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== Text ==
== Text ==
|”Good morning. I’m Ogiso from Knights Records.<br>I look forward to working with you today.”
|”Ah, good morning… Wait, isn’t it usually Onuma-san who comes here today?”
|”I’ve been assigned to this task from now on. There might be some things I’m not accustomed to yet, but<br>I hope you’ll accept me regardless.”
|「そうですかぁ。こちらこそよろしく。<br>いや、急に華やいじゃったなぁナイツさん。<br>小木曽さんだっけ? ステージの方も出たりするの?」
|”I see. Likewise, then. I was wondering why Knights-san was so beautiful at first. You were Ogiso-san, right? Do you appear on stage too?”
|”Ah, no, I leave the event procedures to the professionals. I operate behind the scenes more than anything…”
|”What a waste… It wouldn’t hurt to make an occasional appearance. I’m sure you’d gain a lot of fans.”
|”...T-Thank you very much. But the main role goes to the artist, at the end of the day.”
|”Well, that’s true. Now let us arrange the procedures moving forward. Could you follow me to the office?”
|”Yes! I hope for a fruitful day of work!”
|[F16”...Good luck, me!”]
|match to 44}}
|13|スタッフ1|Staff Member 1
|”Alright, the camera test is done!”
|14|スタッフ2|Staff Member 2
|”Perhaps you should lower the brightness a bit?<br>The reflection might be a bit too strong.”
|”Hm… Let me check the images again at 1 PM. For now, we’ll leave things as they are until noon. Good work.”
|16|スタッフ2|Staff Member 2
|”Good work to you too. Hey everyone! One hour break starting now!”
|”Alrighty then…”
|”...Haah, aah… haah...!”
|”...Good work you too. Come, let’s go grab a bite.”
|”Haaah… haaah…! Why are there cameras?”
|”Because we’re going to sell the concert recording<br>of tomorrow on blu-ray, obviously.”
|”...You damn capitalist.”
|”I’m your company president. I have a duty to make sure my workers can eat, not to mention that I have to earn enough money to pay for my daughter’s education.”
|”Do what you want.”
|”If I can do what I want, then don’t complain when<br>I do.”
|”...If you want to eat, then do so alone. I’ll practice until I’m satisfied.”
|”...You’ve been at it since 5 AM, you know?”
|”This is nothing. Everything will end tomorrow anyway.”
|”You still have an additional concert though.”
|”Tomorrow is everything… I don’t care about what happens after that.”
|”I have a good feeling about my performance just now. Leave me be.”
|”I also have a good feeling about it. That’s why instead of improving on it, you should preserve<br>your strength for tomorrow…”
|”I said leave me be…”
|”...Fine. Just make sure you don’t overdo it, okay?”
|”This is no different from any other day.”
|”In what way? It’s true you’re doing well, but you look possessed.”
|”...I’m just a bit tense since the real deal is right around the corner.”
|”I’d appreciate if you didn’t mix your personal feelings with your job. Well, I suppose your music wouldn’t be the same if you didn’t.”
|”If all you’re going to do is talk nonsense, then leave already. I want to play the piano…”
|”Yes, yes. Well then, everything in moderation, okay?”
|”Just one more day…”
|match to 46}}
|”...Good luck, me.”
|match to 11}}
|”Just one more day…”
|match to 43}}
|”Try to keep the pace, would you?”
|It was a quiet day.
|Throughout the whole day, I didn’t hear a single sound that suggested that my neighbor was going about her life.
|No sounds of doors or windows opening. No sounds of banging on the walls to catch my attention.
|...That’s why I couldn’t get a wink of sleep. From night to morning, and then night again.
|Truthfully speaking, I did get about ten minutes of sleep. But that sleep brought forth nothing but regret, disgust, and anguish.
|I tried distracting myself with work, but I was done with all the magazines before noon. The only job remaining was the compiling of the interviews.
|But I couldn’t bring myself to listen to her voice.<br>In the end, I found myself just lying down on the bed like this.
|But unable to close my eyes, let alone fall asleep,<br>I kept staring at the ceiling until the sun set.
|the following lines until 81 presumably play on Setsuna True choices}}
|match to 3013/904}}
|”Since that’s how it is, I won’t be in Tokyo this Sunday, so I won’t be able to attend Kazusa’s concert.”
