 1,581: Line 1,582:
|Is it because we were warming each other with our bodies? My body is flushed to the point that the cold air outside of bed feels nice.
|Is it because we were sleeping together? My body is flushed to the point that the cold air outside of bed feels nice.
Line 1,587: Line 1,588:
|"Nnn~.... zzzz..nnnn..nnn..."
|"Nnn~... zzzz… nnnn… nnn..."
Line 1,593: Line 1,594:
|Deprived of her personal heater (me), the other sleepyhead squirmed about for a while, but soon pulled the blanket over herself and fell soundly asleep.
|Perhaps because she was deprived of her personal heater, the other sleepyhead squirmed about for a while,<br>but soon pulled the blanket over herself and fell soundly asleep.
Line 1,599: Line 1,600:
|That reminds me... what time did I stay up till last night?
|That reminds me... what time did I stay up until last night?
Line 1,605: Line 1,606:
|...Or rather, until when did I "sleep with Chiaki"?
|...Or rather, until what time did I sleep with Chiaki?
Line 1,611: Line 1,612:
|"....What's wrong?"
|"...What's wrong?"
Line 1,617: Line 1,618:
|"What do you mean what's wrong! What have you been doing all this time!?"
|"What do you mean, what's wrong!? Just what have you been doing all this time!?"
Line 1,623: Line 1,624:
|I took the telephone and shut myself inside the washroom so as not to wake Chiaki. The moment I placed the receiver to my ear, what came flying over was...
|I took the telephone and shut myself inside the bathroom so as not to wake Chiaki. The moment I placed the receiver to my ear, what came flying over was...
Line 1,629: Line 1,630:
|...Takeya's angry voice. It's quite predictable from the number display and the current situation.
|...Takeya's angry voice. It's quite predictable from the caller ID and the current situation.
Line 1,635: Line 1,636:
|"Even if you ask me... I've just been staying in my room?"
|"What do you mean, ‘what have I been doing’…?<br>I’ve been at home the entire time, you know?"
Line 1,641: Line 1,642:
|"I couldn't reach you on your cellphone, and I've been calling this number numerous times since this morning."
|"I couldn't reach you on your cell phone, and I've<br>been calling this number numerous times since this morning."
Line 1,671: Line 1,672:
|If this were before, I would have woken up within one call, no matter if it's in the dead of night or in the early morning.
|Usually, I would have broken from my slumber to answer a call immediately and without fail,<br><br>even in the middle of the night or if I’d been forced to stay up all night.
Line 1,677: Line 1,678:
|"Did something really happen with you?"
|"...Did something really happen to you?"
Line 1,683: Line 1,684:
|"What are you implying?”
|"Like what?"
Line 1,689: Line 1,690:
|Is it because I'm not nervous like usual? Or because both my body and soul are well rested, like Chiaki said?
|Is it because my mind isn’t as strained as it usually is? Or is it because both my body and soul are well-rested, like Chiaki said?
Line 1,695: Line 1,696:
|"Don't play dumb with me! Of course I'm talking about Setsuna-chan!"
|"Don't play dumb with me! Of course I'm talking about what happened with Setsuna-chan!"
Line 1,701: Line 1,702:
Line 1,707: Line 1,708:
|Or perhaps I've already fallen into decadency?
|Or perhaps I've already fallen into depravity?
Line 1,713: Line 1,714:
|"You two met right? You made a promise with Setsuna-chan to meet on Christmas Eve right?"
|"You two met, right? You made a promise with Setsuna-chan to meet on Christmas Eve, right?"
Line 1,731: Line 1,732:
|It's not a problem of my shifting feelings. I just feel like I'm no longer connected to that timeline... like I'm living in a completely different age.
|It's not that my feelings have shifted. I just feel like I'm no longer connected to that timeline... like I'm living in a completely different age.
Line 1,737: Line 1,738:
|"You two even checked into the hotel right? You two were together until morning?"
|"You two even checked into the hotel, right? You two were together until morning, right?"
Line 1,743: Line 1,744:
|"I wonder..."
|"Who can say…?"
Line 1,749: Line 1,750:
|"What do you mean you wonder..."
|"What do you mean, ‘who can say’? You…”
Line 1,755: Line 1,756:
|Originally, the first thing out of my mouth should've been this...
|The first thing that should have come out of my mouth in response is this:
Line 1,767: Line 1,768:
|How I wish I could have said that while either being truly angry or while attempting to hide my embarrassment.
|Whether it's from anger or embarassment, either of them was fine.
Line 1,773: Line 1,774:
|They were both correct answers, but I made a mistake.
|Either response would have been appropriate—but I made a mistake.
Line 1,779: Line 1,780:
|"Truth is... Io got a hold of Setsuna-chan yesterday."
|"The truth is... Io contacted Setsuna-chan yesterday."
Line 1,791: Line 1,792:
|So she got a hold of her. They were able to talk. That's good.
|So she managed to contact her. So she managed to properly talk to her. That’s good to know.
Line 1,797: Line 1,798:
|...Feeling relief from that....I can't believe myself for even thinking that despite my situation.
|...I’m amazed that I can even feel relieved over the mere fact that they’ve managed to contact her and forget my own situation.
Line 1,803: Line 1,804:
|"It's nothing, nothing happened... that's all Setsuna-chan said."
|"All she said was… ‘it’s nothing, nothing happened.’”
Line 1,815: Line 1,816:
|"Hey Haruki...did something really happen between you two? Did I perhaps meddle a bit too much...?"
|"Hey, Haruki… did something really happen between you two? Did I end up trying to meddle with you two unnecessarily…?
Line 1,821: Line 1,822:
|"No such thing, Takeya."
|"That’s not it at all, Takeya.
Line 1,827: Line 1,828:
|I don't hold a grudge against these friends who worry about me even now. There's no way.
|I wouldn’t hold a grudge against friends who worry about me, even now. No way.
Line 1,833: Line 1,834:
|"It's just like Setsuna said. Simply "nothing happened"..."
|"It's just like Setsuna said. Simply nothing happened..."
Line 1,845: Line 1,846:
Line 1,851: Line 1,852:
|「何の進展もなかったってのはいいとして、<br>何も壊れてないんだな? お前たち?」
|「何の進展もなかったってのはいいとして、<br>何も壊れてないんだな? お前たち?」
|"Well, it's fine if there's no progress between you two, but nothing's broken either right?"
|"Well, it's fine if there's no progress between you two, but nothing's broken either, right?"
Line 1,857: Line 1,858:
Line 1,863: Line 1,864:
|That's right, same as before. Not one thing has changed.
|That's right, same as before. Nothing has changed.
Line 1,869: Line 1,870:
|"Hey Haruki, can we meet up now?"
|"Hey, Haruki, can we really not meet up right now?
Line 1,875: Line 1,876:
Line 1,881: Line 1,882:
|「なんか話しててもお前、元気なさそうだし。<br>ちゃんとメシ食ってるか? 寝てるか?」
|「なんか話しててもお前、元気なさそうだし。<br>ちゃんとメシ食ってるか? 寝てるか?」
|"Talking to you, it feels like you're quite down. You sure you're eating and sleeping properly?"
|"Talking to you, it feels like you're quite down.<br>You sure you're eating and sleeping properly?"
Line 1,887: Line 1,888:
|"I'm fine...I made lots of curry and besides, I've been sleeping the whole time."
|"I'm fine… I made lots of curry and besides, I've been sleeping up until now."
Line 1,893: Line 1,894:
|"I feel uneasy if I don't see your face! Is it okay if I go over right now?"
|"I can’t feel at ease unless I see you face to face. Can I come over right now?"
Line 1,905: Line 1,906:
|I open the washroom door slightly and look into the dim room.
|I open the bathroom door slightly and look into the dimly lit room.
Line 1,911: Line 1,912:
|The only thing I see is one long, white thigh. What unsightly sleeping posture.
|The only thing I see is one long, white thigh.<br>...Her sleeping posture is quite unsightly when she’s alone.
Line 1,917: Line 1,918:
|"Oh right, how about I buy some things on the way over? Let's do hot pot again! I'll call Io too."
|"Oh, right, how about I buy some things on the way over? Let's do hot pot again! I'll call Io too."
Line 1,929: Line 1,930:
Line 1,935: Line 1,936:
|"....I'm going on a ski trip with my seminar classmates . There won't be anyone home after evening."
|"...I'm going on a ski trip with my seminar colleagues tonight. There won't be anyone home after evening."
Line 1,941: Line 1,942:
|That lie came out of my mouth straight away.
|That lie came out of my mouth on impulse.
Line 1,947: Line 1,948:
|"Ski trip? First I've heard of it."
|"A ski trip? This is the first time I’ve heard about this, you know.
Line 1,953: Line 1,954:
|"Of course, it's the first time I brought it up. They suddenly decided last week."
|"Of course, it's the first time I brought it up.<br>They suddenly decided last week."
Line 1,959: Line 1,960:
|When I saw the dangling feet and the ruffling of the blanket, before I knew it, I lied again.
|Upon seeing the dangling feet and the ruffling of the blanket, before I knew it, I lied again.
Line 1,971: Line 1,972:
|"...They decided a while ago but I only just found out at the wrap-up party last week."
|"...They decided a while ago, but I only just found out at the year-end party last week."
Line 1,977: Line 1,978:
|I do feel like I'm pushing it, but I can't do anything but continue with my patched-up lie.
|I do feel like I'm pushing it, but I can no longer do anything other than continue with my patched-up lie.
Line 1,983: Line 1,984:
|"So you won't be able to reach me for a while. It's a lodge located deep in the mountains and I'll be skiing from morning till night."
|"That’s why you won't be able to call me for a while. It's a lodge located deep in the mountains and I'll be skiing from dawn till dusk."
Line 1,995: Line 1,996:
|Not for anyone else's sake...
|I’m not doing this for anyone’s sake...
Line 2,001: Line 2,002:
|I just want to protect this little place I want to be in most.
|I just want to protect this little place I want to be in the most.
Line 2,007: Line 2,008:
|"Sorry Takeya... I need to head out now. I'm hanging up."
|"Sorry, Takeya... I need to head out now. I'm hanging up."
Line 2,013: Line 2,014:
|"Didn't you just say you're going out in the evening!?..."
|"Hey! Didn't you just say you're going out in the evening…?"
Line 2,019: Line 2,020:
Line 2,025: Line 2,026:
|I understand that the lie I just made was completely and utterly absurd.
|I realize it's a reckless lie.
Line 2,031: Line 2,032:
|But I've been an awful liar since long ago.
|Even so, I’ve… always been a horrible liar, even since back then.
Line 2,037: Line 2,038:
|337|留守電アナウンス|Answering Machine
|337|留守電アナウンス|Answering Machine
|"Sorry I'm not here right now. Please leave a message after the beep."
|"The owner of this number is not answering. Please leave a message after the tone."
Line 2,043: Line 2,044:
|Setting the answering machine, I am now isolated from the rest of the world.
|After setting the answering machine, I am now isolated from the rest of the world.
Line 2,049: Line 2,050:
|My cellphone is also turned off. No one can catch me now.
|My cell phone is also turned off. No one can catch me now.
Line 2,055: Line 2,056:
|....As long as I don't leave this room.
|...As long as I don't leave my apartment, that is.
Line 2,067: Line 2,068:
|"Did I wake you? Sorry."
|"Did I wake you up? Sorry."
Line 2,073: Line 2,074:
|"Who cares about that~ It's your room after all."
|"Who cares about that~? It's your place, after all."
Line 2,085: Line 2,086:
|"I see."
Line 2,091: Line 2,092:
Line 2,121: Line 2,122:
|"If that's the case...come here."
|"If that's the case… come here."
Line 2,133: Line 2,134:
|"Woah, you're right. So cold!"
|"Whoa, you're right. So cold!"
Line 2,139: Line 2,140:
|"Of course, it's winter."
|"Of course it is, it’s winter.
Line 2,151: Line 2,152:
|"No need."
|"There’s no need to."
Line 2,163: Line 2,164:
|"It's warm here...this is all I need."
|"It's warm here… this is all I need."
Line 2,181: Line 2,182:
|"I'll warm you up, Haruki."
|"I'll be here to warm you up, Haruki."
Line 2,187: Line 2,188:
|".....I'm counting on you."
|"...Please do so.
Line 2,199: Line 2,200:
|But I'm alright. You don't have to be so worried about me. I'm doing just fine like this.
|But I'm alright. You don't have to be so worried<br>about me. I’ll be able to cheer up somehow by staying like this.
Line 2,205: Line 2,206:
|Because like Setsuna said, and like I said, there's been no change between the two of us.
|Because much like what Setsuna said, and much like what I said, nothing has changed between the two of us up until now.
Line 2,211: Line 2,212:
|After all, it's long over between us.
|After all, it's been long over between us.
Line 2,223: Line 2,224:
|"Haruki~, meal's ready~!"
|"Haruki~ your meal is ready~!"
Line 2,235: Line 2,236:
|Chiaki's loud voice resounds in this room small enough to easily hear whispers.
|Chiaki’s loud voice echoes across my apartment, which is so small one could easily detect the faintest whisper.
Line 2,247: Line 2,248:
|"Chiaki-chan who has never cooked before in her life is working so hard for you, and that's your attitude~?"
|"Chiaki-chan’s never cooked before in her life, worked so hard for you, and that's the response she gets~?"
Line 2,259: Line 2,260:
|"That's not all I did! I worried there wouldn't be enough so I dumped in lots of things. It was hard getting the flavoring right, you know?"
|"That's not all I did! I worried there wouldn't be enough, so I dumped in lots of things. It was hard getting the flavoring right, you know?"
Line 2,265: Line 2,266:
|We haven’t left my apartment for the fourth day in a row.
|The fourth day since we locked ourselves in this room.
Line 2,271: Line 2,272:
|Dumping whatever leftover stuff we have from the fridge and cupboard into the curry sauce, we've been living off of food completely rid of their original flavors....
|Dumping whatever leftover stuff we had from the fridge and cupboard into the curry that’s practically become soup,<br>we've been living off of food that's completely lost its original flavor...
Line 2,277: Line 2,278:
|"What did you put in here...?"
|"What did you add into this...?"
Line 2,283: Line 2,284:
|"Canned food. There's grilled chicken, miso, tuna.....ah, and pineapple with syrup!"
|"Canned food. There's yakitori, miso mackerel, tuna… ah, and I did add in some canned pineapple. Along with the syrup.”
Line 2,295: Line 2,296:
|"Pineapple goes well with curry~ I know that because I read it before in a manga."
|"Pineapple goes well with curry, after all~ I know that because I read it before in a manga."
Line 2,301: Line 2,302:
|"...You try some then, Chiaki."
|"...Then let’s see you try some, Chiaki."
Line 2,307: Line 2,308:
|"Alright then, ahhhhhh~"
|"Alright then, aaaahn~"
Line 2,313: Line 2,314:
Line 2,319: Line 2,320:
|She most likely thought I'd get embarassed.
|She most likely thought I'd get embarrassed.
Line 2,325: Line 2,326:
|I offhandedly stuff a spoonful into her widely-opened mouth that's waiting to be fed.
|I off-handedly stuff a spoonful into her widely-opened mouth that's waiting to be fed.
Line 2,331: Line 2,332:
|"(chew chew).... bleh."
|"Mm... mm… mn... bleh."
Line 2,337: Line 2,338:
|Specifically taking out the tuna and pineapple.
|Specifically picking out the tuna and pineapple.
Line 2,355: Line 2,356:
|We're seriously running low on food supplies. There's no way two people can live off of only rice, pasta, and spices for days.
|We're seriously running low on food supplies. There's no way two people can live off of only rice, pasta, and seasoning for days.
Line 2,361: Line 2,362:
|For now, I won't think about exactly how many days that is, or even what Chiaki is thinking or my own desire.
|For now, I won't think about exactly how many days that is, or even what Chiaki is thinking, or what<br>I hope for.
