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== Text ==
== Text ==
|match to 3210/1}}
|”Aren’t there… fewer people than last time?”
|match to 3210/2}}
|”There are still more than 30 minutes left until the concert begins. I’m sure all the seats will be filled by then.”
|match to 3210/3}}
|”Are you sure? But last time it was a bit more,<br>how should I put it…”
|match to 3210/4}}
|”It’s the silence rather than the number of people, isn’t it? I feel like the audience is quieter than<br>last time.”
|match to 3210/5}}
|”In other words… the casual fans who jumped on the Touma Kazusa bandwagon are gone, and the only ones<br>left are true classical music fans?”
|match to 3210/6}}
|“And the media coverage too. Last time there were<br>lots of people who clearly don’t usually care for concerts.”
|match to 3210/7}}
|”So that means we can finally relax and listen to Touma’s piano in peace this time. We weren’t even<br>close to relaxed last time.”
|match to 3210/8}}
|”Just because we can listen to her a bit more relaxed doesn’t mean that I can tell the difference, and besides…”
|match to 3210/9}}
|match to 3210/10}}
|”I don’t think things will be quite as peaceful this time either.”
|match to 3210/11}}
|”...Wonder if Haruki is here.”
|match to 3210/12}}
|”...Did you manage to get in touch with him after that?”
|”Yeah, I got hold of him for the first time this week, but…”
|”He absolutely insisted that I didn’t ask him anything for now…”
|”Tell him to get his act together… Just how long does he think he can keep pushing us… keep pushing Setsuna around…?”
|”I told him, and he said he understood… Everyone acknowledges that he was in the wrong.”
|”But he must at least explain why… We can’t understand anything if he doesn’t tell us why he disappeared suddenly.”
|”Perhaps… we’ll have to make a choice too soon enough.”
|”W-What choice…?”
|”...Whose friendship we keep.”
|”Stop it! I don’t want to think about that…!”
|”Is my idiot of a daughter still there? She hasn’t tried escaping again, has she?”
|”Yes, she hasn’t left the dressing room all this time.”
|”Oh, in that case, you’ll have to ridicul… encourage her before the concert.”
|「あ! 今はちょっと…」
|”Ah! Right now isn’t a good time...”
|「なに? 誰も入っちゃいけないって言われてる?<br>…あ、もしかしてギター…先客がいる?」
|”What is it? Did she tell you that no one is allowed in? ...Ah, perhaps Guitar-k… a visitor is there?”
|”No, she’s by herself.”
|”In that case…”
|”She’s asleep…”
|”Right before her concert?”
|”She finally fell asleep… This is the first time since that whole affair. When she came back a week ago...”
|”But will she actually wake up? If she does wake up, will she be able to play properly?”
|”In any case, it’s much better than letting her enter the stage like she was. She’s completely exhausted.”
|”She is?”
|”What were you two thinking in the first place? It’s bad enough she has had almost no preparation,<br>but to think you’d add the whole arrangement of compositions on top of that…”
|”The one who skipped practice until the very end was her, the one who decided to add the extra compositions was her,<br>and the one who decided to play the piano for a whole week without sleeping was also her…”
|”You could have stopped her. You’re her employer. You’re her mother…”
|”And the one who said she’d do it even if she died<br>was her too… At that point, I had no reason to oppose her.”
|”Besides, just once when I was young… even during<br>the night before my concert, there was a guy who just wouldn’t let go of me.”
|”Aah, I can’t tell if you’re self-deprecating or bragging. Anyway, forget that and think about now…”
|”...Thank you, Miyoko-san. That’s enough.”
|”Well, I can just say I’m relieved that you’re back<br>to good health. This is the finalized version of your interview. Ah, you don’t have to check it.”
|”I’m sorry for bringing you out here…”
|”Nah, I was planning to come here regardless. It was<br>a good coincidence.”
|”Um, I’ll be back to work next week. If I could make up for the time lost, even for a day…”
|”Don’t panic. You can make your comeback gradually. For now you should just rest and put your health in order, okay?”
|”Yesterday, Kazaoka really chewed me out over the international line… I had to listen to her lecture me for two hours about how I’m a negligent supervisor.”
|”Mari-san… said that?”
|”She said that if anything like this happened again, there’d be no use in arguing and that she’d fly you straight to America… Who did she even hear about this matter from?”
|”I’m really sorry…”
|”No, what she said was right. I was too busy to notice the signs. I’m sorry too, Kitahara.”
|After I lied about having the flu and stopped going to work, and even turned off my phone,<br><br>it goes without saying that the editing department faced a lot of hardships.
|After all, I pushed away my job on both Kaiou Graph and Ensemble. To make matters worse, there was no one to take over for me.
|And to pour salt on the wound, when I came back…<br>the state everything was in...
|Hamada-san had to go from meeting to meeting for both departments in my stead, all while giving me even more time off. And the mess I made had to be cleaned up by the whole editing department.
|”When I think about it, you’re on your first year here, and I went as far as to put the front page editing on your shoulders. Obviously that was too much.”
|”That’s not… that’s not the reason I…”
|”Because I’ve always given you pretty large tasks since your days as a part-timer, I’ve kind of forgotten that you’re new here.”
|”That’s because I wanted to…”
|...But not a single person blamed me; instead, they split the work I left unfinished between themselves.
|Matsuoka-san gave some idle complaints, Kizaki-san helped out without a word, Suzuki-san kept on working despite exclaiming that she had had enough,<br>and more than anything, Hamada-san desperately bowed his head to everyone.
|Like that, everyone did everything they could to protect the place I would return to.
|When I first read that in Suzuki-san’s email, I felt that I could cry from gratitude—and anguish.
|”Besides, Touma Youko Office backed you up on this one. They said that they might have asked too many unreasonable things from you.”
|”Youko-san did…?”
|It seems that the people of the editing department aren’t the only ones I’ve made trouble for.
|I’ve made even those dear to me lie for my sake,<br>all to protect my worthless honor.
|”So don’t try to convince yourself that it’s all your responsibility. You still have a long road ahead of you with us.”
|I was surrounded by countless people who supported me, and I turned my back on all of them and ran away to a different world...
|Yet in the end, I’ve come back as if nothing had happened.
|A week ago...
|The trip we thought would last for all eternity<br>ended suddenly on the third day.