|match to 3013/905}}
|”You said you weren’t going, Haruki-kun, but<br>I actually managed to get some tickets. I was<br>planning on going to listen to Kazusa play.”
|match to 3013/906}}
|”If possible, I wanted to go with you, Haruki-kun.”
|match to 3013/907}}
|”You might be wondering why I’d decide something like that on my own. You might even be angry at me.”
|match to 3013/908}}
|”I’m sorry. But if I was going, I absolutely needed<br>you with me. Because…”
|match to 3013/909}}
|”I didn’t want you… to go to Kazusa’s concert alone, Haruki-kun.”
|match to 3013/910}}
|”Because I know how you will feel if you go to listen to Kazusa’s performance alone.”
|match to 3013/911}}
|”Your heart will leave me and it’ll be sucked in by her playing. I know that.”
|match to 3013/912}}
|No matter how many times I re-read that, the words won’t come out.
|We haven’t maintained a relationship this long just for nothing. Setsuna knows everything about me.
|She has no way of knowing about Kazusa and me, but she’s fully aware of the fact that I feel lost.
|But because our relationship is so close, I’ve realized something too.
|Setsuna’s wavering. She doesn’t fully trust me.
|The fact that she contacted me now is proof that Setsuna feels lost too.
|She would’ve done so earlier if she had forgiven me. And she would’ve done so much later if she began to trust me again.
|But that doesn’t mean I can blame Setsuna.
|After all, I’m currently harboring suspicious feelings and conducting myself in a way that’s deserving of her doubt.
|I’ve become so passionate about a woman other than Setsuna, so it’s only natural that she can’t forgive me.
|In that case, the course of action I should take is...
|...To try and understand everything about Setsuna. To accept everything about her, no matter what happens...
|Because whenever I close my eyes, I can see it.
|I can see the vague smile Kazusa let out when we parted… back at the station last night.
|I can see Kazusa’s impish, yet painful gaze when she looked up at me... back when we were in the music room that evening.
|I can see her tear-filled eyes. Her sweet, warm breaths. And her lips, which I’m sure would have felt soft and warm.
|In the blink of an eye, an unforgivable passion envelops my entire body...
|And in response, I rush into the bathroom, swiftly turn on the faucet, and soak my face in cold water.
|I do this over and over again… even through the numbing sensation of my hands and the stretching sensation of my face.
|I attempt to spread the chilling sensation to my head in an attempt to freeze the unrelenting images that keep on surfacing inside my mind.
|”It’s okay…”
|I shake my head, scattering the drops of water still on my face. Then I start speaking to the mirror.
|I rebuke my miserable reflection showing my pale expression and bloodshot eyes in the mirror.
|I tell myself that it’s alright. I tell myself that I’ve only lost my sense of reason temporarily.
|Because over the past five years, we’ve formed an unshakeable bond—an unbreakable connection that no one can come between.
|”That’s why, this time… is our final farewell.”
|match to 3013/1215}}
|It’s over now. Nothing ever happened.
|And nothing will happen from now on. After all, there won’t be another chance to...
|But then why...
|Why am I trying to convince myself that everything’s alright…?
|I should be telling someone else that everything’s alright, shouldn’t I? It’s something I should be telling Setsuna to put her at ease, isn’t it?
|”We’re here…”
|”Hey, it’s still not open. Wouldn’t it have been better if we took our time and went shopping instead?”
|”No way. Nothing good would come from being with you.”
|”That’s because you keep cutting me off whenever<br>I try to talk about something.”
|”That’s because you keep treating me like other women. It feels weird to have you act considerate after all this time.”
|”...What do you want me to do?”
|”Besides, I wanted to come here before the concert hall opens.”
|”Haruki… right?”
|”Do you think he’ll come…?”
|”No idea. He said he’s not coming when I asked him over the phone last week.”
|”I’ve noticed Setsuna is acting strange too… It feels like they’re going through something, those two.”
|”If only they could resolve it by themselves, with just the two of them…”
|”Don’t say anything weird… The third person is a world-famous celebrity now.”
|”And even then, she was the daughter of a world-famous celebrity.”
|”I told you to stop saying that. Their homes, situations, and even the worlds they live in are completely different.”
|”Why did you come looking for Haruki this early then?”