Line 2,379: Line 2,380:
|"But it's also about time I resume my part-time jobs..."
|"But it's also about time I resume my part-time jobs..."
Line 2,385: Line 2,386:
|Mari-san and everyone at the editing department. Satou, Nakagawa-san, Sugiura, and everyone at Goodies.
|Mari-san and everyone at the editing department. Satou, Nakagawa-san, Sugiura, and everyone at Goodies.
Line 2,391: Line 2,392:
|It feels like I haven't seen them in a long time, I wonder if they're doing fine?
|It feels like I haven't seen them in a long time.<br>I wonder if they’re all doing okay.
Line 2,397: Line 2,398:
|What a joke. The one that's not fine right now is obviously me.
|What a joke. The one that's not okay right now is obviously me.
Line 2,403: Line 2,404:
|My stamina level has probably dropped dangerously low. Maybe I'll even have trouble walking outside.
|My stamina has probably dropped unbelievably low. Maybe I'll even have trouble walking outside.
Line 2,409: Line 2,410:
|I'll take it slow and try going out starting tomorrow. It's about time I get back my daily rhythm...
|I'll take it slow and try going out starting tomorrow. It's about time I get back into my daily rhythm...
Line 2,421: Line 2,422:
|"I have enough to get over New Years."
|"I have enough to get over New Year’s."
Line 2,427: Line 2,428:
|"Part-time jobs you can't skip out of?"
|"Do you have any part-time work that you can’t skip out on?
Line 2,439: Line 2,440:
|"Then there's no problem. If it's just New Year's Eve buckwheat noodles, I can treat you to that. Let's take it easy for a bit longer~"
|"Then there's no problem. If it's just New Year's Eve soba, I can treat you to that. Let's take it easy for a bit longer~"
Line 2,445: Line 2,446:
|"Buckwheat noodles and nothing else...?"
|"Soba and nothing else...?"
Line 2,451: Line 2,452:
|"Well, you can't expect me to prepare a feast..."
|"Well, you can't expect me to prepare osechi..."
Line 2,457: Line 2,458:
|Is she planning to enter the new year in this room? Will she be staying for me...is she planning to linger around here?
|Is she planning to keep me comp… linger here, in this room, all the way through New Year’s?
Line 2,463: Line 2,464:
|"That aside, we need to go out and buy some food. Or do you want to eat pasta with salt and pepper?"
|"Anyway, we need to go out and buy some food. Or do you want to eat pasta with salt and pepper?"
Line 2,469: Line 2,470:
|"We don't necessarily have to go out. If it's just food supplies, we can get them delivered."
|"We don't necessarily have to go out. If it's just groceries, we can get them delivered."
Line 2,475: Line 2,476:
|"What do you mean?"
Line 2,481: Line 2,482:
|"Oh~ speak of the devil~! Hold on, I'm coming~~"
|"Oh~ speak of the devil~! Hold on, I'm coming~!"
|"Stop! I'll get the door!"
|"Stop! I'll get the door!"
Line 2,493: Line 2,494:
|It's not that I'm blaming her for treating this like her own place.
|It's not that I'm blaming her for treating my place as if it were her own.
Line 2,499: Line 2,500:
|It's just that she's about to go out to the front door completely forgetting that she's in her underwear. Her laundried skirt is still hung out to dry.
|It's just that she's about to go out to the front door while completely forgetting that she's in her underwear. Her laundered skirt is still drying.
Line 2,511: Line 2,512:
|"Here you go, buckwheat noodles!"
|"Here you go, soba!"
Line 2,523: Line 2,524:
|"Then there's hida beef, for both shabu-shabu or just plain steak. Salmon, cod roe, and an assortment of side dishes."
|"Then there's Hida beef for both shabu-shabu or just plain steak. Salmon, cod roe, and an assortment of side dishes."
Line 2,535: Line 2,536:
|"I thought about nutritional balance so there's also vegetables~ Asparagus, corn, potato, and carrot..."
|"I thought about nutritional balance, so I did order some vegetables, you know? Asparagus, corn, potatoes, and carrots..."
Line 2,547: Line 2,548:
|"The rest are luxury goods. Beer and Chu-hi assortment set. Haruki, let's have a toast later, okay?"
|"The rest are luxury goods. Beer and an assorted pack of Chu-Hi. Let's have some drinks later, Haruki."
Line 2,553: Line 2,554:
Line 2,559: Line 2,560:
|It took all of my effort to squeeze out that one question.
|It took all of my effort to squeeze out that question.
Line 2,565: Line 2,566:
|Having such an absurd amount of groceries delivered to my apartment that I’m not sure it would all fit in my fridge,<br>even if it has been thoroughly cleared out, has left me at a loss for words…
|Having had enough food supplies to flood my perfectly emptied fridge suddenly delivered to my door, I'm...
Line 2,571: Line 2,572:
|"Don't take light of the year-end season. All I did was borrow some gift coupons from home~"
|"Hey, don’t underestimate the holiday season. I just borrowed some gift coupons from home, is all.”
Line 2,583: Line 2,584:
|I'm at a further loss for words after hearing her reply.
|And I'm at an even bigger loss for words after hearing her reply.
Line 2,589: Line 2,590:
|"My parent gets a lot of these since she teaches at a private school. And so they expire if we forget to use them sometimes. This is just effective utilization of resources~!"
|"My mother gets a lot of these since she teaches at a private school. Some of these expire every now and then since we forget to use them. So I’m just being efficient, see?"
Line 2,595: Line 2,596:
|....Even though she's this sloppy, maybe she's better than me at living independently.
|...Could she actually be better than me at living independently despite how sloppy she is?
Line 2,601: Line 2,602:
|「ね? これで冬休みくらい越せそうでしょ?<br>…なんならおせちも頼もうか? まだギフトあるよ」
|「ね? これで冬休みくらい越せそうでしょ?<br>…なんならおせちも頼もうか? まだギフトあるよ」
|"So what do you think? I think these will be enough to survive through the winter vacation. Or should I order some New Years dishes too? I still have some coupons left."
|"‘Kay? I think these will be enough to survive through the winter vacation. Or should I order some osechi too? I still have some coupons left."
Line 2,607: Line 2,608:
|"...I don't care anymore."
|"...I give up."
Line 2,613: Line 2,614:
|I raise both my hands in surrender to Izumi.
|I raise both my hands, completely yielding to Chiaki.
Line 2,619: Line 2,620:
|There's nothing I can do if she's gone to this extent. Just how far does she want me to fall into decadency?
|There's nothing I can do if she's gone to this extent. How much further into decadence do I need to sink before she’s satisfied?
Line 2,625: Line 2,626:
|"Oh! These arrived too~ finally! Good good~!"
|"Oh, these arrived too. Great~! They’re finally here!
Line 2,631: Line 2,632:
|Chiaki has thrown every part of my life into disarray, from my schedule and my habits to my standards.
|My daily schedule, life style, and life ethics are all being dragged into Chiaki's pace.
Line 2,637: Line 2,638:
|Spoiled to the point I'm unable to return to society, had everything accepted, and removed of all negative stimulation...
|She’s spoiled me to the point where I’m unable to adapt back to society, accepting everything of me and isolating me from any form of negative stimulus...
Line 2,643: Line 2,644:
|It's like I'm drowning in a substance reminiscent of bodily fluids—a lukewarm liquid near body temperature—and the sensation<br>is slowly but surely eroding my mind.
|The feeling of being immersed in lukewarm water close to body temperature slowly eats away at me.
Line 2,649: Line 2,650:
|I have a hard time imagining what I will be like in a few days.
|I don’t know how things will be like after a few days.
Line 2,655: Line 2,656:
|But I can say this with confidence.
|But I can at least say this with confidence:
Line 2,661: Line 2,662:
|It'll take me at least several days to get back to living normally without Chiaki.
|With the way I am now, it’ll take me at least a few days to actually get back to living out my life without Chiaki.
Line 2,667: Line 2,668:
|"Hey, Haruki Haruki."
|"Hey, Haruki, Haruki."
Line 2,679: Line 2,680:
|「どう? 似合う?」
|「どう? 似合う?」
|"So? Does it look good on me?"
|"What do you think? Does it look good on me?
Line 2,691: Line 2,692:
|"It's about time I get bored of those clothes, so I ordered these on the internet... Just so you know, I bought these with my allowance."
|"It was about time that I felt like I needed more clothes, so I ordered these on the internet... Just so you know, I bought these with my allowance."
Line 2,709: Line 2,710:
|"Actually these are from a rather nice shop. Though I do kind of worry about my credit limit..."
|"Actually, these come from a pretty nice shop, though I suppose that also means that my card’s credit limit is in a tight spot…”
Line 2,715: Line 2,716:
|"Are you...stupid?"
|"Are you… stupid?"
Line 2,721: Line 2,722:
|I'm the only person she can show them to. Moreover, it's inside this kind of closed-off room.
|I’m the only person she’s showing them to. And behind closed doors, at that.
Line 2,727: Line 2,728:
|For who are you dressing up for in this kind of stuffy and decadent place?
|What are you even thinking, wanting to dress up in front of me in such a decadent, polluted place like this?
Line 2,745: Line 2,746:
|"What is it now?.."
|"W-What is it now?"
Line 2,757: Line 2,758:
|Her bra... she's not wearing any from the start.
|She was never wearing a bra to begin with.
Line 2,763: Line 2,764:
|"Put them on for me?"
|"Won’t you put them on for me?"
Line 2,769: Line 2,770:
Line 2,793: Line 2,794:
|Inside the box are other items made of high-quality materials and design. Garter belt, stockings, bra and shorts...
|Inside the box are other items made of high-quality materials and impeccable design. There’s a garter belt and stockings. There’s also a bra and panties...
Line 2,799: Line 2,800:
|...All underwear.
|...It’s all underwear.
|2402_2 H scene starts here}}
|".....so cold."
|"...So cold."
|2402_2 H scene ends here}}
|I'm always in this dark room lately. Waking up to the coldness without an inkling of the time.
|I'm always in this dark room lately. Waking up to the cold without an inkling of the time.
Line 2,817: Line 2,818:
|When I look at the bedside clock with sleepy eyes, I see that it's 9 o'clock. There's a small ray of light coming in through the curtains so it must be morning.
|When I look at the bedside clock with sleepy eyes, I see that it's 9 o'clock. There's a small ray of light coming in through the curtains, so it must be morning.
Line 2,829: Line 2,830:
|This happens from time to time these days.
|This is something that’s happened a few times in the past few days.
Line 2,835: Line 2,836:
|All because of someone with bad sleeping habits pulling the blanket away while we're sleeping.
|And it's all because of a certain someone with bad sleeping habits pulling the blanket away while we're sleeping.
Line 2,841: Line 2,842:
|What's more, since we're practically sleeping naked, those parts of our body not touching each other turn freezing cold. There are times when I thought, "what if I realized too late?" and shudder at the consequences.
|Moreover, since we're practically sleeping naked,<br>the parts of our bodies not touching each other<br>turn freezing cold. There are times when I think, "What if I realized too late?" and shudder at the consequences.
Line 2,847: Line 2,848:
|"Hey...give my blanket back, Chiaki."
|"Hey… Give my blanket back, Chiaki."
Line 2,859: Line 2,860:
|One is to take back the blanket from the haughty usurper by force and kick her hard in revenge. A rather brute option.
|I could take the more forceful approach as my first option and take back the blanket from the insolent little thief and retaliate by kicking her hard.
Line 2,865: Line 2,866:
|Another is to snuggle up to the haughty usurper with my freezing body, letting her instantly taste the suffering I had to go through. An option of revenge with a tint of sweetness.
|Then I have the alternative of snuggling the haughty usurper with my freezing body, giving her an immediate taste of the suffering I had to go through; a choice that would be quite petty, if slightly sweet and spoiled of me.
Line 2,871: Line 2,872:
|Yet another is to kick her, snuggle up to her, and give severe punishment to the haughty usurper's body when she wakes. An option that merely satisfies my desire.
|And another option would be… to simply be honest with my own desires, to kick her, snuggle up to her, and passionately punish that plunderer’s body as she wakes up.
Line 2,901: Line 2,902:
|I misjudged two things.
|I’ve made two miscalculations.
Line 2,907: Line 2,908:
|One is that the blanket wasn't pulled away from me. It's covering my body properly.
|The first is that the blanket wasn't pulled away from me. It's covering my body properly.
Line 2,913: Line 2,914:
|Another is that my usual heater is gone. The one beside me that warms me with her soft skin...
|The other is that my usual heater is gone. The one beside me that warms me with her soft skin...
Line 2,937: Line 2,938:
|She's not in the room, and so that's why I....
|She’s not in my apartment. That’s why I...
Line 2,955: Line 2,956:
|It doesn't even take 10 seconds to search for a person in this one-room.
|It doesn't even take ten seconds to search for a person in this apartment of mine.
Line 2,961: Line 2,962:
|I open all possible doors. It only takes a little time to confirm that Chiaki is not here right now.
|I open all of the doors. It only takes a little time to confirm that she isn’t here.
Line 2,967: Line 2,968:
Line 2,973: Line 2,974:
|But I took almost ten times as long to realize the fact that Chiaki’s not here right now.
|But to "recognize" the fact that Chiaki is not here takes me ten times the amount of time.
Line 2,979: Line 2,980:
Line 2,985: Line 2,986:
|When I open the curtains, despite it being cloudy, I squint my eyes at the brightness of the sky which I haven't seen in a while.
|When I open the curtains, despite it being cloudy,<br>I squint my eyes at the brightness of the sky, which<br>I haven't seen in a while.
Line 2,991: Line 2,992:
|Unable to follow the scenery that comes suddenly into my vision, I stagger a bit.
|Unable to grasp the scenery that suddenly comes into view, I stagger slightly.
Line 2,997: Line 2,998:
Line 3,003: Line 3,004:
|Quite pathetically I force my head up and slowly look around the brightened room.
|I force my head up quite pathetically and slowly look around the brightened room.
Line 3,009: Line 3,010:
|The clothes are supposed to be here - the ones she stripped and tossed aside that I folded neatly and placed beside the pillows while I complained.
|The clothes are supposed to be here—the ones she stripped and tossed aside that I folded neatly and placed beside the pillows while I complained.
Line 3,015: Line 3,016:
|The underwear are supposed to here - the ones I had washed and hung out to dry while I scolded her for not caring.
|The underwear is supposed to be here—the ones I had washed and hung out to dry while I scolded her for not caring.
Line 3,027: Line 3,028:
Line 3,039: Line 3,040:
|Just looking at the results, it's 1 win 2 loss. To be more precise, 0 win 2 loss 1 draw.
|That’s one out of three. Or, to be more precise, one half out of three.
Line 3,045: Line 3,046:
|The coat is gone. Her spare clothes are gone. Her underwear...only one set is gone.
|Her coat is gone. Her spare clothes are gone. Her underwear… only one set is gone.
Line 3,051: Line 3,052:
Line 3,057: Line 3,058:
|This time I check her bag.
|Next, I checked her bag.
Line 3,063: Line 3,064:
|Her huge luggage containing various things including the stupid Santa outfit, spare clothes, and.. cheap condoms.
|Her huge luggage packed with all sorts of stuff, including the silly Santa outfit, spare clothes, and... an economy-sized box of condoms...
Line 3,069: Line 3,070:
|It's sitting in its usual place in the corner of the room.
|...Is still sitting in its usual place in the corner of the room.
Line 3,081: Line 3,082:
|It's now 1 win 1 loss 1 draw.
|One and a half out of three this time.
Line 3,087: Line 3,088:
|As you can see, the bag is still here. But the pouch containing only valuable things is missing.
|The bag is obviously here. But the pouch containing her valuables is missing.