|All after I had destroyed everything precious and irreplaceable to me, to the point of never being<br>able to get them back.
|”What… are you saying?”
|”You might be going deaf...”
|”I’m asking you because I did hear you! What in the world are you saying!?”
|The sound of my shouts is absorbed by the thick, piling snow, and I’m not even sure if it reached Kazusa.
|In fact, I don’t even know if any sound is leaving my mouth.
|I feel a gust leaking out of my throat, and it feels like it’s getting in the way of me being able to speak properly.
|”What am I saying…? I’m saying goodbye.”
|Kazusa stands up and shakes off the snow from her body, and as if nothing happened,<br><br>squints her eyes and gazes at the shining snow illuminated by the morning sun.
|”I’m sorry for tricking you into thinking I was serious. I’m sorry for making you take part in this dangerous game.”
|Looking at that expression, I can’t tell if she is crying or if the radiance just makes it look like she is...
|”I decided from the very beginning that… that this would end today. That we would part here.”
|”I don’t understand...”
|”That this place would be our last stop.”
|”I still don’t get it at all…!”
|I’m sure that my current state that’s reflected in Kazusa’s eyes looks utterly wretched.
|”What do you mean… from the very beginning? When did you decide!?”
|I’m sure that my voice reverberating in Kazusa’s ears sounds pathetic.
|”Didn’t we promise yesterday? The day before yesterday too, and before we even went on this trip!”
|Because even I think I look pathetic and wretched.
|”We promised to be together no matter what. We promised to be together no matter how much time passed.”
|Not even trying to listen to what the other has to say. Only forcing my own opinions on her for my own convenience.
|”Didn’t you accept it all…? Didn’t you say you were happy, that you wanted to be with me!?”
|”I lied. I tricked you so you would keep loving me…”
|「じゃあ、一体いつからが嘘なんだよ?<br>旅に出る前の夜? 五年ぶりに抱き合った夜?<br>それとも、ストラスブールで再会した夜なのか!?」
|”Then for how long has it been a lie? Was it the night before we set off? Was it when we made love for the first time in five years? Was it when we met each other again in Strasbourg!?”
|”Please, Kazusa, please tell me that you’re lying about that lie… Tell me that you’re just trying to mess with me!”
|I grab Kazusa’s shoulders and shake her violently.
|Kazusa doesn’t resist. Instead, she looks away with her eyes still squinted.
|”If you say that, then I’ll get angry, but I’ll immediately embrace you again. I’ll punish you<br>again just like we always do...”
|Seeing the awful attitude that I have, seeing how uncool I am and how bad I am at giving up, has she truly, and finally had enough of her former lover?
|”Because we even made promises about the future…”
|”Yeah, it sure was fun… pretending to be married.”
|That was a promise we made just a few hours ago.
|”We even exchanged vows… You swore to take me as your lawful wife… Haha, I feel ridiculous just thinking back at it.”
|”Don’t talk about it… like that.”
|Kazusa’s voice is full of nostalgia, as if her memories are brought up straight from her heart,<br>with a tone of fondness, and embarrassment.
|”You couldn’t possibly have believed it all yourself, could you? It was nothing more than a role-play, right?”
|”Of course I believed it! Of course those vows came straight from my heart!”
|”No one… not even God would acknowledge such a vow taken without a single witness but ourselves.”
|”Stop it already…”
|”But what’s the issue? The sex we had after that felt better than usual. That’s all it took for me to be satisfied.”
|”Don’t draw conclusions by yourself! Don’t assume<br>I believe the same things you do…”
|”Didn’t it feel good for you…? It was my intention<br>to put my entire soul into pleasing you.”
|”My opinion is completely different from yours.<br>In fact, I’m doubting whether those are your true feelings to begin with…”
|”Why isn’t this meant to be, Kazusa…? Why won’t you be with me…?”
|”...You’re really annoying.”
|”You’ve known that for these five whole years, haven’t you!? Why didn’t you forget about me then?”
|Perhaps she was aiming for my weak point, to push me away with a single blow...
|But because I didn’t falter, it’s now Kazusa who<br>looks like she’s in terrible pain.
|”I want to embrace you now and forever! If I can do that… then I’ll be able to remain myself.”
|Those words aren’t enough to make me give up.
|If it’s a battle of logic, wits, or sophistry, then there is no way Kazusa can beat me.
|I would never lose a battle of words.
|”...Remain… yourself, Haruki?”
|”Yeah, that’s right. I’ll be able to remain the person who loves only you, who always wants to be with you…”
|”How is that… supposed to be your usual self, Haruki?”
|”You’d throw away everything for my sake…?<br>You wouldn’t mind going to hell with me…?”
|I would never lose an argument with Kazusa...
|”This… this broken, battered self of yours, this isn’t the real Haruki that I know and love!”
|”Like hell he’d be tricked so easily... by these obvious lies! Stop belittling my feelings!”
|”Did you get enough sleep?”
|”I had a dream.”
|”What kind of dream?”
|”He was in the audience. He finally came to listen to me play…”
|”...That’s not just a dream. I saw Guitar-kun sitting in the front row.”
|”I see… he’s here. He actually came…”
|”Then, perhaps… Setsuna too…”
|”To be honest, I have no idea how this concert is going to turn out. You’re behind on your practice, your sleep, your nutrition, and we’re behind on promotion. We’re lacking in many aspects.”
|”I’ve caused you a lot of problems. Let me apologize fully this time.”
|”Well, you can make up for it next time onward,<br>by becoming a more profitable pianist…”
|”I will… I’ll continue playing until I fill up all the seats no matter what country I play in, because<br>the piano is the only thing I have left now.”
|”Besides, if I become that popular, a certain awful promoter will no longer have a reason to obsess about Japan.”
|”You really don’t plan on coming back to Japan?<br>Are you going to cut yourself off completely from<br>the country you were born in?”
|match to 692}}
|”Yeah, I’ve already decided.”
|match to 693}}
|”But Kazusa, you’re…”
|match to 694}}
|”Hey, Mom.”
|match to 695}}
|match to 696}}
|”...Ah, it’s going to start soon. Then I’ll go back to my own seat.”
|”Um, Hamada-san… I’m really sorry about this whole…”
|”It’s fine. I’ll make sure you’ll make it up to me.<br>I have enough confidence in you to trust you with that… See you later.”