|”...I hope he won’t come.”
|”It feels pretty bad for us to be saying this when<br>we used to be Touma’s friends, though…”
|”But what should we do if he does come…? What should we tell him?”
|”That’s simple. We’ll greet him and say ‘fancy seeing you here,’ then we’ll be with him throughout the whole concert and make plans to all go home together once it’s over.”
|”Please, Takeya… Make sure you find Haruki, okay?”
|”...Will you do anything I tell you if I find him?”
|”I’ll… think about it.”
|”Alright then. I’ll keep my eyes wide open.”
|”...No, I’m sorry. Even if I say that, I’m sure that<br>in the end I’ll just…”
|”Stop talking like other women. It feels weird hearing you act so delicate.”
|”Y-Yes… Yes, I managed to get the other party to forgive us somehow.”
|”I see… Well, then I’ll go ahead and make a call to apologize.”
|”Please do. I’m really sorry about this…”
|”Oh, everyone makes mistakes. It’s more understandable given that this was your first event. We’ve already taken that into consideration.”
|”But I did cause a lot of trouble for the person in charge there…”
|”Just make sure it goes well next time and everything will work out. You still have work left to do over there tomorrow, so wrap things up for now.”
|”Oh, right, how about going to a karaoke place?<br>I’ve heard that you can manage just fine alone.”
|”Well then, good work. Forget about today and rest, then do your best tomorrow.”
|”Yes… Thank you very much…”
|”I made a mistake at work.”
|”I always hoped for and wanted this job, yet nothing went well at all.”
|”I’m such an idiot. I had all these delusions about success, never realizing I’m still not worth half a person.”
|”Why am I so different from you, Haruki-kun? We went to the same school for seven whole years…”
|”Tell me, Haruki-kun. Do you ever fail at your job?<br>If you do fail, how do you move on from it?”
|”I want to use it as a reference for tonight. If you see this text, then...”
|”No… Not yet. After all, nothing has been solved yet.”
|”I can’t let myself lose heart!”
|”The seats are almost full. Though that’s a given considering the ticket sales.”
|”Did anyone come to the dressing room?”
|”No one’s allowed entrance except for you.”
|”I made sure to tell the staff to make an exception for a single person. I even sent a text to him.”
|”Perhaps he’s restraining himself. Or perhaps he’ll appear once the concert is over.”
|”He won’t come here…”
|”Did you have a quarrel?”
|”We don’t have quarrels. Our relationship wasn’t like that from the start.”
|”But I don’t really care anyway. I’m satisfied as long as he comes to the concert.”
|”Did you perchance find him in the audience?”
|”No, I haven’t seen him since I haven’t left this place even once.”
|”Then why…?”
|”We don’t have quarrels… Our relationship isn’t like that, but… he’ll come. I’m certain he’ll come.”
|”I’m sure he’s listening somewhere. He’s listening to me play the piano…”
|175|ホテル受付|Hotel Receptionist
|”Welcome back.”
|”I’m Ogiso from Room 1415…”
|177|ホテル受付|Hotel Receptionist
|”Ogiso-sama, I see. Here, this is your key. I wish you a good evening.”
|”Thank you.”
|179|ホテル受付|Hotel Receptionist
|”Also, since some time ago, this guest has…”
|”Setsuna… I’m sorry, I…”
|It took three hours to go all the way to Shin-Osaka Station by bullet train. From there, I had to take another fifteen minutes on a private railway. And then I had to wait in the hotel lobby for an hour.
|Yet the time spent doesn’t matter, because we’ve been apart for much longer.
|Setsuna is finally right in front of me again.<br>I’m finally able to meet Setsuna again...
|”You’re so unfair, Haruki-kun…”
|As Setsuna stirs the milk she poured into her coffee, she finally speaks.
|”To think you’d only appear when I failed at my job. Not to mention the distance you traveled to come here.”
|The first part is just a coincidence. The second was an inevitability on my part.
|”It’s almost as if you’re my savior now… It makes me want to cling to you.”
|That’s why being seen in such a favorable light is honestly troublesome.
|”I can’t. I kept encouraging myself up until now that now alone, I can’t be relying on you, Haruki-kun.”
|I’m the one who came to cling to her.
|Yet Setsuna is creating an atmosphere where she won’t rely on me, and she won’t let me rely on her.