Line 3,093: Line 3,094:
|And I'm not sure whether it's a good or bad thing... but she left her cellphone behind.
|And I'm not sure whether it's a good or bad thing... but she left her cell phone behind.
Line 3,099: Line 3,100:
Line 3,105: Line 3,106:
|What conclusion can I draw from all of the above? .... At the very least, Chiaki is not here right now.
|What conclusion can I draw from all of the above?<br>...At the very least, Chiaki isn’t here right now.
Line 3,111: Line 3,112:
|Then the question is, where did she go?
|Then where exactly did she go?
Line 3,117: Line 3,118:
|If you think about it normally, she should be close by. It's probably just a short outing to the convenience store.
|If you think about it normally, she should be<br>close by. It's probably just a short outing<br>to the convenience store.
|match with 536/537}}
|She only took cash and credit card with her after all. The clothes and luggage she brought here are still scattered about in the room, emphasizing their existence.
|At any rate, it seems she only took some cash and her credit card; the clothes and luggage she brought here are still scattered about in the room<br>as if to emphasize that she’s having her way here.
Line 3,129: Line 3,130:
|Even her cellphone is here. There's no way she's not returning.
|Even her cell phone—an essential item—is here. There's no way she's not returning.
Line 3,135: Line 3,136:
Line 3,147: Line 3,148:
|But once I feel relieved, irrational anger and the urge to lecture her start to well up inside.
|But once I feel relieved, irrational anger and the urge to grumble and lecture her start to well up inside.
Line 3,153: Line 3,154:
|Why did you go out without telling me? Don't you know the importance of communication? It'll be very worrisome if you're still like this when you head out into society after graduation. Things like that.
|”Why did you go out without telling me? Don't you know the importance of communication?<br><br>It'll be very worrisome if you're still like this when you head out into society after graduation. Things like that.
Line 3,159: Line 3,160:
|How to corner her in the most nasty way? What kind of punishment will make her happ...will she be able to endure?
|How can I corner her in the most nasty way? What kind of punishment will make her happ… will she be able to endure?
Line 3,165: Line 3,166:
|As these evil thoughts surface one after the other, my heart is finally able to calm down.
|As these evil thoughts surface one after the other,<br>my heart is finally able to calm down.
Line 3,171: Line 3,172:
|It's stupid to ask myself the question "Why am I relieved?" at this stage.
|It's foolish to ask myself the question "Why am I relieved?" at this stage.
Line 3,177: Line 3,178:
|...Isn't it obvious that I'll be relieved?
|...Isn't it obvious that I'd be relieved?
Line 3,201: Line 3,202:
|".... 10 o'clock."
|"…10 o'clock."
Line 3,207: Line 3,208:
|The long needle on the clock finally pointed north.
|The long needle on the clock finally pointed up.
Line 3,213: Line 3,214:
|It really felt like ages. How many hundred times did I glance at the clock during this time?
|It really felt like ages. How many hundred times did<br>I glance at the clock during this time?
Line 3,219: Line 3,220:
|The skies are still cloudy and the temperature in the room is still low.
|The sky is still cloudy and the temperature in the room is still low.
Line 3,225: Line 3,226:
|But I remain sitting on the floor with a blanket over my shoulders, looking just like when I woke up.
|But I remain sitting on the floor with a blanket over my shoulders, looking just like I did when I woke up.
Line 3,232: Line 3,233:
|If you think about it normally, she should be close by?
|If you think about it normally, she should be close by?
|match with 517}}
Line 3,238: Line 3,239:
|It's probably just a short outing to the convenience store?
|It's probably just a short outing to the convenience store?
|match with 517}}
|Which idiot came up with that nonsense?
|Who was the idiot that came up with that nonsense?
Line 3,249: Line 3,250:
Line 3,255: Line 3,256:
|I know it in my head how pointless it is to open the doors in my room.
|I know all too well in my mind that there’s no reason for me to open all the doors within my apartment.
Line 3,267: Line 3,268:
|It's clear that where I should really be checking is outside the entrance door.
|...I know all too well that the one place I have to check is outside the front door.
Line 3,273: Line 3,274:
|Even so... I don't open that door.
|Even so... I can't open that door.
Line 3,285: Line 3,286:
|Chances are low that I'll be able to find her even if I go search around outside. There's a higher possibility that we'll end up missing each other.
|Chances are low that I'll be able to find her even if I go search outside. There's a much higher possibility that we'll end up missing each other.
Line 3,291: Line 3,292:
|If that happens, she won't be able to come back because there's no way I'm heading out without locking the door.
|If that happens, she won't be able to come back<br>in because there's no way I'm heading out without<br>locking the door.
Line 3,303: Line 3,304:
|No actually, she should've brought her cellphone. Just what is she thinking... that stupid woman.
|No, actually, she should've taken her cell phone.<br>Just what is she thinking…? That idiot.
Line 3,309: Line 3,310:
|"I'm stupid too... just what am I thinking?"
|"What am I even thinking? I’m such an idiot…”
Line 3,315: Line 3,316:
|That's right. Obviously she'll come back, so what am I so worried about?
|That's right. She’ll obviously come back, so what am<br>I even worried about?
Line 3,321: Line 3,322:
|But it's Chiaki, you know? I can't read what's going through her head.
|But this is Chiaki I’m talking about. I just can’t tell how she feels at all.
Line 3,327: Line 3,328:
|There’s no way she’ll just never return after leaving even her cell phone behind, right?
|Even leaving her cellphone behind, there's no way she's not coming back, right?
Line 3,333: Line 3,334:
|...And isn't that why I can't get in touch with her right now? Why I have no idea where she is and where she's going?
|...And isn't that why I can't get in touch with her right now? Is that not why I have absolutely no idea where she is right now or even where she plans to go?
Line 3,339: Line 3,340:
Line 3,346: Line 3,347:
|Lines up until 611 only show up in Chiaki True}}
|「何? 年内は連絡取れないって言ったよね?<br>今、どろっどろの大恋愛してんだから邪魔しないでよ!」
|「何? 年内は連絡取れないって言ったよね?<br>今、どろっどろの大恋愛してんだから邪魔しないでよ!」
|"What is it? I thought I told you not to contact me before the end of this year. I'm now in the middle of a great passionate love so how about you not bother me!"
|"What do you want? I thought I told you not to contact me before the end of the year. I'm currently in the middle of a great, passionate love, so don’t bother me!"
Line 3,357: Line 3,358:
|"Even if you say that...I can't start preparations unless we decide on a date. And I need to secure a venue soon too."
|"Even if you say that… I can't start preparations unless we decide on a date. And I need to secure a venue soon too."
Line 3,369: Line 3,370:
|"I think sometime during the last week of February should be fine. Can you make it on time? It means you'll have to write up the script in 2 weeks."
|"For now, I think sometime during the last week of February should be fine. Can you make it in time?<br><br>It means you'll have to write up the script in two weeks."
Line 3,381: Line 3,382:
|"It'll be spring if we miss that time frame. Besides, it's all because you're so adamant about wanting it to be a "winter story" that our schedule's like this..."
|"It'll be spring if we miss that time frame. Besides, it's all because you're so adamant about wanting it to be a winter story that our schedule's like this..."
Line 3,387: Line 3,388:
|"Ahh~ I get it, I get it! Our leader's so annoying!"
|"Okay~ I get it, I get it! You can get really annoying, huh, President."
Line 3,399: Line 3,400:
|"I can get the script done if I have just three days, so don't interfere with my life right now. I'm really "devoted" at the moment."
|"To be honest, I can get the script done if I have just three days, so don't interfere with my life right now. I'm really ‘devoted’ at the moment."
Line 3,405: Line 3,406:
|"Are you still continuing with those "lessons" of yours?"
|"Are you still continuing with those ‘lessons’ of yours?"
Line 3,411: Line 3,412:
|"Yup, they're super heated lessons. Everyday's so refreshing and interesting, intense and precious. I feel like I'm really in love..."
|"Yup, they’re the real deal. Everyday's so refreshing and interesting, intense and precious. I feel like I'm really in love..."
Line 3,423: Line 3,424:
|"Hey, can you imagine the pain when doing it the first time?"
|"Hey, can you even imagine how much it hurts the first time?"
Line 3,429: Line 3,430:
|"Unfortunately I'm a guy. Truth is, it's sad because my first time was a total failure..."
|"Can't say I can. I'm a guy, after all. Then again, my own first time hurt in a different way 'cause it was a total failure..."
Line 3,435: Line 3,436:
|"Should I say... it felt like a burning metal rod being pushed into my vagina..? Severe pain like my crotch is being torn apart coupled with the dull pain of something reaching into my uterus...."
|"So, it was kind of like... a burning metal rod being pushed into my vagina? And then a splitting pain, as if my crotch was being torn apart,<br>coupled with a numbing ache that reached all the way to my uterus..."
Line 3,447: Line 3,448:
|"But you know... after doing it lots and lots of times and gradually getting used to it, I can't even begin to describe how great it feels!"
|"But you know... after doing it lots and lots of times and gradually getting used to it, I can't even begin to tell you how great it feels!"
Line 3,453: Line 3,454:
|"I see..."
Line 3,459: Line 3,460:
|"Seriously, he's the best. He tramples all over me when we're doing it, but sleeps like a child inside my arms when it's over."
|"Seriously, he's the best. He ravages me when we're doing it, but sleeps like a child in my arms when it's over."
Line 3,465: Line 3,466:
|"He curls up his big body, makes a crying face, and trembles like he's lonely....how can he be so cute!"
|"His big body curls up, his face looks like it's on the verge of tears, and he starts shivering like he's all lonely... Gosh, he's just so adorable!"
Line 3,471: Line 3,472:
|"Okay I get it..."
|"Alright, alright..."
Line 3,477: Line 3,478:
|"He's teaching me the joys of being a woman and a mother~ I seriously can't get enough of him. I probably won't even mind having his baby...oh wow, this is amazing, females lines are just flowing out of my mouth effortlessly."
|"He's teaching me the joys of being a woman and a mother. I seriously can't get enough of him.<br>I probably wouldn’t even mind having his baby…<br>Oh, wow, this is amazing, a woman’s lines are just flowing out of my mouth effortlessly."
Line 3,483: Line 3,484:
Line 3,489: Line 3,490:
|"I finally have a sense of realism, like what it truly means to become a woman. I feel like I've gotten another big inspiration."
|"I finally have a sense of realism, like what it<br>truly means to become a woman. I feel like I've<br>gotten another big inspiration."
Line 3,495: Line 3,496:
|"Well, isn't that great."
|"...Well, isn't that great."
Line 3,507: Line 3,508:
|"Well, our Princess' only weakness is having no interest in guys. I didn't think you'd be so into it..."
|"Well, our princess' only weakness is having no interest in guys. I didn't think you'd be so into it, though..."
Line 3,513: Line 3,514:
|"I'm absorbing knowledge with great interest right now. In that simple world with just me and him."
|"I'm absorbing knowledge with great interest right now… In that simple world with just him and me."
Line 3,519: Line 3,520:
|"He's not just giving me inspiration but also helping me gain lots of experience, knowledge, and instinct. I'm really glad I met him..."
|"He's not just giving me inspiration, but also helping me gain lots of experience, knowledge, and instinct. I'm really glad I met a guy like him..."
Line 3,531: Line 3,532:
|"But he's receiving this much love? I say he's a lucky person."
|"Even though he’s being loved so much? I'd say he’s lucky, is he not?”
Line 3,543: Line 3,544:
|"Ahh, sorry but I need to hang up now. I have to get back to his room."
|"Ahh, sorry. I need to hang up now. I have to get back to his apartment."
Line 3,549: Line 3,550:
|"Hey, hold on. I'm not finished yet..."
|"Hey, hold on. I'm not done talking yet..."
Line 3,561: Line 3,562:
|"You'll be going back in a while anyway, so I don't think there's a problem?"
|"You'll be going back soon anyway, so I don't think there's a problem?"
Line 3,567: Line 3,568:
|"It's troubling for me if he cries! I'll be sad and happy, and then I won't be able to control myself. I'll end up wanting to love him even more."
|"It’d be troublesome for me if he ends up crying, you know! I'll be sad and happy, and then I won't be able to control myself. I'll end up wanting to love him even more."
Line 3,573: Line 3,574:
|"....And our Princess can easily betray a guy she loves that much."
|"...And our princess can easily betray a guy she loves that much, huh."
Line 3,585: Line 3,586:
|"...It's just everything comes to an end once the stage is over."
|"...It's just that everything comes to an end once the curtains fall."
Line 3,591: Line 3,592:
|"I believe I'm the person who acknowledges you the most, and I respect your sincerity and enthusiam toward theatre. But to be honest, that part of you is scary."
|"I believe I'm the person who acknowledges you the most, and I respect your sincerity and enthusiasm toward theatre. But to be honest, that part of you is scary."
Line 3,597: Line 3,598:
|"Ah, I see."
|"Ah, good to know."
Line 3,603: Line 3,604:
|"Studying, playing, working.... and even giving your body and heart to a guy, you see them all as lessons for your stage."
|"Studying, playing, working... and even giving your body and heart to a guy—you see them all as lessons for your acting."
Line 3,615: Line 3,616:
|"There's nothing wrong with you wanting to "improve your art", even if you're willing to stake everything for it. ....Just don't overdo it, okay? Be careful karma will get back at you."
|"There's nothing wrong with you wanting to ‘improve your art, and I can tell you’re willing to stake everything on it.<br>Just don't... do anything that’ll come back to bite you, alright?”
|it doesn't literally say "karma" but the idea is implied, 刺されないようにしとけよ is like "don't mess with fire or you'll hurt yourself"
Line 3,622: Line 3,622:
|"You're such a downer, leader. You know I'm going back to him right now, right? I need to raise my spirits, you know?"
|"You're such a downer, President. Did you forget that I'm going back to him right now? I need to stay cheerful, you know?"
Line 3,628: Line 3,628:
|"....Ah sorry. Well, see you then. Give him my regards too."
|"...Sorry. Well, see you then. Give him my regards too."
Line 3,640: Line 3,640:
|"Karma... huh."
|"Come back to bite me, huh?"
|same as line 600
Line 3,647: Line 3,646:
Line 3,659: Line 3,658:
|"I'll be right back~ I'll give you plenty of loving today too~"
|"I’ll be back soon. I'll warm you up plenty today too, alright?"
Line 3,683: Line 3,682:
|".......So cold."
|"...So cold."
Line 3,689: Line 3,688:
|The clock by the bedside shows that it is almost 11 o'clock.
|The bedside clock shows that it’s almost 11 o'clock.
Line 3,695: Line 3,694:
|I don't know if the skies outside have cleared. After all, I returned the room to darkness.
|I don’t know if the sky is clear outside. After all, night has returned to my apartment.
Line 3,719: Line 3,718:
|Even with a blanket wrapped around me, the cold air still reaches every part of my body. It's cold to the point I can't stop trembling.
|Even with a blanket wrapped around me, the cold air still reaches every part of my body. It's cold to the point that I can't stop trembling.
Line 3,725: Line 3,724:
Line 3,731: Line 3,730:
|I hug my knees. Hands on my shoulders. Teeth chattering.
|I rub my shoulders. I hug my knees. My teeth are chattering.
Line 3,737: Line 3,736:
|That’s odd, though. I was supposed to have finally turned on the heater 30 minutes ago because I couldn’t stand the cold.
|But that's weird. Thirty minutes ago, I couldn't withstand the coldness and so I turned on the heater.
Line 3,743: Line 3,742:
|But something still feels off. Sweat is all over my body. Cold sweat that feel as if they'll freeze over.
|But something still feels off. My body’s drenched in sweat. Cold sweat that feels like it could freeze over.
Line 3,749: Line 3,748:
|"Haa, haa...haaa..."
|"Haah, haah… haaah..."