|Hamada-san, who was sitting in the empty seat next to mine, showed consideration toward me until the very end as he left for the seats on the second floor.
|He showed consideration, turned a blind eye to a lot of deplorable things, and even worked hard to make things easier for me for when I’m back to work,<br>all for me who refused to go to work.
|And being given special treatment like this… even<br>the editing department treated me with kiddy gloves.
|When I first showed my face at the office, I must’ve looked wretched enough for them to think that it was necessary.
|”The new guy was handed such extreme tasks that he was unable to take care of them all, and ruined his health.”
|Even though the cause was something private, that interpretation spread throughout the office and became a topic of discussion for the editing department.
|...Hamada-san's, the managing editor’s, and the chief editor’s managerial ability was put into question.
|And I continued behaving in such an unfair and cowardly manner.
|I ran away from my responsibility through lies. I tried to protect myself to a nauseating degree.
|And I feel fed up with myself for not even trying to explain the truth, and in the end, I don’t even have anyone I can apologize to.
|The people at my workplace are acting like they’re walking on eggshells around me...
|And that guilt prevents me from getting any peace of mind.
|The curtain rises along the resounding sound that tells us that the concert has started.
|On the stage is a single grand piano waiting for<br>its master who is playing it tonight.
|My sight immediately blurs, and my heart tries to flee to a world of delusions.
|But at this moment alone, I can’t allow myself to run away like a coward.
|I forcibly pull my heart back, and force myself to confront the reality occurring on the stage.
|Because I haven’t even solved the biggest problem I’m facing.
|I haven’t faced the punishment for my betrayal…<br>for my deepest sin.
|”...Is this seat free?”
|”Thank you…”
|In the front row is a single empty seat to my left.
|There’s no point in asking if the seat is free, because the person who sent the ticket for this seat to this person is the pianist currently getting on stage.
|The moment the girl takes a seat next to me, heavy applause breaks out in the stadium as a woman wearing<br>a black dress appears on stage.
|My judgement begins.
|”I don’t want to leave… of course I don’t.”
|”In truth, I always wanted to be with you… I wanted to shut myself in a world for just the two of us.”
|No matter how confident I am in my ability to refute her...
|”But it’s all breaking down! The more you’re with me, the more you’ll break down, Haruki!”
|”Break… down?”
|I can’t oppose her if I don’t understand what she’s saying.
|”All so you can protect me, to make sure I don’t break down, to make sure I don’t feel sadness…”
|Yes, I barely understood a thing.
|The idea that I’m breaking down, that I’ve been making all the wrong choices up until now.
|”You’re working so hard, pushing yourself… ruining yourself for something so pointless!”
|”Wait… a minute...”
|But have I become incapable of understanding her because I’m already broken?
|Have I become incapable of understanding words of the actual,<br><br>real world because I’ve been shutting myself in another world meant only for the two of us all this time?
|”Haruki… I really do love you. That’s right, I admit I was lying earlier.”
|Kazusa gave in first.
|”I truly felt like running away with you until last night. I planned on following you everywhere, for as long as you’d reach out your hand to me.”
|That her lie itself was a lie. That her teasing me<br>was also a lie.
|That the fact that she loved me was true.
|”...No, of course it’s still the happiest outcome for me.”
|I managed to force the response I wanted out of Kazusa.
|I won. It doesn’t amount to much, but I won.
|”I didn’t even decide to break up that long ago…<br>It was actually just a short while ago.”
|Yet, why…?
|”I wasn’t even consistent with that, making up my mind and changing my mind soon after. I couldn’t make any sense of it.”
|Why can’t I give a single retort toward Kazusa…?
|”I knew that I would never be able to make up my mind if I was close to you, so I tried running away…”
|Even though what she’s saying makes no sense.
|”Yet it was the moment I saw you… smiling at me,<br>that I finally found my resolve.”
|Why can’t I even contradict her by saying “You’re not making any sense”? Why can’t I reject her reasoning and sneer at her…?
|”I understood then… I finally understood...”
|”Don’t say it…”
|The voice I let out to interrupt Kazusa is so faint<br>that it doesn’t reach her.
|I can’t let her say what she’s about to say. Letting her do that would be the same as admitting it.
|”I realized how tiny my limited happiness was compared to you living a normal, long, and happy life.”
|”Don’t say it…”
|It’ll be as if I'm admitting it, yet...
|The voice I muster up from my throat is still not strong enough to reach Kazusa.
|”I understood so well… it hurt.”
|”It’s been a while.”
|”...It has.”
|The first piece ended.
|The thundering applause is different from the one before the concert started. It’s powerful, long,<br>and profound.
|In only ten minutes, the whole venue has become ecstatic.
|”Or well, it has only been two weeks, but it feels like much more time has passed.”
|”It really does.”
|And between us two, unlike the enthusiasm of the crowd, there is a tense atmosphere.
|”Things feel so awkward between us. I wonder why? I don’t like it… it feels like we’ve grown distant. It scares me.”
|What do you mean “it’s like” we’ve grown distant…?
|We both understand it perfectly well, but it’s too painful to put that truth into words.
|The second piece begins...
|”You know… I want you to be happy, Haruki.”
|”That’s what I am now.”
|For the first time in a while, I heard Kazusa’s voice, and I opened my mouth.
|”That’s the greatest possible happiness for me… That’s not a lie.”
|We were completely silent when we left the inn, took the taxi and arrived at the station platform,<br><br>and now we’re on the train as it’s passing through a tunnel.
|”Then be with me… My only happiness is for you to be with me.”
|”...You’re wrong, Haruki.”
|But that train isn’t heading further north. It’s a line going in the opposite direction… toward Tokyo.
|A train that is leading our trip to its demise.
|”What am I wrong about…? I’m telling you this myself. How can you say that it’s wrong?”
|”The only one who would be happy from that…<br>is myself.”
|”If your happiness is my happiness, then what’s wrong with my happiness being your happiness…?”
|Yet even though I’m pressed against a wall like this, I still don’t stop fighting back.
|”Think this through again, Kazusa… come with me.<br>Be with me from now on, together…”
|Nothing is decided yet. If only I can convince Kazusa before we reach the final station, I’ll win.
|...Even now, I still believe that.
|”Stop saying things like that already… Stop going after my weak points… You know how I am when you<br>say things like that.”