|This is really troublesome.
|”How did you know this was the place?”
|”I called the Ogiso household. They told me you were on a business trip in Osaka, so…”
|”Jeez… I’m absolutely sure that my family trusts you more than me, Haruki-kun.”
|”I’m aware that that’s breaking the rules. I just felt like I had to see you in person, Setsuna…”
|”You used that trick half a year ago too when we had<br>a quarrel… I said that I didn’t want to talk to you, yet my entire family dragged me all the way to the phone.”
|”I’m sorry… I ended up using an unfair method.”
|”You really are unfair… Thanks to that, I’m wavering<br>a lot right now. Enough to make me hate myself.”
|As I thought… this really is a troublesome situation.
|How much have I betrayed Setsuna up until now?<br>How much have I wavered beyond what Setsuna is<br>even capable of?
|Even so, Setsuna remains unaware of my terrible actions, and puts herself down as if she’s the one at fault.
|”Then, next question. Why did you come for me?”
|I came because of an absurd reason, yet she devalues herself by saying that “I came for her.”
|She’s creating a situation that’s only getting more and more convenient for me, but also more and more disadvantageous for Setsuna herself.
|”It’s not like you came because you… knew I was feeling down, right?”
|”That’s… not it.”
|”Hehe, obviously. I hadn’t told you anything yet…<br>I was getting my hopes up over something absurd.”
|In this situation… will Setsuna accept everything even if I don’t explain my own circumstances?
|If I tell her that I simply missed her, that I felt lonely without her, will she embrace me without prying any further?
|Will she… make me forget about Kazusa?
|”Setsuna, I… I have…”
|I want to embrace Setsuna. I want to apologize to Setsuna.
|Normally I’d be able to do both those things…<br>but right now, I feel like those two choices<br>are two mutually exclusive urges.
|If I pick one of them, and forget about the other...
|1. I simply wanted to see you.
|2. I will be honest about Kazusa.
|”I simply wanted to see you…”
|the following lines until 288 are if choice 1 is chosen at 226}}
|I simply ran away because I’ve reached my limit.
|”I’ve gone for so long without seeing you, Setsuna, without hearing your voice…”
|Being next to Kazusa. Listening to Kazusa’s piano playing.
|”I wanted to hear your voice right away, Setsuna.<br>I was ready to go anywhere to achieve that.”
|As I am right now, I can’t listen to her piano.<br>I can’t go to her concert.
|”Because I thought that if I were to meet you, and you were to call my name…”
|Because had I gone to her concert, and listened to her performance filled with her feelings...
|”Of course you’d get mad at me, and you’d sulk about it. But if you were to smile for me even for a little bit in the end…”
|Had I stood in the waiting room once the concert was over with a bouquet in my hands, waiting to receive her with a smile on my face...
|”Then I’d be able to remember.”
|Then I can’t be sure if I’d be able to hold back my own feelings.
|”I’d be able to remember the obvious fact that… you’re the only one for me, Setsuna.”
|The fact that Setsuna’s the only one for me. An obvious feeling that I need to be constantly carrying with me.
|I’m not sure who was first to stretch out their hand...
|Before I knew it, Setsuna’s hand had tightly intertwined with mine upon the table.
|Setsuna’s fingers are now wrapping around the same, traitorous hand that had held Kazusa’s just a few days ago.
|”You wanted to… see me.”
|”Yes, Setsuna.”
|”And that’s all there is to it…”
|”There’s no other reason.”
|Of course that’s not true.
|There is no way Setsuna has forgotten that today is the day of Kazusa’s concert.
|”I see… so that’s how it is. I’m the only one you need.”
|”I’ve been telling you that all this time.”
|There is no way that Setsuna isn’t suspicious about the fact that I’ve left Tokyo as if running away on a day like that.
|”How frustrating.”
|”We’re supposed to be in a spat right now, so it’s really frustrating how happy I am.”
|Despite that, Setsuna doesn’t attempt to touch the subject.
|She stubbornly refuses to bring up the very name that was the reason for our spat.
|”I’m frustrated at myself for feeling so good about being able to touch you like this, Haruki-kun.”
|She doesn’t attempt to see through my lie...
|”Let me make up for it. I’ll listen to anything you want tonight, Setsuna.”