Line 3,755: Line 3,754:
|I finally find sitting even a bother and collapse onto the floor.
|I ultimately find even the act of sitting down tiresome and slump onto the floor.
Line 3,761: Line 3,760:
|I don't have a fever. Far from it, my body temperature is dangerously low.
|I don't have a fever. It’s the opposite; my body temperature is dangerously low.
Line 3,767: Line 3,766:
|It may look like my body's not feeling well but the problem lies elsewhere.
|It may look like my body's not feeling well, but the reality is the problem lies elsewhere.
Line 3,773: Line 3,772:
|"That idiot.."
|"That idiot."
Line 3,779: Line 3,778:
|Just what is she doing...
|Just what is she doing…?
Line 3,785: Line 3,784:
|Suddenly disappearing after cornering me into this situation, just what is she thinking...
|Suddenly disappearing after cornering me into this situation, just what is she thinking…?
Line 3,791: Line 3,790:
|She was the one who forcifully checked me into this hospital also known as my room. Along with constant attendance.
|She was the one who forcibly admitted me into a hospital—my very own apartment, that is. And she was the one who had constantly nursed me.
Line 3,797: Line 3,797:
|But waking up this morning, I find my nurse gone. Even if I press the buzzer, it doesn't connect me to the nurses station.
|But the moment I woke up this morning, my exclusive nurse was gone. Pressing the call button won’t connect me to the nurse’s station, either.
Line 3,803: Line 3,803:
|For a nurse who declared outright that she'd look after me, she casted me aside even before the end of my rehabilitation.
|For a nurse who declared outright that she'd look after me, she cast me aside even before the end<br>of my rehabilitation.
Line 3,809: Line 3,809:
Line 3,815: Line 3,815:
|I'm wrong right? You'll be back right?
|No, I’m wrong, aren’t I? You'll be back, right?
Line 3,821: Line 3,821:
|She's just gone for 2 hours, what am I freaking out about? I can't believe myself...
|She's just gone for two hours, what am I freaking out about? I can't believe myself...
Line 3,827: Line 3,827:
|How many times do I have to repeat myself? No one will disappear leaving behind their clothes and cellphone...
|How many times do I have to repeat myself? No one would ever disappear leaving behind their clothes<br>and cell phone...
Line 3,839: Line 3,839:
|She's the type of person to say something like "Ah~ I'll go get them someday so leave them there for now~" and it won't be at all surprising.
|She's the type of person to say something like,<br>"Ah, I'll go get them someday so leave them there for now~" and it wouldn't be surprising at all.
Line 3,851: Line 3,851:
|You'll come back right?
|You'll come back, right?
Line 3,857: Line 3,857:
|You'll come back right? You'll come back right!?
|You'll come back, right? You'll come back, right!?
Line 3,863: Line 3,863:
|"Ugh… ugh… uu..."
Line 3,869: Line 3,869:
|Please Chiaki... don't leave me like this.
|Please, Chiaki... don't leave me like this.
Line 3,899: Line 3,899:
Line 3,905: Line 3,905:
|"I, I'm home~....?"
|"I'm home~...?"
Line 3,911: Line 3,911:
|"Are you still sleeping~ Haruki~? If you're asleep, say "Lovely Chiaki-chan"~~"
|"Haruki… Are you still sleeping~? If you're asleep, say ‘Lovely Chiaki-chan’~"
Line 3,917: Line 3,917:
|"Nice, good boy good boy~! Well then, let me warm you up right this instant.... woah what!?"
|"There, there, you good little boy~! Well then, let me warm you up right now... wha...!?"
Line 3,929: Line 3,929:
|Chiaki screamed because she unknowingly kicked a big object which was lying on the ground.
|She screamed because she unknowingly kicked a big object which was lying on the ground.
Line 3,959: Line 3,959:
|"You know....it's already 11 o'clock. Just how lazy do you think I am?"
|"You know… it's already 11 o'clock. Just how lazy do you think I am?"
Line 3,965: Line 3,965:
|"Sorry, I went to the convenience store for a bit. I wanted to transfer some money into my net shopping account too."
|"Sorry, I went to the convenience store for a bit.<br>I wanted to transfer some money to my online shopping account too."
Line 3,971: Line 3,971:
|"I see."
|"Ah, I see.
Line 3,977: Line 3,977:
|An entirely expected development.
|This is a completely expected development.
Line 3,983: Line 3,983:
|"And then I noticed a lot of new magazines on the stands and ended up standing there reading them."
|"And then I noticed a lot of new magazines on the stands that had come out since I last checked and ended up standing there reading them."
Line 3,989: Line 3,989:
|"At least buy one. Don't you feel bad for the store?"
|"You could have at least bought one. Don't you feel bad for the store?"
Line 3,995: Line 3,995:
|"Even if you say that...there are things I need to learn in advance~ See, I'm already broke from trying to seduce Haruki."
|"Even if you say that… the same goes for my balance. See, I'm already broke from trying to seduce you, Haruki."
Line 4,007: Line 4,007:
|If you consider Chiaki's behavioral pattern, it's the expected flow of events with a greater than 95% chance of happening.
|If you consider Chiaki's behavior pattern, it's the expected flow of events with a greater than 95% chance of happening.
Line 4,013: Line 4,013:
|"Well then, since you're up, let's have breakfast together! Haruki, which do you want? Tuna or salmon rice ball?"
|"Well then, since you're up, let's have breakfast together! Haruki, which do you want? Tuna or salmon onigiri?"
Line 4,025: Line 4,025:
|「昨夜もあれだけ激しい運動したじゃん。<br>食べとかないと今夜保たないよ? あははっ」
|「昨夜もあれだけ激しい運動したじゃん。<br>食べとかないと今夜保たないよ? あははっ」
|"You had a big workout last night too. You won't last tonight if you don't eat something~? Ahahaha!"
|"You had such an intense workout last night too.<br>You won't last tonight if you don't eat something,<br>you know~? Ahahaha!"
Line 4,043: Line 4,043:
|"Just eat your breakfast.... And if you're bored, why don't you go out again?"
|"Just eat your breakfast… And if you're bored, why don't you go out again?"
Line 4,055: Line 4,055:
|In the end, without even turning to face Chiaki once, I burrow into the bed and cover myself with the blanket.
|In the end, without even turning to face Chiaki once, I slip into the bed and cover myself with my blanket, shutting her out.
Line 4,061: Line 4,061:
|I'm just doing the natural thing in response to Chiaki's actions.
|I'm just doing the natural thing in response to Chiaki's natural actions.
Line 4,067: Line 4,067:
|"What's wrong, Haruki? Do you not feel well?"
|"What's wrong? Do you not feel well?"
Line 4,079: Line 4,079:
|But it seems like Chiaki doesn't think that way and is perplexed by my behavior.
|However, it seems like Chiaki doesn't think that way and is perplexed by my behavior.
Line 4,091: Line 4,091:
|"Well, sorry for being cold. I'm born this way."
|"Well, sorry for being cold. I was born this way."
Line 4,097: Line 4,097:
|"Even though you're always thaaat persistent once your turned on~ Ahahahaha!"
|"Even though you're always thaaat persistent once you're turned on~ Ahahahaha!"
Line 4,109: Line 4,109:
|"Ahaha...huh? Hey hold on, Haruki! Tell me what's wrong~?"
|"Ahah… huh? H-Hey, hold on, Haruki! Tell me what's wrong~!"
Line 4,115: Line 4,115:
|As if perplexed, Chiaki shakes me back and forth as I continue to hide inside the blanket.
|As if confused, she shakes me back and forth as<br>I continue to hide under the blanket.
Line 4,121: Line 4,121:
|Noisy. Annoying. Bothersome.
|Noisy. Irritating. Bothersome.
Line 4,133: Line 4,133:
|"Didn't I say it's nothing?"
|"I told you that it’s nothing, didn’t I?
Line 4,139: Line 4,139:
|If you’re going to get involved with me so half-heartedly… then just stop it.
|Stop meddling with me...if you're just going to do it half-assedly.
Line 4,145: Line 4,145:
|"Come onnnn, why are you sulking? Heeyyy, Haaarrruukkkii~"
|"Come onnnn, why are you sulking? Heeyy, Haaruukiii~!"
Line 4,163: Line 4,163:
|With all my strength, I shake off Chiaki who closed in on my back, but in that instant....
|With all my strength, I shake off Chiaki as she closes in on my back, but in that instant...
Line 4,175: Line 4,175:
Line 4,193: Line 4,193:
|I bury myself in complete darkness. Not just with Chiaki, I break all contact with the outside world.
|I seclude myself away in complete darkness. Not just from Chiaki, but also the entire outside world.
Line 4,211: Line 4,211:
|"....I'm sorry."
|"...I'm sorry."
Line 4,223: Line 4,223:
|Chiaki saw my face. She peered into my heart.
|She saw my face. She peered into my heart.
Line 4,229: Line 4,229:
|How careless. So careless. Such an unbelievable simple mistake.
|How careless. So careless. Such an unbelievably simple mistake.
Line 4,235: Line 4,235:
|"Sorry, I'm sorry...forgive me, Haruki. I lied...didn't I?"
|"Sorry, I'm sorry… forgive me, Haruki. I lied…<br>didn't I?"
Line 4,241: Line 4,241:
|"It doesn't concern you....Everything you're saying is off the mark!"
|"It has nothing to do with you… Everything you're saying is off the mark!"
Line 4,253: Line 4,253:
|"I promised to stay by your side all the time, but I still went out..."
|"I promised to stay by your side all the time,<br>but I still went out..."
Line 4,259: Line 4,259:
|"It's strange to not go out when you have business to take care of. And what's with that ridiculous promise to begin with..."
|"It's strange to not go out when you have business to take care of. Besides, that promise is ridiculous to begin with..."
Line 4,265: Line 4,265:
|"People say the recovery period is the most dangerous, even for a cold. I guess I'm really no good...I'm lacking sensitivity in that area."
|"They say the recovery period is the most dangerous, even for a cold. I guess I'm really no good… I'm lacking sensitivity in that area."
Line 4,271: Line 4,271:
|"It's true that you're lacking sensitivity, but stop talking like I'm hurt.... So insensitive."
|"It's true that you're lacking sensitivity, but stop talking like I'm hurt... So insensitive."
Line 4,283: Line 4,283:
|It's not even that big of a deal. You must have thought that too.
|It's not even that big of a deal. You must have thought so too.
Line 4,289: Line 4,289:
|Because...wasn't that why you left me alone?
|After all… wasn't that why you left me alone?
Line 4,295: Line 4,295:
|"Hey, Haruki... let me in? It's cold out here."
|"Hey, Haruki... let me in there too. It's cold out here."
Line 4,307: Line 4,307:
|I'm not even bothered much by it but she's taking it too seriously like an idiot.
|I'm not even bothered much by it all, but she's taking it too seriously like an idiot.
Line 4,319: Line 4,319:
|And so I reply in an usual manner. I refuse... in an usual manner.
|And so I reply in a completely normal manner.<br>I refuse... in the usual manner.
Line 4,337: Line 4,337:
|"What do you..."
Line 4,343: Line 4,343:
|For someone who kept on saying things like "It's cold, it's cold" and "Turn on the heater~" and even "What a cheapskate"...
|For someone who kept on saying things like,<br>"It's cold, it's cold", "Turn on the heater~",<br>and even "What a cheapskate"...
Line 4,349: Line 4,349:
|"Ahhh, cold, so cold...I'll catch a cold at this rate...?"
|"Ahhh, it’s cold, so cold… I'll catch a cold at this rate, you know...?"
Line 4,355: Line 4,355:
|"Wear a coat then."
|"Put on a coat, then."
Line 4,367: Line 4,367:
Line 4,373: Line 4,373:
|Instead of wearing, she starts taking off her clothes.
|And now, instead of putting them on, she starts taking off her clothes.
Line 4,379: Line 4,379:
|"I'll beg you however many times it takes... let me in there."
|"I'll beg you as long as it takes… Please, let me in there."
Line 4,385: Line 4,385:
|She strips off her clothes one by one and tosses each of them into the air.
|She strips off her clothes one by one, making sure to toss each of them into the air.
Line 4,391: Line 4,391:
|"Let me inside...the only warm place in this room."
|"Let me inside… the only warm place in this room."
Line 4,397: Line 4,397:
|How do I know that...? She is deliberately throwing them on top of the bed.
|How do I know that...? Because she’s deliberately throwing them on top of the bed.
Line 4,403: Line 4,403:
|First the shirt and then the skirt. Afterwards, the pieces that come falling onto the bed gradually becomes lighter and lighter...
|First she throws her shirt and then her skirt. After that, the pieces that come falling onto the bed gradually become lighter and lighter...
Line 4,415: Line 4,415:
Line 4,433: Line 4,433:
|"Let me...hug you."
|"Let me… embrace you."
Line 4,439: Line 4,439:
|She devotes her whole body and soul to do something as insignificant as calming my heart.
|She devotes her whole body and soul to do something<br>as insignificant as calming my heart.
Line 4,457: Line 4,457:
|...I say that, but there's really only one person here besides Chiaki.
|...I say someone, but there's really only one person here besides Chiaki.
Line 4,463: Line 4,463:
|"Ah ah..."
|"Ah, ah..."
Line 4,469: Line 4,469:
|I drag the captured hand into the blanket.
|I drag the captured hand under the blanket.
Line 4,475: Line 4,475:
|"Ah ah aaa...ahhh...."
|"Ah, ah, aaa… ahhh..."
Line 4,481: Line 4,481:
|With unimaginable power, the naked Chiaki is taken deep inside the blanket in an instant.
|With unimaginable power, the naked Chiaki is taken deep under the blanket in an instant.
Line 4,487: Line 4,487:
|"Ha...Haru… no… aaaaaa..."
Line 4,493: Line 4,493:
|Like captured by an insectivore, Chiaki's whole body is devoured by the blanket. Only her leg is left dangling outside, attempting its last struggle.
|Chiaki's whole body is now devoured by the blanket,<br>as if she was captured by an insectivore; only her leg is left dangling outside, flailing while attempting its last struggle.
Line 4,499: Line 4,499:
|"Hah...aaaannn no stop~ geez ahaha...Haruki, Haruki....sorr..sorry..ahh...we...we're doing it now...?"
|"Hah… aaaannn, no, stop~! Jeez, ahaha… Haruki, Haruki… sor… sorry… ahh… we… we're doing it suddenly...?"
Line 4,505: Line 4,505:
|If you're so desperate now, just don't leave me to begin with... idiot.
|If you're going to get so desperate now, you should’ve just stayed by my side the whole time to begin with... you idiot.
Line 4,529: Line 4,529:
|"...Sorry. I'm a pain in the butt today right?"
|"...Sorry. I'm a pain in the ass today, aren't I?"
Line 4,535: Line 4,535:
|"Nope...I think you're a lot more amazing than yesterday~?"
|"Nope… I think you're a lot more amazing than yesterday~?"
Line 4,547: Line 4,547:
|"But that's more important to me~ I can't imagine what will be done to me tomorrow~"
|"Well, if you ask me, that’s more important. I can't imagine what you’ll do to me tomorrow!"
Line 4,553: Line 4,553:
|"....Ah be quiet."
|"...Shut up."
Line 4,559: Line 4,559:
|The way Chiaki's poking fun at me actually comes across as a bit hurtful, considering my current mental state.
|In my current mental state, I feel it strongly that Chiaki purposely twisted my words in consideration for me.
Line 4,565: Line 4,565:
|This person is actually quite observant in small places...although she totally doesn't look like it usually.
|She’s actually quite attentive to the smaller details… Although she usually doesn't show it.
Line 4,571: Line 4,571:
|"Somehow I can't quite control my feelings.... I think it's partly your fault too though."
|"Somehow I can't quite control my emotions... And<br>I think part of that might be your fault, too."