|”In that case…!”
|”But that choice won’t make anyone but me happy.”
|”It will make everyone around you, including the most precious person to you unhappy. It’s the worst possible escape.”
|I tried to ignore the difference in body temperature between us.
|「そんなことして、春希が幸せになれるわけない。<br>わかるだろ? わかってるんだろ?」
|”There is no way you could become happy by doing that. You know that, right? You know, don’t you?”
|”How could I know…? In my world, there is no one but you and me, Kazusa. The other ‘precious person’ isn’t here…”
|She’s not here...
|Not here, not here… at the very least, she’s not<br>here of all places...
|”No, that won't do at all, Haruki. It won’t do at all…”
|”Why not? You’ll be happy if I’m with you, and I’ll be happy if you’re with me. What more could you possibly want?”
|”That should be obvious already… I want you to be happy in a way that’s not a lie.”
|”How many times do I have to tell you until you understand? Right now I’m the happiest I’ve ever<br>been in my entire…”
|”...You’ve only convinced yourself that you’re the happiest you’ve ever been in your life. It’s just<br>a pitiful delusion.”
|”A Haruki who doesn’t wish happiness for others…<br>A Haruki who doesn’t worry about the woman he loves… is not the real Haruki I know…”
|”What are you… Hey, what are you…”
|Immediately, my body is overwhelmed by sweat.
|A single moment is all it takes before my headache<br>and chills assault me again.
|”I have no one but you…”
|Just like back then...
|When I betrayed “her,” and when I lied to the people close to me.
|”I have no one but you… How many times do I have to tell you until you understand that…?”
|Just like when I withdrew from the normal world that had been my home for the first time...
|”Ah, aah…!”
|”K-Kazusa… Kazusa, I…”
|It wasn’t supposed to happen again.
|”I want you to be happy, Haruki… In truth, I wanted to make you happy.”
|I’m supposed to be able to remain myself for as long as I stay in the world made for Kazusa and me.
|”But I can’t… no matter how hard I tried,<br>I couldn’t…”
|I was supposed to get by “without breaking” for as long as I stayed in this tiny world...
|”No, you’ve got it wrong… As long as you’re with me... As long as you stay by my side…”
|Yet the throbbing in my heart won’t stop. It feels<br>like my heart is about to leap out through my mouth.<br><br>The goosebumps appearing on my arm begin to spread<br>to my whole body.
|”The most important treasure for me… will break if<br>I hold it myself.”
|Kazusa looks at the sudden change in my body with sadness, and continues speaking as if forcing the<br>words out of her throat.
|”I’ll try to treasure you, I’ll try to protect you desperately, but I’m so bad at it that you’ll end up collapsing before I know it…”
|Even though she has cried countless times already,<br>she does everything she can to keep the tears welling up in her eyes from spilling.
|”That’s why I should give you back to the person who can treasure you much better than me.”
|But that effort goes to waste, her voice starts shaking, and her tears fall down her cheeks...
|”Back to the person who can protect you properly…”
|When we exited the tunnel… we were not greeted by a white world.
|The world made for us two had already disappeared,<br>and the world where everyone else lives had come<br>back to us.
|match to 3210/108}}
|”Hey, Io.”
|match to 3210/109}}
|match to 3210/110}}
|”Why do you look so spaced-out? Did your legs give<br>out or something?”
|match to 3210/111}}
|”...Did you feel the same, Takeya?”
|match to 3210/112}}
|”...That’s the same Touma we heard last time, right?”
|match to 3210/113}}
|”What’s wrong with me…? I’m getting goosebumps all over. It’s getting hard to breathe…”
|match to 3210/114}}
|”So she really was capable of getting a standing ovation…”
|match to 3210/115}}
|”Do you think it’s because we’re amateurs? Do you think we’re just getting blown away by something<br>that only sounds impressive to us?”
|match to 3210/116}}
|”Even if that’s the case, her talent is still impressive… Touma is simply amazing today.”
|match to 3210/117}}
|”…! Uu… uah… uah…!”
|”Uh, uhn… uuu!”
|”Setsuna… here you go.”
|”T-Thank you… uuah… aah…!”
|We aren’t even halfway through...
|I pull a handkerchief out of my pocket and hand it over to the person sitting next to me, who can’t stop crying.
|”She’s amazing…”
|”There really are things that you can’t understand, but still know they’re amazing…”
|The two pieces Kazusa played truly sounded as if she had been possessed by God.
|...Though, I suppose that’s just the evaluation of an amateur, and at the very least, it was enough to amaze one.
|”It was just like this during the contest five years ago too… I cried, and you couldn’t cry anymore.”
|And on top of that...
|Setsuna’s thoughts are the exact same as during the contest back then.
|”I knew she would be countless times better now than back then, so I came prepared… yet Kazusa still exceeded my expectations…”
|”You’re right…”
|And Setsuna’s thoughts right now, are the exact same as mine.
|No matter how much time Kazusa spent with me, in the end, she never let me hear her play the piano.
|She would always laugh and say that she would only<br>let me hear her play during the concert, so she could amaze me. She said this with a hint of playfulness, and the slightest bit of loneliness.
|But right now, I have no choice but to recognize the weight behind those words.
|Because this song is all it takes to understand…<br>that we live in completely different worlds.
|Kazusa must’ve kept this wonderful thing hidden away, so she would be able to enter the world for us two.
|Because if I ever heard this sound, I probably would have let go of my embrace around Kazusa.
|I would hesitate to corrode Kazusa’s talent in my dark, bleary world where the sun never shines, when<br>she lives in a world so much broader than mine...
|And yet, Kazusa is deliberately showing us her true ability right now… no, she’s showing us something more than her true ability.
|“You and I… simply aren’t meant for each other.”
|She’s delivering her ironic, tearful message to me. With her own strong will, she’s departing from the world where the two of us had stagnated alone.
|”Uah, aah…”
|And it’s also her hidden attempt to express her guilt and regret toward the woman who’s sitting right next to me with tears overflowing in her eyes.
|She’s trying to say that there’s nothing between me and herself.
|Her performance is trying to convey that she’s not in a position to go on romantic trysts with me, and she doesn’t have the time for it either.
|It’s a futile attempt to conjure up an alibi.