|”Yes. Anything within my power…”
|”You… plan on spending the entire night with me.”
|”You… plan on not letting go of me all night…”
|”If… you’re okay with it, Setsuna.”
|”That’s strange… You’re going to listen to everything I have to say tonight, right? Why are you asking me for permission then, Haruki-kun?”
|Setsuna covers our entwined hands with her other hand.
|Of course, she expects me to cover that hand with my own too.
|”Setsuna, I…”
|”Let’s go to the front desk.”
|”My room right now only has a single bed… I need to get it changed.”
|”You don’t need to do that.”
|”I took care of that before you came back… there was a room with a double bed available, so I reserved it.”
|And of course, I make sure to not betray Setsuna’s expectations.
|...Pretending that nothing happened.
|”I’ve been meeting Touma again. These past few days, every day.”
|lines from here are if choice 2 is chosen at 226}}
|”I didn’t tell you that, Setsuna. I hid something from you again.”
|Time between us froze still.
|But it didn’t end up stopping because it froze over. It was more so as if it dried up.
|Because Setsuna is staring at me without surprise, without anger, and without grief.
|Instead, she just keeps slowly digesting the truth laid before her.
|”Aren’t you surprised?”
|”...I knew.”
|Which is why, in her place, I relieved the time between us of its frozen state.
|”You see, Tomo… told me that she met Kazusa twice. Once in front of your apartment, Haruki-kun, and once in the audience at my concert.”
|Kazusa had offered me a ticket to attend Setsuna’s live performance under the pretense that someone had asked her to pass it to me.
|I had given Kazusa that ticket because I just couldn’t see Setsuna while we were still in the middle of a cold war,<br>and I was still spending time with Kazusa...
|”I see…”
|There’s only one person who can connect the dots from the fact that Kazusa was seen in both of those places.
|”So you knew…”
|”You knew I was with Kazusa all this time, Setsuna…”
|I finally give up on calling her Touma.
|”Haha… You got me beat.”
|Because there’s no point in me putting on airs anymore.
|”You knew everything—that I’m absolutely despicable and a cruel traitor, Setsuna…”
|”And then at the beginning of the week… Kazusa moved into the apartment next to me.<br><br>Youko-san… Touma Youko apparently signed a contract for it at the time.”
|”...Now it sounds like I’m putting the blame on her.<br>If I hadn’t accepted the exclusive coverage job, Kazusa would never have moved in.”
|I confess my sins to Setsuna...
|Even though I was supposed to have fully divulged them when I fell out with her for the first time this year.
|”For two weeks after that… I was with Kazusa the whole time.”
|The sins I’ve committed over the past two weeks up until now are so grave that what I did back then just can’t compare.
|”She’s picky about her diet… so I’ve been making breakfast and dinner for her for a while. I cut the sugar off her diet as much as I could and included more greens.”
|I knew it was going to be Kazusa from the start,<br>and Kazusa knew it was going to be me.
|”Besides, she became such a celebrity before<br>I realized it, so I did my best to make sure<br>that her identity wasn’t found out.”
|I had plenty of chances to refuse. And I was supposed to have properly refused.
|”She always started spewing things she didn’t need<br>to talk about during the interviews, so I ended up abridging a lot of it for her own sake.”
|I kept telling myself that we just couldn’t meet one another, and we had to conduct ourselves professionally if we absolutely had to meet.
|”Whenever I pointed the camera at her she turned away, so I had to take pictures when her guard was down. That earned me a lot of glares.”
|I told myself countless times that I couldn’t make Setsuna sad because I love her so much.
|”I felt so guilty, and I could barely keep myself from running away. The thought of you flickered in my head countless times, Setsuna, and it caused me so much pain.”
|Yet, in the end, the reason why I accepted the assignment of interviewing her was because I<br>didn’t want to make Kazusa feel lonely.
|”...And I felt happy. Happy for being able to spend time with her.”
|It was a reason that should never have managed to persuade me, for my heart was supposed to be Setsuna’s.
|And Setsuna...
|Just like that time, she listens to me in complete silence.
|”Do you feel fed up with me?”
|”...*shakes head*”
|She responds to me with only a slight shake of her head.
|”Are you angry?”
|”...*shakes head*”
|”Am I unforgivable?”