Line 4,577: Line 4,577:
|"Woah, do I have such an effect on Haruki? Could it be that I'm the most important female to you right now?"
|"Whoa, do I really have such an effect on you? Could<br>it be that I am the most important woman in your life right now?"
Line 4,589: Line 4,589:
|"You're right, we've always been doing "something", ahahaha..."
|"What have we been doing, indeed? Ahahaha..."
Line 4,595: Line 4,595:
|That's why even now we're still together like this.
|That's why we're still together like this even now.
Line 4,601: Line 4,601:
|Covered in sweat and my semen, Chiaki was probably joking when she asked whether I wanted to join her as she headed for the shower.
|Covered in sweat and semen, she was probably joking when she asked whether I wanted to join her as she headed for the shower.
Line 4,607: Line 4,607:
|But at that time, I nodded my head with such honesty that I surprise even myself.
|But at that time, I nodded my head with such honesty that I surprised even myself.
Line 4,613: Line 4,613:
|After a brief silence, Chiaki took me by the hand and led me into the bathroom with a serious face. She didn't hold her sides in laughter like usual.
|After a brief silence, Chiaki took me by the hand and led me into the bathroom with a serious face. She didn't hold her sides in laughter like usual.
Line 4,625: Line 4,625:
|As demanded, I washed Chiaki's body with the palm of my hands and enjoyed her skin made slippery by soap.
|As demanded, I washed Chiaki's body with the palm of my hands and enjoyed her skin that was made slippery by soap.
Line 4,631: Line 4,631:
|Pressing our wet bodies against each other, entangling, dirtying Chiaki...
|Pressing our wet bodies against each other, entangling, staining Chiaki...
Line 4,637: Line 4,637:
|It can't be helped, so we once again wash each other, and are now immersed in the bathtub together like this.
|We couldn’t help ourselves, so we once again washed each other, and were now immersed in the bathtub together like this.
Line 4,643: Line 4,643:
|"It's not even Chiaki's fault but for some reason I took it all out on you... Sorry, I'll reflect on it."
|"It's not even your fault, but for some reason, I took it all out on you... Sorry, I'll reflect on it."
Line 4,655: Line 4,655:
|....But I won't say that out loud.
|...But I won't say that out loud.
Line 4,661: Line 4,661:
|"Noo, it's my fault."
|"No, it is my fault."
Line 4,667: Line 4,667:
|"It's not Chiaki's fault."
|"It's not your fault, Chiaki."
Line 4,673: Line 4,673:
|"My fault."
|"It’s my fault."
Line 4,679: Line 4,679:
|"Not your fault."
|"No, it’s not."
Line 4,685: Line 4,685:
|"My fault!"
|"Yes it is!"
Line 4,697: Line 4,697:
|"Alright! My victory~♪ So I'm sorry, Haruki. Sorry."
|"Alright! I win~♪! So, I'm sorry, Haruki. Sorry."
Line 4,709: Line 4,709:
|Because I understand the cruel separation that lies ahead, I am no longer able to win in this kind of "battle over responsibilities".
|Because I understand the cruel separation that lies ahead, I am no longer able to win in this kind of battle over responsibilities.
Line 4,715: Line 4,715:
|"My attitude towards you earlier...you're not shocked or disgusted by it at all?"
|"My attitude toward you earlier… you're not shocked or disgusted by it at all?"
Line 4,757: Line 4,757:
|When did Chiaki, who adequately approaches me despite everything, become such a necessity to me...?
|When did Chiaki, who sloppily approached me despite everything, become such a necessity to me...?
Line 4,763: Line 4,763:
|"Could it be...that you've become a slave to our sex?"
|"Could it be… that you've become a slave to our sex?"
Line 4,769: Line 4,769:
Line 4,775: Line 4,775:
|"Oh, how honest."
|"Oh, you’re honest, huh?"
Line 4,787: Line 4,787:
|Looking closely, her body is full of my kiss marks.
|Looking closely, her body is full of my love bites.
Line 4,793: Line 4,793:
|On her neck, shoulders, back, toes, arms, and stomach. On her breasts, inner thighs, butt, and even places further in.
|They’re all over her neck, shoulders, back, toes, arms, and stomach... her breasts, inner thighs, butt, and even places further in.
Line 4,805: Line 4,805:
|"...Actually I feel the same way. Honestly, I didn't think it would be this amazing."
|"...Actually, I feel the same way. To be honest, I didn't think it would be this amazing."
Line 4,811: Line 4,811:
|As she says this, Chiaki sucks around the nape of my neck.
|As she says this, Chiaki sucks on the nape of my neck.
Line 4,823: Line 4,823:
|"Speaking of sex...it makes the brain dumb the more you do it, don't you think? We become more like animals?"
|"Speaking of sex… it makes the brain dumber the more you do it, don't you think? We become more like animals?"
Line 4,829: Line 4,829:
|"Who knows..."
|"Who knows…?"
Line 4,835: Line 4,835:
|"Nnn...nnn, haaa..nnn."
|"Nnn… nnn, haaa… nnn."
Line 4,847: Line 4,847:
|「ん、んぅ…はぁぁ…<br>でもね? あたしが春希の側にいる理由は、<br>もちろん、セックスだけじゃないよ?」
|「ん、んぅ…はぁぁ…<br>でもね? あたしが春希の側にいる理由は、<br>もちろん、セックスだけじゃないよ?」
|"Nnn...nnnn.haaaa.... but the reason I'm staying by your side is not just for the sex, you know~?"
|"Nnn… nnnn… haaaa... but the reason I'm staying by<br>your side is not just for the sex, you know~?"
Line 4,865: Line 4,865:
|It appears that other than "friendship", at last "something more" is attached to our relationship.
|It appears that other than "friendship," at last "something more" is attached to our relationship.
Line 4,871: Line 4,871:
|"Because I... I received a lot of things from Haruki."
|"Because I... I received a lot of things from you."
Line 4,877: Line 4,877:
|"If you're talking about helping with your report, I already received payback with interest a long time ago...."
|"If you're talking about helping with your paper,<br>I already received payback with interest a long time ago..."
Line 4,883: Line 4,883:
|"No, not just that. It's not...just that..."
|"No, not just that. It's not just… that..."
Line 4,895: Line 4,895:
|"You taught me things I need...things that are important to me right now...no, you're still teaching them to me now."
|"You taught me things I need… things that are important to me right now… No, you're still<br>teaching them to me now."
Line 4,907: Line 4,907:
|It's not modesty or anything, it's a sigh from the heart.
|It's a sigh from the heart, without modesty or anything else.
Line 4,913: Line 4,913:
|If you compare the things I "reluctantly" gave to Chiaki to the things Chiaki "adequately" gave to me...
|If you compare the things I "reluctantly" gave to her to the things she "sloppily" gave to me...
Line 4,919: Line 4,919:
|Even if my heart is still not completely calm, the reason I am able to feel things which are nice, happy, and joyful is...
|Even if my heart is still not completely calm, the reason I am able to feel things which are nice, happy, and joyful is...
Line 4,925: Line 4,925:
|Without a doubt, it's all thanks to this "woman" in my arms right now.
|Without a doubt, it's all thanks to this woman in my arms right now.
Line 4,937: Line 4,937:
|"...Will you stay with me?"
|"...You’ll stay with me?"
Line 4,943: Line 4,943:
|"I thought you'd get mad if I said such a shameless thing so I kept quiet about it until now..."
|"I thought you'd get mad if I said such a shameless thing, so I kept quiet about it until now..."
Line 4,955: Line 4,955:
|"...So can I?"
|"...You won’t let me?"
Line 4,961: Line 4,961:
Line 4,973: Line 4,973:
|"Suit yourself....I said."
|"Suit yourself… I said."
Line 4,979: Line 4,979:
|I answer based only on my circumstances.
|I answer based only on my own convenience.
Line 4,991: Line 4,991:
|Chiaki also doesn't tease me like before.
|She also doesn't tease me like before.
Line 5,003: Line 5,003:
|"But don't spoil me too much...don't be too lenient on me, alright?"
|"But don't spoil me too much… Don't be too lenient with me, alright?"
Line 5,009: Line 5,009:
|"Hmm...? Why..."
|"Hmm...? Why…?"
Line 5,015: Line 5,015:
|"If you do that, you'll breakdown someday....so don't keep it bottled up inside."
|"If you do that, you'll break down someday… so don't keep it bottled up inside."
Line 5,033: Line 5,033:
|"H, hey....Haruki."
|"H-Hey… Haruki."
Line 5,045: Line 5,045:
|"It's okay...to let it out..."
|"It's okay to… let it out..."
Line 5,051: Line 5,051:
Line 5,057: Line 5,057:
|That instant...
|At that moment...
Line 5,063: Line 5,063:
|From our joined parts which has been connected all this time comes the gushing out of passion. I've already lost count of how many times I came today.
|The stream of passion flows through our joined parts, which have stayed connected all this time.
Line 5,099: Line 5,099:
|...I say that, but there is no change to our subsistence way of living which can't even be called a proper life.
|...While I say that, there has been no change to our way of living which can't even be called a proper life.
Line 5,105: Line 5,105:
|As always, we eat whatever food we have on hand for dinner and waste our time inside this dimly-lit room. When our eyes meet, we start touching each other in various places.
|As always, we eat whatever food we have on hand for dinner and waste our time inside this dimly lit room. When our eyes meet, we start touching each other in various places.
Line 5,111: Line 5,111:
|Oh that's right, there was something different than usual. After dinner, we boiled and ate some buckwheat noodles together.
|Come to think of it, there was something different from usual. ...Was it that after dinner, we boiled and ate some soba together?
Line 5,117: Line 5,117:
|"Whether it's Kouhaku Song Festival, or combat sports, or the New Year's live, they're all are soo booorrrriiing..."
|"Whether it's the Kouhaku Song Festival, combat sports, or the New Year's live concert, they're all so booorrrriiing..."
Line 5,123: Line 5,123:
|"New Year holiday special programs are all like that so I don't usually watch them...well, except special period dramas."
|"New Year's holiday special programs are all like that, so I don't usually watch them. ...Well, except special period dramas, anyway."
Line 5,129: Line 5,129:
|"Ahaha...that's so Haruki."
|"Ahaha… that's so like you, Haruki."
Line 5,135: Line 5,135:
|Chiaki, who was playing with the TV remote controller, moves around restlessly in my arms like she's bored.
|Chiaki, who was playing with the TV remote, moves around restlessly in my arms like she's bored.
Line 5,141: Line 5,141:
|"Then...let's have the first sex of the New Year?"
|"Then… let's have the first sex of the New Year?"
Line 5,153: Line 5,153:
|"That's all Haruki has been doing too~"
|"Well, that's all you’ve been doing too~"
Line 5,159: Line 5,159:
|"Besides, you can't call it that if it's not even the New Year yet. There's still one hour."
|"Besides, you can't call it that if it's not even the new year yet. ...There's still an hour left."
Line 5,165: Line 5,165:
|Of course, whether we stick to formality and wait that one hour or do the deed right this moment, I won't have any hesitation....
|Of course, whether we stick to formality and wait for that one hour or do the deed right this moment, I won't hesitate whatsoever...
Line 5,177: Line 5,177:
|「なら、今からレンタル屋行くか? 一緒に」
|「なら、今からレンタル屋行くか? 一緒に」
|"Then do you want to go the rental store now? Together of course."
|"Then do you want to go to the rental store now? Together, of course."
Line 5,183: Line 5,183:
|"It's cold so don't wanna. Anything you have is fine~"
|"It's cold, so I don't wanna. Anything you have is fine."
Line 5,189: Line 5,189:
|Probably finally fed up with the boredom, Chiaki quickly slips out of my arms and starts searching through my bookshelf.
|Probably finally fed up with the boredom, she quickly slips out of my arms and starts searching through my bookshelf.
Line 5,195: Line 5,195:
|It should be noted that the few manga I have on there are all already read by Chiaki.
|It should be noted that the few manga I have on there had already been devoured by Chiaki long ago.
Line 5,201: Line 5,201:
|"Hm~... I've seen most of these DVDs already. Haruki, don't you have any porn stashed away?"
|"Hmm~ I've seen most of these DVDs already. Haruki, don't you have any porn stashed away?"
Line 5,207: Line 5,207:
|"Why does porn come up there..."
|"Why does porn come up there…?"
Line 5,225: Line 5,225:
|"Ahaha, sounds like something Haruki would have~ Ah, but I can't do lolicon stuff. Though I guess I can make up for it with my acting skills...
|"Ahaha, sounds like something you’d have~ Ah, but<br>I can't do lolicon stuff. Though I guess I can make<br>up for it with my acting skills…”
Line 5,243: Line 5,243:
|"I definitely don't have anything like that!?"
|"I don’t have anything like that, you hear me!?"
Line 5,249: Line 5,249:
|Chiaki holds her breath and picks out a disk from the shelf.
|She holds her breath and picks out a disc from the shelf.
Line 5,255: Line 5,255:
|But that is a blank disc inside a clear case with no packaging...its title written sloppily with a marker.
|But this one is a blank disc inside a clear case with no packaging, its title written sloppily with a marker.
Line 5,267: Line 5,267:
Line 5,273: Line 5,273:
|『200×年学園祭 二日目ステージイベント』
|『200×年学園祭 二日目ステージイベント』
|[Year 200x School Festival 2nd Day Stage Event]
|”School Festival 200X - 2nd Day Stage Event”
Line 5,291: Line 5,291:
|"No...actually I only received it the other day."
|"No… the truth is, I only received it recently."
Line 5,297: Line 5,297:
|"I see...."
|"I see..."
Line 5,303: Line 5,303:
|Not. It's the DVD I forced myself to forget.
|No. It's the DVD I forced myself to forget.
Line 5,309: Line 5,309:
|Filmed by the executive committee members simply to keep as a record, the sound and image quality at about the level of a home video for private use...
|Filmed by the executive committee members simply to keep as a record, the sound and image quality are at about the level of a home video for private use...
Line 5,327: Line 5,327:
|"....Can I~?"
|"...Can I?"
Line 5,333: Line 5,333:
|"It's fine if it's Chiaki."
|"It's fine if it's you."
Line 5,345: Line 5,345:
|It seemed as if Chiaki already knew the contents from the beginning.
|It seemed as if Chiaki already knew the contents from the beginning.
Line 5,351: Line 5,351:
|She carefully takes the disc out of the case and inserts it into the DVD player, then skillfully operates the remote controller.
|She carefully takes the disc out of the case and inserts it into the DVD player, then familiarly operates the remote that she’s now gotten used to.
Line 5,357: Line 5,357:
|As the DVD player starts to read the disc, Chiaki quickly moves to my side and leans her head on my shoulder.
|As the DVD player starts to read the disc, she quickly moves to my side and slightly leans her head on my shoulder.
Line 5,375: Line 5,375:
|"We were just fill-ins."
|"We were just stand-ins."
|White album starts to play}}
Line 5,387: Line 5,387:
|"The guys who were supposed to be playing suddenly called it quits. When there was only a month left before the school festival to boot."
|"The guys who were supposed to be playing suddenly called it quits, and then there was only a month left before the school festival at that."
Line 5,393: Line 5,393:
|モニターから流れてくる『WHITE ALBUM』。
|モニターから流れてくる『WHITE ALBUM』。
|[WHITE ALBUM] comes flowing out from the TV.
|White Album plays on the TV.
Line 5,399: Line 5,399:
|"Can you believe it? She didn't have any stage experience before this. Well...I guess she was really good at karaoke."
|"Can you believe it? She didn't have any stage experience before this. Well… I guess she was<br>amazing at karaoke, though."
Line 5,405: Line 5,405:
|The vocalist who, despite moving a bit awkwardly, overcomes everything with her beautiful voice and beauty.
|I’m referring to the singer, who no matter how awkward her movements were, overcame all of that with her beautiful voice and sheer brilliance.