|She’s presenting her own miserable solution… which she believes is the worst for everyone, but also one that would not end up hurting anyone.
|”You’re going home now… Back to the world where you’re important to lots of people, where some get annoyed at you yet still treasure you.”
|”I don’t want to…!”
|”You’re going back… to a world where Setsuna exists.”
|I wanted to lash out at her for being unfair. “Why would you bring up Setsuna’s name now?” I almost pressed that question in anger.
|”Weren’t you the one who pulled me away from her in the first place?”
|”Weren’t you the one who took advantage of my wavering feelings?”
|”Weren’t you the one… who made me unable to live without you?”
|”Setsuna… won’t forgive me anymore. We can never go back to the way we once were.”
|Yet there was no point in saying that.
|Because everything happened according to my will, and Kazusa’s responsibility for what happened is long gone.
|Despite that, I’m sure that Kazusa blamed everything on herself, acknowledged her sins, and is trying to accept her punishment.
|”Why do you always have to be so thick headed...?<br>If you don’t tell her anything, then nothing will<br>have happened between us.”
|match second half to 454}}
|”I can’t, I can’t…. pretend that nothing happened…”
|”Yes, you can… because that’s what you did with me.”
|”You pretended that there was nothing between you and Setsuna. You lied to me and said I was the only one for you.”
|”That was… that was not… a lie, it wasn’t a lie at all...”
|It wasn’t a lie...
|Or at least it wasn’t supposed to be.
|I’m covered in nothing but lies...
|”See? You were able to lie to me. You were able to trick me regarding your feelings for Setsuna, and made love to me instead.”
|What she’s saying is beyond cruel, yet she doesn’t speak a single word of condemnation toward me, which only makes her strike more painful.
|「だから、今度は雪菜にそれをしてやればいい。<br>…簡単だろ? 何のためにあたしで練習したんだ?」
|”That’s why you should just do that to Setsuna…<br>It should be easy, right? Why else would you have practiced with me?”
|”K-Kazusa… Kazusa…!”
|”I’ll help you, Haruki… I’ll make sure that what happened between us remains hidden.”
|Rather than condemning me, she takes my side. Like that, she gives me yet another wound that will never heal.
|”I have faith that Setsuna will be able to save you, now that I’ve broken you…”
|”Uaah… uaah, ah, aah…”
|”...I’m an awful woman. Perhaps I really never should have been born.”
|”Aaah, uah… ah, ah, aaah…!”
|In front of others, not in the world made for us two...
|Despite that, I let out a loud sob.
|”I can’t protect you, Haruki. The only one who can do that is Setsuna.”
|”Aaah, uah… uu, uu, uahah…!”
|”...It’s not a matter of who has the stronger feelings, because I wouldn’t lose to her. I’m a terrible loser, but that’s the only thing I’ll never yield on.”
|Because I finally understood that I can’t bring myself to contradict Kazusa’s resolve.
|”Because I’m willing to do anything for you, Haruki.<br>I could throw away everything for you.”
|”Uah, ah… aaah… aah... Uah, ah…!”
|”Despite that, no matter how much I give to anyone,<br>I can’t protect you, Haruki.”
|Because I finally understood that in the world made for only us two, only I remain.
|”But I’m sure Setsuna will be able to protect you… without throwing away anything. She’ll be able to do that without needing any more strength than she already has…”
|”Aaaah… aah… ah, aahh… uuaaaaaaah!”
|”That’s all it takes to save you, to give you peace<br>of mind… to always keep you happy.”
|Because I finally understood that Kazusa is… right.
|”There are things that feelings alone can’t accomplish. I haven’t worked hard enough up until<br>now in my life to attain those things.”
|”Aauuuuaah! Aaaauuuuuuuaah… Aaaauuuuuuuaaaahuuuuaaaah!”
|”...When I came here, I was just reminded of that.”
|”Hey, Haruki…”
|”I’m not a person who can protect you.”
|”I’m a useless person incapable of doing anything but love you. I’m a weak person who can’t do the slightest thing to support you.”
|”I’m a woman who… will never win against Setsuna.”
|”Haruki-kun… here you go… It’s yours in the first place, though.”
|”N-No… I’m fine.”
|After wiping her own tears with the handkerchief, Setsuna noticed that the person who gave it to her<br>was getting more emotional than herself.
|I can feel Setsuna’s warmth through the handkerchief. The soft feeling once again reminds me of her unyielding kindness.
|”I’m fine, it’s nothing… I just got a bit of dust in my eyes…”
|I feel an even greater desire to shed tears at the sensation of that warmth I have no right to accept.
|Because Kazusa’s divine performance is still going on.
|Her performance demonstrates the power of expression she had inherited from her artist of a mother,<br><br>as well as the comedic acting I had enticed her to develop.
|She’s combining the two abilities at an exceptional level for the sole sake of my happiness that she’s imagining in her mind.
|She’s doing this so Setsuna won’t find out about our relationship...
|She’s performing at this legendary concert that’s likely only seen once every decade, driven by that utterly ridiculous sentiment.
|The third piece ended...
|The second piece was more powerful than the first, and the third piece was more powerful than the second...
|The applause, cheering and excitement from the audience becomes more fervent as she goes from one piece to the next.
|”She’s amazing… Kazusa truly is amazing.”
|Setsuna’s raising her voice too.
|Even though she’s unable to contain her own tears,<br>she tries to wipe the tears off my eyes, exposing<br>her uncontrollable crying to everyone.
|”We once stood on the stage… with her, didn’t we?”
|She could have just wiped the tears with her other hand, but even that hand was gently holding onto my hand...
|”We spent time together with her. We used to be three…”
|”We did…”
|I bet she’s dying to applaud herself, but she’s prioritizing watching over me.
|”Kazusa is amazing, amazing, so amazing… I’m so glad I got to be her friend.”
|”...! Setsuna.”
|Just like Kazusa said, she’s trying to save me.
|The boundless kindness Setsuna has is deceiving Setsuna herself, and is bringing forth my dark heart that’s trying to betray her.
|It makes me want to bring her to hell with me.
|”Kazusa actually came back. She came back to us, didn’t she?”
|Don’t say it...
|”If you don’t tell her anything, then nothing will have happened between us.”
|match to second half of 380}}
|”I’m so glad I could see her again. I’m so happy we three could gather in the same place again.”