|”...! *shakes head*”
|”...Do you never want to see my face again?”
|”...! *shakes head*”
|All she does is sway her head left and right, with more and more intensity.
|”...I’m sorry. I know this isn’t something that can be forgiven just by apologizing though.”
|”There’s nothing you need to be sorry about. There’s no need for that at all.”
|In the end, she finally becomes incapable of holding back any longer, and with an intense tone in her little voice, she tries to defend me.
|”Because I understand. I know that you’re not in the wrong, Haruki-kun.”
|”That’s not true. I’ve wronged you. Horribly, at that.”
|”I know that you must have felt really troubled.”
|”That doesn’t make my sin any lighter.”
|”I also know that it takes a lot of courage to talk<br>to me honestly about it right now.”
|”I merely couldn’t bear hiding it anymore. I’m just a coward.”
|”I know that you treasure me from the bottom of your heart… You’ve conveyed that to me clearly.”
|”Don’t defend me so much. I don’t have any right…”
|”But, but even then…”
|”I won’t forgive you despite that.”
|3014_2 starts here}}
|3014_2 ends here}}
|I’d received the punishment I desired, but...
|”I’m sorry…”
|”...Not at all.”
|The pain that I yearned for was very far off from what I was expecting.
|There was an audible sound when Setsuna slapped me, but I doubt that the strength she put into it would’ve managed to kill a mosquito,<br>and it must’ve hurt much more for her instead.
|...Unlike a certain someone, she’s not used to hitting people.
|Setsuna, who got up to slap me, slowly sits back down on her chair with her head down.
|The guests around us direct their attention to us. And I imagine Setsuna’s the one who’s suffering the most from their staring.
|”In truth, I have no right to do this. But I couldn’t bring myself to forgive you no matter what.”
|Setsuna had forgotten about public appearances and condemned me...
|”Because, Haruki-kun… you came here to run away, right? You came here to run away from Kazusa’s<br>concert, right?”
|...For Kazusa’s sake, of all things.
|”You were with her until right before the concert.<br>You supported her all this time, yet you let go of<br>her hand at the very last moment.”
|”Why would you do such a thing? No matter what happens today, and no matter what happens to you, you have to listen to her play the piano, don’t you?”
|”I’m sorry, I… didn’t want to betray you any further, Setsuna.”
|”That doesn’t mean you can betray Kazusa instead… That’s wrong, right?”
|”But, but… if I remained there any longer I…”
|I felt irritated at Kazusa for trying to distance herself from me, and I felt bewildered when Kazusa tried to get closer to me than I expected.
|My own actions stopped making sense, and my heart fell into disarray.
|...I became unable to trust my own feelings.
|”Setsuna… imagine if I had gone to where Kazusa was, and not come back to you…”
|”Don’t ask me that! If my true feelings come out, something awful’s going to happen!”
|Just because Setsuna says she’s capable of lashing out at me, doesn’t mean she has the confidence to do it.
|”I… am aware that I’m saying something really cruel to you right now, Haruki-kun.”
|”Not to mention something very scary… enough to make me ruin things for myself.”
|As usual, she’s letting out strong words with her little voice.
|But I can tell from her tone that her voice had been gradually starting to shake.
|”But right now, let me pretend that I’m angry at you. Let me admonish you with my principles. Let me say only the right things.”
|”...Let me remain my beautiful self.”
|The trembling rapidly invaded her lips and her throat, and in the blink of an eye, grew so vicious that it’d become impossible to hide.
|”Hey, Haruki-kun… Go back for today.”
|”...Go back to where Kazusa is.”
|Her words are reminiscent of what she said on the day we separated...
|No, I could even say that if I were to recall them in the future, I might actually remember her saying them back then rather than today.
|My stomach, my chest… they hurt as if pierced by countless needles.
|”There is no point in going now… the concert’s already begun.”
|I turn my back on Setsuna’s correctness and Kazusa’s pain in an attempt to run away from that excruciating pain.
|”You might not have made it in time to see the concert start, but it’ll be alright if you make it in time before it ends…”
|”Where do you think we are…? I won’t be able to make it to her last song anymore.”
|”Then at least show your face in the dressing room.<br>At least congratulate her… At least apologize for not being able to go.”