Line 5,411: Line 5,411:
|"Just like a pro, don't you think? She's a genius when it comes to instruments. Her personality was the worst though."
|"Just like a pro, don't you think? She's a genius when it comes to instruments. ...Her personality was the worst though."
Line 5,417: Line 5,417:
|The keyboardist who, with her overwhelming skills and beauty, emphasizes her existence that does not pale in comparison to the vocalist.
|I’m referring to the keyboardist, who asserted her presence as no less important than the singer’s with her overwhelming ability and sheer impact.
Line 5,429: Line 5,429:
|And, the guitarist who's in their shadows, trying desperately to bluff his way through.
|And finally me, the guitarist in their shadows, trying desperately to bluff his way through the performance without being a hindrance to them.
Line 5,435: Line 5,435:
|"That's not true...Haruki was cool too."
|"That's not true… you were cool too, Haruki."
Line 5,459: Line 5,459:
|In that moment, I feel Chiaki's warmth more strongly than before...
|At that moment, I felt that Chiaki's warmth seemed stronger than before...
Line 5,465: Line 5,465:
|Is it because Chiaki is leaning closer to me, or is it because she is hugging me tighter than before...?
|Is it because Chiaki is leaning closer to me, or is it because she’s hugging me tighter than before...?
Line 5,477: Line 5,477:
|"The part after the vocals is also a highlight. <br>...It's the only part where I have the most important role after all."
|"The part after the vocals is also a highlight. ...It's the only part where I have the most important role, after all."
|Sound of Destiny starts to play}}
Line 5,489: Line 5,489:
|"I mastered that in one week. Though I guess it's something I won't be able to pull off now no matter how much I practice."
|"I mastered that in one week. Though I guess it's something I won't be able to pull off now no matter<br>how much I practice."
Line 5,495: Line 5,495:
Line 5,501: Line 5,501:
|「なんだよ? 今いいところなんだから後に…」
|「なんだよ? 今いいところなんだから後に…」
|"What is it? We're just getting to the good part so save it for later..."
|"What is it? We're just getting to the good part, so save it for later..."
Line 5,513: Line 5,513:
|"...Was what?"
|"...What do you mean?"
Line 5,519: Line 5,519:
|"The one you truly loved."
|"Your favorite."
Line 5,525: Line 5,525:
|"...Think about our difference in level. Both of them are too good for someone like me."
|"...Think about the difference in our level. Both of them are too good for someone like me."
Line 5,531: Line 5,531:
|"Really? <br>Don't you think even Chiaki-chan can match up to them~?"
|"Really? Don't you think even Chiaki-chan can match up to them~?"
Line 5,537: Line 5,537:
|"Well, I guess. <br>...Ignoring personality."
|"Well, I guess. ...Ignoring your personality, that is."
Line 5,543: Line 5,543:
|"But then see, where is that girl now? Who's arms is she in right now?"
|"But then, where is that girl now? Whose arms is she in right now?"
Line 5,549: Line 5,549:
|"...Even if you use a person with such poor taste as an example.."
|"...Even if you use a person with such poor taste as an example..."
Line 5,567: Line 5,567:
|"...There's no need to lie to me, Haruki. Let it all out and make yourself feel better?"
|"...There's no need to lie to me, Haruki. Let it all out and make yourself feel better."
Line 5,573: Line 5,573:
Line 5,579: Line 5,579:
|"Don't worry about me, I'm not that weak-hearted. Something like Haruki's past, I can take it."
|"Don't worry ...I’m really not that weak. I can at least handle something like your past, Haruki.
Line 5,597: Line 5,597:
|"It's not like I'm trying to lie or hide anything. It's just that...it's all in the past..."
|"It's not like I'm trying to lie or hide anything. It's just that… it's all in the past..."
Line 5,603: Line 5,603:
|「昔って、いつのこと?<br>三年前? 二年前? 一年前?」
|「昔って、いつのこと?<br>三年前? 二年前? 一年前?」
|"By in the past, do you mean three years ago? Two years ago? One year ago?"
|"By in the past, do you mean three years ago?<br>Two years ago? One year ago?"
Line 5,633: Line 5,633:
|It's not like that. <br>I want you to know about it.
|It's not like that. I want you to know about it.
Line 5,651: Line 5,651:
|"This next song...will be our last one."
|"This next song… will be our last one."
|match to 1008_030/126 and 1013/313|}}
|Same as File 1008 030 Line 126
|"I liked her..."
|"I loved her..."
Line 5,670: Line 5,669:
|Unaware, our body positions have changed.
|Before we knew it, our body positions had changed.
Line 5,677: Line 5,676:
|"This song is... I'm pretty sure that most of you here are unfamiliar with it."
|"This song is... I'm pretty sure that most of you here are unfamiliar with it."
|match to 1008_030/129 and 1013/314|}}
|Same as File 1008 030 Line 129
|"But I did something terrible to her. I commited a sin that I cannot atone for."
|"But I did something terrible to her. I committed a sin that I cannot atone for, even after all these years."
Line 5,689: Line 5,687:
|The one with my hung head on her chest is Chiaki. <br>The one softly wrapping her hands around my back is also Chiaki.
|The one with my hung head on her chest is Chiaki.<br>The one softly wrapping her hands around my back is also Chiaki.
Line 5,695: Line 5,693:
| "...Oh, what am I saying, I'm sure none of you will recognize it. This is an original song that we just finished yesterday."
|"...Oh, what am I saying, there’s no way any of you will recognize it. This is an original song that we only just completed yesterday."
|match to 1008_030/132 and 1013/315|}}
|Same as File 1008 030 Line 132
|"But still, I liked her. That's why I wanted to believe that I would be forgiven after these three years."
|"Even so, I loved her. That's why I wanted to believe that I would be forgiven after these three years."
Line 5,708: Line 5,705:
|The one who leans against the other and is supported is me. <br>The one behaving like a spoiled child is also me.
|The one who leans against the other and is supported is me. The one behaving like a spoiled child is also me.
Line 5,714: Line 5,711:
| "We only had a day to practice, so I don't know if it'll go well, but..."
|"We’ve only had a single day to practice it,<br>so I don't know if it'll go well, but..."
|match to 1008_030/135 and 1013/316|}}
| Same as File 1008 030 Line 135
|"It's easy to forget the pain you inflict on others, but the pain inflicted on yourself is not something so easily forgottten. I forgot something as simple as that."
|"It's easy to forget the pain you inflict on others, but it’s just not that easy to forget the pain others inflict on you. I’ve forgotten about something as simple as that.
Line 5,733: Line 5,729:
| "But until the very end, I'll sing and enjoy it from the bottom of my heart. Everyone, please listen."
|"I'll sing and enjoy it from the bottom of my heart and up until the very end. Please lend me your ears, everyone."
|match to 1008_030/138 and 1013/317|}}
|Same as File 1008 030 Line 138
Line 5,746: Line 5,741:
|"I see..."
Line 5,752: Line 5,747:
|"Its title is...'Unreachable Love'."
|"Its title is… Todokanai Koi."
|match to 1013/318}}
Line 5,759: Line 5,754:
|An all-too-familiar song fills our ears.
|An all-too-familiar song fills our ears.
|Todokanai Koi short version starts to play}}
|The song that Chiaki said she likes. <br>The song that I continued to pretend not to hear.
|This song is the one Chiaki calls her favorite. This song is the one that I’m still pretending not to listen to.
Line 5,770: Line 5,765:
|Continuing to hide the fact that we created the song...<br>The song that is the proof of "my lie to Chiaki".
|...This song is proof that I’ve been lying to Chiaki… about the fact that we were the ones who created it.
Line 5,776: Line 5,771:
Line 5,783: Line 5,778:
|Even so, Chiaki easily forgave my sins of the past.
|Even so, Chiaki easily forgave my sins of the past.
|Todokanai Koi short version Chiaki version starts to play}}
|She sings along to Setsuna's singing voice.
|And she replaces Setsuna’s singing voice with her own.
Line 5,812: Line 5,807:
|"I see...so this girl is the beginning of everything for Haruki."
|"I see… So this girl is the beginning of everything for you."
Line 5,818: Line 5,813:
|"...It’s really not all that amazing."
|"You're exaggerating..."
Line 5,830: Line 5,825:
|From our first meeting three years ago to our breakup a week ago. I confessed everything that happened up until the time I escaped to Chiaki like this.
|From our first meeting three years ago to how we separated a week ago. I confessed everything that happened up until the time I escaped to Chiaki like this.
Line 5,836: Line 5,831:
|And just like she herself declared, Chiaki accepted with ease my despicable past.
|And Chiaki accepted my despicable past with ease, just as she declared she would.
Line 5,842: Line 5,837:
|She hugged me to her chest until the end of Setsuna's song and then led me to the bed as the New Years bell sounded.
|She held me to her chest until the end of Setsuna's song and then led me to the bed as the New Year's bell sounded.
Line 5,848: Line 5,843:
|"Because..she's your first love right? This Touma Kazusa girl."
|"Well… she's your first love, right? This Touma Kazusa girl."
Line 5,854: Line 5,849:
|And then, I talked about Kazusa.
|And then I talked about Kazusa.
Line 5,860: Line 5,855:
|"...Stop saying such embarassing things like first love. Besides, that sort of thing's usually over and done with in primary school. Isn't that the same for you, Chiaki?"
|"...Stop saying such embarrassing things like first love. Besides, that sort of thing is usually over and done with in elementary school. Isn't that the same for you, Chiaki?"
Line 5,866: Line 5,861:
|When I started talking about the relation between the girl on the keyboard and the one in the ENSEMBLE magazine lying around the room, Chiaki's eyes widen a bit.
|When I talked about how the issue of Ensemble lying around my apartment was related to the keyboardist girl, Chiaki's eyes widened ever so slightly.
Line 5,872: Line 5,867:
|Though my shocking confessions came in succession, for the first time today, Chiaki gave an expression of surprise.
|As I pieced together my shocking confession, for<br>the first time today, Chiaki gave an expression of surprise.
Line 5,878: Line 5,873:
|"Hm I wonder...? I've never really been interested in boys or guys until now..."
|"Hmm, I wonder...? I've never really been interested in boys or guys until now..."
Line 5,884: Line 5,879:
|"R, really...? I thought you'd be the type of girl to have lots of love experiences."
|"R-Really...? I thought you'd be the type of girl with a lot of experience when it comes to love."
Line 5,890: Line 5,885:
|"Because I appear to be very lax with guys?"
|"Because I appear to be very careless when it comes to guys?"
Line 5,896: Line 5,891:
|"... Judging by your attitude towards me, it's hard not to think that right?"
|"...Judging by your attitude toward me, it's hard not to think that, right?"
Line 5,902: Line 5,897:
|"That's...only because it's Haruki, you know?"
|"That's… only because it's you, you know, Haruki?"
Line 5,908: Line 5,903:
|"That's what I'm telling you I don't get."
|"That's what I'm telling you I don't understand."
Line 5,914: Line 5,909:
|As my secrets are laid bare, not just me, but each of our secrets continue to be revealed at a quick pace.
|As my secrets are laid bare, not just my own, but both our secrets continue to be revealed at a quick pace.
Line 5,920: Line 5,915:
|"So, what? Is she really just like the article described?"
|"So what gives? Is she really just like the article described?"
Line 5,926: Line 5,921:
|"Well, yeah. She's got terrible attitude and personality, a sharp tongue...quite delinquent and unapproachable...always alone..."
|"Well, yeah. She's got a terrible attitude and personality, a sharp tongue…<br><br>She’s a delinquent who’s unapproachable and… she’s always alone..."
Line 5,932: Line 5,927:
|"Just the type of person Haruki can't ignore."
|"Just the type of person you can't ignore, Haruki."
Line 5,938: Line 5,933:
|"If someone like that is in the class, it'll make the entire atmosphere gloomy, right?"
|"If someone like that is in the class, it'll darken the entire atmosphere, right?"
Line 5,944: Line 5,939:
|"That's the class president for you....soo serious~!"
|"That's the class representative for you…<br>So serious~!"
Line 5,950: Line 5,945:
|"Just the previous term though."
|"Only for the first term, though."
Line 5,956: Line 5,951:
|At this rate, this girl in front of me will end up becoming the person who understands me the most.
|At this rate, this woman in front of me will end up becoming the person who understands me the most.
Line 5,968: Line 5,963:
|"Well yeah, I was quite hated."
|"Well, yeah, I was quite harsh on her."
Line 5,974: Line 5,969:
|"Ahahaha... I understand, I understand! Someone who doesn't like relying on others doesn't mesh well with Haruki...she's my complete opposite."
|"Ahahaha... I totally get it! Someone who doesn't like relying on others doesn't mesh well with you… She's my complete opposite."
Line 5,980: Line 5,975:
|"But making people want to rely on her...you two are the same in that regard."
|"But in terms of making people rely on them… you two are the same in that regard."
Line 5,986: Line 5,981:
|"About that, anyway I bet you're one who kept on clinging onto her, right? I can just see it~"
|"Well, about that, I suppose you're the one who kept clinging onto her, right? I can just picture it~!"
Line 6,004: Line 5,999:
|"Is it like this...? <br> 'You're annoying', 'Stay away from me'."
|"Did she act like this...? 'You're annoying', ‘You irritate me’, 'Don’t bother me.'"
Line 6,010: Line 6,005:
Line 6,016: Line 6,011:
|Those words I haven't heard in a while... stab at my heart.
|Those words that I haven't heard in a while... stab at my heart.
Line 6,022: Line 6,017:
|" 'Doesn't matter'. <br> 'You stupid?' "
|"'Not my problem', 'You stupid?'."
Line 6,034: Line 6,029:
|"Hmm...then, like this? '...It doesn't concern you.' <br> 'Haruki, are you stupid?' "
|"Hmm… then, like this? ‘It has nothing to do with you.' 'Haruki, are you stupid or something?'"
Line 6,040: Line 6,035:
|"...She didn't call me by my first name. We didn't have that sort of casual relationship."
|"...She didn't call me by my first name. We didn't have that sort of candid relationship."
Line 6,052: Line 6,047:
|"Then....<br>'Kitahara, are you stupid?' "
|"Then… 'Kitahara, are you stupid?'"
Line 6,064: Line 6,059:
|「あれ~? まだ違う?<br>こんな感じだと思ったんだけどなぁ」
|「あれ~? まだ違う?<br>こんな感じだと思ったんだけどなぁ」
|"Huh~? Still wrong? I thought pretty sure it'd be something like that."
|"Huh~? Still wrong? I thought for sure it'd be something like that."
Line 6,076: Line 6,071:
|Those words I haven't heard in a while...spark something in me.
|Those words that I haven't heard in a while… sparked something in me.
Line 6,082: Line 6,077:
|"Alright! I did it! I did it~♪"
|"Alright! I did it! I did it~♪!"
Line 6,088: Line 6,083:
|"What's the use of being able to do something like that..."
|"What's the use of being able to do something like that…?"
Line 6,094: Line 6,089:
|I respond to her dryly and turn my back to her as I say "I'm tired of fooling around with you~"
|I respond to her dryly and turn my back to her as if saying, "I'm tired of fooling around with you."
Line 6,106: Line 6,101:
|"Well, I thought she would be the most suitable to cheer Haruki up."
|"Well, I thought she would be the most suitable to cheer you up with the way you are now."
Line 6,112: Line 6,107:
|"What makes you...think that..."
|"What makes you… think that…?"
Line 6,118: Line 6,113:
|"Hm...process of elimination?"
|"Hmm… process of elimination?"
Line 6,130: Line 6,125:
|Out of the two people, I can no longer be with one of them.
|There’s one among the two that I can no longer be with.
Line 6,136: Line 6,131:
|Even so, stop assuming that the other one is such an important existence to me...
|I really shouldn’t be assuming that the other remaining person is precious to me just because of that fact.