|”Setsuna, I’ve…”
|Just as Kazusa said, just as Kazusa wanted...
|Don’t waste Kazusa’s sacrifice… that she’s ruined herself.
|”You’re happy too, right? You’re happy too… Haruki-kun?”
|”I’ve… I’ve…”
|Today is the anniversary of our reconciliation.
|I’m supposed to remove everything I’ve done in the past few days from my memories, and restart...
|”I have no right to be treated so well by you, Setsuna. I’m just not that kind of person…”
|”I’m not trying to be kind… I’m just doing what<br>I want to do…”
|”You’ve got it wrong! Because I’ve… I’ve…”
|I shake myself free from Setsuna’s hand.
|”You might not believe me…”
|I shake myself free from Setsuna’s words.
|”It’s okay… let’s stop. You don’t have to say anything.”
|”I’ve spent the last few days with Kazusa… We were together all this time.”
|The end of the third piece signaled the first half of the concert over, and Kazusa left the stage for a ten minute break.
|From the people leaving the theatre, to those remaining in their seats, there is a sense of amazement in the air, and the theatre becomes unusually noisy.
|”Ha, haha…”
|In the middle of that commotion, we sat in complete silence for a while as if the wave of excitement completely went over our heads.
|”I see… so that’s how it was.”
|”You found out. You knew, Setsuna…”
|Until I forced out my words in hesitation...
|”That I lied to you again, that I betrayed you again, Setsuna.”
|”That’s not…”
|”You knew that I once again… chose Kazusa over you.”
|”Don’t say it…!”
|After I made my resolution and told Setsuna, she<br>tried to interrupt me.
|And once I was done telling her, she was not surprised, and neither did she try to laugh it off.
|Because she knew everything. She saw through every single one of my lies.
|”I’m sorry, Setsuna… I’m sorry.”
|”Don’t apologize…”
|Kazusa… your effort was pointless from the start.
|Setsuna knew everything. She was only pretending to not know anything.
|”Haruki-kun, if you apologize, then it’ll be as if you’ve done something wrong. It’ll be as if you’ve<br>done something I can’t forgive.”
|”I did do something wrong. I did do something unworthy of forgiveness.”
|My charade, Kazusa’s deception...
|For Setsuna, who was always looking at us, always worrying about me...
|For Setsuna, who always loved me…
|”We tried running away together.”
|”We went north, to see the snow… We promised to always be together.”
|At the sound of those words, Setsuna’s shoulders suddenly start to shake.
|Because she probably realized.
|That Kazusa and I rejected a reunion between the three of us... that we cast Setsuna out.
|”I… loved Kazusa. No, I love her even now.”
|”I know that.”
|”Ever since our reunion after five years… I was thinking about Kazusa, even when I was making love<br>to you, Setsuna.”
|”I’ve already known that for five years. I also<br>know that those feelings will never disappear<br>in the future.”
|”It might have been okay if I was just fantasizing about her… But I actually made love to Kazusa.”
|Setsuna’s grip on my hand grows tighter.
|”Before I knew it, I couldn’t even bring myself to separate myself from my feelings.”
|Suddenly, I feel the sensation of nails piercing my skin...
|But in the end, Setsuna is still Setsuna. She’s unable to put any force into it, and thus doesn’t cause me any real harm.
|”That alone… should never be forgiven. Even you should know that, Setsuna…”
|She can’t bring herself to condemn me. She can’t<br>bring herself to acknowledge my sin.
|On the contrary, she’s accepting the situation in a way that’s completely wrong by thinking that the fault lies with her.
|Ever since that day at the airport, five years ago...
|”Are you going... with Kazusa?”
|”Where could we go…?”
|That’s why rather than to condemn me for my sin, rather than to lament my treatment of her, she<br>focuses on worrying about me.
|Just as Kazusa worried about my life ahead over her own feelings.
|”We don’t have any points of contact anymore.<br>The worlds we live in are far too different.”
|”That’s what Kazusa is telling us right now…<br>with her piano.”
|I’m sure that Kazusa wanted to tell that to Setsuna without exposing the truth.
|But in the end, I even stomped on that last desire of hers, and remained truthful to Setsuna to the very last detail. In doing so, I might have done something even more despicable.
|”You can’t ever read the mood.”
|I hear Kazusa’s exasperated voice telling me that.
|”Then… then…”
|And Setsuna...
|”What will… you do, Haruki-kun?”
|”Don’t give me the right to choose…”
|She’ll gladly cry over Kazusa’s piano, but she protects herself to no end from the cruel truth<br>laid before her.
|”I’ll… go to hell by myself. I’ll accept my punishment.”
|”If you do that, I’ll never be able to ignore you…<br>If you suffer so much, Haruki-kun, then I’ll…”
|”That’s enough already... There’s something more important for you to do than to worry about me.”
|This isn’t the proper reaction of a woman who just<br>got betrayed.
|”Worry about yourself a little… Do you have any idea how much I have hurt you...?”
|Those naive, and direct eyes that no one can blame<br>me for getting fed up with, for getting angry at in return.
|...Those criminally gentle eyes that almost give me a misguided sense of hope.
|”Hey, Haruki-kun… Did you forget about me?”
|”You said that when you were making love to me,<br>you were thinking about Kazusa, right?”
|”In that case, when you were making love to Kazusa… Did you think about me even if for a little bit?”
|”Why… would you ask something so pointless?”
|”You think it’s pointless?”
|”No matter what I answer, it won’t change the fact that I betrayed you, Setsuna.”
|”...You’re probably right. So what’s your answer?”
|”Like I said, why are you…”
|”I’m just asking for reference. I don’t expect anything to change by asking this.”
|”Your answer?”
|Of course I can’t answer that question.
|...After all that has happened, I can’t answer in a<br>way that lets me cling on to Setsuna.
|If my feelings were for one person alone, then<br>I wouldn’t have suffered as much as I have.
|Whenever I met Setsuna, whenever I embraced Setsuna, the image of Kazusa always forced its way into my head.
|It wasn’t only once or twice that I heard Setsuna’s gentle voice calling out to me when I was alone with Kazusa, and when I was making love to Kazusa.
|That’s why I closed off my heart. I broke myself.
|That's why I did what I did to Setsuna...