|”Enough… that’s enough already. I came here to meet up with you because I’d fully gathered my resolve, Setsuna. There’s no point in going back at this point…”
|”You’re not prepared… Haruki-kun, you’re not prepared at all.”
|match to 538}}
|Her statement hit me right where it hurt the most, such that I wasn’t able to immediately deny what she said or snap back at her.
|Although I’d hoped for her to understand me to such<br>an extent, in a way, it’s also one of the reasons why<br>I can’t say anything.
|That’s why I take a deep breath, and squeeze out different words from my lungs.
|”Even then, this marks the end. I will never betray you again, Setsuna…”
|I’m neither denying her nor snapping back at her.<br>I’m simply becoming defiant.
|”No… this won’t end.”
|”I see… You won’t forgive me anymore.”
|But as I thought, Setsuna still refuses to accept it. She won’t give me any affirmation.
|But that too is only natural.
|I’m likely the one person who’s hurt Setsuna more than anyone else throughout her short life.
|And even Setsuna’s incredibly compassionate heart was bound to wear out eventually, for she was not divine, only human.
|”No… Kazusa is the one who won’t forgive. Kazusa is the one it won’t end for.”
|”Kazusa is the one who won’t give up.”
|But Setsuna’s kindness once again proves my despair-filled expectations wrong.
|”It won’t end. It’s not over yet. The three of us will never be over because of something like this.”
|I’ve known that someday it will wear out, but it seems there’s still some time until that day.
|”That’s not true. It’s over. It ended five years ago.”
|”I guarantee it. Kazusa would never give up on you just because you did something like this, Haruki-kun.”
|”How can you be so sure of that…? You haven’t even met her since then…”
|”That’s because Kazusa won’t come to see me. She only looked at me from afar, and never called out to me.”
|”That’s… because she is afraid of facing you, Setsuna… Even that is my fault.”
|”That’s wrong. She hasn’t forgiven me yet… She hasn’t forgiven you and me, Haruki-kun.”
|”That’s wro…”
|”Kazusa hasn’t forgotten about what happened five years ago at all.”
|”She hasn’t forgotten how she was betrayed by me,<br>and how she had you stolen from her.”
|”I just told you that’s wrong… She… Kazusa doesn’t resent you at all, Setsuna. She has kept loving you ever since that time.”
|”One doesn’t bear just one single feeling. Everyone is like that.”
|Setsuna… is too kind, and too strong.
|”Even I love Kazusa. I’ve loved her since back then.”
|She bears the form of the ideal woman who hasn’t changed since the day we met. She’s still completely wasted on me.
|”But that’s not everything. I bear feelings that<br>I can’t tell anyone about… especially not you, Haruki-kun.”
|She’s a misguided, yet utterly virtuous woman who’s degrading me into a miserable man who only wants to take advantage of her. She’s turning me into someone who will give her nothing but excuses.
|”That’s why this isn’t a matter of not meeting her again… Even if you run away, even if you distance yourself from her, time won’t solve anything.”
|”Kazusa, you and me... we must firmly settle matters about our futures…”
|I’ve taken advantage of that kindness, and made her suffer countless times. I’ve let myself be spoiled by her strength, and abandoned her countless times.
|”That’s why you should go back to Kazusa now. And then you must reassure her.”
|There is no guarantee that I won’t do that again<br>in the future, yet Setsuna keeps repeating the same mistake.
|That’s why I...
|”I’m not going after all.”
|That’s why today, once again, I’ll become the me that I hate today.
|I’ll let her turn me into a miserable man who can only run away, unable to solve anything by himself.
|I’ll become such a person because of none other than Setsuna herself.
|”I love you, Setsuna… is that not enough…?”
|”It’s not enough… because that isn’t all. You still love Kazusa.”
|”But… I’m afraid of making a mistake. I’m afraid of everything going back to how it was five years ago.”
|I know the right choice. It’s right before my eyes.
|But when I’m next to that girl, I always make the wrong choice… I end up wanting to make the wrong choice.
|”It’s okay. I have faith in you… No, I’m sorry,<br>I really can’t say that.”
|”...Just so you know, it’s not because I don’t have faith in you. It’s because I do have faith in you, Haruki-kun.”
|”What are you saying…?”
|She can’t have faith in me because she has faith in me...
