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|”I refuse.”
|”What did you just say!?”
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|It’s early afternoon in the conference room.
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|After a loud bang on the desk, the room falls into silence.
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|Now that there’s only the two of us in the vast conference room, an awkward tension hangs in the air.
|”...Ouch ouch ouch.”
|”...Are you okay?”
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|During that silence, Hamada-san holds his right hand<br>in agony, trembling with tears in his eyes.
|”Hey, can’t you work it out somehow, Kitahara?<br>This isn’t exactly a request…”
|”Yeah… I’m sorry.”
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|...Perhaps it’s because he’s used to being angry, but his anger never lasts for very long. That can be seen as something both good and bad.
|”There are high expectations put on the editing department. Wouldn't this be a chance for you to<br>climb the corporate ladder?”
|”That… may be true…”
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|But whether he plans on forcing me or luring me into this job, I have no room to hesitate right now.
|"The interview article on last week's issue received an amazing response. The first issue of this year was better than any issues we had last year… Here, it's the reward money from our president."
|”...Thank you.”
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|What I received felt very light. Both physically and mentally. On the brown envelope, the words “President’s Award” were written with a ballpoint pen...
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|...I imagine that it contains Hamada-san’s own pocket change.
|”Well, our success was decided the moment we got our hands on the biggest craze of the season… I really feel bad for Ensemble.”
|”...I do too.”
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|Due to the concert held in Japan coming earlier than expected, they had no choice but to hand over the job to us,<br>thus explaining this so-called “President’s Award”...
|”That’s why I have to repay the favor. Kitahara,<br>don’t you agree?”
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|This is a plan Ensemble's chief editor and Hamada-san, along with Touma Youko, decided over a drink.
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|”Touma Kazusa Japanese Concert Exclusive Coverage.”
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|And I was thus singled out to be in charge of this job.
|”But she’s not a TV personality, she’s a pianist.<br>A classical pianist to boot.”
|”Yet she’s more popular than all the TV personalities at the moment… That’s why there’s a purpose to exclusive coverage.”
|”Yeah, but what about her private life?”
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|That is to say, what is being expected of me is to follow Touma Kazusa around every day until the concert, get comments out of her,<br>and take countless photos of her.
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|I’d be robbing her of any sense of privacy, and sacrificing my own privacy in the process. Basically what you’d expect from a tabloid journalist.
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|...Kazusa would be furious if she were to ever hear about this.
|”I got this impression when our interview was done… She’s pretty nervous about people making a lot of noise about her.”
|”Then try not to provoke her too much. Make sure to develop a positive relationship with the interviewee, and you must also write a great report. That's how you show off your ability.”
|”...Such a difficult job is impossible for me.”
|”You can do it! You, Kazaoka’s successor!”
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|This feels like I'm rewinding back to two years ago.
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|The job that ended up being the reason Setsuna and I broke up… and the reason we got back together.
|”She would have been capable of tending to the interviewee’s emotions and get the job done. You were brought up here following in her footsteps, weren’t you?”
|”...It’s unfair to bring up Mari-san’s name so often.”
|”Regardless, I’ve already gotten the green light from them. As long as you agree, no one will be against it!”
|”You can’t be serious! I’m utterly against it!”
|”Why would you accept such a thing? Aren’t you my mother?”
|”Regarding this concert in Japan, I’m also fulfilling the role of your manager.”
|”That makes it all the more absurd. I’m not some idol, you know?”
|”I’d say you’re something similar to one. At least, the brand name ‘Touma Kazusa’ is right now.”
|”...I don’t give a crap about that. I never asked for it.”
|”Why are you so against it anyway? I love interviews. Doesn’t it feel great to have the whole world paying attention to you?”
|”Unlike you, I wasn’t born an impudent weirdo.”
|”Hey, Kazusa. It’s about time you became more independent instead of relying on me for everything…”
|”...What a funny joke. I don’t think there are many children who have been as abandoned by their parents<br>as I have.”
|”And that’s precisely why I’m atoning for those mistakes right now. You can see it as another aspect of your rehabilitation process to familiarize you with society.”
|”...Don’t talk to me like I’m some social misfit.”
|”If you think I’m wrong, try to blend into society a bit more. Be it your staff, fans, or the mass media.”