|”I forgot about you completely. I betrayed you from the depths of my heart, Setsuna…”
|...Of course I can’t bring myself to say that. It would be nothing else but the remark of a defeated man.
|Setsuna puts her right hand tightly around her left hand, as if trying to hide her ring finger...
|”I’m sorry.”
|”You don’t have to forgive me, or even understand me. I’m only saying that for my own satisfaction.”
|”I don’t expect to be forgiven even if I apologize.<br>I plan on living with that burden for the rest of<br>my life.”
|My punishment is already decided.
|It won’t do Setsuna any good, but to me, it’s nothing but a selfish decision I’ve chosen for myself,<br><br>a punishment that will let the pain of hell remain forever.
|”If you do that, Haruki-kun, you’ll be crushed under your own sense of responsibility… just like that time five years ago…”
|And Setsuna realizes exactly what kind of punishment I’m hinting at.
|”It’d be stranger if I didn’t end up that way. After all, I did the same thing I did five years ago.”
|I’m already feeling crushed.
|My punishment began the moment I committed my sin.
|That’s why I can’t force the burden of giving me hope upon Setsuna. I can’t force the burden of giving me compassion onto her.
|”That’s why, Setsuna…”
|Setsuna should no longer be by my side.
|”It’s okay…”
|”It’s not okay.”
|Because not even I know how much pain awaits us<br>in the future.
|”It’s okay now…”
|”You can’t...”
|It’s not okay for the best woman in the world to be with the worst man in the world.
|”Because… if you stay with me any longer, Setsuna…”
|”Time out.”
|”Let’s listen for now… to Kazusa’s piano.”
|Before I realized it, the surrounding illumination<br>was gone.
|The moment Kazusa in her black dress reappears on stage, she is met with an enthusiastic applause strong enough to break the walls of the building.
|”Let’s see how serious Kazusa is.”
|”Because this is… her last piece.”
|The last piece begins.
|Robert Schumann. Piano Sonata No. 2 in G minor, Op 22.
|Once Touma Kazusa is done playing all four movements, her concert in Japan will be completely over.
|...She will disappear from my side.
|”I’m going back to the hotel. ...This will be our farewell.”
|”I’ll send you a ticket, so promise me you’ll come.”
|”Stop crying already. You’re not acting like an adult.”
|”S-Shut… shut up…!”
|My eyes, bloodshot from crying, let out one tear<br>after another without any sign of stopping.
|I’m fully aware of how pathetic I look, but right now I’m powerless to control my emotions.
|”...No matter how much you cry, I won’t change my mind.”
|More than that, this moment alone is one in which<br>I do not want to hold back. This moment of so much<br>sorrow.
|”Because you’ll be able to live on without me…<br>Actually, you’ll be better off without me.”
|”B-But will… will you really be fine? Will you be okay without me?”
|”Are you that worried about me?”
|”B-Because… you’re…!”
|She’s incapable of anything but playing the piano. All vital skills one needs to lead a normal life such as cooking, doing laundry and housework are completely unknown to her.
|If she were to lose her piano—if she were to lose the most precious thing to her other than me...
|”It’s okay, I’ll go on living too. I’ll manage somehow with my mother.”
|”I’m sure that I’ll even find a new guy one day.<br>Even without you, I’ll…”
|”Will you… forget about me?”
|”...Of course that’s a lie! I didn’t want you to worry, so I forced myself to act strong, but you had to ruin it...”
|But the idea that I’m worried about Kazusa’s future<br>is in itself a lie...
|In reality, I just don’t want to let her go, I don’t want to give her over to someone else. I’m just being unreasonable and selfish.
|”You don’t have to act strong. You don’t have to hold back. That’s not what I want.”
|”But that’s what I want. I want you to become more happy than I am. That’s why I’m trying to act strong, that’s why I’m holding back.”
|”I want you to remain strong… to live on as the Haruki that used to love me, and to remain the way<br>you were when we first met.”
|”When we first met…”
|"You're annoying."
|match to 1005/31}}
|"This isn’t ‘just one thing’! How shameless can you be!?"
|match to 1005/389}}
|"You're still crappy."
|match to 1005/595}}
|”You’re never accommodating of anything, but you’re always moving on steadily, grasping at happiness… That’s the correct way for you to live, isn’t it?”
|”...! Ah, aah… uuuah!”
|”Don’t cry. We cried it out in the train, didn’t we?”
|”Aaah… Kazusa, Kazusa… I’m… I’m… uuaah!”
|”I won’t cry anymore. For as long as I’m in Japan,<br>I won’t show another tear. So you shouldn’t cry anymore either…”
|”<nowiki>~~~</nowiki>! Uah, aah…!”
|We promised...
|When we cried together, we swore to not cry anymore,<br>to not show our tears...
|”Uah, ah… ah… uaah…”
|Even so, even so… it’s just impossible.
|Damn it, she’s amazing. Kazusa’s piano is too amazing.
|She’s moving further and further away from me.
|Our difference in status was large enough in the<br>first half, and we’re growing even further apart<br>in the second half.
|She’s telling me with the movements of her fingers that she’s no longer in my league… that our paths<br>will no longer cross.
|It’s frustrating, sorrowful, and lonely… It’s so painful that I have no choice but to feel moved.
|”Uah, aah… Aah… Kazusa, Kazusa…!”
|To be honest, I’m not sure if the reason I feel moved is because of her performance, or if it’s only because of my feelings for Kazusa.
|Whatever it is, I can say with certainty that her performance right now is stabbing at my heart, and forcing the tears out of my eyes one after another.
|She’s on a completely different level compared to<br>five years ago… yet there’s something I love in<br>her piano that hasn’t changed all this time.
|あるときは、下手くそな俺のギターに合わせ、<br>あるときは、俺たちの未熟な<br>WHITE ALBUMに合わせ…
|At times, she would play along with my awful guitar.<br>At times, she would play along with our unskilled cover of White Album.
|And at times… she would free herself of us, and extend her wings toward the world, like she’s doing now.
|She’s turning into someone… I can no longer reach.
|”It’s so strange…!”
|”What is?”
|”I feel like crying so bad... It wasn’t like this the last time she played at all.”
|”I can lend you my shoulder if you want to wipe your tears.”
|”...Sorry, I’ll borrow your shoulders for a bit.”
|”...! You’re really acting strange today.”