|”I have faith in the strength of your feelings toward Kazusa. I have faith in your love toward Kazusa…”
|”That’s why I can’t have complete faith that you’ll return to me.”
|Setsuna spoke those linguistically incorrect words with both distinctness and correctness.
|”I want you to be happy, Haruki-kun. I want Kazusa to be happy. And I want to be happy myself.”
|”I love you, Haruki-kun. I love Kazusa. And I love myself.”
|”Now that the three of us are here, I can’t pick<br>one’s happiness over another. It has troubled me all this time, it’s troubling me even now, and I can’t come to a conclusion.”
|”That’s why I can’t accept you right now… I’m sorry for being so argumentative.”
|”Hey, Haruki-kun… Running away is bad. That goes for the both of us.”
|”Setsuna… Setsuna, you’re…”
|”I’m amazed you can tolerate being the girlfriend of such a despicable man.”
|That’s something I’ve had on the tip of my tongue all this time. The bitter irony toward the woman with terrible luck with men.
|I’ve never wanted to tell her this more than now.
|”...No, it’s nothing.”
|But I’ve also never bit my tongue this hard either.
|”Go back, Haruki-kun.”
|Because I’ve never wanted to tell her “I want you to remain as the girlfriend of this despicable man” more than now either.
|”To tell you the truth...”
|”I’m really wet right now.”
|”It’s because I was able to meet you for the first time in a month, Haruki-kun. You came to see me from<br>so far away.”
|”Because you looked at me with such desiring eyes.”
|”I was so happy, and I felt so good… My body feels unbearably hot.”
|”Setsuna… I, I…”
|”But I can’t be making love to you right now…<br>I’ll go back to the hotel, comfort myself, and hold<br>myself back.”
|”See you, then.”
|“Good luck with your work. ...If you happen to make a mistake, focus on finding the reason why you made it. So long as you can do that, you’ll be able to perform better next time, even if only by a little.”
|match to 3204/53}}
|”Thank you… That sounds so much like you it makes me happy. Listen to me complain about work again sometime, okay?”
|”That goes for the both of us.”
|”...I won’t call you for a while.”
|”Call me if you ever need me… But I won’t listen to what you have to say if you’re calling to run away.”
|”...I’ll do my best. I’m not sure about how confident<br>I am though.”
|”Me too… In truth, I feel like crying.”
|I give up on saying those last few words once the door closes.
|Because I won’t ever be able to repeat those resolute words ever again.
|I have to make sure to save them until the next opportunity.
|Setsuna moves further away, though in reality it's me and the train moving away from her.
|The further away I get, the less clear Setsuna’s expression becomes.
|I see an expression that looks like it's both smiling and crying. Though that might just be my vision playing tricks on me.
|In the end, we never got to touch one another.
|We couldn’t touch each other’s lips, hands, not even our fingertips, let alone our skin.
|We never got to enjoy each other's scent. We never got to feel each other's breath.
|The one sole exception to that was our exposed hearts.
|3014_3 starts here}}
|”Haah, haah, haah...!”
|3014_3 ends here}}
|”Haah, haaah, haaah… Ah!”
|I knew it from the beginning.
|I knew that coming here would be useless.
|”Haah, haah… haaah…!”
|I knew that I’d never make it in time for the end,<br>let alone the beginning of Kazusa’s concert.
|I knew that the concert hall would be long since closed. That I won’t be able to enter the dressing room.
|I knew that I wouldn’t be able to congratulate her.<br>To apologize to her for not coming.
|I knew that it was all far too late...
|”You’re not prepared… Haruki-kun, you’re not prepared at all.”
|match to 411}}
|With the voice of Setsuna in the back of my mind,<br>I left Osaka for Tokyo at full speed.
|I thought that Setsuna gave me courage, yet...
|My feet are shaking. My throat feels dry. I have a cold sweat.
|However, that’s not because I’ve run at full speed.
|It’s because I’ve yet to gather my resolve, just like Setsuna said.
|That goes both for when I ran away from Kazusa,<br>and now when I’m returning to her.
|Yes, even now I...
|Just like when I ran away from Kazusa, I’m incapable of doing anything.
|All I can do is to stand still in front of the long since deserted concert hall.
== Script Chart ==
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Latest revision as of 23:02, 19 December 2021

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