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|”I heard that you glared at a reporter last night. That may not be put in any article, but it sure has spread as a rumor.”
|”...It’s her fault. She wouldn’t stop following me around no matter how much I ignored her.”
|”...They wouldn’t follow you around so much if you gave them a few comments.”
|”I just don’t want them to pry into me so much.<br>I just want to play my piano in peace.”
|”People who intend on putting bread on the table by playing the piano can’t live without mingling with others. No one will put money into someone who doesn’t promote themselves.”
|”That’s why I have you to…”
|”See? For how long do you intend to leech off of me?”
|”...Regardless, exclusive coverage is just absurd.<br>I’ll refuse that if anything at all.”
|”Even if the person in charge is Guitar-kun?”
|”They picked me…?”
|”Yes, they went out of their way to ask for you specifically… They said that if it’s not Kitahara, then it won’t happen.”
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|”The interviewee wants you alone, you know?<br>It’s not common for a newcomer to be called on<br>like that. …This is your big chance, you know?”
|”But that’s… not what Touma Kazusa herself wanted, right…?”
|”No, I’m pretty sure she did. Why do you think otherwise?”
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|This means that while Hamada-san and the others were getting excited planning this idea, Kazusa and I were arguing about her return to Japan.
|”By the way, you were against picking her up before too. Could it be that she said something rude during the interview?”
|”No… Nothing of the sort.”
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|The interview was the only thing that went smoothly.
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|The issue is everything else. That’s why we’ve decided not to see each other again...
|”Regardless, you’re all we’ve got both in terms of skill and connections, and also as far as our manpower is concerned.”
|”But I…”
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|It’s not befitting for someone to let their private affairs influence their work, especially not for a newcomer.
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|But there is one thing I absolutely can’t compromise on.
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|That is to not hurt Setsuna any more than I already have.
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|Even if it’s just Kazusa and me in the same room without anything happening, I don’t think Setsuna<br>would be able to remain at ease.
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|I have enough confidence to believe that Setsuna loves me to that extent. Because that’s the extent I love her.
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|That’s why...
|”But if you refuse now, I’ll have to force someone else to do it… and no one wants that.”
|”But you just said that everything will be canceled<br>if I said no…”
|”Obviously, we wouldn’t give up that easily. We’re the mass media, after all.”
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|”Besides, just because we forfeit this chance doesn’t mean that other magazines will. Don’t you think that things will devolve into a fight about who can gather data on her, causing her only more trouble?”
|”Surely not…!”
|”This morning she had an argument with a journalist… Luckily, it didn’t escalate into anything serious.”
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|That idiot…
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|Be it someone she hates or not, can’t she act even a little bit polite?
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|...No, she can’t. She wouldn't be the Kazusa I know if she were capable of that.
|”Think about it a little more. You can give me your final decision at the end of the week.”
|”...What about it? I said no, regardless of who is in charge.”
|”Did you think I was going to be delighted at hearing his name? Well I hate to burst your bubble, but your intuition was wrong.”
|”Regardless, I expected you to react in a dramatic manner. This is just what I predicted.”
|”Have you noticed? You’ve been emotionally unstable ever since you came back to Japan. You haven’t slept much, have you?”
|”...It’s just jet lag. It’ll go away soon.”
|”Thanks to that, your piano is getting more clumsy.<br>To be honest, I feel a bit uneasy about holding a concert at this rate.”
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|”The interest in your concert is high, so if you mess up even slightly, everything will be turned on its head… by the mass media you hate so much.”
|”What… about it? What does that have to do with the interviews? I have no clue what you’re getting at.”
|”If you see them as nothing but ‘interviews,’ then you certainly wouldn’t understand.”
|”If you want me to feel better, then it would be far more efficient if you just shut out all the noise around me. Why don’t you try it out?”
|”Either way, I won’t let anyone distract me any further. Notify that bunch out in the lobby of<br>that for me.”
|”Of course I can’t do that, not as your public relations manager. I want to improve my relationship with them… for your sake, as well.”
|”...I don’t give a damn about that.”
|”Well, let’s stop here for today. ...I got a lot of things to take care of this afternoon, so practice on your own until I come back.”
|”Where are you going? A lot of work in the afternoon? Until when…?”
|”Like I keep telling you, stop relying on me for everything…”
|”Don't ever come back!”

Latest revision as of 23:00, 19 December 2021

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