Line 6,148: Line 6,143:
Line 6,154: Line 6,149:
|"Just how much longer are you going to stay depressed? You're...really an annoying guy."
|"Just how much longer are you going to remain down in the dumps? You're… just as depressing as usual."
Line 6,160: Line 6,155:
|A low, sharp voice different from Chiaki's usual one strokes my back.
|A low, sharp voice different from her usual one strokes my back.
Line 6,166: Line 6,161:
|"...Are you going to say it's my fault? That's none of my business. You're the one who went and fell in love with me."
|"...Are you going to say it's my fault? Who cares about that? You're the one who went and fell in love with me."
Line 6,172: Line 6,167:
|"Stop it...you're bad at imitating her.."
|"Stop it… you’re not acting like her at all..."
Line 6,178: Line 6,173:
|"And, I also went and fell in love with you."
|"And I also went and fell in love with you."
Line 6,184: Line 6,179:
|"She won't say something like that..."
|"She wouldn’t say something like that..."
Line 6,190: Line 6,185:
|"We're partners in crime. If you're always this depressed, I'll become depressed too...is that okay with you?"
|"We're partners-in-crime. If you're always this depressed, I'll become depressed too… Is that okay with you?"
Line 6,202: Line 6,197:
|She won't say something like that...
|She just wouldn’t say something like that...
Line 6,208: Line 6,203:
|"So you see, Kitahara...you only have half the sin."
|"What I’m saying, Kitahara… is that you only carry half the sin."
Line 6,214: Line 6,209:
|The idea of being "partners in crime" is something I selfishly branded on her because of my grudge. She shouldn't have to carry that burden.
|The idea of being "partners-in-crime" is something<br>I’ve selfishly branded on her because of my grudge. She shouldn't have to carry that burden.
Line 6,220: Line 6,215:
|"Since your sin is only half, then use half the time to get back up. It has been a long time since that day already, right?"
|"You only bear half of your sin, so use half the time to get back up. It’s been a long time since that day already, right?"
Line 6,226: Line 6,221:
|She won't encourage people. There's no way she will encourage me. This is not the real Kazusa.
|She doesn't encourage people. There's no way she would encourage me. This is not the real Kazusa.
Line 6,232: Line 6,227:
|「な? 年が明けたらさ…<br>いつものお節介で、鬱陶しい北原に戻るんだぞ?」
|「な? 年が明けたらさ…<br>いつものお節介で、鬱陶しい北原に戻るんだぞ?」
|"Alright? So when you enter this new year... be sure to return to that meddling and annoying Kitahara?"
|"Alright? So when you enter this new year... go back to being that meddling and annoying Kitahara."
Line 6,238: Line 6,233:
|This is...my ideal Kazusa.
|This is… my ideal Kazusa.
Line 6,244: Line 6,239:
|"At that time, I'll amaze you. I'll make fun of you like always."
|"And when that happens, I’ll put you at a loss for words. I'll make fun of you like I always do."
Line 6,256: Line 6,251:
|"I have no idea what happens beyond that. All that's left is for Kitahara to decide and act."
|"I have no idea what happens beyond that. All that's left is for you to decide and act."
Line 6,268: Line 6,263:
|It's great that I have my back turned to her. It's great that I can't see.
|It’s a good thing that I’ve quickly turned my back on her. It’s a good thing that I can’t see anything.
Line 6,280: Line 6,275:
|If a connection happens to be made, I'll be at a loss as to whether I should follow the voice or the face.
|If a connection happens to be made, I'll be at a loss as to whether I should respond to the voice or the face.
Line 6,292: Line 6,287:
|The owner of this voice and face, I won't know who to treat her as anymore.
|The owner of this voice and face—I won't know who to treat her as anymore.
Line 6,310: Line 6,305:
|"See...ya. You idiot."
|"See… you. You idiot."
Line 6,322: Line 6,317:
|"....Crap. I was too immersed in the role I said something unnecessary."
|"...Crap. I was so immersed in the role that I said something unnecessary."
Line 6,334: Line 6,329:
|"I knew it, she doesn't like me. Hey Haruki, about that last part..."
|"As I thought, this girl doesn’t like me. You know, Haruki, about that last part..."
Line 6,340: Line 6,335:
|"It's fine, Chiaki."
|"It's alright, Chiaki."
Line 6,352: Line 6,347:
|But that crucial mistake...
|But that fatal mistake...
Line 6,364: Line 6,359:
|"Happy New Years. We've just entered the new year."
|"Happy New Year. We've just entered the new year."
Line 6,376: Line 6,371:
|The moment the little and big hand on the bedside clock point north, I turn to face Chiaki.
|At the moment the short and long hand on the bedside clock both point straight up, I turn to face Chiaki.
Line 6,382: Line 6,377:
|I bring my face to hers, joining our foreheads together. I burn in my eyes the face of this woman by my side right now.
|I bring my face to hers, joining our foreheads together. I burn in my eyes the face of this woman<br>by my side right now.
Line 6,400: Line 6,395:
|"So...I'm counting on you this year too?"
|"So… I'm looking forward to getting along with you this year too, alright?"
Line 6,406: Line 6,401:
|"O, okay..."
Line 6,412: Line 6,407:
|And so I am no longer going to treat Chiaki as an escape.
|That’s why I’m not going to treat Chiaki as an escape anymore.
Line 6,430: Line 6,425:
|"If that's what Haruki wants..."
|"That is if that's what you want, Haruki..."
Line 6,436: Line 6,431:
|"Yeah...at least for today."
|"Yeah… At least for today."
Line 6,442: Line 6,437:
Line 6,448: Line 6,443:
|To me, this woman called Izumi Chiaki is now someone so important to me that I cannot live without her.
|She’s a woman named Izumi Chiaki, who’s now so precious to me that I just can’t go on without her by my side...
Line 6,472: Line 6,467:
Line 6,478: Line 6,473:
Line 6,484: Line 6,479:
|"Ah, you're finally awake. You know it's already 10 o'clock?"
|"Ah, you're finally awake. It's already 10 o'clock, you know?"
Line 6,496: Line 6,491:
|"Don't they say that "New Year's Day is the key of the year"? Even just for today, get yourself together!"
|"Make plans for the whole year on New Year’s day, as they say, right? You could at least get it together today.”
Line 6,502: Line 6,497:
Line 6,508: Line 6,503:
|I pay no more attention to the half-asleep Chiaki and return to my battle with the kitchen stove.
|I pay no more attention to the half-asleep Chiaki<br>and return to my battle with the kitchen stove.
Line 6,514: Line 6,509:
|After all, there's a person who will definitely laugh at me if I ruin the omelette despite not being able to make one herself.
|After all, there's a person who will definitely laugh at me if I ruin the omelette despite not being able to make one herself.
Line 6,544: Line 6,539:
|"I didn't have enough time or ingredients so these are all I could prepare for our New Year feast. I also managed to make some rice cake soup."
|"I didn't have enough time or ingredients, so<br>I couldn’t prepare much more osechi than this. I also just barely managed to make some rice cake soup."
Line 6,556: Line 6,551:
|"Let's make a toast since it's New Years Day? ...Even though we're just heating up some canned sake."
|"So, how about a New Year's Day toast? ...Even though we're just heating up some convenience store sake, I suppose."
Line 6,568: Line 6,563:
|"Well then, once again...Happy New Year! Please take care of me this year as well."
|"Well then, once again… Happy New Year! Here’s to another good year."
Line 6,574: Line 6,569:
|"What's...all this..."
|"What's… all this…?"
Line 6,580: Line 6,575:
|"They are food you bought through the internet?"
|"It’s just the food you ordered online?"
Line 6,586: Line 6,581:
|"No~ that's not what I mean."
|"No, that's not what I mean..."
Line 6,592: Line 6,587:
|Chiaki doesn't take up her sake cup and instead looks curiously at the feast on the table....well, more like stares dumbfoundedly at the simple meal.
|Despite raising it for a toast, Chiaki doesn't take a sip out of her sake cup and instead looks curiously at the feast on the table…<br>Rather, she’s staring dumbfoundedly at the simple dishes prepared.
Line 6,598: Line 6,593:
|"Didn't I tell you to rest? To get plenty of sleep, not do anything, drink your medicine..."
|"Didn't I tell you to rest? To get plenty of sleep, take it easy, drink your medicine..."
Line 6,610: Line 6,605:
|"Then why are you breaking the rules? If you exert yourself too much while recovering..."
|"Then why aren’t you listening to me? If you exert yourself too much while recovering, you’ll just..."
Line 6,622: Line 6,617:
|"Whyy!? I wasn't being selfish this time. I just said for us to laze around."
|"Why~!? I wasn't being greedy this time, either.<br>I just said we should laze around!"
Line 6,628: Line 6,623:
|"...Ah~ I didn't mean it that way."
|"...Ah, I didn't mean it that way."
Line 6,634: Line 6,629:
|"Then what do you mean? Haruki, you can't be so reckless yet. You need to follow my rules, sleep quietly by my side..."
|"Then what do you mean? Haruki, you can't be so reckless yet. You just need to listen to what I’m telling you, sleep quietly by my side, and..."
Line 6,640: Line 6,635:
|"Even if you persistently tell me to sleep, I..."
|"If you’re going to be so loud about telling me to sleep quietly, then..."
Line 6,652: Line 6,647:
|"Even if you say that, my rules.....nnnn!?"
|"Listen to me, Haruki. I’m telling you… nnnn!?"
Line 6,658: Line 6,653:
|Pushing Chiaki down, I let the sake flow into her mouth using my lips and tongue.
|Then, pushing Chiaki down with all my might, I let the sake flow into her mouth using my lips and tongue.
Line 6,664: Line 6,659:
|"Nn, nnn...nnnnn~!?"
|"Nn, nnn… nnnnn~!?"
Line 6,670: Line 6,665:
|In order for Chiaki to swallow the sake mixed with my saliva, I use the tip of my tongue to guide the liquid into her throat forcefully.
|I use the tip of my tongue to forcefully guide the liquid toward her throat until she finally swallows the mix of sake and saliva.
Line 6,676: Line 6,671:
|"Puuhh....That's why I'm telling you to listen."
|"Puuhh… That's why I'm telling you to listen."
Line 6,682: Line 6,677:
|"Nnn… gulp… puhaa..."
Line 6,688: Line 6,683:
|Chiaki's cheeks quickly redden with just one cup of sake.
|Chiaki's cheeks seemed far too red for just one cup of sake.
Line 6,694: Line 6,689:
|"I'm already over the stage where I need to distract myself from painful memories by working needlessly."
|"I'm already past the stage where I need to forcefully distract myself from painful memories by working myself to the bone, you know."
Line 6,706: Line 6,701:
|"My mind is clear. My heart is also calm. I don't think this is all thanks to entering the new year."
|"My mind is clear. My heart is calm. ...And I don't think it’s just because a new year has started."
Line 6,712: Line 6,707:
|As she looks up at me with that dazed expression, a new emotion wells up inside me, one unlike the dependency I had for her until now.
|As she looks up at me with that dazed expression,<br>a new emotion wells up inside me, one unlike the dependency I had for her until now.
Line 6,724: Line 6,719:
|"Even I'm not that overconfident...and heartless."
|"Even I'm not that overconfident… and heartless as people think. At least, I think so."
Line 6,736: Line 6,731:
|I'm still not completely over Setsuna. My three years isn't something so cheap.
|I'm still not completely over Setsuna. Things haven’t developed so peacefully over the past three years.
Line 6,742: Line 6,737:
|"In my current condition, I can start my rehabilitation. So I think it's about time I stop relying on medicine."
|"But in my current condition, I can start my rehabilitation now. So I think it's about time<br>I stop relying on medicine."
Line 6,754: Line 6,749:
|Even if I realized that, I've become able to accept my current self, resolving to move forward before everything turns bad.
|It’s just that even though I’m already aware of it, I’ve also come to grips with my current self, enough that I know<br>I need to move forward through the muddy path ahead.
Line 6,760: Line 6,755:
|"It's about time I overcome my Chiaki-dependency."
|"It's about time I overcome my dependence on you, Chiaki."
Line 6,766: Line 6,761:
Line 6,772: Line 6,767:
|Kissing her lips while telling myself to overcome, I guess in a way you can say I'm inconsistent in my words and actions.
|Kissing her lips while saying that I have to get over her... I guess, in a way, you can say I'm being inconsistent with my words and actions.
Line 6,784: Line 6,779:
|That there is a difference between not being able to live without Chiaki and feeling uplifted just by having her around.
|That there is a difference between not being able to live without Chiaki and being uplifted just by having her around.
Line 6,790: Line 6,785:
|"Thanks for everything, Chiaki...but I think I'm okay now. I'll be okay."
|"Thank you for everything up until now, Chiaki… but I think I'm okay now. I'll make sure I’ll be okay."
Line 6,796: Line 6,791:
|"....It's finnee~ I don't care if you depend on me forever."
|"...It's finnee~ I don't care if you depend on me forever."
Line 6,814: Line 6,809:
|"I don't want to deny even the life I've built up till now."
|"I don't intend to deny the life I've built for myself up until now."
Line 6,820: Line 6,815:
|The me who stuck to the rules and valued an independent's pride and leadership over everything else. The me from way back... even before my meeting with Setsuna and Kazusa three years ago.
|My life, where I stuck to the rules and valued independence, pride, and leadership over everything else.<br>My old self dating way back... even before my meeting with Setsuna and Kazusa three years ago.
Line 6,826: Line 6,821:
|"It's true I'm despicable, but I don't want to approve of that kind of despicable me who even thinks it's okay to be despicable."
|"I know that I’m the worst, but… I wouldn’t want to despicably affirm myself that it’s alright for me to be this way.
Line 6,832: Line 6,827:
|Those ten-odd years of memories must still dwell inside me now...
|Such memories dating almost ten or so years must still dwell inside me now...
Line 6,838: Line 6,833:
|"In other words, I'm not needed anymore?"
|"So you’re saying you don’t want me anymore?
Line 6,844: Line 6,839:
|"I want you. Isn't that obvious?"
|"I do want you. Isn't that obvious?"
Line 6,850: Line 6,845:
Line 6,856: Line 6,851:
|Chiaki's face becomes even more red without drinking a second cup.
|Chiaki’s face flushes a deeper shade of red despite the fact that she hasn’t helped herself to a second cup.
Line 6,862: Line 6,857:
|"I just thought that from now on, I don't want to embrace Chiaki to forget something. Instead, I want to embrace Chiaki to engrave something in my heart..."
|"It’s just that I don’t want to embrace you only so I can forget about something, Chiaki. I want to embrace you so I can engrave something in my heart…”
Line 6,868: Line 6,863:
Line 6,874: Line 6,869:
|Chiaki's face further reddens.
|Chiaki’s face reddens even more.
Line 6,880: Line 6,875:
|Her innocent reaction almost unimaginable from her usual frankness leaves me bewildered...
|Her innocent reaction, almost unimaginable considering her usual frankness, leaves me bewildered...
Line 6,886: Line 6,881:
Line 6,904: Line 6,899:
|This is probably the first time I said outright that I "want" her.
|This is probably the first time I’ve outright told her that I want her.
Line 6,910: Line 6,905:
|"T, the food's going to get cold! Let's hurry and dig in!"
|"T-The food's going to get cold! Let's hurry and dig in!"
Line 6,916: Line 6,911:
Line 6,922: Line 6,917:
|Before we realized, we ignored the simple feast and ended up on top of each other. Somehow embarassed, we once again face each other at the table.
|Before we realized it, we ignored the simple feast and ended up on top of each other. Somehow embarrassed,<br>we once again face each other at the table.
Line 6,928: Line 6,923:
|"Well then, let's eat!"
|"Well then, itadakimasu!"
Line 6,934: Line 6,929:
|"Th..thanks for the food."