|”It’s that piano that’s strange… Look, there are lots of other people who are crying. Why is she so good at reaching the hearts of amateurs?”
|”Isn’t it… because she’s crying herself?”
|”Are you stupid…? These are the second-floor seats, aren’t they? How could you possibly notice that?”
|”Because… I never fail to notice a woman crying.”
|”At last, it’s time for the last movement.”
|”It is. This will be her last in Japan…”
|”It’ll be fine… The reactions are good enough as they are, so I’m sure another offer will come soon.”
|”I’m sure it will…”
|”I want to listen to her again too. Let’s plan another performance in Japan next year. This time, we could even do a countrywide tour.”
|”That sounds nice… I’d like to hear her play again too.”
|”You really don’t plan on coming back to Japan?<br>Are you going to cut yourself off completely from<br>the country you were born in?”
|match to 167}}
|”Yeah, I’ve already decided.”
|match to 168}}
|”But Kazusa, you’re…”
|match to 169}}
|”Hey, Mom.”
|match to 170}}
|match to 171}}
|”I’ve… given up on him.”
|”...So that’s your big decision.”
|”But I will never give up on loving him. That’s why<br>I don’t have to see him again.”
|”You won’t regret this?”
|”Of course I will! After all, I love him so much,<br>you know?”
|”I love the way he’s so unremarkable.”
|”Rather than his looks, it’s his weaknesses… The way he’ll let himself be dragged along by someone like me like a fool, is so dear to me.”
|”I see…”
|”Though I’m sure you knew everything anyway, yet you never told anyone… That’s how amazing my love is.”
|”...Are you fed up with me? Are you fed up with me talking about my love life with my mother despite my age?”
|”I suppose it’s better than a mother talking about her own love life with her daughter.”
|”Thank you… I wanted to become a mother like that… maybe.”
|”Don’t lose hope, and God might just arrange things<br>in your favor.”
|”Understood… I’ll do that.”
|”Curtains up in another five minutes… It’s about time.”
|”Well then, I’ll be off.”
|”Go out there, my precious child.”
|”This must be the first time you’ve said that.”
|”While I am at it then… you should know I don’t regret giving birth to you.”
|”I love you…”
|”It looks like I’ve still got something to live for for quite a long time.”
|”I put my faith in you, God…”
|”Make things right with Setsuna, okay? Though maybe it doesn’t mean anything coming from the person who tore you two apart.”
|”Don’t give up even if she finds out about me. Setsuna wouldn’t hate you because of something like that.”
|”But I…”
|”She’s… even more stubborn than me… She’s even more obsessed with a single guy than me.”
|”That’s why I can leave you in her care... She’s the only one who can save you, now that I’ve broken you.”
|”Why would you… put such a heavy burden on Setsuna?”
|”Because I hate Setsuna. From this day forth, she<br>will be my sworn enemy.”
|”You’re… really…”
|”She has everything I lack. She has the strength to<br>do things I can’t. She will steal the man I love from me.”
|Kazusa lowered her head as she spoke those words,<br>but immediately afterward, she raised her head<br>with a faint smile.
|...There’s no longer any trace of tears.
|”Haruki… Thank you for everything up until now.”
|Within the bustle of the city...
|”Thank you for throwing away everything for my sake. Thank you for forgetting about Setsuna, if even for a moment… Thank you for breaking yourself for my sake.”
|Our connection is brought down to nothing but the entwinement of our fingertips.
|”But… it’s all over now. You’re going back to being your true self. Back to being the Haruki that belongs to Setsuna…”
|If our fingertips let go of each other, then Kazusa will disappear into the city, and I’ll disappear into the station.
|”But you know, Haruki…”
|”I’ll never forget about how I got to be your wife.”
|We’ll turn our backs on each other without turning back, and the one who looks at the other’s face first will be the loser, but there won’t be any punishment.
|”It was only for one night, and I didn’t get to do anything that would make me seem like a wife, but…”
|Because if one knows the other has lost, they themself will have lost too.
|”Despite that… I was unmistakably the happiest bride in the world…”
|That would be our last promise, and the last thing we insist on.
|Our holy ceremony, to conclude our one day as a married couple, and to get divorced immediately after.
|”I’m going now.”
|”I understand.”
|”That’s why…”
|”You know…”
|”What is it?”
|”Let go of me…”
|”Let’s part with a smile… Let’s stop dragging each other along…”
|”Haruki… you…”
|”I’m not grasping your hand.”
|”Everything will be solved if you just pull your hand away. You’ll be able to go anywhere.”
|”...Don’t be a bully. I wanted you to let go of me.”
|”I don’t want to.”
|”I just wanted you to… reject me…”
|”How could I possibly do that…?”
|”You bully…!”
|”Who’s being the bully…?”
|”You idiot!”
|”Again… who’s being the idiot…?”
|Our hands finally separate… and our bodies start moving in different directions.
|The last expression that I could see Kazusa make...
|...Wasn’t visible. She was desperately trying to hide her face from me.
|This is perhaps the first time in my life I have heard a thunderous applause.
|It isn’t anything transient, but something that only grows in power as time passes, increasing its pitch and reverberating throughout the entire concert hall.
|And the performer who sat by her piano in a daze stands up as if she just remembered to. She faces the audience, which only causes the applause to roar louder.
|Unlike her mother, the performer doesn’t show off any flashy gestures; instead, she only clumsily bows her head over and over again.
|But perhaps that amateurish reaction tugged at the audience’s heartstrings even more, because the applause and whistles didn't die down.
|It’s almost as if this is a performance that will pass into legend… Actually, I imagine that some will refer to this concert as precisely that tomorrow.
|The enthusiasm in the hall doesn’t lessen at all as everyone looks at her with passionate eyes, giving<br>her all the applause they can muster.
|And in the end… I lost my battle with Kazusa.
|Because I find myself looking at Kazusa’s expression with such intensity as she stands up on the stage.
|But in the end, the two of us never settled our dispute.
|Kazusa gave a short bow to the guests sitting straight ahead, the ones sitting on the sides,<br><br>and even the ones sitting on the second floor.
|But even at the very end, she never once glanced at the front row.
|And with the passing of this last day...
|Touma Kazusa vanished… from my side, and from Japan.
== Script Chart ==
== Script Chart ==

Latest revision as of 23:43, 19 December 2021

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