Line 6,952: Line 6,947:
|We've sat next to each other until now, always touching as if relying on one another.
|We've sat next to each other until now, always touching as if relying on one another.
Line 6,958: Line 6,953:
|But from today onwards, as one individual to another, we'll face each other straight on.
|But from today onward, as one individual to another, we'll face each other straight on.
Line 6,982: Line 6,977:
|"Nah, not worth the hassle.”
|"Don't wanna~ too bothersome."
Line 6,988: Line 6,983:
|"It's just a little shopping, should be fine right? I really want Chiaki to come along."
|"Just a little shopping should be fine, right?<br>I really want you to come along."
Line 6,994: Line 6,989:
|So first I want her to accept a token of my appreciation. She'll probably accept without resistance if it's something like a lucky bag.
|So first, I want her to accept a token of my appreciation. She'll probably accept it without<br>resistance if it's something like a mystery package.
Line 7,012: Line 7,007:
Line 7,018: Line 7,013:
|Of course, we'll need to buy food supplies too. And I'll also make her carry the bags.
|Of course, we'll need to buy food supplies too.<br>And I'll also make her carry the bags, no mercy.
Line 7,036: Line 7,031:
|"Phew, sorry to keep you...waiting?"
|"Haah, sorry to keep you… waiting?"
Line 7,048: Line 7,043:
|Things were scattered about on the floor that I should've tidied up during the day.
|Things were scattered about on the floor that<br>I must've tidied up during the day.
Line 7,054: Line 7,049:
|Clothes that she took off and flung, clothes that were washed, clothes on their hangers, and a small pouch.
|Clothes that she took off and thrown, clothes that were washed, clothes on their hangers, and a small pouch.
Line 7,066: Line 7,061:
|「…何やってんだ? 千晶」
|「…何やってんだ? 千晶」
|"...What are you doing? Chiaki."
|"...What are you doing, Chiaki?"
Line 7,078: Line 7,073:
| The culprit behind that magnificent spectacle.
|The culprit behind such a magnificent spectacle.
Line 7,084: Line 7,079:
|"I'm thinking of packing my luggage, but it's weird...they won't all go in. When I came here, they fitted in perfectly."
|"I was thinking of packing my luggage, but it's weird… they won't all go in, even though when I came here they fitted in perfectly."
Line 7,096: Line 7,091:
|Since the time she came here, Chiaki has bought [Rclothes^underwear] through the internet. There's also the present I gave her yesterday.
|Since the time she came here, she’s bought underwear through the internet. There's also the present I gave her yesterday.
Line 7,102: Line 7,097:
|Besides, with Chiaki's tidying skills, she doesn't have it in her to return things that she made a mess of back to their original state...
|Besides, with how good she actually is at cleaning up, she doesn't have it in her to return things that she made a mess of back to their original state...
Line 7,132: Line 7,127:
|"Well, it looked like my business here was done."
|"It seems that my business here is done, after all.
Line 7,138: Line 7,133:
|But it's exactly because I'm back to my normal self that Chiaki seems to be preparing to leave.
|But it's exactly because I'm back to my normal self that she seems to be preparing to leave.
Line 7,144: Line 7,139:
|"When I was needed, I didn't feel too much burden even if I continued to stay here. <br>What they call 'give and take'."
|"When I was needed, I didn't feel too bothered even if I continued to stay here. It’s what they call give and take."
Line 7,150: Line 7,145:
|"What's with that? You'd shamelessly stay here before even when I told you to leave..."
|"What are you talking about? You'd shamelessly stay here before, even when I told you to leave..."
Line 7,156: Line 7,151:
|"Ahahaha, I feel a little bad being told that. Back then I was...well, kinda...you know?"
|"Ahahaha, I feel a little bad being told that.<br>Back then I was… well, kinda… you know?"
Line 7,162: Line 7,157:
|"Besides, you still haven't taken a thing. I have yet to return you anything."
|"Besides, you’ve not gotten anything out of all this. After all, I’ve yet to repay you even in the slightest.
Line 7,174: Line 7,169:
|"So I don't really mind if from now on I have to provide for...no, if I become your resting place."
|"So I don't really mind if from now on I have to provide for… no, if I have to let you crash here."
Line 7,180: Line 7,175:
Line 7,186: Line 7,181:
|『うわ、養うだって、養っちゃうんだって~!<br>春希、あたしにプロポーズしたな~? あははははっ』
|『うわ、養うだって、養っちゃうんだって~!<br>春希、あたしにプロポーズしたな~? あははははっ』
|"Woah, he said provide, he said he will provide for me~! Did Haruki just propose to me~? Ahahaha."
|"Whoa, he said provide, he said he will provide for me~! Did you just propose to me~? Ahahaha."
Line 7,192: Line 7,187:
|"Besides, there's still one week left of winter break..."
|"Well, there's still one week left of winter break..."
Line 7,204: Line 7,199:
|"...You really are a kind person, Haruki~ It's because of your personality that you remain unable to move on in these three years. But that in turn hurts the other person, you know?"
|"...You really are a kind person, Haruki~ It's because of your personality that you remain unable to move on after these three years. But that in turn hurts the other person, you know?"
Line 7,210: Line 7,205:
|Even though we changed the subject, it looks like Chiaki has no intention of changing what she plans to do.
|Just like how we can’t seem to let go of the real issue at hand, Chiaki has no intention of changing what she plans to do.
Line 7,216: Line 7,211:
|"....I admit I'm in the wrong, but not because I'm a kind person. It's because I'm a pathetic guy."
|"...I admit I'm in the wrong, but not because I'm a kind person. It's because I'm a pathetic guy."
Line 7,228: Line 7,223:
|"Yeah, it's true that I am stubborn. But on the contrary, you're too flexible in your way of thinking."
|"Yeah, it's true that I’m stubborn. But on the contrary, you're too flexible in your way of thinking."
Line 7,234: Line 7,229:
|For example, if I tell her, "you can stay however long you want", I get the feeling that's exactly what she'll do...
|For example, if I tell her, "you can stay however long you want," I get the feeling that's exactly what she'll do...
Line 7,246: Line 7,241:
|I seriously don't mind at all. On the contrary, I'll most likely even be happy.
|I really wouldn’t mind it at all. If anything, I’d be elated if she were to stay.
Line 7,252: Line 7,247:
|If Chiaki can stay here for the entire winter break...no, if she can stay forever even after it's over...
|If she can stay here for the entire winter break… no, if I’m lucky, then even after that and forevermore...
Line 7,258: Line 7,253:
|"But Haruki. You're no longer at the stage where "you can't live without me" right?"
|"But you know, Haruki, you're no longer at the stage where "you can't live without me," right?"
Line 7,264: Line 7,259:
|"...But that's all thanks to you that I'm able to recover to that point."
|"...But that's all thanks to you that I was able to recover to that point."
Line 7,270: Line 7,265:
|「そっか、あたしのおかげか…<br>自分で自分の首締めちゃったかな? あたし」
|「そっか、あたしのおかげか…<br>自分で自分の首締めちゃったかな? あたし」
|"I see, so it's all thanks to me huh... <br>Did I end up digging my own grave?"
|"I see, so it's all thanks to me, huh… Did I end up digging my own grave?"
Line 7,288: Line 7,283:
|"Does the current me make you uncomfortable?"
|"Am I making you uncomfortable with the way I am now?"
Line 7,300: Line 7,295:
|"You don't have to be so direct..."
|"You didn’t have to be so direct..."
Line 7,306: Line 7,301:
|"It's a bit painful to stay beside Haruki who's able to function on his own."
|"It's a bit painful to stay beside you when you’re able to function on your own."
Line 7,318: Line 7,313:
|Despite a bitter smile forming on my face, in actuality I spoke as if I recieved quite a shock.
|Despite a bitter smile forming on my face, in actuality, I spoke as if I received quite a shock.
Line 7,324: Line 7,319:
|Compared to the me who can support her, Chiaki prefers the me who can't live without her support?
|Did Chiaki really just say that she would prefer that I depend on her rather than be able to support her?
Line 7,330: Line 7,325:
|"Then I won't stop you. I hope to at least see you off at the station, but I won't get mad even if you leave by yourself."
|"Then I won't stop you. I hope to at least see you off to the station, but I won't get mad even if you leave by yourself."
Line 7,336: Line 7,331:
|"You're really fine even without me now, Haruki. Have to say I'm a little hurt."
|"...So you're really fine even without me now, Haruki. I admit that I'm a little hurt."
Line 7,342: Line 7,337:
|"I'll say it again and again, but it's all thanks to you?"
|"I'll say it as many times as I need to, but it's all thanks to you."
Line 7,348: Line 7,343:
|...Just why are you having the same thoughts. You're the one who spoke out about it first.
|...Why are you thinking about the same thing I am? You were the one who brought it up first, weren’t you?
Line 7,354: Line 7,349:
|If it hurts to leave me, and if it also hurts when I let you leave, then why are things turning out this way...
|If it hurts to leave me, and if it also hurts when<br>I let you leave, then why are things turning out this way…?
Line 7,360: Line 7,355:
|"Well then, shall I continue packing? ...Hm how do I stuff these in..?"
|"Well then, shall I continue packing? ...Hmm, how do<br>I stuff these in...?"
Line 7,366: Line 7,361:
|That kind of thing...
|This is...
Line 7,390: Line 7,385:
|See, there are still lingering feelings.
|There are still lingering affections, aren’t there?
Line 7,396: Line 7,391:
|"....Quite forward, considering your usual self."
|"...Quite forward, considering your usual self."
Line 7,402: Line 7,397:
|Chiaki mutters with her back to me as she folds the camisole from that time.
|Chiaki mutters with her back to me as she folds the camisole from that time.
Line 7,420: Line 7,415:
|「嫌か? なら諦めるけど」
|「嫌か? なら諦めるけど」
|"Don't want to? Then I'll give up."
|"You don’t want to? I’ll give up on that, then.
Line 7,432: Line 7,427:
|"I won't force it on someone who says no. <br>...But it's true that I want you so much it's making me crazy."
|"I won't force it on someone who says no. ...But it's true that I want you so much that it's making me crazy, Chiaki."
Line 7,456: Line 7,451:
|In the past, that one time when Chiaki took over my bed, I deliberately ran into the washroom and slept inside the tub.
|In the past, that one time when she took over my bed, I deliberately ran into the bathroom and slept inside the tub.
Line 7,462: Line 7,457:
|But I need not go that far now.
|But I don’t need to go that far now.
Line 7,468: Line 7,463:
|Even though my desire for Chiaki is stronger than before, my feelings of wanting to cherish her overpower it.
|Even though my desire for her is stronger than before, so are my feelings of wanting to cherish her.
Line 7,474: Line 7,469:
|"Haruki....sleep on the bed."
|"Haruki… sleep on the bed."
Line 7,480: Line 7,475:
|"It's fine. You can use it..."
|"It's fine. You can use the bed..."
Line 7,498: Line 7,493:
|"Today...I'll do it. So there's no need for you to request it."
|"Today… I’ll do what’s needed. So there's no need for you to request it, Haruki."
Line 7,510: Line 7,505:
|Was it that you didn’t answer my longing because you thought said longing was unnecessary?
|My request was unnecessary, so you didn't answer to it?
Line 7,522: Line 7,517:
|"So, come on. <br> If you don't get in bed, I'll push you down?"
|"So, come on. If you don't get in bed, I'll push you down, you know."
Line 7,528: Line 7,523:
|"I was sure you wouldn't want to today..."
|"I was convinced you wouldn't want to do it today..."
Line 7,534: Line 7,529:
|"There's no way...I wouldn't want to. If it's this Chiaki-chan..."
|"There's no way… I wouldn't want to. If it's this Chiaki-chan..."
Line 7,546: Line 7,541:
|"This Izumi Chiaki who has suffered mercilessly from Haruki's perverted acts..."
|"This Izumi Chiaki, who has suffered mercilessly from your perverted acts, Haruki..."
Line 7,564: Line 7,559:
|But Chiaki held on to me and pushed me down onto the bed.
|But she held onto me and pushed me down onto the bed.
Line 7,570: Line 7,565:
|[F16 "There's no more point in doing this. <br>][F16...But this is not about reason."]
|[F16"There's no point in doing this anymore.<br>...But this isn’t about reason."]
Line 7,576: Line 7,571:
|"What...did you say?"
|"What… did you say?"
Line 7,582: Line 7,577:
|"Heeyy, don't talk, Haruki. From now on, I'll make you drown in ecstasy, okay?~♪"
|"Heeyy, don't talk, Haruki. From now on, I'll make you drown in ecstasy, okay~♪?"
Line 7,595: Line 7,590:
|Chiaki's hand reaches for my boxers, and everything is stripped away in an instant.
|Chiaki's hand reaches for my boxers, and everything is stripped away in an instant.
|2402_3 H scene begins here}}
Line 7,601: Line 7,596:
|2402_3 H scene ends here}}
|As my foggy mind gradually clears up, I unconsciously check the bedside clock.
|As my foggy mind gradually clears up, I unconsciously check the clock at my bedside.
|match to 2402/2}}
|same as line 2
|Six thirty in the morning.
|It’s 6:30 in the morning.
|match to 2402/3}}
|same as line 3
|Still plenty of time to get dressed, eat breakfast... and depending on the situation, even take a shower before all that and still make it before first class.
|There's still plenty of time to get dressed and eat breakfast... And depending on the situation, I could even take a shower first and still make it before my first class.
|match to 2402/4}}
|same as line 4
Line 7,633: Line 7,625:
|I haven't once woken up at this time while she was staying in this room.
|I haven't once woken up at this time while she was staying over.
Line 7,645: Line 7,637:
|Her belongings scattered on the floor last night have all but completely vanished.
|Her belongings that were scattered on the floor last night have all but completely vanished.
Line 7,657: Line 7,649:
|But it's obvious even without opening the doors in the room and checking.
|But it's obvious even without opening the doors of the room and checking.
Line 7,669: Line 7,661:
|I open the window by the bed which has been closed for the past few days.
|I open the window by the bed, which has been closed for the past few days.
Line 7,675: Line 7,667:
|The cold wind blows fiercely into the already cold room, sending the warmth of yesterday far into the past.
|The cold wind blows fiercely into the already usually cold room, sending the warmth of yesterday far into the past.
Line 7,681: Line 7,673:
|Chiaki's scent also gradually disperses.
|Chiaki's scent also gradually fades.
Line 7,693: Line 7,685:
|I would gladly stay together with her forever if she were to ever desire that.
|If she wished it, it'd be great if we could stay together always.
Line 7,705: Line 7,697:
|Our intimate days together where we intermingled, melted into each other, and even thought we would never separate again...
|Our intimate days together where we intermingled and melted into each other, and even thought we would never separate again...
Line 7,711: Line 7,703:
|Swiftly returned to my former everyday life along with my recovery.
|...Have been swiftly replaced by my former everyday life following my recovery.
Line 7,717: Line 7,709:
|Just what was she thinking...
|Just what was she thinking…?
Line 7,723: Line 7,715:
|In the end, did she place me first before her own feelings? Or did she simply get bored of this all?
|In the end, did she place me first before her own feelings? Or did she simply get bored of all this?
Line 7,729: Line 7,721:
|Well, I suppose I can only say it’s typical of her, whichever of these was the case.
|Well whichever it was, it's probably "just like her style".
Line 7,735: Line 7,727:
|"...Maybe I should get a haircut?"
|"...I think I should get a haircut."
Line 7,741: Line 7,733:
|My hair reflected in the window glass looks a little miserable.
|My hair reflected in the window looks a little miserable.
Line 7,747: Line 7,739:
|It has grown to a length where it's a bit concerning for someone living a regular life.
|It has grown to a length that’s rather concerning for someone living a regular, upstanding life.

Latest revision as of 22:35, 19 December 2021

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